AI Artificial Intelligence, developement and implications

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AI Artificial Intelligence, developement and implications

Post by Christine »

My inner compass has been observing from a distance while interacting with this hydra we call the internet. Please take the time to view this video. ... y_forever/

Friends, as I have spent a lot of time in "observer mode" on Facebook, YouTube and the internet in general there is a frightening trend if we don't inject some serious awareness and consciousness into it. As a note of potential interest, I have been seeing lots of glitches and bot activity on the Earth Empath Facebook group and my Aureo Sky account, including an post with an attachment that I didn't put there which when I clicked, it opened a window of code, I wasn't permitted to delete the post and then it disappeared on its own. I am not an alarmist but this shit is real.

To quote from the man who developed the D-Wave quantum computer:

"To stand next to one of these machines is like standing next to an alien god." If that does not put shivers in your timbers nothing else will. Black cube anyone???

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Re: AI Artificial Intelligence, developement and implications

Post by Naga_Fireball »

Hug!! It could be that, or just some trojan thing from our 'old friends '.

Don't let those Klingons scare you!!!!!!!!
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Re: AI Artificial Intelligence, developement and implications

Post by Christine »


[9/12/16 7:25:10 PM] Marin : Christine - thanks for sharing this. I put together a few notes on this today. It may be a bit long…

[9/12/16 7:25:47 PM] Marin : in our EE sessions we’ve been moving through a similar discussion. A theme not new to any of us here but one that continues to surface. A familiarity that runs deep: Nature vs technology. A powerful one. Something we’ve moved through many, many times. A cycle humanity still struggles with.

What struck me about this video (The Computerized Particle Analyzer) wasn’t simply what he was presenting but how he was presenting it. The words he was using. The “spelling” out of his predictions.

This reminds me of Neil Kramer’s work. When Neil talks about the “Empire.” The “empire” as an ethos. Their attempt to restrict mankind to a lower state of being. To limit people to a diminished level of mental, emotional and spiritual development. Deeply conditioning human beings to value collectivism over individualism.

From Neil: “Empire is what comes when when we stop determining LIFE for ourselves. When we discard our gift of creating reality - when we stop unfolding our spirit. We invite this strange, wicked empire to rule our lives for us. We give our power to it. They are wrong-hearted, emotionally shut down and weak. It’s only when they trick us to believe that we’re weaker do they have any power at all. Without our consciousness they are impotent. Powerless. It’s their skillful deception - making us feel helpless. Creating an environment where we offer over our consent…”

[9/12/16 7:26:14 PM] Marin : (sun)

[9/12/16 7:26:21 PM] Marin : Once again, we’re invited to move through this very familiar theme - Nature vs technology. What are we doing to re-mem-ber our limitless creative nature? Are we practicing that - sharing that?Manifesting that into our daily lives? Navigating the many dimensions. Realms. Possibilities…

How do we work with these vehicles - these bodies that we’re in? This reality.

Find our passion.
Feel our emotions. Our Bliss.
Awaken our DNA.
Refine it.
NATURALLY - not through technology.

Will we remember our ability to navigate the stars…
Hone these skills
Take our “place” once again
Take personal responsibility
Reach our potential…

For me - much has to do with the unique abilities embedded in our emotions. Our DNA. The power we hold in that. How to properly navigate these emotions. Harness this energy. Something a super computer/Q-bit couldn’t come close to. Our playing field is far more vast. Limitless.

[9/12/16 7:26:55 PM] Marin : Back to the video. When I listened to it - I couldn’t help but “see’ and “hear” something that went far beyond simply the technological advancements of a super computer. Like many of you here - my best guess is that they’ve mastered this - to an extent that falls short of even this video. That’s why I brought up Neil’s work. It was as if he was trying to ‘spell” out what they wanted to do. How we were going to use this.

I’ve taken the time to write portions of what he said - word for word as I feel it’s important. Lots to notice in the details of this presentation. What he was trying to ‘tell” us.

He talks about the Q-bit (Quantum bit). “A Q-bit has 2 physical states. Zero and one for a bit. In a conventional computer these are mutually exclusive. It’s either one or the other - never anything else.

