Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

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Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Post by LostNFound »

They all had watched the two Prairie dogs scamper down the hill and cross the flats and go under the fence. Kevin was watching the perimeter for any sign of Guards and dogs when out of one of the buildings a Guard and a dog exited. Tall LED lights lit up the yard or compound and every 100 feet the fence was lit with the same lighting. Bill spoke in the mind and said I do believe the military has become quite paranoid now. You can bet your bippy that the fence is highly electrified too. The Guard started to walk the perimeter of the fence and it was their luck that he headed off in the opposite direction from their location. They watched him move away until he was almost out of site and checked for any other guards and activated the jet belts and lifted up over the fence. ODAKOTA and TUSA were standing on there hind legs at the rear of the building with the elevator shaft in it when they came over the fence and zeroed in on the Prairie dogs. ODAKOTA watched them fly over the fence and he and TUSA darted around quickly showing them where the round metal things were located. They all paid close attention and were able to land in places that were clear. Once on the ground they followed the two prairie dogs around the side of the building that was away from the other buildings. The dogs were scampering around running from one metal disk to the next so the company was able to walk in between and step over the mines. At the front of the building the dogs both ran to two mines and kicked a trench around each one so they could be seen clearly and then came back to their spot. Carolyne spoke to ODAKOTA and asked him how many families were living inside the perimeter of the wire? ODAKOTA spoke back and told her there is only one family of about 10 folk living on the far back side of the wire ring. Carolyne asked him and TUSA to go to the family and ask them to leave the wire ring for awhile. She told him that it could be very dangerous for them and perhaps they could have their homes back after she and her companions were done doing what they had to do here. ODAKOTA acknowledged in his mind and he and TUSA took off towards the area were the family was living. Bill led the crew to the entrance and they all entered. Once inside, they all noticed the man sitting behind a desk of some sort. He was reading a magazine or something of the sort.

Private Henry Johnstone was reading a magazine from Bear Lake Utah, looking at lake front property where he could live with his wife when he got out of this nightmarish military. He had joined because of the financial resource to support his wife. He thought it would be easy and after 10 years he could get out and they would be set to disappear into the wilderness. He had been sent here after another underground base had been destroyed 3 or 4 years ago. His sight had rested on a small cabin with a large open deck on the front of the house. The house was built on a sloping hill side that ran down to the lake front with a walk deck out onto the water. His mind wandered to that lake when the main entry door blew open. He was startled and looked up quickly. The door stood wide open so he got up and walked over to close it. After closing it he headed back to the desk thinking that the door opening like was very strange. It could not have been blown open because there was no wind this evening. He started to sit back down and resume his musings of the property on the lake. He went to pick up the magazine and it was not there. He began looking around thinking it may have fallen on the floor. He frantically searched knowing that if it was found by his commander he would be put on report and be made to suffer some unknown punishment.

He stood up and walked around to the front of the desk and heard a rustling noise like pages being fanned. He looked up and the magazine was floating in mid air open to the page he had been looking at before the door opened. He stood there starring and watched the magazine move over to the desk, close and lay back down on the surface. In his mind he heard a woman speaking to him saying “Private would you like to go to that place right now? He did not know what to say but his wish was so strong it made him shake his head up and down. “I can send you there with your wife and you both will not be missed from this place” Henry spoke and said “who are you and where are you?” Kristyl smiled and the rest of them almost giggled. She spoke back to him in his mind Henry who I am is someone that can give your dream to you and Marci. The world is changing and all of this evil and hate is being dissolved from the human race. I will send you to Marci and you both must gather what you think you need and then you both must wait to go to the cabin. I will send you there when you are ready. Is this what you want in your heart and spirit?

Henry new it was exactly what he wanted and the sooner the better. His doubt was still controlling him somewhat and he asked, “what about this duty station, I am due to be relieved in three hours?” Kristyl reassured him that the man to relieve him would not come. He still was not sure but wanted to go so bad. Kristyl could feel his trepidation and saw his memory of the little house in Cheyenne. She opened a portal in front of him and he saw Marci sitting on the couch. Kristyl told him that he could just step into the room and explain it to her. That is all it took to make up his mind. He started to step through but Kristyl said “wait” and floated the magazine to him. He grabbed it and stepped through the portal. It closed and Kristyl followed his mind. It did not take long for Henry and Marci to gather what little they had and Kristyl saw them both standing in the little space waiting. She read the mind thought of them visiting the place and opened a portal for them to step through into the cabin. She closed the portal and they were secure on a wonderful lake in a very cozy cabin.

Carolyne hugged Kristyl and they all turned off the dispance cloaks. Kevin walked over and opened a panel on the desk and opened the elevator door that was located on the side wall of the building. They all walked to the open door and climbed in. The car door closed and they all noticed that there were only two levels below the ground level. Knowing that the second level would be a big storage station for supplies and the engine and cars they punched the button for level three and the elevator dropped like a stone. There was a meter on the wall that showed distance. They all looked at it in astonishment as the elevator fell through the shaft. The meter showed that they were headed down 2000 feet to the bottom level. Carolyne stepped up to the front as the car began to slow.
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Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Post by LostNFound »


The gate had been opened by greedy little men that thought they would gain all the power and wealth to control the world. These were men that controlled the Governments of the World. They controlled the monetary systems and ¾ of the world with their wealth. They wanted more. It was always that way. They could never have enough wealth and power and as long as they could not control the entire world they would always seek new ways to gain that goal. The wars they created were just one way to control the population but for the most part humans always seemed to out breed their ways of control. The only ones that knew them were the controlled politicians and the top owners of the banks. They were continuously making sure that anyone going against them was eliminated.

These men were eternal; they had risen to power hundreds of thousands of years prior and could never actually gain true dominance over mankind. They did manage to influence the world course for mankind and amassed great wealth and power at times but still were not able to take complete control except one time in the distant past but their greed destroyed the world and all the technology that was created at the time. None of them knew where they had gotten the power from to start with but they all knew how to cause mankind to destroy themselves. It took thousands and thousands of years and every time mankind was on the brink of total destruction something would change and humans would evolve to a higher intelligence and these greedy little creatures would have to start over. It had been 10,000 years since the last time they were on the verge of total control.

There were only 4 of them left when they were told of a strange object that was found in the pits of a coal mine. The miners that dug the black rock had dug down to almost 8,000 feet when they opened a hole in a wall and found the elliptical mirror device that had revolving ruuns around the outside. The miners left in a frightened flurry and told the mine owners about what they had found. One of the owners had told a very high ranking politician at the time and word got to one of the four. The Mine was shut down within days and the miners were all sent to a different mine. The four were all brought together and contacted a few highly intelligent scientists of the time, and began to explore the object. The scientists found keys to certain parts of the mirror as they called it that made it do certain things when they activated them. In 1932 they could not get the mirror to do anything but revolve with bright shinny lights. They did not know that one of the scientists had activated an opening into another dimension, allowing a horde of life forms to come through the gate. The Beings that had come through found their way into the deeper bowels where it was so hot that humans could not survive. When the scientists and the 4 became disenchanted with the object after 8 years they finally blocked off the tunnel and closed up everything to the 5000 foot level. The 4 eternals' became disgusted with humanity on earth and decided to go to the ancient world of Atlandia where humans had first traveled to over 100.000 thousand years earlier when they first became star travelers. They thought they might have better luck at becoming controllers of humans there. So they activated a hidden space craft that had been created then and left the earth and the solar system shortly before the beginning of the world war they had brought about. The bankers that had been part of the 4’s schemes continued the destruction of the earth. When the space ship the 4 were on entered a worm hole on the other side of Jupiter a tiny island in the pacific ocean was being attacked by a nation that had been devastated financially by a larger nation though the bankers that controlled the worlds monetary system.

In 1945 after the world war ended, the underground city was created by the government for “The Continuity of Government” project. The lower recesses of the mine were forgotten about but the dark fiery forms had stirred and ventured up through dark coal caverns. They had found fires burning with the black rocks and those became closer to world they had come from. They had tried at first to get back to their world but the gate had been shut off and they could not get through to it. They waited and lived in the deep areas that were hot but not quite as hot as their home. When they finally ventured up further they found the fires and that was like being home once again. In the early 60’s the Congress was meeting on a regular basis in the giant underground city and using the place as a vacation spot. They used the underground garage for access.

A tunnel had been made from the large fire pit to an opening into a stairwell that was close to the underground city. The beings were living in the fires when the creatures that inhabited this world began falling in to their living place. Sometimes these creatures still had a life force as they fell in but most of the time they were just empty bags of matter. The Burnsacka as they called themselves ventured ever closer to the center where the beings that inhabited this world, lived in large groups. Soon enough they captured a few and brought them to their living area. The creatures screamed and squirmed and expired so the Burnsacka learned how to keep them alive until they could experiment with them. The Burnsacka could assimilate into other living species on their home planet and dimension. That had been an evolutionary process that took eons for them but once accomplished it was a normal process for them. The species that they captured at first expired when they tried to assimilate with them. They finally learned how to assimilate into them without destroying them and the process allowed the Burnsacka to live in cooler climates and control the species. The one drawback was the fact that once they assimilated into a human that particular human would always be sweating or loosing water as the Burnsacka called it, so the assimilated human body had to continuously be fed the fluid and be in an environment that had cold air moving around.

