This week in review

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Re: This week in review

Post by Chicodoodoo »

Wow. Thank you for that revealing post, Sandy. You have cleverly avoided my concerns and shifted the focus to assassinating my character and building up your own.

You play a good game, Sandy. But by doing so, you also expose yourself. Your post to Bubu did the same.

I fully understand why you must end this conversation. I'm OK with that. I've seen enough.
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Re: This week in review

Post by Spiritwind »

Hi Chicodoodoo, I'm not sure how we veered so far off track here, and I am scratching my head about why you chose this thread to question our forum member Sandy Clark about some posts made over on the Project Avalon forum. I'm not interested in furthering that discussion, because frankly PA holds no appeal for me anymore and I could care less what goes on there. I'm just curious as to what your intent really was with bringing it here. I could make assumptions, of course, but I really don't know.

But, since I have received encouragement to continue posting here, I did find one today that quite frankly does alarm me. I feel reasonably certain that I am not the only one who wonders what they are really up to with this. ... ar-eclipse" onclick=";return false;

NASA and Montana State University are ready to send loads of bacteria into the stratosphere. But don't worry; it's all for science.

Teams across the U.S. will release about 100 balloons during the Aug. 21 total solar eclipse. They'll float around 85,000 feet in the air, and each balloon will have cameras for video and photos, as well as a tracker.

Some of those balloons will also carry samples of a highly resistant bacteria. NASA scientists want to see how it reacts to Mars-like conditions.

The upper part of Earth's stratosphere has conditions very similar to Mars' atmosphere at the surface. There, the air is thin, and the environment is cold and full of radiation. During the eclipse, Earth's atmospheric conditions will become even more like Mars.

The experiment aims to test the limits of living things on Earth.

SEE MORE: You Could Be NASA's New Planetary Protection Officer

Eventually, the balloons will pop, and devices will send the data and bacteria down to the ground (this is the part I found most alarming). NASA will compare the stratosphere bacteria with samples left on Earth to see what changed.

Researchers say they hope to learn a lot from the balloon experiment. And here's a bonus: The onboard cameras will livestream the eclipse on the internet for millions to watch.
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Re: This week in review

Post by LostNFound »

Golly Gee Willackers folks, we are going to take some real cool pictures of the Agenda 21 Eclipse, Oh we mean the August 21st eclipse. We will be putting some bacteria in the balloons for purely experimental purposes of course so nothing to worry about, we have everything handled. (neglect to tell the truth here, The bacteria is a new strain that we just finished creating and we really want to test it out on the human population in small areas where these things will float back to earth after the balloons pop.) So expect to see the real pretty pictures of the Eclipse shortly after the 21st. NASA your friendly government agency dealing with spacey things and remember "WE ARE FROM THE GOVERNMENT AND WE ARE HERE TO HELP"

September 14th BREAKING NEWS
September 11, 2017, The tragedy of finding all the people and animals domestic and wild dead in 6 small towns spread from Nevada to North Dakota has government officials as well as State governors baffled. The deaths were discovered by visitors who reported the ghastly scenes and then promptly died one day later. FEMA was called in to investigate and at least 20 agents died before the hasmat teams were finally called. It is not known as of yet what may have caused these deaths but is suspect that some unknown space germs may be the culprit. (Pan to live streaming video and in the background see the exploded weather balloons that NASA sent up on the 21st of August.) (Within 1 hour the first video's are deleted and replaced with dead birds and small animals with a disclaimer that showing human bodies is too gruesome so just numbers are run across the screen of the amount of dead.)

Screen fades to black then the flashing words roll across the screen horizontally, STAY TUNED FOR FURTHER NEWS OF THIS UNEXPLAINED TRAGEDY. THE COULD BE A RUSSIAN ATTACK SO BE PREPARED.


Sorry for diatribe above but we all know that it could be true. Just a fictional moment?

Thank you Spiritwind for continuing to post. In all seriousness these kind of things do play into the highly questionable conscious and makes me wonder how mankind continues to live with this kind of shit happening daily.

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Re: This week in review

Post by Chicodoodoo »

Spiritwind wrote:Hi Chicodoodoo, I'm not sure how we veered so far off track here, and I am scratching my head about why you chose this thread to question our forum member Sandy Clark about some posts made over on the Project Avalon forum.
It was the thread's title, "This week in review", and prior posts I made in this thread that led me to naturally continue posting here. I had written earlier in this thread about IceCold's discrediting of Lobaczewski's book "Political Ponerology" whenever I referenced it. I popped over to Avalon to review his demeaning posts and study his psychological methods again, not unusual given my interest in sociopathy. It was there, quite by accident, that I spotted a new thread on psychopathy. I'm always interested to learn more about sociopaths, so I read the thread with great interest and posted about it here. Later, I unexpectedly activated that browser tab (my touchpad does things on its own accord sometimes while I'm typing) and found myself staring at new posts at Avalon, wondering how my screen had changed all by itself. Bubu's thread title caught my eye, and I read it. That's where I stumbled onto Sandy's demeaning post to Bubu. I was reminded of IceCold's demeaning posts to me, which got me thinking. I was curious why Sandy would be so dismissive when the videos Bubu posted were quite good. I suspected Sandy never watched the videos, just like IceCold would never read "Political Ponerology" before condemning it. I thought I would ask Sandy about her post, and the only way I could do so was on EarthEmpaths. Since this was shaping up as "my week in review", and it was related to my prior posts in this thread, I posed my questions to Sandy here. And the rest is history.
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Re: This week in review

Post by LostNFound »

So here is another hair brained scheme by NASA to be our saviors. Have to wonder if the insanity will reverse or continue to expand till the world just can't handle it anymore.

