Consciousness and Contact

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Consciousness and Contact

Post by maggie »

I am listening to this wonderful conversation between two genuinely skeptical people who are experiencers and researchers. it is really touching my own line of thinking. There is so much covered here and it is validating that what we are EXPERIENCING of the liminal is a door in the garden gate for us and through us. IMO this is what the "event or shift" (whatever its called) is about... the FACT that people are having contact with the paranormal and THEN what?
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Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, Rey Hernandez, and a number of PhDs in physics, neuroscience, psychology and research methodologies founded FREE a non-profit dedicated to investigating the links between various paranormal phenomena and a new paradigm they are developing called “Quantum Holographic Consciousness.”

Since the 1980s, a few researchers including myself, Dr. Kenneth Ring, Terence McKenna, Jacque Valle, Dr. Michael Grosso, Dr. Jon Klimo, Whitley Streiber, Jeffrey Kripal and a few others have been suggesting a central source of a variety of paranormal phenomena and working toward more holistic explanatory models.

Rey Hernandez is one of the four co-founders of FREE (The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters). The other three co-founders are the late Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Dr. Rudy Schild, an Emeritus Professor of Astrophysics at Harvard University, and Australian experiencer researcher Mary Rodwell. The Executive Director of FREE is Dr. Rudy Schild.

Although the word “extraterrestrial” is currently part of the acronym (they may change it to “extraordinary” or something more inclusive) they are definitely not working from the assumption that the non-human intelligences people encounter are necessarily ETs. Their focus is on using scientific research methodologies, and not ideological filters, to see what paranormal experiencers are actually saying about their experiences and how they have changed their lives and beliefs.

The results are fascinating and are presented in the video in the form of graphically represented statistics in a slide show of hundreds of images playing in the background of the above video. Other images include still shots taken during our epic, four-hour conversation at the International Congress of Consciousness in Miami where Rey was a featured presenter.

Much of the conversation tells the story of what led Rey Hernandez, a tax attorney for the IRS with no interest in the paranormal, into a multidimensional rabbit hole which led to the founding of FREE. This story is recounted in an epic, four-hour conversation we had at the International Congress of Consciousness in Miami where Rey was a featured presenter. ... bductions/
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Re: Jonathan Zap and Rey Hernandez: Consciousness and Contact

Post by maggie »

I grew up with a mother who was an "experiencer" but was also a very traumatized person with evident narcissism and she was in-credible in her many lies and her emotional danger to others was large. (Truth mixed up in lies cannot be teased out without telepathy and who wants to be telepathic with a person who is likely to hurt as to harm "psychically"?) In my history with my mom, she evidenced a transcendent aspect of such beauty and love that you just could not help but love her. This was real and then she could be so mean and cruel that you felt traumatized too and that was also real. My brother called her sides "The Good Ann and Bad Ann". She sincerely loved and then took it all back. I often wonder about our family history and ?what if trauma may have been used to split this person? Was my mom a targeted individual?

All my early life I was preoccupied by wanting my mother to be OK. She was so hurt and she was so "special" to me and my siblings. I later became very disillusioned and rejected her. Her life was very sad. But I valued the "spiritual woowoo" that I learned from her. I did accept that the anomalous is not abnormal.

Sporadically I too have had very odd experiences including a couple of weird day light unidentified flying objects. I hear people talk around the "possibility" of various subjects and think " OF COURSE! Why are people still arguing?" I also had an early on preoccupation with all the "issues" ETs are supposed to have emphasized like ecology, spiritual growth and "Universal" issues. As for missing time, I am missing almost all my childhood memory.

This interview is with someone who has a wide variety of "experience". He also was an immigrant, in the military, worked in policing and in the DEA and maybe is an example of a targeted individual? But targeted by WHOM? and for WHAT? There is a need to hear the real sincere stories and hear them in the CONTEXT of a larger awareness.

Could people like my Mom and this man be examples of the people who have open senses and special sensitivity, WHO depending on the strength of the person will be driven insane by the whole program (CONTACT on and off, in and out "world" manipulated). OTHERS may be able to remain fairly integrated??? This is almost like a Corey Goode kind of conundrum. In the video with Rey Hernandez, he was "told" that he people with minimal ego and without the need for financial gain can withstand the "contact" more in integrity.

