Farm Life

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Re: Farm Life

Post by Spiritwind »

So many thoughts again, like a freight train on several different tracks at once. How does my dog, Ranger, burying his toy stuffed hedgehog in a hole he dug in the semi frozen ground (so very cute and endearing) go with my thoughts about the beautiful new life filled earth we are co-creating, at the same time as having images thrust at me that show the other reality channel most are fixated on is going to shit town in a hurry.

And thinking about the video (I'll try and find it) that shows evidence that we are being sprayed with viruses in our atmosphere along with whatever else is in those con-trails. And, yes, it is a con, of epic proportions. And the weird feeling I got while watching a tiny bit of lame stream news last night, which I generally avoid like the plague, that encourages everyone to rush out in a panic and get their flu shot, cause, you know, even if you had the flu, this is different and you need to be protected, because people are dying and it could be you or your loved ones next. Of course they forget to tell you that if it's different, then the flu shot they are wanting to administer has not even been developed for that particular strain. I have the good fortune of my husband having went through physicians assistance training while in the military. He knows how it works.

And then wondering if the GMO grain I am giving to my goats has any thing to do with why for the third time now I have had a doe suddenly develop severe diarrhea. She almost for sure has coccidiosis brought on by a uterine infection (and the vet would tell me stress). My girl just gave birth to two beautifully healthy little boys, who are just 9 days old but look like they are 2 weeks old. I'm going to have to have them disbudded earlier than 2 weeks I think. I have done everything right this time, not having the severe financial problems we experienced last year. I was not able to give her supplements during pregnancy because I only got her back recently. But we have a birthing stall in the barn we put up that is clean as clean can be. I put diatomaceous earth down to kill any parasites already there, and have thick fresh straw that I change out regularly. Fresh water at all times. It's dry but well ventilated. She has been eating and drinking well, and I gave her the three day dose of wormwood dosage balls starting the day she gave birth. The only thing I haven't done is trim her hooves or give her a dose of selenium, and my husband was going to help me with that this weekend. Since she has spent almost two years away from me I will have to work with her to make her feel comfortable on the milk stanchion again. The woman I got her back from didn't teach any of hers to use a milk stanchion, and some take right to it, and others don't. And I didn't want to stress her out.

The thing that gets me, is that I have been doing this for five years now, and didn't know a damn thing when I started. So why now? My animal husbandry skills have improved dramatically over time, so why am I having more issues? There has to be something. And another friend and fellow goat herder found that, after years of few problems, she had a year from hell, and did find out it was the feed. So I'm not just grasping at straws here. That is one of the reasons I had decided to wait this year out, so I could get a line on non-GMO feed here locally and reliably. Damn. As much as I'm not fond of antibiotics, they have been a life saver on a few occasions. Since I would have to probably wait until Monday now anyway, or pay for an emergency visit to the Vet, we'll probably just give her a shot of antibiotics on the same schedule as we were instructed for Cry Baby last year. Just waiting for hubby to get home. I am shocked at the panic and fear that tries to take over when this kind of thing happens. At least having an idea of what is happening and what to do about it helps tremendously.

And I haven't even got to the update with the knife wielding menace up the road. Maybe later. Suffice it to say, it looks like he is unbalanced and unstable enough he will bring his departure on all by himself. Evidently he did something at a local casino last week that got five different deputies out here, first three, then two later on. Since he has to report on a regular basis we also found out that he didn't tell them where he really was, which is a probation violation. All in all, it's stacking up for him. It brings me no joy to know this though. I'm sure much has contributed along the way to bring him to this place in his life, and it doesn't look good from here on out. It actually makes me sad. So many of us would be in a completely different place, if this world were not so topsy turvy, and ass backwards. All of us are a product of our environment, among other things. And many did not leave home with the appropriate life skills to begin with. On the other hand, I will breathe a sigh of relief when he is gone.

