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Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 5:12 pm
by LostNFound

Vinnie Crumholtz the current Emperor of the UNITED STATES sat at his 4’ by 8’ polished cherry and maple hardwood desk running his left hand through his grey thinning hair. He was studying the troop movements around the Nation of Texas. His thoughts were scattered and his beak shaped nose was slowly dripping snot from a nasty cold he had caught from one of his guards. He had the man shot shortly after he had been exposed and began to sneeze profusely. It had been 20 years since he had first become a Senator of Congress, secretly helped by his now dead brother. It had only taken him one year through covert actions to become the Emperor. The destruction of D.C was his final coup de ta and the complete take over from the Denver Capital was his reward. Prior to his takeover, the world was already in a very bad state of affairs with wars and skirmishes on a global scale. The US was in a semi police and military state and the people were moving toward a civil war as it was. He managed to pull the police and military together enough to squash the rebellions and even though they continued into the underground, things went quiet and the people became docile or so it seemed. The past 5 years at least he thought the world seemed to be waking up and the civil unrest began to manifest itself back into the open. His police and military forces where scattered to thin to control as they had before and the military inside the borders of the US was not even half or even less than it once was during the early 20’s. The China wars had not been good and he lost large groups of soldiers to that skirmish. Most of the air power and Naval power he had at his command had dwindled so much that he could hardly afford to have control of the major cities in the country let alone have the forces fight in the Chinese and Mexico skirmishes. The Mexico skirmishes were not such a concern to him because they were worse off than he was with soldiers and hardware.

He had been loosing hair and it had begun to turn gray this last few years as all the strange occurrences began to happen to his capital. The damn Lava Lake on the north side stunk of sulfur so bad it became unbearable on certain days when the wind blew southward. The downed chopper in the trees to the west still remained along with the wrecks of the military vehicles. His Army was constantly being reduced as traitors deserted daily now. He had put out orders to immediately execute any that were caught trying to escape. He could not get his military force back home from China in any large group at the moment because of the financial problems between him and the Maritime Security Corporation and Neptune’s Navy. He could only wish that he would have been able to maintain the old US Navel fleet but that was gone to the ancient ways now. On top of all this hardship he endured, a whole slew of his underground facilities had been taken out. He lost many new technologies he was counting on to use against the people and the other countries to unknown forces. Russia was experiencing its own civil war on a large scale now and so many of the other small nations had already lost to the peoples as the uprising took out the emperors or dictators that controlled them. Every time he received news of another base or loss of important facilities or assets his hair became grayer and his heart thumped in a eurhythmic way. Some days he thought he would die from the thumping. His Intel told him that Australia and South America had lost to their people and could not be counted on to align with him in the quest to rule the world. His dreams were being dashed onto the rocks of life and his anger seeped from him and boiled over constantly.

As he refocused on the forces he had building up around the Texas borders, which were not many these days a middle aged frumpy lieutenant adjutant walked into his office and laid a file folder on his desk. The woman did not say anything and hurriedly left the room. He knew that all of his staff and the generals that gathered around him were afraid of him and he liked it that way. It had finally come to the invasion of Texas. He needed that country to take over the Mexican country. The Mexican emperor or the present one anyway had taken all of his forces and spread them out along the California, Arizona and New Mexico borders and he could not muster enough police and military to attack both Texas and Mexico so he figured to attack Texas alone and then conscript as many of the conquered as possible to attack the Mexicans. Coercion would be the only way through violent means to get these people to bend to his will, such as it had always been. He had to reach for the file and pulled it to him. When he opened it, he read the first report and his anger hit the flash point. Apparently two of the big troop ships of the Maritime Security forces that were bringing at least two Brigades of his Troops home had been sunk with all hands aboard by a damn Chinese Sub that had not been tracked. The big ships had also been carrying 25 choppers and two armor Squadrons. This was all the money he had been able to scrape up to get this sizable force home. The Maritime would not raise another ship or ships to accommodate him at this time. Neptune’s Navy was to scattered around the world to help out in any way and he had been counting on this large force to help with the attack of Texas. He threw the report into the room and let out a raging scream as he stood up and moved around the room in a jittery walk.

Vinnie had already pulled troops from the North and south borders and from the west and east as much as he could to fortify the capital city. Denver was surrounded with troops and the DIA underground base was still operating but had come upon some major difficulties making the robotic super soldiers and now he had to fortify it with additional troops. The chopper squadrons were being depleted to join the forces for the impending invasion of Texas. The demise of the two large brigades coming from the China theatre was a blow to his ego and battle tactics. He put the word out to his commanders to strip the other areas around the country to bare bones to add to the invasion forces building around Texas. His fake senate/congress or parliament was having a hard time with his orders and he had to eliminate some of them. In truth the country had been under a martial law since the 2019 DC disaster and it was enforced as an ongoing police action along with military actions on the peoples anytime the minions saw fit to kill or cause distress to any of the peoples. The entire country lived on eggshells and the big cities had the most death and misery. The people that lived in the country side, rural areas lived in fear as the police and military used the areas for war practice games always using live ammo. Many farms, Ranches and just folks living in these areas never knew when the death squads would show up and many died under the despotic minions as they took what they wanted.

Vinnie pulled his pistol and dropped the mag to make sure it was full. He placed it back in its holster and picked up the file on the troop movements and walked to the bookcase at the back of the office. He tilted the large book that said “World History” and the entire bookcase shifted open two feet. He slipped in and the book case closed back to the wall. Vinnie walked through the special mirror in the men’s restroom by pushing it outward. The restroom was located on the second basement floor level just outside the war room. He turned the faucet on and washed his face that had snot stuck to his mealy mustache. He blew his nose and walked out of the room. He stepped into the war room and waited for the solid steel door to close. Finally he walked over to the big table that was a large holographic map of Texas and the partially surrounding states. There were 4 generals and a number of lower ranking officers busy moving pieces of Military looking cubes around the borders of the state of Texas. Vinnie could see that the forces he controlled or the generals did were few in number compared to what they use to be. This invasion was going to be more of a guerilla type operation he thought. His chopper contingent would be a front attack first and then he would have to follow up with a rear movement behind the ground troops. He had no bombers as they had been nullified which pissed him off to no end because the military could not stop the destruction that had been happening slowly over the past few years at the air bases. He had sent most of the air force fighters and bombers to China thinking that would win the war there but China had surprised them and was able to destroy the slower fighter planes and take out the bombers at the same time. His ground forces with the artillery and tanks had been devastated on a steady pace also as the Chinese proved to be the stronger force in that field.

The last Intel Vinnie had received from the Maritime Security forces that had blockaded the Chinese and the Asian sea was devastating. It seemed that the flow of money to the Maritime Corporation that Vinnie had stopped had also stopped the forces from continuing the blockade and now the Chinese were able to release their naval groups into the China Sea and the ensuing battles had caused many of the Maritime ships to be sunk. Neptune’s Navy had decided to stay out of the skirmish and refused to send any ships into the Asian theatre. Vinnie began to see his empire fraying around the edges. This Texas invasion was becoming or so it seemed, his last ditch effort to control the empire. The damn world was falling out of his and the other emperor’s control. His fear was becoming more apparent to his Generals although he tried to keep it hidden. Their fears of loosing to the peoples republic were palpable. Vinnie knew that the Generals had all been against attacking Texas at this particular time simply because they did not have the logistics, the man power or the armored divisions to accomplish it at this time. He had long drawn out arguments with these men but he was the Emperor and in his mind what ever he said was the word of God and he was that god so no one else could go against him. The power he had so desperately struggled to achieve and maintain had taken its toll with complete corruption of his soul. In fact one could say that Vinnie’s soul had abandoned him.

“General Harchall, what is our situation along the western border at this time? I want to start taking that panhandle area as soon as possible. If we can get that secure we will have a good back door to the capital.” Vinnie’s voice was louder than usual and forceful as he liked to think. General Earl Harchall was in charge of the western border while General Brad Thomar was in charge of the Northern border including the top most part of the panhandle. Lieutenant General Louie Boudreaux was in charge of the entire eastern side all the way to the Gulf and at one time controlled the Gulf coast down to the Mexico border. Neptune’s navy patrolled the waters but because the Emperor pulled the funding from them within the last year, they pulled their ships away and refused to guard the coastal waters. The Gulf was wide open and free for travel to anyone these days. Lieutenant General Juan Sanchez was in charge of the New Mexico border that ran east and west across the top of the Texas nation and touched the Mexico border.

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 5:14 pm
by LostNFound
“Well Emperor Crumholtz, between General Sanchez and I, we only have around a brigade of troops along the entire border from the north to the Mexico border. We have closed 4 of the 7 forts due to loss of man power and armor.” Vinnie turned on the General and viciously spoke to him. “Who told you to close those forts? What do you mean loss of man power and armor Damnit?” Earl Harchall winched from the outburst but managed to keep his stature. “Emperor, you know very well that most of the men we had are now stuck in China and we did loose two large brigades just recently. We have managed to slow down the desertion rate and the theft of our vehicle and field artillery. However it takes man power to patrol the borders and even those men are disappearing in small numbers now. We do have the police forces that we could order to send as many as possible to fill the contingent of troops but that requires your direct order. The damn commanders of the police forces think they are exempt from the Military even though they receive the armor from us.” Vinnie filed this info to the side for now. He had known that the Police forces were separate from the military yet received their pay and weapons from the same source. The Military and Police forces had always been at odds with each other and would fight each other if not for his intervention. It was a precarious situation at best. Vinnie knew that if he depleted the Police force it would weaken his hold over the people and the Military for that matter and he was not about to let that happen. He was already on the verge of a complete civil war with his subjects. He could be attacked by the people while he tried to conquer Texas and that fact alone kept him from giving any more of his security blanket to these Generals. He had to keep the forces around the capitol and the police in the cities as much as possible. He was loosing it he thought but Texas had become the most important objective. “Well gentlemen, it would seem that you will have to take Texas with what you have available. We really need to take the Western side of the Panhandle first and that is my final say of where we attack first.”

