Pray for My Son

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Re: Pray for My Son

Post by Naga_Fireball »

Thinking of my son in the context of Samuel Clemens' Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn" onclick=";return false;

Not to mention Jack London. :( brings a tear to the eye. I hope he finds a way to health and freedom.
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Re: Pray for My Son

Post by Edythe »

My dear friend.. my heart aches for you and your precious son. I've just finished reading all of the posts on this thread and now I'm in tears. It sounds like the 'system' has got you firmly in its grips.. like a never-ending loop of frustration and heartbreak. Have you found an advocate for yourself? You said that the resources for Autism (and by extension, families of autistic children) is minimal in your area. Have you tried reaching out to the larger autistic community and finding an advocate and advisor? Lawyers are not good advocates and advisors.. there is no money in that. A lawyer will only do as much as they are funded to do.

Once the State government gets their hooks into you and your child, your sovereign rights are basically screwed. I wish there was something I could do to help you and your child. Prayer and good thoughts go only so far in this 3d world we live in. I say this because I do believe there is a net around the Earth that is keeping us in a spiritual prison. But, I will meditate tonight with intention on your behalf.. and I offer my shoulder for you to lean on when you need it. Sometimes, just talking helps to empower and change a paradigm.

Love E
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Re: Pray for My Son

Post by Naga_Fireball »

Edythe, thank you.

BTW I was not ranting at you or anyone specific to EE yesterday , sometimes the whole "duality of real vs. Subjective" gets me. The matrix seems to be a damn good metaphor, no wonder Christine loves it lol.

I guess real is something that influences the material world -- even if an idea itself cannot have substance, it possesses motion ie potential.

One of my former military friends said that I ought to work on strength training and get my son back. Unfortunately this guy was a bit dysfunctional in his relationships and even hit his dog in front of me.

Brute strength is not the key to this child. That said, I'm rather at a loss.

The kind of personality capable of providing stability to children in a world like ours is becoming a rarity.

How to give peace to a child raised in war.

Worst of all is how these precious autistic kids are punished for failure to articulate to their abusers. Ie a verbal but stupid person might inflict unimaginable cruelty on a person who can't speak clearly.

It's hells mega fked and thank you for the kind words.

Wa state has lots of marijuana money this year so they better do something for the kids with those ill gotten excise taxes
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Re: Pray for My Son

Post by Naga_Fireball »

Dear friends,

It's been rough lately. A thing happened today that was so upsetting. First, I did tell you, right, that my eight year old is losing his current foster placement (?). On the allegation that he struck a less mobile child and or children in the home. He endured a year + of the same from a client one year older than himself and they did nothing until forced to. @@

OK but about today. It was fking 97° Fahrenheit today by the time I got close to town and home. But we managed to find a shady spot to set up the water table in his group home yard. So we did not roast (he didn't roast as much as mom Lol).

He ate fruit and was real good til the literal last 20 minutes when the supervisor and I were trying to undress him in the laundry room, as he was soaked.

Long story short. I offered to mop if the caregivers would calm him down and replace pants and diaper. The surly house manager ended up being the one to take him back for clothes etc.

I could hear crying and crying, not to mention this particular woman has no issue with rough grasping and arm drag, as my spouse calls it.

They returned with my son very upset to be dressed in orange spandex shirt. He clearly indicated preference for another shirt, I articulated this to the fatty who slapped the spandex on his ass, and bitch tells me No.

No he needs to learn, she says, three weeks after her boss puts in the 30 days to gtfo request.

Learn what? I ask the universe, that cruel bitches continue to be just that?

There are two apparent camps, those who believe ASD is genuine and painful and then the people too lazy to read so they treat the kids like ASD is put on for show. Very sad ignorant and wrong.


Brotherhood falls asunder at the touch of fire!
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Re: Pray for My Son

Post by Naga_Fireball »

Well, I've done some of the paperwork that the supervising SW asked for. But I left her a message a bit ago asking for more info regarding a phone call she asked me to make.

The whole question of Is this fair and Is this the best or only way to handle this, along with Did he actually do what they said he did? is driving me crazy.