In a quantum computer that device can be in a strange situation where these two parallel universes have a nexus. A point in space where they overlap. And when you increase the number of these devices - over time you add one of these Q-bits you double the number of these parallel universes they have access to. When you come to a computer that they have now that has 500 of these bits -> 2 to the 500th power of ‘these guys’ “LIVING” in that chip.”

Note the wording - “these guys” and “living” in the chip.

“So the way I think about this is that the SHADOWS of these parallel worlds overlap with ours. And if we are “smart enough” we can dive into them and grab their resources and pull them back into ours. To make an EFFECT in our world.”

Again, notice the words. The “shadows” of these parallel worlds - if we are “smart enough” to make an “effect” in our world. How the computer can tap into parallel universes. That the Quantum world must be navigated though technology. No mention, of course, to our own biology. Our own abilities. Rather, we find ourselves cycling through our own history. Once again. Will we continue to cycle in the past - or move forward? Re-investigate our own natural abilities.

He continues…

“This may sound rather odd to you and bizarre - but what I AM TELLING YOU is absolutely correct and in line with the way these things actually work. We’ve been doing this for some time now and we have our own version of Moore’s Law. The doubling of the number of these Q-bits on this chip has happened once a year for the last 9 years. And it will continue to do so.”

“As a point of reference to how fast these things are - in one generation of a chip - the one system that was installed at USC and the one Google and NASA installed - the speed of the device went up by almost a half a million. This is the kind of progress you are going to see with these types of machines going forward.”

[9/12/16 7:27:30 PM] Marin : Brief intermission.... (F)

[9/12/16 7:27:51 PM] Marin : This is where it gets really interesting….

“Now I’m getting in the part of my talk where I am going to make some predictions. Some DANGEROUS predictions. So, predictions are pretty dangerous for a number of reasons - often they are wrong — but I think they are important because predictions are somehow our INTERNAL DESIRES MADE MANIFEST. Predictions are about what we WANT to happen. Maybe not will happen.”

Marin here -
I have a few altogether different predictions….
Not made by others.
Not made via technology.
Not engaged in fear.

They do not have my conscious consent.

(The unconscious consent is something I’m still working with. - blushes).

[9/12/16 7:28:09 PM] Marin : He says:
“I am going to make 3 predictions now. They may be very unlikely to happen (pause) - maybe there is a very good chance that they may. As an aside - I just wanted to say that in the Silicon Valley and in the United States - there is a very deep feeling of unease about the way technology has been developing. Because we have all of these vast array of very smart people and what they are doing is crap. They are building things that can not last. They are building things that are “not important.” This is a little bit of a controversial point of view but I believe it. But - I think the reason for this is that it’s low hanging fruit. Computers have not been around for a long time. And I think that what is going to happen is that when people become more comfortable with computers the “ATTENTION” will turn from the Twitters and Facebook - to “very important things.”

Now that’s interesting. Read that statement really closely. He is imposing a belief. Re-writing/stating something - “telling” us what is important and what is not important. How we will become more comfortable with computers. Well, they’ve made sure of that. They’ve done their best to condition us. Now they will turn “our attention” to “very important things.” Who’s calling the shots here? Them or us?

My attention will likely move in an altogether different direction.
The fact remains. We are the source of Life. Creativity. Without it - nothing happens.

He goes on to say:
“So here’s my first prediction: I’m going to predict that by 2018 NASA will find a planet with oceans and Earth like atmosphere. And “SERIOUS” people will start to talk about how we get there. And by the way they are going to use one of our machines to help them with how to do this.”

“My second prediction: This business of parallel universes is going to turn out to be very important. When Einstein proposed his general theory of relativity - it came with a bunch of experiments that you could use to test it. One of them was - if there was a point of light very far away in a galaxy in the middle - that galaxy should bend the light - and you should see a ring. And this was eventually observed. And what I think WHAT’S GOING TO HAPPEN IS - Somebody is going to come with an experiment to test this. The REALITY of these things. And WE ARE GOING TO BE ABLE TO DO SO.

“My third prediction: Is the most important of all - I BELIEVE that humanity is on the cusp of the most important technological, societal - umm - revolution that’s ever occurred. And that where we came to the point where the machines that we build outpace us in EVERY RESPECT. I don’t mean that they are better calculators. I don’t mean that they are better at searching. I mean EVERYTHING. And I think that we are very close. And my prediction is that within 15 years - we’ll have machines that outpace human in EVERYTHING.”


