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Into the Mystic (Parts I & II) | Truth-Gnosis-Alchemy

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 11:26 pm
by Christine

Not In Our Name
Published on Sep 7, 2018

claudia and christine return with their first video in many a moon. We invite our listeners to open their hearts and souls and dive in deep with us.

It is with humble gratitude for each and every beloved. May we each individually find the Unity of Creator and Grace within for this is the only Way. For far too long we've played many parts, at times lover and at others the enemy. We see this still being played out. For the collective suffering and unhealed pain is still being projected onto another and into this Earthly realm and reality. There is suppressed rage that when transmuted in the fire of inner love, the love of self, that opens the doors to the truth of who we are, true magic and power is then released.

Also a very special thank U to all the dear soul friends whose voice is heard with oURs. The imagery used in this recording is a gift from many friends and some one very special who gnows who she is.

With love unbound, fierce and free in eternity.

If you stay with sorrow through the whole of it the other side is joy,
this is the mystical journey on the cosmic tide.
Every moment seek beauty in all things and when the dark night of the soul arrives,
Love with all your might. ~ Aureo Sky

The Sphere of Compassion
The Temple of Venus - The Victory of Netzach

Deep within the heart
Of the emerald jewel
Lay the great mysteries
Of time and love.

The lamp is lit
And glows within
Edges sharp where
Line and point intersect
Poignantly within the
Space of equilibrium.

From the wellspring rises
Form of beauty and
Intelligence refined;
As Pleiades’ dance
In response to
The sound of planets’
Harmonious symphony.

And, all is held gently
Contained in beauty’s grace
As she unites with clarity of
Mind and focus of heart
Birthing the perfected one
Whose victory mirrors
The beauty of the sun’s
Radiance streaming
Down from above.

Music: Echoes of Eternity by Maya Rose

Not In Our Name
Published on Sep 16, 2018

Intro is a little long so if you want to start with our talk go to 2:07. Thanks.

'Beauty is truth, truth beauty,' - that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know. ~ John Keats

christine and claudia of earth empaths share from their personal gnosis on the narrow passage of these incredible times. The Golden Thread is more than a metaphor, it is the sound of knowing Truth, it is what weaves the beauty of the organic world. As humans move from the slavery of a control matrix and reclaim their innate or divine place in the cosmos the whole of the Earth Realm is waking. It is in our remembrance or recall of the transits of Epic (epoch) cycles that our awareness is expanding. The mystical realm that is inside of each of us holds all the wisdom and keys to our being able to transmute the dark night of the collective soul.

Creativity is one one of the most powerful ways to stay connected to the light within our being. Our deepest Intuition works through our creative imagination in our subconscious mind. When we stay in sacred union with our creative Self we are empowered by the Spirit of Life. Nothing can dominate a soul who is linked directly with their Spirit. The way to rise above the lower frequencies that are seeking control at this time is to make our life a creative act in service of the Awakening of Human Consciousness. When we surrender to the divine blueprint of our soul, we cannot help but to become High Priests and Priestesses of Life and Love. ~Shannon

Ephesians 6:12 - Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12- For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world's darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13- Therefore take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand.…


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