And see, that's what I mean. It's just all so mixed up. One minute I can be enjoying the beauty of new growth, new life, the next grieving for the loss of so many things that is our birthright. All that was stolen from us, humanity at large. I only wish all could see what I can see, in my mind's eye, about what is possible. Maybe it wouldn't change overnight, or even in my lifetime, but we can always plants seeds, and dream.
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Re: Farm Life

Post by maggie »

You are such a great writer of your life and understanding. Thanks.
I appreciate your hearth sharings!!!!!!
Much love, Maggie
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Re: Farm Life

Post by Spiritwind »

It's funny how things come around in our life. So many things we want to see and do. I doubt most of us started out wanting to be farmers, and yet it's definitely a growing trend. A simple life of reaping the rewards of ones own efforts is truly a gratifying one, and a true antidote to what ails society in many ways. I spend less time going anywhere because I'm already where I want to be, and each improvement makes us feel more independent and able, instead of less than. Let's just hope they don't outlaw small farming operations.

Our complexions grow ruddy from the wind and sun. Smiles come easy as we lovingly tend to both our inner and outer gardens. I get excited when the bees come around and ask them what I should plant for them. Did you know you can buy a box of mixed flower seeds from the dollar store? I also scored some clover seeds. Good for all kinds of reasons. The bees like it, so do the goats and horse. It fixes nitrogen into the soil, and is drought tolerant. I'm not into maintaining big weed free chunks of lawn, but clover can help keep the dust down too by replacing the brush that used to do that before we smoothed it all out with a tractor. In fact, I've spent a considerable amount of time going around with big clippers to get all those big root systems sticking out of the ground. I can't tell you how many times we almost took a nose dive tripping over them.

Right at this moment I'm fixing to go out and feed everyone but keep hoping the snow will let up. It had receded from many areas during the last few weeks and the ground was starting to thaw out and get really muddy. We got almost a foot overnight. For once they underestimated the amount but they were right about the 100% chance of heavy snowfall. I admit, it does look very pretty and since we can't get out of the driveway I guess we'll both be staying home today. A good day to get out the cookbooks and make something yummy.

This is a strange thing to talk about, but as a keeper of goats it's actually a really important thing. I'm excited to go out and see if Coco's poop has turned back into the little black marbles it's supposed to look like. She has been improving every day and I am immensely grateful. And her daughter Arrow is pregnant. I didn't think she was when we brought her home, but it looks like an udder is developing and she is getting pretty round. Got to keep a good eye on her as this will be her first kidding and she is really tiny. I've been trying to friendly her up, but she's a skittish one. I can get her to eat grain out of my hand if I hold my arm all the way out and turn my head away, and I have snuck in a few random pats. It's progress. Even the skittish ones usually come around when you are there to give them warm water with molasses and help dry the kids off. And I always have a feeling of accomplishment and joy when I see the trust kicking in, that I am there to help them.

Glad I heeded the warning about snow fall and covered up most things that needed it. We will have to dig around to find the ax, splitting mall, and hatchet, but got enough wood in that we probably won't need them for a few days. Some things we didn't put away last year didn't get found again until spring. Kind of funny when the day comes and you walk out there and go "oh, that's where that was!". But I am seriously procrastinating. I just hope the road gets plowed by tomorrow as I am supposed to take my two boys and my friend's 4 boys to get disbudded and it's a hefty drive on back country roads. It might get interesting, and unless we really can't get out I can't put it off.

I hear I might have competition soon, LOL, with Christine coming on board, but I say "the more the merrier!" I really do hope this inspires others to do the same. Seriously, the best move we've ever made!

By the way Maggie, thanks! I enjoy your sharings too! I only wish I could watch more videos. I'm actually trying to just turn it all off and go outside more so maybe it's a good thing.
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Re: Farm Life

Post by Spiritwind »

Well, I can't decide if I should write a post for the Plant Spirit Medicine thread, one on This Week in Review, or the Farm Life thread. Or not at all. I'm sitting here looking out the window at the snow falling, with an inner groan going. When I checked the weather last night the prediction for today was completely different than what it is doing. So I didn't cover up the big rounds of red fir our neighbor brought over and they are now covered with snow. We have a deep freeze coming up by Sunday, with possible temperatures at night below zero. Will have to put little coats on the two bucklings and the blanket back on the horse for a few days. Not to mention the buckets of ice I will have to contend with. Ugh.

