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Defense Intelligence Agency Comments On The Reality Of “Astral Projection”

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 3:27 pm
by Spiritwind
I am sharing the following article, for several reasons. Primarily because I think we all have super powers and just don’t know it. I thought for many years I just had an overactive imagination until I started getting confirmation from others that what I was picking up might actually be real. I’ve even known some very religious people who had “gifts”, but were afraid of them, and didn’t want anyone to know. It doesn’t help when most religions will tell you that anything out of the ordinary is evil or demonic in origin. In fact, our beliefs get in the way probably more than anything, for you have to have a bit of an open mind for curiosity to allow further exploration. It is somewhat disconcerting to realize that there are multiple realities all operating in the same space at one time, and that we can possibly tune into them, much like turning dial on a radio.

Defense Intelligence Agency Comments On The Reality of “Astral Projection” ... t=FaceBook" onclick=";return false;

In Brief

The Facts:Multiple documents from the CIA electronic reading room shed light on the agencies, and other countries use of 'astral projection' and other parapsychological phenomena.

Reflect On:Why are these capabilities always weaponized? Why are such discoveries hidden from the public domain and used for selfish purposes? Is humanity ready to collectively learn these techniques?

The astral body appears in many different cultures throughout time and throughout the world. In Egypt, the “KA was not the soul of man . . . but its vehicle” (Muldoon & Carrington, 2011, p. xxii). In the Qur’an, Muhammad’s astral body travels in the Isra and Mi’raj story.  And, among other sacred and secular texts, the astral body appears in Hindu scripture, Taoist practice, and even Christianity. In his article regarding the afterlife, Woolger (2014)  notes that “in such journeys in the world religions and innumerable tribal practices” scholars have “described a common pattern of ‘ascent’, which is to say an ecstatic, mystical or out-of body experience, wherein the spiritual traveler leaves the physical body and travels in his/her subtle body into ‘higher’ realms”  –Daniel Miller

What is astral projection? According to Wikipedia , it’s “a term used in esotericism to describe a willful out-of-body experience (OBE) that assumes the existence of a soul or consciousness called an “astral body” that is separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside it throughout the universe.  This time, Wikipedia seems to have gotten it right.

Astral projection falls into the realm of parapsychology, which includes ESP, telepathy, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, hypnosis, remote viewing, and more. When it comes to these topics, all of them are interconnected and relate to the study of human consciousness and quantum physics.

I’ve written multiple articles providing a number of sources showing how this phenomenon has been studied extensively and is used at the highest levels of governments. I’ve also presented peer-reviewed research, some of which is linked within this article, that shows extremely significant results, which is also emphasized by the quote below. The reality of such things is no longer a myth or pseudoscience, but scientifically confirmed. A great place to start your research if interested is the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

For many years I have worked with researchers doing very careful work [in parapsychology], including a year that I spent full-time working on a classified project for the United States government, to see if we could use these abilities for intelligence gathering during the Cold War… At the end of that project I wrote a report for Congress, stating what I still think is true. The data in support of precognition and possibly other related phenomena are quite strong statistically, and would be widely accepted if it pertained to something more mundane. Yet, most scientists reject the possible reality of these abilities without ever looking at data! And on the other extreme, there are true believers who base their beliefs solely on anecdotes and personal experience. I have asked debunkers if there is any amount of data that would convince them, and they generally have responded by saying, “probably not.” I ask them what original research they have read, and they mostly admit that they haven’t read any. Now there is a definition of pseudo-science-basing conclusions on belief rather than data!” – Professor Jessica Utts, Chair of the Statistics Department, UC Irvine (Dean Radin, Real Magic)

The truth is, these concepts are very real and have been scientifically proven, the only thing that gets in the way are human belief systems. No matter how strong the evidence is, it won’t be accepted by the collective or the scientific community simply because it’s either unexplainable given our limited parameters, or it’s just too much for the mind to handle. These concepts can be too much of a shock, too much of a game changer, and too much of a paradigm shifter.

These fields of study change everything we think we know about reality.
That being said, many concepts that don’t fit into the accepted framework of reality have also been subjected to official campaigns of ridicule. This, in my opinion, is purposefully done. While governments around the world have been studying and using such phenomena for intelligence collection purposes, these same entities use their influence over entertainment, mainstream media and academia to ridicule and ‘debunk’ these topics.

Thankfully, things are now changing, and the collective mind is opening up more and more every year. The introduction of new concepts and fields of study that challenge our reality have always received harsh backlash throughout human history.

When it comes to astral projection, a decades-old document prepared by the U.S. Army Office of the Surgeon General Medical Intelligence Office states:

According to Pullman, Director of the Southeast Hypnosis Research Center in Dallas, Texas, before the end of the 1970S, Soviet diplomats will be able to sit in their foreign embassies and use ESP (in this case a form of the apport technique) to steal the secrets of their enemies. Pullman states that a spy would by hypnotized, then his invisible “spirit” would be ordered to leave his body, travel across barriers of space and tie to a foreign government’s security facility, and there read top-secret documents and relay back their information. Such “astral projection” already has been accomplished in laboratory settings.”

