Farm Life

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Re: Farm Life

Post by Spiritwind »

It’s been a busy week here on the farm. Not even sure where to start. Had loads of fun after my last post last week. We had moved the boys feeder back by the fence so I wouldn’t have to go inside the fence to feed every time, thinking Raven couldn’t jump that high anymore. A reasonable assumption, since he hadn’t tried to jump up there in a long time, and still didn’t after we moved it back by the fence.

Then we moved Crispy and Raven over to two separate pens next to each other, each with the does we had planned on breeding them with. Besides beating each other up through the fence, Raven completely trashed the fence panel by the gates between the two pens. And then, to my complete surprise, jumped over the fence! We spent a couple days trying to keep him in there. He was interested in the two does who had just recently arrived, and was determined to at least be next to them. I dug out the accumulated poop/hay by the gate, thinking that might help. Then my husband screwed in a couple pieces of wood, to hopefully block his escape. When that didn’t work, we attached a piece of metal shelving up to make the fence taller there. He just found another place to jump. That stinker had me jumping for a couple days. So then we spent several hours putting up 50 feet of 3 foot high fencing all around the pen he is normally in, moved the feeder back away from the fence again, and put him and Crispy back in their original pen. Whoever got bred, great! Whoever didn’t, well, too bad. I’m not doing that anymore!

The sad part of my previous week is Hermie. I put an ad up to try and find a home for him/her, and not one response. I had hoped I would never have to do it again, but ended up loading Hermie in the car and taking her/him to a woman who sells people’s unwanted animals to an auction. This kind of thing hurts. But if I’m going to feed the other two all winter, when I already have more than I should, I just can’t feed another goat whose chances of getting a good home are almost nil. I guess it’s a good business these days, as she had a lot of animals and told me that a goat she used to only get around $7 for is now going for a $150! Lots of people moving in that eat goat : (

And, apparently, a considerable number of people get them, probably when they are cute and little, and then realize how much work it actually is, and want to get rid of them. While we were there, waiting for her to come out, a group had brought some chickens. We found out fairly quickly why they were there, as we watched while they started taking them out of the cage they were in, one by one, and proceeded to smack each one several times in the head with a big stick, while someone held them by the legs upside down. Even if I was going to raise and slaughter my own chickens, I would not do it that way. People are so stupid and completely unaware sometimes.

I know I’m not a paragon of perfection, but even with the little bit of chicken I do eat, I am very aware of the life that was given, and do not take it for granted. If we don’t think people should be treated like animals, then maybe we should think about the way we do treat those of the animal kingdoms. They do feel, and they do experience terror and fear. At least the native peoples that I know of perceive the spiritual implications of taking a life, any life. It makes me think of the dog meat festival they have in China every year. I sincerely hope we can bring back a more honorable way of living here, with all our relations, and at least show more respect for what is given. I even thank the plant kingdom when I eat fruits, grains, and vegetables. From my understanding, everything is sacred, even the ground I walk upon.

But I do realize that we are not a homogenous group. It is not a judgement, just my observations. I have grown a ton since I was a child, and have many understandings that have grown slowly over time. I realize now that the energy of violence without awareness of how that works and radiates out is simply not understood by most. Compassion must be lived, not beat into someone. That is the only way, as far as I know.

The other thing we accomplished just yesterday is some major repairs to a couple of the goat shelters. We did have to replace the roof on one of them, because, as it was pointed out to me last year, OSB does not weather well if not appropriately covered. This particular barn did not even have a tarp on it last year, and the OSB was shot. And we’re tarping it again this year, but at least everyone has a decent shelter that is dry and mold free. I picked up a couple more dog houses this last summer too, so even with the extra goats everyone will be able to get out of the weather, and have several options. Which is good, because goats can be kind of mean to each other sometimes. And Firefly is queen bully. I had them all out together, all 11 does, and four kids, and took them for a good long walk to forage while there is still something left to forage. They all did quite well together, and, as always, were quite happy to be out.

Plus, I am very happy to report that even though Coco’s sister (we renamed her Celeste, since her previous name, Sister, was too confusing) that I got back had never been on a milk stand before, did get up there with a little persuasion, and not exactly happily let me trim her hooves while eating grain. She actually did quite well, which means with not too much effort she will indeed end up being a good milker. If I could somehow manifest a few more solar panels and batteries, a freezer, and a milk machine (I don’t want much, do I : ) I would just keep her and start some serious cheese production. Perhaps not likely, but never say never! I really do want to get away from buying processed cheese, as I know more than I want to about what goes on before it gets to the supermarket all orange, packaged, and perfect looking. A nice root cellar would be great too, while I’m dreaming big, LOL! (Oh yeah, and the big semi underground greenhouse)

Oh, and one last thing, before I forget. So, as anyone reading here knows, we went to court a month ago over an assault situation from almost a year ago, and the guy (who was found guilty of assaulting us) went for sentencing two days ago. The prosecutor recommended 90 days, and it used to be that the judge generally went with the prosecutors suggested sentence. Not any more. Our mouths gaped open when we found out the guy got only 3 days!!! After all the crap he pulled, not taking any plea bargains, the cost of a jury trial, walking out of court with a made up health emergency for which he did not even provide any proof of, he got three days! And he is not a first time offender either. The woman who works for the prosecutors office as a advocate for the victims said it’s a new trend and all the judges seem to be giving out very light sentences, to the frustration of the prosecutors. What a deal!

Okay, now I’m really done. Have an awesome day everyone, wherever you are. Even if we live more than once, it’s the only time we live this particular life and experience. Might as well make it the best we can with what we’ve got.