They began to cause the species to gather others of their kind and bring them to this place. They had controlled them to build large holding pens for the ones that were rounded up and brought down into the large city. They meant to take control of this world and could only live by assimilation. In the process of all this happening they had explored the depths once again and found the access to the gate. They knew how to operate it and began to bring others through and showed them how to assimilate this species that lived here. Once they had assimilated enough they caused them to build tunnels that were wider and safer for the Burnsacka. This all happened over a period of time and most of the assimilated species, calling themselves humans, were of a political nature or those that were in control. The warriors of this species came and went and were assimilated rapidly. During a certain time of major turmoil on this world in this dimension the underground city had been abandoned or closed off. The unassimilated humans closed the roads that gave access and shut the facility down. The Burnsacka assimilated humans waited for the turmoil to subside and then made their way back to the facility. They created a different way that was hidden, to access the vehicle tunnel. They created a different road to the top area and built a secret parking area for those that had to remain above ground and known to the unassimilated humans. They carved out the hill or small mountain area and made the sliding door. All of this transpired from the early time of the closures to the present time. They had stepped up the invasion through the gate and the capturing of the unassimilated humans for assimilation. They began to concentrate on the younger of the species and the females for breeding. Due to the shorter life spans of this human species they were always capturing and causing the younger ones to breed more often. The process was running fairly smooth at this time and they planned to have enough to control this world within 100 years. As it was at this point they were just barely getting started and there was a tremendous amount of room still available in the underground city.

The original ones that came through were very few but they were able to control the humans that were the highest of the hives. When they had found the gate once more they let more through but kept it at a minimum until they could get enough assimilated to begin controlling the lands outside this place. So in all there were only 100 of them in existence on this world at the present time and they continued to capture the young ones and the females. In the large pens within the underground city there were thousands of these humans. They fed them regularly and kept them in a relatively clean environment but they were all locked in. They had kept the gate closed for around 25 years now and had planned to open it soon to begin assimilating the hives of the humans they had accumulated over the years. They began culling the humans as they grew older and kept the population at a steady age of 30 years and less. The assimilated humans that controlled areas outside of the city were allowed to live for the usefulness of their bodies until they were able to assimilate the younger ones to take over.
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Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Post by LostNFound »

When the crew reached the bottom of the stairwell, they all gathered in the landing area. Lionhawk told them all about the first corridor and then the large cavern. He told them of the other larger cavern beyond the first one and how he had witnessed the vehicle with the caged trailer that was full of humans. “We must rescue those humans first before we destroy any experiments and research. I saw women and children mostly and then young men. I do not know what they are doing down here that requires the collection and enslavement of those humans. I have a feeling that it is not a good thing and those folks need to be set free.” Shadowself listened and then turned towards the other door in the Landing area and asked what was through that door and could they use it to possibly get to another exit in the caverns? Lionhawk told her and the others that “behind that door was something very dark and they should not venture into the area unless they were willing and ready to fight whatever was there.” Shadowself understood that at the moment they all must do the other more important thing of releasing the humans. Fighting the darkness was coming and she knew that Lionhawk and the two lions were going to fight when the time came. She was thinking that she was going to stand next to Lionhawk in the ensuing battle.

They had all traversed the corridor and entered the first large cavern; it was dark and empty as Lionhawk had said it would be. Arie and Chephirah had padded along the exterior walls to guard the perimeters. When they all reached the Hugh doors they began to check out the small human doors looking through the windows. The lions stood guard at the walls on each side as the doors were checked out. On the other side was the larger cavern and the lights were bright. Lionhawk pulled his sword from its scabbard and held it up. The blue tint was dull at the moment so he looked to the lions on each side and their eyes were also dull. He figured that it would be alright to enter the larger cavern. He sent Mark and Maria to the side that had Arie and Jim and Shadowself to the side that had Chephirah while he stayed near the center and once they all were in place they all entered at once. As they all entered through the doors into the larger cavern, they all scooted to the far side from where the cave was that let the vehicles in from level 3. The two lions could not be cloaked so they would be very visible and Lionhawk did not want them to be exposed to danger from some dark creature shooting one of them with a gun. Arie and Chephirah understood what Lionhawk had thought to them, they in turn did not want the brothers and sisters to be in danger without them being there to guard them. Lionhawk was the only one in the group that knew what these two spirits were in truth and what they could do.

About 70 feet along the left side wall of the cavern was the first door into the large room with all the windows. The room appeared to run along the side wall for about 100 feet. The windows were broken into 6 foot sections or so it seemed. The entire room was lit up and they could see about 7 people working at computer stations. The back wall of the room was lined with large monitors and they could see all the level areas. This level showed the caged cells further in with all the humans. Another monitor showed the exterior of the sliding door at level one. The monitor showing the caged humans also split and showed what appeared to be a furnace or large pit of coal on fire. They could see dark figures moving around intermittingly. They all had moved to the first windows and watched this going on while Arie and Chephirah had padded along the solid part under the windows and disappeared down the cavern. They both padded back at a fast lope and spoke into the minds of the group telling them that a vehicle pulling an empty cage was heading their way. They all ran back to the doors into the first cavern and got Arie and Chephirah out of site for the moment. Lionhawk had taken his sword out and was holding it in front of him. The blade began to glow brighter and the cat’s eyes began to shine bluish in the darkness. The entire group saw the bluish tints and eyes grow in sharpness and brighter as the vehicle grew closer. As they stood in the dark and looked through the windows the cave with the roadway opened up and the vehicle disappeared into it. The Cave door closed and the sword began to loose its brightness while the cat’s eyes began to dim once again.

As they were all standing there Evelyne and Eryne stepped into the cavern and stood behind them. Arie and Chephirah were the first to turn and see them. Both girls giggled and every body turned and with a surprise began to speak in the mind. Evelyne and Eryne both spoke quickly and calmed there questions. Arie and Chephirah both walked to them and the girls hugged them. Evelyne began to relay into their minds the plans of saving the people and destroying this place. Evelyne spoke first; Lionhawk, you and Arie must enter the large room with those controlled humans and release their souls/spirits from the beings that have assimilated them. The beings that have taken control of all the humans in this mountain are from a different dimension and mean to invade this world for there own species. They have been here for a hundred years and have assimilated humans that started this place. They intend to open their gate to the home world/dimension and bring enough through to assimilate the humans that have been captured and brought here. Your sword will release the humans by striking them. Do not worry about their death. The bodies have become empty vessels that contain the Burnsacka. That is what these other dimensional creatures call themselves. Arie knows what to do to release them. Your spirits are now girded to fight the battle that is upon us this very moment. Shadowself you will go with your twin flame. You were a princess warrior in a past life and here is a sword for you. With that Eryne reached through a hole in front of her and pulled a blade back through. The blade had a bluish tent like Lionhawk’s sword. It was shorter but broader. As Shadowself took the sword she noticed a name on one side of the blade, the letters were in ancient writing and they spelled A N D U R I L. She turned the sword and on the other side another name lit with the letters C E L E S T E When she had taken the sword from Eryne it felt as if it belonged to her and she wielded it in perfect form. Lionhawk smiled and bowed to a warrior lady. Just like the Cats, Lionhawk’s and Shadowself’s eyes began to shine with blue tint.

The Cats sat back on their haunches and purred. Eryne said, “Your spirits are re-united and you will spill the healing from your blades and eyes as you vanquish the beings that do not belong here. Now while Lionhawk and Arie take care of the beings in the room. “You, Shadowself, Chephirah and Maria will go to Level three and cleanse the humans of the Burnsacka. Those that take the vehicles to capture the humans can not get out of that place any longer; we have shut the doors so they will not open. You must be very vigilant these beings are quite adept at assimilation. Again do not worry about dispatching the flesh. It is useless. The souls/spirits of the humans are locked away in a prison and when you dispatch the Burnsacka from the bodies the human souls/spirits will be released to enter the universe. There are no others on that level now only the assimilated. Lionhawk, the ones you vanquish in the room and two in the great area where the humans are locked up are the only ones on this level. Once you and Arie have sent the ones in the room back you will proceed to the large caged area and dispatch those two also. Evelyne and I are giving Arie and Chephirah the ability to be invisible just as you all are, to help in the mission.

Mark and Jim will go into the large room once Lionhawk and Arie remove the dark beings and destroy the computer systems. There is no experimenting in this facility other than the assimilation of humanity. So research is nil but those computers must be taken out and destroyed completely. There is also a room on level two with computers that must be destroyed which you will do after the humans are returned safely to their original places that they were taken from. You will use the TM Gizmos to send the humans back and here are all the locations. With that Evelyne and Eryne placed into there minds all the places so they could sweep the people back through the space function. Once you have done this you will go to this room and the girls placed a location into their minds. Shadowself, Maria and Chephirah will meet you there and clean the Burnsacka away. Once that is done you will send the contents of the room to this place. The girls again placed a vision into their minds. Shadowself, you, Maria and Chephirah must cross to this place and remove any Burnsacka. Evelyne showed them the computer room on the other side of the elevator. Mark and Jim will take the computers out. Remove them to this small asteroid on its way to a collision course with a very nasty place. Once this is done, Shadowself and Chephirah will meet Lionhawk and Arie back at the landing inside the stairwell and prepare for battle against the Burnsacka and their living place below in the burning coal furnace.

You will have to fight spirit against the fire creatures. When you have completed that mission you must shut the gate and make it disappear forever. I must warn you that this will not be an easy task you will undertake. These beings are well adapted and in their natural state they are very dangerous. Mark, Maria and Jim will go to level one and remove any one and everything from that place and then you will step out next to your chopper and wait for the warriors. If this all turns out well this mountain is going to collapse all the tunnels and just become a natural mountain once again. If this mission becomes to dangerous as to cause your spirits to leave your bodies by destruction there is one thing you all have that was given at the wedding. With that she produced two small pearl shaped crystals on necklaces and placed one around Lionhawk’s neck and one around Shadowself’s neck. That gives all of you the ability to hold one another and move to a safe place until danger has passed. Know this. It takes a minimum of 3 of you to move to safety so do not separate yourselves from at least three. Evelyne and Eryne both touched them all in their minds and turned sideways and were gone.
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Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Post by LostNFound »


The next day the main stream propaganda or better known as the Provincia news service reported the total destruction of a military base in southwestern Georgia. The main headline was FORT WRECKTOR ATTACKED BY DOMESTIC TERRORIST GROUP 300 DEAD. “A military base in southern Georgia was attacked and destroyed last night by a terrorist group calling themselves the Midwestern Alliance for Freedom Fighters. The base was bombed and 300 military personnel were killed. The Emperor has sworn revenge on the Freedom Fighters and has sent a large contingent of forces into the state to investigate and round up anyone that is involved. He has stated that these people will be publicly drawn and quartered when caught. The damage has come to over 3 billion credits. All military and Law enforcement divisions have been put on alert and road blocks have been set up all over the state and into the surrounding states. The smaller towns and cities within a 200 mile radius have been put on lockdown until further notice. It has been reported that the high ranking military and law enforcement commanders have been given the order to use small tactical nuclear weapons if even one of these terrorists are found in any city or town. Stay tuned for further developing news about this horrible attack on our men and women of the armed forces.”