I read two articles yesterday, one with Elon Musk talking about how humans are going to have to merge with machines or become obsolete. It's actually a year old, but I've noticed stories are starting to recirculate, so really have to pay attention. The other one is about a mom in Detroit being jailed for not vaccinating her child. It's from October of last year and will have to find out what happened there. A lot of people aren't following up, and I'm guilty of that too, but you can't just post hardly anything anymore without a bit of checking on who, when, and where.

Plus I've been re-reading Ingo Swan's little book called Penetration. That one really is worth reading if you haven't already. Quit riveting, I must say. Especially because of the time frame in which he had his experiences of which he writes. The PDF where you can read this for free is here: ... _swann.pdf" onclick=";return false;

I did take the two boys to be disbudded yesterday, along with my friend and her four little bucklings. One of hers was smaller than the other three and so we'll have to make another trip with him and the doeling she got from her other doe. And she's going to start bottle feeding him since he's getting squeezed out of getting enough milk from mom. We made the mistake at looking around while we were there. I wanted to see the buck she has in mind to breed my little mini Lamancha to this fall, and we saw this cute little Nigerian buck with blue eyes she nicknamed Crispy because when she got him his horns were a bit far along and he kind of got a little crispy when they got burned off. Kind of a gruesome practice, but it's become fairly standard. Strange the things that get normalized in the name of whatever reason they come up with. Yes, they can get caught up in the fence and other things, and people worry they will hurt themselves, each other, or their owner. Still, I'm not fond of it.

Anyway, my friend who came with me has the two does that were orphaned last year and they are really tiny, and so are my two does that I bred to Jupiter. He was an awesome looking buck with a big full long white beard, but he had these short stubby legs and his offspring tend to be smaller. So I guess we're going in on this little guy to breed to our smaller does. He also has blue eyes, which stupidly enough people want. I should have never looked, but there ya go. And I gotta get busy and sell a couple goats myself. At least we have a few choices now come breeding time, since everyone ends up being related after a while. And I need to hurry up and make a quick birthing stall for when my other girl is ready, which should be in just a few weeks. It's funny when I start trying to remember how everyone is related. I've had to write it all down because it's getting a bit convoluted.

And it's not the only thing getting convoluted. Such a strange world we live in. I also woke up yesterday to the news about the recent shooting in Florida which also produced an inner groan. I can't believe people honestly believe that taking everyone's guns away will actually reduce these types of acts. They won't even look at other countries where this has happened. Crime actually goes up because no good criminal worth his or her salt is going to willingly turn in their illegally gotten weapons and are actually emboldened because they know their life of crime is only going to get easier. I personally don't want to have to booby trap our property and make our home a fortress. Not to mention the already glaring false flag aspects of this case. But, oh well. Can't really do anything about it so might as well put my attention elsewhere, which I totally plan to do. My head is swimming with ideas on what I want to plant and where. And all that I have to do to get up to speed to be ready when I need to be for making it all happen. Will I get it all done? Most likely not, but it doesn't hurt to plan big and go for it anyway. I did start some tomato seeds yesterday.

Both me and my neighbor are starting more plants than we need this year, and plan to have a plant sale this spring. We'll get our business cards made up and do a bit of community outreach. My neighbor has brought me a ready made garden numerous occasions throughout our many years of knowing each other. No reason not to offer that service to the community and perhaps get something financial back from his endeavors. Plus he needs to get out and meet some new people anyway.

I've actually had to put dates on the calendar to keep track and plan ahead for all the things I want to be involved in this year. As much as I love being home and have reclusive tendencies, I'm committed to pushing myself to reach out and get more involved in local community projects where people are doing the kinds of things that bring us together in a good way. The feeling I get inside is so strong that NOW is the time to do this. I've learned to listen to those spirit nudges, even though I can be quite stubborn and have to overcome my isolationist tendencies.

