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Post by LostNFound »

I would like to start this thread simply because there are many contentious things today in our world and most involve politics. So I thought to give my own opinions and some reverence to facts that can be researched in one wants. It is just an airing if you will. Thank you Christine.

I will post this in a few different shots because it can be long. This, in my opinion is the place where we all can voice our opinions about this very nasty mess we find ourselves in today. I thank you all for any feedback.


The world of today appears to be encased in a political quagmire. The pursuit and infatuation of power and money has forever driven man to commit unlimited amounts of despicable, horrible and even satanic acts against fellow human beings. History shows us the victor’s points of view as written by scribes for hire while the truthful history is buried in festering pools of death and hate of the losers of fabricated wars and murder from the political dictators who rose to the top and caused genocide on their political enemies. It is shown that any one individual or groups or opposing sides of the tyrants, dictators, and rulers fighting for the almighty power are censored, vilified, murdered and plainly extinguished from existence. One might say the ultimate censorship of an opposing view point.

What we have in this world of TPOT is a given two sided choice. Republicans, Democrats. The Blue States, the Red States, This of course is the American Scene of Politics. In the other countries around the world it is very similar as there are only and always only two parties or choices to deal with when it comes to the political governments of control. Even in the Communist countries this is true. This is a Psy op designed to keep the masses divided among many other divisions that are pushed upon the peoples from the newspeak and government minions. Here are just a few concepts that work well in the brainwashing procedures: Black vs white, heavily being pushed today, Color of skin is and has always been a good tool of the Power mongers to use consistently against the people. The very way one thinks (Opinion) can and is used against the people to divide. Religion is a number one tool that is used in a very nasty way to divide the people. This one can be written as its own book or volumes of division throughout history. How one dresses, how one may wear their hair, in essence how one may look and think different can be used to divide.

Today’s political atmosphere, at best, is one of complete division. It is a driving force with hate and division among the peoples. This is not the first time this has happened on our world. It just seems to be happening with more force if you will. I will run a few things by here for today’s menu, and perhaps others can bring their viewpoints forward. We can delve far and wide into history to see how the political atmosphere of today connects directly to the past and that will fall within the purview of this thread as it should.

AMERICA, for as far back as I can remember when it comes to the political running of the Presidency and the congress and the judicial side, this country has been bombarded with only two choices of who will run it or be the tyrant, dictator that sits in the oval office or any seat of conceived power. These people are really only puppets in reality and are controlled by others who are higher up the food chain. However, the people do believe that this person whoever he or she may be is the one who has the power to fix or not things in this country for the people. Because we are given only two choices and actually think that our VOTES count, we choose a side as an individual and either hold a “party line” (sounds rather communistic doesn’t it?) or step to the side we think will give us a better deal. This nutshell then creates the division for so many reasons it is beyond thinking. We listen to news or the news of our choice and here again this is a divisional concept. CNN and the Lame stream media will do their best to vilify the present POTUS and I would say this for all sides of the news even the Alternative news sources.

The Americans watch as the foreign countries are invaded in the name of Democracy and don’t even realize that this country was not founded as a Democracy. Aside from that, the government and their lackey propaganda newspeak push the whole idea that we are in those countries to help the poor down trodden peoples that are ruled by a very nasty dictator or tyrant. The news pushes how bad the dictators are and never really tell how bad and nasty our government is for bombing the shit out them and murdering those peoples. Now one can look at the regimes of recent past and see just who are the real death monsters and terrorists of today’s world. What follows is a short run of Dems and Repubs presidents and their regimes
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Post by LostNFound »

I will tell of this one first, He was on the Blue, Democrat side of things and was a real traitor to the American peoples. His name was Franklin Delanore Roosevelt and he virtually began a far reaching destruction of freedoms to the American people and took us to a world war by using false flags. One can read much about this power hungry puppet. I should first say something about the 1913 act that truly began the downfall of America and that was the Federal Reserve Act created by a consortium of Bankers (Rothschild),(Rockefellers) and more. That particular Puppet president at the time was also a Democrat and signed our freedoms away which later he regretted; he also took us into a war I believe with a false flag. At this point it is to note that most governments will take their peoples countries into a war with the use of false flag operations.

