Another Bombshell Book Crushing the Holohoax Lie, by Son of Jewish Violin Legend Yehudi Menuhin - a Review

"...the spokespersons of the European idea are not interested in Germany...They preach the dispersal of Germany, not its reassembly."
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Another Bombshell Book Crushing the Holohoax Lie, by Son of Jewish Violin Legend Yehudi Menuhin - a Review

Post by Christine »

This isn't new and the book "Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil" by Gerard Menuhin was the entry point in our research which we spoke about on many videos. I am also linking the video below as to underline what we the people of Planet Earth are up against. Time to rehabilitate our divine abilities and turn our light on full.

EDIT: 21 MAY 2020 - Video posted no longer available on YouTube so hear is link to a website that has it embedded. ... =Anonymous

This is a description of the book from the publisher, followed by excerpts from a detailed review by Frederick Toeben which appeared on Carolyn Yeager's site. Here is a link to a free high quality PDF version from the publisher.

Have you ever asked yourself why the world won’t come to rest? Why your parents, grandparents or great-grandparents had to die in wars that never should have occurred in the first place?

A book of monumental importance for the people of the world today. Many know that something is not right in the world. Nations engage in perpetual war while bankers and armaments makers line their pockets from the carnage. The average citizen of the world has been cut out of the decision-making process of government, whether he lives in a democracy, republic, theocracy or dictatorship.

All the while, the ruling elite grow stronger and richer as the real producers struggle to survive. Behind the scenes, events are controlled by a coterie of ethnic puppetmasters who work their marionettes in high places out of public view. How did this world get to the dark place it is today? Who could have stopped it and what can we do today?
The book consists of three sections. The first section concerns Adolf Hitler, his character and intentions, and the real causes leading up to the outbreak of WWII, including the actions of the real culprits and the rejection of the great lie.

The second section enlarges on the activities of the real culprits, provides a historical overview of their progress, their nature, their power over finance and the media, and the methods by which they achieved it. It includes insights into Freemasonry, the European revolutions, the influence and control of education and foreign policy, the creation of the EU, the New World Order and the evolution of the plan through the same powers and their proxies, since the 17th century up to the present.

The third section concerns the First and Second World Wars (what the author refers to as “the Second Thirty Years War”), their conception, funding and inescapable continuity; current laws against freedom of expression, and the evolution of the Orwellian state; the importance of U.S. support for the Soviet Union throughout the Cold War, and Communism’s significance in the plan; the true origins of the enemy; Palestine’s occupation and its fate as an example of our common fate; plus much more.

The text is interspersed with “Memos from Today,” that emphasize its relevance by citing current events. Hundreds of quotes are included from a wide range of authoritative sources, original and translated. The last pages of this manuscript comprise conclusions and predictions.

The narrative is dense and packed with facts, and backed by expert testimony. At times, the style is personal, even casual, and absolutely non-intellectual. It has been assumed that a personal touch makes the contents more accessible.

The author is the son of the great American-born violinist Yehudi Menuhin, who, though from a long line of rabbinical ancestors, fiercely criticized the foreign policy of the state of Israel and its repression of the Palestinians in the Holy Land.

Read it. Think about it. Distribute it to others. This is a book that can make a difference!

Gerard Menuhin: Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil

A review by Fredrick Töben

The book has no chapters but divides into four sections, which makes for challenging reading:

I–to p 162: Thwarted: Humanity’s Last Grasp For Freedom;

II–to p 294: Identified: Illumination Or The Diagnostic Of Darkness;

III–to p 366: Extinguished: Civilization;

IV–to p 457: Final Stage: Communist Vassalage.

Section I: Thwarted:

Humanity’s Last Grasp For Freedom

The heading conveys a grave, almost certainly a pessimistic message, and so with pencil in hand I begin to read through the section and immediately notice how Menuhin’s autobiographical account of his awakening to the German problem begins at home in England between the expressed views of his mother and father on the gassing allegations. His mother reminds him that had he been about in Germany during the war, then he would have been gassed, while his father, Yehudi – 1916-1999, the world renowned violinist – never talks about the war. This creates a conceptual dissonance that is further accentuated through Menuhin spending a year at the primary section of the private Salem boarding school at Lake Constance where he feels the German children around him are just like any other children. And later he also realizes that it does not make sense to him that a highly cultured nation, such as Germany has always been, could have become a part of a genocidal plan to exterminate the Jews. The final straw moment, so to speak, occurs when he is engaged in cleaning up his late grandparents’ home and finds copies of Gerhard Frey’s National-Zeitung.

