Why I don’t wear a mask

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Why I don’t wear a mask

Post by Spiritwind »

I decided I needed to write a response to my sisters partner who had a very strong negative reaction in a phone conversation when I told him I don’t wear a mask. This is becoming increasingly common, when talking to people who have an entirely different approach to staying healthy, treating imbalance and signs of illness or disease. Most of these people believe in the mainstream system.

I could write a whole book on how I came to my current perspective, but don’t have time, so will try to come up with an abbreviated version. I think it’s important, because I am being questioned about my stance with an increasing level of hostility and assumptions.

Here’s the deal. I don’t have health insurance, and have not had a family doctor ever since he retired about 15 years ago. I don’t complain about it though, because in the last few years I have kind of reached a breakthrough in my own understanding of who and what I am in the larger scheme of things. I might as well be an alien because I know only a very small handful of people who “see” as I do. I have a lifetime of experience I can relate to show the long term course of how I came to this place, as probably can each of those whom I have spoken to who understand.

I started down this path when I was 20 years old. Just as any doctor who practices medicine for 40 years, I have a great deal of experience in knowing what works for me and what doesn’t. The system that is in place now would have me believe that those experiences are of no value, for I do not qualify as an expert in their view. I can’t say this any other way than my whole 40 plus years of experience is what I trust, and I believe they are in error when lumping me into the “collective”. I am not Borg, and I will not be assimilated.

To jump to current conditions, I live in an environment that would make most people cringe. In short, there’s a lot of dirt and poop. Goat poop, horse poop, dog poop, chicken poop, cat poop, and last, but not least, our poop! I have to clean this stuff up on a regular basis, and I get dirty (worse than that, really!). I’ve tried wearing a mask so as not get get the dust in my nose when cleaning barns, and I just can’t do it. I get light headed, it fogs up my glasses, and gives me a slight panic attack. I’ve tried many times.

Anyway, with our current lifestyle, and all the germs and bacteria we are exposed to, I should be sick all the time. I am not. I do have issues with allergic responses to what is in the air sometimes, or what I eat (which is highly important and mostly overlooked in this equation) but I feel that is my body’s effort to protect me. I try, instead, to support my body’s ability to heal itself through a wide variety of immune enhancing responses. On a handful of occasions, I have not been able to shift whatever physical ailment I may be experiencing, but was able to remedy it through help from skilled friends who understand we are much more than our physical body, and sometimes there is more going on than meets the eye. In each of these occasions, the positive response was dramatic and immediate. In short, I trust me, and a handful of others who take a similar approach and also have years of experience. I trust them way more than the currently accepted western model of medicine that has become something quite far flung from its original purpose.

I can’t even summarize the mountain of research and stuff I’ve read over the years, but suffice it to say, overall, humanity, with all the advances in medicine, is not becoming healthier. It has become totally impersonalized, and robotic in its current form, and totally repulsive to me in every way. Even my husband, who was a medic in the military, and later a physicians assistant for a few years cannot believe what it has come to. In fact, he got out of medicine because of what he observed. At least in the military, the people pretty much all received the same treatment. In the civilian world though, it was all about your insurance coverage. Many did not get the best care available because their insurance would not cover it. Some can not get any at all. Great system we have there!

There’s also this little thing about honor, respect, and a willingness to stand by your values, ethics, and morals. It is very clear from my research that these are not the values driving our current mainstream system, so I respectfully decline. Sometimes, you just have to stand up for what you believe is right, regardless of whether you are a single voice against a hostile majority.

I have had numerous strange symptoms come and go in my life, some of them even very concerning. Most people would have scrambled to their doctor. I have no doubt I would have been diagnosed with a slew of various conditions with the matching prescriptions that do not heal, but only manage symptoms. And my belief in those diagnoses would have assisted in their continued manifestation. In fact, over 30 years ago I was told I had a condition that warranted severe physical restrictions, like, don’t carry more than 10 pounds. Obviously I didn’t listen to that! I also have a growing understanding of the power of belief, which, for the most part people know nothing about. Which is unfortunate, for we are not just a slightly more conscious version of animal, but so much more. Just do a little research of the placebo effect.

It would appear than many have a short memory as well, when it comes to the past. My husband’s mother’s family emigrated from Russia as a group of several families who decided it was time to leave the Motherland, in anticipation of what the Bolsheviks were planning to bring about. It turns out they were very wise in making this move. He would probably not be here today. There are many instances of people seeing what was coming, trying to warn their fellowman, only to be disregarded, yet later proven correct in their predictions.

And there is such a thing as doing the right thing, according to your conscience. My husband related a story about riding a bus back when discrimination was still practiced in what then was considered an appropriate manner by the masses. He is white, and got on the bus, but there were no more seats. So the bus driver stopped the bus and went back and told an older black woman who was sitting down to stand up, and let my husband sit down. My husband had been discriminated against because his mother was Russian when he was growing up and has strong feelings about injustice and prejudice, and said he felt like seriously hurting the bus driver for his bigotry. Anyway, needless to say, my husband told the bus driver in no uncertain terms that the woman in question was NOT giving up her seat, and that he was quite willing to stand.

