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Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 6:21 pm
by LostNFound
Lieutenant Iver Grimes had walked from his temporary tent that had been set up in the tunnel behind the four hummers and one scout vehicle to the barricade that was still being erected. The noise in the tunnel was very loud as the men pounded the steel structure together that created the cell shaped wall across the tunnel. He stood and watched the progress for a moment and called over Sergeant Almaterski. “When this gets done Almaterski, I want you to take your squad and walk into the tunnel and give a SITREP. That damn Emperor and his stupid SS are so paranoid. He could have just shut the access off and no one can get in anyway. Captain Geebies and his men could have guarded the parking garage just fine. This tunnel is somewhere around 30 miles or longer and from what I understand there is no way anyone can access the parking garage from the other end but be that as it may we got to do our duty. So once you get to moving call in every 30 minutes and let us know what you find, you understand?” “Yes sir.” The lieutenant turned and walked back toward his temporary quarters. Damn thought Almaterski the stupid lieutenant is just as paranoid. This tunnel is completely empty and I don’t know how anyone could get into it from the other end. His men completed the bar system and he called Corporal Whitless over and told him to get the squad ready for walking. They were going to walk to the damn other end and back apparently to satisfy the Lieutenant. “Have everyone get their field packs prepared and let’s get on with this.”

The barricade had been set up just 1 mile inside the tunnel from the palace garage. Sergeant Almaterski had radioed in 3 times since they had been walking. That did not put him very far from the barricade and he was cursing the lieutenant for sending him and his squad on this worthless mission. They were going to have to sleep in this damn tunnel somewhere along the way. Alice and Jack had flown through the tunnel and Jack figured that they had driven maybe 10 or more miles before he heard the noise. Alice dropped down and stood on the road surface. She was listening intently and said in Jack’s mind there are people walking in the tunnel, I don’t know how far they are but they are definitely headed our way. Jack spoke back we are going to have to stop them somewhere and you can bet they are in radio contact with someone. They both levitated again and took off in the direction of the Palace.

Sergeant Almaterski stopped his men and told them to take a break. They had been walking steadily now and he figured they may have walked around 12 to 14 miles. The walking was easy and the low level lighting was just bright enough to see the road surface. He had already called in 5 times and those were not on the 30 minute schedule that the lunatic lieutenant had wanted him to do. The tunnel took a turn just ahead of where he decided to take a break. He was thinking of making this place a resting spot for a good 8 hour rest. Corporal Flammous had moved to the wall of the tunnel and slid his pack off. He was hungry and figured to open one of the K ration cans and munch down on the sardines. Some things never change it seems. The army has been carrying this crap around forever it would seem. God when are they going to feed us something better? Two of the privates were doing the same thing and Private Waters spoke up “I’ll tell you guy’s something, I would rather be out here than back at that barricade. Have you guys smelled that Lieutenant? I thought he was bad up top side but down in this tunnel his smell seems to permeate more of the air. That dead animal smell lingers on the guy and I was getting sick from it. Geez, can’t the guy take a shower once in awhile?” All the men agreed with him but most of them were afraid to say anything about it. Almaterski spoke up at this letting the air out conversation and said “you can speak that way out here Flammous but you know better when we are around that freak. I have seen him do some real nasty things to men if they said something to him or some of those others that seem to carry that smell around like it is a prize to them. We gotta do this job and then we have to go back to that putrid smell, I tell you I ain’t looking forward to that.” “Yeah Sarg, what is with those that smell like that? It seems that more of our men are contacting something that makes them smell that way. God if there was a way to reach the surface in this tunnel I sure would like to get some fresh air before we return.” Private Hause gave a little snort and said “you know Waters; those damn sardines you like to eat don’t smell much better than that Lieutenant.” All the men laughed at that and settled into eating their own K-rations.

Tamara and Sergeant Major Jack Bollard had come around the corner in the tunnel just as one of the men was talking about a Lieutenant that smelled like a dead animal. They hovered above the men that seemed like they might be taking a long rest. It would appear these men may have a symbiotic controlling there lieutenant and there could be others inhabiting other soldiers in their company. Yes those worms are being quite busy I suspect in taking over this army. We must hurry if we are going to try and save as many humans as possible. We should get these men out of the way and perhaps give them a choice. Tamara dropped to the road surface and stood in the center of the soldiers. She became visible and just stood waiting. The soldiers were so involved in eating and resting that it took a few moments before Private Hause noticed her. He dropped his can of corn and fumbled for his rifle. Tamara froze him and as the reaction spread she froze each man. Six men sat or squatted in a frozen position. They could see what was in front of their eyes but they could not move their heads. They could not speak and they could not move any part of their bodies. Sergeant Almaterski watched with a complete anxious feeling the little girl walk up to him. He did not know who or what this child was and he was in fear that she was going to kill him. “I am not going to kill you Sergeant; I am not going to kill any of you. I am going to give you a choice to remain human and stay alive.

Almaterski and those men that had been looking at him heard this little girl tell them that she was not going to kill them. In their minds this was a calming. They heard her say that she was going to give them a choice and when she said to remain human and stay alive it made them all wonder what she meant. Tamara could hear their thoughts and unfroze the Sergeants mouth so he could speak. Almaterski felt his mouth loosen and he spoke immediately. “Who the hell are you and what are you doing to us? Tamara almost giggled from this outburst. “Well Mr. Kyle Almaterski, I am not from hell and I am containing you and your men at the moment. It is something that I remembered how to do that all humans could do at some point in their past before they were locked up by something that you might truly call from hell as you think of it. I am going to tell you what is happening and give you a choice. As I have said that choice is whether or not you want to live as a human or an alien species and die as a human being.” “What are saying? There are no aliens on this world as far as I know.” “Well Kyle you are wrong in many ways. You had a thought that I am an alien did you not?” Kyle was stopped at the idea that this little girl could read his thoughts. “Okay, suppose you tell me, tell us just who and where these aliens are. I certainly have not seen any.” “I heard one of your men speaking of a Lieutenant that smells like a dead animal and it would appear that there could be more that have this same type of smell to their bodies. How am I doing so far?” “Yes there are those that stink so bad it makes one want to vomit when they are too close. So how can that be a sign they are aliens. Lots of men and I might add women can smell pretty bad at times.” “Yes Kyle this is true but most people will wash themselves when the chance is given. Does your Lieutenant ever smell any different and does he even wash?” “Yes I have known him to shower but that smell does not wash off of him so you are saying that he could be an alien because of that smell?”

Jack had remained cloaked and in the air. The conversation with the Sergeant seemed to be heading in the right direction but he decided to show himself and help Tamara. He dropped down and stood next to her and turned his cloak off. He had talked with Sergeant Rockford in the mind and told him to drive forward. The cloak and stealth gear would keep the hummer from being heard. Sergeant Almaterski’s eyes grew in size and he blurted out, “how many of you are there?” Tamara heard Jack in her mind and remained silent as Jack was going to get to the point. “There are many of us Sergeant; we are the patriots and the militias of this country. We are the ones that are going to take back this country and you can be part of that if you so choose.” “So one of the choices is to join up with you and fight against this Emperor?” “Yes Sergeant that is one of the choices, the other one is to die in the service of an alien creature that has taken control of the Emperor and is in the full process of taking over our world.” Jack spoke to Tamara in the mind and asked her to search these soldiers to see who was patriotic to the Emperor and who wasn’t and then he asked his question. “Who wants to live and fight against the forces of the aliens and the Emperor’s dictatorial regime or who wants to remain in the Emperor’s power and the aliens that are taking over this world?” Tamara had searched each one of the soldier’s minds and hearts and found one that was a dedicated Emperor minion. He was still human but she knew that he would most likely be taken over by either the symbiotics or the Xzanturs. She reached deeper into him and found a black heart. The man had been raised to hate the free peoples of the world and had acted on that by killing as many as he could encounter until he was placed into the forces that were given the honor of protecting the Emperor. She walked to the man and looked into his eyes. The hatred he exuded was palpable so she touched him and he disappeared. The other five men were of doubt but willing to abandon the Emperor’s army and fight for their freedom. She showed them the aliens, both species that were invading the earth and unfroze them.

Sergeant Kyle Almaterski had waited for this moment. He never liked the Emperor and he definitely believed in freedom. It was for his Dad and Mom that he joined the Army so he could support them. The measly pay that he received gave them the means to barely survive but that was his goal. He was held captive to that and hated being a slave to the ideal of keeping his parents alive in a world that had gone mad. He stood up and saluted Jack. “Sergeant Major, I would be honored to serve in your unit. The other men joined in and Sergeant Rockford uncloaked the hummer. They all looked in surprise but smiled. Kyle told them about the bars that had been erected across the tunnel and how many troops and vehicles were stationed about a mile in from the parking garage of the palace. All the men got to know each other and Jack now had 11 men and a little girl to protect on this dangerous mission. The 5 new comers climbed on the top of the hummer as it slowly made its way toward the barricade in the tunnel.

On the North side of the blast zone where the parking structure had once stood, in between two building that were still semi whole stood the hummer. It was cloaked and had the stealth gear operating. Six men sat inside while a woman dressed in Army fatigues stood by the driver side window. She was invisible just like the hummer and told all the men inside that she would be with them in a moment. She touched the hummer and it truly disappeared. She turned sideways into the no-time and stepped back into the time next to the hummer once again. The tunnel was dark except for some very low level lighting up ahead. Janice climbed into the hummer and Keegan slowly moved forward toward the palace. This road took many turns as it was built to follow some of the streets above. Janice spoke to everybody and told them that she would get them through the locked doors at the palace when they arrived. “There could be some military soldiers guarding the parking structure so we will have to get around them.”

One mile inside the tunnel from the parking garage under the palace, 2nd Lieutenant Judas Shamar/GuummpphIct stood watching the squad of men erecting a thick bar wall across the tunnel. No one would get to close to him, and he often wondered why. When ever he gave orders and stood to close to the humans they would gag and try to back away from him. Those of the clew had discussed this but could not figure out why the humans did this action. It was determined that this species had some kind of reaction to their inhabitation. The Aquatic that controlled the top leader had ordered him and the group of humans to block this tunnel off with the heavy metal bars and to guard the area. Inside the large open structure that was directly under the main building were more human soldiers that were commanded by another of his species. The other tunnel that ran from the open space called a parking garage was also being guarded with the same kind of structure and around the same distance inside the tunnel. He did not know what to expect from this tunnel but it was a priority for the Xzanturs/human leader to make sure the tunnels were guarded. He had set up a temporary quarters and the humans had set up some of their heavy weapons close to the metal bars. He could hear the humans grumbling about this place and some had said that the other end of this tunnel had been destroyed. It was plain to him that this could be a human move to do something that was unnecessary. He turned and walked back to the temporary quarters and entered the cloth like structure that had been erected.

The hummer was cloaked but the 5 men on top were visible. The men inside knew this was a problem but Jack decided to stop before they could be seen from the barricade that Sergeant Kyle Almaterski told them about. The bars could be a real problem along with the soldiers at the barricade. They all knew there was a symbiotic, inhabiting a lieutenant that could be another problem. Jack figured that he would take his men while they were cloaked and walk up to the bars and take out the soldiers that were close to the other side. He wanted to check how many were there and what it looked like further back. Once they took out the soldiers they could get through the others that were behind. Kyle had told them there were four hummers and one 8 wheel scout vehicle parked in the tunnel and that in it self was a barricade. They may have to walk from that point to the parking garage. Tamara had told them she could get through the key locked door system but they would have to deal with other soldiers it was certain. Once they were inside they would have to make it up to the 5th or 6th floor to take the emperor out. That was the ultimate mission to accomplish.

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 8:08 pm
by LostNFound

The tunnel had a hairpin turn to the left as they approached. Sergeant Rockford stopped the hummer and the men on top jumped down. Jack and his men climbed out and stood around for a few minutes while they all spoke softly about how they would move to the bars. The barricade was a few hundred yards from the corner as Sergeant Almaterski had told them. Jack told Kyle and his men to wait until the word was given to bring the hummer to the barricade. Tamara had turned invisible as the team turned on the dispance cloaks and they all turned the corner and began to walk toward the barricade of bars. The light was low but they could see the heavy machine guns and the men behind them. Jack had told everyone to stay close to the sides of the tunnel as they moved forward. Tamara passed a point that had sensor lights blinking on two small boxes on each side of the road and had a real bad feeling of a sudden. She turned to warn the team just as they walked past the boxes. She could see them phasing in and out of being cloaked. The machine guns began to fire and she saw two men go down. Jack had levitated with the others and Tamara told them to move back. The cloaking device has been interrupted with some sort of signal and they can see us in phases, it seems that they may have taken the little device and perfected it into a bigger device. She knew they could not see her but the bullets that were flying all around might make contact with her body. Corporal Simms and Sergeant Greyfox were both lying on the sides of the tunnel and not moving. Jack told Tamara to get out of the way and began to shoot back at the barricade. The others that had backtracked and now were invisible once again also began to shoot into the barricade. Tamara landed next to Tommy and sent his body back to the hummer. She did the same thing with Joe and fully disappeared into the no-time and came back out in the tunnel behind the Emperor’s men. She was behind the Hummers and the entire squads of men. The cacophony of gun fire was deafening in the tunnel and it seemed like it was not going to stop, the bullets were pinging and zinging off of the walls and vehicles. She was hoping that Jack and the others had made it back to the corner. She began to touch the hummers and make them disappear. The Tent structure had been set up behind the vehicles and as soon as she made the vehicles disappear she moved backward quickly and a man stepped out of the tent with an automatic rifle. He was beginning to run forward and stopped abruptly.