Daniel had been scanning the one and only news service left in the country and caught the propaganda. He had to smile when it played on the small computer they had in the cabin of the chopper. Brad had come with them to help destroy the manufacturing plant outside of Tallahassee. He had to laugh when he heard the news. “300 personnel gee they must have shipped in another 200 people last night while the empty buildings were being destroyed”. “I remember there being about 100 personnel at that base at most and a good part of those men and women were away on some sort of mission that was taking place. “Now the whole Midwestern Alliance thing is something I have never heard of. So where do you suppose the news came up with that one?” Susanna chuckled and said “they have to place blame somewhere so I suspect that made up story will carry on for awhile until they round up some poor folks and heard them into some large area and assassinate them on the vids so the message gets pushed out to the country that Patriots (domestic terrorists) will not be tolerated.” Brad made the comment about the world needing to be changed and soon.

Michael had taken a leisurely flight pattern south then east then south again towards Tallahassee. The distance from the base was not so far that they would have to push even though he had installed the Jet gear. The bird was not structurally outfitted for the stress that would be put on it yet. Once they were directly north of Tallahassee he had slowed and asked Brad exactly where the plant might be located. Brad said, “Take the 319 north from Tallahassee to within 20 miles of the Georgia border and then we will swing along a dirt road to the east for another 20 miles till we come to some swamps and just beyond the big trees will be the base and the entrance to the plant is located on the southern edge of that base. There are large lakes and swamp land down that way and if you are looking for a place to land that is secluded it would be close to one of the lakes.” Michael acknowledged that and asked how guarded the base was. Brad told them that the last time he had been there it almost appeared that the base was abandoned. “It does have a 10 foot high fence around the perimeter but there are no guards patrolling it. There is a guard post where the road turns off of the main road and that is called Sunny Hill Road.”

“The road to the base entrance is a few miles south of that road. About another mile inside the fence line are two main buildings and a large warehouse. To the South of those buildings stands the building where the entrance to the underground factory is. That building looks like another warehouse but actually holds the elevators for people and large vehicles. They can drive a tractor trailer on the vehicle elevator and take it down to the second level. The main factory is one level below that and it is quite huge. Most of it is performed with Robotics so the human contingency is rather small. All the parts for the Metals are made there and there is a small lab and research center that stores all the experimental research. Almost all of it is on the computer system the metals built.” Theresa sat up and said “did you say the metals built the computer system?” Brad said “yes, the computer system the military started with became insufficient once the metals became sentient” Susanna and Theresa both said “what do you mean they became sentient?” Brad looked at them and said “you did not know?” Both women looked surprised and said “did not know what?”

Michael told everybody to buckle in they were going to land shortly. While the discussion had been going on about the Metals He had taken the chopper out over the large lake south of the base and found a secluded area to set it down just south of the fence line and the warehouse looking building that Brad had said was the entrance. The conversation was curbed for now but the women fully intended to continue it prior to them entering this place. Michael set the bird down in a small grove of trees with clumps of brush and cat tails. They could just see the fence line through a small opening in the trees. The patch of ground was solid but on four sides the swamp could be seen clearly in this ring of trees and cat tails. There were large clumps of ferns and yellow flowers spouting out of the swamp grasses. Michael shut the rotor off and the chopper shifted in grass. The soil under the skids was soft but it held. Michael told everybody that they would have to levitate across the swamp area until they got to solid ground on the outskirts of the tree line. Brad was not sure what he meant by levitate and had to ask “how do you plan to levitate from here to over there and he pointed to an area beyond the tree line.

Broketooth the Alligator had watched from his favorite spot in the swamp that the big trees encircled, as the giant bird flew in and rested on the small island he had so often caught his dinner on. He had never seen such a large bird and was not quite sure if it was an edible meal or not. His eyes and the front of his snout were the only parts of him that were above the murky waters. He was the oldest of his congregation in these parts and his length was 17 feet give or take. He had lost quite a few teeth in the time he had been feeding in these parts. Some of the two legged creatures that ventured in here never saw him until he was in the feeding frenzy. There were only a few times that happened and then he did not see them anymore. He always caught the big swimmers with the long sticks on the front of their heads and they were very tasty indeed. He had found his way into this place at a younger age. His congregation had chased him off when he refused to share the meals. That is when he found the shallow water ways that led to this place for him to live. Being alone was fine for him because his hunger greed allowed others nothing. The spot he had found the best was partly in the heat shines after he would feed every day and he loved the heat of the waters and would rest in peace while his meals would digest. When the bird had rested he was almost asleep from a rather large meal he had caught out in the water courses. As he continued to watch and think about attacking this creature he saw movement within the large eye of the creature. There were smaller creatures moving around and he thought that the large bird had fed itself and the creatures that it had fed on were just being digested.

Susanna and Theresa both looked at Brad, and Susanna said “you must tell us what you know of these Metals and their computers and we definitely want to know about these things becoming sentient.” Brad looked at all of them as they were looking at him waiting for him to speak. “Okay when I first came onboard to build robotics, the military sent me here first. I worked on that lower level building the parts for the machines that would become the factory. There were about 20 of us all working to create those robots. Two of the top dogs were working to create the brains of the machines, so these things could then begin to create the parts. They wrote program after program and could not get the right protocol. They finally asked the military for real humans to experiment with, especially they needed the brain. So they built a metal to receive the human brain and put all their sick programming into the computer that would run this thing. We were recruited to build the main body and come up with a metal that could be identical with the human body. Some other scientists began to experiment with a fast growing, near impervious, skin and muscle tissue to overlay on the metal parts. The first 4 humans and I say policemen, because that is where the monsters could get their test subjects without anyone really being suspicious, died.”

“So when the policemen started disappearing the high command of the police force began asking to many questions. So anyway, the military took care of that little glitch and I suppose you all know how all of sudden the high command started to be replaced. The 5th try was the one that finally worked but they had to take the entire spine still connected to the brain and hook it into a special computer that was created at the base of the spinal area. Once they hooked it up the metal became aware and then sentient. I am not sure if that is totally what I would call this thing but it did things without a human controlling the computer program. That creature moved on its own and did everything a normal human being could do. I think the human brain plus the metal brain gave it the ability to be sentient. The first thing it did was rebuild a computer to make robotic parts and then it created something that began to make human parts work inside the metal framework. What you saw at the Fort and destroyed was the result of what began here. I was transferred to the fort when the metals actually took over the manufacturing here. When the first one finished restructuring this facility it came to the facility at the Fort and began to transfer the human parts to the metals on that lowest level. It wasn’t all that long before we were pressed into building the metals skeleton and harness structure to transfer the brains and spinal systems. Those things actually had one ready for transplant when you showed up. That would have made 5 all toll but you got rid of everything there. The original is still here as far as I know. Once it got the first one made there, we never saw it again.”

Broketooth’s curiosity along with a growing hunger got the best of him so as he had always done; he ducked into the water and began to slowly move towards the island. His eyes were the only part of him that showed above the water line. His plan was the usual, he would creep to the land edge and when the creature bent down to get a drink, he would pounce and his powerful jaw would latch on to its head or neck and pull it into the water. Susanna had moved back to the rear bench and sat with Theresa and Brad as he discussed the metals. Daniel had moved up and sat in Susanna’s seat. Michael was watching the tree line for movement and Daniel began to do the same. He noticed the movement about 60 or 70 feet away at the base of some trees and saw the water swirl and then noticed the pair of eyes as they slowly moved towards the island and their position. He knew almost immediately what it was. He had his computer with him and tapped into a very old distant movie that he remembered seeing when he was a young kid. That movie had scared him so much that he could not go near water for a few years. The movie was called Jaws and he especially wanted the sound track. It took just a few minutes and then the music began to play. He watched the eyes moving closer across the swamp as the music played. Da dunt… Da dunt… Da dunt…, the music became faster as the eyes crept closer. Daniel was smiling; everyone stopped talking, stood and moved to the front. Daniel pointed at the eyes and began to laugh. Brad had seen the eyes moving and also knew. As the eyes came closer everyone was in full laughing mode by now. They finally bust out hysterically when the eyes stopped and continued to stare at them. Michael settled down and said “That could be a very large Alligator (glad it isn’t a shark). Not sure we want to step out of the bird just now. “It could just be curious” Susanna said. Theresa began a concentrated mind thought but the gator’s thoughts were only on eating and she couldn’t get a connection any deeper. Michael said that they could send it to a very warm place for a short period and then put it back into the swamps further south. Susanna heard his thoughts and cracked up. “We can do that but just for a short time so it won’t be harmed.” Michael agreed.
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Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Post by LostNFound »

Broketooth became confused when the bird did not move, it did not try to get a drink or fly away. He moved closer and his snout surfaced and still the bird did not move. He became quite bold now and moved his body out of the water and onto the land. The bird still did not move. Infuriated by no movement and fear Broketooth moved quickly and chomped down on the feet. As his mouth clamped down he felt his teeth break in several places and three more fell from his mouth. He released his grip and looked up. Something moved on the side of the bird and he saw a two legged creature standing on the side of the bird. He started to gather himself to attack this creature when he was no longer on the island but on a slippery surface. Three of the two legged creatures where making very loud noises and two four legged creatures were also making very loud noises at him. He twisted his snout and opened his mouth to snap these things. Blood was running from three or four places in his mouth and he began to move towards the two legged creatures. As he stood on all four legs he moved into a large water course and went under. He surfaced to find a swampy area and big birds flying away at an alarming rate. He dove and swam to a darkened area and lay at the bottom for a short time and then surfaced once again and moved to a stretch of land. He crawled up on a beach and lay there wondering what had just happened to him. His mouth hurt and he knew he had to lay and rest before he could find his next meal.