General Thomar and General Boudreaux told him that they had mustered around 2 more brigades and had already tried a forte’ into the eastern side but were pushed back. “We tried to roll in to see how far we could get without resistance but only managed to get roughly 30 miles inside the border before the people rose up from every damn bush it seemed and we pulled out in a hurry. We lost one complete company of men before we got out. Those damn people are fierce fighters.” General Thomar looked at the Emperor and tried to keep his face from showing disdain for this idiot. He knew that this was not the right time to mess with the Texas Nation. It wasn’t that he was afraid of them; it was more about the logistics that just weren’t in place. This toad of an Emperor had no sense of what it would take to conquer a nation the size of Texas with the complete shortage or depletion of the Army at this time. There was a time they could have taken the country when the Army was at full strength but the Chinese conflict/war had sorely hurt their chances and the recent death of two full brigades and the loss of the choppers and armor squadrons was a major blow to the operation. The pull out of the Maritime Security force and Neptune’s navy, left the military in a total vulnerable position. And the damn police always seemed to be fighting them even though they were suppose to be on the same side. He figured it was more of a cause of that damn idiot down at the Georgia base that was killing or using the policemen for his experiments that riled up the commanders of the police. Since then the hostilities had become outright deadly between them. He had managed to gather at least a brigade outside Oklahoma City and was still counting on some more to bring troops and tanks. The Choppers had been depleted and even the police force had been loosing the birds. It truly appeared that the people of the US had finally woken up and were slowly taking back the country. He knew that it was inevitable that the empire would fall. The Emperor’s Marxist, socialistic and fascist ways always crumbled in the past. People were born to be free and living under the slave rule only worked until the people rose in mass and put an end to it. Emperor Crumholtz did not study history or if he did thought he could rule with an iron fist and bypass the mass. This hair brain scheme to attack Texas now was going to be his undoing and the troops he had around the Denver area would not be enough to protect his phony capital when the people made their move. He wasn’t going to say anything at the moment to this idiot.

Brad Thomar had already planned his escape from this mad man. He would take his most trusted associates, a small group of special ops men who were well trusted and use one of the only small passenger jets left to them and make their way to South America. He could see this country reverting back to a freedom status with the people and anyone that was affiliated with the Emperor would most likely be hung or shot in front of a firing squad. He knew that South America was still a wide open continent even if the peoples were standing up to the puny dictators but he figured that he and his men could hire out as Mercenaries to protect villages or even the different heads that were taking control of districts and or states or even small countries. The military was the only way of life he knew and he would be damned before he would give it up. He did not share his plans with the other Generals in the room for obvious reasons. They all seemed to be completely in the Emperor’s influence and he could get shot for giving any indication that he was not loyal to the Emperor.

Vinnie’s mind was one track now. He wanted to invade the western side of the Panhandle and had no thought of a three prong invasion all at the same time. He looked at General Harchall and General Sanchez, “What do we have at the I-40 base and the one to the south of Texico?” Sanchez said “you mean the dead nuke base?” Vinnie looked at him with an angry face, “yes that one, Damnit, I am still not sure how you people let that happen. We could have nuked Houston and Dallas and those rotten Texans would have given up easily.” Harchall could feel the anger from the toad but there was nothing he could do about it. “We sent a special ops team to take out that nest of Rangers that have been giving us problems ever since Texas seceded. We can’t seem to get around them or kill them off and someone or something strange happened to make all those missiles inoperable. Damn funny business there if you ask me. We have one full company and could if we have to, send more troops in time. The plan is to spread them out along the border north and south of where we think those rangers are hiding and make a full blown push into the Nation.”

Sanchez listened to this Information and thought about his one and only fort left along the southern New Mexico border. It was located between the Carlsbad Caverns and the City of Carlsbad and he had four full companies at the present and had already sent some of his troops to the I-40 fort in preparation to go in and take Amarillo. His troops were spread out along the Mexico and Texas Border and it was hurting his capabilities to keep the Mexicans out by depleting the troops for this ignorant scheme of the Emperor. The old wall helped but it had many holes in it from the skirmishes these past 7 or 8 years it was almost impossible to keep the Mexicans from sneaking through. He had his own problems with another contingent of rangers along that Texas border and it irked him to no end that they were such guerrilla fighters and he could never capture or even kill one of them. The Idea that those men used horses to raid his fort made him very angry and it seemed that the Rangers all around that damn nation utilized horses and were very good at the guerrilla tactics. “I have sent troops to the I-40 fort to reinforce them for the push to take Amarillo and have sent troops as much as possible to the dead nuke base as it is called. This is all I can do without leaving the Mexico and Texas border in jeopardy.”

Vinnie Crumholtz looked at the two Generals with anger in his eyes but knew they would have to obey him. The Western Border was his only thought now. He spoke to the two other Generals and told them to “hold your ground and don’t stir up the hornet nest yet until we get the western border secured. You should have never tried to enter the Eastern border without my direct orders, now you have alerted the Texans of our intentions. I should have you both shot for going against me like that but we are strained to the max for now. You will only move when I tell you or if it looks bad for the western front, do you understand me?” He spoke to the other two and said “how soon can you be ready to move?” Harchall looked at Sanchez and they both shook their heads at each other. Harchall was the one to speak, “We need at least another week before everything will be in place.” Vinnie looked sour at that time frame because he really wanted to get this moving but he thought that a week would give the Texans time to cool off from the Eastern border and throw them off. He smiled then and said “okay then we move in a week from the dead nuke base and the I-40 base at the same time. Do we have anyone at the Texico place that can make a move into that little city of Farwell?” Harchall looked at the toad and said “yes we have a platoon bivouacked there and we could possibly get another platoon there by the time we begin the movement.”

Vinnie was starting to feel pleased with him self. “Good, how many chopper crews do we have and how much artillery can we send in?” General Harchall was a bit agitated with his emperor but he began to realize the tactics of this scheme. “We have a small squadron of choppers at the I-40 base of about 7 and down at the dead nuke base there are another 3 fully manned choppers. We can send at least two from the I-40 down to Texico but Amarillo is going to be pretty tough to take. We have 4 tanks and around 7 185 howitzers. All of our Humvee’s have the .20mm mini guns mounted on top and our ammo is stocked well. The choppers are loaded with SRM-20’s and .30mm mini guns.” General Sanchez spoke up and said “we have a squadron of choppers at the base by the Carlsbad Caverns of 7 but we are using them presently against the Mexicans. We could spare one or two I suppose and we should attack that damn base at Mentone that was taken over by that traitor Leroux.” Vinnie remembered that fiasco and it still burned in his belly how he lost the base and many soldiers to the traitor and the damn Texans. He would have had a real prize there is he had gotten the missiles placed and kept that fort. “Okay General Sanchez you get to make the push to Mentone and don’t screw it up this time, I want that base back in one piece preferably but if you have to, destroy it completely.’ “Okay, we got our start. We attack the entire western border and that will draw the attention from the north and the east and hopefully leave them unguarded. That is when you General Thomar and General Boudreaux will begin your attack into the Nation. You will have to break up your men and armor and come in from many different points. I will give the order for you to begin. Until then just stand at the ready, you can move your men and armor around but keep it as quiet and secret as possible. I think the western invasion will draw their attention away sufficiently.” Brad Thomar was semi impressed with the Emperor’s strategy but yet could see the man was not sure of himself and how infatuated the man was with his own power. He was not so sure any of this was going to work and still kept his own plans in the forefront. The movements and plans were all agreed on. The time was counting down and in exactly 7 days the invasion of west Texas would begin. They all watched the little toad walk out the metal door and began to make the plan happen.

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:58 am
by LostNFound

Captain Theodore Miason of the Texas National Guard sat in his office looking out the window at the 5 choppers sitting idle on the tarmac. The NG base was located just to the North of the City. He commanded two Platoons of men and the Texas Rangers had a satellite headquarters incorporated within the base. He had a small armored squadron of 3 tanks and two 185 howitzers. His compliment of Humvee’s and troop carriers consisted of 7 Hummers and three troop carriers along with a semi-tractor fuel carrier. The Rangers patrolled the upper western, north and east side of the Panhandle as well as his troops doing the same. The blockades that were erected around Texas after it seceded effectively cut off major interstates and other roads that were always used by people to move across country. Of course the full blown police state had already caused free travel to screech to a halt. The Police and the Military of the Emperor instituted travel restrictions and every state border had military and police guard stations. When Texas seceded the people rose against the mafia apparatus of police and military and either put them in their own prisons or kicked them completely out of the Nation of Texas. The governor and his minions were hung for their crimes against the people and Sam Houston stepped up to be voted in as the first President of Texas. It seemed that History was played out from the time period of Texas becoming a free state back in the early 1800’s.

Theodore had received the “Alert” message just 5 days earlier. He read the additional part that stated that a company of Minions came into the country from the east and was driven back with some ferocious fighting. It had been quiet since then but he knew the Emperor was building up his main bases with additional troops. He knew he was going to have to enter into a fire fight with those minions soon because the Intel was that the I-40 base had been building the troop compliment. The Choppers were always fully charged and fully loaded with all the ammo and small rockets. The Pilots were some of the best and had experience in live aerial battles with the minions of the Emperor. He had always hoped that this time would not come as he took a sip of his coffee. His office door opened and Captain Terry McLaughlin walked in. Terry was the Texas Ranger in charge of the platoon of rangers that patrolled the northern borders of the Panhandle. The man walked over and sat down on the chair across the desk from him. Theodore took another sip of his coffee and said “hello Terry” without taking his eyes off the choppers. “You want a cup of coffee? It’s fresh made.” Terry got up and went to the counter where the coffee pot was and poured him self a mug full. After returning to his seat he said “you got those birds on standby? I just came from the border and it looks like there are more troops arriving and I saw some action with the choppers and they brought in another tank. The citizens are gathering in the hidey holes as we speak and I and Franklin were making sure they had plenty of ammo. They got some heavy machine guns set up. I even counted a pretty good amount of RPG’s. I am not certain how many troops are at the fort at this point but you can bet there are a few companies.” Theodore had finally turned and looked at Terry. “I think those bastards are going to spread their men to the north and south and try to enter Texas in a very wide sweep. They will send the armor in on the I-40 and I don’t know how the choppers will come at us.’ “Did you see any artillery? I have been told that they have some of those damn 185’s, cripes Terry if they start lobbing those shells at us it is going to get nasty.