Tamara was elevated off the road by at least 7 feet as she watched the man/symbiotic, turn and look straight at her. The thing acted as if it could see her even though she was invisible. She moved quickly straight toward the man as he raised his rifle and pointed it at her. As she flew over she touched the man and he disappeared. The gun never did fire and for that she was thankful but the vision of the man that was inhabited by one of the symbiotics looking straight at her and knowing in the first place that she was there gave her the willies. It was as if the symbiotics could tell and see her even if she was invisible. She wondered how this had come about as she flew back toward the team. The firing had stopped abruptly and when she flew through the bars she could see the men at the machine guns were all dead. She knew there were others that had been hiding behind the vehicles but when she made them disappear, the men scattered toward the sides of the tunnels. She did not know how many were still alive but it was sure that they were not going to let Jack and his team, come through without a fight.

When she reached the turn in the tunnel she could see the men spread out watching the barricade. Kyle and his men were staying behind the corner so they could not be seen. She reached the hummer and saw Major Vanstoffer and Jack standing while Sammy and Malcolm where doing something with Joe Simms. Tommy Greyfox had been covered with a tarp. She dropped down and stood over him. She had become visible as soon as she turned the corner. She knew that Tommy had left his corporeal body when he had first been shot. Joe was still in his at the moment but she could see that he was struggling to leave this plane. As she watched Malcolm giving mouth to mouth resuscitation, Joe’s spirit rose up from his body and looked at her before he shot up through the ceiling of the tunnel and was gone. Her tears were running down her face in streams and she shook from the violent encounter that just occurred. Jack had noticed her and walked over and pulled her close. She could feel him crying inside as he held her. He had just lost two of his men in a surprise attack that should not have happened. We were cloaked for god sakes, how did this happen? Tamara heard his thoughts and spoke silently to him. “Someone has figured out how to expand on the early de-cloaking device. Remember me telling you that those agents in that control room mentioned they had something that could nullify the dispance cloaks. We were exposed a good 100 feet before that barricade and they could see us phasing in and out. Jack, we need to talk. That symbiotic could also see me or at least sense me even though I was invisible without the cloaking devise and he knew I was there. I would have been killed if I hadn’t acted as fast as I did. He does not exist any more but the symbiotics will be able to see me and others or sense us. I must inform Janice and Alice and any others. The symbiotics have adapted to us and the tech that has been created is being used to see through our cloaking devices.”

Xishum Stra’/Vinnie Crumholtz the Emperor Sat in his office and laughed to himself. He had just received a communique from the Captain in the basement parking garage telling him that the cloaking disrupter device had worked and they had stopped a team of patriots that were coming from the DIA underground tunnel. He had ordered the special teams to plant the first two anti cloaking devices in the tunnels and as soon as the others ones became usable to get them to the outer perimeter defenses to prepare for the coming assaults from the patriots. The small pen shaped devices that had been created a little over 6 months earlier where intermittent at best and now with the better devices proving their work ability it made him feel secure. The devices could be laid across the road ways with fine wire attached to small boxes on each side. The blinking red sensor lights on the boxes were the only draw back but to an unsuspecting group of soldiers or vehicles traveling on the road, no one would see those lights. He knew the patriots would be using the cloaking tech on their vehicles and troops as much as they could. Today was a test that worked and he was told that some of the patriots had died in the tunnel. He was also told that 6 of his soldiers and the Lieutenant that was in command had been killed. The scientists had made some special hardware that resembled Rifles that could be held by a soldier. The rifle had to be attached to a wheeled generator that had to be pulled by a hummer to locations. Granted they were bulky looking but they could be pointed into the sky to shoot the signals to expose the choppers the patriots would be using to fly around within their perimeters of defense. They were in the process also of making a trailer that would have multiple ports that could project the signals in a wide array. This was all being done in the basement of the old capital building, and hopefully would come to fruition within the next few weeks. There were two of the wheeled generators with the rifles getting ready for use on the south and west side of his defense line. He had told the people putting them together to make as many as possible to spread around the entire perimeter of his defense lines.

It was the symbiotics that figured out the cloaking tech and how to neutralize it somewhat. They had created the pen device first earlier and it wasn’t what they wanted because of its intermittent capability. They still did not know the full depth of it but they could give the human they inhabited a basic design to make something that would interfere with the device to enough degree to give the soldiers enough imagery to at least shot at something. The Xzanturs had wanted the full technology to be able to disappear themselves but it was beyond the symbiotics at this point. They had to learn how to adapt to the humans and this tech was quite hard for them at this time. Adapting to the Xzanturs was relatively easy during their first encounters but these humans appeared to be more intelligent than they first thought and it was hard for them to get around the human brain. There was something much deeper in these humans than there was with the Xzanturs and the other species they took control of in the far distant system that destroyed itself. The evolution of the Gyyuuummphers-Ichees was long and arduous but once they achieved a full sized tube shape that was only a little over an inch in length, their ability to evolve and adapt to other species was much faster. The discovery of a certain sect of species that could use their brains to a much fuller degree than the overall mass of the humans was a total surprise to them and upon this discovery they knew that they had to control this sect or they would be destroyed or banned from this universe. None of these beings came within a grasp to them so they pushed more Xzanturs out to gain control of humans that way as a means to obtain a foothold. They learned quickly, and learned how to detect this special sect and could see them just as the humans could see and detect them. The Xzanturs were easy to detect and many of them began to be chased out or killed by the humans. When GuuumniphhIch/Warren had communed with the Clew about the little humans knowing way more about them than they thought possible it became a number one priority to control these humans.

The hummer was moving slowly in the low lit tunnel. Keegan was having a deeper feeling of something that could be a real problem. Janice was sitting in the passenger seat and thinking about their path through the parking garage and up to the 5th or 6th floor. Dan Killard was sitting in the back talking with the others about their movement into the palace and where the best path would be to get to the upper floor where the Emperor was. He was telling them about the SS quarters and approximately how many of them were left in the Palace. Janice heard Tamara in her mind. Janice, the emperor or the aliens have figured out how to make our cloaking device short circuit. We ran into a trap and two people have been killed. We are in the tunnel from DIA and about 1 mile from the parking garage. There are a few squads of emperor soldiers behind a bar structure with heavy machine guns. We may have to fight our way through this before we can reach the palace. You must know this sister, the symbiotics have figured out how to see you and me and anyone from the Haven when we are invisible. They know when we are nearby. The one that was leading this group almost shot me before I could make him go away. I think I sent him into a different universe but had to think quickly. We have saved 5 soldiers from the Emperor’s grasp and they are with us. Tommy and Joe have left this plane and are with the Divine Creator. I could not get to them in time to send them to the Dream healing place. You must be very careful in that tunnel. You could run into the same thing we have and they could see everyone that uses a dispance cloak. Watch out for the symbiotic that may be leading a few squads of men. I think these aliens are evolving here on the earth and can learn how to use our own defenses against us. Alice, The Emperor may be producing more of these devices to short circuit our dispance cloaks and in that case he will send this stuff out to his soldiers who will use it against the cloaked choppers and other vehicles as well as any men and women who are using the belts. Please spread this INTEL to the patriots. We may be in a real shooting war against this mad man and the aliens.

Keegan glanced at Janice and saw the tears running down her cheeks. He reached over and touched her. She turned and looked at him. “What is wrong?” She stared at him for what seemed like an eternity and said “Tamara and Jack have been ambushed and Jack lost two men.” Keegan heard the feelings and asked “Who?” The men in the back all stopped talking and waited for the answer. Janice’s voice welled up and down and then she said “Tommy and Joe.” The men in the back almost gasped. Dan Killard was the only one that did not weep in his heart, he did not know the two men that were just killed but he did feel a sorrow for their loss. The rest of the team had cried out deep in their souls for the two because they were all brothers in arms. They had fought through many skirmishes together and so much more. Janice could feel the emptiness in the men’s souls that had rushed in and left their hearts blank all of sudden. Janice could only say "I’m so sorry.” Keegan felt the pain and sorrow and finally after stopping the hummer, asked what and how it happened. Janice told them all what Tamara had told her and said “we can expect the same in this tunnel so we must be on guard from here forward. Dan, you remember this tunnel well. You drove it so where do you think they will set up their barricade?” Dan thought about it for a minute and finally said. “Tamara said they are a mile away from the palace, I think they will set up their barricade the same distance or close and this cloak disrupter has to be within range of that bar system they are using so when we walk through or drive through they will commence to shoot because that is what they did to Jack and his team. So walking is a bad idea and I think driving may be just as bad. Do we know what to look for in the device? If we can come at it on the side of being cloaked we may be able to disarm it and then get through or closer before anything like a barrage of bullets take us down. The bigger problem is the symbiotic that has inhabited an officer.”

Janice knew from what Tamara had told her that the symbiotics had evolved enough to see her when she became invisible and for some reason they could detect her when and if she was close. The priority thing she had to do was make the symbiotic go away before it could sound an alarm. The ceiling of the tunnel did not have lights so it was dark. The low level lighting was close to the road base along the sides of the tunnel and she could levitate and move along the ceiling very quick. If that symbiotic was in the rear somewhere she might have a chance of getting to it before it could make noise. “The device, according to Tamara is a small box and there is one on each side of the tunnel. I think they are connected with something and when we walk through them they interfere with our cloaks. I am not sure how they are connected and if we tamper with one the other one goes nuts and sounds an alarm.” Corporal Clint Walkson spoke up and said “When I was still slaving away over here I remember some people that came to the palace and there was talk about making something that could disrupt a cloaking device. I remember talking with a civilian one time that said something about two small boxes connected with a fine wire of some kind that would create a field of some kind. I wonder if that wire was broken it would cause the thing to not work properly. Kinda like cutting an electrical wire. If they are short circuiting our cloaks then why can’t we short circuit their gizmo also?”

The sharp turn in the tunnel came up quick for them and Keegan stopped the hummer. He and Janice got out and moved to the edge of the wall and peered around it. They both were invisible but the spooky thing that happened to Tamara and Jacks team had them on full alert and very cautious. Janice had levitated and moved around the ceiling and spoke to Keegan. There is a wall of bars up ahead so we must be close to the palace. Tamara said they were a mile away. I am going to see if I can locate the cloak disrupter device, wait for me. She moved slowly along the ceiling and watched the action at the bars at the same time. Sure enough she came to the device. She could see the blinking red light on the side of the box she was looking at first and moved her sight to the other side of the tunnel to see the second box. She could not see the fine line between the boxes but she knew there was something connecting them. Her thought was to see if there was a field of some sort from the road surface to the ceiling of the tunnel. Tamara had told her that she was not affected by the gear because she was not wearing the belt. She dropped down to the road surface and looked at the barricade about 100 feet away. She could see at least 4 men on the other side. There were two heavy machine guns just as Tamara had said. She bent down and could see the fine wire finally. Yes this was the connection and it would throw a field up that would make the dispance cloaks short out. Bill Souther was an electronic expert and he and Danny Comstock knew more about electrical and electronic systems than the others. She spoke into their minds and told them what she was looking at. I am not sure what will happen if one touches or hampers with one of these boxes. Bill and Danny both told her to not touch anything and they would scoot out and get close enough to examine them.

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 8:18 pm
by LostNFound
Danny and Bill made there way slowly up to the device. The wire was lying on the road bed and they both could see the infra red beam that was connected between the boxes. That was the actual trip switch. The wire was the source of the field once the trip switch was broken. It was a complete shield that would come on and create a wall all the way to the ceiling. No one with a cloak could get through without being short circuited and exposed. Clint may be right about cutting this wire. It may short the system or break the link so to speak. The infra red beam is the trip switch for sure but if the curtain or field is broken we could trip that switch all day and nothing would happen. You want to try it? Janice spoke first. You guys have to wait, I need to go up there and take that symbiotic out first. Cutting the curtain or breaking the field may sound an alarm to somewhere up there and they would start shooting. So even if you are invisible you could still take a bullet or many from those guns. Bill and Danny agreed with her and backed up from the device. Keegan spoke to her from the hummer. Janice, can you make those things go away? That would be the best action then we all could walk up to that barricade and take the soldiers out of action. I can take out one at a time but that might set off an alarm also. Let me go and take out the symbiotic first and you all should not be in this part of tunnel until I come back. If anything sets those soldiers off they are going to start shooting even it they can’t see anything to shoot at.

