What is Love?

"Evil is a source of moral intelligence in the sense that we need to learn from our shadow, from our dark side, in order to be good."
-John Bradshaw
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What is Love?

Post by Spiritwind »

What is Love?

http://earthempaths.net/wp/2018/04/18/what-is-love/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;


What I am about to write about is deeply personal, and yet, I know the concepts of what I speak are universal. We all want to know, in some form or fashion (except for the true narcissist who already has figured out they are here to take, i.e. the satanic concept of do what thou wilt, without regard for whether that involves lies, subterfuge, and blatant deception, or the hurt inflicted on others) what we are really here for, the why of it all. For many that leads down the path of organized religion. Others look to science for the answers to life's questions, and some use a more multifaceted approach that is more akin to what I consider the spiritual outlook.

And when I say spiritual, I really just mean the even scientifically understood concept that everything is energy, rotating at different speeds and with different partners, to form the building blocks of all life. You can call them elements or the elementals, and the properties they each have, and how they form bonds with each other to create the forms we see here everywhere we look. That includes all life forms, from plants, animals, aquatic life, and humans, to trees, rocks, dirt, air, and water, to name just a few. In short, biological life is formed by tiny little universes forming to create matter in the first place. Everything, really, is imbued with consciousness. And, the big kicker in all this, is that everything, so far as I have found, is able to communicate with us. I think as children we still understand this, the magical foundation of everything that is, and have it programmed out of us as we grow, on purpose. But I'll get more into that as I go along.

I know what I just wrote above is not mainstream and is not even understandable to some. I might as well be speaking gibberish. I don't know what to say, but I do know that my current outlook, to some extent, goes all the way back to some childhood memories that still have a powerful influence over my life. As I have stated before, life started out for me in a way that, along with the baggage I brought in with me unawares, predisposed me to some personality attributes that brought about a lot of misery. It doesn't matter anymore who did what or why, or what my story is. What does matter is that I as I continued to refine my ability to self reflect, paying attention to my inner dialog, and opening a line of communication to understand my inner workings better, I realized that I hated myself, didn't think I deserved to have love, or be happy. I realized I engaged in a lot of self sabotaging behaviors. As I continued to try and get a grip and find a way to make life work for me, I found myself in many situations where I continued to create what I had grown accustomed to, regardless of my conscious desire to experience something different. Problem was, my subconscious terrain was akin to a minefield, and I only seemed to go there when under duress. All I could seem to do was react in ways that were not conducive to positive change, and then feel tremendous guilt over my lack of emotional control when I later re-emerged from my dungeon of inner darkness.

In part, maybe the extreme sense of discomfort I felt within my own body is what stimulated me to be so driven to change, to put forth the effort needed to learn how to be happy. And yes, joy and happiness do go with learning how to choose love first. But I'm getting ahead of myself again. The other thing that stimulated me on this path is what I experienced that falls into the woo woo category. It started out with memories of trying to climb the walls from my crib at around 18 months to 2 years old, to memories of being taken out my bedroom window on a white horse with wings to a high mountain cliff only assessable by air. I won't go into the whole story again, except to say that further memories have come forward that have added another layer to the experience, and made me realize I really don't know what happened to me with any clarity. In short, in some form or fashion I was messed with, and these experiences have made me feel "different", and "weird", my whole life. It seems I was traumatized in these experiences and have had to heal and work through the emotional residue as part of my journey to recover a working understanding, a retrieval of sorts, of what was lost along the way. At the same time this was going on, I had a completely different level of experience that seemed to be happening simultaneous to the trauma. These memories have also stayed with my whole life, and have caused me to seek understanding as well.

It would seem to me that we have access, at all times really, to both heaven and hell, both the light and the dark. And I have retrained myself to reach for the higher plain. Even though I wake up daily with ever greater awareness of the anti life forces at work here in this shared reality, this overlaid blanket of deceit and perpetual shadowlands lurking in plain sight though mostly remaining unseen, I have found that after releasing much of the residual pockets of inflicted traumas designed to disempower and harm, I can access that higher ground with much greater ease than before. But I have had to subject myself to great feelings of discomfort. And that comes back to the effort it takes to reprogram yourself to become comfortable with normal, with stable, with kind, with loving people whom you really can trust in your life. To become comfortable with slow, to embracing challenges with faith in yourself, and trust in the goodness that is equally available in each moment, in each trial, and in each seeming error of judgement.

