Cremation of Care

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Cremation of Care

Post by Spiritwind »

Cremation of Care


I read something recently about this ritual, and what it means and why they do it. I thought about this quite deeply. I often start every morning with some time just talking to what I loosely call Great Spirit. To me, it represents the actual life force energy that animates all life, and gives everything the opportunity to experience various forms of consciousness. It feels very congenial to me, for lack of a better way to say it. In other words, it's never grumpy, judgemental, or demeaning. I never feel fearful after our "discussion", rather, I always feel more empowered and loved.

It can be stern at times, as I would expect from "truth", which this Great Spirit always imparts as far as I can tell. But, I want the truth, not the sugar coated lies that make so many continue to feel comfortable in a world that, at its base, wants to take away our ability to love, nurture, and care for, first off, our children. And the environment, and our fellow human beings (community). Animals and life forms of all types are part of the targeted populations here. As Russell Means so aptly said, "we're all on the reservation now".

The sad part is, so many don't even know they've already been captured. I realized that slowly, over time, I have finally been able to tune my inner more sub-conscious terrain to hear this voice of the Great Spirit over the din of ever increasing chaos, confusion, fear, and wanton destruction. For, make no mistake, this is indeed all part of a plan. I know, it sounds like something out of a movie script, doesn't it? How could there be some diabolical force that is worse than all our maniacal psychotic bloodthirsty dictators throughout history put together? Something that wants to have total control over the entire planet in a way that none can escape. Something that has a goal of complete and utter control over even our inner landscape. A total shut down of who and what we are, and then to use that very consciousness that animates life for a purpose at odds with original creation. Sounds like the devil (D'evil) himself, doesn't it?

Even so, there are many ways to look at this beast. There is a clue right in the word, evil, as it is live spelled backwards. I have no desire to get into a discussion about the various interpretations people have assigned to such loaded terms as Satan, Lucifer, Moloch, Baal, Yahweh, Enki, Enlil, Marduk, or any other name ascribed to the opposing energy that seems to counter the creative expanding energy of life. I feel it is sufficient, for the point I am trying to make here, that we can all easily identify that there is a life negating energy at work that expresses itself through a variety of vectors and people, and whose signature can easily be seen by the fruits it bears. The energies of war, greed, inappropriately regulated dispersal of all the resources of this planet by just a handful of shadowy beings who do not show themselves are some examples. The outright in your face actions to cull the population are another through our food, medicine, water, and air. All that we see is part of the stage from which they enact their agenda, for what true purpose we may never fully understand. The people who we can publicly identify are not the source of this energy that can seemingly move through people and events. In fact, the more we try to root it out it seems, the bigger it becomes. Denial clearly doesn't work, and making war on a war mongering mentality is unlikely to work either.

So what can we do? We have identified that there is an agenda being played out by the bad guy actors on the stage of life. Attacking them will not make the problem go away. We can't ever seem to get to the real source of it all. But, we can identify the ways in which this energy hides within our very beings and set personal boundaries on how that energy plays out in our own life. We can call it out and rebuke it, so that it loses its potency when it tries a covert take over. For we can't entirely ever get away from it.

The other equally important thing we can do is decide that no matter how difficult it is to see what we see, we decide to care. We may have to regulate how much of the outer world we allow into our space, but when we do see what is painful to see, we choose not to look away. Maybe we can't change the world, end poverty and senseless wars, or make the greedy stop being greedy or those without a conscience start to feel what we feel. But we can allow the very human desire to alleviate suffering to continue to surface, even if we must remain in the observer mode, even if we know we can't always fix what seems to be so wrong with our world.


As always, it is ultimately a spiritual problem. For some of us, either through our upbringing, or through our own natural progression of growth, see all life as sacred and, in some way, an extension of ourselves, as part of a larger whole. I can't unsee what I see now, and really wouldn't want to, even though the bigger truth I have learned about the nature of reality and the overlaid construct has literally blown my mind wide open. It has freed me, while at the same time has me feeling stuck in an ever repeating loop of constant mind fuckery. Yes, like a magicians' trick they have us all buying into the artificial construct designed to take from the many, even to the point of extreme poverty, suffering, destruction, and even death of large swathes of humanity, not to mention the destruction of all life, so that a small handful can live the life of Riley. Really?

We can chose to keep our eyes wide open, no matter what is revealed in the days, weeks, months, and years to come. We can remember who we are and always have been, when we remove the false veil laid over humanity. We can create those ever widening sacred circles that come together in life affirming, community building, caring for the tribe kind of ways. Every day. It is a choice, in the end, we all must make, to just show up and be our full selves as best we can, maintaining our natural born connection to the spirit world, and our full cups will then run over in a way that nurtures and heals as a natural consequence. While they continue to try and cremate our ability to care, we can choose instead to rebirth our love for life, for all that is good and expanding in ever growing waves of life giving energy to help us all reconnect with our sacred selves, thereby restoring the sacred circle of life. It is within each one of us to make this happen. We just have to not give up.