2nd Lieutenant Judas Shamar/GuummpphIct sat inside the strange flimsy structure that the human he inhabited had told the other humans to erect. He knew all the memories of this human and understood it was called a tent. This exercise was completely unnecessary in his being. The humans had strange ways of doing things for sure. Guarding a hole in the ground that had been destroyed from another place seemed a bit unintelligent to him and the clew agreed with him but the leader human/Aquatic had insisted on this action. Lately he and many others of the clew had begun to question the actions of Gummmmphhhh-Ichee and others. This had never happened before but it seemed that something different in the evolution of the Gyyuuummphers-Ichees was developing and as he had searched the memories of this human he inhabited, the words and meanings began to be much clearer. Concepts such as individualism, sedition, dissention, opinions were growing in the brain spiral of mostly the ones that had taken control of humans directly and not through the already controlled Aquatics. As he sat contemplating his ever growing opinion, he felt the interference of a different human. Not one of the soldiers but one that was superior in intelligence. He picked up the human weapon and operated it to cause a projectile to be ready to fling at another object or being. He moved to the opening in the tent and looked out. He could not see anything but the rear of the vehicle that had brought the humans to this place. He stepped out and turned toward the feeling of the intelligent human. His sight probes saw the human as it floated in the air just before he found himself in a place that spelled death to the human body and his being. He let go of the brain and moved his spiral shape toward the nearest opening. Exiting through the side of the humans head that held its brain his essence, his existence, his being began to fall apart into its billions of one cell substance. The human body expanded and then exploded as the vacuum of space consumed it.

Janice had floated over the top of the bar structure and moved to the rear of the two squads of soldiers. The tent was sitting at the rear of the troop carrier and she hovered just above and a little back from the opening. She could smell the dead animal and a few moments later the human that was inhabited with the symbiotic stepped out of the tent. It turned to look at her and she touched it, sending it in deep space. She was sorry for the human that used to be but the symbiotic had taken the soul and spirit of whoever it was long ago. She was invisible and moved to the front line of soldiers. She touched the first machine gun and it disappeared. The two men that were sitting next to it rolled away with a grunting sound and yelled something about an intruder. The second gun disappeared and those two men picked up their rifles and began to shoot in any direction. Janice had turned sideways into the no-time and stepped out at the hummer where the team was standing around. The shooting had begun and the team hurried to the edge. Janice spoke to them and said. “Stay down boys those soldiers are shooting at ghosts and they may kill themselves unless someone with sense stops it.” They all turned and Keegan smiled. He moved to her and hugged her. “Did you get the symbiotic?” “Yes he is no longer a viable organism in this universe. I made the two heavy machine guns disappear and that is what started the shooting.” At that moment the tunnel went quiet except for the echoing. Danny and Bill had peeked around and saw a small fire burning on a vehicle. They could not see anything else from this distance and were ready to move out. Janice looked into Keegan’s eyes and said “I’ll be right back.” With that she disappeared and reappeared almost immediately. “Danny, you and Bill can go and retrieve that device. I think there is a shut off button on the right side box at the base on the back. We need to take that to HQ so they can get a good look at it and maybe figure out how it works and do something to neutralize it. The bars and that truck up there are no longer a problem for us and all but one of those men up there killed themselves. The one that is still alive will give us some good INTEL but we must hurry, he is dying as we speak.

When the shooting had started, Corporal Klein had ducked under the Troop carrier. The shooting was deafening and he could see the men falling to the road surface. There had been 12 of them plus the 2nd Lieutenant that smelled like a dead animal. He did not feel anything but one of the bullets had pierced his left side as he dove under the vehicle. He was so full of adrenalin he could not feel. It was just after the shooting stopped that he started to feel a burning in his side. He rolled out from under the truck and managed to sit himself up against the rear wheel. A woman appeared and looked at him. She examined his side where it burned and handed him a canteen. He took the canteen and the woman disappeared. He took a big drink of the water and found it hard to breath. He then smelled something burning and wondered if something was going blow up. He blacked out for a few minutes and woke to the sound of men talking. He thought some of his squad had survived whatever happened and waited for them to find him.

Danny and Bill were the first to walk into the tunnel from around the edge. They were still cloaked and they wanted to get their hands on the device. Janice had told them to retrieve so they figured they would get shot at this point. The rest of the crew except for Keegan and Janice began to walk up the tunnel toward where the bars used to be. They could still see the truck sitting there with a small fire burning in the engine compartment. Dan Killard and Tom Jorgen walked faster and made it to the truck. Dan found an extinguisher and put the fire out. The injured man was sitting against the rear tire and Tom moved to him hurriedly. He bent down and pulled the man’s head up and said “Awww Timmy, I told you to watch your back. Where are you hit boy?” Tim Klein looked through blurry eyes at his old Sergeant Tom. “Hi Tom, I thought you were dead?” “No Timmy, I just found the right army to join. Now let me look at you.” Tom checked Tim over and found the bullet had entered his side just below his heart. He didn’t say anything and then Janice walked up. She bent down and said “how you feeling soldier?” Tim looked at her and said “Thanks for the water, I ain’t feeling anything.” He looked at Tom and said “Tom if you are heading for that parking garage, there are 4 squads in there and they have a scout car with the 30mm cannon on it. There is another officer in there, I think he is a Captain and Jesus Tom he stinks just like the lieutenant did that was here. Smells like a dead cow or something all the time. You know one that’s been dead for 3 or 4 days or longer. They got that 30 pointed dead at the door to this tunnel and the other tunnel has two hummers sitting right in front of it with those .50 call mini guns.” Tim was fading fast. Tom took the canteen and held it up for him to drink. He took a drink and choked it up. “Tom, will you tell my folks that I tried to be good?” Tom looked at the boy and shook his head just as Timmy took his last breath. Tom reached over and closed his eyes. “Damn this Emperor and his sick, miserable life.” Janice looked at Tom and into his mind and saw where Timmy’s parents lived. She touched the boy and his body disappeared. Tom turned to her and she said “I sent him home. The other’s I did not know where they came from so I sent their bodies to a peaceful place.” That was all she said and stood up. All the men on the team were standing close to the hummer as Janice touched the troop carrier and it disappeared.

Janice told Danny and Bill to stand together while they held the de-cloaking device and sent them to Fort Lupton. She spoke to Alice and told her what she was doing and all the other things that had happened. She asked Alice to send the boys back once they dropped off the device. She then told Keegan to wait here until Danny and Bill come back and she would return in a few also. She disappeared and Keegan decided it was time to eat something. The mission forward could get real hairy. Tamara was sitting with Jack in the hummer while the rest of the team was sitting in the tunnel eating some rations. She knew what she had to do now. She had already dispatched the symbiotic and there were six dead soldiers behind the barricade. She had to disable the anti cloaking device before the men could move any further. Jack was grieving as the others were but Jack knew this mission had to continue. The war was beginning topside and the sooner they took out the emperor the quicker it would be to stop the unwarranted killing. Getting rid of the aliens was a whole different thing but no matter what they had to give it their all to cut off the head first. Tamara had been told by Janice about the anti cloaking device and how they managed to clear the barricade, so Tamara was going to shut down the device and then the team could move to the bars and take control of the Emperor’s army squads. She did not know that Janice was going to help her until Janice materialized next to her window.

The woman and the little girl moved to the two boxes that had the infrared trigger light. Tamara landed on the outside of the box and looked at the black switch button on the rear of the box. How simple this device is, the Emperor has a simple mind and actions. She reached down and moved the switch. The red light on both boxes went dark. She did not want to move the box or even cut the wire not knowing if that would sound an alarm. She spoke to Janice and told her that the device is off so let’s go and remove the barricade shall we? She heard Janice giggle as they both flew to the bar system. Tamara had told Jack what she and Janice were going to do and to wait. Jack did not have a problem with that; he did not want to see any more of his men die at this point. Janice and Tamara reached the bar system and looked at where all the soldiers were gathered or sitting and standing from the bars. Tamara could see a group of them sitting where the hummers used to be. There were others sitting around the walls of the tunnel. The tent that the symbiotic had been using was empty. The soldiers would not go into that structure because it smelled rancid of something dead. Janice reached out and made the bars disappear. The men on the machine guns reacted with a speed that was unbelievable. The heavy guns began to blaze away in the tunnel.

Janice lowered down to the first gun crew and sent them to a desert she had once seen. The second gun crew was so focused at firing their ammo into an empty tunnel they did not notice until they were sinking in white hot sand and the gun had tipped over. The hot steel barrel fell onto its side and the two men looked around at a very barren desert. The first gun crew was standing up and scratching their heads. The white sands of the Sahara desert gave off heat like a frying pan with sizzling bacon grease. Four men stood on the sand and looked at the horizon in a 360 degree circle. The sand dunes stretched to infinity in all directions. The sound of the heavy machine guns ceased and the remaining men started to shoot their rifles into the tunnel. The men that were still firing their rifles began to realize that whoever or whatever was in their midst and began to turn their weapons inward. Janice came in from the front and began to send the men to that desert while Tamara came from the rear and did the same with the men she touched. The image of the desert was in her mind also, given by Janice as they both worked to remove these soldiers to a place were they would have to survive like never before. It wasn’t long before the tunnel was empty of the Emperor’s troops except for one lonely soldier. Tamara had already removed the vehicles earlier.

One man sat against the side of the tunnel and held his hands to his face. He was unarmed and sat in complete silence. Tamara and Janice became visible and landed in front of him. The man could feel their presence and looked up at them. “Please don’t kill me; I do not want to harm anyone.” Tamara walked closer to the soldier and asked what his name was. The man looked at her with a very inquisitive expression and said “My name is Adam. How is it that you, a little kid can do whatever you have done with all the others and the vehicles are you a demon?” “No Adam, I am not a demon nor is my sister. We are just ordinary humans trying to fight against a very bad man and the aliens that have invaded the earth.” Adam looked at her and then at Janice. “Are you talking about those creepy things that look like some kind of fish with large teeth? They have taken control of a number of the SS people and some of our commanders. There is something else that has come with them, it makes whoever it inhabits stink like a dead animal or something.” “Do you know who these people are that have been taken over?” “Yes I have been in close proximity to most of them and I wish to be away from this place forever.” Tamara looked at Janice as the hummer with Jacks team decloaked.

Tamara searched Adam’s mind and found that he was a patriot. She introduced him to Jack and Adam decided to join the team. Sergeant Almaterski welcomed him and now there were eleven men on Jacks team. It was a mile to the doors of the parking garage and Janice told them that Keegan’s team was about the same distance. They were going to coordinate to reach the doors at the same time. Janice finally disappeared and reappeared next to Keegan. In real time it had been a good 30 minutes since Janice had disappeared. The men had rested and eaten what they could. The next part of this mission was going to be more complicated and much more dangerous. The barricades that had been set up in the tunnels did turn out to be deadly for Jacks team but the discovery of an anti-cloaking device had given the patriot army an opposing advantage. The gizmo had been taken apart and analyzed. The simplicity was discovered as to how the thing worked and some of the scientists/engineers were figuring how to neutralize it. Word went out to all the forces about the anti cloaking device and to watch for it. They did not know what other devices had been made to use against the cloaking system so it was still up in the air of where and how to engage the enemy. They all knew that the two teams in the tunnels needed to be given time to do their job and stop this insanity before too many men and women were killed in this last battle.

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 4:22 am
by LostNFound

Colonel Hargraves/Xzickra Scar’ sat on the 4th floor of the old office building that was located a good half mile south of E 6th Ave where the main defense line was located. S. Colorado Blvd was to his west. He had spread a full company of soldiers into buildings at least this far from the main defense line between Colorado and Quebec. Major Yankovic/Xiezut Sitk’ had done the same with another company of soldiers between Colorado and the I-25. In fact there were other Xzanturs controlled human officers commanding at least a full company of human soldiers a half mile on the outside perimeter of the main defense line in buildings waiting for a command to approach the rear of any patriots that engaged the main line. This was the strategy of the human Emperor/ Xishum Stra’ to have a secret 4th line of defense. He smiled at the subterfuge of letting it out to the soldiers that there would be men and armor in the sewers and storm drains ready to back them up. That bit of false INTEL was sure to be leaked to the Patriot army and would keep them busy looking for soldiers that weren’t there. Truth be told, the sewers and storm drains were not anywhere near big enough to hold men or vehicles. He wondered how long it would take the enemy to find that out. The 4th line of defense had been put into place as the army had been drawn inward to the rectangle. The teams were told to lay low and not communicate until it was absolutely essential. He had gotten cryptic intelligence that the Emperor and one of his top engineers had managed to create a device that would disrupt the patriots cloaking tech. He was very happy to hear that and sent encrypted messages back asking when he could be outfitted with the technology. It took days for an answer to finally get back to him and the message spoke of something being brought to the main line at the Colorado Blvd to be used against the cloaked choppers the patriots had. Apparently they were working day and night to manufacture enough of the units to spread them around the perimeter. As far as his teams and those spread around the outer perimeter in buildings they would have to wait for orders to attack from the rear and deal with the patriots as they engaged the main line. That pissed him off but he could do nothing about it. He took a sip of his drink and picked up his binoculars and stared at the barricade on Colorado Blvd.