And thank you Fred and Steven! I do so appreciate a little commentary now and then. I never watched the Truman show, but totally get what you are saying. Strange strange world out there, and it’s getting stranger by the day.
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Re: Farm Life

Post by Spiritwind »

Every morning it’s getting darker and darker when the alarm goes off. I admit, I’m a light lover and have trouble with the dark gloomy days of winter. At least we’re having a bit of an Indian summer, with some consecutive beautiful sunny warm, but not hot, days. Perfect outdoor working weather.

Unfortunately, I kind of hurt myself a few days ago. My husband made a stand for the larger generator, to get it off the ground and moved it so as to make the smaller generator easier to access. I helped him lift it onto the new stand he made and now my shoulders, neck, and lower back are all out of whack. And, wanting to stay that way. I’ve been trying not to do much to irritate it, which is actually hard to do with our current lifestyle. We’re hoping to get a nice cord of red fir from the folks we gave the horse trailer to back this last spring. It needed a lot of work we didn’t have time for anyway. But we’re still trying to gather up as much dead and/or down trees as we can, which helps get the fire going, and keep it going when mixed with the red fir. Some of the pieces left over from last year have some serious knots in them, and even after half a dozen whacks don’t want to split. That’s when you get the chainsaw out, and say to heck with that!

We got a lot done this last week, but still have a lot more to do. At least we’re sort of ready for winter weather should it sneak up on us. I keep seeing different predictions about what to expect this winter season. Some say it’s going to be less snow and not as cold, then I’ve heard it’s going to be the worst in ten years. Maybe they figure if they make enough predictions, one of them will be right. It’s kind of like the daily weather. I’ve seen where they try to cover their bases and basically say some sun, some clouds, and possible rain, with a range of possible temperatures. I know the farmers this year had a heck of a time with knowing when to cut their hay, as it was all over the place, and very hard to predict. I have my own theories on that, but won’t go into it here. I would say, in general, we’re in a period of less certainty about much of anything.

We were so pleased with ourselves after putting up the extra fencing for Raven, that I couldn’t hardly believe it when some friends came out and we took all the girls for a walk down by the boys pens. The one and only spot we didn’t add fencing to, right behind their shelter, he managed to jump out. And even when we added a piece to cover that area, he made it out again over the gate, which wasn’t quite as high. We finally had to add some spare pieces of OSB to the back of the shelter, so he couldn’t get up there and clear the fence anymore. He is a wily one. Our guests got a kick out of it though, as he ran all excited around the girls, snorting and carrying on like he does. He got a pretty good gash over his left eye in one of his escape attempts. A little closer and it might not have been a good outcome. I would definitely say this goat “got our goat”!

In fact, it’s kind of funny to think about all those sayings related to farm animals. Goats really are kind of raunchy when it comes to their sex life. In fact, the girls will even try to act like bucks during the mating season. And Nigerian Dwarfs can actually mate year round. Speaking of sex and farm animals, I have an appointment for Thomas, the male kitten we got a few months ago. His sister can wait a bit, but he’s going in to get neutered next week. He is about twice the size of his sister, and he is going to be huge when full grown. But what a baby! He meows really loud, and is far more demanding when he wants attention than any of the girls. Don’t want him to fully realize he’s a male and start spraying on everything though. Then he would have to be an outside cat.

My husband saw something that surprised him a few days ago. He saw Zoey, our female Manx we got about a year ago, catch two consecutive mice, and gave one to each of the kittens! That surprised the heck out of me. And, they ate them! The little female, Katniss, growled up a storm when her brother came over to try and take it from her. She was having none of it. I’m quite happy that they will help keep the population of rodents under control. Now if I could just get them to go after gophers. I’m going to have to dig up the walnut tree I planted and dig a deep hole lined with something they can’t chew through, otherwise it’s a goner. It went from flourishing in a container, to hardly growing at all once I put it in the ground. My neighbor said just take a pitchfork and keep stabbing the ground around their tunnels. I guess you can try to flood them out, too. I remember going with my brother when I was a kid to check the gopher traps he used to set at the entrances to their tunnels out in the alfalfa fields. It was kind of gruesome, but effective. Think I’ll just go with putting a cage of some sorts in the holes before I plant. They are destructive little buggers.

We’re already starting to have a little trouble finding hay, which isn’t a good sign. I’m determined next year to sell enough goats to buy several ton of hay before they sell it off to corporate farms from far away. The same farmers I used to buy from all year long are getting bought out before the summer is even over. And many are raising their prices accordingly. Just another thing to squeeze out the little guy. I did find out about a gardening club of sorts, that meets throughout the spring, summer, and early fall, that helps create a supportive network of small farmers trying to grow most of their own food. I found out the lady I always see out tending her garden at the end of our road, is a friend of a friend who told me about this group, and she’s going to arrange a meeting. There is a growing group of likeminded people, who may not have anything else in common, except for a love of gardening and eating healthy, and becoming more self reliant. And I’m totally up for that! I’m happy to see awareness of the damage that has been done, and still is being done, by corporations such as Monsanto is finally coming into full bloom. I’ve been beating that drum for almost 10 years now, so it’s about damn time!

Our 13 year old diabetic cat who is not doing very well just knocked my half full cup of coffee on the floor, so I guess that’s my signal to quit and get to work. I love her dearly, but it’s getting harder to regulate her insulin. Too much and she has seizures, too little and she starts loosing weight and gets kind of wobbly, and wants to be in my lap 100% of the time. It’s been four years since she was diagnosed, and did really well until recently. It’s very hard to see her struggle, and know that eventually there will be nothing more I can do. That’s the one thing about farm life, and life in general, is the finiteness of it all, that’s hard to deal with. In spirit we live indefinitely, but when we come into the physical it seems there is an expiration date. Coming to terms with that is continuous. All I can do is the best I’m capable of, with as much awareness and personal responsibility as I can muster, and, of course, most importantly, with as much love and compassion as possible, and then just let it go. For all our efforts to control, some things are just out of our control.