Well, it turns out, bigotry comes in many shapes and sizes. And there is so much information out there now, that clearly demonstrates the long term planning that has went in to this, showing step by step how they are going to roll this out. I’ve been watching, and reading about this for years upon years. And they are following the script quite closely. So it truly is bizarre that even though, to me, it is so obvious what is really happening, and that they’ve been so successful, it is even more bizarre that people like me who keep pointing at the Emperor, and saying, “hey, he doesn’t have any clothes on, he’s naked!”, are starting to trigger such hostility in some just by virtue of opening our mouths at all.

I used to at least be able to express myself, and people would just roll their eyes while walking away. But now, since we are the minority who keep speaking out and asking questions, which we have every right to do, we are just being labeled “difficult”, “dangerous”, and somehow a threat to their safety. People are actually sanctioning some of the ridiculous measures those who have been strategically placed in positions of authority are now implementing at an alarming rate. Forcibly separating children from their parents, arresting people because they are not wearing a mask, putting children in little cubicles and not allowing them any close contact as well as wearing masks is considered a good idea, along with being asked by your government to spy and turn in anyone who is not following the rules. Am I concerned? Uh, yeah, I am concerned!

And next thing you know, just like discrimination throughout time, I may no longer be able to ride the bus, go out to get necessary supplies like food and things for the farm. Many will not even be able to return to their professions, as they will not exist anymore. Who knows, maybe I’ll even have to sew a special badge on my clothing, or get a tattoo, to mark me as an “undesirable”.

It really comes down to what you believe, based on the best evidence available. As I’ve stated before, statistics can be very contradictory, for you have to know the model used to derive those statistics. Having grown up in a very religious home, I know how easy it is to take some bible scriptures and present a good argument, while the person you are arguing with has done the same with different scriptures. The argument can go on forever. And all the while they are insidiously continuing to take every aspect of our sovereignty that we ever thought we had, away from us.

And, I’m sorry, but according to my research, the evidence for the seriousness of this situation justifying what they are rolling out is simply not able to adequately counter the evidence to the contrary, in my view. I’m still not saying that there is no biological component to this, just that what we are being sold as the truth has some gaping holes, and conflicting information, and merits being analyzed and questioned a great deal more before being accepted as the only possible view or solution to what appears to be occurring. It is definitely NOT the only response, nor in my view, the right one. I do not want to live in the reality our billionaire (trillionaire) would be planners and controllers have in mind for us. If you don’t look at the information that supports this possibility, then you are willfully choosing to remain in ignorance.

When I told my sister’s partner that I would not allow anyone to stick that thing up my nose to test for this so called “virus” I was accused of trading one fear (fear of getting sick) for another fear. I do not agree. I do not actually fear what is to come, for I cannot by myself stop it. I fear much more for my fellowman, and all life here, for, just like Noah back in the day, a flood is coming, whether you choose to see it or not. I’m just doing my part as a concerned spiritual being, currently inhabiting a physical body, who cares about all life here, and does not want to be irresponsible by not warning my fellowman.

The way I see it, is, if giving my life will save others, it is worth it. I will stand in the light of truth, even if I stand alone. It’s a good day to be alive. It’s also a good day to die. At least if I do, I do it with my self respect, integrity, and dignity intact.
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Re: Why I don’t wear a mask

Post by Spiritwind »

As I continue to self reflect on exactly what it is that bothers me about our current world wide crisis of sorts, several things crystallize in my awareness.

It really comes down to two distinct areas of consideration. One is the personal level. I do not want to be forced to test for this “virus” because I feel the evidence to support the idea that it is at least in part a purposefully developed bio weapon, with possibly different batches affecting different populations, is fairly strong. I would agree that there is a toxic element to this, a pathogen, but my verdict is out on whether it is a virus at all, that is the culprit.

So I do not want to be tested, because, frankly, I do not trust, at all, the shadowy figures driving the narrative from behind the scenes. I know their end goal, and I do not support it. I do not feel it appropriate to trust the efficacy of this test, and feel it is possible for inoculation of some sort to occur should I allow it. If you haven’t looked up the very real desire to cull the population by wealthy eugenicists and their agenda to make this happen, then I guess this would be a stretch for you to believe. I can, actually, supply the very real documents (obviously not originals, but in the public domain) to support these possibilities.

I would not submit to their treatment for any illness I may develop, for I do not trust a system that has shown repeatedly it is more about profit than saving lives. Not that they don’t have life saving technology and techniques hard to produce at home, but I would not qualify for any of that level of treatment anyway. I would probably be one of those they would urge to sign a DNR form. I’ll take my chances on my own, thank you very much.