I was very interested in the testimony of the gentleman in the interview and his wife because they indicate that MANY people to date have been drawn personally into something very mysterious. This mystery just seems much larger than some "human" designed program but a human designed attempt to interfere seems likely. I feel like I too KNOW something and it feels so real and true that it is hard to see it as something "wrong". I also KNOW I don't really know much at all. Somehow the inability to know does not bother me but encourages me to seek. Being a seeker does not seem wrong either (as if I SHOULD know more). It all seems for a good reason that this is in my basic makeup. I am sure others relate.
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Alberto is a retired DEA Federal Agent. He has a history of UFO sightings, numerous contact experiences with different types of Non-Human Intelligence (NHI), a Near Death Experiences, has had various OBEs. In addition, Human Looking "Masters" also taught him over many years about various lessons, including bout the death process, what is the spirit world, spirituality, brought to different dimensions, downloads of advanced physics, and numerous other lessons. Alberto talks about his Agreement with a Small Grey being to participate in a Grey Breeding Program over many years. Alberto talks about his healing ability, ability to see Energy Auras, missing time, various objects (statutes, swords, crystals, rocks, medallions, etc) that would appear in his home for a few hours or a few days and then some, but not all, would disappear. He talks about so many other examples of high strangeness. Most of these experiences were witnessed by his wife and some with his daughter. By the way, both are Ph.D. Psychiatrists.
[youtube] ... pIC6KSOxIX[/youtube]
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Re: Jonathan Zap and Rey Hernandez: Consciousness and Contact

Post by maggie »

This is so relevant IMO

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Re: Jonathan Zap and Rey Hernandez: Consciousness and Contact

Post by maggie »

John Mack was as close to the center of the phenomenon of how consciousness and contact interact as anyone IMO. I feel lucky to hear him speak as he died a few years ago. I love the internet and youtube for these "contacts". And the ability to hear him makes a connection across time. Is it "less real" to hear him now as it might have been then in the audience? I don't think so and this is part of the mystery of "consciousness and contact" don't have to have a physical encounter to meet when in rapport.

The contact experience is a wild weird area that finds compartmentalized categorizations and projection and all together presents the difficulty of expanding frames of reference. He states that Consciousness is primary though counter intuitive. THAT is our challenge.

The fact is, he presented his perspective gathered through interacting with experiencers in 2002 is still not appreciated deeply if the current arguments in the alt community are indications. With the same issues still apparent, the waters just as murky, and no real change in approach (still primarily nuts and bolts hard ware and materialistic focus on an external "reality". attention mainly on finding who are Good guys, white hats/ black hats, critters and bad guys to fear and competition for energy in fame and fortune, lack of cooperation, projecting of egoistic territory battles......) Does this mean that the "consciousness" issue can't be grokked COLLECTIVELY? Maybe its really just one by one on the garden path walking home?

The experiencers he worked with in his research changed as he worked with them and their relationship to their past experience changed. It left him thinking that there is no fixed experience. He talks about reified metaphor where there is something real and mythic at the same time. Does underlying perception of "the world" as energy and information patterned by archetypes and translated personally by "mind" have to be resolved individually? Perhaps the ones who realize this fact just move on (as John Mack has moved on), leaving the dramatic story lines to the kids playing war and peace, polarized light and dark games?

"and, and, and not or, or, or". "Take this (whole variety of contact and ) reaction to experiences and maybe the thing is matches of the psyches?"

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Re: Jonathan Zap and Rey Hernandez: Consciousness and Contact

Post by maggie »

In the video interviews that Rey Hernandez made with his friends (Alberto and his wife Rebeca), mention was made of a trip to Peru with a group of prepared contactees called Rahma. Starts at 2:46


Many many avenues lead to similar conclusions. Consciousness Expansion is real AND mythic. Experience needs preparation because too much too soon may lead to harm.

The group was called Rahma. Here is link to their mission.
Mission Rahma (Misión Rahma) ... rahma.html

This is a video of a Rahma trip to the Chilca desert


These are interviews with a contactee which were intriguing

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Re: Jonathan Zap and Rey Hernandez: Consciousness and Contact

Post by Christine »

maggie wrote:John Mack was as close to the center of the phenomenon of how consciousness and contact interact as anyone IMO. I feel lucky to hear him speak as he died a few years ago. I love the internet and youtube for these "contacts". And the ability to hear him makes a connection across time. Is it "less real" to hear him now as it might have been then in the audience? I don't think so and this is part of the mystery of "consciousness and contact" don't have to have a physical encounter to meet when in rapport.

The contact experience is a wild weird area that finds compartmentalized categorizations and projection and all together presents the difficulty of expanding frames of reference. He states that Consciousness is primary though counter intuitive. THAT is our challenge.