With so much love for all life, as I know all too well how hard is it at times just to be here, and be fully present with the way things are, the good, the bad, and the sometimes downright ugly. There is great beauty, though, and even in loss we can let our lights shine.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Farm Life

Post by LostNFound »

" Now if I could just get them to go after gophers. I’m going to have to dig up the walnut tree I planted and dig a deep hole lined with something they can’t chew through, otherwise it’s a goner. It went from flourishing in a container, to hardly growing at all once I put it in the ground. My neighbor said just take a pitchfork and keep stabbing the ground around their tunnels. I guess you can try to flood them out, too. I remember going with my brother when I was a kid to check the gopher traps he used to set at the entrances to their tunnels out in the alfalfa fields. It was kind of gruesome, but effective. Think I’ll just go with putting a cage of some sorts in the holes before I plant. They are destructive little buggers."

Yes, the destructive little "bastards" These stinking critters will destroy anything and create an area that can be dangerous to walk around in. I tried so many different ways to get rid of them. I finally managed to move them to an area that is less walked on and does not have any trees or garden type plants that we would rather not have destroyed. My next move is to go there and do what I finally did to get them to move. I went and purchased a special gopher pellet that they like to eat that kills them. I started putting a small cup of these in the open hole and covering the hole up. Found out that where you see the little mounds of dirt is a hole that is no longer used so when I searched around I found the open holes with no dirt piled up. When I dumped the pellets in them and covered them, I did not see anymore holes and mounds of dirt. I did smell the dead bodies awhile later and that served to keep any others from digging in that particular area. Mostly they eat these pellets and die underground and that is fine by me.

Now here is another idea that my honey came up with. She said we should paint a picture of the gopher on a piece of plywood or something and lay it close to the holes so it can be seen from the air. We have Red tail hawks and eagles that fly around our property alot and I suspect they find plenty of food because there are lots of these nasty little rodents around. So anyway, a good picture of the food and words with an arrow pointing to the hole, the words in big black letters stating FREE FOOD should do the trick. The other nice bird we have that eats these things is the road runners and we make friends with them and even talk to them when they come up to our patio in the summer. So we tell them where the free food is and by gosh and by golly I have seen them perusing the areas where the snarks live.

By the way, Water does not work well because of how they build there tunnels. However, I have run them to other places and perhaps made them either sick or dead by dumping straight Clorox and even vinegar into the open holes. Have a neighbor that bought into the bombs and got rid of the one he had.Those can be fun if your into blowing things up. LOL. Just a few ideas and methods to try for the farm girl. Oh and the pitchfork idea is a hit and miss idea that I did try. A Pellet gun is another but one has to be very patient. Maybe a .22, Hell I even thought about a shotgun but I am in an area where there is too many people. So that was out.

GOPHERS, THE BAIN OF ALL OF US. Not much bigger than a mouse, sort of between a rat and a mouse but diggers they are.

stay warm
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Re: Farm Life

Post by Spiritwind »

It’s been raining cats and dogs since last night, and it’s very dark and gloomy outside. Not exactly the kind weather that makes you want to go outside and work. I dreamed of being somewhere near the ocean last night, and have been pining to stand with my feet in the water there. I received a most beautiful letter from my middle sister (me being the oldest) that I was reunited with this summer, and being on an island she lives not far from some beautiful beaches. I might just have to make a road trip soon. Then again, maybe I should wait until at least spring comes around again.

Thomas and Katniss, the two kittens, are tearing it up in our little RV, but don’t want to let them outside because every time they come back in they track a bunch of mud in with them. And they don’t like it when I grab them and wipe their feet off. They, along with Zoey, the year and a half old Manx, have been running amok outside on all the roofs lately, unfortunately poking holes with their razor sharp claws into all the tarps covering our roofs out there. As luck wouldn’t have it, it leaked right onto the new generator last night, and the hay barn now has tiny little holes in the tarps covering it. I swear, it’s a communist plot. At least we’re not being over run with mice.

I got in a good long walk yesterday, a beautiful sunny day, with all the goaties (except the bucks) and even the two kittens accompanied us all the way up the road. The goats seemed more interested in butting heads and asserting their dominance than eating, surprisingly enough. I’m still trying to figure out a way to breed the last two does with Raven, and maybe one or two others that should have been bred, but acted like they were in heat yesterday. I did not enjoy his escape antics, so will have to figure out something.

And, I have had it confirmed that there is indeed a bit of a hay shortage this year. Due to funky weather conditions, some of the farmers only got in two cuttings, and quite a bit of it is being bought up and taken to other parts of the country. The guy I’ve been getting hay from didn’t even respond when I tried to get ahold of him several times, so we ended up getting some from farther away that wasn’t as good. Not a good scenario with extra goats this winter. Sometimes I think I need my head examined. Even though my intentions are good, sometimes they are not very practical at all.

It makes me think of farmers all over the country who are struggling with corporate farming squeezing them out of business, and how devastating it can be having even just one season of crop failure, let alone continuous drought conditions, fires or flooding, and violent storms wreaking havoc. Small independent farmers are so important, and yet grossly under appreciated. In order to maintain my health, and that of our animals, I have had to switch to mostly organic grains to get away from GMO’s and glyphosate, which would not be available were it not for a handful of farmers who go out of their way to provide alternatives. I recently switched to a completely grain free dog food, and low and behold, our dog Misha is having less of a problem with her recurring diarrhea issue. It seems they are making good on their goal of reducing population, no matter how it is accomplished. Of course, being the pragmatic bunch that they are, they take a multi faceted approach that can be hard to get away from.

