Our Life in Mexico

“La verdad es que mientras más enojado estoy con este país y más lejos viajo, más mexicano me siento.”
― Jorge Ibargüengoitia, Instrucciones para vivir en México
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Our Life in Mexico

Post by Christine »

Good day friends, We've been so busy with our life on the ground here that time to write seems to have flown away with the gusting winds of February. As 2017 closed my spiritual nudgings kept telling me that by February we would be very busy in the 3D reality and I would be called to more interactions with the people in this community. I took many deep sighs on that one because I am rather more inclined to be reclusive and far away in nature. You know Spirit never lies, it is the purest form of communication and we are grateful for all that has evolved this month.

I am going to take the time to write an ongoing narrative, much like Spiritwind's Farm Life thread. Daily life is so full of lessons, challenges and joy too. Today hasn't dawned yet and I am sitting at the kitchen table with my morning coffee wondering what is going to happen to the dogs we rescued two days ago. Mexico has so many mistreated and abandoned animals, it breaks the heart open and is the microcosmic picture of just how cruel humans can be.

After our cat Fred was killed and his brother Leo lost or trapped we were bereft for many months but the world giveth what it taketh or something like that and we now have eight cats! So I guess our neighbors have released their idea that by cruel means they could control us and cats for that matter. I will introduce the tribe in another post, they are family and some even have Facebook pages. lol

Here is an email to the local animal shelter that explains what we've been up to for the last two days.

Hello friends of animals,

We are long time supporters of the SPA and are in need of assistance. Yesterday we rescued two dogs, one is a Rottweiler mix that was obviously used for dog fights. He was in terrible shape on the side of the highway to our home in the country. It turns out that he had two small caliber gun shot wounds on his flank and a veterinarian friend is helping us treat him. We will most likely keep him.

Later the same day a pick-up truck drove by our house and threw a young male dog out with construction wire wrapped tightly around one paw which as very swollen, we managed to remove the wire and housed him last night, this morning swelling is almost gone. We can't keep him and would like the SPA to accept him.

Wolfie as we named him on the side of the highway, he couldn't stand or walk. it took all day to get a vet to him and we now have him in our home. Getting him off the narrow highway was risky as cars, buses and semi trucks whizzed by.

Wolfie, not out of the woods yet. He's on painkillers and antibiotics. At first the vet said he wouldn't survive but he is so we continue to treat him.

This is Puppers who we are doing our best to place with someone or in a shelther... the SPA refused him and the city pound would only keep him for three days before putting him down. He's with a local vet but he will only keep him for 24 hours.

And in the mix is the excitement of a potential new home site ... we are blessed.

This is me celebrating what we hope will be our future home.

If anyone can help with some monetary support it would be very gratefully accepted. I so dislike asking as so many are in financial need right now but our expenses with vet bills and animal food is taking it's toll on our monthly budget. We dislike asking and only do so when we don't know where else to turn.
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Re: Our Life in Mexico

Post by maggie »

Christine wrote:
If anyone can help with some monetary support it would be very gratefully accepted. I so dislike asking as so many are in financial need right now but our expenses with vet bills and animal food is taking it's toll on our monthly budget. We dislike asking and only do so when we don't know where else to turn.
Congratulations on your new home manifesting on its homesite. IMO it is a sticky subject about patronage. I think it best to bring out my concern overtly.

In a way you couched asking for funds to take care of the dogs. In a way it sounded like it is for your needs. It grates somewhat wherever I read people asking for patronage. I think maybe I'd like patronage too. This is just me but the go fund me because I want money seems very old paradigm. That is why I hardly ever participate. I did contribute to John Anthony West's alternate health care. That was partly because I had been given so much by his work.

If I plead no where else to turn, how will I see where support surrounds me? IMO being ethical creatures, pleading lack will mean we need to follow through IMO. That is not to say I am correct but it is a trigger to me to see persons asking for personal help. Maybe I should look at it differently?

I have several animals too and I know what you mean about the cost of caring. I have been the caregiver of several cats who live in a "Kitty House" for 2.5 years. The property is selling and the crisis has made it such that the owner is receiving her heart's desire to have them at her house. Her husband never agreed to allow that but seems to be now.