Terry knew how devastating the 185’s could be and he was thinking also of the rockets on the choppers. Somehow they would have to keep the artillery from getting to close which would be somewhere around 20 miles from the city. The minions would have to drive those howitzers into Texas at least 60 miles before they could be of any use. The choppers were going to be the real challenge. They could fly in and do some real damage before they were taken out. “Are all the folks in the City notified and supplied?” “Yes, they are bunkering in and setting up the blockades as we have practiced, I have sent the troops toward the border and spread them out as thin as I can to the North and the South. The chopper crews are standing by and we have spotters watching the Emperor’s choppers for movement. It seems this morning, two of them headed south. They did not turn inward so we are thinking they are going south to join up with Texico or that fort further south. We have notified Sheriff Roberts and the folks at Farwell and Captain Johnson.’ “Jeremiah has told us that he has recently increased his troops.” Terry had been notified of the additional rangers of the canyon. They were going to be pressed at that fort. His men called it the snake fort now and he had heard that the Emperors minions referred to it as the “No nuke fort” or some such. That made him smile. “Are you moving your 185’s closer to the border?” “We are planning to stop their armor before it gets across the border or just inside. We don’t want that artillery getting to close to the city. The choppers are a different matter but we do have a good group of folks with the RPG’s and we have to take out those tanks as quick as possible also.” Theodore had been thinking about all of this and said. “You know the ranchers and how they all have the older LAV-25 vehicles kept in their barns. Those light armored vehicles all have the .25 mm chain guns plus the .50 call machine guns mounted on top and the boys are getting them moving toward the border. I think we may have a chance to take out the tanks. Those idiots do not know, I hope, that every citizen in this country is in essence armed and trained in military tactics.”

Lieutenant Kenneth Thompson stood on the little hill that raised a couple of hundred feet above the plain of west Texas, as he focused on the fort that had been built at the border where the I-40 crossed from New Mexico into Texas. He and his two squads of men had driven one of the Howitzers to this place while Second Lieutenant Adam Weisman with his two squads had taken the other one and placed it further south of the I-40. They had spent two days getting the guns into place and setting up the camouflage covers. Each gun had been accompanied with two trucks of Ammo and the squads had set up spotter sights with machine guns. They meant to fire upon the armored division that would be leaving that fort into Texas, when ever that occurred. Intel was sketchy but Kenneth could see the formations happening at the fort. They had placed the guns 5 miles from the border fort and the troops spread out in groups of two so their line was longer for the invasion of ground troops. Kenneth knew they would use the road first and try to drive the big guns toward Amarillo and those damn tanks might be first. He was waiting for the ranchers to get their LAV-25 vehicles in place to deal with that. The citizens militias had come from the city and the surrounding rural areas and had already dug in. The Texans had learned how to fight like the Indians did. Guerrilla war fare was well known and even practiced. Any invading force would be thoroughly surprised such as happen just a week and a half ago on the eastern border. Kenneth was hoping that the minions would not gather to much info of that fiasco and come at them with all that in mind. The waiting was always the worse part of any operation such as this.

Joe Morton had taken both of his sons when the alert notice came over his Ham radio system and prepared his old Lav-25 anti-tank vehicle. Both of his sons knew how to drive the vehicle and use the .25 mm chain gun as well as the .50 caliber machine guns that had replaced the old 7.62 machine gun systems. They had practiced with the vehicle alone and with other ranchers as the National Guard boys did their regular training exercises. He sent his wife and daughter to Bob Corbett’s ranch to gather with the other women and children where they could defend and be safe in case of an invasion. His ranch was the closest to the border and they all had practiced this scenario many times in the past. This time appeared to be the real thing and he was thinking about his family as the other ranchers were doing. The old LAV-25’s were quite maneuverable and deadly in the right hands. The vehicles had 4 wheels on each side and could be in all wheel drive which would allow them to go just about anywhere. They could go into rivers and lakes as they were amphibious also. He drove the LAV to the meeting place where the others would come. From there they would spread out along the border for ground support of the citizen’s militia. They could take out a heavy tank and had much better maneuverable than one of those heavy track driven machines. The turret swiveled just like a tank and that gave them the same capabilities as the tanks had. The Terrain in this particular area of Texas was pock marked with hollows and small hills where the LAV’s and other vehicles could be hid sufficiently. It was the air surveillance that could be a downfall for them and those damn choppers were a real worry. Joe had been told by Captain Theodore Miason that his men and the Rangers were trying to rectify the dangers of the Choppers but nothing was for sure at this point so they all kept a close lookout. They kept dogs with them because they knew that the dispance cloaks were completely useless to the dogs. Today was dark with clouds that had blown over in the early morning and the storm seemed ominous. No one knew when the Emperor’s minions would make their move; they just knew that it was immanent that an invasion was coming.

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 5:57 pm
by LostNFound

Mica Isazi took a bite of his egg and washed it down with a sip of the piping hot coffee as he watched the two choppers fly in and land at the open area across the road from the small café. He had been staying in the motel at the outskirts of the border city called Texico for the past week now. The small camp of the Emperor’s Army had been receiving additional troops in small numbers on a daily basis for around 5 days now. He had watched the Humvee’s and troop carriers roll in from the west and now the two choppers landing gave him great concern. He had come into New Mexico a good month prior to this day and was working at a small Warehouse. He had to travel across country into New Mexico and backtrack so it looked like he was coming from the west. He had been sent from the Main base at Amarillo to spy on the Emperors troops that had the permanent station just outside Texico. The wall or barricade that had been built when Texas seceded was impenetrable yet had great steel doors that could be opened for movement into Farwell or into Texico. Many folks had been separated from family members when this happened and the ensuing civil unrest caused some nasty violence. Buildings were burned and people were shot and killed on both sides, mostly by the Emperors Army and corrupt LEO’s. Mica had a secure radio system but still had to be very careful because the Emperor had his own spies that were spread throughout all the border cities and towns.

As he took another sip of his coffee, three soldiers walked in the front door. He watched them move to a table and sit down. One of them was a master sergeant and they waited for the waitress to come to their table and ordered their breakfast. Mica had extraordinary hearing and could hear the men whispering or talking in a low voice. “How many more troops are we going to get Nick?” The Sergeant looked around slowly and said “I think we are getting at least two more platoons so we will have a full company before we make our move.” The corporal who had spoken first said “Those two choppers make me feel better and the two tanks that rolled in the other day are going to make this a cake walk for us.” The Sergeant looked straight at Mica who kept his eyes on his plate of food and then spoke back to the corporal. “I think you should shut up for now corporal. Let’s just eat our breakfast and get back to the barracks. We have a Sitrep shortly. You can count on another few days so eat up.” Mica could feel the Sergeants glare at him but made no knowledge of anything out of the ordinary. Jeez, he thought, these people are definitely paranoid about something.

Mica read the morning news as he finished his breakfast and soon enough the three soldiers got up and left. The Sergeant kept looking at him until they left the café. Mica watched as the three men walked across the road and continued toward the small base. He could see the choppers plainly through the big front windows and knew that something was happening. He waited for the soldiers to disappear through the front gate and paid for his breakfast and walked out the front door. Mica had been assigned by Captain Terry McLaughlin to infiltrate Texico and watch the activity of the small platoon of the Emperor’s soldiers. He had already reported the buildup and the arrival of the tanks and then word was passed about the aborted invasion or scout movement of the Emperor’s company into the eastern border. He understood that the Emperor was or could be preparing to invade Texas as it had been building toward that for some time now. The arrival of the tanks and the buildup of the troops gave him a warning and the two choppers arriving this morning verified his suspicions that a spearhead invasion was in the works. The conversation he just heard from the loudmouth corporal cinched the entire thing so he was heading back to his room to send the clear warning alert. He could not see what was happening in Farwell because of the wall but he bet damn sure those folks were already in prep mode. He could feel the tenseness in the air around the small town of Texico and every morning for the last 5 days now he could see the unusual activity going on at the station. Part of his mission would be to sabotage any thing he could and he was thinking that two more men would be good and together they might be able to stop the birds and the tanks or at least one of them. As he walked down the street toward his motel a Humvee pulled out of the gate at the station and turned toward the east.

Sergeant Nick Grossenger could not shake the feeling that the man he saw in the café was very suspicious. When Corporal Mist started to talk about the upcoming invasion he had to shut him up because he noticed on the sly the man looking at them. These border towns were dangerous and full of spies from his side as well as the Texas side. Something had made him quite suspicious about that man and when he and the two corporals got back to the station he commandeered a Humvee and told them to come with him. He meant to follow this man and see where it might lead him. It was luck that he barely saw the man turn a corner up ahead. He did not want to rush this so he could see where the man would be going so he slowly drove to the cross street and stopped at the light. When he looked down the street the man was no where in sight. That pissed him off and he turned onto the street through the red light. An old pickup almost ran into him but managed to turn sideways and stop as he pushed onto the north bound street. He told the corporals to look out for the man who was wearing a T-shirt with camo pants. He drove slowly up the street and they looked in every alley. The man had simply disappeared. Nick cursed out loud and stopped the vehicle while pounding on the steering wheel. “Damnit, we gotta find that man.” Corporal Mist looked at Corporal Gunder and at the Sergeant “what’s with this particular man Sarg?” Nick turned to him and said in a tight voice, “I think he could be a spy, the way he looked at us this morning in the café seemed awful suspicious and when you started to blab your mouth off about the invasion I could swear he heard you loud and clear. Now it is up to us to find him and make sure he doesn’t give any info to the enemy, you understand me?” Mist shook his head and did understand that they could be shot for leaking information. “You and Gunder get out and start searching this street. I am going back to the café and see if I can get some information about this man. Now get going and find him. If you have to shoot him do it but I want some answers so keep that in mind.” The two corporals got out and Nick turned the vehicle around and drove off toward the café.

Mica had a feeling about the Sergeant when they left the Café. Just before he turned the corner to the side street he saw the Humvee pull out into the street from the station and head his way. He turned the corner and ran to the alley way and ducked into it. He knew these men would come after him at some point so he had to make it back to his motel room quickly and gather the gear before they found out where he was staying. He had been eating in the café for the last week so his face was familiar to the waitresses and he never told anyone where he was staying but that could easily be deducted in this little town. There was a time when Texico and Farwell were both thriving cities and seemed to blend together even though the border virtually separated them. Everybody did business on both side of the states and it all worked well until Texas seceded and the wall was built. The damn thing stretched for 10 miles past the north and south edges of the cities and then there was razor wire for another 10 miles past that and then the patrols. He figured his time was coming to an end in this town so he made it to the next cross street and turned north. It took him an extra 15 minutes to reach the motel and once there he cleaned his room out and found an unlocked car he could hot wire, thank the Great Grandfather the old gas powered cars were still around. The car was half full of gas and he headed north. His best chance was to get beyond the razor wire and cross over into Texas. He would have to radio the Intel as soon as possible. He wasn’t sure when the Emperors army was going to cross over and invade but it seemed like it wasn’t too far into the future. He had to give the alert about the choppers and the tanks and the extra troops that had been filtering in this last week. He had hoped to do some damage to those birds but now it was just to get the Intel out and do it quickly.

