PART I: EXPOSING PREDATORY PATHOGENIC AI ~ Restoring Love-sourced Humanity

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PART I: EXPOSING PREDATORY PATHOGENIC AI ~ Restoring Love-sourced Humanity

Post by Christine »


Inspiration comes in many forms. Sometimes it percolates up from an inner moment of revelation, other times it comes from the sharp sting of an outer encounter with reality. It would not be redundant to say that for those of us who are the aware and awakening, that we are swimming in a sea of inspiration as information, in a seemingly densely packed current affecting us all in a constant wave of awareness. A state of being that could be described as profluent, which requires of us to utilize a new set of perimeters and a heightened response ability.

No subject matter is separate from any other, though there is one that stands out among all the conspiracies against humankind and that is the transhumanist agenda, the predatory A.I. (artificial intelligence) and the infection of an alien substance known as black goo. Sorting through the information, in both recent and ancient literature, is a fascinating field of research and one we felt merits the focused attention of a panel of modern-day researchers, deep thinkers, and formidable minds that are able to penetrate outside the box.

Working from a seventy-seven-page Power Point presentation that is the combined work of Alfred Lambremont Webre, Christine Anderson, Jeffrey Sewell (The Metabiologist) and Claudia Ayaz, we have recorded close to ten hours of discussion that will be presented in three parts as soon as we finish the editing.

The beauty of presenting a field of information from multiple view points is not only that it provides the listener with a more comprehensive study, it also allows for the surprise of new revelations and insights to emerge in the moment.

The history of “The Agenda of Transhumanism” is a plague that we can trace back to our ancient past that is now showing itself in the current era with the proliferation of high-tech devices, the use of robotics in warfare, back-engineered systems from alien technologies, HAARP, Microwave proliferation, Scalar energy, geo-engineering, vaccination campaigns, toxic food, GMO, legislation and world governmental bodies that use statues and regulations propagated as laws to further enslave Humankind. In other words, in a stealth like manner, hidden in plain sight, we are hosting an entity that is soulless and inorganic in its predatory nature.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Deepening into the wisdom of the above statement is needed more than ever, for we have an pathogenic entity that to not know is at the peril of every living being.

Taking on this subject is one we feel merits the full confrontational force of consciousness; if we don’t understand the implications, if we turn away from this, we will become the subservient species on Planet Earth for an agenda that is parasitical and ultimately destructive by its very nature.

We start our series with Part I, which brings in Alfred Webre’s overview of forty years within the world of Exopolitics, the shock he felt when waking up to the reality of the sentient black goo’s presence and his dedication to helping Humankind wake up and discover solutions.

In Parts II and III Jeffrey Sewell leads the discussion with the introduction of Metabiology, the science of As above, so below in the Metamystical relationship of Humankind with their place in the Cosmos. A very large subject matter that brings into our collective consciousnesses just how we are in every sense of the meaning co-creators.

Christine and Claudia bring to the symposium their empirical data as planetary healers and Earth Empaths along with a soul-driven impulse for truth – the Truth that as we are able to embrace it sets us Free. It is the return of the Divine Sovereign, an aspect of our deepest subconscious mind that when touched stirs a longing and Knowing that is the cure and the directional compass for the healing crisis moments in our quadrant of the Universe.

In future panel discussions we will further explore the flowering consciousness that is Us, the ones we have been waiting for.
The subject is vast, for it must take into account the very structure of realities to be fully grasped.

The Rising of Humanity is a Collective Work – one with Honor and Love in service to the Highest Truth we can achieve.

Jeffrey Sewell:
The Cytocosmos |

Christine Anderson:
Claudia Ayaz:
Earth Empaths |

Alfred Lambremont Webre:
Exopolitics |
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projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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Re: PART I: EXPOSING PREDATORY PATHOGENIC AI ~ Restoring Love-sourced Humanity

Post by Spiritwind »

I was going to try and summarize what I learned from viewing this, but I'm not sure I could do it justice. So, here is just a few of my copious notes to give a better flavor of what this body of information is really about from my most limited perspective. Each participant brings their own unique range of experience so that it ties a lot of seemingly unrelated ideas together that surprisingly they are able to make sense of. Early on (about 36 minutes in) Jeffrey talks about Michael Harner's book Way of the Shaman where he talks about his Ayahuasca experience, and how that ties into the discussion.

Alfred Webre brings in his experience with the media during some key periods, such as the Falklands war, then we have the Nazis and Thule connection, what was really going on with the BP oil spill, and even the story behind kindle and the iPod; the true intellectual creators of these technologies and how they got hijacked.

Christine talks about how the AI can transmit frequency signals to construct a self aware programmable sentient grid around the earth, and how some who can feel and learn to read various types of energies can actually describe this phenomena in some detail.

Jeffrey Sewell brings in his amazing understanding of metabiology, talks about the theory of viruses, and the ball gets knocked out of the court for me there, as I have always felt that everything really is connected. He provides the language to make this understandable. One might wonder what metabiology has to do with AI, the transhumanist agenda, and terraforming the earth, but looked at from another viewpoint, which Jeffrey provides, it may be the missing piece.

One of my favorite new combinations of words occurs at 1hr 41 minutes in when Jeffrey talks about "competitive pockets of perception".

At about 1hr 45 minutes in Claudia talks about how viruses are actually a systems response that send in the cleanup crew, and when overcome make the body stronger and more developmentally capable, and asks the question: what if this predatory force was felt to be needed to wake humanity up to their fullest potential. Jeffrey points out that half of the human genome is viral in origin, so in a way it's a principle that can't really be separated from the equation, as in, there is a purpose to everything.

There is just so much more, but I find that my notes kind of left a lot out of the finer details. I did find some personal experiences from my own repository that suddenly make more sense when factoring this information in. I love the way Christine leaves it on kind of a cliffhanger note, with a sort of which came first the chicken or the egg question in regards to AI and some awesome musical accompaniment by Maya Rose.
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Re: PART I: EXPOSING PREDATORY PATHOGENIC AI ~ Restoring Love-sourced Humanity

Post by heyokah »


As in the video David Griffin was mentioned, I'd like to post his lecture at the Bases conference in 2014 for the members who don't know him.
He gives an update on his Black Goo-Sentient fluid data on "Terra-forming Consciousness", and his detailed research on transformation of consciousness.


Here the links to the Basis 17 interview that was referred to in the video Christine posted.

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