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Lost N Found

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:56 pm
by LostNFound

I did not see, I did not feel, my belief had dwindled,
I moved into a cloud of gray twilight
Where all that was and all that is was lost to my sight
And the fire was not kindled.
I saw only the two dimensional paintings. I felt only the external shell,
My heart was enclosed so nothing could be exposed.
My mind was shut and memory was locked. Once there was a soul but now it was blocked.
I was lost and traveled in a land that gives no light.

And soon it was shown, that a crack was sown.
A door was opened and a light came forth.
A hand reached out and took the heart, and kindled the fire that was buried so deep
And still within the sleep.
Memories were released and the gates were broken,
The heart was set free and the soul came forth,
Love was full and words were spoken.
The mind is open and full of light, the heart shines and now the soul can grow
I was Lost and now I am found and this is what I may know

Re: Lost N Found

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 4:01 am
by Sandy Clark
Welcome and a big hug too Lost N Found................good to have you here. :)

Re: Lost N Found

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 9:22 pm
by LostNFound
I missed you Sandy. I am going to begin posting that story we all started. Don't know if you stayed around for the continuing story but it has reached a 650 page saga. I have broken it into a trilogy book now. breal stayed with me into the second book and then left the PA and is very busy in the down under land. I have kept writing as it became a very wonderful thing for me to do in life after leaving the Architectural designing field. I am looking for the perfect place to begin posting and wish to begin at the beginning of the story as it is full of love and healing. I plan to do that soon. Just a fun read I suspect as on the other forum which I am moving away from it has 157,000 views now so someone is having fun reading it I suspect.

Thank you so very much for the endearing welcome. So wonderful to see you here.