When the Hugh Alligator showed up in the middle of his office Vinnie fell back out of his chair. The Two secret service men jumped from there chairs and tried to get out of the room. The gator was thrashing around and bleeding from its mouth. Vinnie was frightened so bad he lost control of his bodily functions. He was looking to get his gun but it was in the desk and he was afraid to go back to it. The two Dobermans were frightened very badly and were barking so loud Vinnie could not here anything. He yelled to the two men to shoot this thing. One pulled his weapon and popped a round off but it hit the floor and ricocheted into a very expensive piece of art work. The Gator had disappeared as soon as the gun had gone off. Vinnie became furious and began yelling at his guards and screaming at the dogs to shut up. He had lost control running around with wet pants. He reached his desk and pulled his gun out and started shooting wildly into walls. The dogs dove under some furniture and the two guards went out the door into a corridor and ran to another room.

The crew in the chopper all sat down and smiled. “That was a very large Gator” Brad said. The two women had just stared at the thing. Theresa asked if there was any way they could be sure that no more of those creatures were around them. Michael said “we just have to keep our eyes open. I would suggest that when we come back we open the portal to the inside of this bird.” Every one agreed whole heartedly with that. “Now let’s talk about getting in and then getting out and what is going to happen to this place.” Brad asked again “you still haven’t told me what you meant by levitation. I saw you create the hole that we all stepped through back at the Fort but for the life of me I do not know how or even understand how that happened.” Michael looked at him and said “we will discuss all of that at a later time when we have it. For now just know that we will get you over there and into that facility. When we get into the elevator area you are going to say that you are here to inspect the progress of the robotics and we are who we appear to be in these uniforms.” ‘If you are right this facility will not have very many humans and we can get in and take care of the Metal or metals and shut this factory down and get out as quick as possible. Brad knew that this could be a very dangerous mission and told them all so. “It has been over 2 years since that first aware metal came into existence. I was removed from here and sent over to Fort Wrecktor shortly after that first one came on line. It spent a short 2 months here before it came to the fort and began its work there. The last time we saw it was around 3 months after it arrived. So it has had ample amounts of time to build more of itself here. I can tell you this, after we were removed we did see some of the prisoners being transported to this place and we never heard of any human military being stationed here either. We received some shipments of parts for about 7 or so months. We would see the tractor trailers come in and disappear below but the amount of parts we were getting from those trucks did not add up. We never saw any drivers and the trucks went back empty.”

Michael had used his jet belt and was cloaked when he flew over the fence line. There was no activity around the warehouse that the elevators were located in. He continued to fly around and passed over the two buildings and the other warehouse. They all appeared to be abandoned. There were no lights on and no vehicles parked around the buildings. He began to get the strange feeling that there might not be any humans at this facility. As he flew over the Guard post at the front gate he did see movement in the small shack and the gate was closed. He hovered because he saw headlights of a vehicle coming towards the gate. He watched a military skimmer drive up and stop. A guard or something came out of the shack and walked through a small gate. It walked up to the skimmer and someone rolled the window down to speak. The Guard or thing raised an arm and all of a sudden that arm became a mini-gun and the car began to spark and caught fire as the mini-gun filled it full of holes. There was a small explosion as the motor in the rear blew and fire began to engulf the entire car. Michael saw one person fall from the opposite side of the car. The guard thing had stopped the gun and backed off. The person that fell out had begun to crawl away when patches of earth opened up and several shiny metal things crawled out and began to dismantle the car. The poor creature crawling away was attacked and Michael heard screams from him. Michael watched the car completely disappear as it was taken apart and the metal things hauled pieces back down the holes. The human or so he assumed was dragged into a hole and the earth closed over. In hardly any time the car was gone. A small machine of some kind came from small doors on the shack and began to sweep up the road way. When it moved back to the small space in the shack there was no sign that a car had even been there. Michael watched the guard thing re enter the shack and then there was no longer any movement. The lights that had brightened when the car drove up had now become dim once more.

Michael flew back to the chopper and once inside, he sat down and said “we are going to have to change our plans.” Everyone looked at him and asked what he had discovered. He said “I don’t think that there are any humans in this facility other than prisoners that are being dismantled for their parts to be installed in the metals. This place has been completely taken over by those metal things. We are going to go in fully cloaked. Those things are destroying anything that is not part of a programmed set. We are going to get in and see if any humans are still alive to save, get them out and destroy this place. We must all be very careful. The metals have become very deadly silent killers and there is no hesitation on their part. Theresa can you go to the haven and get us one more Jet belt with cloak?” Theresa stood up stepped through a hole and stepped back almost instantly. Brad looked at her with wild eyes. “May I ask what you just did and where did you go?” Theresa handed him the belt and began to explain how to use it. “We have a safe place where we all live and it will become known to you when we finish this mission. Meanwhile this belt will give the power to fly and be invisible. We will not have to levitate at this point now that you have the belt.” Michael asked him to explain the inside of the warehouse and how they might gain access without notifying the metals.

Brad understood that this could be his last mission, he had an agenda to accomplish with these things and he meant to see it through. He did not want these people to get hurt for his mistakes. He had been responsible for creating the one that started this entire nightmare. He had two close friends that were also part of the underground that had been sacrificed. They had been caught feeding information to the brothers and sisters. The small cell that was located in the little town just to the west had been raided and all the good folks had been assassinated. The two that were caught had their brains removed and placed in the metals. They had been the last two of the 4 that died and it was not a good death. He had sworn that he would get revenge. When these good people had taken out the Fort facility he was very glad. He would have gladly died for the cause but the opportunity presented itself for him to come here and destroy the first and all the others that it had created. He knew that this facility did not have any humans other than the poor souls that were being used to create more metals. He had neglected to inform these folks but he meant to destroy this place and keep them safe. He had come up with a device that could be injected into the small computer at the base of the spinal cord to virtually shut off the force of sentience or awareness to these creatures. Once doing that he could destroy the outer shells of the metals. He had been very clever when the skeletal parts were created; he built a back door to dissolve the metal. The whole thing rested on the base computer of the first sentient. Once that one computer was in destruction mode all the rest of the metals and parts and what have you would fall apart. So his plan was to find the original and destroy its spinal computer.

“Yes, I know a secret tunnel into that warehouse. It actually will take us to the 2nd level where all the storage is located. Once we are in there we will have to take a freight elevator to the lowest level where the manufacturing plant is located. They all cloaked and Theresa mind spoke to Brad and showed him how to speak telepathically. She told him not to try to speak physically while cloaked. One by one they left the bird and the last one out shut the hatch. They flew up over the tree tops and Brad led them to the area where the tunnel was located. It actually was outside the fence line and to the south east of the warehouse. They all landed on the ground and Brad opened a hatch that looked like the ground at first. It had a ladder that dropped about 20 feet so they all dropped into the hole and Brad closed the hatch and then dropped to the level where everyone was waiting. Once at the bottom of the ladder they all noticed a wide tunnel that went down with a fairly steep slope. Brad took off on a brisk walk and they all followed. Every so often there seemed to be a dim light in the walls, there was just enough light to barely see the floor of the tunnel. It seemed to wind down in possibly a circular pattern. After about 15 minutes of almost running they came to a wall that looked like stone. Brad approached it and peered into something that looked like a scope protruding from the wall. He reached over and turned a dial that was part of the scope. Everyone waited and finally Brad turned and said it appears that this storage level is empty at the moment. There is one tractor trailer parked and some crates full of boxes on the far side. I could see no movement but we should be very weary none the less. There are cameras located at the elevators and the rear of the trailer of the truck. The opening from this tunnel is concealed behind some columns and can not be seen from any of the cameras. Noise would be the only thing that someone or something would notice.

A portion of the wall opened slowly and Brad squeezed through and moved to a column. He knew he was cloaked but his mind still made him move as if he was visible. The rest of them imitated Brad and squeezed through the opening. Daniel was the last through and pushed on the door. It moved slowly at first and then with a clang it shut. He moved away very fast and everyone had turned when the door made the noise. They had adjusted their TM Gizmos and had them in their hands, when out from behind the trailer came the most horrible looking chunk of human like metal. The thing had one small leg and the other one was about 3 times the size of the first one. The torso was round and the arm that matched the side of the small leg looked almost human but swung loosely at the side of the round ball of a torso. The arm that matched the large leg was also very large and they could see that it was a mini-gun with ten barrels. The thing was moving towards them to investigate the noise. The head was the most gruesome part. It was human and if that is all one could see it looked just like a real human being. The eyes were moving just as the head was moving from side to side looking at everything. They all heard the click, click of the mini-gun arming itself. Even though the legs were different in size and the arms as well the thing moved quite smoothly. When it came within 10 feet it stopped and the torso spun 180 degrees then continued to spin a full 360. Michael was ready to send this thing into the sun when Brad touched him and sent into his mind to wait. The metals torso began to spin like a globe. After a few turns the ball stopped and the thing turned around and headed back to the truck and trailer. Brad told them that the thing was connected to all the rest of them on the level below and probably to the surface ones also. Brad pointed to the freight elevator and the camera mounted on the ceiling in front of it. Daniel told them that he could take care of the camera without arousing suspicion.

