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The California Fires - Aftermath and Analysis

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 1:40 pm
by Christine
The first link is a slideshow of the aftermath of the Santa Rosa fire which strangely left Eucalyptus and pine trees standing next to houses reduced to ash and dust. I am a native Californian, much of my family and many friends still live there however that isn't my only interest. As I sit here this morning looking at these images they are impacting me much in the same way 9/11 did. These fires are a more subtle and covert use of subterfuge than the dustification of the Twin Towers but the message, the weaponry used has left the same mark.

Some photos show the burning to be expected of a natural fire but far too many show a different pattern, this is where we can use a fine scalpel of discernment and not get into argument over individual pieces of evidence. To truly embrace the scope of these fires is to take in the totality of information without taking a stand other than the single most vital call: Protect the Sacred Truth. We as a people are under attack, it isn't about our "way of life" or Democracy or making a living in a false economic system ... We are being called to stand with each other, to not be corralled into a mind set that swallows the lies of Agenda 21. ... lide-start


Two videos, one of a Fire Captain who goes on record with his observations:
[youtube] ... be&t=8m26s[/youtube]

The second is an analysis concluding that these fires are in keeping with Agenda 21, the moving of people off land under the guise of safety or ecological reasons. The language of Agenda 21 is wrought to get people to agree with protecting ecological zones however the truth behind it is much more nefarious. Don't be fooled again ... this phrase seems to be my mantra of the moment. :)


Re: The California Fires - Aftermath and Analysis

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 2:28 pm
by Spiritwind
Thanks for posting this info Christine. I haven't watched them all yet (not even sure I will), but I was wanting to post these here myself. I can actually feel into the underlying agenda going on here, without knowing all the facts. I had no doubt that the information that would be coming forward would only confirm that. I take no pleasure in it though, and I surely sorely wish it wasn't so.

One of my favorite lines from a Midnight Oil song comes to mind: We carry in our hearts the true country, and that cannot be stolen (no matter how damn hard they try).

Re: The California Fires - Aftermath and Analysis

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 11:17 am
by Christine
California Fires: Terracotta Roof Anomaly: Microwave Assisted Combustion Synthesis


Published on Nov 4, 2017

Most of the SoCal fire "anomalies" are easily explained by the natural science of microwave-assisted combustion synthesis.... microwave assisted combustion is NOT a natural occurrence _but_ the observations of what happens when electric fields of material are manipulated, is quite predictable and sadly, this seems to be exactly what is being documented in these videos of the cal fire.

Re: The California Fires - Aftermath and Analysis

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 12:40 pm
by Fred Steeves
I would suggest that the reporter has his focus so locked into the surrounding wildfires he's probably been reporting on so much, that he's missing the obvious; this is nothing but a regular house fire that ignited from within, and he's making a connection that's simply not there.

If you look closely there appears to be roofing tiles scattered all over the floor of the house. They didn't burn, they fell in when the roof collapsed.

As an aside, Dr. Judy Wood herself doesn't see any evidence of directed energy weapons in connection with these terrible fires. Not saying this proves it, but she is the main one that put directed energy weapons into our vernacular.

Re: The California Fires - Aftermath and Analysis

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:00 pm
by Christine
This is one of those "case studies" in which one must decide for themselves. I am aware of Judy Wood's video though admittedly haven't watched it yet. Since the situation of the fires is distinct from 9/11 and now 16 years later it would not be too far of a stretch to accept that new technologies have been developed.

My gut says the fires were manipulated, the burning of nano aluminum oxide, etc. leave my mind a train to follow.

Re: The California Fires - Aftermath and Analysis

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 4:40 am
by Sandy Clark
When and if they enact Agenda 21 in these burned out communities and refuse to rebuild them, we will know then it was deliberate. The waiting game and time will provide the answer IMO.

Re: The California Fires - Aftermath and Analysis

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 3:32 pm
by Spiritwind
Sandy Clark wrote:When and if they enact Agenda 21 in these burned out communities and refuse to rebuild them, we will know then it was deliberate. The waiting game and time will provide the answer IMO.
We will indeed know them by what they do. People often can't wrap their mind around the possibility that there could be such long term planning that can be dripped out with such seemingly unrelated events that can never be proven definitively. But you can begin to discern a pattern. Patience is a virtue. It kind of reminds me of astrology (which is used to our detriment), with the various cycles as they play out through our life. Mercury whips around the sun in 88 days, whereas Pluto takes 248 years. And since Pluto's orbit is so elliptical, it goes through some signs of the zodiac much faster than others. This was all developed to a fine science, and studying these patterns can reveal in part what is likely to be in the works at any given point of time. Anyway, my prediction is we will continue to see certain things roll out, and since we're in the fast end of the elliptical swing, we may just be able to see the framework quite clearly in our lifetimes. As you say, Sandy, we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?