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Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 6:20 pm
by LostNFound
As the vehicle approached he was surprised by how loud it was, an old petrol vehicle perhaps he thought. As the vehicle passed by him he could just barely make out the occupants, he saw Evelyne! He immediately jumped up and went running after the vehicle; it came to a screeching halt. Evelyne popped open the door and ran out to jump in her fathers arms. Jim was so exhausted they both fell to the ground in delight. Bill stepped out of the vehicle, "I'm sorry to rush you, but we must leave now, it is crucial we get home before night fall. Jim picked up Evelyne once again and spun her in a circle, and headed towards the jeep. "Everyone, buckle up," said Bill.

Evelyne instructed Bill that they must not go back the way they had come. The road we came over will be patrolled and that wash out will be guarded. So Bill continued on straight ahead, they soon came to a split in the road and Bill took the one to the east. “I am pretty sure this will connect us with the main highway 40 miles up ahead." Eryne smiled looking out the window, while Bill drove and Jim and Eve held each other. The daylight was becoming dim and the trees were casting long shadows over the road when Bill pulled over to refill the gas tank. “I think it is only a few miles ahead to the main interstate from here.” Bill emptied both five gallon gas cans into the Jeep and they pulled back out onto the dirt road. Just around a mile further the bumpy forest road turned into a paved one and they made quick time. As they approached the interstate to go east to the turn off of the old State route 63 that led to the café/station Bill asked Eryne if she sensed anything that might be dangerous for them. Eryne started to say that she did not think there was anything when Evelyne interrupted her by grabbing her arm and then gently touching her face. Both girls showed shock on their faces and Eryne told Bill to turn into a small stand of trees just before the interstate. “Hurry, Eryne said with urgency that made Bill and Jim both be very concerned. The Jeep was just entering the stand of trees and moving through a large thicket of brush when Jim noticed a light emanating from Evelyne’s heart. The light traveled up her arm and into Eryne’s face. Just as the Jeep came to a stop, Bill and Jim both thought they heard the sound of a chopper, but the light from both girls consumed them all and all was quiet.

Jim had so many questions to ask and reached into his pocket to comment on the machine that had so many wondrous abilities and he couldn't find it. He began to panic and realized he had left it behind in the clump of bushes where he turned off his heat signature and sat enjoying the manifested grapes. Murphy's Law had tossed its curve ball!!

The light that engulfed them all subsided and Evelyne told Bill to get the Jeep started and head down the interstate as fast as they could. Bill started the Jeep and spun out of the thicket and turned onto the interstate going east. Jim spoke up and asked Bill if the machine would alert anyone by itself? Bill said that as long as a thought did not activate it, it would remain inert. Jim then told Bill that he had misplaced his and left it back in the place where he hid the first night. Bill told him not to worry at this point and maybe they could retrieve it latter, right now they had to get back to the haven as fast as possible.

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 8:03 pm
by LostNFound

Captain Luftwaft was flying just above the interstate toward the east looking at his radar GPS when he noticed a very strange signal. He asked his copilot, lieutenant flowant if she knew what that signal might be? She studied it for just a moment and said, “That looks like one of those old time gas powered vehicles, I remember in training that they showed us what they looked like. Man! I can’t believe people still use those dinosaurs. Captain Luftwaft was following the signal as they flew down the road. Something flashed up ahead and he saw it for just a moment. When he looked back at the GPS tracker it was clear and showed nothing. Lieutenant Flowant said, “Did you see that?” The Captain said “Yea I saw something but it isn’t there now. He pulled the chopper up and continued toward the east.

As the Captain banked the chopper to the north and swung around back towards the west, the lieutenant mentioned that their search pattern must expand out at 10 mile increments. The Captain gritted his teeth but kept a calm demeanor as he nodded to the lieutenant. “It is totally unlike Captain Axe to not report in and give at least a location where he might be having some mechanical trouble or something”. The last message we received was that he was in pursuit of some hunters somewhere in this area. We were given no coordinates which in itself is very suspicious. The lieutenant shook her head and kept her eyes on the scope to hopefully find a beacon signal of the downed chopper.

The Captain was so intent on scoping the ground out and simultaneously looking at his GPS monitor that he almost missed the washed out ravine on the old logging road. He brought the chopper to a hover and looked through his binoculars at the ground, what he saw gave him pause for a few minutes. He handed the binoculars to the lieutenant and asked her what she saw. As she scoped the ground below she saw fresh vehicle tracks on the east side of the ravine and also on the west side of the ravine. “Looks like a vehicle of some sort may have crossed here but for the life of me I can’t figure how it got across that ravine without leaving some sort of sign of where it crossed”. That lieutenant is the same thought I had. We are going to land on the east side first to see what more we can find out and then we will go to the west side for verification.”