I know this is all just words, and nothing will ever take away from the hard work necessary that each must do on their own in their own individual way. But I am in awe, and in deep gratitude, for whatever it was that really happened to me as a child that predisposed me to taking this route in life. Whatever it was that day, standing in the driveway, embracing me in a blanket of loving energy that defies explanation and can't be conveyed in words, that told me "you are loved, always and forever, just as you are" I cannot and don't want to imagine what it would have been like to have not have that experience to draw from and expand on. My whole life is a testament to the power of love to transform. And it is an inside job, that has the potential to radiate out in ever expanding circles, in a way that may come quietly, but is ever more powerful than all the hate and evil in this world put together. It IS the energy of creation. It has made me want to be a better person, to keep trying when I want to quit, to keep reaching out there when I want I go and hide from the world. It is what makes it all worth while.

To me, this is my best explanation of love. It is a choice, it is a way of life you can grow into, and it doesn't take anything but trust, faith, courage, and a willingness to be at least honest with yourself. The ego is not our enemy, it just doesn't deserve the position of running our lives. It is too easy to be manipulated into living a life that is never going to bring satisfaction, true happiness, and the opportunity to know what love is. Love is real, it's not an emotion, but it is reflected in what you do. And sometimes it's just plain hard work, to stay in that place, or pick yourself up when you realize you may have taken a wrong turn. But I truly do think it's what fuels creation itself, and there is no place I'd rather be than on the edge of the incoming wave of love in action.

I feel I have more to add to this, but for now I will just leave this here, with the hopes that someone else who maybe needs to hear these words will find them. I know as I went outside this morning I felt that presence again, that something so big, so wonderful. And I do so wish I had a magic wand sometimes to take away the pain that so many do not want to feel, that they drag around with themselves like a ball and chain. Love may hurt sometimes, but it never feels heavy. It may bring tears, but they too only water and make fertile the soil for more love to grow. Love, like water, can move mountains if you let it. It certainly has with me, and I am in awe and grateful beyond words. Aho
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: What is Love?

Post by Fred Steeves »

Spiritwind wrote:My whole life is a testament to the power of love to transform. And it is an inside job, that has the potential to radiate out in ever expanding circles, in a way that may come quietly, but is ever more powerful than all the hate and evil in this world put together. It IS the energy of creation. It has made me want to be a better person, to keep trying when I want to quit, to keep reaching out there when I want I go and hide from the world. It is what makes it all worth while.
Well like usual Spiritwind, you have that way with words to touch on many different aspects of one subject, and seamlessly weave them all together. LOL that makes it difficult to try and respond in the same all encompassing manner, but it also makes it a pleasure to read and absorb the space you are coming from. :)

All I can do is pick out a piece here or there for comment. Hating myself was never a problem, but it took me a long, long, long time before I discovered the driving need to figure out just who I really am. A different branch of the same tree you're describe I reckon. Either way until that arduous journey of self understanding is engaged, the same old tiresome conditions and problems DO keep coming back around full circle.

Whatever the little spark is that ignites this driving need for greater understanding escapes me, like the same as why a poet writes poems, an artist paints pictures, or a musician writes and plays music. I think a lot of them probably tend to have slow and frustrating beginning because they don't fit into the usual cookie cutter places in life that are generally laid out before us.

You know it wasn't all that long ago, probably about the time I found myself at 40, that I really started looking back and wondering why I never managed to find my proper place in life. Like a misfit toy. I dropped out of high school after the 10th grade because it had become unbearable, and just kind of floated along for a couple of decades. Meanwhile most of the others knew exactly what they were going to do, did it, and had these stable and successful careers that I would never have. Where did I go wrong? What's the matter with me?

Now finally I can look back and see it, that the whole time I was doing EXACTLY what needed to be done, the long preparation for the road less traveled. I hardly ever use videos or music to try and describe something, but in this case Bette Midler said it pretty damn good. There's no telling what lonely little seed laying far beneath the bitter snow, becomes the rose with the warm spring sun.

