Reflections by the moonlight

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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Spiritwind »

“Maybe humanity will try something different this time.”

Hi Moonlight! It would be nice, wouldn’t it (if we tried something different this time). Don’t think I’ll be holding my breath. I guess I can consider myself lucky, as where I am if you are hearing impaired and wear hearing aids you are exempt from the mask mandate. You can definitely get creative if you do have to wear one just to buy food. I’ve seen some out of the box thinking at work there already. One of the few things that make me smile these days.

It is unfortunate that even places where the current roll out wasn’t so obvious it seems to be catching up. And, yes, the divide and conquer thing is in full swing. I have family who think this is all going to go away, and tells me that we’ll get together “then”. I don’t think they even hear me when I say it’s not going away. In fact, there is every sign it’s going to persist. And if our governor has his way, our economy in this state (Washington, USA), will be completely tanked by fall. I just hope this doesn’t send everyone into such a complete state of depression and hopelessness they can’t even function. I see signs of it already.

Grocery stores are already showing signs of some kind of supply chain issues with various products that used to always be well stocked (besides toilet paper!). I am going to a monthly potluck with my small local tribe of misfits, who do see fairly clearly where we are and what is likely to be coming our way, this weekend. We meet on rural properties, don’t wear masks or social distance from each other. Hugging is not only allowed, it’s mandatory (see, I can make a few proclamations of my own!). We drink, we laugh, we even say things we probably shouldn’t just to let off steam from our surreal day to day lives now. I also plan to go to a music event on some private property soon, where I can mingle with some other die hard lovers of life.

Funny thing is, I’m getting to know people I probably wouldn’t have got to know so well, were it not for such a dramatic and sudden change in our lives. Those who are like me are starting to stick out like sore thumbs. We are looking ahead, and with our sense of individuality and personal freedom fully intact, are choosing how we can assist one another through this unprecedented in our lifetime experience. It also makes me think of how insulated we Americans have been, and how so many places in other parts of the world have been struggling with oppression, loss of freedom, and even genocide of their people. Even though we DO need to change, this is definitely not the way I would have went about it, nor does this change have anything to do with concern for our health. But, I’ll stop now, my rant on you beautiful thread. As you know, I have a tendency to go on and on.

It would be delightful to sit in the garden sipping our tea or coffee (or whatever beverage suits our fancy), and just have a chat in person. Maybe in another life, eh? Thank you for being here.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

Dear Spirit friend, you are welcomed to come and rant here anytime. I welcome the exchange of emotions that this time brings to all. We are all spread around the world, the free thinkers, and this is hitting us very hard.

Is this what we have been preparing for? There is a silent revolution going on, it is boiling in our hearts even though the world around us seems to have become hypnotized.

There is no big wave in my bubble, people go along and most don’t give a shit. There are a few manifestations going on, but no big wave. I don’t believe in those any way. They are a melting pot of ideas and the media makes sure to pick the most simple-minded person in the crowd to have a word with.

Some of the rules in my part of the world:
If you go at a restaurant – mask on when you are walking around, you can take it off while sitting and eating
Not more than 10 people in a private reunion, but from 3 families max
Children under 16 can be 1 metre between themselves, but 2 metres between adults.
You can have up to 250 people in a public place – mask on when you are walking around, you can take it off while sitting. Oh… and 1.5 meters is ok here.
Of course, I’m asymptomatic, like everyone I know and have been in contact with. We are not sick. But maybe, deep down, we are. Be careful, you never know where the big V hides.

As you can clearly see, ‘c’est du n’importe quoi !’ (a bunch of whatever ?) This is what will prevent the big V from catching you... or your grandma.

They have done a good job at extinguishing any questioning. Those who voice a different point of view are immediately judged as selfish, irrational, conspiratorialist, uninformed, not a good citizen. The best yet, I am unloving. Some will then wish me harm hoping I catch the big V and die, denied any hospital care because I did not want to wear a mask.

It is a well-known tactic. All of the social media does a good job at this.

I am grateful that the burning of witches is a thing of the past… The question is, as you have pointed out in other threads, what’s next?