These are fascinating claims, and we’ve seen confirmed results of related phenomenon like Jupiter.(source) Not many people know this, but STARGATE remote viewer, Ingo Swann, was the one who discovered the rings around Jupiter.

Another document from the Defense Intelligence Agency, dated 1975, states that two Soviet scientists had:

Reported that the Soviets were studying out-of-body phenomena in Yogis; no details of the research were given. In 1973, the US newspaper National Enquirer reported that the Soviets had accomplished astral projection in the laboratory and cited the opinion of a US researcher that the technique would be in use for espionage before the end of the 1970’s; once again, no details of the Soviet work were furnished.”

The Defense Intelligence Agency concluded in 1972 that this tactic and other related abilities were used by the soviets to discover the contents of top secret US documents, the movements of their troops and ships, and the location of their military installations.  (source)

This is interesting because after the US government declassified the STARGATE program, they revealed that this is exactly what the US was doing to the Russians.

Another document goes on to emphasize that they (the Russians) could also be using these techniques to influence key US military personnel and other leaders from a distance, cause instant death of any US official from a distance, and/or disable US military equipment from a distance including spacecrafts.

It’s safe to assume that the US military was also using these tactics for similar purposes. Who knows how far this field of study has come since these documents were first drafted? In all likelihood, the literature that has been declassified is not even the tip of the iceberg.

Based on my research into the black budget world, this wouldn’t really be surprising.

And then there are documents like this one, proving that the US has done the same thing as the soviets, successfully. (See full document here - go to link to see the document).

If you can’t read that last part, it states:

Sheet of paper, continued on another sheet, and continued this process until several separate sheets had been filled in, and subject had returned to his starting point. When the pages were joined together, the result was an exact match and an absolutely accurate topographical map of the island. Subject also described exactly what was going on on the island.

The subject mentioned in the above document is Pat Price. I previously wrote an article about Pat Price and their relationship and discovery of extraterrestrial beings, something that is very common among other STARTGATE remote viewers. You can read that article below.

Stanford’s Most Successful Remote Viewer Reveals Location of 4 Alien Bases on Earth ( ... -on-earth/" onclick=";return false;)

The same document in the screenshot above also mentions Ingo Swann. I recently published an article about him that you can read below ( ... -in-black/" onclick=";return false;)

One of Stanford’s Most Successful Remote Viewers Shares His Encounter With The Real ‘Men In Black.’

The thing is, these were all remote viewers, not astral projectors. Remote viewing is the ability to describe remote locations (regardless of distance) through some type of perception channel that possibly exists within the brain. You are not actually ‘flying’ outside of your body using another ‘spirit’ body like astral projection. Although these two fields of study are similar in nature, it’s important to note that they are different.

What Does This Mean For Humanity & Human Consciousness?

The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence –  Nikola Tesla

Is humanity ready for this type of information? Parapsychology represents the next step for ‘science,’ as it correlates to quantum physics. It’s one of many ways we can confirm the metaphysical world and ‘supernormal’ human capacities that have existed for centuries and have been studied all over the world.

The only problem is that today it’s being weaponized and used for motives that are not beneficial to humanity as a whole. This is odd, because these abilities really show us another way in which we are all connected, that we are all one.
Humanity has a poor track record of using our technological advances and discoveries for ulterior motives, benefiting only militaries and governments. We need to start being transparent about these fields of study so we can further advance civilization as a whole, not only the elite groups of society.

So, I ask again, is humanity really ready for this stuff? Well, it seems that many more people are becoming aware of parapsychological phenomena and are beginning to use it to better themselves. Mind-body healing techniques are one example, and healing at a distance is another.

The more people work on cultivating inner peace, the better our planet will be. Change starts from within, and these abilities go hand in hand with human impact. Hate, war, violence, etc. are not the best ways to use these abilities.

The Takeaway
There is a lot of good we could do with these capabilities, and I believe that there are a lot of good people on Earth who would never use them to cause harm.

Imagine an entire planet full of people who would never cause harm to anybody else. I believe this is our human nature, and that we are all born with a moral compass, but that doesn’t mean we are not capable of corruption. Some have lost touch with that moral compass, and there are several reasons for that.
Service to others goes hand in hand with these types of abilities. However, as much as they can progress the human race and our overall understanding of reality, they can also be used for ulterior motives.

When the human race is ready, I believe that all of these techniques and understandings will play integral roles in our society.

Re: Defense Intelligence Agency Comments On The Reality Of “Astral Projection”

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 3:46 pm
by Spiritwind
This seems to fit right in here too.

Science Says Humans Have a Magnetic 6th Sense – We Can Sense More Than We See

https://www.enlightened-consciousness.c ... sense-see/" onclick=";return false;

Magnetoreception refers to the ability of an organism to perceive magnetic fields. Several animals use it to find their way over long distances by aligning themselves with the magnetic field of the Earth. Just think of the pigeons.