I am always spending more than she gives me and stopped stressing about it. I know I have all the means available to do whatever I choose and that the messages of feeling there is no help around me are anticipating stress and fear. I think the foundlings you are taking in will help you feel and see the money flow. That IMO is the gift of returns when we extend our care.

I know the forum has expenses and I agree that as I use it, it makes me "family" and family should contribute to the budget of the forum.
I think maybe in another thread (I could not find the one from before) you could be candid about just what it costs to host this forum. I think that it is fair that we as a forum pay the forum bills. I don't do recurring payments any longer with anything. It makes it seem too mechanical.

I think I feel committed to sharing some fair amount for the forum.
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Re: Our Life in Mexico

Post by Christine »

maggie wrote:
Christine wrote:
If anyone can help with some monetary support it would be very gratefully accepted. I so dislike asking as so many are in financial need right now but our expenses with vet bills and animal food is taking it's toll on our monthly budget. We dislike asking and only do so when we don't know where else to turn.
Congratulations on your new home manifesting on its homesite. IMO it is a sticky subject about patronage. I think it best to bring out my concern overtly.

In a way you couched asking for funds to take care of the dogs. In a way it sounded like it is for your needs. It grates somewhat wherever I read people asking for patronage. I think maybe I'd like patronage too. This is just me but the go fund me because I want money seems very old paradigm. That is why I hardly ever participate. I did contribute to John Anthony West's alternate health care. That was partly because I had been given so much by his work.

If I plead no where else to turn, how will I see where support surrounds me? IMO being ethical creatures, pleading lack will mean we need to follow through IMO. That is not to say I am correct but it is a trigger to me to see persons asking for personal help. Maybe I should look at it differently?

I have several animals too and I know what you mean about the cost of caring. I have been the caregiver of several cats who live in a "Kitty House" for 2.5 years. The property is selling and the crisis has made it such that the owner is receiving her heart's desire to have them at her house. Her husband never agreed to allow that but seems to be now.

I am always spending more than she gives me and stopped stressing about it. I know I have all the means available to do whatever I choose and that the messages of feeling there is no help around me are anticipating stress and fear. I think the foundlings you are taking in will help you feel and see the money flow. That IMO is the gift of returns when we extend our care.

I know the forum has expenses and I agree that as I use it, it makes me "family" and family should contribute to the budget of the forum.
I think maybe in another thread (I could not find the one from before) you could be candid about just what it costs to host this forum. I think that it is fair that we as a forum pay the forum bills. I don't do recurring payments any longer with anything. It makes it seem too mechanical.

I think I feel committed to sharing some fair amount for the forum.
I so realize that everyone has to make ends meet and I always know mine have been met abundantly. It isn't stress that has me asking, it is just a rather blunt situation that we could use a little help momentarily. I have found that source supplies from unexpected places and never like to put pressure on anyone to feel a sense of obligation. I have so many friends in more dire straights than ourselves and know that "money" is really about circulation. You could nick name me "the one who spends beyond her means".

The "money" issue is always a complex one. The property is to be my daughters' and the funds are not from my pocket, our contribution will be our labor and love. The forum and website are $39.00 a month, not much really. We are okay with our service provider but occasionally could use more bandwidth though have decided to stay where we are right now.

A little update: I found someone to take the younger pup and am very grateful. Wolfie isn't doing all too well but hanging in there, the vet is coming tomorrow and maybe some x-rays if he doesn't improve overnight. They are a blessing for many reasons and also I am feeling tender and teary eyed right now.
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Re: Our Life in Mexico

Post by maggie »

Christine wrote:
The forum and website are $39.00 a month, not much really. We are okay with our service provider but occasionally could use more bandwidth though have decided to stay where we are right now.

A little update: I found someone to take the younger pup and am very grateful. Wolfie isn't doing all too well but hanging in there, the vet is coming tomorrow and maybe some x-rays if he doesn't improve overnight. They are a blessing for many reasons and also I am feeling tender and teary eyed right now.
I have a cat named wolfie. That is great news about the pup.

If 24 people contribute half a month's forum expenses once a year, that means we are paid up, I think. I'll contribute to the prosperity of earthempaths this year. Thanks for hosting the forum. Best wishes to all of us that we have generous amounts of fluid and ever renewing flow of wealth, health and friends and support. Love, Maggie
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Re: Our Life in Mexico

Post by Christine »

My writing this morning is a mixture of sorrow and the confront with censorship that is in full view.

