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And then there was the time...

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 1:42 am
by Blue Rising
I was sitting outside yesterday. I have a spot I love to sit in. I have a view of the most beautiful hills and trees, mostly pine trees. As far as I can see, there are green pastures, separated only by barbed wire fences. I see the cows sometimes, but mostly I just hear a moo from time to time. It is glorious when I feel the thunder before I hear the hooves of the horses rhythmically hitting the ground as they are set out to pasture next door. And I look up in anticipation...and then I see them.

Anyway, so I was sitting in my spot. And out of the corner of my eye, I saw something. I turned my head, and of course I cannot see it with my physical eyes. So I open my senses. And there is a dome, if made of glass. It surrounds my house, appears to be a sphere so that it extends into the Earth and into the Sky. And there are all these...I don't know what to call them...people...beings looking in. That is a little unsettling. Grayish brown, wispy, shadowy, not solid. Just sort of floating there. Can't get in, I sense they would if they could.


So, I watched them. Watching me. And I just can't figure out for the life of me why it would be interesting to watch me sit in my spot.

Whatever, I guess.

Re: And then there was the time...

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 1:51 am
by Blue Rising
After I saw the dome, I tuned back in to this physical reality. I was looking at the sky, then. It was a beautiful blue. The sky in Texas seems to go on forever, and in every direction as far as I could see was this rich, deep blue.

Except for this cloud. This one, big, puffy white cotton ball cloud. It looked a little out of place, since it was the only one. I do love clouds, and I watched lone cloud as it drifted. Toward my house. It was getting bigger ... and bigger. Or at least I thought it was, but actually it was descending. I don't think it was changing size at all, just moving toward me.

That caught my attention nicely. It was moving northeast straight at my house, descending. And it was massive. It got right over my house, stopped on a dime, and started moving southwest. It had made a "V" motion in the sky. Not only that, but it had rainbow effects in it. Two semi circular rainbow looking areas, one on each end. And another right in the center. Like it had an oil slick type of appearance, only white.

Anyway, I stepped out into the yard to watch it moving away. And I searched the whole sky for other clouds. Nothing. But then I watched as clouds formed seemingly out of nowhere, so high in the sky I couldn't quite make it out. Then they would dissipate and disappear. Probably five or six of them. Then nothing. No more clouds.

Funny, all the hours in my life I have spent gazing into the sky, watching clouds, finding shapes in them... never noticed anything quite like that before. Funny I never noticed the behavior of clouds before.