clif high takes a nose dive... clif high - Major Anouncement, Changes on the Earth Like You've Never Seen

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clif high takes a nose dive... clif high - Major Anouncement, Changes on the Earth Like You've Never Seen

Post by Christine »

Someone clued me into this video and a massively erroneous statement from clif high, I had no intention of listening until the internet bots kept suggesting I would be interested. :D I am only sixteen minutes into this and am nudged to make running comments.

Allow that I preface this with a few thoughts on clif high. He is someone I have listened to from time to time and found some intriguing concepts in his work. Obviously he is a programmer and deeply enmeshed in the world of bots so I found his use of algorithms to suss out our collective use of language on the internet as a predictive tool to emerging trends interesting... that is up to a point. If I am not mistaken he comes from a military background and has degrees in martial arts.

As a lead up to this interview I noted that clif has recently spent several months speaking about the Nommo of the Salish tribes of the Pacific Northwest. Prior to that I recall he was suffering from an illness and his face was all puffy and he was obviously sick and suffering, this interview was posed on his land with a framed background of being in nature and self sufficient. While this may not be important I feel that when we listen to others on the digital screen that it is important to take in their whole stream rather than byting out pieces and focusing solely on them. He is also known as the one who coined the term "blue chicken cult" in reference to Corey Goode and has appeared in the live chat on the Dark Journalist (this is where I first noted some odd comments from him). I am writing this down because for myself when I see the whole picture I intuit where and what is going on behind the projection. Without detail as that hasn't been revealed to me I intuit a set up and a take over of clif as an asset which may be behind him from the start.

On the thread about Max Igan's latest video maggie made this statement; "I think the same way about the lack of deep consideration. I don't think deep is where Clif High aims. He loves to have audiences listen to him talk like many others." I wasn't sure if she made a mistake or was actually referring to clif high rather than Max. Either way I find her statement astute and correct when referencing clif high whose intellect often runs to an arrogance and there is a distinct sense that he talks down to people, I've rarely if ever heard him listen or actually interact other than to continue his narrative.

This brings me to my first observation and that is clif's opening statement which he sets up in undertones of intrigue. He says that there is one thing that the woo-woo world doesn't talk about and that is abductions, he says this with a paternal voice of authority. Fortunately the interviewer from Leak Project brings up multiple incidences where he's interviewed abductees... clif simply ignores this and goes on with his narrative.

These statements stopped me cold: "Under the care of the space aliens.", "I am convinced that the deep state, not the political but the deep underground deep state are involved in a war with the aliens.", "5G is going to roll out all over the planet and there isn't anything we can do about it because we need that 5G at least in the minds of the military against the space aliens." [13:00 minute time marker]

He is now talking about what 5G is and what it was developed for, according to clif it was developed to read DNA. Going to take this one slowly and with deep consideration as he is also inadvertently via his use of fear undertones, "nothing you can do about it" , giving away information.

If there is more to comment on after I hear the whole interview (which won't be until later this evening) I'll do so.

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Re: clif high takes a nose dive.. clif high - Major Anouncement, Changes on the Earth Like You've Never Seen

Post by maggie »

You are correct that I was thinking of Clif High and not Max Igan when I wrote my post. Truthfully they share similar space in my opinion but actually Clif has the bigger track record of prophecies which failed to be seen in My reality (such as the Global Coastal Event (GCE) in late May, 2013).
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Re: clif high takes a nose dive... clif high - Major Anouncement, Changes on the Earth Like You've Never Seen

Post by Christine »

Wow cliff … I feel he is undermining the power of awoken human consciousness in this paternal authoritarian tone. Enamored of his own intellect coupled with experiential experience he’s leaving out the most important piece on the multi dimensional game board.

What he speaks of is within my experiences having had contact with Mantis, Reptilians, and other hyper-dimensional species. While these experiences have expanded my consciousness they remain pieces or fractals of a whole, direct communal contact does not give me or anyone the ability to say anything is factual, we are each individual interpreters of reality. For myself more questions arise and they all come to a focal point of the question; What is the missing key in the act of creation? And the deeper question remains; What is the Nature of consciousness?

I don’t doubt clif’s experiences for in many ways they mirror my own, albeit without using psyconautic plant medicine, almost every “contact” I’ve had has been in a state of half sleep/ half awake which those who study this would call Theta brainwaves. Or I have been directed to “view” by what most would say is electrical harassment, meaning becoming aware that there were frequencies interfering with my natural ones, at times this has been debilitating and in more lucid moments I am able to trace the line of frequency to it's source. (Langley, satellites, towers, sorcery, etc.) I am acutely aware of implanted thoughts and have found an ability to banish them rapidly. What I learned over time with practice is to stay still and anchored in core (each of us has a point of origin) then follow the “messenger” lines without anxiety or fear until they reveal their source and intent.

One of the pieces that clif seems to miss is that all species of "space aliens" have their counter part in our physical reality, with perhaps the exception of Greys whose anomalous nature is an enigma. As I write this it comes to a point that everything is consciousness and due to this we can extrapolate that in consciousness all things are possible. For example, we have a reptilian species that is often blamed for all the woes and manipulations of our contracted outer reality and yet each and every human being has a reptilian brain stem, whether from breeding programs or from our natural evolution I don't know nor does it matter since it is part of the human genome at this point.

A short anecdote from one of my "journey's with friends" is contact with several Reptilians that appeared to be in some sort of ship above the earth plane. I found myself on the deck of the ship with three fierce looking commanders, for some reason this brought up a sense of mirth and love in me and one of the "commanders" smiled ... so if you've never seen a Reptilian smile you've missed one of the most beautiful sights, it's more like a grimace for their facial structure doesn't smile easily. What does this indicate I will leave up the reader... For me it meant that Reptilians do have an ability to emote feelings and emotions.

The metaphor that came to me in morning meditation was that of resonant strings, like on a guitar when we are tuned to our heart felt fully resonant core that reverberation touches everything.

I've not even been able to listen to this whole interview and have now grown bored with it so will leave off here.
30 million year old mantis supposedly preserved in a pristine piece of Amber ...
P.S. One more comment on clif high and Max Igan, while similar in facial structure they are different for me in at least one notable way. Clif loves to use words that are "intelligent" and I don't judge that for in many ways I am a bit enamored of words myself however this gives the sense that he is talking down to his audience. Max, who was gracious enough to speak with me, knows that the message he puts out needs to be distilled down to essence and while he wanders far out on to the fringe too he has a bass beat for humanity... Stand up and take your power back from the "controllers".

When clif said that the "space aliens" can control our thoughts and there is basically nothing we can do about it I cringed at the message even if he postulated the whole interview as a lark.
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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