In the meantime, I live my life as well as I can. It is a funny world when “hugging and kissing” have become an act of rebellion. Most people go along with their lives as usual, for the most part. For one, I don’t go out anywhere if I have to wear a mask – except for grocery and it’s Halloween when I do. This is creating gatherings of friends in more private places and free we still are.

I have to remind myself that I know nothing. Maybe this is the way things should be.

Hugs and kisses to All :mrgreen:

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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

Hi lovely's,

I’ve been spending a lot of time in silence these days, seems to be the theme of the time. There is so much noise in the outside world, a chaotic discordant tune; I just want to shut it out. But you see, the silent majority has become quite noisy too.

Sometimes, quiet is violent …


There is not turning back this time.

Whatcha gonna do about it? (asking myself)

Seems fitting...

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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

Hello Lovelys,

I hope you are well and smiling even though the world is in chaos. If you stay put, spend time with your family and friends, without going in the big world, things are just like they were. Only when you go out in the big world do you see how much it has changed.

My grandson has started school again. I’m pretty happy about that and I can see it does him lots of good to be with other teenagers. The bad part is they have to wear the face cloth, only when circulating in the school, because we all know this V cannot catch us while we are sitting. It does not seem to be bothering him that much. It bothers me a lot more… Do NOT hide the beautiful smile of my grandson!

The movement is growing and more and more people are starting to think again. We need to be ready because their plan is on. Of course, the ‘cases’ are up and that’s it. Same story repeating itself everywhere. The only thing needed is one person with the sniffles getting ‘tested’ because of the fear of death – if it’s positive – then it is the tracking of all of your contacts, and the beat is on. I do not have many people in my life, but I will not be seeing those who would have that fear. In no way do I want to jeopardize my grandson’s school life by being caught up in the web of the tracking system.

I am sharing this video because I find this very peaceful and inspiring (it is a copy of a FB live). It is a March that happened August 23 in Québec city. I should have been there, but… my friend of 40 years died on me. Paff… just like that! Heart attack! I thought she would be in my life forever, but she’s gone now, living in my heart. She always said she would live to be very old and I believed her. I disgress… I was not at the March because of the funeral of my friend.

(If you are in a hurry, start at 1.50)

The media was silent of course, as with all the gatherings that happened before August 23 and after. There will be more… I do not see this as resistance or opposition, it is an Affirmation. We have our own vision of the world we want to live in and their plan is not part of it!

And then life continues and we grow. There is a merging of two worlds happening for me, it is at a physical level mostly for now, but I feel the swirls in my soul. Although everything is so unsure these days, I hear that we will be fine.

A beautiful discovery to share

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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

I have been without a song for a while, again the silence. I sometimes feel like I am suspended in time, floating somewhere in a black hole of possibilities. The pressure is intense and this is where we find our strength, or not. I was listening to Max Igan this morning. He was kinda going back in time evaluating his life. I found that very interesting since I have been doing that too since yesterday. Just memories rolling by, like a life story movie of some kind.

Ever since I stepped into this world, I have yearned to go back home. It did not have to be this way. A child like me, in another time, would have been taken under the wings of some elder to ensure the flowering of a gift. We all come in with gifts… Instead, in this time, we are modeled to be just like everybody else. Is this what we call a one-track mind? Blah…

Moving through time, I still found some great people working for the betterment of our world. The push back, the resistance… whatever. I’d rather view it as the Affirmation of the People! The affirmation being: You shall not pass! It is necessary to find our tribe, now.


Shall we play find Moonlight in the crowd? hahaha!

Someone pointed out that, if you find yourself in the ”wrong way” in the isle of the groceries and you get a sense of guilt, you know the programming is working. I have felt that. That’s when one song I know comes in handy in my mind. “Fuck you! I won’t do what you tell me!” Works like an anti-poison.

Sometimes I feel like I’m falling. Could I be rain? I will find my way back into the ocean and together we shall roar.


Let's not get discouraged. We've got this. I don't have my rose-colored glass on, I do know the going will get tough. That's when the tough get's going.
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

Hello Lovely’s,

I’m dropping by to give you some news from my colored part of the world. My province, Québec, has the most drastic measures in all Canada. The crazies have adopted the color-coding of regions at the end of September (all nice autumn colors). By the first of October, most of the province was colored in red, which means we are in total lock down. My region has been orange, dark orange and then, yesterday afternoon while nobody was looking, they colored it red. I spare you the numbers which proves this is completely irrational. They have us in a 28 days thing… you know.