I have been watching some videos that go into the tactics used in many of the wars fought stretching quite a ways back in time, and starvation and tainting the food supply are commonly used. I really don’t know what it’s going to take to get people to wake up and realize just letting a bunch of embedded politicians that are all related and in bed with international corporate interests who have no loyalty to any nation, except maybe ****** (you know, the name we cannot mention), is not a good idea, and is taking us all down a very perilous slope. I try not to worry about any of it, as it generally doesn’t do any good, and just redouble my commitment to growing and storing as much of our food as possible, along with getting to know others on a local level that are doing the same.

I know after two years of continuous dialogue here, some of what I write is repetitive in nature. Unfortunately farm life is a bit redundant in some ways. Year after year it’s all about getting in firewood, making repairs in shelters and fencing, the constant search for hay, and continuously building up the soil. I’ve read a few articles about how many are not getting enough minerals and nutrients from the food they eat, because there is simply not enough in the soil anymore. If I don’t supplement selenium for the goats, for instance, they start loosing their fur and can have trouble conceiving and have birthing problems. On the plus side, there are some very innovative techniques being developed by small individual gardeners and farmers, and they are sharing freely with one another. I have found there is always more to learn, and I’m excited to try out some new ideas next year.

I’m going to look around and try to find a local bee keeper that will just let me tag along so I can learn what I need to know to get started there. That’s one of my biggest goals, for numerous reasons. I’ve been reading Bees by Rudolf Steiner, and I am fascinated by the way nature works. If people could only be as smart as nature! There are some passionate people though, who keep finding ways to overcome any problem, and often the answer lies in observing the way nature works in a symbiotic harmony. I have to put my attention somewhere, and focusing on the outer drama created to distract us from what is truly a life affirming engagement with the amazing intelligence of this planet is just not where it’s at for me. Nature = nurture, for self and all life.

I really do need to get going, but admit I’m dragging my feet today. One of the primary jobs we have on our list for today is cleaning the composting toilet. Since it’s cold, wet, and intermittently rainy, I’m not excited. But it must be done. And, the goats all want to be fed. I will leave you with a picture of Uma and Karuna, two partners in crime. They can still squeeze through the fence and are probably two of the cutest and friendliest baby goats we’ve had yet. It’s one of the small pleasures that make all the hard work worthwhile. At least I do love where I am.

Oh yeah, and Steven, thanks for the tips about gophers! I got a kick out of reading your suggestions. I’m thinking, since I’m not into blowing things up, and drowning them probably wouldn’t work as you said, that I’m going to put some hopefully gopher proof cages in the holes and up around on top so they can’t dig in. I’ll have to work it out somehow, as fruit trees are definitely on the list. They are, indeed, the BAIN OF US ALL! At least, gardeners anyway.

I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Farm Life

Post by Spiritwind »

Sharing this from my Facebook feed this morning. I can definitely relate.

At The Barn

Horse people and their families are more than familiar with the phrase "at the barn." This morning as I drove laps on the tractor, working the arena in the still air at the barn, I got to thinking about how much of my life I have spent "at the barn" and what that phrase insinuates for horse "lifers" like us. "At the barn" means I can run a tractor and a shovel and a pitchfork. I am familiar with PVC and pipe glue and a sundry tools. It means I can wrestle a hay bale, manage a wheelbarrow full of poop, and drive a water truck. "At the barn" says I work in the heat without melting, bundle up against the cold without complaint, and invest hours upon hours in the management of an entire world outside of my house. I take on great responsibility "at the barn" because there are animals there that depend on me and my work ethic and dedication to their well being, health and fitness. Because I spend so much time "at the barn", I must be tougher than most and more grounded than some because I work in the elements day in and day out taking care of the animals that feed my soul. I know that regardless of how hard real life can be, there is always refuge "at the barn" where there are the soft sounds of crunching hay, the smell of shavings, the breath of horses, and responsibilities that create sense of peace, stability, and simplicity.

"At the barn" means that my house isn't always clean and that dinner is sometimes comprised of grilled cheese or cereal. "At the barn" means I might gone 10 minutes or several hours depending on what chores call out to me or how much quiet time I need to myself. Often times it is dark "at the barn" because the responsibilities that demand my attention happen before the sun comes up or long after it has fallen below the horizon, but that's ok because we wouldn't have it any other way. My children are learning the value of "at the barn", which means they work hard and have responsibilities other kids don't. Horses can't be stored in a closet like baseball bats or soccer balls. The world "at the barn" doesn't stop because they are tired or lazy or sick or would rather be on vacation or because the calendar says it is a holiday. "At the barn" is a priority that cannot be overlooked because living breathing animals await our arrival and attention.

Some days we cuss "at the barn" because we would like to be at the house or at the lake or even just in front of the TV, but despite those days, we know that we could never live without "at the barn." Those of us who have spent our lives "at the barn" know that the barn and everything that happens there is an irrevocable part of who we are; it is a special kind of DNA that cannot be denied or altered. Undaunted by heat or cold or damp or dirt or fatigue, we know that the one thing that could actually do us in would be the inability to be "at the barn."" onclick=";return false;

Pacific Coast Journal November 2015
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Farm Life

Post by Spiritwind »

I started writing an update a few days ago, but never finished. Been dealing with a bad cold, now, for almost a week. So much on my mind, it’s hard to know where to start. We lived on our boat in California for several years, both central and southern, and got to know quite a few people. Hard to watch what is happening there now. One dear friend I’ve got to know through forum life has had to evacuate, and last I heard doesn’t know the status of her home. It all weighs heavily on my mind. It seems so much is in flux these days. Makes me ever more thankful to be where I am, and have daily chores taking care of animals and chopping wood to stay warm. Helps keep me grounded and present in the now.