The chopper landed well away from the old road so as not to disturb the tracks. Captain Luftwaft told the lieutenant to grab the forensic kit and follow him. Once they approached the site lieutenant flowant started scanning the tracks. The Captain said, “Well lookie here, seems like we have one adult and two children with this vehicle. I am going to cross the ravine and check that out”. You continue to gather as much evidence as possible here, I will be back shortly”. The lieutenant scanned what she could and then sat down in some shade under a nearby tree. Just as she was about to get comfortable, the Captain showed back up. She jumped up and asked if he had found anything different? He said that it all seemed very strange. The adult tracks were there along with the children’s tracks but he only found the adult’s tracks at the bottom of the ravine on this side however, the vehicle tracks led away towards the west on the old logging road. Lieutenant Flowant told him that the tracks for the vehicle showed that they belonged to an old gas powered vehicle and isn’t that what was on the tracker when we were on the interstate earlier?

Captain Mike Luftwaft was thinking to himself that this was getting stranger. First Captain Axe and his chopper go missing without a signal or location and now this vehicle that is apparently an old time gas powered car with one adult and two children seems to levitate itself across a hundred foot wide, 20 foot deep ravine and continues moving west. He turned toward the lieutenant and said “get aboard; we are going to track this vehicle till we find it and then maybe we’ll get some answers. The lieutenant shook her head and boarded the chopper. She turned on the systems as Luftwaft spun the rotor and started to lift off. Flowant said, “I am picking up the infrared signature of the vehicle and it shows that it headed on this course for awhile then turned onto a road that heads southeast towards the interstate. The chopper crossed a small river and they both saw where the vehicle had crossed. Luftwaft smiled and said, it is about 40 or 50 miles from here to the main highway. We can cut across and shorten that distance. We may run into them sooner than expected. As they flew south, the lieutenant picked up another signature that appeared to be headed north but was older than the first signature. She mentioned this to the Captain and said that this older signature continued north and then disappeared. The Captain noted this and thought that this was probably the hunters that Captain Axe was tracking before he disappeared. The disappearance of that signal could be that Axe had destroyed it. He told the lieutenant that they would follow the latest signature.

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 8:06 pm
by LostNFound
Evelyne felt the thoughts of the personnel in the chopper, she told everyone that it would be best if they ditched the vehicle and continued the rest of the way home on foot. It was only a mere 60 miles or so. But as the chopper could fly as a crow it would locate them quicker than they could arrive home, besides leaving the Jeep would also create a good decoy. Bill pulled the Jeep off the interstate and drove it into some trees and Eve instructed him to leave it running and she used the device to remove their DNA and fingerprints from the vehicle. They gathered themselves and headed out on foot, back to the old gas station. The old route 63 was around 5 miles further up the interstate. Eryne knew that they could cut across country from here and shorten the distance somewhat. Evelyne knew her mother and the others would be worried at their delayed arrival, so she did her best to send the message that they would be a day or two late. Bill asked why they couldn't just use the devices to bring them home quicker somehow. Eve explained that the military somehow had means to track the energy signature and it would lead them straight to home. “Shoot I should have known that.” Evelyne held Eryne’s hand and said “there is something we all must see and someone we must meet on this journey.”

It was getting late, but there was still plenty of light so they all agreed to hide a short distance from the vehicle until night fall, then they should be able to traverse at least 15 of the miles toward home. They watched as the chopper approached and landed near the vehicle. Two people climbed out, one women and one man, they were both of the police force. They watched as the two walked over to the Jeep and then the police vehicles showed up. More police piled from the vehicles and began walking all around the Jeep. Someone opened the doors and they saw at least two of them crawl in and then the motor was shut off. Eve and Eryne used their abilities to be sure they wouldn't be spotted, because they knew they would be looking for whoever was driving that vehicle.

Colonel Molester knew that something was wrong with the scene where the old fashion Jeep was found by the police chopper. By the time he and his men had arrived the police had totally botched the scene up with all their incompetent searching methods. He approached Captain Luftwaft and asked if he and his team had found any footprints around the vehicle or perhaps leading away from it. The Captain had said that they did not find any and that the vehicle was still running when they had landed. That is why they did not pick up any infrared heat signatures of humans; the damn vehicle’s motor still running had blocked everything else out. The Colonel shook his head and thanked the Captain. He then called over two of his officers and told them to search the perimeter for any signs of humans other than the stupid police that had trampled the immediate site. As the two officers left to do as they were told, Captain Luftwaft approached again and mentioned that there had been no DNA evidence found and it was as if there had been no humans in the vehicle.