This song goes out to you dear lady, long live that mighty Spirit. I see you.

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Re: What is Love?

Post by Spiritwind »

Thank you Fred. I know I have kind of a weird way of writing. Usually, as with this piece, there is more to the story that precedes my urge to write. I often don't share that part. In this case I had just spent a mostly sleepless night helping someone dear to me who is newly married cope with an emotional upset. Both parties realize they have much to work on. So many think you just fall in love and that's all it takes. Nothing could be further from the truth. And then, there are many for whom the idea of self reflection and working on yourself is a foreign concept. I've even been in relationships where even though we were both miserable the other party was kind of comfortable in that misery and had no desire or intention to make any personal changes.

And I thought for many years there was something seriously wrong with me because of my failure to be able to attract a partner with whom I felt I could make it work. Now that my husband and I have been together for 18 years I know it wasn't just me, but I did have to do a lot of work on myself and it IS the reason things have worked out better. It's interesting that my husband was messed with in some way that is not clearly understood when he was also just a very young boy, and has had many instances of high woo woo in his life. We have that in common and are able to talk about it. So I don't feel like a weirdo anymore, at least not when I'm with him. We know we have had many lives together and so, in a way, our love bond in this lifetime feels so different than any other relationship I've been in.

In some of the relationships I've been in I know that we had unfinished business, and not of the good kind. In those cases, no amount of effort would have ever made it work. It's been a steep learning curve for me. And then I see some people just become bitter and give up. There is nothing wrong with being alone. But I, personally, have learned so much of value to my bigger self by developing better life skills in this relationship that I can't even place a value on it. It seems priceless. It's like we have both become better versions of ourselves and we have done it working together. There is much to be said for that.

And, yeah, I tend to see things in a way that connects everything together, even things that don't seem related. I met my husband when I was 42, so it does seem that a certain maturity has set in, at long last. Better late than never, I say! Oh, and I also dropped out of high school after the tenth grade. I did go on and get a college degree but absolutely could not do public school. And all three of my kids struggled in their public school experiences, so I must have passed it on. I guess maybe we didn't come here this time to do easy.

By the way, I love that song!
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: What is Love?

Post by LostNFound »

A question with a very broad stroke of color this is. It floats on the surface and yet sinks like a rock in an ocean of infinity. So many of us search with our minds for this illusive answer, I could venture to say that all of humanity has and does look for the answer to this very deep seeded being of our existence. What is Love, why do we love? Who is love? It seems that we are always seeing just two sides, Love and Hate, Positive and negative, us and them and on and on. Can’t have one without the other how can something be without the other side to define it. For instance, there is light. Okay so how do I know it is light? Oh yeah it is the opposite of Dark. What is dark then I ask? Why it is the opposite of Light I am told. Two, two, two, where is just one?

One can see the bipolar in almost everything, in so many different things. Did you ever see someone in the physical or in a picture that had the letters H.A.T.E tattooed on one hand while the letters L.O.V.E tattooed on the other hand? Are we split in two? Were we born this way and if so when did we become split? Or did we become split after coming here because that is the way this plane, this world, this existence is structured?

Is it the belief system that we are taught or learn through our own experiences in life as we grow that makes us continue to search for this illusive feeling, emotion, being or do we finally come to believe in and perhaps except a religious explanation, or other opinions of just another human being, say scientific mumbo jumbo or even esoteric thoughts that give us a relief to stop searching because now we just give up and think we found the answer that will allow us to drag on into this dreadful life somehow feeling happy. We can now use this illusive word LOVE to justify anything we want or define. I can say, I love this inanimate object, I love money, I love you for what you do, but wait when we bring this word into the personal with another being that is in reality connected as one, we place ourselves back into that ocean of infinity although we may not see it clearly but there is that feeling, that emotion that is always and forever just below the surface. Love is such a powerful word. One can love the animals, the rocks, the trees, the sky, the clouds, all the life around us as beings because we are/were truly connected. It is when we become disconnected that we begin to live in all those other emotions we experience. Disconnect is split, is two sides, is negative, is positive, is dark, is light. What is Love? What is one? I ask. And I look around, one is singular, but one is many, one is all. Now, into the fray I do go.

