Farm Life

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Re: Farm Life

Post by Spiritwind »

Yes, Fred, the road less traveled! You and your wife are doing exactly what we had contemplated a number of years back. And the love and care you put into anything has an interesting way of coming back to you.

We actually both had good paying jobs as managers of a 140 space mobile home park that we both walked away from to go live on a fixer upper 52 foot sailboat just a little over 10 years ago. And we were working together remodeling homes, landscaping, and a multitude of other things. We both wondered if we had made the wrong decision many times, yet knowing we couldn't have stayed there anyway due to the huge conflict of interests the job had become. And we did notice that slowly over time some of the people who the owner wanted to clean up started to make improvements without having to be beat with a stick. We got a few new owners (we sold the homes too) in that were big into gardening, landscaping, beautifying and it seemed to radiate out. And it's not just the idea that you have to meet some standard. For me, I noticed that when one works with nature in a way that encourages life and manifests beauty, it changes the way things feel. It creates an energy, if you will.

And we had also realized that if we had went that route, as you and your wife did, we would have been buying homes that weren't probably in the best neighborhoods, and would have been in pretty rough shape. There's much more to what you and your wife do than just what is seen in the physical, in my opinion. And I know there's a lot of us out there, that are willing to take those risks, even if it does make us shake in our shoes at times. I know Blue Rising is probably very busy with her new adventure and only posts when the time is right for her, but she, too, is taking that leap of faith. I think about her, and many others, all the time. I think some of us, despite all that looking outside ourselves, have figured out that the solutions we seek actually take action in the real world. We don't have to always know the outcome.

And, funnily enough, as I was thinking back, that secure job as managers that we walked away from wasn't all that secure after all. They had promised a big pay increase if we could fill all the spaces. A few managers later when most of the spaces were filled, they sold it! And the new owner managed it herself. We would have worked our way out of a job!

Anyway, thank you for sharing.
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Re: Farm Life

Post by Fred Steeves »

Spiritwind wrote: And I know there's a lot of us out there, that are willing to take those risks, even if it does make us shake in our shoes at times. I know Blue Rising is probably very busy with her new adventure and only posts when the time is right for her, but she, too, is taking that leap of faith.
As a matter of fact Blue Rising was one such example I had in mind with that post.
Spiritwind wrote: I think about her, and many others, all the time. I think some of us, despite all that looking outside ourselves, have figured out that the solutions we seek actually take action in the real world.
Absolutely, where artist's brush continues to meet canvas until the portrait is complete.
The unexamined life is not worth living.

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Re: Farm Life

Post by Blue Rising »

Special loving energy sent out, right here and now. (snicker) Would you believe it, I felt y'all ping me!? ;) I miss my close friendships with you guys...I sincerely wish I had more time to honor what you both share by interacting more.


I'm such a different person these days. I remember, Fred, when you and I had conversations about how many people say they are a different person than they used to be...maybe when they were younger. But how in reality, not too many people are literally different people. I am, though. You are. And I intuit Spiritwind is also. I know G is...there is something that happens, isn't there? It does require a willingness to be led along by Spirit, whatever that is to each of us. There has to be a stubborn streak and a malleable piece of clay all at once. The stubborn streak keeps you from giving up, Will with a capital W, I reckon. And the malleable...the open, ego-less willingness to do what needs to be done...and that is usually the path of the Fool. No? Because there are times what needs to be done is unknown and unseen.

I have been honed by a flame hotter than I could have imagined. And cooled by the water of synchronicity and worlds unseen with human eyes. I am thrilled with the current state of things, because I have set some things right in my own path that will not allow me to forget. I have less of a plan than ever have, lol, so I hear you with taking risks. Lack of plan = lack of stability...

Last weekend when a magical family came into the store, I asked how in the world they found me. It was my first weekend open and there was no advertising or anything...they said when they looked up the hill they saw the beacon. Holy shit, right there.


Who knows how far this will go. I have been called to be here, now. So indeed I will. Until I am asked to be somewhere else. That's Trust. Also an opportunity, every day, to look into the monster's eyes, dead square. Turns out, I am learning to *not blink first*...


Keep steady with the Great Work, my dear friends. Much Love,

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Re: Farm Life

Post by Spiritwind »

Blue Rising! So nice to see you stop by. Funny that you would notice the "ping", being Earth Empaths and all (big smile). This small group of loosely connected empathic people I've gotten to know over the last 6 years has taught me very well, we're all just a thought away. Seems we're all trying to get in touch with our own inner creative self and just push ourselves to step out there. For me, it's been a lot of unlearning so as to make space for the new me to emerge. And yes, trust is a big part of it. Kind of exciting though.

