Heart Blends: mascha roedelof | Life Circles and Existence Money

"Throw off this ignoble discouragement and rise like a fire that burns all before it."

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Heart Blends: mascha roedelof | Life Circles and Existence Money

Post by Christine »

Good morning friends. We recorded a beautiful presentation with mascha a few days ago and ask that you listen. What is being proposed is something truly ground breaking but it will take some doing.

I love us all for our unique beingness, for our abilities to go with the universal flows. For myself letting go of the false beliefs and learning to fly again is half of purpose. The other half lies in promoting ideas whose time has come. When we come to-get-her nothing remains impossible.

Thanks for listening and commenting.

“The New Earth is the Original Earth. We live in the Natural World in which all are supported. Poverty and other societal issues are of an old, deconstructing, constructed paradigm, which is dying. We ARE the bridge to the New, the Original, Natural World in which All Are Invited. No one is excluded, nor left behind. All Are Included in the Organic World.”
~ mascha roedelof

During the course of several months we have come to know mascha roedelof and her dedication to imagineering a new paradigm of abundance on the Earth.

We share with her the gnosis that we are created as divine beings who have taken a physical form on the Earth. We also are well aware that this inheritance has been stolen from human beings. It matters little whether a being incarnated at this time comes from a distant galaxy or is an earthling whose memory codes come from the formation of this expression of divine creator, for no matter the fact is that we are here.

We are intrinsically connected to the all and once this is real-I-zed in the fullness of the implications we are half way home. Another way of phrasing this is that we are now connected to core, to central sun our inner reality. What remains is for each individual is to create from the infinite field of abundance. We also acknowledge when in a self honest assessment in transition phase. An as if situation that one can say is a test or challenge to actualize in this creation.

Are “all men (women) created equal?” This is a fundamental mental question and if we answer yes then we also have within this realm the ability (response-ability) to create a paradigm that flows from that choice.

mascha presents some ideas that challenge us to deeper consideration, it has been her work of many years to help others find their own truth and in doing so support others. Every living creature on our planet is a divine creation, accepting this as REALITY we can make the choice to open up new venues and platforms that facilitate Existence Money.

mascha’s websites and contact information are listed below:
http://wearethenewearthmascharoedelof.b ... forms.html
http://wearethenewearthmascharoedelof.b ... ember.html

We also extend an invitation to others who may wish to join us on future podcasts and we welcome your comments.
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Re: Heart Blends: mascha roedelof | Life Circles and Existence Money

Post by maggie »

Christine wrote: “The New Earth is the Original Earth. We live in the Natural World in which all are supported. Poverty and other societal issues are of an old, deconstructing, constructed paradigm, which is dying. We ARE the bridge to the New, the Original, Natural World in which All Are Invited. No one is excluded, nor left behind. All Are Included in the Organic World.”[/i] ~ mascha roedelof
Thanks so much for introducing mascha roedelof to me. I will listen to your interview. It is very much on my mind the last couple of days that my very own disdain of others is creating an inner hierarchy of value where I emotionally sneer at those who are judged by ME. It is extremely tricky to rehab my own inner landscape as my own acceptance of tiers of value and my own reactive hatred perpetuate the old paradigm.

I have often contemplated the concept of the Jubilee in the past. I am claiming the Jubilee now again. All beings ARE happy. All beings ARE free. It is a permanent Jubilee that I imagine in my meditations where everyone does understand that we are not forgiving anyone else for "wrongs" but our own self. Compassion is felt because we ARE those experiencing what calls up compassion. Giving is to ourselves. It just cannot be possible to put "new wine" in the "old skins".

I agree with mascha roedelof that most people are just beginning to understand how we will live together in the new paradigm. It is very exciting to live now and I am so ready to be with the new earth. She makes very interesting and perceptive points in the blog below...
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http://denieuweaardeleven.blogspot.nl/2 ... anity.html

Living the New Earth
The New Earth Observing and Living - Observed from Normal Living Together on Earth Living and Perceiving the New Earth - Perceived from a Normal Living Together on Earth

Wednesday, September 30, 2015
The Alchemy of Giving

Do we still need to work / invest our labor?