The fact is, he presented his perspective gathered through interacting with experiencers in 2002 is still not appreciated deeply if the current arguments in the alt community are indications. With the same issues still apparent, the waters just as murky, and no real change in approach (still primarily nuts and bolts hard ware and materialistic focus on an external "reality". attention mainly on finding who are Good guys, white hats/ black hats, critters and bad guys to fear and competition for energy in fame and fortune, lack of cooperation, projecting of egoistic territory battles......) Does this mean that the "consciousness" issue can't be grokked COLLECTIVELY? Maybe its really just one by one on the garden path walking home?

The experiencers he worked with in his research changed as he worked with them and their relationship to their past experience changed. It left him thinking that there is no fixed experience. He talks about reified metaphor where there is something real and mythic at the same time. Does underlying perception of "the world" as energy and information patterned by archetypes and translated personally by "mind" have to be resolved individually? Perhaps the ones who realize this fact just move on (as John Mack has moved on), leaving the dramatic story lines to the kids playing war and peace, polarized light and dark games?

"and, and, and not or, or, or". "Take this (whole variety of contact and ) reaction to experiences and maybe the thing is matches of the psyches?
Thank you maggie, I will make time to listen to this video later today. I so agree with what you wrote, fundamentally this is our challenge not only within the world of contactees but all of life's "experiencers". It is all about consciousness and perspective. Being in the world and being able to see through the lens clearly is a tough one though as the construct is so well enmeshed in the fabric of life that most people haven't a clue as to what is Real and what is falsely created.

Even a cursory study of ancient myths and world cultures shows us that the world of Spirit, the unseen world that IS presents the same message only varied by the epigenetic field from which the culture arose.

As a small participant in the ongoing public diatribe of experiencer versus researcher seeking facts, as a friend to many who have otherworldly contact as well as my own inner journey has led me to the knowing that while we are caught in a reflecting collective reality we are also the projectors of that reality. My inner assessment of Real is that it is fluid and harmonious while the construct constricts and binds. Learning to be navigators on the great cosmic sea isn't for the faint of heart.

What remains the issue isn't the varied points of view, it is the human ego that needs to be right and assert its mostly false identity. Without the development of integrated character which is the ability to let go of the false we will continue to fall into the divide.
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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Re: Consciousness and Contact

Post by maggie »

Because I came across the group Rahma, I am now coming across testimony of people having experience with contact in Peru. I love hearing people's stories as much as anyone.

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Re: Consciousness and Contact

Post by maggie »

I am prejudiced I know. I am inclined to drop any source of information when it gives me "clang clang" as opposed to a "Hummmm". It is not that I am wishing away any person place or perspective but for me, there is a dissonance that is painful in some way. It is not the pain of challenge but the pain of something like a loud siren or what you hear when the alarm clock is to be noted but turned off.

I keep APPRECIATING (as in compounding interest through attention) the message that is very empowering to me. "We can use many sources of stimulus (including contact with the luminous, numinous, liminal, anomalous or just everyday mundane life) to initiate our awakening and when we are READY then we can really get to the good stuff.... No blame, no harm, just timing of our own choice."
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Collective Consciousness Co-Creation of Timelines (Lisa Renee, July 17, 2017)
Although the untrained mind can only sense direct physical attributes, the true Morphogenesis of our multidimensional existence is generated through the multiple levels of sentience. Together these form into the entire Collective Consciousness identity, or that from which we gather to form the experience of a self. As we grow our capacity to perceive the collective consciousness layers that exist as interconnected to the self, we no longer define as being attached to an individual self. Because ultimately, the realization is reached that there is no individual self. We are multidimensional consciousness connected to many different streams of sentience that generate the entirety of the Collective Consciousness Agreement, which we experience on the earth. Through continually increasing our sentience to gain enlightenment, we can discern the energetic quality of collective consciousness that we prefer to align with and express through our consciousness body. Thus, in the consciousness evolution process we gain spiritual sovereignty and free will choice. Whereby, removing ourselves from the Imposter Spirits superimpositional forces of the larger collective consciousness matrix that others have chosen to express, which are no longer congruent to our essential nature.

Without exercising personal choice that comes from developed energetic Discernment, an individual is left to express the larger impersonal forces of the collective unconsciousness and the controlled manipulation of impersonal forces in the environment. Through the physics of the energetic reality, the person expresses the core energetic resonance they embody, which harmonizes with the larger collective consciousness body, which they attract. To have choice beyond the collective unconsciousness matrix, one must develop higher sentience towards greater enlightenment, and begin to perceive how the layers of the Collective Consciousness function throughout creation. Enlightenment in this context refers to being released from the confines of service to self, suffering, dark ignorance, attachment to material things, and the state of Soul Disconnection. The same states that reinforce the continued cycles of death and reincarnation into the lower realms, without consciousness memories, identities or spiritual purpose remaining intact. It means we are released from the states of consciousness, which exist in the larger collective unconsciousness.

