Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."
-Albert Einstein
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Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Post by maggie »

Just two nights ago, I was standing outside and a it occurred to me that despite my deep faith in principles that guide the workings being only ONE POWER, I might be mistaken. It felt cold and dark like a void offering itself. I just did not go there. It felt like an absurd choice. It was not even tempting. I feel pleased that I am so happy with my creation here and now. It feels as real as anything and uplifting.

At this present moment I am done with the dark nights of the soul. The darkness through which I saw everything imprinted itself for ages. I did not know what to believe and I was quite blinded. I saw ill and the hood was impoverished and killing and nothing changes. I embraced all the thinking of doubt and paranoia guided my perception. Reason told me that I saw reality. But it did not FEEL true. My FEELING was so clear and light when I felt into the Presence of life.

And yes, I know that presence and having the experience trumps reason's mistakes.
My suspicion felt frightening and overwhelming . It was unbelievebly awful and the world was immersed in helpless pain. I felt sick and tired.
I just knew there must be something more true to my feeling.

The Presence is my ally.

I began to embrace that thinking will make it so as acted on and it sure seems to be REASONABLE now. The ignorance of my SAD condition when NOT feeling connected is a relief because ignorance is just waiting to be illuminated. Everything I thought was obviously in my face all ways. CHOICE to be pronoic is my release form feeling horrible and in hell and fearful beyond wits end. I will think of freedom and the light and I will see the world there and add my power to make my vision HERE in my home. I will make them real and the light will illuminate what was shadow.

The Universe is behind me.
I WILL feel this is SO by being in the Presence.
Then I will walk.
Pronoia is the direction and the path lights up.
Homeward bound and lucky.

IF the principle works, it WILL WORK. This is like being immersed in a transcendent REAL, that any what happens is possible. Once happened everything just IS as was planned TOWARDS destiny. All modes can be embraced. They are NEVER permanent. When we know, They ALL lead to our well being because that is the chosen destiny for such as WE. No doubt can assail the Presence that assuages by being already done just as expected. The heart can relax in joy.

Beautiful music will present itself and be a gift to the heart.

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Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Post by maggie »

I like Gigi Young's message


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Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Post by maggie »

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Dr. Joseph Gallenberger is a psychologist with 30 years experience as a therapist, workshop leader, and meditator. Joe is an expert in using psychokinesis for influence over physical matter events. His book Inner Vegas: Creating Miracles, Abundance, and Health proves that psychokinesis, healing, and manifestation are obtainable miracles if approached with an open heart.
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"Las Vegas as a Psychokinesis Laboratory"
by Joseph Gallenberger, PhD

Reprinted with the permission of Edge Science magazine, No. 31, September 2017

The idea of using Las Vegas as my psychokinesis laboratory didn’t just pop into my head. I was already familiar with Vegas, having gone there to play about once every two years. Scanning back over those many years, I did have a few very unusual experiences that suggest psi in action.

A dice event that I remember occurred on my birthday. I was staying at the Sahara hotel as I had done many times before and had become known to the crews. I found an empty craps table with the box man Gene sitting in his position at the center of the table. Gene and I exchanged pleasantries. I mentioned that it was my birthday and he said, “Well, step right up and make yourself a birthday gift!” Gene had watched me play many times and knew that I was capable of good rolls but that I always kept my betting very cautious and conservative.

In addition to working as a clinical psychologist, I have been a trainer at The Monroe Institute1 (TMI) for 26 years and have had many psi experiences there. For example, I was able to repeatedly roll exactly the pattern I envisioned on dice.
I began a good roll, making my targets easily. Every few minutes Gene would cajole and encourage me to raise my bets, saying things like, “You are doing great. You are now playing with the casino’s money, take a chance, would you?” I went into the zone and just kept rolling. Although I had started at an empty table, it now became packed with other players; the action was fast and furious. My run continued. Gene brought in two extra basemen to help handle all the action. But I barely noticed this, nor all the chaos and cheering. I just kept being in the zone and raising my bets whenever Gene told me to.

When I finally got tired and seven’ed out by throwing a seven at the wrong time, I had held the dice for over 90 minutes. Since seven comes once in every six rolls by chance, a typical roll lasts about five or ten minutes in the game of craps. The table exploded in cheers, which brought me out of my trance enough to notice the huge pile of chips before me. I was surging with too much adrenaline to even handle my chips easily. The crew stacked them for me. Exchanging smaller denominates for larger ones, and finally giving me the count. I had made well over $3,800 on my roll after starting with $5 bets.