Are you here to 'wake up' humanity?
What do you want to achieve? What is your individual PAIN in the NOW moment? What problem experience do you have in our living together on Earth? Or is it your Heart Felt PAIN because so many people are pushed out of the equation and living in (physical) pain? Is it your deep PAIN when only 1 child is pushed out of the equation? Or do you not even recognize this kind of deep profound pain in yourself yet? Do you think the (individual) 'awakening process' is 'it' or are you aware that something else is needed for a true profound (inner) transmutation? Do you think that the 'awakening process' has all to do with becoming aware of what's going on in the world? Can you discern the superficial anger because the state of the world is in... is not the way you thought she was... and the profound heartfelt anger from Source because your living together is deliberately harmed?

Do you recognize and acknowledge the inner force, which is called compassion, that will give you the courage to go all the way of the 'awakening process' which means you deeply comprehend this goes deeper then being aware of what is going on in the world and you do not want to get fooled ever again? So when you are cooled down you start to reach out to others, who are still in denial, telling what's wrong in the world and you think you are helping them... but in reality you are reaching out for more clarity? And when you realize nothing is happening in the world... nothing is changing in the outer world do you go into depression? Are you ready to look your fears in the eye and live through them (which I have compared with stages of the dying process in this article from 2009 which is in Dutch: please use google translate for English translation) and from this you come to the awareness there is nothing to fear because you KNOW who you are? And by this you accept the state the world is in, the state humans are in... and start making other choices in your OWN life... but...

the most important question is: have you identified The Real Zero Point from a lived through experience / the path you went yourself already... because otherwise you pass on 'awareness' from an empty hole in yourself?

To answer these questions you need to look from your humans point of view, not system based
When (business model) solutions are created to deal with individual issues within the current paradigm... nothing is transformed, because it is not done from Essence / the transformed, healed paradigm. When a 'new' (business model) solution is not talking from the new healed paradigm, the new reference point, it is still from the old. When a 'new' (business model) solution is not facilitating our living together, which includes FREEDOM of SLAVERY (which has all to do with harvesting your LIFEFORCE ENERGY) of course, on Earth it is still from the old. When a 'new' (business model) solution is not human based but still system based... it is still from the old.

When a 'new' (business model) solution is not providing FREE ACCESS to Life for ALL humanity it is still from the old.

The transition is all about our normal living together
Its impossible to make decisions together about what we want or do not want when only one human is pushed out of the equation / there is a discussion about the free Existence about only 1 human being.

Making decisions from 'a height' what is allowed to exist and what not... is not from the 'New Earth'... from a natural normal living together on Earth.

Only from equity and equality we can decide together what we in crowd power let come into existence and what not... only when nobody's free Existence is discussed.

"The Gift is IN the Awareness
that We Welcome Each Other
in our Midst In our Normal Living Together on Earth"

So not the free Existence of 'poor' humans and also not the free Existence of 'rich' ones, not the free Existence of 'sick' humans and also not the free Existence of 'healthy' ones, etc.: we do not cause division anymore.

So first we need to say 'yes' to the FREE healthy Existence of WHOLE humanity. This ALL begins with Existence Money to correct the reality of the now that our direct free access to life is robbed from us.

From the Zero Point much will dissolve by itself or has to transform. And 'by itself' much will unfold what could not unfold before because of the gatekeepers. And from That point, the New Paradigm, we will see, together / in crowd power, what needs to be done... from the situation in which we are all truly equal.

Money is re-invented years ago already. Because of this business models are re-invented too of course. Perceived from the New Paradigm the current corporations and organizations need to transform or will dissolve. I myself run my business from the New Paradigm since years already. And I have created The New Earth Life Academy from the New Paradigm to study (free homeschooling) this profound awareness for those who are really done with the 'old'.