Directly North on Colorado Blvd where it made a curve and turned into Vasquez Blvd, North of the I-70 interstate, Captain Peter Uskysov/Guummppphhich walked over to the second tank crew that were sitting around the full M1 battle tank. “I have received intelligence to prepare for engagement. We will be called to move against the enemy once they engage our main line at the I-70 barricades. The men grumbled but knew this was coming and had already made sure their tank was ready to move at a moments notice. They all hated it when the Captain came around and got to close because of his stench. The three big warehouses were being used by a full company of soldiers and the heavy and light armored vehicles. The had two self driven 185 howitzers plus 3 full battle tanks and two scout 8 wheeled vehicles with the 30mm cannons. The hummers were all equipped with the .50 cal mini guns and there were 8 of them. The two troop carriers were parked in the main warehouse. The company was to be split into to two sections when the time came so they could cover a wider area as they moved into the fray against the enemy. To the east along the I-70 about a mile east of the Quebec barricades in a large warehouse district there was another full company of soldiers with about the same amount of artillery and heavy armor plus the light vehicles. They would be handling the northeast from Quebec down to the Colfax when the time came.

Michael flew the cloaked chopper in low over the building tops while Susanna read the heat signatures and other gear she had to give them an idea of who and what may be on the ground or in buildings. The problem with this was there were still many numbers of civilians living in these outer areas of the city. When the Emperors army was spread all over along with the police force these areas were quite dangerous for the people and a great Diaspora had begun to happen. That emptied out the inner areas of the rectangle that had become the 3rd line of defense for the Emperor. Those individuals that were caught inside that perimeter were being hunted down on a daily basis and killed. This was the insidious way of the Emperor. The ones on the outer perimeter either left to move further out of the city or hunkered down to live in fear of being attacked and killed. Once the Emperor’s minions fell back into a tighter line of defense the people began to find that their homes were not as susceptible to the random and sometimes outright destruction from the army. “I am getting sporadic readings of heat signatures still. I have not seen any large groups of this yet. Take the bird in further toward that main line and maybe we shall see if there are bigger groups.” Daniel and Theresa had been looking through binoculars at the buildings and parks and only noticed a few people moving around. They were still a few miles out from the main line of defense. Daniel had to say something at this point. “You know, I think those sewers cannot hold any soldiers, not like LA or New York anyway. And the Storm drains seem to be way too small for any vehicles and soldiers also. The teams that are checking those things out on the ground have been reporting that there is nothing big enough to hold a body of troops. I am thinking that the INTEL or leaked information about the sewers and storm drains may have been a false message to divert our attention while they do something else.” Michael had to agree with that assessment. So far no one had come across any sewer rats or storm drain troops simply because there weren’t any big enough to hold people and vehicles. The outer perimeter did seem to be the more logical place to have troops and vehicles and that would have to be inside buildings if they were to hide.

He flew the chopper into a curve that moved them closer to the main line and began to fly east low enough to see movement and get the gear to work more efficiently. One mile out, they still weren’t getting any big readings and did not see much activity on the streets. Michael took the chopper past the Quebec Street line and banked it to the north. He was going to make his next pass at ½ mile from the main line. Susanna looked at her gear and said “I wonder what kind of distance those anti-cloaking devices they seem to have will project? I would hate to be caught exposed and we all know they have the SRM’s or GTAM’s.” Captain Terry Lancaster had made his sweep with his chopper at the 1 mile distance and banked into to cross the ½ mile distance just like Michael was doing. He was already half way and Lieutenant Ender Quigley had reported small pockets of groups of people. The pockets seemed to be spaced a few blocks apart and some were even closer than that as they made their way toward the East. It was a strong bet that these were Emperor Soldiers simply because the mile flight had not picked up more than 2 or 3 heat signatures and they were spaced apart in much greater distances than these were. “½ mile from that main line is close enough to make a fast rush to ambush our teams, and those military vehicle signatures sure didn’t show up further out. Notify Michael and his team as well as the others. We got bogies at ½ mile out, and they seem to be strung out in a parallel line from the main line.” Ender could see the clusters of troops he presumed and the identifiers of military vehicles. He sent the message over the encrypted radio to all Patriot choppers in the air. As he was sending the message, halfway through he spoke loudly to Terry. “EVASIVE MANUEVERS CAPTAIN WE GOT MISSILES COMING AT US.”

Terry had seen the launch of a rack of missiles as he looked northward and at first wondered what the hell they were launching missiles at. When Ender yelled at him he immediately took the chopper up and banked it away from the north. The missiles had locked on to his chopper before he flew down low and up high trying to evade them. He finally took the chopper in a curvy southern route and flew low enough to get behind some of the taller buildings. Sure enough the missiles began to detonate on impact of the buildings. He finally evaded the 5 pack that had been fired. The destruction had started and he could only think that they had somehow used the anti-cloaking device on his chopper and were able to get a good line of sight to lock onto him. He brought the chopper up and they were over a mile away by now. There were no more missiles fired so he sent the next message. “To all you Whirly gigs out there, the grounders have activated the visible gig and apparently it works around a ½ mile out, maybe more. We don’t know how many of those things they have in play so watch you six.” He looked at Ender and continued. “We have discovered a good solid line of troops and light vehicles hunkered down around a half mile beyond the main line so this could be where all those “underground troops” are actually hiding.” He cut the transmission and took the chopper further out and set it down.

Michael had been watching the landscape to the west as they straightened out and witnessed Terry’s chopper phasing in and out. The next thing he saw was the flashing of the missiles as they were launched from the ground. Susanna was picking up all sorts of activity from the buildings below. Michael reacted quickly and rose straight up and banked the chopper to the south. They watched Terry and Ender evade the missiles after they left the visible zone. Michael had thought about firing his own missiles at the ground launcher but decided it wasn’t the time. They followed Terry and Ender to the south and watched the missiles explode on buildings and then saw Terry land the chopper into a small park. Michael landed close and waited for Terry to talk. Both choppers were still cloaked and this small park was empty. “Did you guys see where those missiles were fired from? They were not at that main barricade on Colorado.” “Yes Terry we saw them launched and it looked like they were a good mile from the Colorado Blvd. They could have come from one of the Scout cars or a truck mounted launcher. We saw your chopper phasing in and out until you flew directly south. It looked like that anti cloak device may work a bit past the ½ mile distance.” “Did you see the groups of human signatures on that half mile line? We think they have created another line of defense beyond that main line. Those sneaky bastards have housed them selves into building so if we make a move against that main line they can come from our rear and we will be pinched.” Michael was contemplating this new development when Samuel called. “Captain Weather has told us that the north end of the Eastern line has blobs of heat signatures at the half mile line from the main line and Mary has caught the same thing down the south end. Captain Isles has radioed in and said there is a sizable force of troops and vehicles in a large warehouse with two other warehouses located on the eastern side of the Quebec Street about a good mile past on the I-70 and there has been another sizable force with vehicles located north on the Colorado Blvd where it turns into Vasquez Blvd.”

The two choppers that were flying over the western end had not found any large amounts of troops or vehicles yet. Captains Patrighner and Delayne were still flying about a mile out from the I-25 and they had been told that Alice and her teams had discovered at least 3 full platoons along with many heavy artillery, and armored vehicles hiding in the old Mile High Sport center. They were looking for other groups in buildings. Every one had been told about the anti-cloaking device that was discovered in the tunnels and the Intel that just came in about Captain Lancaster being exposed at a half mile from the main line on the southern side. Everyone was now allowing a ¾ mile distance from the main line of defense because no one knew how many anti cloaking devices were sitting out there. Captain Lonny Delayne was on a course further out than Captain Patrighner and watched him bank into a closer run. Lonny called him and asked if he was going in to close since they now knew that the Emperor’s minions had some sort of Anti Cloaking device and it could expose the choppers maybe a good ¾ of a mile out. Harold Patrighner called back and said he had to get close enough to see if there was a line of troops in buildings like the southern and eastern sides reported. “Keep a close eye on me Lonny; I got to see if this side is infested with those rats also.” Lonny stayed even with Harold as he flew the chopper from the south to the north. Lieutenant Frank Hardy told Captain Patrighner that there seemed to be activity below them just as a bank of missiles shot from the ground. Frank yelled to evade but it was too late. The missiles connected with the side of the chopper and exploded. The black smoke and fire ball of the chopper dove into a neighborhood of houses where it exploded again.

Lonny and his co-pilot James Albert both watched as the missiles fired off and hit Captain Patrighner’s Bird. The explosion was shocking and the trails of smoking debris to the ground made Lonny bank his chopper and fire a bank of his missiles at the missile launcher on the ground. The missiles seemed to come out of nowhere but they made direct contact with the launcher on the ground. The conflagration could be seen for miles as the launcher and its ordinance blew a sizable mushroom cloud into the sky. Lonny banked away and stayed a good mile out as he flew the chopper to the north. “Someone down there has one of those damn anti-cloaking devices and caught Harold and Frank in it, damn, damn. Lonny had tears in his eyes as he pushed the chopper toward the HQ. The shooting battle had started.

Lieutenant Bombast was sitting next to a small trailer that had the machine sitting on it. The machine looked like a Generator that was oversize but yet still small. The odd looking rifle that came with the device was attached to it with a coiled up line that looked like a rubber hose with steel cable running in a coil around the hose. The rifle itself only resembled a rifle because of the butt and the pistol handle with the trigger. The rest of the apparatus was quite bulky looking in appearance. It had a bulbous dual barrel that was stacked and the end of it had coned coils of what could be considered copper strands. Setting 30 feet away was the truck with the missile launcher mounted on the rear. The two men that operated it had made sure it was at the ready. The launcher itself held a rack of 20 SRM’s and could swivel like a tank turret. It could also elevate up and down. The small team of Emperor minions had rolled the two trucks, one with the generator looking machine on a trailer and the other with the missile launcher through the streets of residential neighborhoods to a spot that was a little over a half of a mile from the I-25 defense line on the west side. Bombast wanted to be further out than the soldiers that were hiding out in the houses and other buildings on a half mile line from the main line. He had been given the Anti cloaking machine along with Lieutenant Turdancer who took his to the south side. They had taken over a house that had been abandoned and set up the gear.

He had shot the anti cloak into the skies once ever 45 minutes and looking at his chronometer, it was time to shoot the skies once more. He stood up and picked up the rifle looking apparatus and pointed it into the sky. He pulled the trigger and the coils vibrated. A slight frosty looking light grew into the sky and a Chopper became visible. Sergeant Ertle was in sync with the Lieutenant and readied his launcher to fire if anything showed up. When the chopper became visible he locked his missiles onto the target and fired the first 5 salvo. The missiles streaked into the chopper and blew it apart. The Lieutenant turned and looked at him with a big smile. Ertle was setting up the next salvo when out of the sky 5 missiles streaked into his launcher. His thoughts were shattered into a black hole. The two trucks that sat in the back yard of the abandoned house were blasted into a thousand pieces along with the 4 soldiers that stood around them. Three blocks to the east two snipers sitting on the 3rd floor of an abandoned office building witnessed the destruction of the chopper first then the massive explosion on the ground. The radio chatter that emanated from that position merely stated that the patriots were attacking and it was battle stations time.

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 6:05 pm
by LostNFound

General’s Kenneth Andersen, Alice Green and Justin Walker sat in the small office that had been the Principal office of the old High school of Fort Lupton. Alice had told them what her last name was. The unfortunate altercation of the two chopper pilots on the west side had caused the patriot army to move into action faster than planned. Captain Harold Patrighner and his co-pilot Lieutenant Frank Hardy’s Death and the immediate retaliation by Captain Lonny Delayne and his co-pilot James Albert had caused the outer 4th line of defense of the Emperor to go to battle stations. The chatter they had intercepted told them that the entire minion army was now at battle stations and they had also saw that the big artillery weapons were being prepared to fire. The tanks and other light armored vehicles were grouping up at the main points of barricades and it seemed that the troops were being reinforced from around the main perimeters. They knew there were more than a few of the Anti cloaking devices around the perimeter but did not know how many and what kind of devices they had taken shape in. The battle had just gone hot for all of them. The element of surprise seemed to have been lost. They could not chance flying the cloaked choppers any closer than a half mile, in fact Kenneth did not want to chance ¾’s of a mile and he was thinking a mile now would not be good because something was eating at him to stay at least that far out. There was no telling how fast these minions were advancing their tech at this point. Delayne wasn’t sure if they had taken out the Anti cloaking device but they were certain about the missile launcher. What ever the minions were doing with the Anti cloaking tech it seemed they could be creating more hardware to spread around and this was going to get spooky. The anti cloaking devices they had retrieved from the tunnels had been sent to the haven. It was understood that Bill was off world which in itself was a bit strange. Other folks were working to come up with a device that would nullify the Emperors gizmos. This was shaping up to be a standard shooting war of the old fashioned type of the 20th century or so Kenneth was thinking. The hope was riding on the two teams that were underground and heading for the Palace.