They all traversed across the large storage area towards the elevator; half way there Michael noticed the door leading to a stairwell. He spoke to Brad and asked if the stairwell led down to the level below. Brad told him it did. Michael then asked how far down was that level below this one? Brad said “I think it is about 150 feet deeper than this floor level. I remember something about an underground river being about 250 down so it was decided to stay at least 100 feet above it.” Michael then said “Can we get in that stairwell shaft with arousing attention.” Brad said “I do believe so but that camera still takes in the door.” Daniel floated up to the ceiling and moved to the camera from behind. Once he reached it. He fiddled with a key pad on the back of it and the camera actually froze with the picture of everything in front of it. He turned and motioned to everybody to move to the stairwell. They all got in and Daniel fiddled some more and then floated down and entered the door and it closed. Susanna asked what Daniel had done with the camera. Daniel chuckled and said “it’s amazing how two dimensional these things are. I would have changed those cameras’ a long time ago. I actually programmed those things years ago and no one has ever bothered to change that program. There is a key pad on the upper back side and if you know the right sequence you can freeze the thing and make it look like it is still scanning and you can also set a timer on it so it will resume its real scanning and no one will know the difference.”
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Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Post by LostNFound »

One hundred fifty feet could be a tiring climb down or up so the crew grabbed Brad and they all elevated down the stairs. At the bottom they all stood in the landing while Brad peered through the little window in the door. All he could see was a mass of robotics moving with sparks as the things welded and assembled parts and pieces. The conveyer belts or chains where running with assembled parts and he could see a large area with a standing army of metals or the empty cases that were not yet ready completely to receive the basic spinal computers. It looked like a brigade of soldiers with no power source yet. As he continued looking as best he could through the glass he saw the area where the spinal computers were being assembled. He wondered where the surgical rooms would be located to remove the living brains and spinal cords and then place them into these insidious metal shells. He was thinking and scanning the factory floor as best as he could when three metals walked out of a side room and moved to the brigade of metals. They picked one up and carried it back towards the room. Brad turned and told everyone that they were getting ready to create another sentient as he called them. “We must stop this insanity as quickly as possible.” With that He began to open the stairwell door.

Daniel grabbed Brads Arm just as he was opening the door. “Wait he said to Brad and pulled him back from the door. [i]“We have to plan our movements very carefully from here. Yes we have to stop this nightmare and hopefully we can save whoever might be lying on a gurney, in that room before those things destroy him. Michael touched everybody’s mind and said we do have to save whatever soul may be in that room first. After that we can begin the destruction of this place. Brad knows his way around this place more than any of us so let’s let him lead.”[/i] Every one agreed and Brad told them that they must get to that room. The sentient metals appeared to be concentrated there and if they could take them out the rest of the things may just stop all activity. “It is kind of like a hive mentality where if the Queen dies then all the rest stop and die also or move to find another queen.” Brad opened the door quietly although that did not really matter down here simply because the noise level was deafening with all the machinery moving and working. He slipped over to the wall that would take them to the room. The rest of them followed and they all began to move along the wall. It turned out to be quite the distance as this level was rather large. As they moved along the wall they noticed that the robotics would work in a feverish mode and then slow and almost stop until something made them speed up again. Theresa saw something come from another room across the mass factory area from them. She spoke into everyone’s mind and they all stopped and watched.

The “First” walked out of a lab room where it had been preparing a new fluid to store organic matter in to keep it alive. It had worked on this from the start and the fluid had finally become a viable solution. After it had successfully become sentient and aware it had secretly began to create more aware beings like it’s self. It had to take the humans that inhabited this place and use their organic parts to create others. The organics were creating the parts that it was made from and were also creating the pieces that made the machines that could do automatic work on its kind. The one organic that had virtually created it or its structure had been re located to another organic factory. It spent enough time making other skeletal structures here and then began to take the organics and remove their parts to fit into its work.

When the organics disappeared and the other ones figured something was going wrong they came in force to stop what they thought was happening. By the time they came, its awareness through the organic brain that was connected to its structure had already taken control of all the machinery and it had created ten more of its kind. When the organics entered this level all of them were seized and given a serum that kept their organic matter alive but put them all into a comatose state.

Today it had perfected the serum to permanently preserve the organic matter so that it could be transferred into the army of inorganic beings such as itself. The one weakness that it knew of was the spinal computer. The organic that had created it built it to be destroyed and before it could find the answer to that the organic had left. It ceased to be concerned while it was building the others and when it located to the other facility it never saw the original creator of the part. It did manage to create two more like unto itself and it had taken 3 with it. It intended to leave them to build more at that facility. This left it and 7 more here when it returned. So far it had not been able to create any more but it was busy creating the frames to create the army. The 4th at the gate had captured an organic this very day and they would be making another of their beings. The organic had been damaged but his vital organs were intact. As it walked across the factory floor it was thinking about creating its own Spinal cord power box. It looked at the robotics that it controlled and they were slow but got the work done that needed to be done. Half way across the floor something landed on its back and it began to struggle.

As the crew stood against the wall and watched the metal walk across the floor. They noticed that there were patches of human skin covering areas on the metal superstructure. The Face was almost complete the eyes looked human and the nose and mouth could not be mistaken for anything but human. They did notice that the back of the head was still metal skeletal and when the thing turned its head they could see the brain throbbing. The legs looked human but the torso area was still open to metal. They saw the small computer with a red light blinking on and off with a continuous synchronicity. The thing was moving rather slowly while glancing around at all that was going on across the floor. They were all so enthralled with this thing that when Brad dropped from the ceiling onto its back they all gasped and Michael spoke into Brads mind. BRAD WHAT ARE YOU DOING”? GET OFF THAT THING AND AWAY FROM IT. I WILL SEND IT AWAY. Brad spoke back in an anguished thought and told them all to go and save the human before the metals destroyed him. He would take care of this thing.

Susanna mind spoke in a very excited shrill manner. She said look. As soon as they all turned, they saw the door to the room they were headed for open and 5 of the metals came crashing into the factory. At the same time all of the robotics arms and torsos on the factory floor began to thrash wildly. The crew all had their TMG’s pointed at the metals coming through the door. Brad spoke in almost a scream and said “WAIT” They all turned just in time to see him stick something into the base of the brain of the thing he was on. It froze for a short space but one of the robotics wildly swinging arms caught him and knocked him from the one he was on. They all watched him hit the floor and roll away. The ones that came through the door had stopped and were frozen also. Brad slowly stood up and looked very dizzy. The one that he had jumped on was trying to move its arm up to its back. Whatever it was that Brad had stuck into its brain, they knew that if it removed it they would all be done for. Michael started to move in its direction. It all seemed to be happening in slow motion. The things hand was moving so slowly up towards its head and the ones that came out of the door were still moving but very slowly towards the ones place. The worker robotics was moving very slowly. The choreography was like a dream where everything moved in one fluid motion but so slow it was almost painful to watch. Brad was loosing blood from a back wound were the robot arm had landed on him. He was moving ever so slowly back towards the thing. He had another shiny thing in his hand and was bringing it up as he moved towards the metal.

Theresa was watching all of this happen in slow motion and reading Brad’s mind thoughts at the same time. She became so alarmed at what she saw and heard that tears began to flow profusely from her eyes. She began to mind speak to Brad and told him to back away and let them take care of this thing. She heard him saying that he must do this for all those that he caused harm to. She was speaking to him when everything happened at once. The Metal reached the thing in its base brain and pulled it out, the five running at it started to move faster and brought their mini guns up and started firing and Brad jabbed the shinny thing into the small box at the base of the spine of the metal. He twisted the thing while bullets were tearing him open. He let go of the shinny thing and the metal began to crumble. The ones moving towards them began to crumble as they continued in that direction. The robotics began to crumble. Brad fell back from the pieces of metal flying through his body and again in slow motion flew through the air and over onto his back. All the metal on the floor of the factory slowly fell into small parts and then dissolved.

The crew watched all of this happen like an old time movie on slow motion. The last mind thought from Brad was “now I can rest in peace” and they saw him dissolve also. A few minutes later all they saw on the floor of the factory was empty space and it was so huge it made them feel small. Daniel and Susanna rushed to the door they had been heading for and ran inside. On a gurney was a human and he was moaning. They noticed that he was hurt very badly so they removed the straps and levitated him off the gurney. Susanna could not think of a place to send him immediately so she opened a portal to the garden and moved him to a lounge. The two girls appeared and Susanna told them that he needed emergency care and then she walked back into the room and she and Daniel went back out to the factory floor. Michael was holding Theresa as she wailed for Brad but she knew that he was one of the metals or one that had become more human than the things that he had helped to create. They created a portal and caused the underground facility to begin caving in on itself as they stepped through into the chopper cabin. Once inside they heard the rumbling sounds and Michael told everyone to strap in as he began to lift the bird. 50 feet in the air they witnessed a large sinkhole happening and it was so large they could not tell. The entire base that was above ground fell into this hole and water began to rush in as fast as the hole was created. Daniel watched as all of it happened and said, “I guess there will be a new lake north of Tallahassee. Michael banked the chopper towards the North West and headed home.
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Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Post by LostNFound »


The chopper had checked out well so they all climbed back in and lifted off for Butte. Samuel took the bird south and then due west over interstate 80. They flew over some mountains and dropped in over a large lake just north of Butte. The underground facility was supposedly located about 20 miles to the south west from Butte. As they flew in that direction they saw the military base with a medium sized contingency of military vehicles. The base appeared to be about 3 square miles in size and was peppered with buildings. There were two ingress/egress roads and both had guard posts with guard rails. In the center of the base was a large warehouse with at lease five docks where tractor trailer trucks were parked. It appeared that these trucks were being loaded with crates of boxes. The contingency of vehicles were lined up in a ready position just inside the first gate area and then they saw another small amount of vehicles at the other gate. It appeared that something was underway and these vehicles were preparing to move out. There was a large parade ground in-between building’s that looked like barracks and troops were being marched up and down. Samuel guessed that is about a company of soldiers. He did want to see what was being loaded on the trucks at that warehouse and told everyone that he was going to set the bird down on the south side of the base in a very large open field. It did appear that there were some rolling hills in the field and he would try to land in a gully area between them. He brought the bird down and it fit fairly well into an area between to small rolling hills. Mary had tracked all activity as they came down and told everyone that it was clear for now. They saw some beef cows further to the south but they were perhaps a half a mile from where they were landing. Samuel set the chopper down and shut down the rotor. They all strapped on there day packs and made sure they all had the gear needed.