The next one that came along was Dwight D Eisenhower who was a Republican conservative who served two terms. He was a General of the Second World War and perhaps a real bastard that was also controlled by the banks. He presided over the economic rebuilding of America and many other things. He warned the American People of the dangerous Military Industrial Complex which in itself is a giant corporation.

Kennedy came next and was a Democrat. He served for maybe two years before his own VP and the CIA and the Mafia murdered him. The facts of his death are not complete and it is read that it was mostly the banking cartel that did this dirty deed because Kennedy was in the process of destroying the Federal Reserve. There is a deep connection to the past on this where other presidents were murdered trying to do the same thing. Just a short fact here for a moment, Donald Trump is in the process of doing the same thing.

Linden B Johnson also a Democrat succeeded the presidency from Kennedy’s murder and went on to be the president on the second term. He escalated the Vietnam War and took the Social Security funds and placed them into a General fund. How nice of this piece of crap to do that to the American people.

The next criminal we seemed to vote for was a real piece of shit and he was a Republican. He took us off the Gold standard for the monetary system and bombed the hell out of Hanoi and other places until the people finally stood up and said enough. This caused him to resign. Good riddance but wait, what did we get next?

We got Bumble but Gerald Ford who was not elected, A Republican who did nothing for the country.

Then we got Jimmy Peanut Carter, yet another Democrat and what he did was as obscure as a snail pissing on a flat rock.

Next we got Reagan, the movie actor, Republican that really did want to change this country for the better. He had the Iran/contra scandal and he did get Russia to tear down a wall. In his first year or second, he was shot, an attempt to assassinate him because he did not want to play ball with Deep State. Not called that at the time but all the same. His Trickle down tax cuts were not really a help for most except the rich. That is my take on that business.

And now we start into the Bush, Clinton, Obama dynasty area. Daddy Bush, A Republican, a CIA plant, One responsible for the murder of Kennedy, spoke of the NWO (New World Order) and took us to war against the Iraqis. Such a piece of crap again and who did we support prior in the war between Iraq and Iran? A one term liar of great magnitude and then along came………………

The Clinton murder factory, drug runners, gun runners and death squad makers of huge proportions, Bill Clinton a Democrat and a sexual pervert and False flag maker. We all remember the Murray building incident that happened just prior to his second term in the now porn palace of the white house. The witch that was the 1st lady created all sorts of nasty stuff behind the scenes and condoned his fantasies. God how in the hell did we as a people let this happen? Presided over the wars in Kosovo and Bosnia and bombed the shit out of many places. And then after two terms of wanton destruction by these people we get………………

Baby Bush Jr. Another Repukelian and a complete idiot savant, controlled by the sick, sick bastard war mongering Neocon that wormed his way into being the Vice President along with plenty of death merchants surrounding this one cell wonder. This man and his minions were responsible for the False Flag of 911 and then lying to the American people about Iraq and Afghanistan to take us to a never ending war. They had already created the Patriot act prior to the FF of 911 and quickly put it into place to steal our freedoms away from us. The declaration of the War On Terror is a complete farce but fell right over the top of the fearful sheeple which it was designed to do. This monster and his minions again began to lay waste to the mideast and murder millions of innocent folks all in the name of democracy. Bullshit and more bullshit and a side order of bullshit.

We all got the pedophilia storm troopers placed in our airports, we got the militarization of our police force, we got the trillions of dollars of debt for the war efforts to destroy nations and our money paid for it all. We got these people virtually flipping us off on the TV sets we all sat around and watched as the main stream media and Hollywood created the movie for us. Not to say there was not the other side fighting against this monster and that was a good Psy op or part of it all anyway. And then we got this after two terms……….

An unknown Black man, I use that term loosely here because the man really was and is not an American black man. He was a Manchurian Candidate who was paid and groomed by a very rich and powerful Socialist, Nazi, by the name of George Soros. Least ways that is deeper research of the matter. The man is a Democrat and his fake wife and children were paraded in front of the American people to bring back the racism and give the impression of hope and change. A huge liar just as all the others were, this man couldn’t even give a real birth certificate as to where he was born. He kept us in the Wars of the mid east and committed all sorts of treason against this country and still is by the way. He is a pedophilia of the worst kind and protected the Clinton witch in her destruction of the countries like Libya and let’s not forget the Haiti affair and other places these two people have laid waist to. Yet another Democrat that has increased the huge amount of debt this country suffers. The complete theft of millions and billions of dollars to further their own selves in their run to rule the world or get someone else above them to own us all and not to mention all of their very nasty criminal activities that are well documented and researched is just some of these monsters leavings of being put in positions of power. When we talk of murderous destruction these people stand right up at the forefront of being responsible.