I am currently taking the second watch on keeping the fire going, as we ran out of propane in the wee hours of the night. We’ve been going through it faster, as the temperatures have dropped considerably at night, into the low 20’s. We still can’t use the inverter to run the solar during the day, and so have to run the generator to have internet. We will be ordering one by this coming weekend, though. And still have the left front tire off of our economy car. My husband has to replace the CV joint, but is having trouble disconnecting something. He has spent considerable time on it, to his frustration.

Just yesterday I had a woman I sold three goats to a couple years ago want to bring them all over here to breed to Bob Dean. I told her I was at more than capacity and said she could take him over there, but would also have to bring him back this time. She texted me back that her family had an issue with the stink! Made me laugh. She’ll figure it out, or she won’t.

The goats all seem to be doing fine. Spent time putting straw in all the shelters to help insulate them from the ground. And I’m back to trading out buckets of ice for fresh water every day. Slowly drying off Coco, the one I’ve been milking all summer. It kind of makes me sad, because I love the milk. But I don’t want to have to go out there every day, once winter is fully upon us. If I had a nice heated barn, maybe. But definitely a long ways from that!

When I got sick, last Tuesday night, my cat Zoey came up and laid on my neck for awhile, and apparently caught what I have. She didn’t eat for almost 4 days, and had me quite worried for her. I am especially close to her, and besides not really having the money for a vet, figured they would probably prescribe antibiotics. They did that a year ago, not long after we got her, and it seemed to make her worse. Perhaps she is allergic. In any event, a good friend recommended a homeopathic remedy (thanks Christine), along with the colloidal silver I was already giving her. Did a lot of energy work for her as well, but must admit I did a happy dance of pure joy when she finally ate something.

I’m also going to be on the hunt for hay this week. Kind of dreading it. The last hay we got looked okay on the outside, but almost half of it is moldy on the inside. It comes out in a big cloud when you open a bale. Probably hasn’t helped my respiratory problem one bit, and I admit I have to fend off the immense rage I feel with every bale I open like that. I won’t make the mistake of going into another winter with too many goats and no hay stockpiled, if I can possibly help it, again! I know how and why I got here, and accept full responsibility. It is what it is. But I do not want to have a repeat. Frustrating as hell.

And the folks we gave the horse trailer to were supposed to bring us a cord of wood in exchange. Not sure that’s going to happen either. I know they are not doing it on purpose, but once again we kind of allowed it to happen. Fortunately our neighbor, who tends to be a natural caretaker of sorts, has brought over enough wood off his property to probably get us through most of the winter, even though we still have to cut and split it. We also have a few small diameter dead standing trees we can cut down, too, if we need to.

So many things to be thankful for here, and that’s where I try to keep my focus. I admit, as I think about the state of the world, and the growing unease about where it’s all headed, I find myself at a loss for words. I’ve said it before, but will say it again. I so wish for a magic wand! The suffering of so many is real, while a handful of criminally greedy pathological liars continue to run the show. I shake my head at it all, quite frequently. I sometimes wish I could pinch myself, and wake up in the real world, the way I know it could be. What will it take? I have no idea. I know it’s going to take more than just little ole me to make it happen. I will keep dreaming, praying, visualizing though. At least I’m no longer buying as much, and thereby supporting a system gone horribly wrong, as I used to. It gives me some small comfort. And, at least, if the real “shit hits the fan” scenario does emerge, we’ll be in better shape than most, in more ways than one. Time to get going on my day here, so I guess that’s all for now.

To all who have lost their homes in the totally unnatural fires down south, my prayers and heart goes out to you, as well as to all who have suffered at the hands of our greedy overlords (all over the world), as we march ever closer to the corporatocracy’s wet dream of total control of all the resources on the planet. I love this earth, and all life here. I believe it can still change for the better, but don’t know that it will in my lifetime. The pendulum eventually has to swing the other way. It always does.
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Re: Farm Life

Post by maggie »

I check in from time to time and always read your updates. I respect your understandings of current events. One of my slight confusions is concerning the fires in California. You referenced un-natural. Many in the alt community seem to agree the fires could not be natural. Some declare the source is directed energy. Many are convinced that this is deliberate terroristic action. Is that true?

I have been convinced for several years that the Hutchinson effect explains the anomalies of the twin towers collapse on 9/11 and suspect that several modalities could have been applied. I think directed energy is possible. However, I am just not sure the fires in California are caused by directed energy or is a conspiracy? I have spoken to fire fighters who have seen many weird actions of fire.

Dutchsinse has talked about the possibility that old volcanic fields show underlying heat under California and that heat plus methane welling up could be part of what is triggering fires? Other issues are the above ground electrical lines sparking fires, humans starting fires (for deliberate sabotage or just to have a fire?) and of course the dry conditions, the build up of foliage and the winds are also supected as unnatural yet ARE natural and fires were happening all along. Humans living there is questionably natural though we have added electric lines and other flammable conditions.

The reason I wonder is because in general, the evidence is "in" that something very different needs to be "happening" in human civilization based on climatic drastic conditions popping up. Is it "natural" or "unnatural" seems to be the argument that is blocking decisons that need to be addressed widespread IMO. I don't dis-believe the possibility of sabotage but at the same time, I am not sure this is not the way to shut down "thinking" of a real appraoch to life now?

One of my latest experiences is that I feel on edge about a looming cataclysmic devastation and every day I actually need to clear my mental field of fear in this regard. I think I am tuning in to the general angst of uncertainty about what we can do? I am turning to my imagination more and more. I have learned that "reality" is amenable to my own input. Magic is real and it all starts with each of us opening to our imaginable EFFORT.