Article Image
News Link • Natural Disasters
NASA plan to save Mankind from Yellowstone supervolcano...
08-19-2017 •" onclick=";return false;, By Rachel O**Q**Donogh

Brian Wilcox, an ex-member of the NASA Advisory Council on Planetary Defence, made the horrifying revelation while discussing a report by the space agency.

He said that NASA's "risky" proposals to prevent an eruption could go wrong with possibly disastrous consequences.

One of the methods would be to drill into the bottom of the United States volcano and to use a pressurised spurt of water to release heat from the magma chamber.

But Mr Wilcox said there is a chance this would not be successful.

"If you drill into the top of the magma chamber and try and cool it from there, this would be very risky," he said.

"This could make the cap over the magma chamber more brittle and prone to fracture. And you might trigger the release of harmful volatile gases in the magma at the top of the chamber which would otherwise not be released."

But Mr Wilcox warned it is clear something must be done about Yellowstone.

He told the BBC: "I was a member of the NASA Advisory Council on Planetary Defence which studied ways for NASA to defend the planet from asteroids and comets.

"I came to the conclusion during that study that the supervolcano threat is substantially greater than the asteroid or comet threat."

Earth has 20 known supervolcanoes, which if they erupted, would trigger planet-changing effects.

Sure is something to know that we have saviors of this sort.

So tomorrow we get bacteria in balloons and then possibly we get to witness the high pressure injection of cold water into the Yellowstone Caldera, Wonder whats next on the insanity agenda?
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Re: This week in review

Post by Spiritwind »

Thanks Chico for your response.

And thanks LostNFound for your addition to the growing list of insanity that has spread across the land. For me, it's particularly difficult as I can't shake this feeling that we have been here before. As in, some kind of repeating loop of destruction. It is insane to keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

I have read the book The Gods of Eden (by William Bramley) several times, and still refer to it on occasion. I read far more than I watch because of having such limited access to the Internet. Immediately thought of this book when I read about NASA's plan to drop bacteria laden balloons. The book has a chapter entitled: The Black Death, and in that chapter he refers to remaining accounts of the time that suggest something much more sinister was going on, as in a plan to depopulate and destabilize those who remained. There were often strange mists, often with a strange smell, and strange lights associated with many of their accounts. Some of the reasoning presented in history books just doesn't measure up either. It's hard to wrap your mind around such a sinister plan as mass depopulation, and the beings that cook these things up.

I just ran across another good article on the Egyptians having been in the Grand Canyon area a very long time ago, and how it has been purposefully kept from the rest of us.

https://cnyartifactrecovery.wordpress.c ... onnection/" onclick=";return false;

I feel it's more than just a desire to keep things the way they are, with the various scientific and religious concepts put forward about our history that most of us sense is ridiculously wrong. Why would a being, or a group of beings, want to keep the fact that there really were giants roaming about the earth (which the bible even talks about), but that there was also a worldwide quite advanced civilization pretty much everywhere that got mostly wiped out in at least one or more cataclysmic events. I feel there is plenty of good evidence that maybe even some knew it was coming, as if you look into what the archaeological community has shared with us in regards to underground cities you will see there is much there to support this idea. And that remnants of disconnected survivors above ground also remained after these events. And I can't shake the feeling, having a strong interest in astrology, astronomy, and the science of cycles, that we are approaching something similar in our times. And I don't want to just sit on the sidelines and be a witness again. But that's just me rambling on (nope, I don't have all the answers - damn!)
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Re: This week in review

Post by LostNFound »

Well this relates to the bacterium in the balloons article that Nasa is doing and it is now the day after so wonder how many more articles will come forth.
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Re: This week in review

Post by LostNFound »

And the insidious sickness just continues to play out. Do not be surprised when this gets legislation to be completely legal. Came across this today but it has been around before I am sure.

https://globalwarming-arclein.blogspot. ... -when.html" onclick=";return false;

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Re: This week in review

Post by LostNFound »

This post fits with the post above in the fact that it is spawned through political channels and so up to date or close. The Man in the White house spoke of doing something about the vaccinations and how, perhaps deadly they are on the children, even some rhetoric about how his son received the crap and is possible brain damaged or some such. So the exposure has caused the big pharma industries to fight back, that is even more of this story to research but can be seen by following the money trails. Remember, Big corporations bottom line is MONEY and there is no humanity in a thing called a corporation.) So here is a conversation between Robert Kennedy Jr. and a reporter for this web site. Kennedy was asked to head a commission to do what? into the vaccination business. Can we expect just another distraction away from the reality of these poisons that are murdering our children? ... t-14-2017/" onclick=";return false;

Could it be time for a new french revolution? I have heard it be said in so many different concerns.
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Re: This week in review

Post by Fred Steeves »

LostNFound wrote: Could it be time for a new french revolution? I have heard it be said in so many different concerns.
Steven, I sure as hell hope not...
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