Relationship of Vedic Science and Opportunities for Enlightenment

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Relationship of Vedic Science and Opportunities for Enlightenment

Post by maggie »

Sheldon Moore impresses me. I came across him because he was interviewed on the Leak Project this week. January 20/21 is a Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse (last of triad). Buddha may have been enlightened on a full moon eclipse. That is what Sheldon Moore thinks after researching vedic material.

I think that this series of long interviews has all the info that he has presented elsewhere. I already have been looking at Vedic Science (from second hand translations). I am already really alligned with Sheldon Moore's perspective that we are NOT in a prison but in a consciousness "school" which will continue for EACH of us until we grok the necessary experience to be enlightened. It is also sensible that cyclically we do see cosmologic "ups and downs" of lower and higher stages of collective consciousness. I really like thinking that prhaps I may be enlightened enough at the end of this life to move to a different realm. I also like the idea of living on earth IF it is a golden age. At any rate, the fear porn is just all wrong. We are all Buddhas in potential and no one can harm us REALLY. It just looks that way here in this duality environment. He says that building our spiritual attainment through effort is a lawful and necesary process that should not be rushed.

If aspirations to being superconsious is rushed, we are unfortunately susceptible to corruption.This is very sad to experience. Spiritual egotism is what happened to Elizabeth Haitch. For those who read "Initiation", she was a very willful person and demanded she be allowed to be initiated before experiencing "life". Then she fell 'in love" and transgressed against (herself) by violating the precepts that an enlightened being will maintain. Her fall into harm led to many later incarnations of suffering. The basics are vital to internalize before aspiring to power and Siddhas. One can lose one's way and take aeons to recoupe from what I have read. Be careful of what we ask for as we may get it and then what?

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Re: Relationship of Vedic Science and Opportunities for Enlightenment

Post by maggie »

I immersed myself in the videos and then came to this one


At about 16:00 he begins to talk about the soul being able to be fragmented (destroyed permanently) by nuclear weapons. WHAT????

This bothered me very much. I had to process what I think about this claim BECAUSE IMO if this is a fact, then it seems to me that it should be the MOST important fact at this time superceding all others. It would be the sticking point for any of us to move on IMO.

The reason I think so is that we are all One and practically nuclear power/ weaponry is a collective responsibility. If a soul can be "murdered", we then IMO must all responsible for the murder since this kind of technology takes a whole civilization to build (including tax dollars for instance) and therefore it ties us all to the murder.

In the Bhagavad Gita Krshna has a huge teaching that is encouraging Arjuna to fight his family. the reasoning is that the soul cannot be destroyed so Arjuna is not really murdering the opposition. There is no mention of any weapon capable of truly destroying a being.

IMO IF one believes that nuclear weapons can murder the soul, that person would be compelled to stand up and work to end this capacity. Sheldon Moore thinks it s true but seems to feel no personal connection to being a murderer. He thinks he is enlightened and yet believing what he does about nuclear weapons (and nuclear "machines" obviously can be accidentally blown so ultimately a threat), he only just tosses the concept out. What triggers me the most I think is the way Sheldon Moore just throws this out as if he is not connected to the implications.

It is a teching that IMO is false because I don't think that it makes logical sense that Creator could allow aspects of itself to be fragmented permanenetly. How could a physical energy destroy a nonphysical aspect? I do not accept this as true. It goes against what seems implicit in the world of form. If the only way a soul can be "killed" is nuclear weapons (or a nuclear accident) then the karma of that for all who share complicity (a whole country) would be just impossible IMO to overcome.

Strangely enough I was able to ask him about this matter and he said it is true and that I should believe him. This is to me the ultimate in fear porn.
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Re: Relationship of Vedic Science and Opportunities for Enlightenment

Post by Eelco »

I was tempted to watch the series because of the elizabeth haitch reference you made, but I have to agree on your fear porn assesment.

I have familiarized myzelf withbthe mahabharata last year through a podcast that goes through the whole thing. Our nuclear weapons are not nearly as destructive as some of the ancient weapons of power arjuna and his time fellows had at their disposal.