The collective unconsciousness body of the earth is evolving to reflect the change in the collective consciousness consensus agreement, to shift human consciousness into the next harmonic universe. This consciousness shift reclaims the soul aspects in order to embody the entire collective Soul Matrix into the matter worlds. Imagine who you would be if you remembered all of your other lifetimes, had direct soul realization and could access that repository of knowledge at will. That is the groundwork being laid for the future direction for the ascending timelines, and the continued evolution of the human race on this planet. continue here ... -timelines
This is a recent talk given by a sound mind (IMO)

Bernhard Guenther at Regeneration 2017: The Matrix Control System & The Path Towards Awakening

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Re: Consciousness and Contact

Post by maggie »

I am thinking about frequency and dimensions.

Neighbors are experiencing serious dimensnional challenges. One is Pam who is in her 50's. She is affluent and works in graphic design. She travels a lot and is very independent. In the spring, her Husband died in Georgia. Her sister's husband died that same day in penn. I know of her through my friend Tina who's in her 40s. She housecleans and assists Pam when Pam is at her lake house in Blue Ridge Georgia. Tina lives just down the street and can use her dock. They are very friendly with one another.

Pam recently started falling and slurring her speech and also using very poor judgement. Tina confronted her about her serious safety issue with falling. She would always say "I'm fine" and resist any suggestions. Eventually Pam fell and hit her head and also broke her toe the same day in an earlier fall. When Tina found her, blood was everywhere form an eyebrow cut. She was slurring here words oblivious to her condition. Really scary and she needed trauma care at the hospital. There was a brain concussion and stitches needed.

Pam is on psyciatric medication. This is history tina does not know much about. The doctors treating her can't see the drug connection as a BIG PROBLEM. She is still on psyciatric medication after coming home from the hospital. Family came and Pam is luckily in the big city outside Atlanta now. But HERS is just an example of unreal situations that people are having.

There is an archetypal initiation as a sudden widow. Her sister is also and this is double grief. She is living alone and travelling, driving alot to different environments. Whatever underlying psychic disturbance, there is the so called treatment which IMO is 100% responsible for the drunken woozy not able to reason drugged state.

Then there are other people like Tina who is getting hit by the needs of others and responding. She went with Pam and helped out until a relative came to get her. She talked about how whe felt about what she was in. UNREAL is all she could say.

The unreal.
This is a simulation of our inner consciousness.
Pam is living in a separate dimension from tina and me.

Right off what I observe from the most superficial is that Pam was in trauma.
She must have asked for help.
She must not have known all her options.
Otherwise, Why did she agree to the drugs.
Why did she have no awareness of her own dangerous break down?
She was blind to her own "just NOT right"
That seems an extreme of a trend, veering away form inner self awareness???
She is well educated, well socialized person.
She apparently took the drugs with a sense of "needing them"
She resisted anyone critiquing them.
She did not feel her pain.

I don't know her but I know Tina. Tina is just an ordinary person but she has her own original ability to observe. She feels a sensitive instinct for spiritual mystery she ponders. Thanks to Tina, Pam was helped in a real way by the care and concern. The family repaid Tina's kindness that would have been given for free.

These are the signs that there is something cosmic drawing people together. Tina is concerned about the medications. The client Pam is not seeming to have a clue. This is all so odd....

One cannot wait until a crisis to practice whatever means will carry us to an easier frequency, one not so frenetic, one that calms and soothes. Meditation is relaxing the mind and focusing on the heart. It is really what we are being told by so called "higher" planes of frequency to DO. In agitated mind and hyper driven nervous system, I think WE cannot access THEIR frequency. Then some who do once or twice may confabulate? We get into crisis so easily and rev up the adrenalin. Others might medicate to say cool in confrontation with life crisis? Being numb is a strategy.

IMO there is not a difference between all the aspects of "initiation" except how we "IMAGINE" through conscious and unconscious participation. We are being given so many varied tools to be able to perceive in larger dimensional ways. We are learning how to feel relaxed and feel happy which is a very high vibration state. We can be pulled to the underworlds too where slow and depressing and scary frequency dwells with us observing.

Then there is the idea that some dimensional bleed in of forces is NOT to be discounted JUST used through knowing how, we having learned to work around all forces are flexible. That is by awareness through many mindful means.

The changing of brain heart frequency is a science. Entrainment is a skill. It is I Inside Me who are the faces of contact IMO. We are the many contacting the One and the One contacting the many. Consciousness and Contact is the last frontier IMO.
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