Spiritwind, you have opened a door, do you walk through, back and forth? Your topic is wonderful and I see you as you open your heart and mind. I will now attempt to give more of a thought of personal reflection. The above paragraphs are searches for that stone that slips into the oceans of infinity. I stick my hand into the waters and swirl around, trying to catch the illusive reality to bring it back to my center. I do find a part of the center with my wife as she does with me. So we both connect to one and have done that most of our time on this plane.

I did not drop out of high school but I sure did not like it. It seemed that I was a complete loner or somewhat while I was in those years. It wasn’t until I joined the Navy and experienced the world that I begin to grow closer to my true self. Those experiences or at least a growing I will tell another time. I did experience a love, a deeper feeling for one while I was wandering through those times. You must know that she was not to be but I was lost with her for quit some time. Love does hurt, Love is a joyous feeling, and love is so much it overruns all emotions. Love is just being, it is who you are, and it is to know and accept not only yourself but those around you. Yes dear lady, love is a choice and it is a way of life you can and will grow into. It is a responsibility, if that word can be used, it is doing, it is becoming, it is allowing and we do have to work with it and for it. Love is not something to take lightly. That is skimming the surface that is allowing an ego to control. To me, real love is feeling that rock hit the surface and begin to sink into that infinity, that bottomless fluid that does not end with some selfish surface thing.

So this love I experienced while I was afloat on a boat in the Vietnam theatre was for an Asian girl that I met while I was home prior to my cruise. We met and fell in love. Ha, see how I use that phrase. (Fell in love) and fall I did. Her Mother and Brother lived in my home town while she still lived in Hawaii. She was supposed to be going to college there. Well I communicated with her while I was overseas for about 3 months and then the letters stopped coming. My final letter was from her mother. She had been found murdered and it had something to do with drugs. The pain and sorrow of that still resides in me today and my wife is very consoling to me for that because she knows her mother and brother and has for years. I was searching as we all seem to be doing here on this little blue world. As I have stated, love is illusive yet it constantly pokes at ones soul.

Love, yes indeedy, my wife of 40 years now and I are totally in love. It would seem that our love knows no depths and breaks all barriers. I only state “our love” because that is how it is an expression. Love just is and yes we have worked at it but you must know, we have known each other forever. I have dreams of our life prior to this one and when we were both just 6 years old, we were both living in the same state only about 200 miles apart. I dreamed of her at that time and she has told me that she dreamed of me also. We searched for each other for at least 26 years until we finally reconnected. She had been married prior but that all went to hell in a hand basket. That seems to be a reoccurring thing on this planet. People are always searching and make wrong choices often. Do you think, in this realm of being, our choices will give us a true course or perhaps a course that is not so true but yet gives us truth of right vs wrong? Lessons of growth, how does one handle it? Could it be that Love is all around and this choice thing is how we perceive and how much truth we can accept at any given time is how our journeys proceed through this itsy bitsy speck of time?

As you have said, there is so much more to say, to talk about but for now, I can only say love is an open door with no end in sight. Reach out and take a handful of it and play with it for awhile and then continue to gather more as you move forward. Love is being and is pure growth, wisdom, knowledge. It’s all those other things that we throw up in our lives to keep from seeing our love, our truth that we must discard. This is all just my ramblings and I certainly can tell you that I have a lot of them. My wife is truth; the young Asian girl is truth.

I really have to thank you for this topic and Fred, your post is great.

Just someone else wandering through
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Re: What is Love?

Post by Spiritwind »

Wow, Steven, that was a very moving post you made there. So many questions! And felt so deeply. You have given me much to think about, and I thank you for that. I want to say so much more but am still taking it in.

It seems there are many, almost innumerable ways, in which love can be expressed and forms it can take. As I think back on the many painful experiences I had in regards to my efforts to find love, I realize even when it ended badly I learned so much. Your statement "love is illusive yet it constantly pokes at ones soul" is truer than true, if there is such a thing. Much of what I've learned is actually what love isn't. But it's been a process, and at times a rather delightful dance (thankfully not always painful!) And it's true that returning to that question and the answers that come as I apply it day to day, what is love, is what makes my journey through this life more tolerable somehow.