Across the wall and border in the town of Farwell Roger Kohlasky sat in his truck with David Hinders and Henry Jaspers. They were the watchers of the gate at the moment. Roger had parked the truck a mile back on the old 84 route witch was a straight shot at the gate. The entire town of Farwell was located south of this road and the old hwy 60 dead ended into the wall. They had to build a connector from the 84 to the 60 after the wall was built and the damn Emperors soldiers took shots at them as they did the work. Rodger had the two - way radio on that Sheriff Roberts had outfitted him and many others with that lived in Farwell. The past week since the alert call went out across Texas the folks of Farwell had dug into there prepared shelters and spread out along the border to the north and south. All the people knew at the moment was there was a minimum of 1 platoon (50) soldiers stationed on the west end of Texico. If 50 soldiers came through the gate they would be met with maybe a hundred well armed citizens. The others were already spread out and Sheriff Roberts had sent another 100 from Bovina. The Sheriff said he would bring the Humvee’s with the heavy machine guns and a couple of the ranchers were supposed to bring their LAV-25’s in for light artillery support. The old train tracks had been destroyed and the overpass had also been destroyed where the 84 crossed over. The bastards had cut off the supply routes from the west effectively but as Texans go, the people kept on living just fine afterwards. The train tracks got rerouted and built new so the trains ran across Texas and foods and goods continued within the country. Roger called on the Walkie talky to Walt Peterson who was on the old cell tower over on 3rd street and asked it there was any activity. “Walt, you see any movement?”

Walt had climbed the cell tower and could see over the wall to the west end of Texico. He was watching the Army station and could see the vehicles coming in with additional troops and began to notice the activity a few days earlier and started telling his compatriots about the extra troops. He did not see the Tanks that had come in and they had been unloaded behind some buildings that blocked his view. However this morning he did see the two choppers fly in and land on the open parking lot and that was relayed immediately. The discussion that conversed was not one of happy talk but rather a doom and gloom feeling of sorts. Walt had been watching those birds real close since they landed and as fate would have it the two tanks rolled out and moved to the gates leading from the station to the main road. “Shit Roger, they got two of those damn tanks now, have to wonder what else they might have or are getting before this all goes down. They start lobbing the shells from those 130 mm guns and we are going to have a nasty mess on our hands.” “Keep us informed on their movement Walt, I am telling the Sheriff about those babies. We are supposed to have the rancher boys bringing the LAV-25’s and I hope they get here soon. One of them has the rockets to bust those tanks up.” I would really like to see those things busted before they cross the border.” “Yeah well Sam says we can’t shoot em till they cross into our country so don’t hold any wishes till they do. Once they open those gates through the wall we can fire but not until then.”

Sheriff Kirk Roberts had received the Intel that two choppers had landed at Texico and just a half hour ago is was seen by Walt that they also had two of the M1A30 tanks ready to roll towards the wall gates. The 130mm cannons on those damn things could be devastating. He had put calls into Lance Bernett and Dan Blocker to get their LAV-25’s down to Farwell as quick as possible. Dan Blocker had modified his LAV to have the 25mm chain gun plus the SRM-50 rocket pack. These could take out the tanks and make a pile of molten metal out of them. He had also put a call into Milo Hanson who had somehow acquired two of the LAV-25’s. The biggest problem with him was his ranch was the furthest away and it would take him a good day to arrive so Kirk had told him to get to the border as soon as possible. Milo understood what he had to do so he took his oldest son and 4 of his top notch ranch hands and loaded the LAV’s and his two ton utility truck with extra ammo and fuel and left his ranch at 3 am on the following morning.

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2019 8:23 pm
by LostNFound

Oscar Leroux read the latest Intel and gazed out the window at his choppers sitting at the ready. He had been receiving Intel for the past 6 days now about the build up and additional armor arriving at the forts or bases along the New Mexico/Texas border. It was becoming very clear that the Emperor’s minion were preparing to invade. When the first alert came in from Houston about the spear headed attempt from Shreveport that failed, he alerted the base and everything went to battle stations. They had the newest dispance cloaks for the choppers and the stealth gear and they had also outfitted all the ground vehicles with the best that Bill Johnson or better known as Major John Ballard, could give them. He and his men as well as the group up around that damn snake fort all had been given gifts from the folks at the Haven. They could read and speak telepathically and they had the Jet belts that would allow them to be cloaked and fly He commanded a full platoon of men at the fort and had another platoon of men that patrolled the north border. They were spread out from El Paso to Denver city that was partially up the western Panhandle border. He took comfort in knowing that all the citizens were considered the Texas Militia and would stand together. The Texas National Guard covered the southern border between Mexico and Texas and the old steel walls still stood along that border. Sam Houston had made compacts/treaties with the Neptune Navy to patrol the gulf coast line. The Maritime Security forces did not want to enter into any agreements with the Texas Nation due to believing that the Emperor would destroy it sooner or later.

Oscar was waiting for fresh Intel from Captain Wyatt Harper who operated a squad of men along the border area around the Carlsbad Caverns. In the last year the only fort that was left operating for the Emperor was located between the Caverns and Carlsbad itself. The fort sat in the flat expanse closer to the Texas border between the old 180 and 285 routes that led into Texas. Of course both of those highways had been blocked off after the secession. Oscar knew the General that controlled that fort wanted to blow the Mentone fort off the map. It had been a bad moment in history for him when the Mentone base had been stolen and the missiles never loaded into the silos. The man was insane with hate and rage and there were always excursions into Texas by his troops. They would come in and then get confronted and leave with their tails between their legs. The whole damn border along the southern part of New Mexico was hot with intermittent shooting and what not.

Oscar had heard from Sheriff Andrew Jackson that the entire county had been put on alert and were standing by to push back if the Emperor’s minions came in from the North. Nancy his wife had turned out to be quite the fire brand when it came to using weapons of any kind. Her and her dogs rode the range with her favorite horse and plenty of folks would join her. Dogs were a prize out here on these plains and they could see those choppers when they were cloaked, even the new cloaks could not hide from the dogs. He was glad that he had the choppers and had received two complete full battle tanks and 4 LAV-25’s along with a small fleet of Humvee’s not to mention two self driven 185 howitzers and the fuel trucks with troop carriers. He actually had more than he needed and told Andy that he could have some of them for the Sheriff Department. He knew the folks over in El Paso had already dug in and any one coming at them from any direction would more than likely be destroyed before they could get too far. He filled his cup with hot coffee and moved to his desk. He was just starting to look at the maps once more when Master Sergeant Mitch McConnell walked through the door. Oscar looked up and said “hello Mitch, any word from Wyatt yet?”

Mitch McConnell had been promoted to the Master Sergeant rank after he led a squad of Rangers into New Mexico and destroyed a small armored division of tanks and took out 3 choppers in the process. That served to cause that mad man General Sanchez to come at the Texas Border with a platoon of soldiers who wound up dead in their own confused state on insanity. After that the General and the fort went quiet. Mitch poured himself some coffee and sat down. “Wyatt radioed in the latest just 15 minutes ago. Sergeant Jaspers took three men and got fairly close to that fort last night and early this morning he watched two of their choppers lift off and head northeast. He figures they may be going up the panhandle to reinforce one of those other forts. He also tells us that it looked like there may be only around a company of soldiers left there. They have been sending out troop carriers full lately mostly going north. Wyatt thinks they are building up the forces along the Panhandle and whatever is coming is going to be a major push into the western borders of Texas. That General has his troops spread out along the New Mexico and Arizona borders and they are having their skirmishes with the Mexicans at present so we don’t need to worry so much about them although it is good to keep an eye on them.”

Oscar took in this Intel and asked “You think the mad man is going to invade us?” “Yes Oscar I think he is. With all the activity up north and troops being moved around along with choppers and armor, I am pretty sure we are on the menu.” Oscar was pretty sure of that also but he always liked to get the opinions of his officers. “Can we get enough men and armor up to the border to hold them? If they get those damn howitzers close enough we are going to have some real problems. The choppers I think we can battle them okay and keep them from strafing our towns and farms. I think they will try to hit us first with those and while they think we are busy defending against them they will bring in the tanks and howitzers. There are only two roads they could cross into Texas on but there is also a lot of country out there they could travel across even if it is pretty rough.” “Well Oscar we got that small fleet of dune buggies and the dirt bikes we can send scouts out on and keep a pretty close eye on most of that border.” “Yes I have given that some thought and already assigned a few squads to them. Some have already left and the others are getting ready. I really hate the waiting game but here we are on the verge of this stupid war with that insane toad up in Denver.”

“There is something funny about this activity only on the western border and the boys up north and to the east tell me that it is strangely quiet out of Oklahoma and the entire east border. That little push last week was only a peep and then they went quiet. I don’t like that and Sam is telling everyone along the north and the east to be especially diligent. If and when this thing breaks open on the western side it could be a distraction for the North and East minions to attack while our backs are turned so for that reason we cannot expect the boys from the North or East to help us out. General West is telling us that the Mexico border seems to be quiet also although there is fighting going on over on the New Mexico and Arizona borders, seems a bit strange to me.’ “West has sent word that he may be able to send some troops from the southern border to help us if things become hairy. He would rather keep them in reserve for the Eastern border and perhaps the North also.” Mitch understood and knew that everybody had to stand on this one because it appeared that the Emperor was making his final push to take back Texas and as for the Mexicans, they had been decimated the past few years so their strength was weak at this time. Oscar and Mitch both looked out the North facing window as three dune buggies with 5 bikers drove off into the wilderness. It was clear that the storm was just over the horizon now.