Colonel Molester looked at the Captain with an increasing heat building up in his face and raised his voice so all around the scene could here him. “What in hell do you mean; someone had to drive this vehicle here so you had better come up with something to give me a better explanation than that”. As he was looking at the Captain with a very red face his two officers walked up and told him that they had found no extraneous foot prints within a 50 yard radius but the light was waning and the police had trampled the ground so badly they would have to come back tomorrow to do a thorough forensic investigation. The Colonel turned and told Captain Luftwaft to get his people out of here NOW, and told his men to load the vehicle on the empty trailer. He headed for his command car and told everyone to load up and they would come back tomorrow. He turned towards the Captain and said, you will patrol this area tonight and by god you had better not let anyone disturb this site until I get back here in the morning. The Captain said “yes sir” but thought to himself that this bloated, egotistical crud was just another desk jockey that had too much power.
As the military vehicles and troops left the scene, Captain Luftwaft climbed into his chopper and dug around for something to eat in the chest located on the storage rack at the back of the compartment. He was in a foul mood and thought that if he could just locate these people he would annihilate them just for the fun of it. This whole thing had been such a mystery and he still had no idea of where Captain Axe and his chopper had gotten to. He vowed to get the answers even if he disobeyed the military pukes.

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 10:37 pm
by LostNFound

The Captain awoke suddenly and looked at the time piece, it registered 2 am. He turned towards lieutenant Flowant and shook her awake. Flowant shook herself from a deep sleep and asked what? The Captain said “turn your systems on we are going to get airborne and do a little searching of our own.” Flowant said, “Aren’t we suppose to stay here and watch this site?” Luftwaft growled and said, “I don’t care what that idiot colonel said I am going to find some answers right now.” Flowant shook her head and started the systems. The Captain spun the rotor and waited a few minutes before lifting off. He had decided to back track on that other old signal they had come across yesterday, so flipping the chopper around towards the North West, he told Flowant to bring that signal back up on the scope and they were going to check out where it had come from.

As they back tracked they came to a fork in the road and swung due south and came across a stand of forest. As they flew over this the Captain brought the chopper to a hover above an old signal of the vehicle they were re-tracking. It appeared that the signal had come from the northwest before it had turned toward the due North. He moved the chopper in that direction at a slow crawl. While they were flying this direction a very faint heat signature appeared on the scope of a gunshot and as they kept on moving two more faint signatures showed up of gunshots. “Now we are getting somewhere, said Captain Luftwaft”. The chopper came up over a rise and directly in front of them was a small lake. Lieutenant Flowant stared at her equipment and then told the Captain that the vehicle signature had stopped just below them. There were also two faint signatures of humans, one went to the north and the other went to the south. She could not tell where they ended at the moment but mentioned to the Captain that they should set down and scout around. The Captain agreed and set the chopper down on an old road.

Climbing out of the chopper, Luftwaft immediately saw the tire tracks. He walked over to the end of them and then noticed where they had turned around. “Lieutenant, do you see any human tracks around here?” The Lieutenant said, “Yes they are all around here and one set leads off in this direction while the other leads off in that direction.” The Captain went back to the chopper and retrieved to powerful search lights, they already had built in infrared goggles on their helmets but he wanted to check the ground out more thoroughly. Besides, the heat signatures were too weak to use just their helmet goggles. Lieutenant, we are going to follow these foot prints to find out where they ended around this lake do you understand? Yes sir said the lieutenant. Okay I want you to follow the ones that go south around the lake, I will follow the ones that go to the North. Turn your communicator on and keep your weapon at the ready. I will contact you every 10 minutes.

Captain Luftwaft started walking towards the North, The footprints he followed showed them also coming back, this was a mystery to him at first but he realized that whoever had come this way made there way back to a vehicle. He was heading west when he came upon a peculiar indentation in the ground. It looked like the shape of a box or something. He took a picture with his helmet cam and continued to follow the footprints.