I am a student of Neville Goddard who suggests we can both change the reality of the past and present by "feeling from the end". We feel deeply what it would be to enjoy the outcome as if it has already occurred. It helps to have a scene to play in sensorial detail.... Mine is that I read solutions for challenges from the world guidance council which advises all of us and whom we all trust. My back story is that in the early to mid 20th century, a wise and nonpartison body developed to handle global issues and is gaining power that we profer because it is TRUST WORTHY. It is uncorrupted and grows in its reputation to help humans move forward as chaotic conditions occur. It has established itself as a mediator for war, as a "go to" for conflicts between cultures. Every year more people feel connected as a global "population" and our global "mind" is on the same page.

Now there is a way to use technology and global communication to make life flexibly responsive to conditions. No one fears that we will be "de-populated" and every day more agreement occurs that the "corporate" control is inappropriate and people cooperate to establish humane and sense able plans for life on eath.

I think of this scenario with no names like we have been taught (United Nations etc) and I feel the warmth and security of being a part of a planet filled with life forms all growing in wisdom. I feel secure and confidant. I feel willing to cooperate with a world that has NEVER been climate or geophysically stable yet produced the current inhabitants. There will never be a loss of a whole civilazation again because we now know what is important AND SO IT IS........
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Re: Farm Life

Post by Spiritwind »

Very thought provoking post there, Maggie. I hesitate to ascribe blame to any thing in particular, and it’s true, there may be multiple explanations for what is occurring. There always is. I don’t claim to know for sure anything. The earth has indeed gone through many cyclical changes, and, as a part of a larger moving system is constantly entering new space. For instance, back around 2006 I read some interesting information about how all the planets in the solar system are heating up. My intuitive hunch, which I can’t back up at all, is that it’s a combo effect. Natural causes, Mother Earth perhaps making her voice known. But also those in the know have their own agenda, and do indeed want to clear out certain areas, reduce population, and so on.

What I do know, from extensive research, is that those in places of power like to steer the narrative, and love nothing more than to have us fighting against one another about who is right and who is wrong. Quite a waste, for sure. But, I do know that the constant drive by those who enjoy having more of everything than the rest, kind of like a heroin addiction, have no problem exploiting any situation to their advantage. We do know, from quite a few sources, that fracking, for instance, seems to increase earthquake activity. And they have no intention of stopping this practice.

Same thing with oil. We know there are multiple technologies that are being kept from us (I’ve done a lot of research into this) that would make the need for oil almost obsolete. So why do they buy up the patents, and keep going with it, never letting them reach the light of day? I am almost done with the book, New Confessions of an Economic Hitman, by John Perkins, and he lays it out quite clearly. Maybe not a worldwide conspiracy, but clearly the players involved in resource acquisition and control have no problem with doing whatever it takes to push their agenda along.

And I’m simply not buying that the whole warming trend occurring is man made. I also think everything we need to turn this around is already here. But will we? I am not afraid for myself, as I have learned how to be here, for the most part, and create the life I want to live. But I have friends, family, people I care about. The fear is palpable these days. For myself, when I go deep into meditation and visioning, I am already there, in that place of beauty and perfection, the “real world” that is brimming with life force. I could describe it to you in great detail, and it is beautiful. I don’t have an answer on how to straddle two completely different realities, and I can’t completely turn off my sorrow at all that I see going on around me. Even up in our own neck of the woods, we have had fire seasons for four years straight, unlike anything I or my husband, or anyone I know here, has seen before. So I admit, I do struggle at times to stay grounded, balanced, and spirits up high. And when I go to the city, I see it in peoples eyes, the uncertainty and fear. I will continue to do what I can, and am happy that you are well on your way as well. But I also cannot deny what is sometimes right in front of me.

What you said here:
“One of my latest experiences is that I feel on edge about a looming cataclysmic devastation and every day I actually need to clear my mental field of fear in this regard. I think I am tuning in to the general angst of uncertainty about what we can do? I am turning to my imagination more and more. I have learned that "reality" is amenable to my own input. Magic is real and it all starts with each of us opening to our imaginable EFFORT.”

I could not agree with you more on this, and for the most part feel this is the only thing we really can do. Thank you
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Farm Life

Post by Spiritwind »

It’s getting harder to write at times. Mr. Thomas, our 6 month old male kitten, is as big and heavier than either Nicky or Zoey (both full grown), and short of throwing him outside, which I may do here shortly, it’s almost impossible to do anything but pay attention to him when he is in the mood. He’s very pushy and demanding.

One of our major occupations in the winter is sawing, cutting, and splitting wood. In a way, it’s even more work intensive because it’s a smaller stove, so it has to be fed very frequently to keep it going. We have discovered that putting charcoal briquettes on the bottom helps keep it going a little longer. But I can tell you, it’s still quite a work out. Sometimes I start walking all hunched over and can’t seem to straighten up very well. At least I can joke about it most of the time. There was a crooked woman... (I know there’s a story in there somewhere)

We also have to change our plans frequently, to meet the needs of the moment. I was going to take Thomas in to get him fixed tomorrow, as I missed getting it done last month as planned. And we had finally saved the money to buy another inverter. Alas, we may have to cancel Thomas’s appointment and wait on the inverter to take our cat Zoey in to the vet. She did get better from the cold she got the same time I did, which was scary enough, but now she has once again demonstrated something that I can’t troubleshoot on my own. Being a Manx, her back legs are longer than her front, and normally she is all over the place, climbing trees, onto roofs, and being Zoey Zoom Zoom. A few weeks ago she was walking funny, didn’t want to go outside, and was acting very lethargic, but seemed to improve after a few days, and went back to being her normal self. Now she is having another bout of that, and we just can’t tell for sure what is going on. And she’s not snapping out of it. Since she is a member of our family, and we certainly don’t want her to be in pain if we can help it, we’ve made the decision to take her in. The office call isn’t that much, but things like blood work, urine analysis, and x-rays are. But we gotta do it.