I think questioning the nature of soul may offer some insight. In a way feom my point of view a Soul like an ego is a construct which appears through the need of consciouness to structure seemingly related events and phenomena as one thing. Where ego is made up of the memories and projections of a series if events that happen to the body/mind of a person. My best guess is that Soul appears similarly over a larger set if time/space events.

In the end both have never truly existed and thus can never be destroyed.

With love
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Re: Relationship of Vedic Science and Opportunities for Enlightenment

Post by maggie »

Eelco wrote:I was tempted to watch the series because of the elizabeth haitch reference you made, but I have to agree on your fear porn assesment.

I have familiarized myzelf withbthe mahabharata last year through a podcast that goes through the whole thing. Our nuclear weapons are not nearly as destructive as some of the ancient weapons of power arjuna and his time fellows had at their disposal.

I think questioning the nature of soul may offer some insight. In a way feom my point of view a Soul like an ego is a construct which appears through the need of consciouness to structure seemingly related events and phenomena as one thing. Where ego is made up of the memories and projections of a series if events that happen to the body/mind of a person. My best guess is that Soul appears similarly over a larger set if time/space events.

In the end both have never truly existed and thus can never be destroyed.

With love
Hi Eelco,
Thanks for your reply! I am too often struck when I hear enough from "listen to me"gurus that they start to contradict themselves in a fundamental way that grates on my last nerve (hehe).

Questioning the nature of the soul can offer us the bedrock on which to build our priorities IMO. I know you have done much soul searching. My priority is that I want to be the kind of being who is not going to have to return as a baby and start all over again in what feels like a really awful mire of ignorance (my own ignorance being what I notice most).

When I was a child, I was preoccupied by a feeling of having been really evil. Then I was seeking intellectual ideas about what is what and "how to become good".I did not FEEL connected but I wanted to love God. In the last decade I began to feel in touch with a deep inner core of good and love that has begun to heal me. I feel God inside my own being. I consider myself now to be a recovering narcissist who is learning love of myself and all others.

I am not looking to be enlightened necessarily but I do think there is a Soul Technology that is THE THING to focus on in my life. I am not sure about anything except that I choose to be as transparent as possible, to act in a kind way and most of all become harmless to all beings. Somehow I feel my soul is asking me to practice these "moves". It is not kind to murder or harmless and I am part of a world collective that could blast one another with nukes. I really don't want to drop everything to focus on disarmament and so it did momentarily frighten me that I might be culpable for this horror if I ignore it.

When I was first introduced to the Vedas as the earliest recorded "science" of the true human, I was very excited. IMO principles and what is beyond the particulars (the meta-physical) can then lend themselves to any particular context and are the way to understand what is true. The conversation between Krshna and Arjuna on the battle field was potent for me.

Would REAL murder (not just body) by a collective weapon involve all of us in its implementation? I think so.
Would Creator set us up to be murderers even though we could not stop it individually. I don't think so.
Since its my own path I am trying to forge, I reserve the right to make decisions about what I will use to create as my platform. Nukes are not good but IMO they are not soul destroying. If I am mistaken, I ask to be guided to know I am deluded.
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Re: Relationship of Vedic Science and Opportunities for Enlightenment

Post by Eelco »

Hi Maggie,

You are welcome, I've been pondering a reply, but find I cannot go beyond challenging your idea of god or soul.
I would like to discuss those at some point maybe, but think it will not serve another purpose, but to feed my own narcissistic need to be right.

I think I know what you mean when you say you though of yourself predominantly as evil in the past(lives?)when you were younger and am saddened by it.
Glad you have found your source of good and love in the end though..

May I propose that the feeling of having once been evil is a false construct. Mainly because it is a feeling of some elusive past. And that the inner core of love and good is in fact You? As a natural part of what is possible as a human being?

With Love
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Re: Relationship of Vedic Science and Opportunities for Enlightenment

Post by Christine »

Hello maggie and Eelco,

I am sorry I missed this thread, it's just been a wildly busy and bumpy time for the last few months. It was so nice to read both of your thoughts and when I have I will come back here to write some of my own soul searching thoughts of heart. It's been a very real challenge working back out in the public realm, it's required a lot of vulnerability and strength to hold a space open. More later friends, right now I have to go open El Árbol de la vida.

The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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