Imagine the world where we live in
We have analyzed the corrupt governments, the corrupt organizations, the bank system, the taxation, the corrupt police, the military... all really all is unraveled already... there is no ignorance out there anymore... when you are ignorant: that's free choice.

Now we ARE aware of this all and we still live IN this corrupted world. But we do not want the corruption... rather... we do not CHOOSE to feed this corruption any longer because we KNOW... from inner knowing / experience... this corruption is not ours / is not from our Being.

Most (business model) solutions which are created are still IN the corrupt system

Imagine the world... the whole world...
Within this world a group of humans is becoming more aware of the huge corruption.

The analyzing is done... that's totally done... we are already moved beyond the analyzing... so the group of humans who are becoming more aware of the corruption / the matrix / overlay's / co-option is growing WITHIN the image of the whole world.

So imagine the whole world as a circle... within this circle another circle is becoming and is growing... but is still WITHIN the corrupted world: there is NO transition IN this group. When we talk about the current financial system LETS is an example of a solution within the 'old', within the current financial system. Also 'free energy devices' are a solution within the 'old' because huge amount of 'old' money flows to a project... but it should flow to peoples Free Existence and FREEDOM from the financial tyranny (humans ARE Free Energy ALREADY: from TRUE FREEDOM 'new' technologies comes into existence: HUMANS FIRST, not projects!

Now imagine the whole corrupted world and the group awakened ones WITHIN this world... and a totally new circle without the corruptions, the banks, the government, taxation, ruling over, powering over, steering, pyramid structures, business models as we know them, identification as we know them, boarders as we know them, the overlay's, the co-options, etc.

Few of the awakened ones have 'moved' beyond the corrupted world into this 'new fresh circle' and are consciously co-creating and building a totally 'New Earth' which is already here and is lived already... by very few... so this 'New Earth' is not growing...

The 'movement' to the New Earth IS the transition. But this is not an outer 'movement': this 'movement' is an inner one, you are 'moving' inner.

ALL kind of FOUNDATIONS dealing with child poverty are the PROOF humanity is NOT ready and totally aware of the state the world is in PERCEIVED FROM the Real Zero Point, because otherwise people would contribute to the child's free Existence (Money) directly.

So many think! they are aware but only very few are...

The state the world is in in this NOW moment IS the proof that humanity is NOT ready. Only ONE child in poverty and pushed out of the equation IS the PROOF that only very few people truly have moved on in their own psyche and have done the inner work that is required... only very few people are ready to do their own efforts in their NORMAL LIVING TOGETHER on Earth (its still about their little own self)...

Proof is also in the fact that still people are pledging for their individual projects via crowd funding projects (yes also the ones dealing with 'free energy devices and the Venus project for example) to collect money while they refuse to STAND for their OWN Existence Money and that of their fellow humans. So if one wants to move from one place to another and they need money for this... let's say 12.000,00... they 'should' stand for their OWN montly free Existence (Money) ánd that of their fellow humans, because they truly care for their living together on Earth.

Only very few live from the 'Real New Paradigm' and walk their talk. The proof is in the foundations people support and share via (social) media, the proof is in the crowd funding projects (yes also the ones dealing with 'free energy devices') people support and share via (social) media, the proof is in the subjects (social) media is airing... The proof is everywhere...

You will DO this from inner felt compassion because YOU feel PAIN in your living together on Earth. You will give a totally new response from the New Paradigm, from Essence. The New Paradigm is 'waiting' for a new group of people who become aware of their inner felt compassion and is ready to respond from here.

But the collective compassion is not yet aware of itself and because of this is not ready to respond from Essence.

Compassion is not the same as feeling pity with someone / the world. Feeling pity has to do with the other. Feeling deep compassion has to do with yourself. You experience harm is done to Your Self, Your Essence, because you are forced to live in separateness from others and separateness and division is totally not from You. Here compassion understands itself.