In this weekly Munich-based nationalist newspaper he finds that his grandfather, Moshe Menuhin, 1893-1983, had written regular columns for Frey’s paper. In 1965 his grandfather had also come to prominence by publishing the explosive book: The Decadence of Judaism in Our Time, wherein he claims that Zionism as a political movement enslaves Jews to anti-Semitism and racism.

As the chronological narrative progresses it becomes obvious to the reader that here is a person who has seriously reflected upon the 12-year National Socialist history of Germany, and especially upon the development of the Holocaust narrative. For the die-hard Revisionist it is good once again to see how this narrative of the six million killed Jews was developed very early, just after the turn of the 19th century. So, only half a century after the matter was fixed in legal concrete by the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal’s lynching frenzy, the actual “Holocaust protection laws” are enacted in various European countries.

Menuhin writes:

Those 6 million had to disappear in “burning ovens.” So 6 million Jews had to be gassed and end up in burning ovens to fulfill the prophecies and satisfy the Talmud Torah dogmatism – a necessary adjunct to the financial entrepreneurs – of Israel’s legitimacy, according to their covenant with their God. – p 12.

He cites from the 1985 Toronto Ernst Zündel trial where then considered credible eye-witness Rudolf Vrba and expert historian Raoul Hilberg are effectively demolished. It is the last time in the world where the factual claims made by any Holocaust survivor or historian are subjected to cross examination. From then on it is deemed to be an insult to question any aspect of the narrative for truth content.

Of interest is how Menuhin’s reflections on the past are brought up to date by his weaving into the narrative continuous snippets, sometimes as single items, then also as a collection of items, entitled Memo(s)from today.

His first Memo from today, at page 25, introduces a seemingly unrelated story about Martin Amis, son of Kingsley Amis, who has to date written inconsequential novels, and now surprisingly has produced his first novel about “the Holocaust” – The Zone of Interest. Here is a brief summary of the book:

The Zone of Interest is the fourteenth novel by the English author Martin Amis, published in 2014. Set in Auschwitz, it tells the story of a Nazi officer who has become enamored of the camp commandant's wife.

Now Menuhin’s caustic remark about Kingsley’s latest book is telling because as a native English writer, Menuhin expects Kingsley’s command of the best universal language, English, to be almost perfect – with hard work, of course:

Junior does share one quality with his late father; he likes to wrestle with major political issues, without understanding their nature … Senior was a serious novelist of undeniable stature; Junior is just a short writer who takes himself too seriously; a lightweight who tries to engage with weighty subjects. Belatedly, but expediently for a New Yorker, he has discovered the “Holocaust,” a theme of greater interest if of a slighter substance than the state of his teeth, one with which he had previously been associated. – p 25.

After this brief interlude by focusing on a “wordmongerer” Menuhin plunges into the depth of his topic by focusing on the expression “emigration” and “extermination”, quotes from TAZ, the Berlin’s daily newspaper of 24 May 1995, which reveals that the Yad Vashem memorial site had been planned as early as 1942, then hits the first bulls-eye:

A good lie takes time to plan, and this was a very good lie; one which a defeated and demoralized enemy was in no position to refute. Misrepresent the purpose of a conventional delousing gas at the concentration camps, inflate the figures of typhus, typhoid and malnutrition deaths in the latter months of the war to match a symbolic figure, support with endless faked and staged photographs, purposely edited films and statistics, “find” a few “eyewitnesses” among the “survivors” – and the improbable becomes fact.

Indeed, in the Nineties, it allegedly became offenkundig (common knowledge), an expression the German courts use themselves, when condemning courageous disputants to jail sentences of five years or more., for having indulged in Orwell’s “thoughtcrime,” just as the Inquisition convicted Galileo for daring to assert that the earth moves around the sun and not vice versa.