I've learned to focus on some of the simplest things, such as making the time to stop and rub Rangers belly when I give him his food (he looks positively disappointed when I don't), and even if I was just going to do something waiting until Zoey (the kitty) gets done getting her piece of the action when she really wants it (now there's a lover!), to even just sitting with the goats and scratching them in their favorite place. I don't know if it's love, but it sure feels good, and they really seem to enjoy it too.

You see, I tend to feel the energy others put out and can tell when people are happy and when they are not, no matter what the words coming out of their mouth. I don't try to do this, it's just there. And I can tell you, just going to the store can be draining at times because of what I feel from others. So much pain, sadness, worry, despair, fear. For my own sanity I've had to find ways to not take that all in, and being in a rural environment with trees and animals all around helps more than I can say. I wasn't planning on writing this much and could go on. See what you started!
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: What is Love?

Post by Fred Steeves »

I've been steadily becoming more and more disappointed with the quality of content on various forums over time, but every now and then I have to step back in awe at some of the company I still keep.
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Re: What is Love?

Post by LostNFound »

And it is that there are so many others that ask themselves this same question. In fact, one could say that we all ask and search and possibly answer this question within our own selves to sooth the unknown, to give some wisdom of what we experience within our beings as we float the river of time. Luke Miller appears to be one that searches this and may conclude that love is the best path to travel on. What is Love? How do you feel? Here is something by Luke Miller.

19 Quotes On Love That Show Our Light Shines Brightest In The Dark
By Luke Miller Truth Theory

No matter how hard it gets, choose love ❤️

Sometimes we must really enter the depths of ourselves to see the light that shines within, and upon shining our light we also reveal darkness that we may not have known to be present. This is the sometimes confusing paradox that can wreak havoc on us, but also without one the other has no comparison so cannot exist. However, regardless of how we feel in this moment or the next, we can always choose to love unconditionally. This is the feeling summed up in 19 beautiful quotes on the darkness transmuted:

• “Love myself I do. Not everything, but I love the good as well as the bad. I love my crazy lifestyle, and I love my hard discipline. I love my freedom of speech and the way my eyes get dark when I’m tired. I love that I have learned to trust people with my heart, even if it will get broken. I am proud of everything that I am and will become.” Johnny Weir

• “When I say I love you more, I don’t mean I love you more than you love me. I mean I love you more than the bad days ahead of us, I love you more than any fight we will ever have. I love you more than the distance between us, I love you more than any obstacle that could try and come between us. I love you the most.” — (Unknown)

• “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”— Rumi

• “Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.” James Baldwin

• “The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.” – Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

• “Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue, a wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance between them which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky.”— Rainer Maria Rilke

• “It takes courage to love, but pain through love is the purifying fire which those who love generously know. We all know people who are so much afraid of pain that they shut themselves up like clams in a shell and, giving out nothing, receive nothing and therefore shrink until life is a mere living death.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

• “Love is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart and the senses.” — Lao Tzu

• “When you adopt the viewpoint that there is nothing that exists that is not part of you, that there is no one who exists who is not part of you, that any judgment you make is self-judgment, that any criticism you level is self-criticism, you will wisely extend to yourself an unconditional love that will be the light of the world.”– Harry Palmer

• “That was her magic, she could still see the sunset, even on the darkest days.” — Atticus

• “Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.”— Oscar Wilde

• “Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused.”— Paulo Coelho

• “I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.”— Martin Luther King, Jr.

• “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”— Lao Tzu

• “A healthy self-love means we have no compulsion to justify to ourselves or others why we take vacations, why we sleep late, why we buy new shoes, why we spoil ourselves from time to time. We feel comfortable doing things which add quality and beauty to life.”– Andrew Matthews

• “The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain. Is not the cup that holds your wine the very cup that was burned in the potter’s oven? And is not the lute that soothes your spirit, the very wood that was hollowed with knives? When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy. When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see in truth that you are weeping for that which has been your delight.”— Kahlil Gibran

• “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”- Martin Luther King Jr.