Don't have much else to comment on, so will leave you with a few goat pictures, LOL. I know I just don't post enough of them. They make me smile, though, and hopefully they make you smile too. Once again, it's a strange strange world we live in. All I can say is you can't go wrong when you do what you love. It might take great courage to go against the grain sometimes, but it's up to each of us to make our lives what we really want it to be, despite whatever is going on "out there". Maybe they want to suck us all in to the shit show they are trying to make the only channel available, but don't let them kid you, it's not. It may take a little more effort to tune into the channel less listened to, but it's still there.

The one in front is Arrow, and she's pregnant, then behind her is her two little brothers, and mom behind them.

I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Farm Life

Post by Spiritwind »

I am writing now because I REALLY don't want to go outside again just yet, even though I know I SHOULD get my butt out there! Yesterday we woke up to heaps more snow and it was a whopping 5 degrees (F) this morning, not quite as cold as it will get tonight. I did already go out first thing and check on Miss Arrow, and found that she is snug as a bug in her new little birthing stall we built for her yesterday. I thought about putting her in with her mom, but briefly tried that only to find her mom's protective instincts had fully clicked in and I saw her ram her into the wall, hitting her in the belly a couple times. And we couldn't make another one to attach to the barn because of all the new snow and ice we would have had to remove. So I came up with a plan to move out all the stuff that was in there and just make a little stall right next to her mommy.

It's about 4' x 6', and the two little bucklings can squeeze through the divider and hang out with Arrow, which makes their mom quite upset, but I think it's pretty funny. Then we hung a 65 watt spotlight down over the water that can run off the battery bank all night, well secured, so that their water wouldn't freeze up quite as fast and to provide a bit of warmth. My biggest fear was to go out and find frozen babies, but I think we've got her set up as good as can be without actually bringing her inside the RV. And, the two boys are already too big for the little coats I have for kids and they wouldn't even fit over their heads. I need to make several of different sizes so I can be more prepared for this type of weather during kidding season. They weren't even shivering this morning though, so that is a good sign.

It's quite the deal suiting up just to go outside in this weather, and I'm not exactly looking forward to cutting wood all day today, but we must. Wood heat is the only way we can actually warm this tin can up enough to not feel the cold seeping in through the walls. At least no frozen water pipes today as we were also able to run the 2 heat tapes off the battery bank overnight as well. With the propane heater working overtime in this cold spell we have to make sure we are not drawing too much power overnight or the batteries won't hold up. Hopefully we will be able to add more to the system this year as planned, thereby relieving our dependence on the generator.

I notice, in general, people being somewhat more subdued in light of this latest tragedy in Florida, except of course for the many who are rabidly claiming if we could just all give up our guns the problem would all go away. Of course, I don't know what really happened there, but I do know that the agenda to disarm the general public is well under way. They have people so hypnotically programmed that they are demonstrating a knee jerk reaction, as if just mentioning that there might be another societal explanation for why this is happening that doesn't really have much to do with guns is enough to make them foam at the mouth. In a way, it is really scary, this emerging world we live in, but to me not for the reasons most think. You see, many people still put blind faith in our government, as if they really do have our best interests at heart. To me, THAT is the scary part.

I know, sometimes my opinion isn't very popular. But to give you another example of a hot emotional issue, just mention a woman's right to have an abortion amongst those who feel it is taking a life and morally wrong. And then what about those who think it's okay to get one after the first, say, 12 weeks maximum? Even though I feel a woman should retain that right, I personally don't feel it should be allowed after that first 12 weeks unless there is a life threatening issue at hand. My grandson was born at 24 weeks gestation, and is a happy little three year old now. I just can't even imagine someone, anyone, thinking that is okay to do so at that late date, but from what I understand it does happen.