Compassion transmutes. Its compassion in You that unfolds a totally new area in YourSelf... the area that was lost for so long. Only compassion is your inner force that is the key to your inner transmutation. Only compassion is able to go this path, to even start it. Do you recognize the impulse of compassion in YourSelf?

Walking your talk
Its my experience that SEEING is not enough. Awareness is not enough. So many are aware of the shit in the world but are still not ready to make other choices in their own life. Intent is also not the inner impulse to transmute: Intent itself will not do it for us. Pure intent is a good start of course.

But it is compassion as an inner force, because without compassion their will be no inner transmutation at all, because you will not even go the path, and by that no outer transformation.

A transmutation means you live from a totally new paradigm and you have stopped creating shit in your own world and by that in the outer world... You have become a conscious (co)creator not creating / causing shit anymore in your own life.

Few examples
1) When you are aware that you / humans do not thrive (rather die) because of electrosmog you will identify the electrosmog in your OWN life and stop creating / causing it... as far as possible in your own life...
2) When you are aware of the corruption in the current financial system, you will identify how YOU are still feeding the current 'old' system in your OWN life... which means you will not go to the banks for a mortgage, because you KNOW that only you could create money numbers for yourself... and another human being is not allowed to... you will not create / cause this inequity and equality anymore...
3) Also, when you know that taxes are not needed at all and are unlawful... you will not pay taxes anymore: you will contribute this 'old' money to the Free Existence of your fellow human and you will STAND FOR your OWN Free Existence Money as well...
4) Look into your OWN life how you are feeding the 'old' burdening system and STOP feeding it, and start living from the New Paradigm...

Furthermore you communicate from this lived through awareness and share articles from this awareness, etc. You refer to yourself. By walking this path you will experience! what is holding you back... what is from you(r psyche) and what is from the outer world.

This needs a transition... both in you as well in the collective, and the steps to make can be seen from the new paradigm, from the Real Zero Point.

Existence Money vs free money and (crowd)funding projects
Discern that Existence Money is NOT the same as free money. There are groups chasing (gold backed up) money like OPPT and Swiss Indo people are. Also Existence Money and contributing to the Free Existence of your fellow human has NOTHING to do with (crowd) funding projects.

Existence Money is the correction, the compensation, of the fact that our direct free access to Earth, Her resources, and our talents, is robbed from us. When we would have direct free access to Earth... Existence Money is not needed anymore.

I am very committed to a natural living togetherness, because She is the organic living togetherness on Earth from Source Essence. I am and will be a staunch supporter of the earth and her organic life. any thing less. Not that many are coming from that place. I am a beholder of that Space (and with me some others are too). That's why I see when people are not coming from that space. I am at peace. And I long to meet you at the other side of the bridge: I am there... Waiting... For a true Living Together on Earth in TRUE FREEDOM...

Free Existence
I and others have unraveled the new area in our psyche relating to 'free and unburdening and unburdened living together on Earth'. This area is totally unfolded and is lived already. This 'New Earth' is 'waiting' for humans who are ready also, who are aware of the force of their inner compassion so they are ready to go the path of transmutation into the 'new area' in their psyche and from this live the New Paradigm from Essence.
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Re: Heart Blends: mascha roedelof | Life Circles and Existence Money

Post by Christine »

Thank you maggie for posting mascha's article, I just had a conversation with her and the tones of inner compassion sometimes rise with a few tears in the seeing how close and how far we really are to Living the New Earth.
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Re: Heart Blends: mascha roedelof | Life Circles and Existence Money

Post by Spiritwind »

We upgraded our internet and it still doesn't want to play most videos without a lot of stops and starts, but managed to watch this in its entirety. Well worth the hour and 20 minutes of time. Thanks to all three of you for making this happen. For me, I have noticed that there are many who are coming to understand that the system is skewed and how ridiculous it is that the whole world has been made subject to this system that makes your parents pay to bring you into this world and someone has to keep paying just for you to be alive. No wonder many indigenous people, who were doing just fine, did not exactly embrace this new way of life.