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 6:07 pm
by LostNFound

Greybark had been exceptionally quiet today as Samuel, Kevin, Tamara and Alisha sat under his bows. He dropped a few big cherries on them but not like he usually did. His face was very solemn and his eyes appeared to be half closed. Tamara and Alisha both felt a sorrow emanating from him and finally had to verbally ask him why he seemed so sad today. They all waited for a bit of wisdom from the old tree and it seemed like forever to them before he finally began to speak.“It seems very dark in the world this day. I have been contemplating why this is and have come to an answer. There is a very negative energy rolling over the lands. I see it around us and wonder why it is. I have seen this in the past when the humans fight so fiercely with one another. It is happening in the south and other parts of the world. Today I see it happening to our west and it is a great sorrow that is looming.” Tamara held Alisha’s hand and spoke back to Greybark. “There are wars around the world but they are being stopped in many places. The one to our south has been going on far too long and it is in its last throws of existence, The people of this world are becoming more awake daily and the ones that make the wars are at the edge of dieing off. We have stopped many bad things in this country and there are more of us still working in this country as well as other countries around the world. What is it that makes you so sad this day Greybark when these things are at or near their end?” It took some more time before the tree spoke again.“Our brothers and sisters are in grave danger this day, there is a very bad storm in the center of this country and they are standing in its path. Life of all species is in the path of this great storm and I am afraid many will perish as time goes by. We are safe enough here but if this storm prevails we will be in grave danger also. I must go and warn the brothers and sisters outside this haven. The one that is causing the storm has something that will destroy the lands and the air and all life. I am told this by the little flyers that visit us. This human has lost his soul and spirit many years now.”

Samuel and Kevin both understood some of what Greybark just said. The Emperor was beginning to start an all out war against the Nation of Texas. They knew he had a rather large Army and lots of Armor but did not know about the stalled out war in China and how the Emperor could not get most of his Army back to the States. The also knew that Texas was a well armed Nation and all the free peoples were the backbone militia. Any war or action of the sort the Emperor took against Texas was not going to be good for either side. What Greybark said about the Emperor, of having some kind of weapon that could destroy the lands and the air and all life was alarming. They thought the nuclear options had been neutralized but that description suggested the man may still have those deadly things somewhere and would not hesitate to use them. When Michael, Susanna, Daniel and Theresa told them they had destroyed the Dulce base and freed the Aliens they all rejoiced that the old warheads had been destroyed. Samuel had to ask Greybark if he had any information of where the deadly death things were located. Greybark did not know the answer to that but gave a clue as to where they might be.“The little flyers have told me that there is a dark place under the big flying things that could lead to where these death machines are placed.” That was all he would say and dropped some cherries for them to eat.

On their way back to the Garden they stopped at the old Barn and visited with the wolves and cows. Some of the animals were off in the orchards or outside the Haven. After a good hour of visiting they walked back to the Garden. Once in the garden Samuel grabbed a cup of coffee and sat down on one of the long couches. “I think we should gather Mary and Kristyl and get Bill and Carolyne back from Paradise. Christine, Jim, Mark and Maria are still up at Lionhawk’s and I know he is still having a hard time missing Shadowself and Buster. You don’t suppose we could get him involved in this nasty business with Texas. It might give him a good lease on living again.” Kevin watched Tamara and Alisha walk toward the living quarters and said “Yeah they all went down to Paradise to visit with the folks in Paradise. I think the Kellies and the whole bunch decided to spend a good week on the beach. Still baffles me that Tamara and Alisha stayed here but seems to me that they could go there anytime they wanted to and so could we for that matter. There is something about not having Michael and Susanna and Daniel and Theresa here. Seems like we all have been gone for so long these past few years. You know Ian is a real jewel and now we get to look forward to the S’iruss coming back to earth and Sironna is so wonderful.” “Yeah well we still have some cleaning up to do, speaking of, who’s on Café duty today?” “I think Joanna and Sarah our working that today, want to go up and get some lunch?”

Tamara and Alisha walked into the living room of Samuel and Mary and sat down on the couch. “Alisha, you know this war thing is beginning around the Nation of Texas and that evil man that lives in Denver will not hesitate to use the weapon that Greybark spoke of this morning. I thought we had taken care of the things and When Michael told us that the old nukes at that Dulce place had been eliminated; I thought we were in the clear but it seems there are still some out there. Greybark has said they were in a dark place and they could be found by going under the big flying things.” Alisha shook her head and said “Greybark speaks of flying things and I think those might be the airplanes that are still flying around that take people to different places and when he said the dark place under them I was thinking of that airport outside of Denver. It has been known that there could be one of those underground bases like our parents were destroying.” Tamara felt the memories of her mission to destroy the nuclear bombs with her Father and Mother and the others with the dogs. “Yes I was with Mother and Father on some of those when I was killed. You and I should go and remove this thing that Greybark mentioned. We should go and get Alice to help us; she is just like us and is on the bus with Montgomery and Kalista. Our parents are going to enter this war between the Emperor and Texas. Michael, Susanna, Theresa and Daniel and Ian will be fighting with the Rangers. I thing Bill and Carolyne may be involved also so it is going to be up to you and I and Alice to keep the destruction of this world from happening.”

Tamara and Alisha stepped into the no-time and stepped into a time line of the future. The world was devastated. The scene was one of total destruction. They both could feel the heat of large fires and the landscape was broken and shattered. Tamara knew that there was deadly radiation in the air and as they looked a small group of people stumble along the road that was in front of them. A pack of wild dogs ran out from a building and attacked the people. There was shooting from the guns that the people had and yelping from the dogs that were hit while other dogs grabbed two small children and began to drag them off. The screaming and cacophony of crying was horrible. Tamara touched Alisha and they both stepped back into the no-time. It seemed the future time line was distorted and destruction was everywhere that they could see. Back in their room in the present time line they both shivered from the terror they had witnessed. “Is that what will happen if that evil man succeeds in using the weapons that Greybark spoke of,” Alisha asked. Tamara looked at her with pain in her eyes. “Yes that could be the outcome and we don’t know what may happen to our parents or this place but it did seem that the world was being destroyed.” “That could be what happens from a nuclear war of sorts. If that evil man uses nuclear weapons for his psychopathic gain, it will not be good for anyone. If Greybark is right, we must find this weapon or weapons and destroy them.” “What about Hava and Luun?” Tamara told her that Hava and Luun were in other parts of the world helping the people become awake and destroying the weapons of mass destruction. “Hava had told me before I was killed that I would come back through Mother Mary and take you and Alice to destroy what the Emperor had hidden. It is up to you and Alice and me to do this. It all does seem to hinge on that mad man in Denver.”

Alice had awoken this morning from a very disturbing dream. She stood on a road with Tamara and Alisha and watched a family of people being attacked by a large pack of wild dogs. The People looked sickly and their children were barefoot. The dogs and the people were fighting and two of the children were being dragged off by the dogs. The landscape in her dream was one of total devastation and what buildings she could see were blasted into rubble while cars sat in piles of twisted metal. The tires had all been burnt or melted away from the wheels. She woke suddenly and the dream faded into a misty fog. She knew that the dream was one of a future time line that yet had not happened. She ate her breakfast in silence and Lenny tried to get her to talk. She spoke to him in the mind and told him that she had to be alone. After eating she walked across the large cavern floor and out into the forest. She found her way up to the ridge where she could sit and look at the mountains to the west. The hidden Patriot base was located above the old city of Steamboat Springs in the Rocky Mountains. It was the last few days of April and there were still patches of snow on the mountain tops and here and there around the base. 2039 had rolled into existence with a very heavy snow pack on the mountains and the harsh winter had made everybody solemn. The soldiers continued to train and the snow was welcomed by them as a very hard course of training.

Sergeant Major Jack Bollard had taken his Spec Ops team and moved around the Denver area to gain Intel of the Emperor and his minions. There had been word of a large buildup of soldiers and equipment around the entire City of Denver and the Old Denver Airport. She had heard that the Emperor might be planning to invade Texas. She was not privy to the full details but in her own knowledge she knew this to be true. The insane man was actually going to try and take Texas back. Alice wondered about the people at the Haven and how they were doing with all the assignments they had to accomplish. She missed Tamara and even Alisha. Alisha was the first to die but she knew that she was in the dream healing place. Tamara had been assigned to the Northern team that was taking out the nuclear bombs that the psychopathic General had planted to destroy the west coast. Seeing her and Alisha in her dream had given her hope they were still alive. She watched the tawny colored mountain lion jump across some rocks below he and make its way up the hill side toward her perch on the ridge. She wasn’t afraid because he was a friend. She had spent many hours talking to him. He disappeared in the rocks and she heard the voice of Tamara. “This is a nice place to sit and contemplate sister.” Alice did not have to turn around to know it was Tamara but twisted around anyway and stood up. “Tamara it is so good to see you” and she jumped the boulder and hugged her sister. She and Tamara were the same age on this time plane and Alisha had also been the same age before she left this plane.

Alisha and Tamara had been with Alice in the future time line. Alice was in the different place on the now time line but they had gathered her when they moved forward from the no-time. Alice was in the dream just before she woke this morning and now they would meet in the physical time frame because it was time for them to plan their part of the coming war. Alisha had waited for Tamara to go first into the now time and after Tamara and Alice hugged each other she stepped into the now time. Alice was surprised at first and then tears welled in her eyes as she hugged Alisha. “You have come back from the dream healing place” she said. “You have decided to come and be here again. Do you have parents then?” Alisha backed up and said with a big smile “yes I have parents. Kristyl is my mother and Kevin is my father. Alice smiled big for that and said “wow that is so great and what about you Tamara are you coming back to the bus?” Tamara turned and saw the big cat sitting just a few yards away. She smiled at him and heard him speak to Alice. Alice, I see you have some companions this morning will you tell me who they are? Alice had to giggle and spoke to Jiggers. Yes Jiggers these are my two sisters. They come from the Bus also as you have been meeting those others. They have been away to other lands for quite some time. This is Tamara and this is Alisha. She touched Tamara first then Alisha. The cat jumped from his place on a boulder to the ground next to the girls and looked up at Tamara. I am happy to meet you Tamara and Alisha, Alice has seemed to be sad these past few suns and moons, will you be here for awhile? Alisha was the first to speak and said I am very glad to meet you Jiggers, That is a real nice name did Alice give that to you? Jiggers had sat back on his haunches and said yes she did she could not speak my real name and so Jiggers is close enough. Well Jiggers to tell you the truth, we have come to ask Alice to help us. There is a very bad man that intends to destroy the lands and I am afraid these lands will be destroyed with all the others if we don’t stop him. Jiggers looked almost worried if one could call it that from a mountain Lion.