On a more positive note Misha, the 4 year old Great Pyrenees that’s had so much trouble with diarrhea over the last year has not had ANY more problems, since switching to a no grain dog food! Ain’t that something. So I could have kept taking her to the vet, they would have kept giving her antibiotics, and she never would have got well.

I guess one of the things I like most about being out here, even though it feels a bit lonely at times, is just that. The solitude, the ability to commune so easily with nature. No street lights. No traffic noise. A beautiful clear view of the nights sky. Sometimes it really is the little things that matter most. It’s been quite mild, sunny, and dry the last few days. I’m just about blinded by the light in the morning as the sun comes up and shines through the window. I admit, I’ve been waxing quite philosophical these days. I’ve been working on putting together some kind of presentation of what I have learned in all my studies on the Tree of Life, and it’s got me to thinking quite deeply, as I reflect on these last many years. I remember my mother saying to me one time that people don’t change. Maybe most don’t, but I know I certainly have. It’s like I’m not even the same person as I once was. I have found with enough dedication, perseverance, and focusing of the will, I have been able to climb off the ever spinning merry go round of life (that’s not so merry). It’s like I’ve cleared out a space for a new me to emerge, one I like so much better. I feel deep gratitude for this process.

I know I promised to write a lot more about some of the more technical things we have accomplished out here, like our installation of the solar system, and the water pressure tank. I still plan to do that some time in the future, but it will take my husband going along with me and telling me exactly what he did as I take pictures to document. We just haven’t had the time. He hasn’t had the time. At almost 73 he is still working an almost full time job 5 days a week, going up and down three flights of stairs. Since he got shot through both of his knees while in Vietnam, he is starting to have some serious problems with that. He thinks he can just keep willing himself to go on, but I know he’s not Superman. Although, in a way, to me he is.

We have been talking a lot about how we can get a cabin for people to stay in, and start teaching others some of what he and I both know. At first we plan to trade labor to clean up debris in the surrounding forest on the property for classes on various topics. I know there are many people who would like to know some of what he knows, and can’t afford to go to a regular school to learn. He has an engineering mind and knows how to trouble shoot things better than anyone I know. It really comes down to life skills, and learning how to be more self reliant. Then we don’t need to rely as much on what our growing corporatocracy tries to convince every one they need, thereby making us servants of a death inducing system of what amounts to a form of slavery.

It’s funny, because to me this is the life I’ve always dreamed of, since the accumulation of a lot of money and things has never meant anything to me, and has never been something to aspire to. They sure have a lot of people hoodwinked though. I know when people come out here they shake their head, as if we are doing something so out there, and doing it by choice, no less. And yet, it’s just life to me. It’s what we do. It’s choosing to live simply, so that others can simply live. It’s the only way I know how to make a positive difference in this world, where there is so much fear about our future abounding. I know I’ve kind of veered off track here, though. As anyone reading here regularly knows I am wont to do.

But I think about all the fires in California and elsewhere. California produces a large amount of the produce we have available to buy in the grocery store. People don’t realize that some of these changes, while perhaps not affecting everyone personally, will eventually have an impact on us all. I know people who just think, well, it isn’t happening to me. I do think it is important to focus on the positive, but not to the point of complete ignorance. If nothing else, these fires are shaking some people out of their complacency. I have heard numerous stories coming out about people helping people, strangers helping strangers, animals being rescued at great peril, and so on. It’s time we recognize our real potential strengths as humans, and even better not to wait until it’s in your face. Ah, but I’m just rambling now. I guess it’s time to get to work and get on with our day. Love to all...
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Farm Life

Post by Spiritwind »

I’m gonna pull it together and try to write something today. I admit, from pretty much now until the end of January I have to resist the urge to go into hibernation mode. We get up in the dark, and go out and feed in the evening in the dark. It’s not really light out until 7 am and it’s too dark to see without a flash light in the hay barn by 4:30 pm. I could never make it in Alaska.

I keep reminding myself how much improvement we’ve made since I started this thread over two years ago. It is nice to go out to a completely covered grain and stanchion area free of snow that now even has a light. It’s great that we aren’t having to haul water down from the neighbors anymore. Of course, we exchanged some of the work for other work, like chopping and sawing wood for the wood stove we didn’t have installed two years ago. And we are very close to hooking up the propane stove in the well house, since we now have the pressure tank hooked up in there and need to keep it from freezing. We still need to insulate and sheetrock the walls in there, as it is only partially done. My husband did build a cover over the well head this year too.

I do need to keep myself inspired and visioning the future into being, though. There is so much more we want to do. I can already see the orchard in the boys pen. Since the fence is almost 7 feet tall because of Ravens escape antics, at least around half of it, it wouldn’t take much to put up another 50’ roll of fencing around the other half. And that should be tall enough to keep the deer out. Our plan is to move the boys to another area, hopefully this next year. I will have to dig the holes out before planting any trees in there, and line them with something gophers can’t get through. At least I know what I’m up against now.

