X-PROTECT XXVIII | The Dark Journalist and personal observations of his material

"She sees now that it is a state of nothingness that is so strangely full in which she occupies space. She can move up and down, sideways and around, a state of awareness waking within the dream.
Her beat is Love, her will fierce, she won’t back down.
-Lucky Boots
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X-PROTECT XXVIII | The Dark Journalist and personal observations of his material

Post by Christine »

http://earthempaths.net/wp/2018/10/01/x ... -material/

Preface: Any expose should include an exposing of oneself and one’s motives. Over the course of many years on our website, on the Earth Empaths forum, in meeting others who are known public voices in the vague and somewhat erroneously defined “Alternative Truth Community” we’ve developed a deeper view. In the process of making videos that are founded on years of research we also revealed deeper personal excavations which has given me enough of a foundation to feel experientially qualified to make some observations.

I have sat with this post for three days, examining and re-examining my purpose in writing it. There have been moments when I felt that it was pointless, that no one would read it’s length nor take the time to consider the deeper implications. I wondered if by using the Dark Journalist’s work I was piggy backing on his popularity to get our work publicized to a broader audience and came to the conclusion that it actually was his material that gave me the impulse to write. I asked myself, given the ever increasing censorship, if I was over exposing myself to danger, to the digital watchful eye of Big Brother, even possibly endangering those close to me. I know that I am not alone in these findings however ultimately I am alone in exposing some of the darkest hands at work for this dark unseen hand will stop at nothing to complete it’s agenda here on planet Earth. By writing this I risk losing friend too … so be it.

My feelings have been allowed to explore all possibilities until consciousness settled on the one that rang through to my bones. Ultimately the answer was clear and a resolve set in the stillness of my inner core. For to not speak truthfully is to compromise and contract which is what the system is coercing us to do. And more importantly this is not about me at all, it is to leave a trail of investigation that is rapidly being censored out of existence from the general public. It is for those who can’t make heads nor tails of what is happening in our world. It is for posterity, it is to lay down in words an example of the revealing light that does not seek to divide but to unify.

I offer my observations as an invitation to those who seek the truth above all else and to help all of us develop a finer tuned discernment while listening to anyone, especially those who have a “name or money invested in the game”. We often miss the obvious and can get too easily hooked into the drama and intrigue. Below you will find my current assessment of the persona of the Dark Journalist. One can learn a lot about someone by carefully watching their eyes, hand movements, and how they present themselves. Daniel Liszt has created a persona popularized as the Man in Black or perhaps closer in appearance to Agent Smith from the Matrix movie. He records in a studio with props that lead one to think of professional journalism. What is not said is as important as what is. Note that he says he’s only brought out about 10% of the information he has compiled so it seems prudent to assume he has help in his research and at the rate of the drip feed he’s got several more seasons under wraps.

One shouldn’t be afraid or hesitant to question everything and then turn it around again and again to get to the core of what meaningful revelation it offers to the Whole of Humankind.

We are a people that have sprung from different roots on the Tree of Life, those are the races we see represented in the different colors of our skin, the traditions of our people and the languages we speak. Somewhere in each of us is an identity with our genetically structured root race. There was a time on Earth when all the races spoke a common language, loved and respected the Earth for they knew the Great Creator in benevolent abundance then. It did not matter if we were white, black, yellow or red for by the nature of our Being we were connected to everything and everyone else. War did not rage as it does now. It is for this purpose I have decided to publish this work for if we do not penetrate deep enough into the corrupting influences that are the workings of the machine we will continue to point a finger at another thereby doing the bidding what has infiltrated and polluted almost every human being. Our work is to dissolve this influence into nothingness, our work requires the Greatest Love.



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Re: X-PROTECT XXVIII | The Dark Journalist and personal observations of his material

Post by Spiritwind »

I wanted to say something intelligent here, but basically thank you for the hard work I know it is to put it all together and provide links and leads on where to find out more on your own. And you better hurry if you want to have access to sources of information out on the internet that give evidence that counters the official story. There is a clamp down, no doubt about it. And you always have to ask, especially when anyone is rolling out information, no matter who it is, what are they leaving out, and what do they keep calling attention to, and why. We should all be asking ourselves who might be supporting the roll out of certain information. It doesn’t necessarily mean there is a hidden agenda, but it is not wrong to question, especially in our times when so much of what we see is indeed all laid out, calculated to the finest detail, by people, beings, whose faces we probably never even see, and sometimes many years in advance.

I remember when I came across David Icke in the mid 90’s and my first introduction to certain information that actually sent me into a deep depression for a while (and by the way, I cannot listen to him anymore). I knew there were people, beings, energies, that seemed the opposite of me in almost every conceivable way. They would be what many would term as evil, with none of the pangs of conscience most of us feel at least about some things in our lives, regardless of our various belief systems. And I have come to the conclusion that these are indeed the types of people, beings, energies, that are the dominant force on the planet now. And they are way ahead of us in almost every conceivable way, except one. One real big one. You’re either moving towards a greater capacity to love, and to hold that energy in your body, or you’re not.

So, just my assessment, from an intuitive base alone, something feels cold about the information coming through the channel of the Dark Journalist series. Not bad, or wrong, just an observation. And it doesn’t mean it isn’t educational, worthy of listening to; just an observation. I look for that now, though, heart energy.

And ya know, if you’re willing to look, the puzzle pieces do start fitting together, and they don’t form the picture we have been taught to believe in. It’s not like a religion, where you’re asked to believe. The information is still out there, but the search is going to get harder as they continue to close in on our availability to anything suggesting an alternate narrative. I have no claims to having it all figured out, but even with my limited research into the topic it didn’t take long to realize the sanctioned version of what happened in World War II does not hold up to scrutiny. Especially the parts they leave out, which definitely skewed the public perception of what really took place, purposefully so. And once you start looking, the thread of lies just keeps unraveling.

It’s like looking at one of those pictures with something hidden in it. Once someone points it out to you, you see something that was there all along. And after awhile, since it turns out they don’t deviate from their tried and true tactics very much, pretty soon you can easily recognize all the red flags and inconsistencies in almost every media news story they roll out these days.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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