Wolfie passed to the other side last night.

http://earthempaths.net/wp/2018/02/24/l ... ake-world/
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Re: Our Life in Mexico

Post by Fred Steeves »

Sorry to hear that Christine La Tigra, atleast y'all tried. Also, he passed on being loved and cared for, not alone, scared, and confused. I truly do think the circumstances of our passing, any of us whether 2 leggeds or 4, are critically important.

I'm thinking that's why passing by road kills is really beginning to get to me more and more these last couple of years. The sudden violent circumstance, the shock and bewilderment, while often times not dying right away. No arms to be held in, no goodbye caresses or soft loving words, just the cold indifferent side of the usually dark highway, where they managed to crawl the last few feet of their lives.
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Re: Our Life in Mexico

Post by Christine »

Fred Steeves wrote:Sorry to hear that Christine La Tigra, atleast y'all tried. Also, he passed on being loved and cared for, not alone, scared, and confused. I truly do think the circumstances of our passing, any of us whether 2 leggeds or 4, are critically important.

I'm thinking that's why passing by road kills is really beginning to get to me more and more these last couple of years. The sudden violent circumstance, the shock and bewilderment, while often times not dying right away. No arms to be held in, no goodbye caresses or soft loving words, just the cold indifferent side of the usually dark highway, where they managed to crawl the last few feet of their lives.
One of the gifts contained within sorrow are the amazing people who share their own stories and feel so deeply. While Wolfie was only in our lives but a short time he taught me so much and with this came a realization that more humans are feeling at a much deeper level. Our sensitivity is refined and like you said Fred, even seeing animals dead on the side of the road can bring tears of compassion. This feeling doesn't carry the over emotionalized element of drama, it is the feeling body that is more engaged in the all of life around us.

I have noted in myself changes, subtle ones but deep ones. I used to be able to block out calls to action, used to be able to rationalize that road kill, slaughter house kill and the war killings were just part of life, used to be able to turn a blind eye. It seems that this isn't possible now and I note within this a rise in conscious awareness that is indicative of being more whole as in more holy in the world.

Some days I don't know what to do or say when I hear the indoctrinated responses from people close to me.

Last night over dinner as I sat listening to a neighbor use the talking points of CNN on the Parkland shootings i felt a deep disturbance on how effective the propaganda machine is, for my neighbor is a black man, well educated and has an intelligent manner but he like the millions are easily fooled by identity politics and thinks the points I made were about being right to make him wrong. We managed to find a place of agreement on how the children of the "westernized" world are unable to think critically and have no real knowledge of history or even where their food comes from... etc. His concern was the common ground and it gave me a small opening to point out that while I agreed I have also observed that most otherwise intelligent people are incapable of seeing the connecting dots and so stay polarized. The conversation turned very heart felt and by the end of dinner we embraced and I was able to say, "we engaged", not on the surface chitchat level of socially approved norms but at a much more vital level.

I trust that some seeds were planted, I trust truth will find a way to take root in the hearts and souls of those who care.
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Re: Our Life in Mexico

Post by Fred Steeves »

Christine wrote:I trust that some seeds were planted, I trust truth will find a way to take root in the hearts and souls of those who care.
Whew, sigh. "Those who care", or those who care to care... There is so much I could comment on, in so many circumstances, to so many varying people, about so many inter-related subjects, all at once, that I'm just feeling more and more it's time for another long walk out into the proverbial desert.

Parts unknown.
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Re: Our Life in Mexico

Post by Professor Doom »


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Re: Our Life in Mexico

Post by Spiritwind »

Christine wrote:
maggie wrote:
Christine wrote:
If anyone can help with some monetary support it would be very gratefully accepted. I so dislike asking as so many are in financial need right now but our expenses with vet bills and animal food is taking it's toll on our monthly budget. We dislike asking and only do so when we don't know where else to turn.
Congratulations on your new home manifesting on its homesite. IMO it is a sticky subject about patronage. I think it best to bring out my concern overtly.