Lieutenant Flowant checked in and said that the footprints she was following entered into a large opening next to the lake and appeared to stop. She called back a few minutes later and said that she found them again moving towards the West. Luftwaft had already found the end of the lake and had turned towards the South when he heard Flowant coming towards him from the south. He stopped all of a sudden and waited for her to meet up. When she did, he said be careful, I have found something that you will want to record. As the lieutenant approached she saw the remains of a RPG shell lying in the grass. The Captain was taking pictures with his helmet cam and looking out towards the lake. The lieutenant took her backpack off and pulled out a meter that could register underwater signals of machines. She walked over to the edge of the lake, bent down and stuck the meter into the water. When she pulled it back out, she turned to the Captain and her face was ashen. “There are remains of one of our choppers in there.” The Captain acknowledged and swore to himself. “Lieutenant, you have this recorded? Let’s get back to the chopper; I want to see this on the screen.” They both headed back and within 30 minutes they were climbing into the chopper.

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 10:40 pm
by LostNFound
Lieutenant Flowant fed the info into the computer and on the monitor a picture of the chopper popped up. The entire side was blasted open and they could see two bodies still strapped into the seats, they appeared to be burnt beyond recognition but all the same it was clear that this was Captain Axe’s Chopper. Luftwaft swore again but this time he was very vocal. “We must get back to the old Jeep site before the Military arrives this morning. You will say nothing of this to that egotistical piece of crap. This report will go to our commander only and we will handle what has to be done, do you understand?” Flowant shook her head and said yes sir.

The old gas powered Jeep had been thoroughly searched and nothing had been found to tell them anything other than somehow this old vehicle had wound up parked where they found it with the damn motor still running. Colonel Molester was not happy with these results so going back to the site was the only hope of discovery of a mystery that just did not set right with him. This was only the second field assignment he had been on. His career had mostly consisted of desk jobs. His commissions had been due to knowing the right people and even that had been due to his wife being a relation to a general. The first field assignment, he had botched so badly that his wife had decided to move out and had told him that she needed to be away from him for some time. His house and all the other materialistic stuff he had was in jeopardy of being lost. He knew that this was his only chance to redeem himself to his wife and the command structure. He was up for promotion this year and he really needed it to survive. All these things were going through his mind when his driver told him that they were approaching the site. Damn he thought, if only those stupid police had not trampled the site. He saw the chopper and the two imbeciles standing around as they approached. When the command car came to a stop he jumped out and waited for the rest of his men to show up.

Captain Luftwaft walked over and said, “Good morning Colonel, did you have a good night of rest sir?” The Colonel turned and barked orders to his men as they began to spread out and search for new evidence. “I want to be informed immediately if anything is found.” He then turned back to the Captain and said, “What I do in my rest is none of your concern Captain, did anything unusual happen here during the night?” The Captain said, “No sir all was quiet.” The Colonel said “good, is there anything more that you may wish to tell me about this incident?” Captain Luftwaft thought to himself that he would love to pop this ass hole in the mouth but said no sir. The colonel then told him to gather his personnel and get back to his headquarters. “I and my men will handle this from here.” The Captain turned and nodded at the Lieutenant to get aboard the chopper. As they climbed into the chopper and lit up the systems Captain Luftwaft turned the rotor over and thought about lighting up both mini-guns and blowing this rotten piece of crap into next week. Instead he lifted off and turned the chopper towards the west to get back to headquarters. His mind was racing to tell his commander about what they had found during the night.

Staff sergeant Meany and private Lock approached the Colonel and saluted him. The Colonel said, “Report”. Staff Sergeant Meany said, “We found some footprints about 200 yards to the east. There was none leading up to that point and there was none leading away from that point but it appears there may have been two adults and two children’ kind of hard to tell but near as we figure that is what it looks like.” Colonel Molester said “good job men, lets wait to see what the others may find.” He thought to himself well this may explain the people that drove that vehicle here but it sure is damn funny that we can’t explain how and why they disappeared. He called out for Sergeant Cruelly to come over. The Sergeant came over and the Colonel gave him orders to take 4 men and widen the search for footprints and possible capture of two adults and two children. The rest of us will be going back to the base for now. “Call me immediately if you find anything additional. “

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 10:15 pm
by LostNFound

As the waning sliver of a moon lingered on the horizon they started their trek home. Bill had a basic idea of which way to go but was not sure of the terrain ahead. Eve took hold of Eryne and told Bill and Jim to wait a few minutes. Bill looked at Jim and started to ask Eve what she had in mind when all of sudden both girls levitated straight up and then began to move towards the North east. Jim looked on in amazement and Bill just snickered.