Mom asked about fighting for custody and finding a less shitty school district. If only my father in law would move away from Seattle. Ugh @@

Poor Lil tyke :(
Brotherhood falls asunder at the touch of fire!
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Re: Pray for My Son

Post by Naga_Fireball »

Ive heard nothing about where he might move. :(
The good news is that he got to go to summer camp for five days total and enjoyed his one on one specialist very much. She said he has so much potential. I'm scared for him & have had a harder time getting along with their staff when tshtf..

It's very overwhelming . at least this way he cant be physically homeless even if it happens to me or Tony when father in law passes :(

Looking on the bright side.

We've actually had some trouble transitioning my son thru the laundry room en route from backyardto kitchen.

Do any of you suppose he was traumatized by the isolation room at school and it carries over to this small laundry space? Its where we try to change his clothes and he freaks out sometimes.

I'm sure the staff think i was just picking on them. Ffs Lol ;(
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Re: Pray for My Son

Post by Spiritwind »

He very well could have been traumatized. People often have ideas about the way things should be done and act according to those rules, which are often totally at odds with a child's real needs, and sometimes what they do is downright damaging. Of course, they are not happy when you call them on it either. People also have their own issues they often bring to the workplace with them.

I remember when my daughter was in this CHIP program for, basically, kids who demonstrated either what you would call disruptive behavior, and/or a serious problem with authority. I can't imagine where she got that from, LOL. Anyway, the first time I went in to introduce myself to the woman who was the head of that department with my daughter, before I could even get any words out of my mouth, she rudely reached over and forcefully yanked my daughter's thumb out of her mouth. Long story there, but at that moment I was so shocked and the blood rushed to my head so strongly I did nothing because I thought I might deck her.

And this woman was totally convinced in her own mind this was appropriate. This was just one of several long lasting impacts of a negative sort that were made on my daughter during her time in indoctrination school. Er, I mean, public school. The good news is, she has overcome much of that, at least enough to live life on her own successfully and with some degree of confidence. For that I am grateful. But it did a big whammy on her self confidence, belief in herself, and even her ability to socialize with others because she feels so different. I just keep being her biggest cheerleader and it has seemed to help.
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Re: Pray for My Son

Post by Naga_Fireball »

I am so sorry you went through that. They are really hard on both girls and boys in the satanic school system.

I use that word because it describes to me a type of ignorant tyranny.

I'm not faultless in it. I confined him to his room too much and the other two adults tended to default to confinement and isolation.

After I got active on eBay years back and less into Warcraft. I still had urge to waste time and asked my father in law to babysit. Found out my son was being shut in the back end of our split level where the old man could not be bothered while he watched TV.

Between wow, shopping, and TV, my household nearly destroyed this child.

Was telling or agreeing with my sister that childhood is cruelly brief, like ice or amber it freezes and fixes us in our faults, and only the severest of shocks can undo the terrible long term damage-by-accretion, damage by denial.


I was very dehumanizing to him and the result was we were both dehumanized. Just like the book Frames of War by Judith Butler.
Brotherhood falls asunder at the touch of fire!
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Re: Pray for My Son

Post by Spiritwind »

It looks like you've become a lot more aware, so I wouldn't be too hard on yourself. My daughter was born 12 years after my two sons and she definitely got the better me. I could tell you a few stories of just how irresponsible I was at times back then that are definitely cringe worthy. I would hate to be judged for my past. In fact, part of my healing has been to forgive myself for all the many things I would do different now. It's never too late to become the parent you wish you had, and your children, even when grown, continue to benefit from your self improvement. I know mine have.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Pray for My Son

Post by Naga_Fireball »

Thank you.
It's a rough deal. :(

He was cute yesterday, but did act up just a bit. He loves tossing round things on roof and seeing if they return or not. His huge gamble for the day i guess, Lol

Thank very much for sharing & for the encouragement.
Brotherhood falls asunder at the touch of fire!
He finds his fellow guilty of a skin
Not coloured like his own, and having power
To enforce the wrong, for such a worthy cause
Dooms and devotes him as his lawful prey.
~William Cowper
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