Don't have much time to write at the moment, but if you take a peak and see this I know you'll love the idea Blue Rising. I've been encouraged to consider offering goat yoga, as I guess it's a new up and coming fad. I have almost zero experience with yoga, but I know several that do (wish you were closer), and I can certainly supply the small, friendly, happy, adorable goat babies. Funny what people can come up with. The idea of it makes me smile though, and we all know this world can use more happy. Plus, as cute as they are, it would be nice if I could come up with a way that isn't so much work to help them pay for themselves.

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Re: Farm Life

Post by Spiritwind »

I doubt if I will be able to finish this today, but I can at least get a start on it. Spring, as short as it is here, seems to have finally arrived. I left all my seedlings out overnight and left the tomatoes in my mini greenhouse, and they all seemed to have done just fine. Which means it's warm enough at night to move full speed ahead on planting.

I can't believe I'm in such a much different place than I was last year at this time. After using the CBD oil that I won a free bottle of for a little over a month I can say that it helped with a number of conditions. I have a bit of arthritis and circulation problems, as well as some digestion issues. People have thought I was weird for a long time now, because I generally bring my own food everywhere I go. But I have a good reason for this and have gotten to where I just don't give a damn what they think. Anyway, the CBD oil seemed to help with all of it. I'm out now, and my hands are starting to swell up again and go to sleep at night. It can even keep me awake and is kind of annoying to have to sleep with my arm hanging over the side of the bed. Sore muscles from hard physical work aren't healing up as fast again. So it really did help. The company that makes this particular brand is outstanding, and I could become a distributor. But I don't want to lock myself into a payment of any kind right now. After more research it appears that I can make it myself in a variety of different ways, and they will all be less expensive, even if it's going to be harder to figure out just how much I need to take to get the right level of benefit.

My husband and I have been brainstorming a number of ideas to make this new, non-corporate, lifestyle work for us. He developed a satellite system many years ago, when it was just coming into vogue. He lived in an area where there were many farming communities and his idea made him a ton of money at the time. He just realized that the system he developed for moving the dish around would work perfect, with some modifications, for our solar system. We've both learned a lot about solar this last year. We had one battery that was bad, but it took us a while to figure out that was why the system didn't seem to be putting out like it should. Since we changed out that battery it's been working quite well. And we're eventually going to have to change out our charge controller. There is a lot to know and several different ways to go solar. Eventually we'd like to develop a package deal that we can market and install for others. If we do it right, we can help other's get started for a more reasonable cost, and help ourselves in the process. We have several other ideas we are kicking around. It may take us awhile, but I know we're moving in the right direction.

The pressure tank for the water system is one of our next projects. I can't tell you how fortunate we are that my husband knows how to do all this stuff. I'll try and take pictures and document what we do as best I can, since doing it yourself rather than hiring someone else to do it is the only way to go if you are on a budget. Even though we lost the smaller, less expensive to run, generator, it's been warming up enough and we've been getting enough sun to just keep it off most of the time, thankfully.

I'm going to make a trip to the small town to the north of us and talk to the folks at a place called Club Energy. I did astrology readings almost 20 years ago for their spa day event they have. I am going to propose the goat yoga idea and see what they think. It would have to be for next year, but it doesn't hurt to start planning ahead.

Otherwise, as far as the farm goes, I'm a lucky girl in another way too! My neighbor and long time friend came over this last week and pitchforked out the massive poop/hay piles from around the feeders in three of the pens. It's almost done! He says he wants to stay in shape, but I know he also knows that I physically can't do it anymore. Now we just have to get the tractor over here to move the piles away from their pens. We're going to have to figure out where to put it all, so that it can compost down and be used in the garden in future years. He knows, having worked with us, and for us, for many years, the idea of community, and helping one another to make it work out better for everyone. It's a start!

One kind of funny thing happened last week. We have Gladys, a friends goat, here to breed with Bob, and as I mentioned put a divider in to keep Raven on the other side. Well, a 5 foot piece of fence panel that was hooked into their shelter didn't get reinforced well enough and they managed to push it open. I went over there and found them all together. At first we thought we'd just leave them until the next day to fix it, but after watching for just a minute or two realized that we had to fix it immediately. She must have been coming into heat and little Raven was wanting in on the action. We watched as he would try and mount her and then Bob just literally lifted him off of her with his head! It was something to see. I kind of think Gladys preferred Raven, but not sure. In any event, she was basically just running around frantically, and it was clear this could go on a long time with one or more getting hurt. So we fixed it.

I also have to mention that I have one smarter than average goat out there. Ballerina, the mini Lamancha I got last year (the one without ears), who was a bottle baby and very friendly, has figured out how to put her head through the fence and use her mouth to pull up on the wire my husband put on the gate latch to open it! I've watched her do it. So I've had to put a little bungee cord on there to keep her from getting out. She is very independent and seems to be able to think things out. Little stinker!