You see, that is one of the many ways they continue to divide us. And, as I was reading in Ingo Swan's little book, Penetration, facts don't really matter that much sometimes. He called it phase-locking on certain beliefs, expectations, and I would say consensus reality assumptions that do not allow for a bigger more encompassing picture to emerge. Especially when you get people lathered up on such an emotional issue, playing on our fears. I mean, if I didn't know what I know, I too would be fearful to send my child to school, afraid some nutter with fast firing weapons and an endless supply of ammunition would take out his frustrations on his schoolmates.

You see, for me, every time I hear another story about a family who took their beautiful, and perfectly healthy in every way, two month old for their regularly scheduled dose of 8 vaccines and the heartbreak that followed when he or she suddenly dies, I am horrified. And then, what about all the children who do survive our current vaccine schedule, only to demonstrate other behavioral issues such as ADHD, and start on the medication bandwagon. Do you not think it just a tiny bit suspicious that most of these lone nutter characters have been on medications of dubious effectiveness? For my own grandson has been almost since he started school, and now they have a name and a medication for almost anything. They basically experiment on our kids, and I know for a fact they have no idea what they are doing sometimes, and the long term side effects of such experimentation. That parents do without question what they are told is actually very frightening to me.

Okay, enough ranting from me today. I know, I'm all over the place, but this is how my mind works. I'll probably end up in a gulag somewhere the ways things are going, but at least for now I can still say what I see with my own eyes and understanding. And I only speak up because even those who see what I see often won't for fear of reprisal. Unfortunately, yes, we are there, now.
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Re: Farm Life

Post by LostNFound »

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr................ Way to much snow and the temps,Just think of the pee cycles. Well it seems that you all are doing okay after all. I really love the pics of the goaties. They look like they have that 1000 yard stare in their eyes. War torn shock I guess you could call it but I bet they are still rambunctious.Here's to staying warm and I bet that little Pot belly is a cooking away. Don't laugh now, or you can, we actually got snow here today and the damn wind is kicking around 25 or so Mph. I don't really care for the wind since we have trees all around our hacienda. Well the temp is just down in the high teens or low 20's at night but up around the high 40's during the day. Yeah, don't laugh now, Okay go ahead.

As for that FF in Florida, It is already debunked. The lone gunman doesn't hold water, not with the students coming forward and saying that there were more than one shooter. Sure that kid was psyched out and is mort n likely an Mk ultra student. I got to tell you that the F*&king three letter agencies are the ones killing our children and yes the narrative is rampid about taking our guns away. They have been trying that for years and every time one of these bullshit faked up things happens, and it seems almost daily anymore, someplace is getting shot up. The stupidity of the left or socialist or communist or whatever they call themselves cry bloody murder to take the guns away. Hey its okay for them to have guns but not the average Joe. In fact they will murder the children to further their agenda. So yeah real kids are being killed but who is doing it? Geez, CNN put the story out about this shooting on the first of the month. How/s that for clairvoyance? There is another news paper that wrote it up two days before the 14th. The stupid Dems were screaming about taking the guns away while the active shooters were still firing.

Well we or at least us that are awake know damn well who the real terrorist are. Three letter alphabet soup and the Corporate Gov. Where is the news about that damn Fisa Memo now? Oh shit, thats right, the shooter, the lone shooter, the crazed kid that just stood in the hall and talked with another student while there was shooting going on at the other end of the building. Yeah he was holding his AR-15 while he talked with her and she didn't notice. Well the Fisa memo is sufficiently buried then or is it. Watch my left hand while I do something else with my right hand. Are we all ever going to get sick enough of this shit to actually do something? Project Gladio C in full force.

Sorry for going off on this. Enough of that and I really like the pics of the goats.

Thanks Laurie, You all stay warm now.
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Re: Farm Life

Post by Spiritwind »

Hi Steven, you can join in and rant all you want here! The forum has been a bit on the slow side, so nice to have a little interaction. Sandy, if you read this just want you to know you are missed and hope all is going okay for you. I know Christine and Cristian are quite busy with their latest adventure, and I guess it's a good thing to actually have a life outside the Internet. I have been fairly home bound so sometimes this is the only outlet for expression I have.