I do want to acknowledge all who have contributed to my continuous flow of inspiration. Maggie hasn't been here for awhile on the forum, but her influence about the Lovely, the Good, and the Expanding viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1304" onclick=";return false; can be seen, as well as Fred Steeves. Many may not know or remember, but back on Feb. 4, 2013 he started a thread on Project Avalon called The Sacred Circle ... red-Circle" onclick=";return false;. I was in the midst of my own personal challenges at the time, so never really got the chance to express that I thought it was a grand idea. Maybe ahead of its time, and attempted on soil that wasn't quite ready yet, but still, the seeds were planted. Mascha Roedeloff" onclick=";return false; has also been a wonderful voice in the wilderness. And I also have to thank the (mostly) women with whom I have traveled since those last days of our time on Avalon, all of them. They have taught me so much about myself, trust, and what creating community can be. We may have a long ways to go to overcome all the obstacles that can appear when attempting to do what seems to be almost the impossible. But then I think back to Standing Rock, and what it still represents no matter what the outcome. That people can come together in a good way, with respect for each other and the sacredness of the land itself, as well as a common goal to protect the water and preserve life for all our relations.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Cremation of Care

Post by Fred Steeves »

Spiritwind wrote: So what can we do? We have identified that there is an agenda being played out by the bad guy actors on the stage of life. Attacking them will not make the problem go away. We can't ever seem to get to the real source of it all. But, we can identify the ways in which this energy hides within our very beings and set personal boundaries on how that energy plays out in our own life. We can call it out and rebuke it, so that it loses its potency when it tries a covert take over. For we can't entirely ever get away from it.
It starts becoming something deeply personal doesn't it? A journey inward, somewhat akin to a rescue mission. No, attacking the problem is absolutely futile, that's what it likes, it feeds off of attack. This is the granddaddy of all distractions IMO: "Look over there, there, and there!", never "how might I be a part of the problem, so let's see to sorting my own self out before anything else".
Spiritwind wrote: The other equally important thing we can do is decide that no matter how difficult it is to see what we see, we decide to care. We may have to regulate how much of the outer world we allow into our space, but when we do see what is painful to see, we choose not to look away.
As usual Laurie I totally agree. Nothing I can add to that, just wanted to emphasize it.

Spiritwind wrote:Many may not know or remember, but back on Feb. 4, 2013 he started a thread on Project Avalon called The Sacred Circle ... red-Circle" onclick=";return false;. I was in the midst of my own personal challenges at the time, so never really got the chance to express that I thought it was a grand idea. Maybe ahead of its time, and attempted on soil that wasn't quite ready yet, but still, the seeds were planted.
Quite the surprise seeing The Sacred Circle dredged up from the depths, nice to know it made an impression on you. It seems like a lifetime ago when I did that, and in a way it was because in many respects I am no longer even that person. Grasshopper didn't know it at the time, but the school of hard knocks (as with some others here) was heading his way. Today, he likely would leave well enough alone...

I very seldom think about that any more, but on occasion when I do it's conflicted. First and foremost, at the time I had yet to discover that similar endeavors such as group meditations and group vision sharing can be commandeered in higher realms, and have the focused energy steered in directions never imagined by the ever so well intentioned participants.

Funny you mentioned that the seeds were planted. I'm unsure whether that's a good thing or a bad thing. When I asked for that thread to be closed I completely severed it from my being, and cast it to the 4 winds as if on the open ocean. That it may have found root somewhere has never crossed my mind. If it has, I sure hope it's essence has not been compromised.
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Re: Cremation of Care

Post by Spiritwind »

You are quite right Fred. I, too, discovered that any focused effort to bring people together in such a public way is almost doomed to fail. Not because of the original intent, though. The word that comes to mind is coalesce. For a sacred circle to form it seems many ingredients have to be available with a sprinkle of fairy dust. In other words, it just seems to find a way to happen without effort when the time is right and we get out of our own way and allow the magic needed to be drawn together. It’s a delicate thing that moves like the wind. I have seen the unseen do amazing things, almost miraculous things.

But you see, anything group oriented in the outer world in the usual way, even if it starts out good, seems to always get infiltrated and co-opted. I’ve seen it happen many times. Because the energy of the sacred circle is juicy, and makes a tasty meal for those doomed to always have to forage for the energy of others because they lost their own ability to produce that juiciness. They need to capture the energy of our good intentions so that they can redirect it. A nice sleight of hand trick. That’s probably why I feel the need to shy away from any big movements these days, and even small movements when organized into something that can be “managed” can loose its original juice.