Incidentally, it is said that Torquemada shared his ancestry with those who tyrannize Germans today. – p 26-27


Menuhin realizes how shaky such legal reasoning as Offenkundigkeit – taking judicial notice – really is:

In fact, an assertion of common knowledge is not a fact but only an opinion about a fact and so no proof at all – p. 27

He cites proof that the official story is a lie by referencing the serious material produced about the Holocaust by Rassinier, Faurisson, Rudolf, Leuchter, Graf, et al, then claims his second bulls-eye:

…but the most convincing proof of this can be imputed from the lasting benefits these events [he includes the N.Y tower incidents of 2001, refusing to call it 9-11] have brought their perpetrators and propagandists. (“Cui bono?”) – p 27.

His second Memos from today, is also instructive. In More propaganda from the cottage industry, Menuhin quotes Aristotle:

“Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society”, which he links to the “European Statute of Tolerance’s Section 7 seeks to criminalize hate crimes, incitement to violence, group libel and overt approval of a totalitarian ideology, xenophobia, anti-feminism or anti-Semitism, among other offenses, and details that “juveniles convicted of committing crimes listed [above] will be required to undergo a rehabilitation program designed to instill in them a culture of tolerance.” P 28-29


The third Memo from today is dated 4 April 2015 and Menuhin expresses his disdain at learning that pupils at the music school founded by his father, Yehudi Menuhin School, encourages students to visit Auschwitz. He asks:

Why should Jews continue to expend so much energy and money on “Holocaust” propaganda? They have already induced most leaders of governments, major companies, and ambitious public personalities to accept their views, but maybe they still fear the few informed voices which persist in exposing the historical truth, especially in education. – 31-32.

Another Memo from today features a transcription of an NBC News item of 26 January 2015, wherein a 90-year-old, Gena Turgel, recounts how she escaped the Auschwitz gas chamber as well as testings by Mengele! At Bergen Belsen she shared a barrack with dying teenager Anne Frank. Today she still wears a lot of perfume because this helps her block out the stench of the camps. And she still suffers because the Germans shot her 17-year-old sister, Miriam, for smuggling food into Plaszov, who used to sleep with her on the left side. Today she still feels a constant chill along her left arm. Tears well in her eyes but they do not fall because “to cry in Auschwitz could have you shot.” Menuhin sums up the pathetic fabrication in this Memo thus:

Auschwitz + 6 million + gas chamber + Anne Frank + Mengele = death march? Overdoing it? Not as long as there’s a gullible audience.- p 39

The Memo for today at page 41 is explosive in content in so far as it reveals in what kind of straightjacket Germans find themselves:

Critical voices in Israel warn that a new generation of Germans might call for a normalization of relations with Israel and might not want any longer to support Israel unconditionally despite the historical guilt of the Holocaust. (Neue Zürcher Zeitung, February 27, 2014)

Israeli writer Chen Ben-Eliyahu wrote in an op-ed column for Israel National News [that] Israel will reverse the “final solution”: “Twenty to 30 atomic bombs on Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Nuremberg, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Dresden, Dortmund and so on will assure the job gets done. … And the land will then be quiet for a thousand years.” (, March 11, 2015.


What some readers will now find disturbing is how Gerard Menuhin successfully rehabilitates the common image the world has of Adolf Hitler – absolute evil incarnate. Many Germans have attempted to do this without success. We recall how Austria is still holding Wolfgang Fröhlich, among others, in prison on a charge of attempting to rehabilitate “Nazism”! And Germany’s Section 130 of the Criminal Code – defaming the memory of the dead – has subjected Horst Mahler to 12 years’ prison.