Bill was telling Jim that the two girls appeared to have powers that went way beyond his invention of the machines and they didn’t even have to use them anymore. Jim nodded at Bill and in his thoughts, began to understand all of the things that Evelyne did in her younger years that totally amazed him. He was contemplating these thoughts when the two girls dropped from the air into their mist. Evelyne pointed towards the due north direction and said, "This way will give us safe passage tonight” And with that, Evelyne and Eryne grabbed Bill and Jims hands and took off into the luminous dusk sky. The air felt cool and soft against their faces as they winged their way into the deep velvety night skies. It was eerily quiet apart from the gentle winds. They had been traveling for some time, each deep in their own thoughts, modern Peter Pans, when all at once, they saw a light shimmering in the distance. It was unlike any other light they had ever seen before. They felt drawn to it, like moths to a flame.

As they drew closer, hands gripped tighter. Like birds of a feather, they all descended in a graceful flutter to the soft ground. A tree stood before them. But it didn't really stand. It was more like a thousand branches were sparkling and flashing. If you could describe the light, it was as if the light of love throughout all the ages had been lit. One by one, they dropped to their knees. It was like being hit with an electric bolt of lightening, but the feeling was more like being gripped by a most powerful wave of unconditional love. It vibrated outwardly with each and every heartbeat. Such were the divine forces that emanated through and all around them. So bathed were Evelyne, Eryne, Bill and Jim by that tremulous incandescence that shook them to their cores. It took a while to register what appeared to be a little old man sitting underneath that tree and then a quiet voice softly spoke to them. The voice said. "The path to peace is purity” and with that, another wave of pure energy shook them with such a force that their heads reeled and their hearts exploded with love.

None were exactly sure if this man was from this dimension or another. He sat there and appeared to be timeless, and no part of a civilization--Evelyne was the first to sit right in front of him. The others joined forming a semi circle around the man. In all the joy they had felt in their life, none was quite like being in the presence of this mysterious man. Eryne was not shy and she spoke to the man, "Where have you come from?" A few seconds passed and the little old man opened his eyes and spoke;

"I am from a land
Between time and space
You'd never know it
But I guard the human race


Long ago
When I held form
The spirit world and yours
Were not torn

There came a foe
Who created separation
To make each soul
Feel its isolation

The first cities were built
The first governments formed
The land of endless possibilities
Became a set in stone reality

Preoccupied the human mind became
lost in purpose
The ego of mind swelled
And that’s how Eden fell

The Path to purity is peace
The path to peace is purity

My gift to you: Now you know what is possible

Everyone sat there enjoying the poetic words of this mysterious man. When they opened their eyes the man had vanished. Evelyne began to cry both tears of joy and sorrow. Jim put his arm around his sweet daughter and Bill around Eryne.

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 10:18 pm
by LostNFound
It was on the brink of dawn, but there was still some distance to go to get home. Evelyne saw in her minds eye an abandoned cabin a short distance away where they could rest for the day light hours. As they were able to speak again they made their plan to head to the cabin. Eve and Eryne picked wild edibles along the way to nourish everyone while they rested. Then they entered the cabin, however, you know what they say dear reader about how God laughs when you make plans.

The quiet dawn was jarred by the distant sound of choppers. The little old man reappeared before them, a playful glint in his eye and a wide smile. He said in a voice no louder than a soft whisper, "Come with me." And with that, he transformed before their very eyes into a tiny golden hummingbird. The four broke into a trot in the effort to keep up with the tiny hummingbird and every now and then it would stop mid-air to wait for them. Its golden body seemed to float in mid-air as its wings beat at a lightning blur. The deeper they ran into the forest, the more aware they became of the silence and stillness. The chopper sounds had long dissipated and they could only hear the sounds of their rhythmic breathing and their feet as they swiftly and lightly touched the ground. A strange perfume permeated and filled the air. It was a fragrance that filled the mind and body with such vigor and strength that they felt like they could run forever. It was now mid-morning and they had been running without a break for what seemed like hours. "How could this be?" Bill wondered to himself silently. A voice immediately spoke in his head and said. "This is your natural state." Bill chuckled out loud and with it came a chorus of chuckling because the others had also heard Bill's question and the answer in the silent regions of their minds.

As the forest became denser and denser, the running slowed to a trot and then the trot to a slow walk. Meanwhile, the little graceful hummingbird would stop to sup more frequently at the nectar from the huge flowers towering above them. They were so huge that the little hummingbird would disappear into the flower, dipping in and out. What surrounded them was a virtual Garden of Eden. The scent from the flowers was so enticing, so drawn were they to those flowers!