My heart aches and it bleeds when I think of my grandson with the mask on in school all fucking day!

We are not allowed manifestations anymore, unless we are masked and 2 meters apart. There were too many peaceful people gathering for our rights and freedom, and we were growing. But now… there was the swat team at the last manifestation (which was planned before the new thing – I was not there, too far). They had to find a way to stop the movement. So, I’m graciously asking, if you wish and if you are still relatively free in your part of the world, please post the utube of the Sept 12, 2020 manifestation everywhere (post above this one). Our “governe-et-ment” will love it.

On a good side, I have started to write, took up a pen name, which I kept in the family, and started to write. I could hear cheers from the other side and some “at last”! For now it took the form of letters for each day of the big weaning, which started on 01-10. I am aware that these are only pebbles thrown in the ocean¸but pebbles thrown with intent will do their job.

I do all that I can to stay centered within my heart, because this is where the truth lies. When I close everything, look up to the sky, listen to the birds, smell the fallen leaves, my perception of things changes. Things are not always what they seem.

Om Mani Padme Hum
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Christine »

💛 Hello beautiful,

Sending some magical moon beams your way.
Moonlight wrote: Sun Oct 11, 2020 3:00 pm I do all that I can to stay centered within my heart, because this is where the truth lies. When I close everything, look up to the sky, listen to the birds, smell the fallen leaves, my perception of things changes. Things are not always what they seem.
That is all we can do, it's all we need do really, listen to the deepest voice of Spirit within. I've missed being here on the forum but things flow the way they do and one must follow. There is so much to share and yet, as I've heard so many friends say lately, the perceptual field doesn't easily fit in words.


The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

Here and now
I call upon my soul
to return home and become whole


Cherook language:
shante ishta: the single eye of the heart
nagamo: dancing
waabi: seeing
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

Hi there Lovely’s,

Is it windy in your part of the world? Sure is here. In fact, the wind has been waking me for many nights. Wild is the wind… Wild are these times. I’m thinking the wind is breathing for all of us who are holding their breath. Even I have found myself doing that, and I’m not an American. We all know the importance of this day.

The scenery of the future is quite gloomy. I see all those people on the fence, waiting to see what side they will be jumping in. If we win, they will come and celebrate with us. If we lose, they will be throwing rocks at us. Many, who have walked by our side during the years, will be throwing the rocks. Fear munches on the soul very slowly...

You think I'm talking politics? These times have nothing to do with politics, elections, red or blue, black or white. These times have everything to do with our true colors though. Things are not always what they seem.

Take care of yourself, stay safe. Holding Space.


Love to All,
Om Mani Padme Hum
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

Bon jour Lovely's,

We are are having a heat wave, in November. I’m taking it all. I’m taking everything that nourishes my soul. At certain moments, that is All that I Am and it’s kinda nice when I am in that space. No more fears, no more worries. I had planned a mega baking spree this weekend; it will just have to wait. Nature calls. A woodpecker (grand pic) came over last Thursday – what a sight! It’s the first time I saw one in my backyard. I know they live in the Park, which is not too far away. They are usually quite shy and to see one in the city is a special gift. I hear the call, I follow.

I am at peace amid the chaos.

That’s where my humanity lies, within the chaos. I’m getting ready for the dark winter they have planned and I am shielding from convid-21. If I make it through the night, I’ll be ready for next April. That's when everything will roll out, right? or is it left?

The good part, maybe, just maybe, "they" (the controllers in my part of the world) will let us see a bit more family for santa’s holiday! They are soooo kind! Too bad I don’t do that holiday. Hahahahahaha! :lol: What I see is so ridiculous and horrible at the same time. It boggles my mind that a lot don’t have the same view.

I am grateful for everything. I trust the divine. I trust the plan, and this is no cue. :lol: Come to think of it, maybe it is.

Laugh a lot Lovely’s. It’s a masquerade! Quite funny when you don’t think about it.

Look at us…

Om Mani Padme Hum
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