Justin was sore that Harold and Frank had gone down. It seemed like they were the first but that was not true. There had been many that were lost in this fight for freedom, patriots that stood against the tyranny and the piss ant dictators that always rose to the top of the swamp waters to gain power and wealth. This business had been going on for ever he thought and it never seemed to end. The Used car salesman that was in control now and had murdered his way to the top back in 2019 was only the symptom of apathy every country in the world allowed sooner or later. This final battle to rid the United States of America of a Tyrannical mad man and return it back to the people was also happening world wide. Russia and China both were under major civil unrest. The Emperor’s US army had been devastated and there were thousands of troops incarcerated in China. The people were uprising and those troops could be freed. Justin knew that the Maritime security forces would not provide ships to bring them home. The big countries were falling under the weight of the freedom fighters. People were transforming into higher intelligence. The change of humanity away from the corruption was happening in an exponential wave today. America had jumped from the apathetic mentality and into the movement toward freedom and peace without the corruption. There was talk of a space traveling community. Justin had been thrilled with the ** movements away from this sick world and had heard of a healing happening to the earth. He wanted this business to end. The discovery of the aliens invading had made him almost give up. When General Alice Green told them about the more insidious aliens it was another arrow into his being. They found out how to recognize the first species that looked like the Piranha fish of the Amazon and then the worm things that could invade and kill the soul and spirit of humans were found to smell like dead animals once they invaded the human. His hope was renewed knowing that the people of the haven, the children of the bus and so many more were much more advanced, ascended so to speak. He felt like a dinosaur in this world. He could not read minds, he could not talk telepathically, he could not levitate or any of the things that the new humans could do. His mind was on ridding the planet of the menace of corrupted humans that could not ascend and the aliens that wanted to or seemed to be taking over this planet. All of this was running through his mind when he felt the clear presence of another. His glazed eyes turned to his right and came into focus as he looked straight into Alice’s eyes.

Alice was sitting at the table listening to General Kenneth Andersen talk about the downed chopper and the intercepted chatter of the Emperors soldiers going to battle stations because Lonny Delayne had blown up the missile launcher that had taken Harold and Frank down. Kenneth and Justin were talking about the change in plans to begin the cleanup of the rats in the buildings. She knew it was only a matter of time before the shooting war started. All the covert surveillance served its purpose but it was time to take action. The emperor’s troops took the first blood as it was coined a long time ago in some far away battle between men. It was so sad that men had always fought each other over such pitiful things as land and power and money. Her past lives had always been connected to the lower ways of humans on this world. They still were, even though she could access her whole being. The transforming of humanity on the planet had finally begun and the planet was healing itself as well as humans were transitioning into a higher form of intelligence. This was what had been hoped for by so many humans in the past but the time never seemed to be right. In fact, the transitioning had been happening for many thousands of years but it was a very slow and methodical process. The time of now was to be the culmination of that process or the movement to the new from the old. The haven, Hava and Luun were not the first in this time but they grew and evolved much faster than the others that had been slowly ascending. The children of the bus of which she was part of had been ascending for many past lives and this time was the full culmination of their many births. It is said that “the children will change the world” and that was coming true in so many ways. It was the birth of Luun through Bill and Carolyne and Hava through Jim and Christine that started the process moving in high speed. She reflected on this and heard the thoughts of Justin. She knew that all the men and women were pinning for the two men that went down in the first de cloaked chopper and knew there would be others before this came to an end. The two men in the tunnel was a major blow but there was a reason for that and Tommy and Joe would tell all if they were to come back just as Alisha and Tamara did. She stood up from her chair and moved to Justin’s side and looked into his mind. She could see his heart and spoke into his mind.

Your father died an honorable man; he saved 20 people from certain death. The stories that the world heard were lies. The submarine he commanded was sabotaged by the very man he thought of as his second in command. It was the act of him bringing the sub to the surface in hostile waters that saved the crew members. The second in command told the world that your father was a traitor when that man was the real traitor. Know this, that man received his just reward for his treasonous actions. Your mother and older brother never knew the real story either and your brother died by the hands of the traitor trying to save your mother who also died by that evil mans hands. His incarnate being lives in an alien form that is a slave to the most hellish monster on another world. He was taken by a number of those that your father saved. You must know this and forgive your father. This is what has kept you locked up for all these years. Justin heard Alice speak to him in his mind. He had hated his father for years after the world condemned him for raising the submarine into enemy waters and trying to surrender. He had been branded a traitor and was killed by the second in command. So What Alice was saying was that the treacherous second in command was the real traitor because he was the only one that got off and the enemy let him go. The other 20 crewmen that were incarcerated in an enemy POW camp suffered for along time until the war that was happening at the time came to an end and they finally were released but not without psychological and physical damage. He had tried to find some and did finally find one but before the man could speak to him he was found dead. It was determined that the man took his own life but it was hard for Justin to accept when the man had two bullet holes in the back of his head.

Colonel Buster Wadsworth stood at the big gate on Colfax, at the second wall structure and watched the small convoy of trucks roll through. Three more de-cloaking devices had been completed and were being moved to the outer positions of the fourth line of defense. Each truck that carried the apparatus with its rifle looking tool was accompanied by another truck that was outfitted with a 25 barrel missile launcher. There was another truck that carried extra missiles. He was very anxious to get these tools into place. The one that had been used to bring down the patriot chopper gave them proof of the use. It was unfortunate that there was another chopper with that one and had blown up the apparatus along with the missile launcher, but that was the consequence of war. Collateral damage and the death of men and equipment had always been a necessary part of war. He would be sending out more of these as fast as they could be assembled. This advantage could turn this skirmish toward the Emperors favor once again. He did not fully understand the idiotic moves of the Emperor these days but the discovery and manufacturing of the de-cloaking devices gave him some hope. Something had changed in the past year with the Emperor and many of his officers it seemed but he went along with the orders that flowed from above. The downing of the patriot chopper and the destruction of his men and machine had kicked off the higher part of this damn waiting game and now he could begin to order the heavy artillery to begin lobbing rounds into the outskirts of Denver. He had grown so damn tired of waiting while the urban gorilla skirmish continued to take small pockets of the Emperor’s men out. The secret 4th line of defense had been a good move when the Emperor began to pull the troops inward. That would be the back door to trap the patriots when they attacked. As he watched the last two trucks roll through, he turned to Lieutenant Trotsky and told him to get all the commanders around the main 3rd line perimeter on the com. “It is time to prime the big guns and today we will begin to hammer the outskirts.

Xishum Stra’ had shut the human Emperor’s cognitive thought process down while he waited for Xerkshaz Shee’ and Xisherma Sqie’ to come to the big room where the Human inhabited a place called the “Office”. He had told them to do the same thing to the humans they inhabited. The capability of moving their beings into other beings and controlling them had evolved over millennia since the Xzanturs first crawled from the waters of their world. The capability to live and breathe in the water as well as the land and air had always stayed with their evolution process. Xishum Stra’ had been contemplating his existence and how the progress of taking over this world was moving much slower than most worlds they had conquered when the two pod members walked into the office. In all appearance it looked as if two humans had just stepped into the room and his appearance was still that of the greasy little human he inhabited. This was essential to their cause and all the other Xzanturs that inhabited other humans kept it that way. The Gyyuuummphers-Ichees had begun to inhabit the humans without the Xzanturs which gave Xishum cause for alarm. The masters had always used his species to conquer and very rarely inhabited the targets on their own.

The screeching mixed with gulping sounds that emanated from Xerkshaz Shee’ as she spoke was their normal speech sound. Most humans would hear this and had to cover their ears. When speaking while the inhabited human was not squelched of cognitive thought process, the screeching sounds were reduced but a normal human would still hear a sound that would cause discomfort. “The humans are beginning to start their conflict with each other. They are in the process of using the big weapons they possess.” Xishum knew this and understood that these weapons would cause much destruction. “This will cause a waste to happen to this land. The waters will only be affected when the conflicts happen with other groups of this species. It is unfortunate that we could not have arrived in an earlier development stage of this species; we could have taken them all out in a short amount of time. As it is in this time period, the human species has developed through a very destructive period of evolution and their brains have become very unruly and much harder for us to control. According to our Masters, there is a group of these beings that have learned to use a greater percentage of their brains and it appears to be growing or spreading on this world. There are those of us that have been expelled from the humans and the only thing we can do is retreat back to the ship. How are the humans you have inhabited acting?”

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 6:07 pm
by LostNFound
Xisherma Sqie’ looked at Xishum and told him that the human he inhabited did not seem to give any resistance but yet he could not control certain actions of the human. As of this very instant the human is still reacting to a certain motor skill of using the pole with the tendril head. I cannot control that motor skill and it is quite distracting.” “Yes, Xerkshaz Shee’ stated, this human I inhabit, does the same sort of things. It seems that these humans have done certain things that are inborn or learned through evolution and cannot be controlled or driven out. There is an inner being that we cannot access. This alone could be a big problem for us to conquer this race.” “Have you found this inner being to be harmful to others of their species?” Xishum Stra’ had to ask this because the being he inhabited exhibited the pure tendency to destroy others of his own kind. Xisherma Sqie’ had to speak and told of the human he inhabited only thinking of harming others when they caused certain things to happen that he had to fix or clean up, although he could see that the human had never taken action on any of those thoughts. “I do not think that these tendencies are of that inner being we cannot access although I do think they may be a controlled program from some other entity outside of these humans. Have either of you noticed our masters directly inhabiting the humans?” Xisherma Sqie and Xerkshaz Shee both looked at him with alarm on their faces or the humans they inhabited. Each one of them was inhabited by a Gyyuuummphers-Ichees species, a worm, yet they could still think for themselves as an Xzanturs and it had been that way from the beginning of the Gyyuuummphers-Ichees invasion. The consensual agreement both species arrived at was to allow the continuity of the species. This was not the case with any other species they conquered and The Xzanturs always moved in first while the worms were perfectly content to allow them to conquer in the most physical sense. It was befitting that a worm would inhabit a fish and cohabitate in symbiosis.

Xisherma Sqie’ stood so suddenly that the chair he or his human shell sat in fell over backwards. “This is outrageous. What do you propose they are doing by inhabiting the humans directly? This has never been done with all the species we have conquered since our agreements with the worms. Do you think they may be trying to replace us and therefore eliminate us? These humans are far more advanced than we thought and they have something that we do not possess in their beings. They have already demonstrated that they can identify us and even expel us.” “I am not sure Sqie, I have heard that the humans can identify the worms also and some of them have been destroyed by the humans that possess a much higher capability than we ever achieved. There is talk that the worms nullify the human’s life when they inhabit. However the human body continues to remain until the worm vacates or is excreted from the human shell. We must have a meeting with Gummmmphhhh-Ichee and discuss this unwarranted move on the worm’s behalf. This planet and system may not suit us and it could be that we find another that will prove to be a much easier conquest for us.”

Major smiles Tumorous smiled as was his moniker when he found something to be compatible with his agenda. Today was a great day to be smiling for him. The order that just came over the radio gave him the shivers as he stood next to the battle tank that sat on the I-25 where the I-70 crossed. He gave the order for Captain Radish to commence firing into the outskirts randomly. He had heard plain and clear to begin blasting the outskirts and hopefully they would kill a whole lot of Patriots by firing the missiles and shooting the big cannons of the heavy artillery. The big Howitzers were setting up and fixing coordinates to blast a 20 mile distance. He knew that the other main barricades around the big rectangle of the 3rd line of defense were getting ready just as he was. He had donned the ear protectors and felt the wave of concussion as the first round from the tank left its barrel. The other 3 tanks fired on queue and He looked through his binoculars at the areas that were being hit. The big 185s always made his entire body tingle when they cut loose and he loved the concussion, the sensation of pure death being unleashed to fly a good distance before destroying large areas of buildings or troops or anything for that matter. He could see the mushroom clouds as the rounds made contact with something. The tanks were aiming into the zone of 1 mile to 2 miles while the Howitzers were lobbing those marvelous huge rounds out to a twenty mile distance and bringing them closer. The idea was to kill as many patriots that might be gathering or moving inward toward them.

Johnny Lovett was leading his small team of militia patriot’s inward toward the I-25 NW barricade when the shelling commenced. They were close to 3 miles out from the 3rd line of defense the Emperors minions had set up and the first round made its whistling, Grinding sound overhead as it twisted it’s way to a destination somewhere further out. The second round hit the ground somewhere in front of them about a mile or so and they still felt the concussion. He knew they were walking into the bombing zone and felt for the folks that were still on the outskirts of a twenty mile radius. The reports started to fill the airwaves about the shelling that was happening all around the perimeter of the Emperor’s rectangle of defense. Johnny knew that they were trying to keep the destruction at a minimum but the Emperor’s minions did not care about how much destruction they were committing and sooner or later, the patriots would have to return their own shelling to try and minimize the destruction to the outer areas of Denver. It was a foregone conclusion that the inner sanctums of the emperor and his minions were going to become piles of rubble. The entire take down of the Emperor was to minimize the death and destruction as much as possible but the wanton destruction of the outer areas by the minions was going to make it real hard to stick to the protocol.

As the shelling gathered strength from the Emperor’s inner defenses Kenneth and Justin gave orders to target the big howitzers and the battle tanks. The hope was to stop as much of the shelling as possible and the small skirmishes would take out the light armor. The word went out that the de-cloaking devices that the Emperor’s engineers had somehow created were being driven to locations that would make it very dangerous for the patriots that had cloaking devices. The skirmishes were going to be conventional from now on and the cloaking tech would have to be used at discretion and hopefully in areas where the de-cloaking devices were not located yet. Kenneth put the word out that they had patriots located in certain areas that are watching out for the movement of the devices and “it will be announced where these things show up and Special Forces will be activated to take out the devices as quick as possible. Continue to use your Urban Gorilla tactics and keep safe. This shooting war is going to get messy as the Emperor keeps shooting. Our biggest mission now is to take out as many of the big guns as possible in a quicker amount of time. Good luck.”

