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Fixation, Leadership, and Warrior Culture

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 8:04 pm
by Naga_Fireball
Many humans down here who are suspicious of the notion of a cashless, global society, may not realize, our attitude toward such things may well be a byproduct of our species surviving countless millennia of warfare.

The way humans look for, and look to, leaders, may also be a byproduct of this evolutionary misfortune. Why, even the stereotypical and humorous "Take me to your leader" depiction of first contact with extra-terrestrials underlines the human Fixation on leaders.

In a world of cooperation and plenty, in a world without war, there is not much need for leadership, for handling. Contentment is its own reward, and there is nothing to rise above, nothing to redefine.

The Edenic state does not require loud voices shouting in public squares or conspiracies in smoky rooms. These things are signs of a departure from wisdom, not a sign of intelligence. The predatory mindset, the pyramid scheme, is a parallel development occurring in a troubled system, a symptom of chaos over time and not really part of the original blueprint for the natural order.

On earth, among humans, there are still too many lions who do not wish to lie down with the lamb, and too many sheep unwilling to look the lion in the eye and say Go no further except in peace.

Frank Herbert said that forces of chaos propagate chaos, and even a feminized army fixates on the figure of the leader. True freedom is the ability of an individual to survive the universe and also keep in mind our collective connection to the thing with which we contend.

It is easier to ride the dragon's back than ride in his jaws, in other words, and the arena of politics distracts human beings from the very high calling of enlightenment.

Re: Fixation, Leadership, and Warrior Culture

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 10:03 pm
by Anders
Bruce Lipton said that evolution is fractal, such as a human being being a reiteration of a cell, a multicellular organism. The next evolutionary step for us he said is for all of humanity to become a single organism. Then what about leadership in such a huge Gaia planetary organism? Will it be an Orwellian New World Order, similar to the second beast in the Book of Revelation? Or will it be an organic Gaia being?

I think we will develop Sophia consciousness, a unity of being for our whole planet. That will transcend wars, just as wars between cells of a human are prevented in a healthy human body.

In the human body the mind is like a leadership, a government. That made me think that in a planetary organism such as Gaia with us having Sophia consciousness, there will also be a kind of unified leadership, like a global mind that is very complex. And there can even be individual leaders within the planetary organism. The difference between a Gaia leader and today's leaders is that today we have leaders who are separate from ourselves, and what's worse having power over us, which tends to become an oppressive situation. A Gaia leader on the other hand is connected to whole Sophia field of consciousness, so it's a co-leadership instead of a separate (and fragile and conflict-prone) power over people kind of leadership as we have today.

So even if there will be several leaders even in the future it will be a co-leadership acting in unity with the whole planet, and this kind of unity power is I believe called "the one" in the Bible:

"To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations— that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery’—just as I have received authority from my Father." -- Revelation 2:26-27

Re: Fixation, Leadership, and Warrior Culture

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 10:51 pm
by Naga_Fireball
You are correct.

Until he comes though, because of the fractal evolution you mentioned, let's call it genetic drift, the empathic qualities we enjoy are complicated by the existence of war. Psychics risk being corrupted by that terrible, vampiric pattern in the Gaia energy when the world goes thru pain.

We have to remember our roles as midwife, medium, deliverer of the planet and not ruler.

I agree, we might always have elders etc. But in books such as The Leader Who Serves, we get a second picture.

The iron scepter unfortunately is God having to adapt to our mess, I think, and not us exemplifying the whole god of wrath icon of the OT.

Moses was not welcome in the promised land after all, too volatile. Imo he had to live out his days alone with God because the zeitgeist he harbored was battle hardened beyond repair.

Re: Fixation, Leadership, and Warrior Culture

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 1:35 am
by Naga_Fireball
So apparently President Trump has received criticism for criticizing CIA.

Just to clarify. CIA itself is about 70 ish years old not counting OSS during WW2. Mr Trump is fully as old as the Agency in question. Not to be disrespectful but to clarify.

And no, surely one person, even me lol, cannot imagine what those people go thru in the line of duty.

But not all CIA are honored for good service. They are scapegoated, swamped, poisoned, discredited, left to suffer or rot in the pasture of confusion.

It's not a sin to question people who dogmatize suffering and at the same time deny it can be wrongfully caused by them.

The creation of CIA and USAF, as I was telling my husband a moment ago, split the military and American power balance down the middle.

When Army and Navy controlled all, it was still possible, constitutionally, I would imagine, for someone similar to George Washington to take the reins if need be and head up a revolution. In the event our interests were ever subverted by corporate ones.

But since the Air Force and CIA control so much of the infrastructure, it becomes very difficult for any one general or leader to "go rogue" and assume control.

One reason the govt tries to co opt natural leaders is ultimately most leaders share characteristics with warlords. And in a police state, warlords are kind of an endangered species. Look at what happens to them.

And even the peaceful counterparts in the communes etc. are considered a national security threat.

Our own president has been accused of being the same, a threat to national security.

Personally i find it refreshing that we have a leader who does not necessarily find himself wanting to lean on crutches George Washington did not have.

Naturally any usurping agency would hate and fear such a leader.

In spite of the insults, it seems CIA officials should at least try to talk about why their agency is always in the ethical spotlight and consider being less psychopathic.

Anyhow, our culture teaches us to fear the rogue generals of Russian folklore etc. Even though our first and greatest president was a rogue general breaking away from a sick system.

He was also offered a dictatorship and said No thank you. Sort of reminds me of a certain Jesus fellow.

Re: Fixation, Leadership, and Warrior Culture

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 9:28 am
by Anders
Donald Trump made a speech at the CIA headquarters on his first day as President:


My impression of the speech is that Trump will have a good relationship with the CIA. It will take decades probably (absent a catalytic event like an official ET disclosure) before the world becomes peaceful so it's important for the Trump administration to continue with national security. The smashing of the nations to pieces like pottery as it is described in the Bible is for the future when the old order of things has passed away. In reality it will probably be a gradual transition into a new form of world order. Not an Orwellian New World Order! :lol: It will be a peaceful world order with individual freedom as a part of a galactic community.

Re: Fixation, Leadership, and Warrior Culture

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 6:55 pm
by Naga_Fireball
Hehe, I can't say I agree with every word,
But Trump's address (self written? ) was pretty good, I did not get to see it live but cnn has a transcript: ... index.html" onclick=";return false;


Edit: p.s. i dont have tv sub right now just dvd hooked up etc lol. So am a few days behind on the big stuff