Menuhin asks simple questions:

Did Hitler have a sense of humour? Not only did he have a sense of humour, he was not above making fun of himself; … Did he respond to beautiful things, to art, architecture, to music, to books? …His personal library is estimated to have encompassed 16,300 books. …He was immune from the blandishments of unearned recognition. …No more suitable individual could have led a country, particularly Germany, at that time. No member of the established section of society could have succeeded where he did;

He then makes a detailed reference to Hitler’s Sportpalast speech of 10 February 1933, stating:

This hour-long speech is recommended to anyone who understands German. Its passionate condemnation of all that was wrong then rings as true now as it did in 1933 and is therefore a telling indictment of the false progress civilization has made since them. Its ardent faith in a better future is overwhelmingly convincing.

Menuhin even takes the sting out of National Socialist’s alleged “racism” by citing from Norman Cantor’s book, The Sacred Chain. A History of the Jews, where it is clearly stated how -

racism is itself a central doctrine in traditional Judaism and Jewish cultural history. The Hebrew Bible is blatantly racist, with all the talk about the seed of Abraham, the chosen people, and Israel as the light to the other nations. Orthodox Jews in their morning prayers still thank God daily that he did not make Jews ‘like other people on earth.’ - p 107

Of course, philosopher Martin Heidegger also expresses Jewish racism quite succinctly in his recently released Black Books, which caused him to be accused of making “anti-Semitic” statements:

The Jews, with their marked gift for calculating, live, already for the longest time, according to the principle of race, which is why they are resisting its consistent application with utmost violence.

Menuhin then continues to narrate his detailed and multi-layered comprehensive view of how Hitler and Germany slipped into a war they did not want but which Churchill and the Allies and international Jewry-global capitalism so desperately wanted:

It is a wonder that Hitler prevailed as long as he did despite this constant betrayal, sabotage, and corruption, and further proof of the trust in him of the vast majority of German citizens. Present generations have been re-educated to dignify these traitors as “the resistance”. … These developments are an early example of coercive diplomacy, followed by active regime change. Interestingly the policy of the representatives of the British Empire/City of London closely resembles that of the U.S.A. today. Presumably, this is no coincidence, as the driving force behind each remains the same. – p 131.


Ballot paper of leaving the League of Nations

As Part One concludes the reader will further discover interesting snippets of historical significance not found in traditional views of this period of history. Menuhin’s grasp of this vexed topic is multi-layered and he succeeds in clearly fleshing out the German-hatred as expressed by those who saw themselves representing mainstream Judaism. Among other things, World War Two was thus a war between Germanism and Judaism, which Richard Wagner had already faced during the 1850s. The implied theme here is that Judaism has latched on to the Germanic mindset as has been revealed through the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, on whose foundation, for example, the European Union rests.

* * * *

[I am skipping now to a passage from Section IV - Final Stage-Communist Vassalage

You can read the entire review in the Adelaide Institute Newsletter 919, January 2016.]

Toben writes:

Instead of detailing his self-reflective exposé any further I shall conclude the review of his book by quoting five paragraphs at length. This should animate anyone interested in this subject to get the book so as to enable the reader, directly and unmediated, to experience Gerard Menuhin’s insightful and delicate mind at work.

So, for about four years, I tried to correct the record, or more precisely, I joined the band of so-called “Revisionists” who proclaim their controversial conclusions. A complete waste of time and energy and dangerous into the bargain. You cannot reverse with words, however sincere and persuasive – even with evidence – the effects of the intrigues and deceptions of centuries, nor elucidate for the uninformed the driving force behind them: an eternal and institutionalized hatred and envy of those with roots and culture.

If you are Jewish yourself, and you point the finger at Jews for their skullduggery, you must either be insane or hate yourself, or possibly both, they say. You hate them, so you hate yourself. Hmmm. The only sense I can make of this is that, having recognized the terrible harm Jews have done to the world and continue to do to it, some Jews hate themselves for being Jewish. Well, that may indeed be so. The first “Jewish self-hater” may have been the Judean Jesus himself, the itinerant preacher who castigated the money-lenders, thus revealing to the Pharisees that he was not the useful leader they had been expecting, and sealing his fate. In my case, as I’ve said, not being actually a Jew according to their laws, I can’t hate myself for this. Hatred is, in any case, a consuming emotion and thus an unhealthy one.