Alice had given Justin an open mind to traverse the corridors and open the locked doors he would find. She knew he would open enough now to communicate by telepathy and use levitation. There are many doors for any human to open and discover their true beings. The Emperor’s de-cloaking devices that were created by the worm aliens was beginning to throw a monkey wrench into the main forces of the patriots. This entire little excursion to remove the fraudulent dictator of an Emperor from the United States of America seemed quite easier before the alien factors happened. The fish aliens seemed like they could be easily expelled from humans and the humans would stay alive. The worm species were discovered to be living symbiotically within the fish aliens and did not abandon them when the fish aliens were expelled from the humans. Alice and the other haven members wondered about this and thought that the Xzanturs and the worms had formed some kind of pact or treaty that kept both of them alive. The bigger puzzle was why all of a sudden the worms decided to invade the humans separately from the Xzanturs’s. The humans became an empty shell and were only controlled by learned physical motor responses and memories that would soon dissolve as the pineal gland and brain were consumed by the worms. It was discovered by the minions of the Emperor first and then by the patriots, when a worm inhabited human was found as a brainless dry husk. No one knew what happened to the worm and where it went when the human body became useless. It was suspected that the worm knew when the usefulness was reaching an end and would seek another vessel to inhabit and vacate the useless body. All of this was a mystery at the moment and a small team was being assembled to find answers and stop this wanton genocide of the human race.

The Xzanturs invaded to control the humans and use them as slaves or so it seemed. Their system along with many other systems was destroyed. The worms lived inside the Xzanturs and symbiotically survived however, as a separate species they were using the humans and other species on the earth as food it seemed and that would come to an end for them if they were allowed to infest and consume any species outside of the Xzanturs. It was not known if this had ever happened before on any other world that the Xzanturs conquered. Alice knew that the worm species entered this universe from another universe that was destroyed. That was something that Hava and Luun had discovered although they did not know how that entire universe was erased. They did know that the destroyed universe was a complete ambiotic fluid and how that was created was also a deeper mystery.

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 6:10 pm
by LostNFound
Sergeant Bill Walsh and his younger brother Joseph watched the small convoy of vehicles pull into a back alley that ran between two rows of residential housing. They had covertly snaked their way into the neighborhood in the early morning hours, waiting for this particular convoy of the Emperor’s minions. He and his small team including his younger brother had been tipped off that the Emperor’s soldiers were secretly moving the decloaking machines further out from the main 3rd line of defense that was established. The Patriots and civilian militias knew about the rats hiding in the buildings further out from the main outer line of defense of the Emperor. There had been teams formed to stand ready and begin to covertly take out the Rat line as it had been named in crypto communications. The movement of the decloaking devices that began to travel further out from the rat lines caused the existence of special teams to take these things out before they could spread and be used against the patriots.

Joe and his spotter climbed to the roof of an abandoned 3 story condo and set up their position where they could see the small convoy. Bill took the rest of his team and began to stealthily make their way toward the parked vehicles. There were several other teams that were in the process of doing the same thing in other locations. This particular neighborhood was located on the southern side of the rectangle line of defense and the small groups of commandos were slowly and quietly taking out the rat lines. Joe opened up his night sights on the special scope, mounted to his custom built .348 magnum rifle. The activity in the vehicles was quiet at the moment. The three vehicles had just arrived at a tall fence and stopped. As he zeroed in on the lead vehicle he watched a soldier move from the second vehicle and walk forward along the fence line until he came to what looked like a double gate system. Joe had set his scope on the man and saw him take a bar and do something through the space between the doors and then begin to push those inwards. Joe could have popped the man but he was ordered to hit the head soldier first and then the soldiers that would be placed into the guard positions. Bill was going to destroy the decloaking machine and disable the vehicles and leave them parked. They did not want to alert the minions until they had taken out as many of the machines and troops on the rat line as possible.

Major Throm Sturchen/Xachist Saal’ had been given the decloaking device to penetrate further to the outskirts of the southern main line defense. He had been given a 10 man team to set up the decloaking machine where they would expose the patriot’s choppers and shoot them down. He had heard that the Gyyuuummphers-Ichees had begun to inhabit the human species without the Xzanturs and this alarmed him. In all of the hundreds of years that the worms had made the pact with his species they had tried this only once and it did not turn out well for them, The Xzanturs or the species they virtually ate out of existence. Xachist Saal’ had heard through the pod lines that the supreme commander of the ship was in deep talks with the head of The Gyyuuummphers-Ichees species to cease the reckless actions of inhabiting the humans directly. It was causing a rift and a hole in the treaties that had been set in place eons ago. It was jeopardizing the plans to take control of this planet and use the humans as slaves and even food in a controlled environment. The incident of the worm in Xzidurit Siis’ rebelling and leaving its home in Xzidurit and moving into the brain of the human that he controlled was shocking at best but to be expected in certain situations. It was the death of Xzidurit that was so disturbing and the blatant attack on the humans that made the whole sordid affair a major concern to the invasion outcome. Xachist Saal’ knew without a doubt as well as the main first wave of Xzanturs that the invasion was now in a major jeopardy of failure. He was watching the small team set up the decloaking device and start to spread out when the first soldier that was setting the systems up fell off the truck. It was almost funny to watch the soldier fall yet there was a blast of blood from the head of the human. An alarm went off in his head and two more soldiers went down.

Joe could barely see the commander of the small team. The man seemed to be glued to the seat of the lead hummer and was blocked partially by the rear end of the truck that held the device. He watched the soldiers set up a small tent and then two men climbed on the truck and began to work with a computer system. He switched his priority to the man that seemed to be setting the system up and waited for the right moment then pulled the trigger on his silenced .348 magnum. The rifle kicked very little and the head of the man on the machine blew out on one side as the body fell off the truck. He dropped two others that were close and set his sight on the commander waiting for him to exit the hummer. What happen next gave Joe the willies but he was able to move his aim and fire. The fish looking creature climbed from the hummer and began to scurry toward the fence line. Joe’s fourth shot connected and the piranha looking head exploded from the scaly body. He moved his sights quickly to the next soldier but hesitated this time as the man was looking at the scene with a complete surprise as if he did not know about the fish creature. Joe saw his brother enter the area and pulled his rifle up as he stood and headed for the stairwell with Corporal Jesse Hasper, his spotter.

Xachist Saal’ watched the first soldier go down then the two that followed and knew that his team was being attacked. His reaction was pre ordered by the supreme commander. (Abandon the human you control and find another human that is not threatened by the conflict and re-inhabit. If this cannot be accomplished then use your personal transporter to come back to the ship.) The possibility of being captured alive and interrogated or examined by the enemy was too dangerous to the entire invasion to allow any one Xzanturs to remain alive. Xachist Saal’ knew that the destruction system built into his own body would activate if he could not find another important human to inhabit within a few hours. The idea of having a personal transporter on his body was the lie given to the main attack pods that always were the front line force that landed first on any foreign world to conquer. The front line force pods were always expendable. He was going to escape the scene of conflict and find another human soldier to take control of before his destruction system dissolved his essence. He was almost invisible in the dark as he slid from the hummer and began to run toward the gate. He thought he heard something just before his head exploded. Corporal Hymie Granger watched the fish creature come from the hummer and then watched its head explode from its body. He looked back at the hummer and saw the Major slumped against the dash board. He began to turn and stopped suddenly as three men dressed in black fatigues stood in front of him.

Sergeant Bill Walsh walked over and looked at the scaly fish body of the alien. Parts of the head were still intact and it gave him the creeps to finally see one of the alien species that had invaded the earth. The other members of his team had rounded up the remaining soldiers of the Emperor’s. He motioned for Corporal Nathan Roberts and Private Earl Chance to rig the truck for demolition but they needed to access the computer system first and download all the info pertaining to operation of the device and any troop movements of the emperor’s. He walked to the hummer where the alien had come from and saw the Major being removed by Joe. The man looked as if he had been hypnotized and could not move very well. Joe pulled him from the cab and the man stumbled and fell to his knees. Two of Bills men picked him up but the man seemed to go limp and the two men struggled to hold up the dead weight. Bill had been told about the Aliens that could absorb into a human body and how they usually left the human dead when they vacated. Here was a human that appeared to still be alive and if Bill could get him back to the main headquarters without the man dying it would be a chance to possibly gain some great information about the aliens themselves. Bill told his men to put the major back into the hummer and use it to drive back to headquarters as quick as possible. He intended to complete his mission here as well as continue to take out other minion teams that were bringing the de-cloaking devices into the field. He had Joe radio to the forces that were still hanging at the 5 mile perimeter of this particular area and tell them that this route in was clear to the half mile barrier. They moved out and took the few soldiers that were left of the minions. Bill intended to offer them a choice but he had to be sure of their loyalty first. The other teams that were silently taking out the Rats and the devices would do the same. If the minion soldiers showed any sign of being loyal to the Emperor they were put into a secure lockdown that could not be broken out of. The ones that chose to join the patriots would be absorbed into the teams. This was tricky but in times of war all things are unsure and tricky. The radioman caught the crypto message that another small convoy was seen further south of them and was moving another de-cloaking device towards the outskirts. The coordinance was given as Bill moved his team out and in that direction.

Captain Hyakari Shoishe aka Xzidurit Siis’ aka Guumphister Ichile had stood over the Aquatic fish alien after he had shot it. Guumphister Ichile had abandon his symbiotic position in Xzidurit and moved to the human pineal gland directly. This caused Xzidurit to leave the human body almost immediately. Guumphister caused the human to pull its weapon and shoot the Xzanturs. Guumphister Ichile was part of a sect of worms that were rebelling against the Xzanturs and by coming to this system where the humans seemed to make perfect symbiotic homes for his species without the use of the Xzanturs was the perfect moment for the sect to begin their takeover of the Xzanturs. Eating the pineal gland of these humans certainly was a major temptation but discovering that eating the whole thing to fast would cause the species to die sooner than expected. Guumphister and others had discovered they could absorb into the gland and eat micro bits and survive while controlling the humans better. The main Brain was also a sustaining food source and could be eaten in very slow ways. Guumphister and the others in the sect knew they could take over the human species almost in the same way they controlled or lived with the Xzanturs but would not have to make a pact with the species. The sect had figured a long distant time frame to live in the humans and would eventually conquer the other species that lived in this part of the Galaxy. They had discovered they could live in the other species that inhabited this world but it was different in ways they could not control those others like the humans so they sought to stay away from them unless it was a necessity to survive until they could find a human to inhabit.

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 1:52 am
by LostNFound

Captain Keegan Douglas stood against the wall with the other team members looking at the big garage door that would take them into the underground parking garage below the Emperor’s palace or the White house as it had been called up until the Emperor finally declared himself the one and only king of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Janice Halford had discovered a trip wire system about 50 yards from the door. The infra red laser beams crisscrossed the tunnel from the road level to the roof. Janice had told them it was like a wall of invisible light and could not be penetrated without setting off an alarm system inside the parking garage. Janice then told them to wait while she disabled the system and disappeared. It was like she turned sideways and stepped through a door that didn’t exist. Keegan understood that she could step out of time into the universe and back into time in another place so he waited now for her to come back. The entire team waited in anticipation to move to the door and enter.

Sergeant Major Jack Bollard watched Tamara disappear and hunkered down next to the tunnel wall to wait for her to disable the infrared light beams that would sound an alarm if anyone stepped into them. His team had communicated with the team in the other tunnel since they passed the 1 mile marker where the anti-cloaking devices had been discovered and deactivated. He had lost two of his best men in that fiasco but gained a few more. Tamara and Janice Halford had both communicated the trip system that was set up close to the doors that would let them into the parking garage and said they would go inside and disable them. It was unknown just how many soldiers were inside however, they had been told about the hummers and scout vehicles that were setting just inside with those mini guns and 30mm cannons pointed at the doors. Jack had wondered about the two alien species and how many of those soldiers were inhabited by them. It gave him the creeps to think about the men that had been taken over by the things and how they were being eaten from the inside or controlled, lost in a dream and never knowing who they were. Removing the Emperor and any other Emperor or Dictator of the human kind would be tough for sure but with this alien invasion and its control of the humans had caused this freedom movement to become a doubtful situation. Jack knew the doubt could lead to defeat and he was going to do whatever it took to get rid of the aliens.

Janice and Tamara entered the no-time and re-entered the time within the parking garage. The garage wasn’t as full of soldiers but there were plenty. The doors leading to the underground tunnels were the most watched and guarded by the weapons on the scout and hummer vehicles. They were looking for the equipment that was being used for the trip beams in the tunnels. They were invisible but knew that the worms could see or feel their presence within a certain distance so they looked around to find a way to move without being to close to any humans. Tamara nudged Janice toward the side walls of the garage and they moved toward them. The soldiers were hanging close to the vehicles with a few spread out around the columns that supported the structure above. Janice and Tamara both could see the dark aura around the humans that were inhabited by the Xzanturs species and looked to see any lone human that might suggest that that particular human could be inhabited by one of the worm aliens. The smell alone tended to isolate the worm inhabited human from others. Janice and Tamara knew that the smell did not extend much more than around 5 feet from the inhabited. Still it was not a complete proof that a worm inhabited a human. As of now they had to rely on not only the smell but the actions that pursued when anyone got to close and threatened exposure. The ones in the tunnels tipped their hand quick enough and tried to destroy Janice and Tamara. There was the factor of them and others being fully cognitive in their brains which triggered the worms.