• “We humans are so tortured by not properly guessing what will make us happy” — Atticus

• “Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.” – Leonardo Da Vinci

Please share this with someone (or everyone) you love!
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Re: What is Love?

Post by Spiritwind »

I’m sitting here with my thoughts this morning, as I often do before going out to take care of all my chores. I have two sisters, one just a few years younger, and one just a year and a half older than my oldest son, so big age difference there. Even though I was adopted out when quite young, I did have a close relationship with the one closest to me in age. We both had our first two children around the same time, and lived fairly close to one another. We read a lot of the same books, and had a lot of mutual interests.

But somewhere along the way our paths seemed to diverge. Almost 20 years ago we had sort of a falling out over our two sons, just 8 months apart in age. They were both in their late teens at the time, and often in trouble. Without going into detail, let it suffice to say that I was unable to comply with her wishes in regards to a situation regarding the two cousins, due to a unalterable value of mine.

Now, I’m not saying anything about right and wrong here, it’s all about choices and perception. When it comes right down to it, I love my sister and only want good things for her. And our kids are all grown up now, and making their own life. I have no regret about my choice at the time, and would do so again today, but do regret the outcome. It’s been hard working through my emotions about the loss of my relationship with her, and her 5 children. Thankfully I have been able to develop a wonderful relationship with her oldest, my niece, but we all missed out on a lot over the years.

Not sure if I should tell all of this story or not. But I’ll make a stab at it. You see, many have experienced these kinds of forced separations with relatives, for all kinds of reasons, and disagreements. And sometimes your family of origin is so toxic that it really is in you and your families best interests to cut off ties. But this was not so in this case. So, on another occasion when we were still in our early twenties, both raising our two little ones at the time, we had another falling out over what amounts to a ridiculous amount of drama regarding ex’s. I was very protective of her, but she had her own lessons to learn that I felt I had to pull away from. So on this one and only occasion I cut her out of my life. I can’t remember how much time went by, but one day after I think many months I began to have a series of thoughts, accompanied by great emotion. Like an avalanche waves of love swept over me and I suddenly realized that I was wrong to withhold love. It was intense.

All of a sudden I wanted to see her, to apologize and hug the heck out of her. I called her home and she wasn’t there. She lived clear across the city from me, on the south hill, while I lived on the north side. For some unknown reason I suddenly felt an impulse to go to the grocery store. I don’t recall why, and don’t think I really needed anything, but felt impelled to go. So I go to the closest grocery store, walk in, and got shocked to my core as I saw my sister and her two kids walking around in there, clear on the opposite side of the city from where she lived. They have the same store much nearer her own neighborhood, so why she was there that day I’ll never know. Or, maybe I do know. But anyway, I almost ran down the isle and with tears in my eyes I grabbed her and hugged her for all she was worth, and told her how sorry I was. She had been going through a particularly difficult time, and it wasn’t long after this that she finally left her situation and went to stay with mom on the other side of the state.

Now, for the last 20 years I have had to work through all my emotions, to learn to let go of all anger, regret, and even grief over her cutting me out of her life for so long. I never stopped loving her though. I don’t know what to expect, except knowing my own intention to just love. That’s it, simply love, and see what happens.

So, after all that, what I really wanted to say, is I think love is like a seed, that lies within each one of us. Maybe it didn’t get watered, and so in some cases never got a chance to grow. But seeds can continue to be planted, giving new opportunities for growth. It’s up to us, each one of us, though, to keep watering our own seeds and plants that grow from them, by keeping the weed thoughts from gaining ground, and to keep that door to the heart carefully tended. Otherwise, we might miss the opportunities to grow a beautiful garden, beyond compare, just because we weren’t paying attention, or paying attention to the wrong things. In the end, since we really are just spirits in a human form, I think it’s all we really take with us, the fruits of our labors of love.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Fred Steeves
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Re: What is Love?

Post by Fred Steeves »

Spiritwind wrote: In the end, since we really are just spirits in a human form, I think it’s all we really take with us, the fruits of our labors of love.
The unexamined life is not worth living.

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