However, it is hard not to hate them for destroying ancient regions I would have liked to visit: Lebanon, Syria, Libya; or for their rootlessness, for their parasitism, for their inhumanity, for their perpetual lies, for their lack of a credible culture; for ruining my world, a world of natural and man-made beauty, through wars and endless avariciousness – for absolutely no reason at all except to gain control of it, through a so-called New World Order, leading to a Jewish World Government. “We will have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.” (Paul Warburg, co-founder of the Federal Reserve, member of the Council on Foreign Relations, February 17, 1950.)

As an aesthete, I am repulsed by their severe appearance deficit (the more symmetrical physique of some Israelis only emphasizes their Khazar ancestry.) Their character must imbue their countenance: ugly thoughts, ugly names, ugly language, ugly people. (Constant lying in their cause must uglify too, look at Merkel.) “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7). “The show of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe onto their soul! For they have rewarded evil unto themselves.” (Isaiah, 3:9).

Hollywood Jews, of which ever gender have often had their names altered and their features regularized, of course, so that they have become unrecognizable, but the basic orthodox Lumpen Jew, with or without black hats and sidelocks, to be seen hanging around the synagogue or the airport, waiting for others of his ilk to arrive, his bloated stomach forcing his white shirt to hang over the trousers of his black suit, is an odious creature. Here you have him, stuffed with kosher food, every pore exuding otherness. (On the subject of food, it is revelatory to inform oneself about the Kosher tax imposed on a very large number of domestic products, including many non-food items. Companies that object to this uniquely Jewish protection racket are labeled “anti-Semitic”.) This is a malevolent pest on the move, in body as in mind. These are just the foot soldiers of the cause and expendable, but their presumption betrays the ever-increasing success of their masters. – p 388-89.

His final words are telling:

Yet, as the German saying has it: “Truth obligates; who keeps silent concurs. – Wahrheit verpflichtet, wer schweigt stimmt zu. Peace between humans should be the norm on Earth. Yet to achieve this normal state requires all our energy. My father said: “Peace may sound simple – one beautiful word – but it requires everything we have, every quality, every strength, every dream, every high ideal.” My father tried to generate peace with his music. I have inherited a duty to do the same in the only way I can.

– and Gerard Menuhin has magnificently succeeded in fulfilling this monumental task of telling the truth by writing a book about it and thereby also keeping the flame of hope alive.
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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Janus Quirinus
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Re: Another Bombshell Book Crushing the Holohoax Lie, by Son of Jewish Violin Legend Yehudi Menuhin - a Review

Post by Janus Quirinus »

What some readers will now find disturbing is how Gerard Menuhin successfully rehabilitates the common image the world has of Adolf Hitler – absolute evil incarnate. Many Germans have attempted to do this without success.
On page 77, he confessed:

I can’t place the time anymore, but I sense that it occurred already in my teens. I can’t even manage a logical deduction, based on my own experience. At some point, I just began to receive—almost as though by way of some remote and obscure transmission—an understanding of him as a person, as a human being, as opposed to a monster, and the consequent need to find out if this surmise were true.

Which should illustrate that instinct is sympathy. In The Wonders of Life, Ernst Haeckel illustrates how the principles of sympathy and altruism (which he called an enlightened egoism) naturally occurred in the social life of highly organized animals, as well as the primitive man. Otto Wagener indicates that Hitler had privately inclined himself towards Reichenbach's theory of Odic Force, remarking on telepathic transference:

“Now and then ideas, concepts, views occur to me that I have read nowhere, heard nowhere, and never before thought, nor can I justify them by logic, and they do not even seem to me capable of being logically justified.” - Memoirs of a Confidant, p.g. 150-151

“Drawn to! That’s the key word. The differentiation in the waves, or whatever we imagine the means of transmission to be, either evokes sympathy–which is to say, a correspondence of feeling–or antipathy–which is to say, rejection–or no feeling at all. Then one remains indifferent.” - Memoir of a Confidant, p.g. 36

And in the Table Talk, entry October 1, 1941, a similar train of thought occurs:
"What complicates things in Vienna is the racial diversity. It contains the descendants of all the races that the old Austria used to harbour, and thus it is that everyone receives on a different antenna and everyone transmits on his own wavelength."

