Strange Events this past week - Pay attention folks

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Strange Events this past week - Pay attention folks

Post by Spiritwind »

I’m sharing the following as I thought it was quite informative and timely as the year comes to a close. There are strange phenomena happening, all around the world. We are constantly distracted if you watch tv and read the newspaper, with mindless BS in my opinion, which is the intention after all. I know I have issues with my hearing and my ears, and refuse to go to our government sanctioned drug pushers to find out their version of what it is. But, even if I do have tinnitus, my husband and I will both get extremely loud ringing in our ears at the exact same time, at home, and also in certain areas we travel through and to. He has a physician’s assistant training from his time in the military and agrees that it’s medically hard to explain away.

We both, along with our neighbor, have periods where we all feel a vibration coming from the ground, and even small earthquakes, that are sometimes in the news, and sometimes not. My husband and I can be laying there at night sometimes, too, and both notice what sounds like a motor running. We have three neighbors surrounding us on acreage in a forested area, and know, due to the hour, and fact that they all are on the power grid, so wouldn’t need to be running a generator, that it’s not likely to be coming from any of them. I’m very hard of hearing, so doubt that it can be coming from very far away. So what is that? I know that I am electromagnetic sensitive, and can also sense what almost feels like static in the air.

Plus, there’s the fact that I have been saying for over ten years now, before many were talking about all this stuff, that we, as a collective, are moving into and through a more energetically active area of so called space. It’s more electrically charged. I have studied up a bit on the Indian yugas. And my study of astrology and astronomy, even if they haven’t got some of it right, has helped me to feel more into the cyclical nature of time and the reality that is spun into existence on numerous dimensions, of which we are but one, as we spiral through the ethers. Those who love to hoard this knowledge, so they can benefit at the rest of our expense, know exactly what is to come. And it is my feeling that they fully intend to cash in on it, in ways that they have not revealed. And the rest of the show is to keep us from figuring it out on our own. But we, too, can benefit from the heightened energetics of our time, as this sense of expansion is available to all. Knowledge is power.

(I’ll have to come back and spend some time adding the video links, but you can find them in the original article on her site, until I have the time to put them all in. It’s tedious for me and right now I gotta get to work.)
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Re: Strange Events this past week - Pay attention folks

Post by Spiritwind »

(It’s doing one of those log me out repeatedly things again, so I’m going to break it up into several posts. Sometimes that works)

Strange Events this past Week- pay attention folks!
December 29, 2018 by D ... FPqFAqlxpY" onclick=";return false;

This past week has been so insane that I’m not even sure where to start this article.  I guess the best prequel to this is the last two UnFuckIt Discussions: Dec 23 and Dec 26th.  On Sunday Dec 23 UFI, Ben joined us about half way through and he and I went into some pretty interesting theoretical stuff to do with Velikovsky and the Electrical Universe theory. I will put a copy of Velikovsky’s “Worlds in Collision” at the end of this article.

I was interviewed by Sarah Westall on Thursday  (Dec 27th- this interview will be out on YouTube and her Patreon channel next week), and I got into the subject of our Electrical Universe and the actions/reactions of electrical and magnetic fields, giving a brief overview of what I’m seeing at the moment, globally.

In the past week during the insanity of Christmas, there has been a massive amount of geological, meteorological and planetary events that have happened.  I’ve been trying to keep a running list of them on Facebook, but as of last night, it became very clear that I needed to publish this list in a more easily accessible, permanent place- hence this article.  Again, I’m not even sure where to start this list, and I will stick mostly with events of this past few days. But, I will also note some of the events that have taken place prior to these, that I believe are directly related, or at the very least, worth noting.

First, Volcanoes and Earthquakes
This is an excellent run down of all the Volcanic events of 2018- please note that of the 77 confirmed eruptions at some point during 2018 from 71 different volcanoes in 25 countries; 36 of those were new eruptions that started in 2018.