Evelyne was the first to drink from the deep nectars of the crimson, jewel-like flowers that sparkled and shimmered. She bent it to her sweet lips and drank long and deeply. She felt as if she were drinking from the fountain of the source of all life. Soon, they were all reaching for the flowers and drinking from them in exquisite ecstasy. They felt like little children again as they laughed and sang and played in the dappled sunlight and the hummingbird looked on. If you listen, closer dear friends, you can hear the faint sounds of the hummingbird chuckling.

All at once, the four felt very sleepy and lay down where they stood on the soft, soft nurturing earth. They fell into a very deep sleep for what seemed like an age. It seemed that this deepest sleep would never end, but like all things, in this forest, it was all about to change. What followed startled them into a waking, or lucid dream-like state. "The truth is." A voice bellowed and thundered. "I am your future self" What appeared before the four was the most powerful being they had ever seen. It was a being so full of grace and pure beauty. "I am the part of you beyond time and space and I have been with you always, nudging you on from the moment you were conceived. I'm the little voice in your head that says. "Do this, go here." “When you don't listen to this little voice," the being continued, "the universe comes along and gives you a little kick. Then, if it tries to tell you once more and you are still not listening, it gives you a bigger kick. And then, if you are still not listening, the universe will park you on your rear end" And with that, the being chuckled heartily.

Jim asked. "If you are my future self, why are you appearing to all of us? How is it you can also be, Bill's, Evelyne's and Eryne's future self?" He continued to look as his brow furrowed with confusion. "Well Jim." the being said a little more softly, it paused for a moment and looked lovingly and directly at him. "A drop of rain may appear to be an individual drop of rain but when it returns to the ocean, where does that drop go? Where can it be found? Let's just say that at the end of the day, you all return to the source, where does your individuality then go? Jim still looked confused. Eryne looked thoughtful for a moment, eyes locked on the being and said firmly with a keen look in her piercing blue eyes. "What I think you are trying to say is that we are all One and that God is our future self" Eryne slowly rubbed her eyes and yawned as the vision of the being was beginning to melt away like ice cream on a hot day. The others were still sleeping with dream smiles playing upon their lips.

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 8:20 pm
by LostNFound

Honovi ran lightly over the sparsely covered earth on his way towards the small forest that stood just in front of him. Mother earth had guided him back to this particular area after he and Afra had been chased away by some humans that were hunting them. Afra had run out ahead of him. He had called to her to slow down but a loud boom came from the humans just as she topped the hill that lead to the large watering hole. She twisted slightly to the side and disappeared over the rise. He felt a pang in his side as he ran to the North to avoid the hunters. He tracked around the long arm of the hill and then headed towards the water looking for Afra. He heard the noise of the monstrous thing that the humans seemed to be entangled in come over a rise and down to the water. The next thing that happened as he bent down into some brush was another large boom. He glimpsed Afra running behind some large clumps of brush and then lost sight of her. The humans had stopped the monster and disentangled themselves from it and were hurriedly walking around it.

Honovi wanted to get up and run to Afra but the hunters were now splitting up with one headed his way while the other went the other direction around the water. He waited until the one coming his way disappeared around the water then he scooted out of the brush keeping it between him and the hunter. Mother earth had shown him the way and guided him to run away from the water towards the direction that he and Afra had first started to run.

He had run for quite some time and heard another monstrous thing in the distance when he came upon Afra lying under some brush. She was loosing fluid from her side and when she saw him she told him that mother earth was beckoning her to return to the beginning. Honovi knelt down beside her and the Great Spirit surrounded them both. Honovi touched his nose to Afra’s as her spirit ascended away from the physical containment it had been placed in at birth. Mother earth had then guided him away towards a northern retreat where he had spent time to regain his strength from the sorrow and loss of his mate.

As he approached the forest he remembered another human that had been there but ran away. That human had been a peaceful creature and had produced some sweet food. He then remembered where the human had run too and how that appeared to be a safe place so he headed in that direction and soon entered through a small opening in the brush to the small meadow in the middle. Walking towards the center, Honovi smelled the sweet grass and came across some very tasty small round food pellets. Lying down to feed he remembered his first encounter with humans.