Rudolf Hess likewise addressed the subject of telepathy, although he believed it to only be common among animals, citing Russian research. Actually, it is common among humans too. He posed the question, "It happens between animals – why not between humans?"

Hadding Scott has been stubborn to a fault on his position that Otto Wagener's memoirs are unreliable. He is right to caution against taking a book published posthumously several decades after the war for granted. However, his prejudice is rather shaky, being based on a single quote excerpt which usually has it's context omitted. Highlighted in bold is the omitted portion:

"After all, that’s exactly why we call ourselves National Socialists! We want to start by implementing socialism in our nation among our Volk! It is not until the individual nations are socialist that they can address themselves to international socialism. Here, too, you see again how National Socialism differs from international Marxism and from communism. Now I have something quite different in mind, which I’ve borrowed from the Roman educational system." (p.g. 288)
Did Hitler have a sense of humour? Not only did he have a sense of humour, he was not above making fun of himself;
A sense of humour develops naturally from cultivating a sense of proportion. Take note of his telescope from the film footage at the Berghof. He indicated in his Table Talk that he wished to construct an observatory in Linz, this is corroborated by Hermann Giesler (Giesler even mentions the Psalm Hitler referred to). Hitler only revealed his humorous side to close intimates, much like Goethe.

What should also be mentioned in this context is that Hitler had an ultimate coldness about him. August Kubizek and even Winston Churchill were absolutely convinced that Rudolf Hess knew Hitler better than anyone else. Actually that is untrue, as a confined Hess admitted to Eugene K. Bird that these intimate moments were seldom and few. Hess corroborates Speer's statement in a June 1971 Playboy interview that Hitler's most distinctive feature was his coldness. In Speer's memoirs, it's indicated that Hess thought that Dietrich Eckart had been more closer to Hitler, but over the course of the decision, they believed this had been more of a matter of admiration on Hitler's part. Otto Wagener claimed to have seen the human side of Hitler briefly emerge after the death of his niece Geli, which was pivotal in his final surrender to the German racial/national consciousness.
His personal library is estimated to have encompassed 16,300 books.
Personally, I would've refrained from drawing attention to his massive collection. Many of them were either gifted or left unread. It's the books that he personally marked, went through, and absorbed that should be highlighted. He had good reason for his disdain of well-read academics drilled with unsorted knowledge and only really remarkable in their memory. Nowadays, people are too accustomed to habitual fast reading. Drowned in a cacophony of newspapers, they forget everything they've read and end up as intellectual parrots and gossipers (or as he once told Kubizek, scroungers at people's tables). It's imperative to master how to read between the lines.
Hitler's prescribed method of developing the art of reading in Mein Kampf (taking what is valuable, dropping the rest) was actually inadequate in the long run, but it is not without merit. It appears in the writings of humanists. The German philosopher Eric Voegelin often drew a comparison between Hitler and Ernst Haeckel's statements: "They lack the art of sifting what is valuable for them in a book from that which is without value." (Volume 31, Hitler and the Germans, p.g. 138)
Menuhin even takes the sting out of National Socialist’s alleged “racism” by citing from Norman Cantor’s book, The Sacred Chain. A History of the Jews...
Actually, it was his perusal of an authority/writer that takes the sting out of his critics, since he redirected their attention and hostility to a statement made by someone else.
He then makes a detailed reference to Hitler’s Sportpalast speech of 10 February 1933, stating:
This hour-long speech is recommended to anyone who understands German. Its passionate condemnation of all that was wrong then rings as true now as it did in 1933 and is therefore a telling indictment of the false progress civilization has made since them. Its ardent faith in a better future is overwhelmingly convincing.
In my brief email communications with him, he maintained that a lack of understanding for the German language was a deprivation "of a main source of proof about his character and intentions". This is admittedly true.