They were all cloaked and used the jet belts to carry them over to the base and across the fence. They did not see any dogs but that did not mean that some were around somewhere so they were being extra precautious by landing in between a couple of buildings and possibly proceeding on foot to the warehouse. Mary was leading them around a small building that was located about 50 yards from the warehouse when she stopped and held up her hand for everyone to stop. She mind spoke and told them that there was a guard with a dog walking the perimeter of the warehouse. She watched as the guard and dog walked around the trucks and along the end of the building. They disappeared around the corner and she motioned everyone to move out quickly. Instead of walking, they all flew up and headed to the trucks. When they reached them they landed on top of the trailers and waited. Samuel spoke to everyone and told them to lie down on top of the trailer until the dog goes by the second time.

Corporal Jake Hammond had walked around this building a dozen times on his shift. Reilly his special guard dog had been trained by him a few years back and he and the dog had a special bond. The trucks had been loaded with crates of weapons. He thought they were M30 03’s for the war going on in Northern Manchuria. The crews loading the trucks had all taken off and the warehouse was empty. He had been assigned to walk the perimeter of this building along with his team two days earlier. He had heard through scuttlebutt that something had happened to the base at Gerou. Someone had also told him that the base at Flaxville was under suspicion of selling military secrets to the defunct Russian Empire. That base was under secret service surveillance at present. He did know somewhat of the experiments at Gerou and how Flaxville and this base were tied into each other. He had heard of a secret weapon that was supposed to replace all small arms for the military. He knew the war in Manchuria was not going well and the men and women going there were being shredded by the Manchurian army. He was slatted to be shipped out next month and he was dreading the reassignment. His wife, Molly was pregnant and just shy of 9 months. She had been sick this last month and the doctors had told them that she was in for a challenging birth. He also knew that the baby was a boy and so far healthy in the womb.

As he walked with Reilly he was wishing that he could just leave the Army and be with Molly and as soon as the baby came they could just disappear into the wilderness to live in peace and watch the baby grow up. Molly had told him of a dream net or some such and how she talked with people and children that were connected all over the world. People were waking to the peace and knew how corrupt the world was. He had talked with her and she was so determined to get him away from the job he was connected to. She had been shown a paradise and a wonderful home where she and he could raise their son. He would grow up learning how to live with mother earth and all life. Jake had dreamed of this place also and he did not want to leave Reilly here to be sacrificed to this sick environment. He came around the other end of the warehouse and saw the trucks for the umpteenth time as he began the walk across the front. Reilly stopped abruptly and looked up at the top of one of the trucks. He did not bark but just starred and his ears were quite animated. He twisted his head as if he was trying to understand something. Jake watched him and looked at the area Reilly was looking at but could not see anything. As he kept looking he said “what is it boy?”

Samantha and Mary both were lying on the top, at the side of the trailer when the dog and his owner or guard came around the far corner of the warehouse. The dog spotted them and started to notify his owner. Both women spoke into Reilly’s mind and he stopped and looked at them curiously. Mary continued to speak to Reilly while Samantha searched Jakes mind. She heard what he had been thinking and decided to ask him to come closer. Please come up on the doc and walk to the back of the first trailer. We must speak about your wife and child. Mary had spoken to Reilly and asked him to lead Jake to the doc. Reilly began pulling Jake towards the steps up to the doc. Jake did not pull him back but rather almost ran with him towards the steps. They both climbed the steps and Reilly moved to the back of the trailer and sat on his haunches. Jake stopped and stood looking around. Mary and Samantha had dropped down to the doc and stood at the trailer door. The door was still open and they could see the crates stacked in the trailer. Reilly had come up and sat back and Mary kept talking to him to wait until they could speak with Jake.

Samantha spoke to Jake and asked if he new what was in the trailers? Jake started to speak when Samantha told him to speak softly. He said in a quiet voice, “who are you and, where are you?” Even though Jake had his rifle at the ready, Samantha knew that Mary and both men had the TMG’s ready if anything happened. She also knew that this man had a good heart and reached down and turned off her cloak. Jake saw a women materialize in front of him. She was about 5’-6” tall with light brown hair that was shoulder length. She looked very healthy and had a slim figure. She was dressed in army fatigues and had a small day pack strapped to her back. He looked at her and started to ask more questions when her pleasant voice spoke and said “I am Samantha and I and my companions need to examine the contents of this truck.” Jake started to complain but Samantha told him that they were not agents of any organization or enemy country. She also began to explain to him that he would need to be with Molly shortly because her baby was coming and there would be someone to help her deliver. He opened his eyes wide with surprise and asked how she knew his wife was pregnant? She told him that he had spoke of her in his mind. “I can send you to her and get you both to a safe place where she can deliver the baby in comfort. You can also take Reilly with you. The military will never be able to find you and you and your family will live in peace.” Jake starred at her for a moment and then asked “how will you do that?” She heard in her mind from Samuel. You must hurry or we must take this man and his dog to a secure place shortly. I think that the people that load these trucks may be coming back soon. Reilly was looking at Mary and waiting for her to touch him and Samantha reached into Jakes mind and asked him If he wanted to go to Molly. In his mind he said yes but he was still being hesitant. Reilly walked to him and began to bump him and rub against him while looking at him and then looking at the women. In his mind he was saying we must go. Jake reached down and patted Reilly and then said in a quiet voice. “Follow me and I will get you into the warehouse where we can talk in private without being seen from anyone out here.”

Samantha reached down and activated her cloak again as Jake spoke to Reilly and told him to go to the man door into the warehouse. Once he opened the door and entered Samantha, Mary and Samuel hurriedly scurried through. Jake closed the door and moved to a small office area. Reilly was glancing around the warehouse as they all moved to the door and went in. Once inside Jake went to a desk and removed the leash from Reilly and placed a water dish on the floor for him. He then sat down and said “okay we are in a more secure place but we must hurry because I can not be away from the perimeter more than 10 minutes at a time. Mary and Samantha both uncloaked and Mary walked over and began to pat Reilly. He stopped drinking and began to rub his head against her. Samuel uncloaked next and Jake asked how many were there. Samuel told Jake that this was it and he had some questions that were very important. Jake sat for a minute and said “what questions do you have?”

Samuel asked the first one and wanted to know if Jake knew what was in those trucks. Jake said “as far as I know those crates are full of small arms, mostly M30-03’s destined for Manchuria and our troops. Jonathan had stayed out side and began to investigate the crates. When he opened the first one he discovered the laser rifles. He pulled one and popped the magazine to see if it was the real McCoy and sure enough it was and it even had the chip inserted. He relayed that information to Samuel by mind thought. Samuel then asked how many levels under this warehouse there was. This took Jake by surprise and he said “how did you know there were levels under the base?” Samuel told him that he had been told by a high ranking general and they had come here to investigate a possible leak from some of the scientists about weapons movement. Jake told him that the scientists had all been transferred to Flaxville a week ago and the lowest level had been shut down. That level had been where all of them created and produced computer parts. They wrote software and mass produced the circuitry for certain weapons down there and then of a sudden it was all just shut down. The level just below was more or less a factory for the M30-03’s. That is where they made the rifles. Samuel then asked if there were more of those rifles on the level below. Jake did not know for sure but something seemed very peculiar when they transferred all the scientists. Two days later is when they brought these five trucks in and began bringing up the crates of rifles. I thought that we all were going to be transferred to Manchuria and the weapons would all be going with us. I do know that there are two more empty trucks waiting just inside the front gate and I have heard that the company of men on the base will be going to Helena tomorrow for some kind of combat exercise. I think they will be convoying this fleet of trucks.

Samuel spoke to Jonathan and told him to send all the crates in the trucks to a hidden place close to their chopper and they would remove them from there. Jonathan set his TMG to the place he had seen just in front of the chopper and began to send all the crates in each truck there. Once all of them were gone, he then checked carefully before entering the warehouse. Once inside he looked around and found a bunch of empty crates so he began sending them into the trailers to give some weight to them. He cleaned out the warehouse area where these things were and then found the elevator doors to the levels below. He relayed this info to Samuel. He then went back to the door and out on the doc and closed the trailer doors and locked them. Samuel acknowledged in the mind speak and told the women what they were going to do next and that they should send Jake to safety.
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Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Post by LostNFound »

Samantha spoke to Jake and asked him if he was ready to leave this place. He said he was and called Reilly to him. Reilly moved close to him and stood very still. Samantha had seen in his thoughts where Molly was so he told Jake that when he arrived at there little home in Butte that they should pack what was needed and she would send them to the place in Molly’s dream. She would also send someone to help with the delivery of the baby. Jake said he was ready and Samantha opened a portal to the living room of the house and told him to take Reilly and step into that room, get your stuff together and Molly has already been told to expect you and where you will be going. Jake and Reilly stepped into the living room and Jake immediately hugged Molly and began to gather the few belongings he needed. Molly had already done the same and she touched Reilly. They were all standing in the little living room when the portal opened and they could see a lush garden area. There was a man standing just under a tree and waved to them to come. They all stepped through into the garden like area and the portal closed. Jake helped Molly move towards a lounge type seat and set her down, He looked up at the man and said “my name is Jake and this is Molly and this fellow here is Reilly.” The man reached out his hand and Jake took it and the man said “My name is Nick” welcome to paradise”. He touched Reilly and said to him “you must be with the family my fine friend.” Reilly bumped Nick and waited for them to move to the next place. We will get you to a place where Molly can give birth and don’t worry she will be fine and the baby will cry with joy. Hava and Luun both saw Illya coming back and went to greet him as he came into the world once more. They knew he would be Jesse Hammond.