Sea turtles, honeybees, spiny lobsters, dolphins, migratory birds, and more all have a magnetic compass. It allows them to use the information implied into earth’s magnetic fields. However, we know just a little beyond that. What remains up for speculation is how they sense it and put it to use. What kind of information are they getting from it? For all that we know, these magnetic fields could give much more information than simple navigation for individual species.

Magnetoreception and Humans
Joe Kirschvink, a geophysicist at the California Institute of Technology, is the one that is currently testing humans for a magnetic sense. He says that “It is just a part of our evolutionary history and Magnetoreception may also be the primal sense.”

There was a recent study, published by Kirschvink in the journal Nature Communications, which suggested that a protein in the human retina, when placed into fruit flies, can detect magnetic fields. The research claims that it can serve as a magnetic sensor. However, it is still unknown whether or not humans can use it in this way.

Steven Reppert, the researcher at the University Massachusetts Medical School, told LiveScience: “It poses the question, ‘maybe we should rethink about this sixth sense. It is also thought to be very important for how animals migrate. Perhaps, this protein is also fulfilling an essential function for sensing magnetic fields in humans.”

In one of the recent experiments, Kirschvink was passing a rotating magnetic field through study participants. During the test, he measured participant’s brainwaves. He discovered that during the counterclockwise rotation of the magnetic field, some neurons responded to the change of the rotation. The response generated a spike in brain’s electrical activity. This result suggests a probable magnetic sense in humans.

The Next Step
The experiment raised multiple questions. For instance, was this neural activity evidence of a magnetic-sense, or it was something else? Even when the human brain responds to these fields in some way, that does not mean that the brain is processing that. There is also the question of what mechanisms are in place within the mind or body which receive these signals. If the body does indeed have magnetoreceptors, where are they? The next step for researchers is to identify them.

The study of Kirschvink is one of the many publications delving into the mysteries of magnetic fields, as well as what impacts they have on humans. The HeartMath Institute could be the leader in this area of research.

The Global Coherence Initiative is an international effort started by some researchers at HeartMath, which seeks to help activate the heart of humanity and promote peace, harmony and a shift in global consciousness. GCI conducts groundbreaking research on the interconnection between humankind and Earth’s magnetic fields and energetic systems.

The hypotheses of the researchers, as well as the scientists behind this project, are as follows:

The magnetic field of our planet is a carrier of biologically relevant information that connects all of the living systems;
▪ Every person affects this global information field;
▪ Collective human consciousness affects the global information field. People that meditate creating heart-centered states of care, love, and compassion will generate more coherent field environment. This can benefit other people and help offset the current planetary discord and incoherence;
▪ There is a feedback loop between humans and the energetic/magnetic systems of the Earth;
▪ The planet Earth also has several sources of magnetic fields which affect every one of us. Two of them are the geomagnetic field which emanates from the core of the Earth and the magnetic fields which exist between Earth and the ionosphere. Such fields surround the entire planet and act as protective shields blocking out the harmful effects of solar radiation, as well as cosmic rays, sand, and other forms of space.

The scientist recognized that these energy fields, the solar activity and the rhythms taking place on Earth’s magnetic fields affect our health, as well as our behavior.

When the energy fields environment of the Earth is distributed, it can cause insomnia, mental confusion, or lack of energy. But, at times when the fields of the Earth are stable, people reporting increased positive feelings and more creativity and inspiration. This is likely because of a coupling between the human brain, cardiovascular and nervous system with resonating geomagnetic frequencies.

The Earth and the ionosphere generate some frequencies that range from 0.01 hertz to 300 hertz. Some of them are in the same frequency range as the one happening in our brain, cardiovascular system, and autonomic nervous system. This suggests one way for explaining how fluctuations in the magnetic fields of the Earth and the Sun can influence us. The changes maybe affect our brainwaves, heart rhythms, memory, athletic performance and overall health.
Changes in the fields of the Earth from extreme solar activity have also linked to some of the most fabulous creations of the art of humanity, as well as some of its most tragic events.

These fields are affecting us. But, what about how we change these fields?
There is an overlap of the brain wave and heart rhythm frequencies with the field resonance of Earth. So, we are not just receivers of biologically relevant information, but also senders. For instance, our heart emits an electromagnetic field that changes according to our emotions. This field can be measured up to several feet away from our body, and it affects not only us but, also those around us.

The research made on this topic, which is still in its infancy, actually has immense ramifications for our world. Further on, it will also prove, as well as highlight the great extent to which our attitudes, emotions and intentions, matter and that these factors within the realm of non – material science, can affect all life on Earth. A coherent, and cooperative intention, could impact global events and improve the quality of life on Earth. Practicing love, gratitude, appreciation and bettering ourselves as an individual are some of the many crucial steps towards changing our planet for the better.

By Ane Krstevska, Guest writer,
Enlightened Consciousness ~~