When he first opened his eyes his mother was licking him all over. He tried to stand but could not succeed at first. After awhile he could stand but his legs were wobbly. His mother continued to lick him. When he was able to stand without falling over he felt like he needed to walk around. His mother was still licking him when he heard the sound of grass crunching to his rear. He turned to see a tall stick moving. It had something in front of it and all of a sudden a twig flew through the air and his mother made a high bleating sound. He ran to her and she touched her nose to him and then lay still. He did not understand why mother would not answer him. Two winging creatures flew down and landed on his mother. Both looked at him and he heard them say that mother earth had reclaimed his mother. The tall stick came up to him and knelt down. The stick touched him and said something. “Honovi” was what he heard from this stick. The next thing he knew was being entangled in a monster.

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 8:22 pm
by LostNFound
Durwyn had shot the doe with his bow; the arrow had left the bow before he had seen the fawn. He approached the doe and the fawn and felt the Great Spirit move in him to protect the fawn. Mother earth had provided him food for his family but at the same time had also provided him another family member.

When Durwyn had brought the fawn home, his children immediately took to it. Durwyn called the wee fellow Honovi and the name stuck. The fawn soon learned his name and as he grew he became very fond of his brothers and sisters. He was taught that they were human beings and that they all were connected to the Great Spirit. He was also taught about mother earth and how the great cycles cause all to live and die and that no spirit ever really died only the physical containers that were the temporary houses for them. These containers were like unto all the earthly containers of life on mother earth and that the spirits always returned to the Great Spirit until another container was created to house that spirit once again Honovi grew to his full potential and one day Durwyn came to him and told him that he must venture forth into the world to experience the full existence of the Great spirit. Honovi was saddened to leave his family but felt the pull of mother earth. After much ado his family bid him farewell.

As he grazed the grass, he noticed a shinny gleam of light coming from the grass. Wondering what this might be he approached wearily. Looking down, his thoughts were on food and the shinny object beeped with a red light. He backed up quickly but then noticed some of those tasty little round balls that he had first tasted when the other human had been here. He walked over and began to eat when he heard that monstrous sound coming from behind him. He stepped forward and started to run when his foot stepped on the shinny object. Something formed in front of him that was a bright circle of light; he put his nose to it to sniff and heard in his mind a small voice telling him to come closer. He recognized this sound as the same as his brothers and sisters.

Evelyne reached out from the deep sleep while in the forest. She had been moved by the deer peering at her. She could here him speaking and saying “Who are you” Hava looked him in the eyes and said “I am the spirit of Hava” and you must be the spirit of Honovi”.Honovi understood completely. Hava told him that he must enter the hole in front of him and he must do it quickly. Honovi was reluctant at first and asked where he was going”? .Hava told him that he was going to another forest and that he should hurry. She could read the minds of the people in the chopper that was closing on Honovi’s position. They had picked up the signal of the machine when Honovi’s thoughts had activated it. Hava showed Honovi the spirit of Afra and he jumped into the hole. As soon as he did the hole closed and the machine turned off but not before one of Captain Luftwaft’s men pinpointed the signal and walked through the brush into the clearing with his transponder. He witnessed the closing of the hole and his transponder went blank.

Re: Story of fiction and fantasy and science fiction

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 7:44 pm
by LostNFound

When Captain Luftwaft and Lieutenant Flowant had landed at headquarters, the captain went straight to Commander Gloomy’s office. He had radioed in while on their way and asked to see the Commander in private immediately. As he entered the Commander’s office the commander motioned for him to sit down and continued to talk on his communicator. “Yes Colonel I will tell you immediately if we find anything and you will be the first to know as soon as I know”, thank you for your prompt response to the abandoned vehicle”. The Commander shut the device off and asked the Captain if he would like some coffee. Captain Luftwaft shook his head for some and asked, “How much does that over bloated desk jockey know at this point? The Commander said he doesn’t know anymore than we do about that vehicle but he has left his men stationed at the site to continue to search. Now, what do you know or find out about Captain Axe and Lieutenant Molet? The Captain sat back down and told the Commander exactly what they had found and that they had a lead on the possible location of the perpetuators. The Commander took a sip of his coffee and said, “I want you to take command of a small force to retrieve the downed chopper and when you get it out of that lake and loaded up you will send it and the men needed to drive it back while you take one other chopper and yours and go get these perps. I don’t particularly want them to take up space in our prison or interim camp, do you understand? Yes sir, the captain finished his coffee and handed the recording device that had the pictures of the downed chopper to the Commander and then exited the office.