It makes me think of Woodstock. That was something I don’t think, after watching a few documentaries on it, they saw coming. It coalesced into being all on its own and can probably never be repeated in the same way. I’ve never been to Burning Man, but I’ve heard it’s changed a lot from its earlier days. I’m always open and try to pay attention to opportunities that come effortlessly my way. I can feel in my bones the real possibility of what it means to truly live in a community/tribal way that is circular, in that it puts no one at the head of the table and all the people are looked after equally. I think it even comes natural, when you lift off the artificial construct and the idea that individual wealth to the point of hoarding is something to strive for as the pinnacle of success.

I’ve learned, after actually starting a few groups myself, that I can live in a community oriented mindset in my every day life. Then I will draw to me the people who really need to be there. And it is happening. But we do have to get out of our heads more. I fully feel that spiritual energies are at work behind the scenes and have a few surprises ahead we maybe can’t even imagine yet. And I don’t think any of the learning experiences I’ve had to date were not without their silver lining. To create something new we have to learn how to stop creating the same old thing and embrace the unknown possibilities, and even risks that come with it. I know I’m ready.

It’s a strange dance, to learn to be cautious, yet trusting at the same time. And there’s no way we can keep being engaged here without possibly being tripped up again because of something we haven’t experienced yet and so just didn’t see coming. As long as I get the message of why I had the experience I think I’m doing pretty good.
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Re: Cremation of Care

Post by Fred Steeves »

Spiritwind wrote: For a sacred circle to form it seems many ingredients have to be available with a sprinkle of fairy dust. In other words, it just seems to find a way to happen without effort when the time is right and we get out of our own way and allow the magic needed to be drawn together.
Spiritwind wrote: It makes me think of Woodstock. That was something I don’t think, after watching a few documentaries on it, they saw coming. It coalesced into being all on its own and can probably never be repeated in the same way.
I think both of these quotes go nicely hand in hand with each other. Of course both are worlds apart so far as scale goes, but the conditions at the time were just right for something to happen in both cases. There are countless other examples both great and small over the course of history, with certain eras much more pregnant with infinite possibility than others.

Another similarity, that I see anyway, is that many cases such as these two spring up from ground intentionally nurtured soil just to see what may arise. Like a surprise garden! As to what level this occurs I have some ideas, but the jury is still out. Regardless I do see a lot of it having sprung from various types of Projects. Not all by any means however, but I think even when they do, good things can spontaneously spring out of them. As is in both cases IMO. Where they go from there is the bigger question, and more back to the point at hand. Just side winding a bit here. :)

I'm getting this picture in my head that the ticket to navigating through this matrix, without the worry of magical happenings, groups, or events becoming a feeding trough or worse, is to "know" when it's time to let them flit back out of existence as easily and spontaneously as they were created. No time for decay, redirection, infiltration, or whatever else to set in.

Now you see me now you don't.

See you on the flip side!
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Re: Cremation of Care

Post by Christine »

Deep my friends, we are going deep into the field. Thanks for this thread.
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Re: Cremation of Care

Post by Christine »

Laurie published on the Earth Empaths website if you want to share: Cremation of Care
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Re: Cremation of Care

Post by Spiritwind »

I tried to post this response on the EE website, but probably due to my not so wonderful internet connection it refuses to post. So in the meantime I will post it here, and encourage you to read Manuela’s beautiful reply there.

There was so much I wanted to respond to it has taken me a couple days to reply. Thank you Manuela for spurring my thoughts even more! I think you hit the nail on the head when you said: “empaths know very well there is more than meets the eye in terms of connection to other humans.”

There IS a lot more going on energetically between us humans, and the biggest secret of all that they don’t want us to know or remember is that we can literally just think to one another, with focused intent.

I did a fast in the forest 25 years ago that gave me my first big confirmation that this spiritual energy/benevolent being existed that anyone can communicate with, and receive answers and guidance from. And I have no doubt that being in a secluded mostly untouched area in nature made it easier to hear and feel. Several amazing almost miraculous experiences following my three days spent alone there left me permanently changed, in a good way, and set the foundation for much that came after. No expensive workshop I’ve taken since gave me what I got for free back then. It really helped me realize the truth of your statement: “By reaching out to Spirit beyond the Matrix while at the same time realizing that Spirit lives in me I was able to make a deeper connection.”

And these last few years I’ve been fortunate enough to realize that we can reach out to one another, once a good heart connection has been made, with just our focused thinking. We already are telepathic beings, we mostly just don’t know it because no one gives any credence to such being possible. But having confirmed over and over with a small group I’ve more or less stayed in regular communication with that we are indeed picking up on each other’s wave length, and often following certain lines of thinking and researching information in common, and even being able to travel as a group and describe what we see in a way that forms a picture of distant places, I no longer question whether it’s possible or not.

And this part here I couldn’t agree with more: “Cell phones and facebook are just an overlay of something that really does exist in terms of connection between humans. I think that the connection we have to wanting to nurture and lift one another up, creating , having joy, comes from deep within and can have profound effects and undo the matrix we think we are in.”

Thank you again for your beautiful response!
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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