The big cat jumped up onto another boulder and said If you take Alice away, who will I come and visit here? I am all by myself too but if this bad man is going to destroy this land then who will any of us have. Alice was not quite sure what her sisters were going to do but she suspected it had something to do with the dream she was in this morning. She levitated up to the lion’s perch on the boulder and put her face close to his. I will only be gone for awhile Jiggers and then I will come back. You must find a safe place and don’t tell me you are alone, I see you with that fine looking female some days and you still won’t bring her to meet me. When I get back I would like you to bring her along so we can meet her. You may be heading for a family of your own you know. Ha, you are very wise for such a young human so I will do just that when you return. Alice hugged the big cat and Jiggers turned and jumped from the boulder and slowly walked away through the brush and trees. The Three 7 year old sisters locked their arms together and walked toward the cavern where they would talk with Montgomery and Kalista and the others and tell them they had a mission that was important. Tamara meant to tell the commanders about the coming war with the Texans and that it was time to prepare for the battle to come around Denver. This would be the two or three pronged attack on the Emperor as he was preparing to do with Texas. The three 7’s stepped into the no-time and back out into the haven.

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 12:50 am
by LostNFound

The two Humvee’s pulled into the cave entrance that was on the east side of one of the hills that stood 1 mile from the New Mexico border. There were a scattering of these hills spread around the semi-forested area that ran into the State of New Mexico. The canyon began not to far north of this hill and ran for at least 40 miles on a southern course until it spilled into a shallow valley. The cave entrance was under an overhang of sandstone that ran around the hill side to the western side. Inside the cave there were two other Humvee’s parked against the rock wall. Hank and Jake both turned the vehicles around so they were pointed toward the entrance while Mark and Greg pulled the brush over the entrance. They made sure the tracks were covered and grabbed their field packs as they all moved to the interior tunnel that would take them all down into the canyon.

Theresa and Daniel had gone to the Haven and retrieved the Jet belts that were needed for the additional rangers. Bill and Jim had been busy making more of them and when Jim left with Christine and the Lovejoy’s to be with Lionhawk, Bill had continued making more knowing that there would be a great need for as many as possible. Susanna had stayed at the camp to begin the teaching of telepathy to the Misfits and Renegades who now had decided to call themselves Jeremiahs Rangers. Theresa and Daniel had come back with a rather large box that was full of the belts and along with those they brought the small boxes of stealth gear and dispance cloak devices for the Humvee’s. Michael and Andrew had come back and said the others were driving the Humvee’s to the secret cave from Bovina.

Susanna had taken Cathy, Hanna and Uri along with Evan and began to help them to open the doors in their minds that would allow them to talk telepathically. Uri was the first one to open that locked door and he first heard the ponies talking to each other. His eyes grew big and he smiled. Hanna was the next one that opened the door and spoke into Uri’s mind. The instant connection between the two was electric in nature. Susanna had directed them all to respect each other and all others with this ability. It would be a great benefit to them from now on and especially with this war like atmosphere that was coming like a dark cloud. When Michael returned, he joined Susanna and helped with the ones still at the camp. Theresa and Daniel joined in and they all were helping to open the doors in the mind. When the crew from the Humvee’s arrived they were given additional teaching. They had already been given the Jet belts before they went to retrieve the Humvee’s so that part was not needed to be taught to them, however all the others were given the belts and shown how to use them. They all were told how the doors in their minds would and could be opened to be able to levitate and even become invisible as time allowed with the use of the belts. Jeremiah took some of the rangers and began to take them out on the watch missions. The seven original Rangers helped in this respect to show how the missions were handled and where to be to stay unnoticed by the fort and the soldiers in it. They were told about the small group that were working for the Texas Nation and showed them images of the people.

All the rangers became well known with the ponies and learned how to rely on them as team members. The seven ponies grew into 14 ponies as Cloud dancer knew where his wild brothers and sisters were still running south of the canyon. Isaac took Uri and Hanna and Cathy and rode the lower canyon and found the small herd of ponies living around the creek and plains of the lower canyon. The Ranger ponies talked to them and got them to join with the rangers so the herd grew to 14 overnight and it was natural for the ponies to know how the humans worked the missions. The bonding came quick with the telepathy and the animals settled quickly with the humans. All of this had taken about a week and the buildup of snake fort began to accelerate. The date was May 1, 2039 when the Rangers began to see the armor arriving and then more troops in small numbers until they could count almost a complete company of men bivouacked around the fort. It was May 5th when the one lone Chopper flew in and landed next to the three that had been there for the past 3 months. Isaiah was out with Uri, Hanna and Mark. Hank and Jake had taken one man each in the Humvee’s and crossed the border to the North and drove west far enough to check the western side of the fort. The stealth gear and dispance cloaks worked well for them. They were able to come up the road that led to the fort from the west and get close enough to see the complete buildup of the troops.

Hank had stopped around a ¼ mile from the fort and Jake and him had pulled the Humvee’s off the road and parked close to some boulders. Hank spoke in the mind to Jake as the chopper came in and landed at the fort. They seem to have 4 choppers now and you see those three tanks sitting to the north. I don’t see any howitzers but that fleet of Humvee’s look pretty deadly, and the near company of men is going to be hard to confront if they decide to push into Texas from here. As they continued to observe the fort, the activity began to be busy. The troops were starting to gather around the Humvee’s and form into groups. Jake and Hank watched as the troops began to split into two groups while one group marched south and the other marched north. The choppers remained idle as the tanks remained parked. Hank watched a group of men walk over to the tanks and load something into all three of them. He was thinking this was not looking good. Jake you seeing all this, I am getting a bad feeling about all this movement suddenly. Looks like this company of troops is splitting up and covering the south and north, if those tanks start moving this is going to get hot I think. The choppers haven’t moved and we need to get this info back right away. We may have to get in their and do some sabotaging and very soon before those things start moving. Yes Hank, we need to get to those choppers and disable them before they go active. You have experience with those damn things and Gary and Tim can operate the Humvee’s from here or drive them closer if need be and let all hell loose with the .50’s, at least do some damage to those Humvee’s. Do you see any dogs?

On the far side of the fort, just across the border, Isaiah and Mark watched the line of troops, stringing themselves out toward the south. It looked like there were a couple of platoons. Isaiah spoke in the mind to Uri who was with Hanna to the north and said Uri, what are you seeing over there? Uri and Hanna both were looking through their binoculars and could see a line of troops stringing themselves out toward the north. Looks like a couple of platoons stringing themselves out toward the north and south. If these men start moving toward the border it is going to be tough to stop them. Can you communicate with Hank or Jake? They are supposed to be on the west side of the fort. Isaiah heard Jake speak into his mind Isaiah, we are watching the troops moving to the north and the south and are considering going and sabotaging the choppers. Hank and I both think these minions are getting set up to invade. The tank crews are prepping the tanks and those damn things need to be stopped also. The activity inside the fort is just as busy at the moment. Can you get the word to Jeremiah and the team? Isaiah heard the SITREP and said. Do you see any dog’s over there? No we haven’t seen any yet.

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 12:56 am
by LostNFound
The camp was being secured and the corrals were being covered. Jeremiah had received the message and alerted every body to prepare. They would all go up to the top and spread themselves out. “The ponies are staying down here for their safety, Cloud dancer knows what to do if the canyon gets invaded and will take all the others down the canyon. We can all meet up there when this business is over.” Isaac spoke up and said, “We all need to be cloaked, we have several .50 caliber machine guns set up in various places that can be manned.” Jeremiah had to tell everyone about the choppers and the tanks. “They also have a small fleet of Humvee’s that are outfitted with those damn mini-guns so those are going to be priority to take out when they come at us.”

Michael and Susanna knew they would be taking the chopper into a fire fight. This would be the first time since they took it from the base in Georgia. The chopper was rigged with the same mini guns and SRM-20s that the Emperors army had on theirs. The cloaking devise and the stealth gear were much better than the minions. Theresa and Daniel both elected to stay on the ground with the Rangers. They both had stepped into the garden and talked with Kevin and Samuel. Kevin and Samuel both said they would prepare their choppers to engage in this idiotic war that was beginning. Theresa asked where Kristyl and Mary were and Bill and Carolyne. Samuel told them that they had all went down to Paradise to visit with the families. As he spoke, Mary and Kristyl both appeared in the garden. Samuel and Kevin both hugged them and then Theresa and Daniel told them what was happening. Mary said “Jeanette told us tomorrow morning that we needed to come back because of the conflict that was beginning.” “Where are Bill and Carolyne?” Kristyl had to smile and say “They have gone to Nani – Kai – Kale, for awhile. The Ohana invited them so Marni and Hanna took them there. Mary was looking around and finally said “where are the girls?” Kevin was the first to speak, “funny thing, we don’t rightly know. They did leave us a note and said they had some very important things to take care of and that we should be very careful when we go to help the Texans.” Mary looked worried of a sudden but Samuel said “you know as well as I do that those two are just like Hava and Luun and whatever they are up to I am sure it is for the good of all of us. Now we should get our choppers ready and determine the best place for us to be at this moment in history.” Mary was still worried as any mother would be but grabbed her husband’s arm and pulled him toward the airfield. Kevin and Kristyl did the same and Theresa took Daniel and they both stepped into the no time and out into the camp.

The sun had just risen over the eastern horizon and all was still quiet across the desert landscape. It was 06:30 on the 6th day of May. The night had been spent watching the movement and then the campfires of the Emperor’s soldiers. The fires could be seen burning far to the south and the same to the north on both sides of the fort. The choppers still sat idle on the large circle just outside the base on the south side and the three tanks sat idle on the north side. The activity had been quiet inside the fort but soldiers could be seen moving around now and it was uncertain how many of them were left inside the fort. It was clear that the mini gun towers were manned. The Rangers could see the Humvee’s lined up on both sides of the fort. They had been spaced about 20 feet from each other and the count on each side of the fort was only 7 vehicles which brought the entire count to 14. The Rangers had spread themselves out to the south and the north as far as they could in pairs. There were only 24 souls against at least a full company of the minions. Plus the Humvee’s, choppers and tanks. Hank and Jake had 4 with them on the west side and they all were cloaked. Jeremiah was thinking that this was going to be a very bad time for him and his rangers but they were all staunch and ready to die for the freedom of Texas. He knew that Sam could not send anyone else at the moment because it was unsure where the Emperor would send his army in and when. So all the borders of Texas were guarded and the people hidden and waiting.