Lieutenant Betty Flowant shivered as the chopper landed in the area where they had discovered the vehicle signature to have stopped at the lake. The other chopper crew flew in over them and landed a short distance away. They would have to wait for a short time for the tractor trailer transport to show up with the divers and extra men. The large crane helicopter had landed in the clearing on the south side of the lake and was waiting also. When the transport showed up the men jumped out and the diving crew geared up and entered the water. One hour later the crane ship lifted off and hovered over the area of the wreck. After dropping the cables into the black water it stayed at the hover position for about 15 minutes and then began to lift up. The wrecked chopper cleared the lake surface and the crane flew over to the transport and slowly lowered the wreck onto the trailer. Once it was secured, three men climbed into it and gently removed the burnt blackened bodies and put them into body bags. The sergeant driving the transport approached the Captain and said they were ready to move out back to headquarters. The Captain acknowledged and called the Captain of the other chopper over and told him that they would be back tracking a very faint signal of the vehicle towards the east and then turning towards the North. The other Captain acknowledged and as per the plan would meet him at the fork of the north road that turned east again. The Captain knew the road leading south from that point had split and one went further to the east than the one they were going to follow from this point.

As the chopper approached the small forest or grove of trees where the road Teed and went north and south a strange signal showed up of a sudden on Lieutenant Flowants radar transponder. She had not seen this signal before and wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. The Private that was the extra man that had been assigned to them had a hand held similar device as Flowants’. Both of them looked at each other and shrugged but Flowant told the Captain that they had picked up something that appeared to be emanating from the forest directly in front of them. The Captain then determined that they would set down on the road and the private could investigate.

Private Mrav approached the forest with his transponder beeping softly, He had done this before but the signal was unlike anything he had seen. It appeared to be moving all over but yet stationary and then it would disappear only to reappear. He was also receiving a large heat signature almost on top of the strange anomaly. He was into the forest about 200 feet when he saw what looked like a barrier of thicket. He skirted around the thicket until he found a small opening. As he walked through he was looking at the transponder and glancing up at the same time. When he cleared the brush he saw a bright light and something very large disappearing into it, then it just disappeared with both signals. It was as it none of this existed. He stopped and just stared for a few moments. This was just too strange and it made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He walked over to the site or what he though might be the site being very leery. He pulled his pistol and was looking around as he approached. He looked down at the ground and saw something that looked like a lighter. He bent down and picked it up thinking it was a lighter. He flicked at it and a flame shot forth. He then put it in his pocket and back tracked out of the thicket and back to the chopper. When he got back and climbed aboard, the Captain asked what he found. Mrav just starred and said he had found nothing but must have had an illusion. Lieutenant Flowant looked at him and asked about the signatures. He said it was some large animal but it ran away as soon as he got close as for that other anomaly like signal I have no idea what that may have been. The Captain spun the rotor and they lifted up and headed north.

The two military choppers lifted off and headed east for the scene of the found vehicle. Colonel Molester was in the front chopper with 4 men while the other chopper carried another 5 troops. He’d be damned if he was going to let those police get the better of him. He was determined to find answers and knew that Captain Luftwaft had lied to him about not knowing any other information. He had dispatched one officer to follow the police as they had left the scene the night before. That officer had been issued a top secret rocket belt to follow. He had reported in early this morning saying that the police had left the headquarters with a large empty transport and two choppers of their own and had headed towards the east.

Major shyster had gone silent and activated the dispance cloak around him that had been outfitted on the rocket belt. As he followed the police choppers he noticed that they had flown slightly towards the north east and following them they had set down around a lake of some kind that was around 40 miles west of the vehicle site from the night before. He landed to the north of the police on a knoll where he could watch them without being noticed. As he watched the transport pulled up and men began to disperse and some went into the water. He decided to inform the Colonel and was just about to when a large crane helicopter rose up and hovered over the water. It dropped some cables and a little while later hauled a destroyed chopper from the water and then moved towards the transport. He watched a little while longer until the wreck had been placed on the trailer of the transport and the men removed something from it. Looking through his binoculars he realized it was two dead bodies. He then called the Colonel and reported what he had discovered. After he had given his report he watched the transport move out and the two choppers lift off. One headed due east along the road that the transport had taken while the other flew north right over the top of him. He watched it until it disappeared over some hills and then watched the other one creeping slowly to the east.

Colonel Molester swore and almost told his pilot to turn around and intercept the traitorous snakes but thought better and knew that they would get to the bottom of that mess soon enough. His choppers were approaching the site and he was anxious to here if anything new had turned up. The forensic team at the base had completely dismantled the old jeep looking for any evidence and had come up with a strange little device that had been built into the dash. They were still researching and testing it when he had left for the site. Whatever was going on with this whole affair was becoming more and more intriguing.