How it all began

But before I go any further about the casino as classroom, I should present the background on how I became interested in psychokinesis. In addition to working as a clinical psychologist, I have been a trainer at The Monroe Institute1 (TMI) for 26 years and have had many psi experiences there. For example, I was able to repeatedly roll exactly the pattern I envisioned on dice. That psychokinesis experience felt like a wonderful magic space, and I wanted to experience it again and understand it better. Psychokinesis with dice is amenable to research because the statistical properties of rolling dice are well known and follow the laws of probability.

As I started to more formally study psychokinesis (PK)— the ability to affect matter using nonphysical means—it seemed to me that this PK energy was the same as the energy found in miracle healings. And this PK energy could also be used to greatly increase the effectiveness of efforts to create a more abundant reality for one’s self, by adding a facilitative energy to the process of intent and visualization employed during manifestation work. Examples of psychokinesis include using just your energy and no physical means to illuminate light bulbs, grow seeds in your hand in just a few minutes, and bend heavy metal2 and brittle plastic.

About two decades ago I received a small grant to go to Princeton University’s Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research3 (PEAR) laboratory. At PEAR scientists had been studying PK for nearly 30 years under very strict scientific standards. For example, they had done one study with 12.5 million trials and achieved highly significant results, suggesting that PK is real. When I arrived at Princeton, I walked into a very interesting space and was welcomed warmly. Many experiments in the lab included what are called random event generators or REGs. The generators are quantum mechanical devices that basically choose either a one or a zero, thousands of times a second. They do this by referencing random atomic action to “decide” which of the two options to pick. Basically, it is like flipping a coin thousands of times a second. The results in the coin flip over thousands of flips, if the coin is perfectly balanced, should be very close to 50 percent heads and 50 percent tails. The random event generators do the same process but electronically, and the results also should be roughly 50 percent ones and 50 percent zeros by chance, as each option has an equal chance of occurring.

The experimenters told me that I had achieved results that were 30,000 to one by chance.
Random event generators allow a very precise and scientific study of psychokinesis. Each time you flip a coin, the chances are 1 in 2 that it comes up heads. If you start flipping a coin, and the first two times it comes up heads, that will occur once in every four times by chance. If the first five flips all come up heads, this would be unusual but not a miracle because it will occur naturally once in every 32 times you tried to do this. But if the coin comes up heads 10 times in a row, now things are getting pretty spooky because that would occur only once in 1,024 times by chance. Well, imagine you are on a roll and you flip the coin 20 times and it comes up all 20 times as heads. Now we are in miracle territory as this would occur only once in 1,048,576 times by chance.

An understanding of probabilities helps put into perspective my experiences with PK in the casinos. In the Princeton experiments, when they are running thousands of chance determinations per second resulting in millions of events, any strong deviation from chance will be highly noticeable and scientifically significant. This indicates that the events are being influenced by something that is causing the events to deviate from chance. And if the only something that can influence the events is nonphysical energy and intent, then psychokinesis is proven beyond any reasonable scientific doubt. ... laboratory
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Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Post by maggie »

Christopher Hills was a remarkable person who wrote and researched and created. He was interested in how to "change the planet" and realized that we must take limits off our consciousness.

I love the books I read of his wisdom. One came from the library at PA : ... 20Body.pdf

Christopher Hills lived on earth and left his legacy. To listen to this interview a year before he left the planet, IMO is to be given a gift from a deep seeker. AND he is so very synchronistically speaking right to ME and what has been in my mind. Maybe you too?


He was a 20th century Yogic Master

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Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Post by Sandy Clark »

Thank you Maggie, I'm tagging these for future attention when I can truly be in the now for full absorption.

maggie wrote:Christopher Hills was a remarkable person who wrote and researched and created. He was interested in how to "change the planet" and realized that we must take limits off our consciousness.

I love the books I read of his wisdom. One came from the library at PA : ... 20Body.pdf

Christopher Hills lived on earth and left his legacy. To listen to this interview a year before he left the planet, IMO is to be given a gift from a deep seeker. AND he is so very synchronistically speaking right to ME and what has been in my mind. Maybe you too?


He was a 20th century Yogic Master

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Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Post by Spiritwind »

maggie wrote:Christopher Hills was a remarkable person who wrote and researched and created. He was interested in how to "change the planet" and realized that we must take limits off our consciousness.

I love the books I read of his wisdom. One came from the library at PA : ... 20Body.pdf

Christopher Hills lived on earth and left his legacy. To listen to this interview a year before he left the planet, IMO is to be given a gift from a deep seeker. AND he is so very synchronistically speaking right to ME and what has been in my mind. Maybe you too?