This morning was a whopper. Neither one of us slept well. I know I was worried about Arrow going in to labor and got up once in the middle of the night to check on her. And we woke up to the water pipe being frozen even with the heat tape on part of it, as well as the bathroom shower drain. My husband made the mistake of leaving the water running in there not knowing that part of the drain was froze up and came back to a flood on the bathroom floor. The water pipe thawed out fairly quick though. We went through a bottle of propane a bit faster than usual but the heat was only out long enough for it to get down to 55 degrees (F), which isn't that bad and all I had to do was switch it over to the other bottle, and of course crank up the wood stove. But changing out 7 buckets of frozen ice was not all that fun. We can only run one heated bucket and we gave that to the dogs, otherwise it would have been 8. With Misha having a tendency to urinary problems I don't want her to not have access to fresh drinking water, so they get to be the lucky ones. We're starting to feel like genuine pioneers!

One thing about this life is normal expectations have to go out the window to deal with what is. Becoming more adaptable is actually a good thing I think. A lot of people I know do not adapt well to change, and especially change that involves any kind of hardship. I used to like my environment to be a certain way, and even used to experience stress when I couldn't control certain things. Not that I don't get stressed (I do!), but not nearly like I used to and I am much quicker at adapting and just moving on to the solution part of things. One of my husband's favorite sayings (he probably got while in the military) is "adapt, improvise, overcome, and conquer". Not a bad strategy in many ways.

Since I'm most definitely not into regular TV watching we have resorted to buying used DVD's of some older science fiction and futuristic type series. We watched all of Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis, and now we've moved onto the whole X Files and Fringe series, part way through both. I am shocked to see how many themes and plots I recognize from things I've read over the years and can't help thinking they really do leak out the truth and call it fiction. Kind of bizarre. It makes me think about just how far ahead they are with their technology and how what is rolled out is done so in a very controlled methodical fashion.

And I most certainly get what you are saying about this latest school shooting Steven. The terror for kids going to school and their parents as well is real and I don't want to underplay that in any way. But there is so much more going on here than just what the media portrays, and that is where I have difficulty. Once you have done enough research into available evidence that leads down many paths you can't go back to the way you were before. You can't unsee what you see and know from personal viewing of this evidence that is there for any with the time and inclination to look at it, even if it does fly in the face of the consensus reality that most subscribe to. It's almost like seeing beneath the thin carefully constructed veneer of so called consensus reality makes one an uncomfortable person just to be around for those still plugged in. I'm not trying to alienate everyone I meet, so pick my topics and words as carefully as I can. Even just finding one area of openness to factoids that don't fit is a start, but you can't push this on people who aren't ready to hear. And once a previously asleep person starts to peel back even a corner of that very thin veneer, it all starts to unravel and it will most definitely take some serious effort at making room for just how deep the deception goes. Even I've had to take tiny steps at times, but then I've been at this for a very long time. For some reason I noticed things were not quite what they seemed and I was told they were since I was still in grade school. And it did make me unpopular back then but at least I've had lots of time to get used to it.

They muddy the waters in regard to what the issues really are, and of course emotionally charged parents and kids just want things to be safe again, not realizing just how unsafe they have been steadily getting anyway. There is plenty of evidence that school shootings were already on the menu as part of the agenda to make people willingly give up all their weapons and turn against anyone who objects. And if I had one iota of trust in our current corporate governing bodies I would maybe go along with it. But since I am one of those people who has been watching where they have been steering us and have educated myself extensively about their known tactics, especially the solution they already have for the problem they actually created in a sneaky way most just will not notice, that brings on the justifiable rage and call for action, I can't quite go along. I've also studied history, which does indeed tend to repeat itself. In the end, it is the mindset that has to change.