Our current system actually benefits from each and every living person on this planet, through what amounts to slavery of mind, body and spirit. The system is flawed and no action taken by this system is going to bring about the needed correction. It IS the people, who each have intrinsic value just by being born and from whom it is stolen, who actually are used to prop up this system of gross inequity. Until each and every being on this planet receives for themselves the value that has been placed on them and used by the system to only benefit the few, while blaming those who cannot comply with this system of slavery, it will continue unabated.

The system has become an entity in it's own right, and will fight with everything it has to stay alive, at all our expense. If we begin to withdraw our dependence on this system, in any way we can, the system will begin to weaken, even though it will most likely step up its agenda to hurry up and enslave us even more, forcing us to conform and getting rid of all who won't. I will not step aside and welcome this system's plans for all of us. I will not comply. Thankfully, I'm not alone, but even if I was, I realized I cannot comply either way. I'm not into martyrdom, it's just who I am.

This video shows us a different system in very clear and easy to understand language and images, how we can help bring about a correction that can assist in changing our lives to a more life affirming trajectory. My only concern, is what to do about a system that is not going to appreciate our efforts. In fact, it will almost certainly continue its lock down agenda. I guess, for me anyway, I will just continue the path I am on, until something changes either way. As long as I can claim some independence in any small way, I thereby become part of the solution. So can you. It is up to us, each of us, to do the one thing we still can do, and that is to change our mind.
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Re: Heart Blends: mascha roedelof | Life Circles and Existence Money

Post by Spiritwind »

I really shouldn't start writing right now, because it tends to delay the work I have to do. But I have a tremendous amount on my mind, so maybe it will help lesson the load. Mascha Roedeloff's ideas presented in this video stirred some very deep thinking on my part.

For years I've pondered on how society is structured, and how the system seems to allocate a person's value. If you are physically beautiful, you are often treated much different than someone who does not meet a certain standard in appearance. If you are born into material wealth you are treated much different than someone born into poverty. I remember even as a small child recognizing the gross inequity and disparity between haves and have nots. Even then I came to almost despise the wealthy, knowing that the few hoarding the wealth of this planet, that is created from us, the people, and all of earth's resources, was wrong. Just plain wrong.

But after listening to the above video, I recognized that this system has already assigned a value to each and every one of us from the day we are born, and yet steals that from us to keep the system the way it has already been for a long time, gave me new pause for thought. The system assigns this value, yet tells us we must work to survive in this world, while stealing from us that very value they assigned to us from the get go. But it's much worse than that. I think about all the judgements that we have been conditioned to unconsciously go along with, even if we think we are more awake and aware.

Men, particularly white men, and even more, particularly white men from certain families, pretty much dictate this value system, and it goes on from there. Women are less than, people of color are less than, people who in desperation commit crimes, are considered less than. Children are way down on the totem pole, as well as the elderly, the sick or infirm, the drug users, those who have a different sexual orientation and so on. And then just look at how the system treats animal life on this planet (and forests, bodies of water, and other earth resources). It all stems from a learned sense of entitlement. A sense of entitlement to all that is being stolen from all in the above list.

But as was pointed out in the video, we will not benefit from blaming the wealthy. It's the system itself that has become self perpetuating and upheld by the haves (and even the have nots by going along with it). That is where we need to start. How do we create a system that takes the abundance of this planet that each of us has a birthright to from day one, and puts it back into the hands of the people? Existence money is a great way to start. For a system that allows each individual to retain that assigned value for the self, and only take a part of what is generated once all needs are met would completely change the paradigm we live in. You see, they have conditioned us to believe that we must work to live. But in reality, every thing we humans do creates a value that is basically stolen by someone else. Even a person who is chronically ill, makes the pharmaceutical industry a ton of money. And so does the prison inmate nowadays, in this prisons for profit scheme we have in place today. Now they even want to basically phase out juvenile courts and try them as adults, which will actually create more profit for someone else. Yes, even criminals make someone else money.