I’ve given a lot of thought to getting chickens. We decided to wait, because our dog, Ranger, has been known to chase chickens. When we still lived up the road, him and Misha brought one home, presumably from the neighbors. I remember how funny I thought it was when our neighbor got to try out his theory that if he soaked it in habanero sauce they wouldn’t be able to eat it. He soaked it for two days. And they gobbled it up like he had done nothing at all to it. Then here just a few weeks ago, my husband didn’t get Ranger inside the fence when he left for work. I went out a couple hours later and to my dismay saw that he had chased a chicken over here from our neighbors down the road. I started yelling at him as I scrambled out of the fence around to the other side where he had it cornered. He wasn’t listening and grabbed it up in his mouth to run off with it. I caught up to him and he dropped it out of his mouth as I was scolding him. Poor thing was in shock so I managed to easily grab it up. I went and threw it in a cage I had and managed to get Ranger back inside the fence. Amazingly, after going back a bit later, the bird seemed okay despite loosing a few feathers. I think Ranger does it partly, much like a cat, for the fun of the chase. I then carried the bird back down the road and let her go on our neighbors property, seemingly none the worse for wear.

I’m surprised our neighbors let their chickens free range like that, without any fencing at all, since there are a lot of predators out here, besides our dogs. And I know now that any chicken coup and run has to be built so that the dogs absolutely can’t get to them. Ranger actually doesn’t like to be yelled at, so I think over time he would get to where he knows he will get in trouble if he doesn’t leave them alone, but I don’t want to have any unpleasant surprises of that nature. Fortunately, chickens generally head straight for their coup when it gets dark, and we only let the dogs out at night, but I’m definitely planning to fortify. We weren’t planing to have more than probably four, and keep them their whole life, rather than the standard 18 months to two years they would get as battery chickens when raised commercially. In fact, that’s my primary reason to get a few, because of the way chickens are raised commercially, both for meat and eggs. And at least I can feed them non GMO grain, too.

Speaking of cats chasing mice, I saw the most amazing thing last night. I had just thrown the horse some hay, and saw our cat Zoey bring the mouse she caught out into the horse’s area behind where she was eating. She does like to catch them and let them go a few times to prolong, unfortunately, their misery and terror, so she can get more entertainment out of it. I saw her drop the mouse, which made a bee line for the pile of hay the horse was eating. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it literally run under Freckles left front hoof as she moved it slightly backwards to better get to the leaf she favors. Freckles stood there for almost a full minute before she moved again. And that poor mouse was flatter than a pancake. Zoey looked quite confused.

Our two 6 month old kittens have unfortunately taken to chewing on electrical cords. So far they have ruined two phone chargers, a power cord to the TV, and, I’m afraid one of my hearing aids. My laptop charger cord is almost chewed in half. They have catnip mouse toys, and little balls with bells in them, but seem quite taken with electrical cords. I imagine they are teething and it probably feels good to chew on. I went to see what they were playing with last night and saw they had the end of my husbands phone charger. Since we haven’t removed the original carpet in here yet, we put down cardboard by the doorway so that it isn’t just one big muddy mess. The kittens love to play under it, and hide stuff from each other under there. Two really is double the trouble. Our plan is to tear out the carpet and put in laminate flooring, but couldn’t pull it off this last summer. I am happy I finally managed to get Thomas in to get neutered yesterday. I didn’t want him getting his sister pregnant. She’s next on our never ending list of things to take care of. And he is already as big as our other two adult cats, weighing in at a hefty 9 1/2 pounds. All three (Nicky, the 13 year old diabetic doesn’t really hunt anymore, unless it runs under her nose) literally catch mice every day, and we would be over run without them. I’m not fond of mouse droppings every where, so thankful to have them.

As far as the goats go, the piles around their feeders is already growing large, and I pretty much can’t do anything about it until next spring. I simply don’t have the muscle, energy, and fortitude to pitch fork it all out now that it has been saturated by all the rain. I wish I could, but know it would cripple me. Someday, maybe we’ll be far enough along to get a small tractor that I can operate, so that it doesn’t become such an incredibly big job every spring. I have worked physically hard all my life, actually preferring jobs usually done by men. It’s hard to admit I just can’t do everything I used to do. I’m sure the flying through the windshield act I pulled back in 1991 didn’t help either. My earlier carelessness is coming back to haunt me.

I know you can’t change the past, but I do wish I had valued my life more when I was younger. I don’t regret being a natural risk taker, but I do regret my rather cavalier attitude towards life I had for so long. Despite the uncertainties inherent in being here, and much that is hard to look at going on in this world, I have much I still want to do and learn, and people I care so very much about. I’m not afraid of death, but I think one of the hardest things about leaving the physical realm, and probably what pulls us back, is our concern for others. Most of them do not know what I know, and are deeply afraid of dying and what lies beyond. Sometimes I wish so badly that they could see and know what I know, then they would lose their fear. Once you’ve traveled out of body enough, and realize from actual experience that you are more than your body, it really does change your perspective. It certainly has done that for me. And it has even had the effect of me making a full commitment to being here, and making the best of this life, rather than being in a hurry to leave. Strange how much our perspective can change in just one lifetime. With so many youth committing suicide, it becomes obvious that something needs to drastically change. We all need to start believing in ourselves more, and pull ourselves back from all the outer distraction. Because that’s what it is, really, just a whole lot of drama that convinces us that we are powerless to do anything about it.

Sometimes it’s just the simplest acts that can make the most difference, I have found. Just small steps everyday, to show up and be present, and not turn off our ability to just care, and see what is real. Love is real. And it can create miracles if you let it. It’s a way of looking at the world, and being miracle minded. Act as if you believe, and so it becomes. I’ve seen it happen over and over again. We think it doesn’t matter, but it does. It just takes rearranging our outlook and expectations. Instead of asking, what’s in it for me, ask yourself what you can contribute, without any strings attached. You might be surprised, in a good way. And that is what I will leave you with today.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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