This was always the worse part of any war or skirmish, the waiting was nerve racking and many folks in the annals of war through out history would run or go crazy during this period. The advantages his rangers had were far greater than most had. First of all they all were seasoned soldiers but now they had the abilities of being able to be invisible as well as being able to fly as it was stated. They could communicate by telepathy which was a great advantage in Jeremiah’s book. They had at least one .50 cal heavy machine gun for each team with a great stock pile of ammo. Jeremiah had even garnered some of the RPG’s so that was a comfort. He could count on the one chopper that Michael and Susanna were standing by in and Michael had said he would try to take out the tanks first. Jeremiah new that if those things cut loose with the 130 mm cannons it could get real nasty for anyone within their sights. If those choppers got into the air they could rape the land with their mini guns and those damn short range missiles. Hank and Jake had said they were going to try and disable the damn things and he was silently waiting to hear from them about that part of the mission. Those Humvee’s could be very deadly with the mini-guns but his .50’s could take them out just as well. The rush of the foot soldiers was going to be the harder part he thought and they were spread out far to the south and north so they could conceivably get behind them and into Texas. He knew that the civilians would be ready for any invasion and he was counting on that when the buggers entered around them. By God and Country they were going to whittle this bunch down today or whenever they decided to make their move.

Isaac was looking across the wash that had the border running along the middle of it. He and Cathy were manning the .50 call heavy machine gun that covered the wash in this particular area that was south of the fort. The IED’s had been set up with the claymores they had absconded from Houston. The wash was full of these deadly little surprises. Jeremiah and Randy slinger were manning the center gun that was straight across from the wash from the fort. Andrew had taken George and manned the .50 that was a half mile from the center to the north. The teams were spread at least a half mile apart and if it came to it they would split and each soldier would move to their right to cover the middle of that ½ mile. Each of them had their AR25’s with a minimum of 7 30 round mags. The RPGs were spread out to each team. Cathy looked at the fort and the choppers and the Humvee’s parked in a line and felt the sadness of loosing the man she loved and had waited for so long to find. Isaac was her soul mate as the phrase was used and now here they were facing a sure end to their corporeal lives on this plane of existence. They had barely come together; she lowered her binoculars and looked at Isaac. He was looking through his binoculars toward the south and felt her thoughts. He lowered his binoculars and turned to look into her eyes. “I am so sorry that we had to meet in such harsh circumstances. I would really like to have a home and family with you.” Cathy’s eyes began to fill with tears and she moved close to his face and spoke in the mind. My dear man, we are together now and shall make the most of it What comes next is your guess as well as mine but here we are and our time together has given me all that I ever looked for. We will be together forever now. A family is welcome to me and I might already be pregnant so you had better make damn sure I stay alive through this. Isaac almost broke out with a laugh but just smiled and hugged her. He knew his true purpose now and would fight very hard to keep her alive. He kissed her and they held each other. The only movement they could see from the minions was a daily grind. That gave Isaac and Cathy a concern. The waiting continued on.

On the North side of the line ½ mile from Andrew and George’s position Uri and Hanna were talking quietly about what they were going to do when this was all over. She had clearly told him that she might want to have a baby. He wasn’t sure about that at this time and if they had to continue to fight against the Emperor it was going to be pretty tough to raise a child. When he looked at the Emperor’s soldiers and the armor he had a hard time thinking of doing anything beyond this day or the time when those insane people decided to attach. The blood bath that was coming made him sick to think about it all and how this world had come to this point. When He first saw Hanna at the oasis it gave him hope and wonder for the future. He had loved her ever since they first met and then she was gone for so long. Prior to this day, they had spent many hours talking about what they would do although they both knew that the Rangers would be their main business in life and this war on the near horizon was very hard to put away. They did make mad passionate love with each other but yet they both had to stay distant as the storm clouds rolled toward their lives. Hanna looked at the non activity of the soldiers across the border and felt the knot in here stomach as the time moved forward with monotony. She was willing the start of action so she could unwind this knot. Uri was manning the .50 and she had the RPG laying beside her with the box of rockets. Her AR25 was at the ready. She turned to Uri and quickly gave him a kiss. “I love you Uri, don’t ever forget that.” Uri kissed her back and continued to look through his binoculars. The day wore on and the sun began to heat the desert floor. It was going to be a warm late spring day. A Jack rabbit sprang from a bush at the edge of the shallow wash and went over the bank. Uri and Hanna both smiled at that.

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 5:51 pm
by LostNFound
59 DIA

Vinnie Crumholtz was very pleased with himself as he thought about his final solution to the Texas ordeal. He had not told any of his military commanders about the four intercontinental ballistic missiles he had control of. In fact he had not told anyone about the most fortunate piece of news he received from the retired Air Force Colonel that contacted him just 2 months earlier and told him about the four remaining ballistic missiles that were still in the silo’s located in Kansas. The man had told him that they were still active. Somehow they had been forgotten or missed during the purge of the nuclear missiles in the 20’s. The Colonel told him about the control bunker located in the old underground tram tunnel that ran from the DIA underground base to Kansas City Missouri. The Tram had been shut down long ago but the tunnel was still traversable, there was a road way along the track system and the Colonel had a vehicle. The Colonel and two other men lived in the bunker and only went to the surface in Kansas City to replenish their supplies when needed. Vinnie knew that it took two men to simultaneously activate the missile firing system and this colonel and one of his other men could do this. The nuclear bombs he had the General plant on the west coast were left over from the purge also and at the time they had been secretly stashed. The ones at the fort in New Mexico were also leftovers and protected by him and then that strange thing happened to them. And there was that damn Texas fort that overthrew his plans with some others and He thought that all of his secretly stashed nuclear missiles and bombs were finally taken away. It was fortunate that China and Russia and other countries that held nuclear weapons had gone through the purge also but who knew what may have been stashed into secrecy in those countries. It was always a deeper fear and suspicion of any Emperor or Dictator of what another country might have in its arsenal of weapons.

Tomorrow would be the start of his invasion. The Generals had moved their meager forces around to have the most impact on the Western border of Texas. They would begin moving in the early morning. If they were able to gain control of western Texas then he would let Thomar and Boudreaux move on the North and East borders and his pincher would close in. He was only going to use one of the missiles on Houston if the war looked like it was not going to be favor for him. He wanted Texas real bad and those nukes were his complete insurance to getting it. He would blow Houston and Dallas off the map and in his mind that would assure that the peoples of Texas would surrender to his rule. The other two nukes would be used as a guarantee against the other countries. His mind jumped to the experiments taking place under the DIA and how he had a full army of android type soldiers in the process of being built. Once they were activated he would begin to gain complete control and not worry about deserters or dissenters or any of those sorts of things. His Army of almost indestructible soldiers would be totally under his control.

The second floor causeway inside the main building of the Denver International Airport was almost deserted. The airport had steadily declined in use since 2030 and the people that did use it seemed to move across country in either a move to a different state or a destination for some kind of work that was sanctioned by the Emperor. The three large terminals that lay to the North of this rather large building, some called it a small city in its heyday had been closed down with only one operating at low capacity. The Terminal that was the closest was used by any airline that flew through while the two that were further north began to fall into a degraded state due to 0 activities. It was noted that the two unused terminals had been taken over by the mass amounts of homeless people but to look at them no one could hardly tell there could be hundreds or perhaps thousands of people living out there. The three young girls materialized in an abandoned store of some type and moved to the front that opened into the main causeway. They looked out and saw a few people walking along the balcony that looked down into the Ground floor of the building. They waited for the causeway to be clear and moved out into the open area and began to walk toward one of the stair ways that would take them to the ground floor. Alisha spoke quietly and asked “what are we looking for?” Alice was the one that spoke to that. “There is a wall of pictures and some statues I think and somewhere close to that area is an elevator that will take us down to the basements. Once we get down there we will have to look for the secret entrance to the deeper underground base.” Tamara stopped just before the stairs and said “I remember being here in one of my former lives. I was older then and my mother was with me. This place was so busy then it was hard to move around. I remember the pictures or Muriel’s as they were so called then and I remember the statues also, Those things were scary and the Muriel’s were also weird and scary, This place gives me the creeps, let’s hurry and find our way below.”

The wall of Muriel’s had cracks and chunks of plaster or tiles missing. The statues looked like someone had taken a sledge hammer to parts of them. All three girls shivered as they walked along the entire scene. The pictures were very eerie, depicting war and death with skeletons and soldiers that looked like monsters. The statues were very ugly and looked like a nightmare that climbed from someone’s dreams. Alice had seen these dark images in that Generals mind when she confronted him at that base just before she sent him into the past to a mental institution. Tamara and Alisha both looked for the elevator that was supposed to be located somewhere along this wall of nightmares. The wall was quite long and at the end or so it seemed there was a corridor that opened that appeared to lead toward the west of the building. The Girls turned into the opening and walked around 20 feet before they stood in front of the elevator doors. The sign above the doors stated “UTILITY ELEVATOR, AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY”. Tamara stuck her head through the doors and saw that the car was at the bottom at least two floors below. “Looks like we are going to have to levitate ourselves down there, I can see the top of the elevator so we could go down and through it onto the basement.” All three girls stepped through the elevator doors and slowly let themselves down to the elevator roof. It was two floors below the main level and when they reached the roof. They dissolved through it and found themselves standing inside the elevator car with the doors wide open to the basement.

On the main level, Vince Bolish had watched the three little girls walk the causeway by all the paintings and statues and turn into the corridor where the elevator was located. His job was to watch for any suspicious activity, especially nosy people that entered this area where the elevator was located. He wasn’t sure about the children at first and thought they may be lost from their parents or something. He was going to approach them when he saw the one stick her head through the closed door of the elevator shaft. It stopped him dead in his tracks. He had never seen that before and began to think right away that these children might be some sort of aliens or an experiment from an opposing government. He knew about the experiments down below in the underground base and how those crazy scientists were making some kind of super soldiers or something even more monstrous but this was way beyond his own imagination. He watched all three of these children step through the door as if it didn’t exist and then he decided to call Dan Lerner below. He didn’t exactly know what to say so he just told Dan that there were some intruders coming down and they look like children.