And the other thing is just how miserable it is for many young people today. It's a combo effect that would take far too long to go into here, but suffice it to say, the world they have entered is a far far cry from our more idealistic childhoods. Even though mine was less than ideal, I would take that over now any day! There is a feeling of angst hanging in the air, our youth are born into a battle not of the own making, and, generally speaking, their parents are of little help because they are still living in the past, not recognizing the degree to which things have changed. Blaming one another will get us no where, especially since compliance and conformance are what gets rewarded, or so we have been taught to think. Personally I have chosen to retain my ability to think for myself, whatever the cost. Seeing so many falling exactly in to line with what those who deign to reign makes my heart feel heavy indeed.

On a more positive note, Arrow has not given birth yet, so keeping fingers crossed that she either waits until this cold snap passes or has them during the day. I'm hoping there's no surprises there. Will let you all know : )
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Re: Farm Life

Post by LostNFound »

You know, there is something about living without and going through hardships,(after awhile one really doesn't look at them as hardships)that builds a very ruddy character in one. "Looking back keeps one always looking forward in/with the proper perspective"

Thank you. I will come and talk more, I am having a real fun time writing in fill pieces of the story, be back soon.
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Re: Farm Life

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New Life

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Re: Farm Life

Post by Spiritwind »

So, I've been trying to get with the program and write something for days. It's not that I don't have anything to write about, it just that it's all jumbled up in my head, and my emotions have been quite all over the place too. Hopefully I can sort this out, as it feels like the dam is about to burst.

Maybe I'll just start with some everyday adventures. A week ago today I went and participated in a sheep shearing event. First time since I was a kid I have seen sheep being sheared. The guy was a real professional who made it look easy, even though I know it wasn't. There were several, 2-3, out of 33 sheep that kind of went rogue on him, but otherwise I saw him whisper in their ears, one at a time as he prepared to start shearing them, and they mostly acquiesced. Then I got to help "skirt" the wool, which was pretty interesting. I had to drive through a veritable blizzard for most of the way there, and we worked in a large barn with the doors open while snow billowed in through most of the day. I felt like quite the trooper, all in all. I have to admit, I like goats better because in general they aren't as loud and do seem a bit more on the ball intellect wise. The idea of the village, where people help one another, is an idea that needs to come back in style anyway, so I was happy to participate.




Little Miss Arrow still hasn't had her kids. I thought she was getting big a few weeks ago, but now she really looks like she's going to pop any day. There is a fence between her and her mother in the barn to make sure she isn't pushing her around, but her mom's two little bucklings could get through, which I didn't think was a big deal until we went out there and saw one of them tormenting her, with him chasing her round and round, and trying to ride on her back. She is so tiny and these little boys are pretty hefty so we quickly put up a barrier so they can't get through either. Little brats.

We also went and picked up Bob Dean, the buck we had loaned out. This was the first time I did this and next time I'll make it clear that they have to pick him up and bring him home again. At least he is doing well with Raven and Harper since they have grown enough to hold their own with him now. I will probably keep him his whole life since most people still just see their livestock as a commodity to be disposed of when not useful anymore. He has fathered a lot of beautiful kids and has a very sweet temperament, with me anyway. His mom has a great udder and he seems to be passing that trait on to his kids, so that's a plus too. I'm not in to those little tiny pencil sized teats. With arthritis developing in my hands especially. Hoping I will stumble across a great deal on a used milk machine. Not fond of being woke up with my hands all swollen and lack of circulation going on.

That's why I've started taking ginkgo everyday. It's supposed to improve circulation and a whole bunch of other good stuff. I also have a good friend who became a distributor for Hempworx organic CBD oil and I entered a raffle she had and won a free bottle. It's also supposed to help alleviate aches and pains from muscle strain and so on. And, I even gave up one of my favorite things, coffee! Not easy since I love the smell of it and make it for my husband every morning, but I know even the caffeine isn't good for me right now. Lastly, I quit making my yummy brownies, cookies, and pumpkin bread to cut the sugar out. As far as I'm concerned, all of these actions are better than going to the doctor and getting prescribed all kinds of crap with bad side effects that don't heal anything and only cover up symptoms, and that's if you're lucky.