The drug addict, too, profits an industry that has grown up to supposedly treat them. And the things is, if every single person on this planet received a base income to provide for their basic needs, they most likely would not become lazy do nothing's. They would actually each be able to develop and use their natural born talents to benefit EVERYONE! And the thief wouldn't need to steal. The mother would be able to actually parent her children, instead of having the state basically do it (which also makes money from doing so). The addict may not feel the desperation and misery that drives him or her to try and check out of reality, and so on. Many who are chronically ill would be able to engage in more preventative measures to keep from getting sick in the first place, and so on.

And as much as the ultra wealthy would complain, in reality it would take nothing away from them and their needs, except their sense of entitlement to be at the top of the heap. And that's where we are now, for this system has systematically raped this planet to the max. Hoarding wealth is no different than the person who hoards animals and "stuff". We just been indoctrinated to think so.

I'm all for living simply, so others can simply live. And compassion and love for all life is definitely the way to go. Can we forgive ourselves and everyone else for that matter, and move into creating these life affirming circles that radiate out? I can. I hope you can too. It's all about being the change you wish to see in this world.

I feel better now. Plus, when we're busy with our ever expanding circles of life affirming endeavors we not so much interested in creating wars and conflicts with one another. War is another way they rob us from our birthright. How many people have to become fodder for the war machine, which is so patently obviously unnecessary? But first we have to start valuing ourselves enough to say "no more!"

No matter who you are, your life is worth something. If you are like I was when I was younger, and believe your life doesn't matter and maybe even you shouldn't have been born, that is a good place to start refuting the biggest lie of all. All life matters.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Heart Blends: mascha roedelof | Life Circles and Existence Money

Post by maggie »

When I was a teenager I had a notebook all about communal life. It seemed to me this way sane and an ideal...make great new community that can last! I was captivated by the story of the Shakers (from which we have a style of furniture). They had an ecstatic community that left a strong mark. They did not have children. The experiment ended. I was generally mystified that these lifestyles were not able to last. I longed to be in a wonderful commune that would not try to tell me how to think.

When I was a bout 19, I visited the commune in Summertown Tenn. That is famous as a hippie commune. People are still living there as something very different but with a community. I did not feel at home there. They were beautiful examples of people but maybe telepathic as they just did not discuss ideas. I was still all about the mental conversation and there was a sort of post intellectual quiet there. I didn't ever join any commune.

It still seems the rational way to live is with people who all work practically to help each other. I don't understand the total backlash against the underlying ideal of "communism". It seems we need to do something like give "from each according to her ability and to each according to his need"!

At the bottom of the issues is how much are we willing to "do". I think we need to start focusing on what we will give to others unconditionally. Are we willing to take responsibility of feeding each other? How? through a big garden and IF eating meat, be the one who will slaughter the animals? IMO we would be vegetarians and I like milk products. I would have coffee served and tea with muffins in the afternoon to people doing chores.

I would NEED my own personal opinions to be allowed. I HATE group think.
Another thing is that people can be just snarky and selfish.
People with agendas are well meaning and can be interfering and manipulative.
Are we willing to have slightly character disordered (like narcissistic) extended family who drive us nuts in the mix?

Someone accused me of wanting everyone to be "just like"me. He is on target a bit because I am bossy and opinionated. I want others to like things the way I like them if living in my space. I think the solution for me is that I am being pulled down out of my head more and more to feeling "it" real

In my heart the new earth community is brewing. I do want Like "me" around and there are forces moving in me to meet them. I long to be the kind of person who lives in a place where everyone are friends and life is thriving, each of enjoying having unique identity, growing in each one's timing but still able to all provide just the right space for everyone to have their place. I imagine that I would really be great as a person who will work in the garden.I might be pushy and need humility. It would be so awesome to actually tangibly create my imagined life style in a community. I think I am committed. That is what we each have to do... commit ourselves.
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