As the two reached the side of the parking structure, Tamara touched Janice and pointed at a lone lieutenant setting at a table located away from the other troops. They both noticed the small ring of computers sitting about 20 feet further behind the lone lieutenant. There were two soldiers sitting at computer work stations. Those computers could be the gear for the trip beams in the tunnel. We could go around and come up from behind where we could disable them. Janice listened to Tamara and agreed with her. She began to move along the wall of the garage to circle around. They did not want the worm infested human to sound an alarm. Janice spoke and mentioned the fact, when we disable the computer systems, even though we are invisible, we will be exposed or at least these people will know that someone or something is attacking them. Tamara looked at the two soldiers operating the computers and at the soldiers milling around the scout vehicle and the Humvee. The scout vehicle was guarding the door that led to the tunnel where Jack and his team were waiting while the Humvee was sitting in front of the door that led to where Keegan and his team waited. We’re going to need some help, we need to make all of these soldiers and equipment, disappear and hopefully no one above us will be alerted. Janice had been looking at the situation and agreed. She turned just as Tamara stepped into the no-time and within a blink stepped back into time with Alice and a little boy. They both were invisible and were looking at the situation. We need to make all of this disappear together. I will take the worm out, Janice you can take out the computers and those two soldiers, Alice can you take out the Scout vehicle and that group of men? Justin, you take out the Humvee and those men, We can send them all to this place, it is a small island in the Pacific and will sustain them for now. The fish aliens might have a hard time and we can rescue the humans later. Once we clean this place out we can let our teams in and make our way to the floors above.

Lieutenant Gregory Rolls/GymphIche sat at the table and waited for communication from his leader who just happened to be on the mother ship on its distant orbit. The leader had covertly given his entire Quora that had come on the first ship, the order to begin abandoning the Xzanturs and inhabit the human race. It would take some time to control enough humans to come and take over the ship. They had time because of the time distance between each ship that was coming from the destroyed system. Once they took control of the ship with the humans under their control they would subvert each ship as it arrived into this system and over a few hundred years they could genocide the Xzanturs species and they as symbiotic masters of the human species could begin conquering this universe. The Supreme leaders longed to have another universe like the one that they in-adversely destroyed all those millennial ago. The Human species was unlike any other species they had come across in their desire to conquer this universe. There was something in the humans that they had not found in the Xzanturs or any other species that they conquered. It had taken some time to learn how to inhabit the humans without destroying them so quickly. They had to quell their urge to eat the pineal gland completely. It was the group of humans that seemed to be able to use their complete brain capacity that had brought them to an abrupt halt in their urgent, forward movement to conquer the earth. They quickly learned how to identify these humans and could sound an alarm when one of these humans came close enough. This would cause the humans and Xzanturs that inhabited the humans to react in a violent action.

The Gyyuuummphers-Ichees had not yet been able to invade one of these humans but they could at least chase them away. GymphIche understood that if they could invade and control one of these humans they could gain ground to control the earth. He looked at his two compatriots sitting at the computers. They were watching the two tunnels that led into the parking garage. He had talked with both of them and they knew there were humans from the other side trying to get into the garage. He also knew that there was at least one, maybe two of the special humans in the tunnels. There were only two Xzanturs inhabiting the humans in the parking garage. Each one was in control of the teams guarding the doors. GymphIche had already communicated with the two compatriots within the Aquatics and told them to abandon them and inhabit the humans singularly. The Xzanturs would then abandon the humans and be exposed and exterminated. Once this was accomplished he was going to open the garage doors and kill the opposition and hopefully capture the special humans and inhabit them. His musings were cut short as the vehicles and soldiers began disappearing. He stood up and turned to see his compatriots and the computers disappear. He knew that the special humans were inside and started to screech just as a small female human materialized and moved close to him. He acted instantly and caused his human to reach out to grab the little human. He meant to drag the human close so he could leave his present human and enter the special little human. The human he was living in fell on the white sand like material and choked to death. He unwrapped himself from the pineal gland and crawled to the nearest opening. Crawling out of the ear opening he entered a dry, hot environment and immediately crawled back into the human. The fluid in the human was drying up rapidly and he could feel the dryness close in around him. He fell into separate cells and shriveled into nothing as the human body turned into dust.

Justin moved around the garage walls and stood close to the hummer and its crew of soldiers while Alice did the same with the scout vehicle. She encountered a soldier coming through a door and made him disappear quickly before she reached the place close to the vehicle and the body of soldiers. Janice moved close to the computers and the two soldiers that were sitting in front of the monitors. She sensed the difference in the two human’s quick enough and smelled the dead animals. The soldiers stood up and looked directly at her. They began to open their mouths to sound the alarm and she moved swiftly and touched them. She sent them to a waterless, lifeless planet where the human carcass disintegrated and would leave the worm aliens to dissolve also. Tamara moved closer to the Lieutenant. She knew the worm would be able to see her but the alien was looking away as she floated toward him. When he turned she became visible and watched in a slow motion as the infested human reached for her. She knew the intention of the worm and as soon as the human touched her it was sent to the same place that Janice had sent the other two.

On a small island in a very distant area of the Pacific Ocean, a scout vehicle and a Humvee materialized along with two crews of soldiers. The men turned around and surveyed the land and jungle. The Island was only about 2 square miles in size and there was a storm squall blowing in from the north. The men could see large swells rolling in from the open ocean and began to look for higher ground. Fortunately the island rose in the center to a high peak. They all could see the driftwood caught up in the fringes of the jungle as they made their way through the tangle’s of vines and palm trees. Two of the men fell to the sand and two piranha looking aliens began to run toward the water. Three of the soldiers had stopped and turned to call their commanders and witnessed the transformation. Sergeant Harvey Bannister had sensed something different with the two officers and this scene confirmed it. He raised his weapon and shot the two fish aliens before they could reach the water and motioned for Corporal Newman and Private Waters to help him retrieve the two officers. They managed to grab the two men and drag them into the jungle just as a giant wave crashed on the beach. The water rose into the jungle and stopped just short of washing Bannister and the others back out. They all climbed through the jungle and up the slopes of the hill as the scout vehicle and hummer were washed out to sea. Lieutenant Roberto Thomas and 2nd Lieutenant Earl Vasquez was still breathing when the teams found the cave close to the top of the hill.

Janice found the mechanisms to open the doors to the tunnels but a key was needed along with an optical Identification device to operate them and they had neither. Tamara and Janice both went into the tunnel and told their team that the parking garage was empty but they could not get the doors open. Jack was getting ready to set explosives to blow the door when it opened. Keegan had been thinking the same thing when their door opened. Alice stood in the opening of the door that led to the tunnel that Jack and his team gathered in while Justin stood in the opening of the door to Keegan’s tunnel. Tamara had turned when the door begin to open and smiled when she saw Alice. Jack and his team smiled also when they saw the little General standing calmly with her hands resting on her hips. The men began to move, as well as the Humvee’s, toward the parking garage.

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 4:53 pm
by LostNFound

Jimmy sat at the big console on the bridge of the S’iruss vessel. His mind was finally thinking of his brothers and his pony. He had missed the rangers and that wonderful little canyon they lived in but the wonders he had seen in another Galaxy and the love he had experienced with the S’iruss peoples had served to open his mind much more. Hava and Luun had shown him how to open doors in his mind and he learned how to travel into the no-time and go anywhere, into a time, forward and backward and began to show the S’iruss. The ships the S’iruss made could travel through worm holes and move to vast places in the universe. They used these to move mass physical objects to worlds in trade. The consortium of S’iruss had concluded that now was the time to make full contact with the people of Earth. They knew that a very dangerous alien species was in the process of trying to take control of the earth. The species had invaded this universe many Aeon earlier after they had destroyed their own universe. They were a parasitic creature that could infiltrate another life form and through a period of time they could overtake a complete species and cause that species to become war like and conquer other species as far as they could travel. The creatures reminded Jimmy of the insidious bankers and crooked politicians in the early 2000’s and how they infiltrated the countries Governments around the world and started the course of complete corruption and control that was in play today on the Earth.

The S’egress 7 was to be the first contact ship to Earth. The ship carried its own Colony and had other species from different galaxies and quadrants of each galaxy. Jimmy was amazed that the ship was somewhere around 7 kilometers in length and almost a full kilometer in width and it was considered a small freighter, if that is what it could be likened to. The ship had already traveled to many worlds to deliver supplies and merchandise to the neighboring space faring communities. Most of the universal communities knew of the parasitic aliens that lived in the Xzanturs species and called themselves The Gyyuuummphers-Ichees. The Xzanturs had managed to destroy the system they lived in and it was mainly due to the parasites that controlled them. The broader communities had tried to not intervene in the Xzanturs affairs but did have to step in to save many of the species that lived in that system. The bloody wars lasted for centuries and when the entire system began to come apart it was all the communities could do to remove the outer communities of species on the fringes of the destruction. The main communities of the universe had thought at first that the Xzanturs would go extinct and with them the Gyyuuummphers-Ichees would perish also and that would be the end of it all. They had only found out about the few ships that had managed to escape the destruction and were now in transit to Earth. One of those ships had already managed to arrive in the system where the Earth was located and had already invaded.

The High Masters/Teachers of the Planet S’iruss sent the S’egress 7 to deliver high order materials and other community peoples to several systems and planets in the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way Galaxy for life saving causes. They were also supposed to find and destroy the second Xzanturs ship that was in transit to Earth. The Other ships that were spaced out in 10 year periods would be tracked in time and stopped. After destroying that second ship, the S’egress would then make its way to Earth and take control of the first alien ship that was already in orbit. They could then make contact with the human race and after making upgrades to the captured ship they could give it to the humans as their first space faring ship. The Masters knew that the humans could replicate that ship and with an unbridled creative imperative to join the universal space faring community would and could build their own space vehicles. The Human race was on the verge of ascending to a higher intelligence and growing beyond the self destructive frequencies they had been stuck in for thousands of years.

Jimmy had been shown and told all of this while he lived on S’iruss. Ishoona and ISHoda had helped him to adjust to the S’iruss while he helped them to adjust to humanity. Hava and Luun had come and kept him in the know about what was happening on Earth and at the same time showed him how to open more doors in his mind. Jimmy knew that his brothers and sisters of the Rangers and the Haven folk were the beginning of the human ascension. Hava and Luun had told him of their reincarnations and how this last time they came back they had retained all of their past knowledge and how the doors were unlocked yet it had taken a certain amount of time of growth before they could begin to use all their capabilities. How the Divine Creator had nurtured them to that moment on Earth. He knew that he would be joining a big family of folk and traveling the universe to join the community. He knew that the earth was undergoing a major change and the little war mongering humans such as the Emperor and those of like mind that could not escape or grow beyond the petty greed and hatred were destined to become dust in the annals of histories past. His heart was full of love and wonder and he knew he would have to join the others to help stop the wanton destruction of life. The latest happen stance on earth had caused a rift in the time line but it was being handled at the moment. The Aliens that had invaded did not know that this would be their end/extinction on this time line but there would be hardship, loss of life and destruction to some degrees before they would become non-existent. He was musing over all this when the S’egress exited the worm hole and came to a stop.

Xiidshisum-Sturz raised himself from the tank of fluid and stepped onto the deck. The Zantur2 had been in transit for 1 Xzoxem/century and 5 Xzamer now. Most of his crew and the tanks full of the Gyyuuummphers-Ichees remained in a suspended state of being for now. He had been awakened by the Janitors, as they were called, because there appeared to be another space vessel on the course his vessel was traveling in. He was not told of any other space faring races in this quadrant of space so this was a major cause for concern. The Zantur2 was the second ship to leave his home world on its course for the distant planet that was inhabited by a bipedal species. The first ship had left over 1 Xzoxem/century and14 Xzamer prior and the Zantur2 would reach the orbit in another 8 Xzamer so it was quite odd to encounter another ship in this void. The initial course from their home system, which was now destroyed, he was sure, showed a clear course with no life forms to encounter. He knew there were 5 other ships behind him spaced out in 10 Xzamer periods. He checked the systems for the coordinance of the interloper and could see that it was standing at a position directly in front of the Zantur2. At the speed the Zantur2 was traveling it would reach the alien ship within the next two Xzam’s/hours. He hurried to awake his commanders and the slavers needed to control the ship in attack mode. He also read the latest com from the Zantur1 and noticed that the invasion had been underway and so far it appeared they were overtaking the bipedal species that inhabited the planet. This com had come in over a Xzrim/month ago so he was that far in the past from what could be happening now. He wished that their ships could travel faster. 8 more Xzamer’s/years could be disastrous. He sat that aside for now while he concentrated on the immediate situation.