In fact, this is one of the things I feel so emotional about lately. Every day now I see posts about babies taken for their routine vaccines at two months old and bereaved parents finally catching on to what is happening in a most tragic way. My heart breaks for them. I can't even look at cows when I pass by them, with the little tags in their ears, knowing that they are just meat to someone. Same with pigs. Pigs are really smart intelligent animals. And I used to love bacon. Just can't do it anymore. And that's besides the fact that it's not really healthy to have big portions of meat on the plate everyday anyway. I even feel that way about trees being cut down without a thought other than what they can provide in the way of income. My brother in law is a logger and if I told them trees can feel he would look at me like I've lost my mind or something.

My husband was a big meat eater and after all these years he has come to the realization he doesn't have the craving he used to anymore. I do cook and eat some chicken but very sparingly, and I quit buying pork or beef for him years ago (I know, some of this is a repeat, but for those who haven't been keeping up it doesn't hurt). The last time we went to have lunch with his sister and my brother in law he ordered a chicken salad and they looked truly amazed. Being ranchers they are big meat eaters too. I'm not down on people who don't eat like I do, because it is a very personal choice and one that you have to grow into the changes on your own. Although I freely admit to my agenda to influence what my husband eats as I want him to be around as long as possible. His mother was diabetic and both parents had high blood pressure. A lot of people still don't get that what you eat plays a large part in your overall health. And doctors know next to nothing so it won't do any good to ask them. For some reason I've had an interest in nutrition for all my adult life. I'd probably be in really bad shape if I didn't take some responsibility and since I want to remain independent as long as possible I am willing to do whatever is necessary, even though I can be as stubborn as the next person.

And that brings up another point. In these times of god knows what is in those lovely artificial clouds that form after heavy spraying I've noticed I often don't feel quit right on those days. I still can't avoid all GMO foods, and many people I know are coming down with weird crosses of flu cold symptoms and quite a number have ended up in the hospital. Since I was so severely ill last year I am quite motivated to stay on the path, even though I know that it doesn't guarantee anything. It certainly can't hurt to do everything I can to not compromise my immune system. It is a challenge sometimes to wake up everyday, knowing what I know about such things as Agenda 21, and the fact that they do want to reduce the world's population and, of course, a chronically ill population would be easier to control than a healthy and fit one. The profit end of it is also hard to swallow, and I've noticed that America has taken the lead in creatively coming up with such a monstrously profitable system of "health care" (those words don't really seem to apply, but that's what they call it) and prisons for profit. Then of course, there is the war machine. People don't often think about the fact that almost all new technology is not even new at all. It's already been developed in secret for military purposes and only after they have achieved what they want in that department do they leak out some of these technologies for us common folk, and even then it is generally to further erode our humanness and make us easier to track and control. Damn shazam!

On a more positive note my tomato plants are almost ready to transplant and me and my neighbor are moving right along in our goal to grow lots of herbs and vegetables this year, some to keep and some to sell. I've done this before many years ago, and found it was actually quite profitable. My neighbor hasn't had a job in a long time and could definitely use the cash flow, plus it would be a general pick-me-upper for his morale in general. I want to explore and experiment with making tinctures, salves, and medicinal oils this year. Who knows, it could even develop into a cottage industry. And I figure, what the heck, do what you can and don't worry about the rest. It certainly doesn't do any good to sit around and just complain about how awful the world has become. As long as we are breathing and able to somewhat function it's best to be moving in the direction we want as best we can, and there is almost always something we can do, no matter how seemingly small and insignificant it may seem. Intent is a biggie too.

So I managed to ramble on and not stray too far off the path this time. I hope this finds everyone in a good place, and if you're not maybe provide some inspiration. When I meditate and ask Great Spirit for guidance I always hear that I need to just keep going, not give up, and act with as much integrity as possible, and that it DOES matter, each of us matters. So with that I bid you adieu.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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