He was a 20th century Yogic Master

I have to bump this because it was a great reminder of what I already know, but sometimes behave as though I have forgotten. I don't get to watch much, but glad I followed the hunch. I watched the first one with Christopher Hills from 1996. It really is all in our minds, although those words do not at all convey what I mean to say. I've started on a piece called "the voices in our heads", and how important it is to pay attention to what we think. I see, not that it isn't "real" or going on "out there", that I would definitely benefit from re-arranging my focus. Ultimately I want to be part of the solution, and I still limit myself due to my programming in oh so many ways. Yes, I have learned much from those limits, but it is time to go beyond, way beyond them. Thank you Maggie.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Post by maggie »

It really is all in our minds, although those words do not at all convey what I mean to say. I've started on a piece called "the voices in our heads", and how important it is to pay attention to what we think. I see, not that it isn't "real" or going on "out there", that I would definitely benefit from re-arranging my focus. Ultimately I want to be part of the solution, and I still limit myself due to my programming in oh so many ways. Yes, I have learned much from those limits, but it is time to go beyond, way beyond them.

Thanks Spiritwind.

Just have to highlight what you said because THIS is what is groping in me. I feel like my inner being amoeba wants to swallow this teaching whole and ingest it, carry it deep to my cells.

THE FACT is that so mUCH is going on in this time. Like the quote, the best of times and the worst. There is a Smorgasboard of possible thoughts available. What I once could not even conceive now seems very probable. On top of that miracle, more and more: just when I think of something, I find confirmation in various ways. AND just because what I have been thinking is really in my face, I have something to chew on. Chewing is an action where I decide what in what I think is exactly right and what is just "off".

I can use all the clearing ways I know to let go of the "chaff' and TAKE IN to my reality the seed which I would love to grow. I am sooo joyful in this exploration that I feel great. My body is taking in the goddess energy. I call her MAYA and myself her devotee. She is the one who unfolds the present. My appreciation is my attention. She loves making more of what I request by my state of being.

Christopher Hills is a great wayshower. I am with him and you, sure, we have learned from limits. Now we know we have a new potential...what does unlimited become??? yes, I am pretty sure LIMITED has entropy and so we die and civilizations of thought die when the energy runs out. This has its GOOD as winding down and out is an escape from the morass of so many barriers built.

I am grokking Unlimiting Freedom is very probable (when once it was not even on my radar). As William Buhlman suggests, after we pass out of the world, we move towards what is in us that we carry as belief. Therefore embracing UNLIMITED now will set us moving towards "Beyond, way beyond" no matter where we "seem to be".

right now, I am in love with my new profession. It is invigorating me all together. My body has gotten more limber since doing massage. It is a good workout. What I see around me complains of wear and tear and stress with aches and pains (even from other all my co-workers). They say "I am hurt" in many ways. This has to be faced but not embraced. I just say "passing through a state only" and I know whatever is, is changing.

CHOICE!!!! IMO using this new tool, UNLIMITED means that every day in EVERY WAY, I am getting better and better. I feel my body, saying deliberately "I am rejuvenating more with each massage where this work brings the energy of life flowing through me."

How do I know the body is probably UNLIMITED? The confirmation is I feel is my own knowing by experience. I am guided to new vistas of how tyhe body has EVERYTHING needed to thrive. My faith is felt as relaxation and stretching and the good and expanding in me. I feel well.
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Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Post by maggie »

This man is very beautiful IMO. If you like his presentation, there is more on youtube

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Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Post by Christine »

maggie wrote:How do I know the body is probably UNLIMITED? The confirmation is I feel is my own knowing by experience. I am guided to new vistas of how tyhe body has EVERYTHING needed to thrive. My faith is felt as relaxation and stretching and the good and expanding in me. I feel well.
Wow maggie, for years I have been expanding in the same Knowing, not always easy to maintain for my experience has shown me that with each expansion comes a contraction and a new challenge to embrace. Thank you so much for your vibrant presence and keeping the positive beat going.
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Post by maggie »

Christine wrote: with each expansion comes a contraction and a new challenge to embrace.
Thanks Christine! YES
And now for something mind blowing IMO
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“I believe that mycelium is the neurological network of nature. Interlacing mosaics of mycelium infuse habitats with information-sharing membranes. These membranes are aware, react to change, and collectively have the long-term health of the host environment in mind. The mycelium stays in constant molecular communication with its environment, devising diverse enzymatic and chemical responses to complex challenges.” ― Paul Stamets, Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World
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