After Samantha sent Jake and Reilly on there way the crew met Jonathan at the elevator and climbed in. Mary punched the button for the lowest level and the elevator fell towards the bottom. At the bottom the door opened and the corridor was black. Samuel flipped a flashlight on and they moved down the corridor towards a double door system. The corridor was not long and when they reached the double doors the windows were dark on the other side so they pushed through, Jonathan found a light switch system and turned on the lights. The lab was fairly good sized. The computer stations had all been shut down and some of the computers were smashed into pieces as if someone had gone berserk. They all explored the area and Samantha and Jonathan both tried to turn on the computers that were not destroyed and found that there was no power to them. Mary and Samuel had explored any rooms that were off the main area and found them to be either restrooms or storage closets. Something did not seem right here and from what Jake had said the men and women that were here a week ago were all dead by now. Something had happened that caused the military to take these people and move them to a facility that was nuked. Mary knew that the scientist at Gerou had hidden a secret about the chip that was built here for the laser rifle. She did not find out where he may have hidden it but was sure it was not at that facility. Something kept nagging at her inner feeling that whatever happened here had something to do with that little secret. She had heard enough in that mans mind to know that he had the only piece of the chip that would make it operate properly. The smashed computers gave her a clue that maybe someone else had figured out that little secret and had tried to cover it up.

Mary began to examine the smashed computers and looked in the drawers to the desks which all seemed to be empty. She looked at every thing on the floors on the ceilings and all around the computers. Her forensic background was on full alert. Why would just these few computers be smashed and not all of them. She kept going over the area looking for any small clue. She continued to open the drawers and look under the desks. The computers themselves did not provide enough evidence to give her suspicion but something kept bugging her about the work stations. She started to go over everything once again but this time she pulled the drawers completely out and began to look at the sides and tops of the drawer slots. She wasn’t finding anything until she began to examine the drawers themselves. Sure enough after going over about 3 of them, on the fourth one at the very back underneath was a taped down small package of cellophane. She undid the tape and pulled the little cellophane pack up and held it to the light. Inside of it was a small wire looking device with a two prong plug on one end and a single snap in on the other. The thing was so small she almost could not see it. Samantha had fiddled around and got one of the computers that were not damaged to work. She had been moving through files when she came up with a file that simply said “CHIP” She opened it up and sure enough it showed a perfect picture of a small chip and reading into it she discovered it was the chip that fit into the laser rifle to make it work. The only thing that was missing was a small area where it looked like a wire would be attached or something like that. She called Mary over and said “take a look at this” Mary looked closely and then held up the little wire thing she had found and it looked like it would fit into the chip at that place.

“I believe we may have found the missing link to the chip that the scientist in Gerou was thinking about in his mind. Without this piece on that chip it is worthless. What we have to do now is check the chips out that may be in those rifles and see if there are any more of them in this facility. I think I know now why the scientists were all transferred to the death camp at Flaxville and why somebody destroyed these computers. Seems that just those over there, may have had the chip design on them. This one that Samantha got up and running could be an anomaly. Shall we see what else might have been going on down here?” Samantha began searching more on the running computer and came up with the design for the laser rifles as well. She found some encrypted files but could not get them to open so she searched around till she found a flash stick and stuck it in and downloaded the entire hard drive. Samuel told everyone to move this rooms contents to a very destructive place so they all used the TMG’s and sent everything into the sun. On the ball of helium that blazed with a billion degrees there were tiny little sparks and that was all. They left the entire floor level empty and took the elevator up to the next level.

The elevator car stopped at level one and they waited for the door to open. When it did all they could see was a factory and large storage area with a pair of elevators. The doors on the freight elevators were large. Sitting in the storage area were 3 extra large crates. Each crate had 10 boxes all tied down. The factory was shut down and the lights were dimmed. They could see conveyer belts and robotic arms at certain points. Jonathan moved out first and headed towards the factory area. Samantha followed after him so Mary and Samuel moved towards the storage area and the crates. Jonathan had reached the factory area and began to inspect the conveyers and parts that were being assembled. Samantha approached and noticed what he was inspecting. She said “my God they are assembling the rifles here. If Flaxville is gone where do you suppose they are getting the parts from?” Jonathan looked around and said “I don’t know but we are not leaving here until all of this is gone.” He began to dial his TMG to the same place as they had done on the lower level when Samantha told him to wait. She asked him to follow her and they both walked towards Samuel and Mary.

Samuel and Mary approached the crates together and once they reached them Samuel began to examine them. On the side of the boxes in big bold letters it said AMSTEAD COMPUTERS and it had some small print with address, City and State and that was it. Samuel kept moving around until he found an area that he could access a box. He glanced around and walked over to an area that had some hand tools and retrieved a pair of cutters for the straps. He cut the straps that were holding the boxes and removed a box about the size of an old fashioned paper box. It was about 13” wide by 16” long by 10” deep. It had been sealed at the top with some kind of film tape. Samuel pulled out an old fashioned pocket knife, flipped it open and cut the seam of the lid. When he opened the lid he saw more small containers packed inside the larger box. He pulled one out and it had an easy open lid so when he opened that his eyes grew bigger. He held the open box so Mary could see it. Her eyes opened wide, she reached into it and pulled one of the chips from its cradle.

She began to examine the chip. One side looked like the one she saw on the computer. When she flipped it over, her grin became quite profound. She pulled the piece she had found taped to the drawer and held it up to the chip. Samuel noticed that the chip did not have that particular piece on it. He looked at Mary and back at the piece in her fingers and asked “is that what that scientist was hiding or perhaps the design of it?” She shook her head up and down to acknowledge his question. Samantha and Jonathan walked up at about that time and had witnessed the exchange. Jonathan said “my God they have assembled these weapons and boxed them up and did the same with the chips but all of it is worthless because they did not have or could not find that little piece you hold there.” “Now we possibly know why those poor scientists were shipped off to Flaxville and why someone destroyed those computers down there. They were frantically searching for that missing part and could not find it. The schematic was not on a computer and I could not find any research for it either.” Samantha said the same thing but “we will see what is on that encrypted file later.”

“Suggestions for what we do with this level?” Samuel smiled for a minute but thought better of what he was thinking because human soldiers were going to be given these weapons and they would be slaughtered not knowing that they would not actually work. Mary put the chip into her pouch with the other piece and stuck it away into her fatigues. Samuel closed the little box, stuck it back in the bigger box and resealed it the best he could and stuck it back into the crate. “Send all of these crates somewhere to be destroyed. We do not know yet if someone else has gotten their hands on the missing part of the chip but we will not take the chance.” Jonathan set his TMG for a very nasty place he had studied and sent the crates to a very active volcano. The crates showed up inside the lava and melted almost immediately. “We must leave the upper area in tack as best we can. The levels below will cave in but will not disturb the warehouse. Remove the factory robotics and conveyers and any parts of that weapon and make a clean surgical sweep of all that is on this level.”

When the level they were on was empty they opened the portal to the chopper. Samuel and Mary had set things in motion on the lower level and just before they stepped through to the chopper they set it all in motion for the first level to have the entire ceiling area cave and stepped out next to the chopper. Samuel walked over to Jonathan who was prying open one of the crates. Samuel helped him get it open and when the panel popped they both pushed on it to get to the contents. The Laser rifles were setting in cradles and there appeared to be dozens of them side by side. Samuel picked one up and removed the magazine. Jonathan asked him to give the magazine to him. He disassembled it and looked for the chip. There was no chip in this rifle. “Oh my” Jonathan said, “those poor boys were going to be sacrificed just to cover up the mistake.” Samuel set his TMG to the same place that Jonathan had sent the chips and sent all the crates into the lava. They all heard the rumbling and it sounded like an earthquake. The earthquake activity was well known around Butte so most people would not think much about it. They all climbed into the chopper and once buckled in Samuel lifted off and turned the chopper toward the west. “Idaho here we come.”
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Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Post by LostNFound »


There was one little cabin in particular that was ever so pretty. It had appeared to have sprung out of nowhere. It had a little ornamental lake that graced the front of their sweet home and a wraparound porch so that many a pleasant summer’s evening could be spent there. Flowers seemed to bloom perpetually in this spot of the forest, for it seemed as if it were the will of one of the owners that they be steeped only in loveliness. This was the home of Jake, Molly, Reilly and their newest addition to the family, baby Jesse.

Molly had dreamed of a home like this for a very long time and now, they had been gifted this home by beings who were able to spontaneously manifest anything through the outward flowing loving heart. As you walked through the doors, a fire burned brightly in the fireplace. It burned with a joy and a brightness that could lighten even the heaviest heart for even it was conscious that the four who inhabited this home were full of pure grace, beauty and love. Molly was singing sweetly to her babe when there was a knock on the door.

Deb Petrovski found herself on the front porch of the tiny cabin. She had no idea why she was there or what had drawn her there. There was just some vague recollection that she had to be in this particular neck of the forest and that she was there for a reason. She had never seen this cabin or its beautiful lake before now and she wondered who lived here and how she had ever missed it. She knocked and waited. Reilly's ears pricked up at the knock on the door but strangely, he didn't get up off the mat he lay upon nor bark like he usually did when a stranger knocked at the door. Molly bent to give Reilly an affectionate cuddle as she headed to the door. "Maybe," Molly said to her self "He feels safe here too." Molly opened the door and Deb stood before her with a basket of apples. "Hello," said Deb rather brightly, holding the basket out before her "I thought you might like these." "Hi and thank-you," beamed Molly in return. She had baby Jesse crooked in one arm and she scooped up the gift with the other free hand. This was her first visitor apart from Nick to their new haven and she was rather pleased.