And now we come to the most recent man in the white house that is considered the POTUS. This man had considered running on the Independent ticket at the get go but changed it to the Republican, conservative ticket at some point simply because, guess why, there are only two choices folks, in the American politics field of poison given to us by the lame stream media propagandist. So what did we get as a choice, we got the queen or we got the Trump. We all knew about the queen witch for her track record of a very bloody death trail. She didn’t make any bones about what her intentions were for us all. She couldn’t help herself in telling us that she would take our rights away and de- arm us so we would not be able to defend ourselves when she sent her goons to murder us for not going along with her high order of belief. Her and the new democratic party of destruction did everything they could to cheat their way into the white house including raising the dead to vote and allowing the illegal peoples that swarmed across our southern borders to vote. The democrats weaponized the highest law enforcement officials to lie and cheat so she would or could not loose or so they thought. So when the Trump or orange man won, they screamed and cried, they wailed and gnashed their teeth, they violently destroyed their surroundings and could not and would not believe the man won.
The Democrats began parading all sorts of women up front lying about how they were touched and accosted by this man years prior to now but it all fell into not being true as it proceeded.

The Democrats began to wind up with egg on their faces. Then they pulled out the Mueller investigation and claimed Russian collusion and drug this through the mud for the last two or three years. Sort of pulled off the same bull shit that the bush administrations did with the 911 crap and the world turned upside down as the government investigated itself. People became major haters of Trump without ever really knowing him but rather based on the nightly news talking points or what they may have watched when he did some damn stupid reality show on the Hollywood propaganda box back in the Nineties. The blue Party liners began to hate the red party liners and Jesus Christ almighty if you get caught wearing a red hat that says MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN you get attacked by a bunch of hate groups like a fucking Man that says a bunch of lies and calls himself a Native American when in truth he is a paid actor. I truly don’t believe a true Native American man would have done something as duffus as that.

The Democrats then supported the Antifa crowd to cause violent destruction in the streets and virtually cause hate and discontent everywhere they go. The Democrats also inflamed the BLM (Black Lives Matter) to cause riots and violent protests and then go after the White Supremacists or God forbid any white man. The whole White Nationalist phrase became a Derangement syndrome for the Leftist groups. Same thing happens with just mentioning the Word Trump or Q god forbid. Everybody has seen the video of Maxine Waters standing at a podium somewhere in her shit city district and telling the people to go after any one that is a trump supporter actually telling them to hurt these people, a Congress woman, for Christ sakes, inciting riots and harm to people. Then we have this Muslim congress woman, who by the way according to the United States Code is illegal to be serving as a congress women same way with the other one from Michigan I believe being anti-Semitic and getting away with it. If you or I do something like that we will find ourselves in jail pretty damn quick, I can guarantee you. I suppose I can go on and on about the total inconsistencies in this society today between the Democans and Republicrats but I suppose we have all seen the split and it all seems to rest on the simple fact that a man named Trump won the Presidency. I would like to know just how much of this same shit happened during the Obama era and whether it was instigated by him.

Okay, the videos and articles that are made and written today will attest too much of this. I have seen where people can’t understand how anyone could stand on the trump side and I see the opposite of that same thing. How could anybody stand against Trump? Well that is definitely an opinion for each individual to conclude with and that is what this country was based on somewhat, every body gets to speak their own mind and I mean speak it because that is called freedom of speech. The forcing of ones ideas on another by violent acts and even subtle ways is called tyranny. To tell someone else that they have to believe in your way and then to beat them or censor them if they see it a different way is called tyranny.

In a brief summary, The governments of this world today are all corrupt, if one man can stand against them and be in a place of power where that can happen then I say go for it and the people will stand with you. If the man does the same crap that all the others did then we need to kick him out, we need to kick them all out in my opinion and truly we should be governing our own selves. That is clearly a place I would like to be. However we are in this game to play today and as a whole people we should try to make changes for the betterment of Human kind. My deeper thoughts are reserved for another place in this thread, for right now I will come back to the issue of Politics.
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Post by LostNFound »

Now as we can see and most already know this, These past Presidents have virtually did their best to follow the deep state plan of destroying the United States as well as any other countries on this world that refused to play with the Central bankers ways toward a One world government. Here are the videos.