Jimmy studied the alien ship as it approached. The screen showed it moving directly toward the S’egress 7. He could see a timer on the screen that was ticking down as to the time remaining before the alien ship would reach critical range for its war weapons. ISSoNam, the commander of the S’egress 7 entered the bridge and floated to the console where Jimmy was sitting. ISSoNam looked at the ship that was coming and said, “They will fire on us with their war weapons when they get close enough. They are very war like and the Gyyuuummphers-Ichees species that live in their brains have always controlled the actions of the Xzanturs. We have watched them for an aeon now and our greater communities have also kept these species under observation.” Jimmy listened closely and asked “how will you stop them and defend this ship?” ISSoNam looked at Jimmy and smiled. It made Jimmy, feel very relaxed and non-fearful of this deadly ship that seemed so intent on the destruction of the S’egress 7 and Earth for that matter. “Jimarsa, you need not be concerned for our well being. The Alien interloper will enter another dimension that will not be kind to them before they reach us. They will fire their weapons of destruction on a far deadlier species in that dimension and most assuredly not survive that encounter.”

“We did not interfere with them while they stayed in their own system. Their technology level would not allow them to build ships that could travel through worm holes or even reach speeds that would take them to other systems in quick time. These ships they now are using had been built to escape the destruction of their system and they had help from the outside with the tech that would allow them to travel to your system and world within a century of your time. So you see they have been traveling for quite some time now and it will end. We knew that once they decided to escape their system, and they had no choice because they caused that system to destruct, we would have to intervene. All of the ships that set out on a course to your world, except the one that is in orbit now, will be sent into that very hostile dimension where they can continue to wage war if they can figure out how to survive. The worm species that control them symbiotically will soon perish because the beings that live in that dimension do not have the glands or the ambiotic fluids for those creatures to exist in.” Jimmy understood the actions of the S’iruss but his question fell to the situation now unfolding on Earth. “Are you going to do something with the ones that are on the Earth presently then?” “No Jimarsa that will be up to you and your compatriots to deal with. We will refit their space vehicle to make it wormhole capable and we will welcome the human civilization into the universal community. You will then begin your travels through the universe. There are many wonders and places for the human civilization to go and explore. It is your time to grow beyond the simple 3D existence and join the universe.” This was much for Jimmy to ponder yet he knew what had happened to himself and all the others from the Haven and even his own brother rangers. He looked at the screen and the timer had reached a few seconds to contact with the alien ship. He watched in amazement as a bright tube of energy light, he supposed that was what it consisted of although he could not be sure, shot forward and engulfed the alien ship just as it fired some kind of phased weapon. The ship ceased to exist; it just disappeared along with the streak of phased green energy. ISSoNam looked on with a satisfied grin and turned toward the exit. “I sill see you in the orbit of your world Jimarsa, now I must attend to other duties. We should be in a satisfactory orbit shortly once we obtain the worm hole that is a short distance from our position. Prepare yourself for a battle on that ship in orbit.” With that ISSoNam floated to the exit and disappeared through the doorway.

Xiidshisum-Sturz gave the order to fire on the huge ship that was directly in front of the Zantur2. He thought their colony ship was big but this monster overshadowed the Zantur2 by at least 4 times its size. He was waiting for the phased energy weapon to strike the ship and hopefully blow some of it to pieces. He would fire and continue to fire until that monster was blasted into pieces. Something changed before his eyes as a bright tube of energy engulfed his ship. He blinked his eyes for a split second, or so it seemed and watched the phased energy of his weapon continue to streak through space and make contact with a much smaller vessel. The vessel rocked in space then righted itself. Xiidshisum-Sturz immediately blurted out to fire again. The second shot went out and dissipated half way to the other ship. It was at that moment that the other ship moved and flew straight at the Zantur2 and barely missed as it went overhead. Xiidshisum-Sturz started to tell his podsmen to follow and blast that ship to bits when the space in front and around the Zantur2 filled with thousands of the small ships. He wanted to unleash all the fire power he had but it was too late. It seemed that all those thousands of ships fired their own weapons and the Zantur2 began to disintegrate as the vacuum of space pulled it in.

Zistal UrsaVab watched the rather large vessel disintegrate as his mirror drones fired on it. The large ship had suddenly appeared in front of him from where he did not know and unleashed a weapon on his ship. Fortunately its power was quite weak and it merely made his ship vibrate. The second shot was interrupted by his automatic defense mechanism so he moved his ship directly at the interloper and flew over the top of it as he activated the mirror drone weapon and watched the many drones appear around the big ship. The effect of the mirror drones, although there were only about 5 of them would make it seem like there were thousands of them. The atomizer and particle disrupter weapons hit the big ship and began the process of breaking apart the physical makeup of the ship. This universe had long since had these weapons and defense against them is used in the proper amount of time. Once the space was empty of the strange ship he gathered his drones back in and continued on his journey to the planet Yue. He would discuss this strange encounter with a ship that he had never seen before and appeared to be very antiquated, with his compatriots once he landed.

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 8:54 pm
by LostNFound

The two teams gathered in the underground parking garage and began to inspect the elevators and stairwells to the upper areas of the palace. The elevators and the stairway doors were locked with the same kind of security systems as the doors to the tunnel’s. There was one wall that was close to the tunnel that had run to the now destroyed parking structure on the MLK Blvd that had a very thick glass surface that was dark on the inside of the garage. There was a door close to the glass surface that did not have any type of latch or security system. It looked like a blank steel surface that was placed on the wall as if someone painted it on the wall. The surface was smooth and the crack around the opening was almost invisible. Justin looked at Alice and seemed to communicate with her in the mind. Alice shook her head and Justin walked through the smooth metal surface as if it did not exist. A few minutes later the door popped open and Justin pushed it fully open and asked someone to latch the door open. Jack, Keegan and Janice entered the room beyond and immediately noticed that the glass was a one way window into the garage. Major Phillip Vanstoffer and Sergeant Tom Jorgen walked into the room and knew how the armored car had been rigged to blow. Vanstoffer looked around the room and said “someone had to be in this room when the Sergeant and I brought the armored car here with what we salvaged from the semi-tractor trailer that was burned up. They then rigged the truck while we were up on the Emperor’s private floor. That creepy Emperor had someone rig the truck to kill us and our team. Tom got to see something that was alien in the Emperor. There are many of us that know the Emperor is not quite human for quite some time now.

Janice, Keegan and Jack had been walking around the room and found a door system that could lead to a stairwell or elevator. Janice turned and listened to the Major make the statement about the Emperor being somewhat alien and decided to verify that statement. “We all know that the slimy used car salesman has been taken over by one of the fish aliens and those aliens have the other alien, symbiotically living in them. The Emperor by himself, even though it would be a hard press to call him human, would be a very tough mission to get rid of. Now that he has been invaded by two separate alien species, he has become three times as dangerous.’ Dan and I had very close encounters with him as part of his secret service agents. We do not know when the grease ball was taken over because he was already inhabited when both of us came on board.” Dan had stepped into the room during Janice’s conversation. “I can tell you that there are more agents that have been invaded and the Emperor began to assassinate the ones that were not invaded and this is a very gruesome thing those invaded agents did, they ate the dead agents.” Everyone turned and looked at Dan with a grimace on their faces.

Xishum Stra’/Vinnie Crumholtz/Emperor/Gymphhhh-itchee sat in the large room overlooking the North lava lake. Gymphhhh had received communication from the supreme leader, Gummmmphhhh that something had happened to the herd cells in the underground area where the exterior passageways entered. All communication had ceased abruptly and Gummmmphhhh was ordering a physical contact to discover what happened. Gymphhhh had understood the order to remove themselves from the Xzanturs’s brains and inhabit the human’s brain directly. That action was to abandon the aquatics and destroy the long symbiotic connection between the Xzanturs’s who could never be completely controlled. Over the eons, the Gyyuuummphers-Ichees could not find the perfect species to inhabit that could be completely controlled until this human species was finally discovered or so the great supreme center thought. The pineal gland was a dream come true for the Gyyuuummphers-Ichees, it not only provided a food source that would last, once they figured out how to use it properly and not eat it all in a big hurry, it was the perfect control center of the humans.

Xishum Stra’ received the order in his brain to summon Xerkshaz Shee’ and Xisherma Sqie’, His symbiotic Gyyuuummphers was telling him to gather the other two and meet in the big room. He had not been given a complete thought as to why at this moment but he called the agent and the janitor to come and there was something important that needed to be discussed. The skirmish outside around the outward defense line, called the rectangle, had just begun to heat up as the lines were being attacked. The shooting He/the human emperor had started provoked the battle to solid action now. He stood the human up and paced the floor close to the big windows. It was a real pleasure to inhabit this human simply because the creature agreed with the plans of invasion and cooperated in the way that traitors do. This top human leader would bring the Xzanturs to a victory on this planet and as was his way and the communications from his supreme leader on the ship, they would begin to expel the Gyyuuummphers-Ichees and be free to control this human species that showed so much promise in building the empire of this galaxy. He could hardly wait and the human was showing signs of being just as anxious as he was. Good he thought as the agent and janitor came into the room.

Agent Hedda Stutz and Herman Trovsky entered the Emperor’s office and moved to a short distance from the large desk. Vinnie Crumholtz, the Emperor had walked back to his desk and waited for the two settle, his controller had given him a more cognitive participation in the next few moments. “Trovsky, what is happening on the second basement floor?” Herman was semi taken by surprise with this question. He had been given orders to keep close watch on that particular floor. He was told that there was a small force of military minions guarding the deeper parking garage. The tunnel road from the outside grounds around the Palace had been closed for security after the force had taken their vehicles down. Herman had kept a very close watch on the elevators and stairs with the surveillance systems in the big control room on the first basement floor. He had not seen any activity since the tunnel had been locked down. He could not open the elevators or the stairwells or the tunnel doors his self, so he did feel semi secure with that aspect. “There is zero activity on that floor your Excellency, the stairs and elevators are all quiet and show no signs of being used. It would seem that the troops down in the parking garage are doing their jobs.” Hedda shook her head in agreement and added that the Palace floors and perimeter were very secure at this time.

Vinnie smiled about the report from Hedda and Herman. He knew his military was in the parking garage and they had killed some of the patriots that were trying to gain access to the Palace. The news at this time was good and he was hoping that his military had managed to take out the remaining patriots however, something was amiss and there had been no communication from the pod or the herd so someone was going to physically go down and make contact. “Agent Stutz, gather 5 SS and follow Trovsky. You will be going to the parking garage to investigate why there is no communication. Trovsky, I am giving you all the codes and keys to get through the elevators and stairs if need be. The tunnel access from the surface will remain closed for safety. Arm yourselves accordingly and watch for enemy patriots, they may have been able to get inside the garage and in that case they must be stopped. There are chemical gases that can be released into that particular area that will kill anything alive.” Vinnie took Herman around his desk and entered another room. Inside he gave the Janitor all the codes and keys plus an artificial eye for the readers that would unlock the elevators and stairwell doors. He also gave him the keys to the special room where the gas could be released into the parking garage. Xishum Stra’ had given the human emperor the cognitive power and let him take control of the plan. He knew that Xerkshaz Shee’ and Xisherma Sqie’ would guide the Janitor and the Agent closely. Agent Stutz would pick at least the other three Xzanturs that inhabited the humans plus two other humans that were not quite under their control yet. The plan to exterminate the Gyyuuummphers-Ichees was not ready to initiate yet and the secrecy the Xzanturs could keep from the symbiotic species was their best weapon at this time. He took control of the human emperor once again as they entered the big room and spoke to his two pod compatriots. “Make sure there are no enemy humans left alive if they have infiltrated the palace garage. Report the situation immediately to me and bypass the Gyyuuummphers. We must begin our takeover of this invasion very soon or we will loose this world and these humans that are the best species we can conquer. The Janitor and the Agent shook their prospective human heads and left the big room.

Justin and Alice walked through the blank door and entered the very narrow stairwell. They both had checked for security surveillance and found that this stairwell did not seem to have any. They both levitated upward and soon came to a landing with a narrow door. Justin was the first to step into the corridor beyond. There wasn’t any activity and the lighting was a low red system like someone might encounter on one of those old submarines when it was rigged for surfacing and surveillance to see what was on the surface. Alice came through the door and told him to check out the corridor one way while she checked the other way. Justin floated through the corridor and came to it’s end. He looked at the elevator doors and saw the floor light moving down. He tried to communicate with Alice by telepathy but something seemed to be blocking his thoughts. He turned and flew back through the corridor. Alice had traveled a short distance and came to another elevator door system. She quickly looked around and found the stairwell door. She knew this elevator and stairs were being watched from somewhere with camera’s and perhaps some sort of motion detectors. She turned to go back and Justin flew around the curve of the corridor and stopped short. She could hear his thoughts as he came within a few yards. There is someone coming down the elevator at the far end, we should go back down and tell the teams. I think there is another floor or basement above this one but was not able to go and check. Alice acknowledged his thought and said There is some kind of dampening field that keeps telepathy from being used other than a very short distance. We should go back to that secret little stairwell and split up. You go down and tell the team that someone appears to be going down there and I will check out the upper floor.