[9/12/16 7:28:27 PM] Marin : Clearly, a few things are being brought forward in this presentation. A belief in the power of technology. The speed of technology. What technology WILL DO. How this will shape our reality. We are being told what WILL happen.

I find this disturbing. On many different levels. I’m guessing I’m not alone here.
How this unfolds is up to us.

I have much more I’d like to share - but need to wrap this up for now.
Very curious what some of you are feeling…

[9/12/16 7:28:32 PM] Marin : (heart)
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Re: AI Artificial Intelligence, developement and implications

Post by Spiritwind »

So, I have an idea.

As Marin already did so well, a couple of the same things in this video caught my eye:

1. The shadow of these parallel worlds overlap with ours, and if we're smart enough, we can dive into them and grab their resources, and pull them back into ours.

2. In 5 years NASA will have found an earth like planet, and serious people will start discussing how we get there (why not learn to take better care of the one we're on?)

3. By 2028 intelligent machines will exist that can do anything humans can do; quantum computers will have played a critical role in the creation of this new type of intelligence.

I strongly feel this has already been done. They, whoever they really are, already did come into our reality, stole and are continuing to steal our resources, and they are probably not even a biological life form. I feel this, because we have the self proclaimed elite, the 1%, that have been exploiting this world for a very long time. They may have human bodies, but they do not, in fact, actually behave as human.

How about they just get going, with finding somewhere else to go, because I'm getting really tired of watching what they are doing here, while blaming us humans for all the death and destruction of our beautiful earth. The only way they get to stay in their lofty positions is through deceit. Somehow, they convinced us of their right to rule. They sold us a lot of fake crap and promises, while they continue to plunder. They get us all fighting amongst ourselves, while the plundering and destruction continue right under our noses. They seriously need to go. They do not value life, that is obvious, except maybe their own. But even then, I don't believe they even really die, they just place their consciousness in a new body, when one wears out, or maybe even just clone themselves. They even offer up their own offspring as sacrificial victims to the other dimension that requires our light, our life force, to feed on. I'm pretty sure that's how they maintain their position at the top of the heap. I heard no mention of the ethics of this concept, of grabbing up another realities resources. That is probably because these being's actually do not, in any way, shape, or form, actually have any ethics. We are like vermin to them, make no mistake about it. We seriously need to wake the "F" up!

Sorry for my rant, it's just that I feel so, I guess, outright angry sometimes at how thick we are, and how slow we are to see what is really happening to us. I feel like I have lived the exact same scenario, each time slightly different, way too many times. I want to get off now, please.
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Re: AI Artificial Intelligence, developement and implications

Post by Naga_Fireball »

Don't be sorry, i didnt get to watch vid and this has synopsis of things i missed.

John Twelve Hawks wrote this scenario into his novel The Traveler.

When earth humans create the first major quantum computer, it receives blueprints from an alternate dimension instructing the Agency on how to create a better computer.

Each time the humans receive data it is further instructions on how to build the next machine.

Then the agency starts finding humans who can Travel without help from the machines. Humans whose brains can generate an energy wave 300 times as powerful as a normal brain, and leave the body.

One of these travelers is fitted with electrodes and whatnot so that when he travels, the computer can chart his path, allowing the masters of the blueprints to backtrack and locate Earth in the ether.

Very goddamn timely and frightening book.
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Re: AI Artificial Intelligence, developement and implications

Post by Edythe »

I watched the video and was horrified. When Geordie Rose stated that standing next to one of the "Monoliths" was like standing next to the altar of an alien god, I got a cold chill and my stomach hurt. His last prediction was absolutely shocking and surreal.. prediction #3 "by 2028, intelligent machines will exist that can do anything that humans can do; quantum computers will have played a critical role in the creation of this new type of intelligence".

I have been doing some intensive research on free will vs freedom of choice and how it pertains to our "pre-birth soul contract" in connection with the so-called Collectors. When I began this research, I started having odd problem with the internet. One of those problem was when I tried to find EE and login.. I was getting a blank with page with just 3 word.. "go away spammer!" After 2 weeks of this, whoever or whatever has finally decided to allow me access. I have also been having some physical effects. I've been awakened from a deep sleep by the sounds of machinery/technology.. hmmmm...

