If You Hate Jordan Peterson Watch This Video • It Will Change Your Mind

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If You Hate Jordan Peterson Watch This Video • It Will Change Your Mind

Post by Christine »

A stinging title for this video, never the less many do still carry hatred for those who speak their truth so passionately uncensored. I will make a public confession here that it may serve others to review their own prejudices and biases. Of course I have heard of and come across Jordan Peterson's name and yet staunchly refused to listen to the man. My mind had created strikes against him; he's from academia, he is a personality icon who has millions of followers, too mainstream to be of value, and a litany of other subtle rejections.

Well I got over and above myself and started to listen and in the process found out that I had shed a few more layers of the judgemental mind in the process. He freely admits that he doesn't know everything and has mentioned that history is one subject he knows little about, I have to concur with him for he hasn't yet peeled back those obscuring layers. He also is still forming some of his opinions on the prevailing world narrative and I've seen him buy into some of the "news" that is borne of the minds of deceit. And that is okay for none of us has yet reached the absolute of truth, we all have our limits and it's time to admit it.

For many years I have described the mind as a screen to play out our unique version of reality. Most are still locked in mind control loops that they can't seem to decipher and rise above properly. Today my inner muse made me chuckle, saying "the amphitheater of my mind". I'll give a nod of recognition to that thought here for indeed my mind doesn't play out scenarios on a flat linear screen any longer, there are times when the whole of creation allows some deeper in sights to the very nature of reality.

Back to Jordan Peterson and what he offers. His high intellect is on fire and he brings to our human endeavors a passion so often missing as so many sink ever deeper into puddles of complacency. With the dark feminizing of the human being (yes, he calls us beings) the male, the masculine, men are left adrift without knowing their purpose, feeling ashamed of even being men. No where is this more palpable of a reality than in young men today. They are lost in the halls of academia or besieged by the liberal left, constantly being fed a diet of transgender political correct pronouns, rules of conduct unfitting the very aspect of male and the highest calls of the human soul, truth and freedom. His voice gives more than hope, it raises the ability of the deep intellect to an impassioned place long left hollow and unsaid.

Quote from Jordan: "I beat myself daily with a thick stick to stay humble."

[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMo_20J ... jreload=10[/youtube]
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