Video ... in-review/" onclick=";return false;

• Mount Etna in Sicily Italy erupted a few days ago, amid an earthquake swarm, followed by a 5.1 EQ that caused serious damage to the area- this is the first time in over 10 years that Etna has had a flank eruption, meaning that it erupted out the side of the volcano. Mount Stromboli Volcano also erupted this week, off the west coast of Italy.
• Mount Krakatau in Indonesia has just had a major eruption after a suspected underwater volcanic land slide sent a 16 foot Tsunami into the islands killing over 400 people,  Krakatau’s eruption is very obviously being covered up as to the exact nature and level of magnitude of this eruption by local news. The eruption is still continuing as of now, with high Tsunami alerts. *see edited note below*
• Mount Karangetang, also in Indonesia, has started erupting and massive evacuations have begun in that area.
• Eruptions at Mayon volcano, Philippines Dec 27th. Over 74 000 affected,
• Shiveluch  and Ebeko volcanoes in the eastern Russian islands have begun erupting
• A massive earthquake in Philippines on the coast happened this morning at just after 3am UTC this morning- Tsunami alert has been issued. At the same time, tropical storm “Usman” is suppose to hit the same coastline at any moment.
• Cleveland volcano in Alaska also exploded this morning.
• Late last week, Mount Shindake, Japanese Kuchinoerabujima volcano had a major explosion and eruption, and the week prior to that, 3 other volcanoes in Mexico, Indonesia and Vanuatu all erupted.

EDITED at 17:42 dec 29th to add: Latest information about Krakatau volcano is that over half of the volcano has slid into the sea. We’ve NEVER seen this happen to a volcano ever before!

The agency estimated the volcano lost between 150 and 180 million cubic metres of material as massive amounts of rock and ash have been slowly sliding into the sea following a series of eruptions.

“Anak Krakatoa is now much shorter, usually you can see the peak from the observatory post, now you can’t,” Wawan Irawan, a senior official at the agency, told AFP.

Before and after satellite images taken by Japan’s space agency showed that a two square kilometre chunk of the volcanic island had collapsed into the water. ... s.html#jCp" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Strange Events this past week - Pay attention folks

Post by Spiritwind »

Since Dec 21 2018- there have been 53 Earthquakes magnitude 5 or higher-  6 of which have caused massive damage and are considered “Major” Earthquakes
And Then along with the volcanic and geological events there are the Tsunamis that no one is talking about- like the one last week off the Gulf Coast of Florida:


And Ecuador and Peru, and the Indonesian Tsunami that I have already mentioned:


I will also remind you that we saw Tsunamis with NO WARNING, happen last month, in Tenerife


Blue & Green Flashes in the Sky, and other electrical events
Starting with the bizarre event that happened in New York two days ago, where the night sky was lit up in brilliant blues and greens for over 5 minutes, followed by a massive transformer explosion, I began a list of similar events that happened all at the same time.  Below I will post several videos of these various events.

I particularly want my American friends to take note of this:  THIS IS NOT AN AMERICAN THING THAT IS HAPPENING!  These are global “electrical” events.  People need to please stop chanting “DEW weapons” and “Fingers of god” and “Project Blue beam”.  What we are seeing here isn’t some conspiracy by dark forces in the shadow government – in my opinion, that is a major distraction to keep people from actually asking “WTF?!” and digging deeper into what is causing these events.

I’ll do my best to get all of the links, photos and videos in here, but I may forget a few- there has literally been so many that I can barely keep up with them all!
New York: ... Ym3UKKYXzY" onclick=";return false; ... eYzJMkqFDE" onclick=";return false;

Videos (3)

*Blue lights were seen over Idaho on Dec 28th as well, followed by internet outages, and 911 emergency lines all going down

*Green lights were seen over the east coast of Ireland Dec 28th

Along with these events, there were ATM outages, Internet outages, Cell phone outages, and 911 emergency call lines were out in several states and counties in the US!

(I’ve been getting logged out repeatedly for the last hour and have no more time to devote to this. Please go to the original link for the rest of the article and videos.)
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Re: Strange Events this past week - Pay attention folks

Post by LostNFound »

And then there is this, Yet another point of view. This is real and we all know about HAARP so this woman is giving her view of what has or is going on perhaps.

The Kenner Louisiana / NYC Transformers Background – Discussion

This is the above-referenced report on the NYC/Kenner electrical anomalies which is very broad and involves a lot of science and past events. Mr. Cati says he is still leaving a lot out, but it’s a good start.

He barely mentions his usual specialty “coding” in this analysis but he does talk about a lot of other related issues. It might sound a little “out there” to some, but that’s where the truth is, we have learned over time. I thought it was a great presentation and very logical. Timing is everything.

Many of us could have divergent conversations about some of what he brings to the table, but for greenhorn truthers it might be new—and it’s complicated.

The comments at the end of this video do resonate as to the situations that are being caused artificially to our world.

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