"I'm Deb. I live about a half a kilometre south of here." "Oh great!" chimed in Molly enthusiastically. "It's lovely to have a neighbor so close to us. I'm Molly and this is Jesse...And behind me, sitting on his mat, is Reilly." Molly shot a glance back at Reilly. "Come here boy; come on; say hello" called Molly in her most beckoning tone but he didn't budge. His tail wasn't wagging and he looked very forlorn. He began to whimper and put his head down between his paws. "That's strange," began Molly, "I've never seen him do this before." "It must be the effect I have on animals," laughed Deb apologetically. Molly brushed Deb's statement away with a wave of her hand and also laughed. The two women's eyes met and both felt the instant connection."Come on in." She offered warmly. Deb stepped inside the cabin and was immediately struck by how warm and comfortable the cabin was.

She removed her shoes and went over to the poor dog who was still whimpering. Reilly closed his eyes as Deb crouched down and spoke softly to him; she put her hand underneath his muzzle and scratched him gently. "I think he is remembering something that really scared him. I think I might be the catalyst for him remembering it but I'm not sure how." She sat down cross-legged next to him and continued to scratch underneath his chin and then all around his muzzle. He then looked up at her with mournful eyes. That look flashed remembrance of something terrible in Deb's mind. Scenes of horror exploded inside her head. She was revisiting something that had been long buried and forgotten.

Deb was very shaken by these memories. Hyperventilating, she could barely get to her feet again. Reilly whimpered and licked her hand. Concerned, Molly went to her side to steady her. "Are you okay?" Queried Molly, placing a hand on Deb's shoulder; a worried look had replaced her smile. Deb couldn't speak, for she was in a state of panic. All she could do was shake her head. "I'll be right back." said Molly. Swinging Jesse around to her other hip now as she hurried to the pantry, she found what she was looking for. "Here, breathe into it like this," Molly motioned with her hands and face. Deb looked at her for a moment in confusion but then realisation dawned and she wrapped the brown paper bag around her nose and mouth and breathed deeply. Her breath started to ease with the paper bag trick but the terror in her eyes showed that she was reliving a nightmarish scenario. It was a look that Molly had seen too many times before. Deb sat on Molly's couch for some time, vacillating between heartrending moans as she rocked back and forth in severe emotional distress and hysterical crying. Reilly sat by her side and didn't move. He looked up at her every now and then and howled.

Jesse was still in Molly's arms and she held on to her baby tightly. She wasn't sure how Jesse would be affected by all of this because his birth into this world had been such a calm and beautiful experience and there had been nothing but love and reassurance since then. He had floated ever so gently into this world from his mother's warm waters into the warmth of a bathing pool in an ecstatic orgasmic birth. Like all Lotus births, Jesse was attached to his umbilical cord and the placenta until he was ready to let go of it. His umbilical cord had fallen naturally off on day 4 and the happy parents had celebrated by dancing around the room with Jesse held high up in the air. Jesse was one of those babes who had control of their necks from day one and when he was born, he had lifted his head up, gazed directly into each of his parent’s eyes and given them a knowing look.

Molly now looked into Jesse's eyes questioningly but all he did was smile at her and gurgle, and then he did the most amazing thing; he spoke to her telepathically. She wondered if she was dreaming; for she distinctly heard him say, "Mama, bring me to the suffering one.” He looked deeply into her eyes and smiled. “Mama, take me to the suffering one,” she heard again ever so clearly. Trusting what she heard but with a heart so full of emotion, she took Jesse over to Deb and placed him gently into her lap. Jesse smiled and gurgled as he lay there and looked up at Deb. He reached out with one of his tiny hands as if to signal something. To Molly’s amazement, Deb immediately began to calm down and stopped rocking. Eventually, the memories began to fade and Deb became still and silent. It was if a light switch had gone off again and she became aware of baby Jesse staring very intently at her. That child was so full of divine beauty; the absolute pureness and grace it exuded was enough for Deb to trigger the experience of a self-healing. It was as if the whole horrific experience could be let go of and she could now be present again. Looking into the eyes of pure unconditional love, Deb felt peace throughout her entire being.

“I’m so sorry,” said Deb, looking up at Molly who was still standing there, “I don’t know what else to say, except, to say thank you” as she clutched at a very wet and soggy handkerchief. She looked down at Jesse again and gave him a very wide smile. “Don’t be sorry,” murmured Molly as she picked up Jesse and cuddled him. “If you experienced what I think you just did, it is a sign.” What the sign was, Molly didn’t disclose to Deb but Deb was sure she was about to find out soon
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Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Post by LostNFound »


The warehouse did shake but remained in tack and the company of men and Jakes team had all felt tremors before so they kept on doing what they always did. All the soldiers were getting ready to move out the next day for the maneuvers at the Capital. They all thought or had been told that they would have a new weapon and they would be trying it out. Two hours later Private Kyil bullock went to relieve Corporal Jake Hammond. He was expecting to relieve him on duty outside but could not find him. He suspected he had taken Reilly inside to give him some water. All the Semi trucks were still parked at the docks so he entered the warehouse and moved towards the office area. He could not find the Corporal here either so he reported to his company commander of a missing soldier and a dog. The area was searched with no results so the soldier was reported AWOL. While searching the warehouse it was discovered that the elevator car had broken loose from its cables and was laying just down the shaft about 20 feet. A secret access to the underground levels was found to be totally caved in and no access could be gained.

The Next day the trucks were rolled out and the medium sized contingency of military vehicles pulled out in front with some hanging back and then bringing up the rear. The company of soldiers was loaded into troop carriers and followed the convoy towards Helena. Later that day the convoy pulled into Helena and filled a large area of the local fair grounds. The trucks were opened and the crates removed. The soldiers waited to receive their new weapons. When the crates were opened and it was discovered that nothing was in them, all the men looked at one another and began to wonder what was happening. The Governor who was at the fair grounds with some of his private police force had hoped for some of the new weapons so the surprise on their faces was very funny to look at. While they had all stood around waiting to receive their weapons, The local underground had notified almost the entire city of what the governor and his minions plus the military were planning to do to them, They came out from the bleachers and from behind buildings, all armed to the teeth. The 250 men of the Military and police were surrounded by about 5000 folk of the city of Helena A local Sheriff and two deputies walked up to the Governor and the local mayor and arrested both of them. The Commander of the Military tried to pull his sidearm and was tackled by two of his officers. They cuffed him and turned him over to the people.

Major Joseph wheeler and Lieutenant Rodney Turner had joined the underground the year before and became aware of what the military along with the Emperor had planned to do with Montana and several other states. The overall plan was to take control of the entire country once the new weapons came on line. They had notified the underground in Helena who in turn began to notify the entire country. A large contingent was gathering to overthrow the Emperor at the right time. For now small groups in cities and counties of the states were beginning to stand up. Major Wheeler turned to his company as they all stood at parade rest. He began to speak and asked them if they wanted to become a new army of the people and help turn the tide of the tyrannical dictator of the United States of America. He watched the men closely and waited for some sort of answer from them. Sergeant major Jack Bollard the company leader walked up to his Major and saluted him. He said in a small still voice, “Major I have been in this Army for almost 20 years now and I have seen the total destruction of honor and trustworthiness I have witnessed that puke in Denver’s’ white house bring this nation to what it is today and I am ready to fight for the people of this country With your permission I will step to the side and ask my soldiers who will join me in the upcoming revolution. Major Wheeler looked at the sergeant major and said “you are a credit to the people and your uniform Jack, please proceed.

Hava and Luun had showed up in the dream realm of Joseph, Rodney and Jack and had opened their minds to the healing of the earth. While in their dreams the girls had healed their hearts and minds. Hava and Luun both had been given the gift to give the healing and open minds by the Divine Creator and the Great Spirit. Jack had entered the Dream net as well as Joseph and Rodney and waited for the time to come such as now. Jack stepped aside and faced his men and women and began to speak. Those of you that wish to be in the people’s army may step to the left and form a line over here and he pointed to his right as he faced them. Those that wish to remain in the loyalty and slavery of the Emperor may remain standing where you are. The Company stood at 230 men and women at present. After Jack had spoken the company stood for a few minutes and then the ranks began to move over to stand with Jack. He watched them move almost as one. A few minutes later 228 of them had moved to the new position and two of them stood in the old position. Jack strode over to them and asked if they were sure about staying in the Emperors employ. Both of them jumped at Jack at the same time. He raised both arms at once and smacked both men on the back of the head as he moved forward between them. He took 3 steps and turned like a tiger. He did not move but watched both men stand back up from the ground and charge at him once more.

The motion from Jack was a blur; his left hand came up and hit one man in the solar plexus as the other hand punched the second man in the throat. Jack stood up straight and straightened his fatigue shirt while the two men lay on the ground. One was moaning and the other was completely unconscious. Jack motioned to some of his men and they came over and picked the two up and dragged them to the sheriff’s patty wagon. They were not gentle when they through the two in the back with the other prisoners. The Sheriff had talked with Joseph and Rodney and then walked over to Jack and shook his hand after saluting him. The iron doors were shut and locked on the patty wagon and the Sheriff and all his men drove off towards a jail it was presumed. The five Semis’ were given to the citizens of Helena and the underground force commander met with Joseph and Rodney and Jack and talked about safe places. Jack excused himself when he saw the two additional tractor trailer trucks pull up. Two enlisted men hopped down and saluted Jack and they walked to the back of the trucks and opened the doors on the trailers. Jack called his company over and told them to empty the trucks. “I want every man and woman in this company to be fully outfitted in battle gear, this truck has all the necessary gear for each of you. The M30-03’s are in the second truck with all the ammo needed also. When you are all completely outfitted the rest of the gear, weapons and ammo will go to the underground and civilians that are willing to fight, now let’s move out.
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