The English language does not account for distinctions between German words. At the time of Oswald Spenger's publication of The Decline of the West (Spengler shouldn't be lauded as a prophet, Giesler points out that he had overlooked an important factor in a struggle: unpredictability), the reviewers took his usage of "Germanic" (Nordic) to indicate "German", which was perceived as a cultural appropriation by the English speaking world. Today this insufficient lack of distinction appears to have been corrected, but there are still German words that are not yet accounted for (technik versus technologie).
The first section concerns Adolf Hitler, his character and intentions,
A pity his ideas are seldom accounted for without intrusive interpretative commentary.


Lastly, I wish to address Menuhin's erroneous association of Adam Weishaupt's Bavarian Illuminati with Freemasonry and Jesuitism. It's about time this matter was put to rest, to prevent further injury to Germany's historic reputation. Even FDR's son-in-law Curtis B. Dall has made a scapegoat out of the Illuminati.

In the first place, it is indicated in Proofs of a Conspiracy that had Freemasonry not existed, then Weishaupt would've been content to go with the academic circles. People often cite the letter of George Washington as a proof of their subversion, overlooking that Washington admitted that he hadn't been active in a Masonic lodge for over 30 years, due to the preoccupation with war (as Ted Kaczynski points out, the American revolution wasn't a revolution in the proper sense. Kaczynski just happens to fit the description provided in Otto Wagener's memoir regarding men of genius often being unsuitable as teachers) and with letter writing.

As more and more obscure Illuminati literature is translated and brought to light, it is becoming increasingly clear that Weishaupt was well-intentioned. He expressly denies in Supplement to the Justification of My Intentions (translated by Tony Page) that he wished to supplant Christianity and institute a natural religion in it's place. In Einige Originalschriften des Illuminatenordens (1787), there is an explicit precept which forbids Jews and pagans from joining. He was particularly looking to recruit individuals of Christian persuasion, but with humanistic training (the same qualification Hitler discovered in Hans-Ulrich Rudel, according to Hermann Giesler). I've uncovered a number of similar philosophical statements between Hitler and Weishaupt.

Weishaupt's contemporary rival, who had been vying for the support of Frederick the Great (but old Fritz wouldn't have any of it, being favorably disposed towards religious tolerance), was the jesuit and quasi-Rosicrucian infiltrator Johann Christoph von Wöllner. The Jesuits had a notorious sense for the existence of secret societies (which sprung up like mushrooms) and were trained to infiltrate and subvert them. Indeed, the subversion of Freemasonry did not begin with Jewry (which was still confined to the ghettos for the most part), but with Jesuit proxies.

In his publication The Track of the Jew, Rosenberg had the most excellent opportunity to indict the Bavarian Illuminati as a Jewish inspired movement, but he referred it to as a German movement and instead called out the participation of Martinists. Rosenberg claimed that in 1722, there were cases of early admission of Jews into the lodges of England, but nothing is said about the lodges in France and Germany. ... -magazine/

Nesta Webster likewise maintained that the Illuminati was predominantly German:

"...At the same time Jews appear to have been only in rare cases admitted to the Order. Everything indeed tends to prove that Weishaupt and his first coadjutors, Zwack and Massenhausen, were pure Germans." - Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, 1924

But she seems to have gradually sold-out to prevailing sentiment, as documented below. With the above facts, her assertions can easily be refuted:

"Weishaupt, [Mr. Gould] writes, incurred 'the implacable enmity of the Jesuits, to whose intrigues he was incessantly exposed.' In reality precisely the opposite was the case, for, as we shall see, it was Weishaupt who perpetually intrigued against the Jesuits." - Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, 1924

"...The references made to a mysterious brotherhood active all over the world, to a ceremony of initiation, as also to 'tribal patriotism' and the happiness of savagery, are strangely reminiscent of the German Illuminati." - Socialist Network, 1926

"The initiates swore to contribute by all means in their power 'to avenge the people for the oppression under which they were held by princes and the great ones of the earth, and to found a Universal Republic.'" - Surrender of an Empire, 1931

This is merely projection. Manly P. Hall admits in The Secret Destiny of America that it was actually Freemasonry's goal to realize Plato's republic.

