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Re: Rabbit

Post by Christine »

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Embracing the middle way one comes to a place of innerstanding of the great paradox of duality where polar opposites are equally true. But where there are three there is a single truth. Love.
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Re: Rabbit

Post by Fred Steeves »

Three questions come to mind from this depiction:

- I would love to know what the writing says.

- Who is the sky god figure and what is his story?

- Is that one rabbit petting the sky god's dog, or is the dog attacking?
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Re: Rabbit

Post by Christine »

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For the reader, I am following a deep stream. The rabbit and the hare actually have distinct characteristics. The occult symbolism of rabbit or hare is found all over the ancient world, is aligned with the feminine and to my mind is one of the least comprehended symbols we see daily. The relationship to the rabbit in the moon is very deep and from an ancients perspective foretells one meaning. However now in our "modern" age we seem to have another understanding, such as the moon is not a "natural" body, it has come to depict illusion, the illusory nature of our existence and apparently it has been co-opted by a hidden (not so hidden now) technology.

Over a year ago in one of our viewing journey's we saw an expanded vista of the relationship of Earth with the moon. As an intuitive listener I heard very clearly "Take back the moon." That phrase still echoes through me and I have not completely unwrapped the meaning.

I have also been fortunate to have the trust of a few who have revealed much to me, in a friend's spontaneous visit, he was abducted so to speak by a blue being and transported to the moon. His report was in brief as follows: The interior of the moon had two separate hemispheres, he was cautioned that one side, the dark side was prohibited territory. On the side he was visiting he found a giant god like being, I mean giant in size who ruled in absolute autonomy. The interior felt large, belying the actual dimensional size and everything was beautiful. The light that emanated was enchanting and he never wanted to leave. While listening and with a few questions he revealed that the "dark side" was full of computer like machines with mantis type beings running programs. As he had been transported through a cell tower it seems there is a deep connection.

In my first viewing of the moon I saw the dark side as a concave like parabolic dish, a receiver if you will.

My leading conclusion at the moment runs like this. The moon is traditionally associated with the divine feminine aspect of our being, it was used in ancient circles for magic and weavings. I remember in one life that I relived in vivid detail this life that I was using water in a stone basin to catch the reflection of the moon and dancing with abandon ... not sure if this was good or bad, it felt liberating at the time it occurred. To this day there are goddess worship circles all over the world doing ceremony. I feel for the most part this is undesirable for most people have not yet cleansed there shadow side and so the "dark side" of the moon uses this energy for the machine induction of illusion.

There are many who have journeyed to and studied false heavens. I too have visited quite a few and in doing so feel that for the most part "the new age" is a false one built on illusory tenants that either are used to make the "ego" feel high and good or used to hide in illusion so as to escape the confront their shadow side, these deep traumas that still run through our veins and in our blood. (More on this later, as blood has a very specific significance or signature in the unveiling story that is moving me.)

Most vital to delve is the relationship that the rabbit and the moon have with time.

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Re: Rabbit

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Christine wrote: As an intuitive listener I heard very clearly "Take back the moon." That phrase still echoes through me and I have not completely unwrapped the meaning.
That is so interesting. And let me take a wild guess here that the voice was strong, authoritive, yet also very feminine? Could be wrong, but that sounds remarkably similar to a voice that rang through my head many moons ago, before all this forum stuff. I awoke one morning but my eyes were still closed, and at once that female voice shot through my head: "Show the people, the power of the people". Same thing here, it still echoes through my head from time to time, and the meaning is yet unwrapped.
Christine wrote: I feel for the most part this is undesirable for most people have not yet cleansed there shadow side and so the "dark side" of the moon uses this energy for the machine induction of illusion.
I remember commenting on a certain EE YouTube video some time ago (3 years maybe?) to you when you had voiced a similar opinion/knowing. Agreeing whole heartedly on something along the lines that our energy and intentions can be warped and used in ways that even most people down this weird little rabbit hole corner of the internet have never dreamed of.
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Re: Rabbit