I guess this is a good place to stop for now, and it appears I managed to write an update after all. We've been having several conversations lately about how, after all this time of researching so many things about how things really are in this topsy turvy reality, it comes down to action. We can't change what is going on "out there", and so knowing more of the truth, while satisfying our need to know, hasn't really changed what we need to do after all. It seems it comes down to just learning how to live with less, and becoming as independent of the system as possible so as not to be adding as much to the overall negative impact of the way humans have come to live life here. I know we can't exactly go back to the way things were, back in some idyllic time that probably never really existed. But if we start using what we know with an eye for taking good care of our own individual reality bubbles in a way that radiates out in an ever expanding growing manner that encourages solution oriented thinking and actions, it's as good as it can be, and that's good enough for now. And at least I've found I am traveling in some good company. Even though I am willing to go it alone, it's nice to know I don't have to. Now, I've got to get to work.
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Re: Farm Life

Post by LostNFound »

I know the little goats are so cute and it would seem that no one could resist them. However, I have one question, What happens when these babies drop their pellets on someones back or head? Okay just an offbeat question but I did have to laugh anyway.
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Re: Farm Life

Post by Blue Rising »

Lol!!! Ok, first of all, I had the same question. would that work? But I wholeheartedly agree that if it brings some joy, and lightens things up for people a bit, then what the hell, go for it...

I miss yoga terribly. I went to a doctor for an issue and found out that the particular issue was exacerbated by the hours of yoga I was doing every day. You can't really say that out loud when you're a yoga instructor lol. But, it happens. Rare though.

Anyway, you know I wish you success with that!!! All I know for sure, is that wherever your joy takes you, you should follow it!!! Passion is a movement of Spirit. <3
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Re: Farm Life

Post by Spiritwind »

Well, yes, there is poop involved, LOL! But, since they are Nigerian Dwarfs and between probably the one to three month old range, their poop should be slightly larger than the size of BBs and fairly dry and hard (I knew you wanted the real low down on this delicate subject - I can't even write this without smiling). From what I saw in the videos I watched they have a poop detail person who goes around and sweeps them up quickly. I play with the kids all the time, and though they have no reservations where they go, I've never actually had them poop or pee on me. I guess you could have a bucket and mop handy for any pee. Mine like to go on hay, and I've heard of them even being trained to go where you want. I would probably try using a shallow cardboard box covered with plastic and then filled with some hay.

The three in the following picture are Arrows three kids at almost 5 weeks old. The boy in the middle I've named Tux. The girl on the left I've named Gypsy, and the girl on the right I'm calling Squeaker Rose. I might eventually drop the Squeaker part, but for now it fits. She runs out of the gate first, ahead of everyone, then panics because she's alone and cries like a baby like she's been abandoned. Perfect size for goat yoga. It gets hard to come up with names after a few years. I literally lay awake some nights trying to come up with something original.


Arrow has been somewhat slow at making a full recovery but she's almost there. I've been putting probiotics on her grain to help restore balance after the antibiotics. And she has done a great job feeding her kids through it all. They are definitely not missing a meal. Short and sweet today, but got to get back outside. The weeds are trying to grow faster than I can keep up with!

And, yes, Blue Rising, couldn't agree with you more on this: "Passion is a movement of spirit"!
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Farm Life

Post by Spiritwind »

Today I have so much on my mind that I'm having to seriously slow down my thoughts to make sense of them. One of the reasons I keep writing here, among many others, is that it's actually a form of therapy for my reaction to the "world out there". I've had a hard time being here ever since I can remember. I noticed things that others didn't, and always seemed to stand apart from everyone else. I strangely remember the day John F Kennedy was shot and killed, November 22, 1963. I was in kindergarten when they made the announcement to the class. I remember having to crawl under my desk for air raid drills around that time too. Even then I questioned the narrative and why things were the way they were.

And it hasn't gotten any easier, being here. I'm not going to cover the latest news stories here, since it's a farm life thread, but let's just say things haven't really improved, mentality wise, in the outer world. It has a strange repetitive cadence to it. And Big Brother tactics are more insidious and worse than ever. As an example my iPad is sort of on its way out from working functionally. You know, they make them to become obsolete so you have to buy a new one every couple years. I've had mine for over 4 years and it has made my internet experience pretty horrible. Our internet service provider doesn't help. When we occasionally try to watch a video online we usually get the message that our high speed internet doesn't have enough band width to play properly. Anyway, I had looked up a bunch of various topics on my iPad last night before going to bed. This morning I turned on my laptop, hoping to have a better internet experience and noticed that Google had a running record of everything I looked at last night from my iPad!? Like, WTF! I could go off on an entire rant on just that alone. But I won't. Suffice it to say the technology they leak slowly out to the public is already obsolete to those higher up the ladder. If we knew the whole truth it almost certainly would blow our minds.