After hearing the different opinions about Trump and Q I am going to give some videos and perhaps articles that may at least show why I think the way I do with this. The first Video I will show is one mans opinion of why he thinks all of this is a Psy OP. I myself have understood the business of Psy op and even Q has stated in his drops on 8chan that Psy ops are happening and even the Q do them so that is a no brainer to me. As for Trump playing some kind of 5D chess game, I only hear that phrase being used by others that give their own opinion about that. It seems that the phrase is given to maybe say that Trump is way ahead of the Deep State and he plays a better game of chess than they do, I don’t know for sure but if someone wants to make a disparaging remark about that particular phrase then be my guest. I would think that a person would only make that remark because it is something they heard someone else talk about. Okay here we go with some videos. You don’t have to watch them but I found them to at least give me a better understanding of this stuff.

The Seething Frog says we’re being played. It IS a giant psyop, as I’ve said before, but are we being played from both sides?

The next one is a bit long but does a good job with Q if you will. More news stuff
The man talking in this has a series of videos and goes back to the civil war with connections

If you like the research and presentation skills of GoodDog, check out his latest Q LEGEN[D] segment which premieres tonight at 5:00 on Caravan to Midnight with a lot of information you won’t hear in the fake media, or even most of the alternative media.
Merchants of Menace Chapter: Oranges & Origins Section: Bill of Wrongs

Okay, now lets look at the Illegal Immigrants situation that the Democrats love to fight Trump on, especially the border wall stuff and the amount of them coming across the border. Remember the Democrats don’t want the border way and they want all the Immigrants they can get. Huh? Can anyone say Hypocracy.

America needs to understand what the illegal immigration is really about. It ain’t about dreamers, it ain’t about asylum, and it ain’t about families. It’s about “illegal aliens”—and not the kind America, or Mexico, or any other country want in their populace.
Fox San Antonio Uncovers Massive Fake Documents, Fake “Families” Scam ... lies-scam/" onclick=";return false;
Tucker Carlson actually did a funny piece on Trump’s calling the bluff of the dimms and saying they’re considering taking the illegals to the sanctuary cities. (Pssst! Not those sanctuary cities—the ones where the crooked democratic politicians live!)
And apparently the dimms don’t want the immigrants “dumped” in their cities, either. Such hypocrites.

These next two videos are from a source called the X22 Report and the guy talks about the financial and geopolitical side of things and what is happening today. Sure he talks about Trump and even talks about Q but it is interesting to see that side of things. I suppose there are definitely other sides as there always are. I have followed this because the Central Banks are loosing IMO and this man talks about that ongoing fall of them. Other introspections are so welcome if one so wishes.

There’s A Financial War Coming, We’ve Fought It Twice Before And Won - Episode 1840a
Wells Fargo just reported the worst mortgage number since 2008, there mortgage origination business has been declining for many years. IMF chief says the debt level for many countries is way to high. Trump nominees deserve a fair hearing, but the [CB][DS][MSM] are against this. The independence of the [CB] is under constant threat and it is getting worse, the MSM reports. Trump is gearing up for a financial war against the [CB], this has been done twice before and the people won

The Patriots Have The [DS] Exactly Where They Want Them, MOAB Incoming - Episode 1840b
Rs and Ds are both cheering that Assange was arrested, these people have a lot to lose if he spills the evidence. [RR] defends Barr. Trump tweets out that Obama's White House attorney has been indicted and this is a big deal, and is the beginning. Trump trolls the MSM and the D's on immigration. Man lights himself on fire in front the WH. Message sent and received

As stated above, you do not have to read or watch any of these videos, that is your prerogative.
Also as it was stated before in another thread, This is not a move the show to another place but rather a place where every ones opinions are welcome about the political landscape of today. Thank you

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Post by Christine »

Hi Steven,

Thank you for putting so much effort into these posts. I used to watch X22 Report when a friend recommended it to me, it's just been too busy for me lately to wander off the current focus I find I need here on the ground. Speaking of ground, just staying grounded on this wild ride often takes all I got in any given moment.

Staying centered, cohesive and physically well are the key notes ... we need to stay united more than every now.

The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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