In a way you couched asking for funds to take care of the dogs. In a way it sounded like it is for your needs. It grates somewhat wherever I read people asking for patronage. I think maybe I'd like patronage too. This is just me but the go fund me because I want money seems very old paradigm. That is why I hardly ever participate. I did contribute to John Anthony West's alternate health care. That was partly because I had been given so much by his work.

If I plead no where else to turn, how will I see where support surrounds me? IMO being ethical creatures, pleading lack will mean we need to follow through IMO. That is not to say I am correct but it is a trigger to me to see persons asking for personal help. Maybe I should look at it differently?

I have several animals too and I know what you mean about the cost of caring. I have been the caregiver of several cats who live in a "Kitty House" for 2.5 years. The property is selling and the crisis has made it such that the owner is receiving her heart's desire to have them at her house. Her husband never agreed to allow that but seems to be now.

I am always spending more than she gives me and stopped stressing about it. I know I have all the means available to do whatever I choose and that the messages of feeling there is no help around me are anticipating stress and fear. I think the foundlings you are taking in will help you feel and see the money flow. That IMO is the gift of returns when we extend our care.

I know the forum has expenses and I agree that as I use it, it makes me "family" and family should contribute to the budget of the forum.
I think maybe in another thread (I could not find the one from before) you could be candid about just what it costs to host this forum. I think that it is fair that we as a forum pay the forum bills. I don't do recurring payments any longer with anything. It makes it seem too mechanical.

I think I feel committed to sharing some fair amount for the forum.
I so realize that everyone has to make ends meet and I always know mine have been met abundantly. It isn't stress that has me asking, it is just a rather blunt situation that we could use a little help momentarily. I have found that source supplies from unexpected places and never like to put pressure on anyone to feel a sense of obligation. I have so many friends in more dire straights than ourselves and know that "money" is really about circulation. You could nick name me "the one who spends beyond her means".

The "money" issue is always a complex one. The property is to be my daughters' and the funds are not from my pocket, our contribution will be our labor and love. The forum and website are $39.00 a month, not much really. We are okay with our service provider but occasionally could use more bandwidth though have decided to stay where we are right now.

A little update: I found someone to take the younger pup and am very grateful. Wolfie isn't doing all too well but hanging in there, the vet is coming tomorrow and maybe some x-rays if he doesn't improve overnight. They are a blessing for many reasons and also I am feeling tender and teary eyed right now.
You bring up some good points Maggie and meant to respond sooner but had a week of feeling somewhat under the weather. Feeling a bit better today, thankfully.

The idea of patronage, and, well, money in general is always a sticky one. I had someone last year suggesting I do a "Go Fund Me" thing, and it's just never seemed like something I wanted to do. On the other hand I see a number of people whose work I enjoy starting a Patreon account. I only contribute a couple dollars a month to one of them, because I really do enjoy what she shares and it's a way of saying thank you for all her hard work. And here I have done a monthly contribution, although since our financial hardship last year I went down to a much smaller amount that I know will always be there. I never contributed to any other forums I have participated in, and never felt drawn to do so before. It is, in the end, a kind of personal thing.

For me, the reason I do so here is because this is home for me. To have this forum here in the world the way it is now is like an oasis, a place to connect with like minded people (so nice there is no hidden agenda!). Even though there are ups and downs in our engagement here, I would not want it to wither away from lack of caring, and my little monthly contribution is a way of showing that. For me, setting it up to come out on a certain date every month takes the thinking and remembering part out of it, so that's why I do it that way.

There are several others who I would also send a small contribution to on a regular basis, if I felt comfortable with knowing I would have the means to do so. Maybe that time will come. But I do feel showing our support in various ways does matter, especially in these times of growing censorship and the fact that it portends of things to come that aren't really what I personally want to see happening. It's getting to where just speaking up with information that is not supporting the current roll out is not for those without some real commitment to being the voice in the wilderness, regardless of the potential consequences. There are many ways to show support though, and that can go beyond just mullah. Time and energy are valuable commodities.

Back about 10 years ago you never saw people on the streets here with signs asking for help and now it is a common thing. When I lived in Honduras back in the late 60's for a bit I remember how shocking it was to have beggars actually come to your door. And I know I have no magic wand to help all who need it, so I do kind of pick and choose. I actually ask spirit for help with this, and always do get a response. And then I let it go. Anyway, just my two cents worth.

PS: love your sharing a little view into you lives here C & C!
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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