Naga mentioned a Trojan horse, I believe. So now this has me wondering about quantum computing and Cern.

All of what I have said above feels connected. Years ago, the dots and puzzle pieces didn't feel as dark and heavy as they do now. There is a real sense of danger and urgency...

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Re: AI Artificial Intelligence, developement and implications

Post by Christine »

Edythe! So glad you got back on.

Yes, I felt exactly the same as you did when watching this video. It is so odd this awake view of our reality, while on one level I am still trying to get my family to read labels and become informed about the dangers of vaccines, we have this looming, like a dark shadow. The effect for myself is more determination to undermine the very fabric of this false reality... and most definitely the connection with CERN.

I feel the interface when I am on the computer, my awareness grows. No fear.

Then this came into my inbox this morning, it left me in a deeper ponder still as to very nature of biological life on our planet. So many questions and since everything is connected and nothing is a coincidence what does this have to do with the D:Wave, something tells me it does. ... nopaging=1
Ancient mega-virus that does not resemble any virus on Earth is set to be revived

Evoking visions of mad scientists, French researchers are set to revive a mega-virus dormant for 30,000 years that they discovered in the permafrost of the Russian Arctic.

The researchers, from the French National Center for Scientific Research, say they will take precautions to revive the specimen under safe laboratory conditions. They published a paper detailing their research in the journal the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The group of researchers is headed by Jean-Michel Claverie, who runs a laboratory at the French center.

American scientists revived the Spanish Flu virus in 2004 to try to understand its extreme virulence. That virus killed tens of millions of people. The researchers went to Alaska and took samples of lung tissue from a woman who had been buried in permafrost. Using those samples and autopsy tissues, these U.S. scientists pieced together the code for the eight genes. The scientists did the work at what calls a “top-security” laboratory of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia.

The French scientists, who awakened another Siberian virus, known as Pithovirus sibericum, in a petri dish in the lab in 2013, warn that climate change may awaken dangerous viruses in areas of the far north where soil or permafrost is melting and believe it is better to ‘know the enemy’. They found it near the same area as the latest discovery, which they named Mollivirus sibericum.

This is the fourth prehistoric virus found since 2003.

Perhaps the most ground-breaking aspect of the research from 2013 and 2015 is the fact that these Siberian viruses don’t resemble any other virus known on Earth. Modern viruses are tiny and have only a few genes. But Pithovirus sibericum and Mollivirus sibericum contain 500 genes, placing it in a new category of viral giant, a family known as Megaviridae. “Sixty percent of its gene content doesn’t resemble anything on Earth,” said Chantal Abergel, a fellow researcher and wife of Claverie.

Another virus, found in 2003, Pandoravirus, has 2,500 genes. In comparison, the HIV virus has only 12, and Influenza A has eight.

The French researchers call the two viruses they found giant viruses. To qualify as a giant virus it has to be more than a half-micron long—1/1000th of a millimeter.
Pithovirus sibericum is infectious to amoebas but does not appear harmful to human cells, the researchers said. It was found in a 100-foot-deep sample of permanently frozen soil taken from coastal tundra in Chukotka, near the East Siberian Sea.

When they announced the finding of the first virus in 2013, Claverie said: “The revival of viruses that are considered to have been eradicated, such as smallpox, whose replication process is similar to that of Pithovirus, is no longer limited to science fiction. The risk that this scenario could happen in real life has to be viewed realistically.”

Exploration of the Siberian permafrost is expected to increase as it is thought to contain 30 percent of the world’s oil reserves, gold deposits and other key minerals. There is therefore a danger that viruses which humans have never encountered before, and have no immunity to, could emerge from the ice. Claverie called for safeguards against awakening viruses that were once dangerous, such as smallpox.

Ian Branam, a spokesman with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, responded to questions about precautions and safety around virus reanimation. He said in e-mail to Ancient Origins that protocols vary around the world but added:

“Precautions taken include personal protective equipment such as gowns, masks, gloves, shoe covering, etc. Powered respirators are often required as are shower-out procedures when exiting the lab. The lab itself needs to be limited access in a secure facility and have negative air pressure so flow is always into the lab when doors are opened. Waste is sterilized before removal and exhaust air is filtered. Personnel are monitored for any potential symptoms of infection and usually can be asked to record viral signs or check in one or more times a day to confirm no symptoms (fever, etc.)”