Post by Christine »

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Fred, I really appreciate your comments for they give me a bit of energy to continue this research. And omg! there are bunnies and rabbits everywhere in my life right now, I can't go but a few hours without them revealing themselves to me. As one can surmise this research is very personal. As to the voices we hear it is often difficult to distinguish where they are coming from however if examined they will have the ring of truth or they will provoke anxiety or even paranoia (use of voice of god technology or an induced thought through someone else, etc.). My example of 'take back the moon" was received without any reaction at all, it just sits in my space waiting for me to decipher it's meaning. Our experiences eventually can be gathered into what is called wisdom, it really isn't something you can give another.

The image is of Wenet, meaning “The Swift One”. What caught my attention was the X across her breast and that she holds a feather in her hand.

One of her roles is depicted as guarding the entrance to the underworld, some researchers say she holds a dagger but on looking through many images it is obviously a feather. They Egyptian Book of the Dead states that when you die your soul is put on a scale and if it is light as the white feather of truth you are granted access to the higher realms.

And this is what keeps coming home to me, purity ... The purity of the heart which is not an easy path. The ceaseless observation of one's thoughts, the realizations how difficult it is to break patterns, the ease with which we slip back to what once comforted us. All the excuses we tell ourselves to keep us from uncovering our heart of gold. There is a liquid state of consciousness that doesn't need to be right, doesn't need to defend, doesn't run it can simply hold the stillness listening with inner ears until the voice of silence speaks. And when disturbed return to it over and over again. That of course is only part of it for once heard and heard as truth requires that you walk the path.

Lotus blossom.

I should also note for the reader that I have been fairly engrossed in following the Dark Journalist's X series. (If anyone has followed my story over the years knows the X is a big piece of it.)

Rabbits are plentiful in the symbology of all ancient cultures just as they are in real life. I will get back the the Three Hares at some point as it is spinning in my mind ... bits and pieces being drawn into cohesion.
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Re: Rabbit

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A most vital note: In writing the above I am also deeply aware that the most pure has an equal counter part that one could say is the demonic. If we speak solely of energy they co-exist within the one and are being played out on this plane of duality. In other words this is taking to a place inside of me. My senses are keenly alert and I feel I am being pulled toward a reckoning. In all the roles I have played exist both polarities. It comes to me with words of primal cause, it comes to me as return to wholeness. I write for to reveal is to heal ...

I should end with a little levity for this is uncovered ground for me. Or I could say it's taken me deeper into the mystery. So I get up walk around and then come back to the keyboard. So much has gone down these last few months and something is staring me right in the face so writing helps me alleviate some of churning in my soul. A string of deaths has left me wide open so it is taking will (a choice by choice) to stay in a positive state of being. I am stung by how thin is the line between love and hate. It's a tightrope walk across empty space.
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Re: Rabbit

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The familiar 'rabbit/hare trinity'. Here labelled "Unser seindt vier" [We are four/there's four of us]. From the album amicorum of Frederick IV of the Palatine [UB Heidelberg, Pal. Ger. 619 -- this is f.47v. entries are dated 1582-1605]. Here we have an interesting association with the motif of the 2 fools who say "we are three" -- making the viewer by his/her puzzled inquiry the 3rd! The hare also has traditional associations of folly -- "mad as a march hare."


“Runic inscription: Hamingja Medu “Hamingja” translates as mutable magic energy/force and “medu” means three things: inspiration, transformation and mead – hard to separate. The meaning refers to the three hares symbol which forms the three-legged trefot or triskele symbol which symbolizes the ever-full well of magical inspiration as well as the meeting of the three realms of earth, sea, and sky.
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Re: Rabbit

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XX = female

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* in some manner this thread is notes to self. I am not purposely being mysterious or elusive. However when one penetrates The Mystery it takes you thoroughly within the feminine. The inner sanctum will only open when enough preparation has been completed.
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Re: Rabbit

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"Rabbit! Rabbit! Jump over the moon."

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Re: Rabbit

Post by Christine »

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