To conclude: ... s_policies
Although Wöllner’s religious edict had many critics, it was an important measure that, in fact, proved an important stabilizing factor for the Prussian state. Aimed at protecting the multi-confessional rights enshrined in the 1648 Peace of Westphalia, the provisions of Wöllner’s edict were intended to safeguard against religious strife by imposing a system of state sponsored limits.[5] The edict was also a notable step forward regarding the rights of Jews, Mennonites, and Herrnhut brethren, who now received full state protection.[5]
It was the Peace of Westphalia which was the foundation of the permanent weakness of modern Germany. I have always said to my supporters: “It is not the Treaty of Versailles we must destroy, but the Treaty of Westphalia.” The French, of course, regarded the Versailles Treaty as just a continuation of the Westphalian Peace.
- English Table Talk, August 26, 1942
(I would like to eventually verify this claim. Regrettably, neither Picker nor Jochmann appear to have preserved excerpts of Table Talk conversations from August 1942.)
"Much has been, much will be, and in the middle of past and future lies the present. But the present is always only the interval of half a breath; there are no means to measure it." - Sajaha

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Re: Another Bombshell Book Crushing the Holohoax Lie, by Son of Jewish Violin Legend Yehudi Menuhin - a Review

Post by Christine »

Janus Quirinus wrote: Thu May 21, 2020 7:30 am
What some readers will now find disturbing is how Gerard Menuhin successfully rehabilitates the common image the world has of Adolf Hitler – absolute evil incarnate. Many Germans have attempted to do this without success.
On page 77, he confessed:

I can’t place the time anymore, but I sense that it occurred already in my teens. I can’t even manage a logical deduction, based on my own experience. At some point, I just began to receive—almost as though by way of some remote and obscure transmission—an understanding of him as a person, as a human being, as opposed to a monster, and the consequent need to find out if this surmise were true.

Reading this post in the sparse moments I have available to be online, and feeling drawn to once again speak from my inner being. Much the same happen to me though I can recall the moment exactly and how these 'transmissions" have built on over time. As I sit here now endeavoring to type words that describe this sensation it was the warm feeling of a fatherly love that embraced me from some nether world. I had just stepped out of a cold shower in the highlands of Ecuador, standing in a moment of stillness I sensed the presence of a being I intimately recognized as Adolf Hitler. In some manner my mind was able to interpret the feeling to words which were reassuring, kind and loving. Then the sensation vanished leaving me in a deep contemplation of what had occurred.

Janus Quirinus wrote: Thu May 21, 2020 7:30 amWhich should illustrate that instinct is sympathy. In The Wonders of Life, Ernst Haeckel illustrates how the principles of sympathy and altruism (which he called an enlightened egoism) naturally occurred in the social life of highly organized animals, as well as the primitive man. Otto Wagener indicates that Hitler had privately inclined himself towards Reichenbach's theory of Odic Force, remarking on telepathic transference:

“Now and then ideas, concepts, views occur to me that I have read nowhere, heard nowhere, and never before thought, nor can I justify them by logic, and they do not even seem to me capable of being logically justified.” - Memoirs of a Confidant, p.g. 150-151

“Drawn to! That’s the key word. The differentiation in the waves, or whatever we imagine the means of transmission to be, either evokes sympathy–which is to say, a correspondence of feeling–or antipathy–which is to say, rejection–or no feeling at all. Then one remains indifferent.” - Memoir of a Confidant, p.g. 36

And in the Table Talk, entry October 1, 1941, a similar train of thought occurs:
"What complicates things in Vienna is the racial diversity. It contains the descendants of all the races that the old Austria used to harbour, and thus it is that everyone receives on a different antenna and everyone transmits on his own wavelength."
Words spoken in 1941 are as true today as ever, the complications of diversity is something I deal with every day with each individual I speak to. The great melting pot of humanity to which I will add the great mixing of genetics, that is so clearly seen as each person playing their own movie. The ever present question for me is how to harmoniously hold the field so to speak in neither rejection or acceptance.

Rudolf Hess likewise addressed the subject of telepathy, although he believed it to only be common among animals, citing Russian research. Actually, it is common among humans too. He posed the question, "It happens between animals – why not between humans?"

... there is so much to address in your post Janus and I shall return as time permits, you have so many resources that I have yet to explore.
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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