CDC technician dons an older-model positive-pressure suit before entering one of the CDC’s earlier maximum containment labs.
When asked how the French scientists could know if the Siberian virus could infect amoebas but not humans, he replied: “Without knowledge of the specifics, it could be because contemporary viruses like it infect amoeba. When obtained, experiments will probably be conducted to see if it is infectious for other organisms using cell lines and possibly animal models if infectivity is suspected on the basis of the in vitro cell lines.”

Featured image: Main: NASA researchers working on the Arctic ice (NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre / Flickr). Inset: Mollivirus sibericum particle (Photo: PNAS)

By Mark Miller

Edythe wrote:I watched the video and was horrified. When Geordie Rose stated that standing next to one of the "Monoliths" was like standing next to the altar of an alien god, I got a cold chill and my stomach hurt. His last prediction was absolutely shocking and surreal.. prediction #3 "by 2028, intelligent machines will exist that can do anything that humans can do; quantum computers will have played a critical role in the creation of this new type of intelligence".

I have been doing some intensive research on free will vs freedom of choice and how it pertains to our "pre-birth soul contract" in connection with the so-called Collectors. When I began this research, I started having odd problem with the internet. One of those problem was when I tried to find EE and login.. I was getting a blank with page with just 3 word.. "go away spammer!" After 2 weeks of this, whoever or whatever has finally decided to allow me access. I have also been having some physical effects. I've been awakened from a deep sleep by the sounds of machinery/technology.. hmmmm...

Naga mentioned a Trojan horse, I believe. So now this has me wondering about quantum computing and Cern.

All of what I have said above feels connected. Years ago, the dots and puzzle pieces didn't feel as dark and heavy as they do now. There is a real sense of danger and urgency...

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Re: AI Artificial Intelligence, developement and implications

Post by Naga_Fireball »

Edythe, i am terribly sorry you got blocked from your own Internet connection.

You have provided enormous joy and inspiration to this forum.

There is the singer, and there is the breath he takes, and those rare people who are so good at restoring the health of others, the breath of life, those are the most dangerous to the System and need to be most protected.
Brotherhood falls asunder at the touch of fire!
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Re: AI Artificial Intelligence, developement and implications

Post by Naga_Fireball »

P.s. this just in about 40 ago?" onclick=";return false;

September 15, 2016

Alert Number

The FBI urges victims to report ransomware incidents to federal law enforcement to help us gain a more comprehensive view of the current threat and its impact on U.S. victims.

What Is Ransomware?
Ransomware is a type of malware installed on a computer or server that encrypts the files, making them inaccessible until a specified ransom is paid. Ransomware is typically installed when a user clicks on a malicious link, opens a file in an e-mail that installs the malware, or through drive-by downloads (which does not require user-initiation) from a compromised Web site.

Why We Need Your Help
New ransomware variants are emerging regularly. Cyber security companies reported that in the first several months of 2016, global ransomware infections were at an all-time high. Within the first weeks of its release, one particular ransomware variant compromised an estimated 100,000 computers a day.

Ransomware infections impact individual users and businesses regardless of size or industry by causing service disruptions, financial loss, and in some cases, permanent loss of valuable data. While ransomware infection statistics are often highlighted in the media and by computer security companies, it has been challenging for the FBI to ascertain the true number of ransomware victims as many infections go unreported to law enforcement.

Victims may not report to law enforcement for a number of reasons, including concerns over not knowing where and to whom to report; not feeling their loss warrants law enforcement attention; concerns over privacy, business reputation, or regulatory data breach reporting requirements; or embarrassment. Additionally, those who resolve the issue internally either by paying the ransom or by restoring their files from back-ups may not feel a need to contact law enforcement.
Brotherhood falls asunder at the touch of fire!
He finds his fellow guilty of a skin
Not coloured like his own, and having power
To enforce the wrong, for such a worthy cause
Dooms and devotes him as his lawful prey.
~William Cowper
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Re: AI Artificial Intelligence, developement and implications

Post by Christine »

What you want to bet this "ransomware" is infecting the FBI and other agency files?
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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