So for me, farm life is also a form of therapy for me just being in this world with some level of sanity and ability to enjoy life. I generally get up and look at what is going on "out there", and usually fairly briefly. Just a little goes a long ways. I might look up an area of interest and do a little research too. Usually those topics actually have to do with the past, like my recent interest in the true story about giants. It's funny how there is a trail of evidence that still is accessible regardless of the fact that much has been hidden away, and yet people still cling to the party line. The fact that there are so many remains and so widespread actually raises more questions than it answers. I'll probably write more on that later in another thread. It does make me think, once again, about how in childhood we were sold the idea that basically you go to church and are taught that God created the earth in 7 (of his) days, and that humans only arrived here a mere 6 thousand years ago. Then you go to school and are taught that we evolved from apes (oh yeah, Darwinism). If that doesn't mess your mind up from the get go, I don't know what does. Weird to discover that both of these over simplistic dogmas are wrong.

Anyway, I will try to pull my head out of the clouds and come back to the real world. I'm taking some plants to sell this weekend and I am rather excited about it, for a bunch of reasons. With everything I do I try to consider how the energy flows. There is something about gardening that feeds my soul in a way that almost nothing else can. I asked my neighbor and friend a few days ago whether he talks to his plants. He looked at me funny and said something like "not like you do". I talk to the plants, and trees, and water get the idea, like they are beings in their own right, as I do in fact feel that they are. I've told the story before about my adopted mother's mom, who just happened to be Native American, showing my mom, my little sister and myself when I was about 10 years old how she could make her houseplant cry. And she did! It left a lasting impression on me. Then many years later I read the Secret Life of Plants, and it also had a profound effect on my thinking and outlook. I also read about Findhorn, as well as Machaelle Small Wright's work with nature, and have done quite a bit of work in that department myself. Nature is alive in ways that most people can't seem to grasp. It responds to us, and it absorbs and holds all the ungrounded emotional energies released by us humans, and when cleared of these energies actually sparkles with life potential.

Even the most desolate areas where nothing will grow and animals won't come can be changed through our human efforts. Now that's putting our intelligence to work in a way that enhances opportunities for all life. So when I'm out there I try to be very conscious of these energies. I apologize to the worms I accidentally unearth, and even make an announcement that I am going to pull certain indigenous plants (most call weeds) up in certain areas to make room for other plants to grow. I tell them they may want to transfer their life force energy to the surrounding plants of like kind that I will be leaving alone. It may sound silly but to me, like Machaelle Small Wright in a book she wrote says, the God in all life DOES matter. And most of the time things grow really well for me. My house plants turn into trees and try to take over, LOL. But the relationship and interaction that happens when you work with nature this way is priceless. And it is healing. And that's why I do it. (Except I do swat mosquitos and other biting insects who deign to feed on me - you gotta draw the line somewhere, and no, I don't apply pesticides to my skin to keep them off, although I do use a plant based product called Buzz Away that works pretty good).

I'll have to come back to this train of thought but will go ahead and post this. Let's just say the energy is building. Uranus is going into Taurus for awhile soon (from 5/16 until it retrogrades back into Aries for awhile on 11/18) and I can honestly say "I feel it". I have so many creative ideas in my head I'm finding it hard to slow down. Consciously channeling that energy in productive ways is helpful. I'd rather be riding the wave of solutions rather than the wave of destruction. And in a way it is a choice. When delays and challenges appear I sometimes have to take a sudden detour, but that's okay. I have learned to adapt, overcome, improvise and conquer (myself anyway). I am ever immensely grateful that I have enough awareness to recognize there is always more than one way to interpret anything that is happening. It does indeed affect the outcome.
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Re: Farm Life

Post by LostNFound »

Yes, dear lady, writing is a soothing, healing and wondrous,even magical inner experience. Talking to plants, to all life forces makes one peaceful. My wife and I both talk to animals and plants and we even talk to the rocks that seem to be scattered in meaningful ways around us. We have one big rock just off of our patio that we named "Hippo butt" because it looks just like a hippo butt. The small creatures love to cling to Hippo butt. Ha such wonders of life we do have. Playing in the dirt of the mother, wow. Such is the way of a simple farm boy or girl.

Your writings are so great and it is so cool to see the pictures you post. Speaking of writing, When I finally began to do just that even if it is fiction, something changed in my life. It is as if I was made more full. I feel that what I do write comes from deep within me and our imaginations can be a full cup and overflow.

Thank you Spiritwind
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