Dan Lerner was one of the many special agents that were assigned to guard the access to the underground base. Generally most inquisitive people never made it to the second basement and the elevator could only go to the first basement unless someone knew the special code to take it to the second basement. This business about some children coming down didn’t make sense to him and Vince didn’t give him any specifics other that some children. Something seemed really peculiar about this and he was going to give Vince a good butt chewing for even letting some children get past him. He knew the elevator car was resting at the bottom because three scientists had shown up from an over seas trip and were brought down to go and examine the progress of the android soldiers. Doctors Hans Peterson and Gregor Mendal who were in charge of the project had requested these three to come and examine their progress. Dan’s team consisted of three on the main floor above with 2 on the 1st basement and three more on the second basement floor. The Emperor had stationed two squads of his Army slaves at the first level of the base which was 200 feet below the second basement. He had only been down there once and it was creepy. There was a rather large city down there but it was empty. The labs and storage space for the androids consisted of maybe 2 lab rooms and at least 4 huge warehouses’. The scientists were making special parts that would be transplanted into the things when they were done baking as Dan called it. There was an old tram tunnel that led from the main base to another underground facility under Kansas City but the tram had been shut down so if anyone wanted to go to the base they would have to take one of the vehicles and drive through the tunnel. It was a long drive and mostly no one wanted to travel that long dark tunnel. The elevator was located in a secured room that had special key locks on the steel door that was marked with a “Danger, Radioactive materials” on it.

Dan got off the intercom with Vince and swore to himself. Three little children coming down here, how in the hell could Vince let that happen. Now he was going to have to stop them and take them back up. He told his two men to watch for the signal from below while he took care of this matter and moved toward the elevator shaft. He was becoming more agitated with Vince when he turned the corner in the corridor and saw the open doors on the elevator. The three young girls were standing inside the car and his first reaction was what the hell as he moved toward them.

Alice was the first to read the man’s thoughts as he came around the corner in the corridor and moved toward them. She could see the General in this man’s thoughts and had the flash back. She remembered the General’s rage and his absolute soulless thoughts about destroying life. Her decision to send the man to the mental institute in the past was based on her empathic feelings. She knew what would happen to him and it was a move to relieve the man’s suffering in life. This man walking toward them was suffering in his life also. He had caused his wife and child to be disabled and in pain for the rest of their lives. He walked away with no remorse for what he had done to them and his soul was trapped in a dark place within his heart that gave the man an appearance of a dark aura around his entire body. Alice could see that the man had decided to kill her and the other two and then kill a man that failed to stop them on the main floor above. She spoke to Tamara and Alisha and told them to disappear and move away from this place as the man walked toward them. She told them in the mind what this man had decided to do to them. Tamara and Alisha both disappeared and moved out of the car and floated above the corridor floor. They were ready to make this evil man disappear into a very bad place.

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 5:53 pm
by LostNFound
Alice stood her place as Tamara and Alisha disappeared and levitated to the ceiling of the corridor. The man was about 40 feet from them and stopped suddenly when the two girls disappeared. He pulled a gun from under his jacket and began to look around and especially behind him. Alice watched with interest and was thinking that this man had some kind of premonition, the way he was looking around. It was almost as if he knew what had happened. When he spoke, her suspicions were confirmed. This man had some knowledge of perhaps the dispance cloaking technology. “I know you are in here somewhere and if you don’t turn off those cloaks I will kill your friend immediately.” Dan had spun around when he saw two of the children disappear. He indeed knew about the dispance cloaking technology and when the two disappeared he knew they were spies from an enemy force. He had a small control module in his jacket pocket that could nullify the dispance cloaking technology. He pulled it out and activated the module. No one became visible He kept pushing the button but nothing happened. He turned to shoot the one that did not disappear and was frozen. The little girl was floating about 1 foot in front of his face, she was wearing an Army uniform and it was a two star Generals. He tried to speak but couldn’t, he tried to move but couldn’t. All he could do was move his eyes and as he did the other two little girls appeared in front of him.

Alice spoke to the man and said “Mr. Lerner, it would seem that you would like to kill me and my two friends. I am sorry to tell you that you cannot do such a thing. You see we are here to destroy the Emperor’s abominations that are being created below as well as some very dangerous weapons he has discovered and has taken control of to make war on the nation of Texas.” Dan Lerner had looked at this little girl dressed in the General’s uniform and wanted to laugh but he couldn’t. Once he heard her talk he wanted to laugh even more. She was right to say that he wanted to kill her and the other two. One of them reminded him of his daughter that had lost one of her legs in the accident he had planned. His wife had sustained catastrophic brain damage and became a vegetable. He had hoped that both of them would die but he had botched the damn car crash and they both lived. The daughter was told that he had died so that gave him an out but both of them still lived to this day.

Alice saw all of this mans evil doings and how he had set up the car crash to try and kill his wife and daughter. She saw how the entire thing failed but it left his daughter in a wheelchair and his wife in a vegetative state. She saw how he conspired to disappear from them both so he would never be bothered by them while he served the Emperor with his complete self served life. She spoke to Tamara and Alisha in the mind and showed them this mans evil and where his wife was located and the daughter.

In the Santa Rosa Mental health care and Hospice, Margaret Lerner lay in a bed while three nurses tended to her needs. The woman had not talked or been able to do anything on her own since a horrible car crash two years earlier. Her daughter was visiting today. Yvonne Lerner had been in a wheel chair since the crash. She had lost her right leg and her left arm was almost useless because it had been crushed under the car where she had been stuck after the crash. She had visited her mother every day after she had recovered enough to be able to get around. She had been placed in a care home and was just turning 16 this day. She loved her mother and always brought flowers when she came. She would spend hours talking to her and was relieved when she was told that her father had died. He beat her mother almost constantly and did things to her that she could not talk about. She was never told how her father died because he wasn’t in the car with them when it crashed. The nurses finished doing their daily chores with her mother so she was finally able to roll close to the bed.

Today she was going to read some writings from a book by an ancient author by the name of Rumi. She had found them rather comforting when she first began to read them. Her mother’s eyes were open as they always seem to be and Yvonne never saw them blink or move. She opened the book and started to read the first poem when two young girls appeared next to her mother’s bed on the far side. She looked up at them and turned around in the room then back and spoke, “Who are you and how did you get in here, this is a private room.” Tamara was first to speak and spoke very softly. “My name is Tamara and my sister is Alisha, we have come to help you and your mother.” Yvonne looked at the two young girls and thought they may have wandered in here from another patient’s room, maybe their mother was sick or dying or something. “I think you have the wrong room are you sure you are in the right place?” Alisha was the one that spoke this time. “Yvonne, we are in the right room, your mother is being held a slave in her mind and we mean to free her. You have lost something and another part is damaged and we would like to give them back to you so you too can be free. Would you like that?” Yvonne was without words at first but found her voice after a few moments. How do you expect to help my mother, her brain does not work like normal peoples does and I have not lost anything unless you are talking about the leg I used to have, and if you are talking about my arm that doesn’t work all that well, I do not know how you can fix that because no one in this world could do that, not to mention grow me a new leg.”

Alisha walked around the bed to stand next to Yvonne while Tamara reached over to look into Margaret’s eyes. Yvonne was going to call for help just before the little girl touched her. She found her self sitting in a strange room and her mother sitting up in a bed. She didn’t know how to react but seeing her mother sitting up in the bed made her eyes well up with tears and she stood up and moved to her mother. Margaret held out her arms as her daughter fell into them. “Oh baby, it will be alright now.” Yvonne suddenly realized that she had stood up from the chair and moved to her mother. She wiped her eyes and slowly looked down at her right leg which was curled on the bed. She reached down with her left arm and felt the leg. She then realized that her left arm was in perfect working order. She uncurled herself from her mother’s arms and stood up next to the bed. Turning around the room she saw the two girls sitting in chairs close to the door that apparently led into a hall. She was silent and did not know what to say. The door opened and two other girls walked in that looked to be about the same age as she was. One walked to the bed and approached her.

“Hello Yvonne my name is Hava or Evelyne if you wish to call me. Welcome to the dream healing center. Alisha has told us that you and your mother would be coming here. Your leg has been returned to you and your arm is working again I see.” The girl turned toward the bed where her mother was talking with the other girl that had walked in. Her mother said “come over here Yvonne you must meet Luun or Eryne, this place is our salvation, these girls have brought us here to heal.” She looked over at Tamara and Alisha and motioned them over also. Yvonne slowly walked back to her mother’s bed and stood almost in shock at the complete change in her life. Alisha took her hand and said. You can stay hear as long as you like and when you are ready to re-enter the time plane we can bring you to where ever you would like. There is no such thing as time in this place so being here is like eternity yet when you reenter the time it can be anytime you choose. Yvonne and Margaret had long conversations with all four girls and then the two older ones said that they had to go and take care of some others in time. They both disappeared and the two young girls showed Yvonne and her Mother around the hospital and the outside. Margaret met a young man that said his name was Peter Thomson and he had just come to the hospital also. In reality he had been gone from the time plane for quite some time. Alisha knew that Peter was ready to go back and help in the time plane. Meeting Margaret who was around the same age as he was in that time plane was what he had been waiting for. They had spent what some might call a good month healing and getting use to who they really were. Margaret and Yvonne both wanted to go back and confront the man who was responsible for their condition on the time plane. Peter wanted to be with them both at that moment in time and so Tamara and Alisha took them back to the Santa Rosa Hospice and told them where to go and the time for them to confront the monster that had caused them to be hurt.

In the room of the Santa Rosa hospice, Margaret got out of the bed and found some clothes to wear, Yvonne pushed the wheel chair into a corner and she and her mother walked from the room and made their way to the front entrance of the hospice. The nurse that stopped them was speechless and tried to detain them. Margaret told the nurse that she was perfectly fine and the Hospice services would no longer be needed. The Nurse tried to call the orderlies to stop them but a young man walked into the main waiting area and told the nurse that he was a long lost brother or something and he had been called to come and pick up his sister and niece by a doctor Turley who just happen to be listed as working at the hospice. He told the nurse that the doctor had discharged Miss Lerner earlier. The Nurse hurriedly went to the main station and sure enough after looking at the daily logs she saw the doctor’s signature and the brief description of Margaret Lerner’s discharge. She had no explanation for the girls condition of having a new leg and being fit as a fiddle and could only watch the three people walk out the front door.