I definitely would not willingly submit to a forced vaccine. For all kids of reasons that would take too long to cover here, other than to say I do have a right not to have certain substances forcibly being injected into my body that are part and parcel of every vaccine on the market today. If they want to accept the liability, and maybe pay out to my relatives a hefty sum upon my death, maybe. That’s a big maybe.

And I will not wear a mask because I have done extensive research on the efficacy of wearing most masks that are available on the market today, and if this was actually a virus of the extent and level that they say it is, a mask will not be effective anyway. There are numerous hazards, known in medical literature, that would suggest that the risks outweigh the benefits. I have had to almost literally run through the one store I’ve had to go to where they are required, and it took me a full day to recover from the experience. I just can’t do it. Not to mention, if I give people plenty of room to stay out of my range of what they consider the proper social distance to protect themselves and others, I’m not sure what the purpose is. I guess if I was sick, sneezing, coughing, had a fever, then it might be appropriate, but I wouldn’t go out under those conditions anyway (and don’t give me the asymptomatic BS, as the verdict is totally out on that one - I’ve seen so much contradictory information that you might as well pick your belief out of a hat) . Plus, unless you have someone touch all the items you need, who is certified to be “safe” and uninfected (and that goes all the way back to its place of origin), then every single item may be touched by who knows how many people, which kind of defeats the purpose of all the above. That is, if you are really dealing with something that can live on surfaces long enough to be transmitted.

I don’t go out much anyway, so it hasn’t really affected me as much as many who do. But, the other thing I do feel concern about is that it would almost appear as though this is being orchestrated to create as much chaos, mayhem, upheaval, and despair as possible. It’s almost as if someone at the higher levels of plot development want a war. Because the number of people whose businesses have collapsed, and the subsequent loss of jobs to those who were employed in them is quite astronomical. I strongly feel, if the narrative goes as I think it is, that in just a couple of months we’re going to see just how much.

Add into the picture what is happening with food production as a direct result of the shutdowns, it’s not looking good. If I don’t eat healthy food, my health takes a nose dive pretty fast. So, it will add to lowered immune response due to the poverty, desperation, increased homelessness, and downright hunger issues, with likely devastating effects when the next wave rolls out. And if you’ve studied “what they do, and what they actually tell you is coming” then you know another wave is on the way. And it won’t even matter how real it really is. What will be real is the results. That is actually what has me most concerned, for they have perfected their skills at mass mind control to the extent they feel fairly confident that they will be able to pull this off

I mean, these people don’t even have regular jobs like most of us have or have had. They plan this stuff out for generations, with each new one doing their part to realize the new world order according to their design. This is what they do, day in and day out, is play god with our lives. And unfortunately, there is nothing benevolent about them, even though they have done a remarkably good job programming the masses that they do have their best interests in mind, that they are doing this for the good of the whole. Pretty damn good at deception, I must say.

The other part that becomes painfully obvious, is that the world really does need to change. And every part of the previous program needs to be thrown out and re-written from scratch by beings who really do have the necessary credentials, ethics, and morals to be fit for the job. They are out there, but they usually aren’t looking to rule the world, and are already quietly going about improving lives wherever they already are, and whatever they are already doing. It’s a way of life, when you live to create a better environment that honors and respects all life. And I would say most of the people already doing this do it out of love, compassion, and a sense of service, and often for very little financial reward or recognition.

Time we started being more aware of who these people are, and pull our attention away from the outer horror show. They are there, in our every day lives, and have probably been trying to lead by example how we can live on this earth with true integrity. The earth could be a paradise if that is what we really wanted more than anything. We just need to quit giving the best of who and what we are to a ravenous beast who no matter how much it takes from us, is never satisfied. You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.....

I plan to continue this a bit, with more info on what’s out in the public domain that backs up what I am saying here. Meanwhile, the following is a thread I started more than a couple years ago here, on medical experimentation with a total disregard for ethics (as I was taught in college anyway):

Human Medical Experimentation in the U.S. - History
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Re: Why I don’t wear a mask

Post by Spiritwind »

I live in Washington State in the US, for anyone who doesn’t already know that, and masks, as of today, have just become mandatory. And, people are still posting about how they just can’t understand what the problem is with those who won’t wear them. And, I am tired of the guilt, shame, and not so subtle policing done by some I thought of as friends. It’s not enough that they wear them, they feel the need to enforce it for everyone, presumably so they can feel safer. There are plenty of people who really, due to medical reasons, should NOT be wearing one. And I do stay way clear of others on the rare occasion when I am out, out of respect to them. But, I am getting tired of this continuing to be such an issue for so many.

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Re: Why I don’t wear a mask

Post by Rob »

Obligatory post.... I will not ware a mask, It causes hypoxia, hypercapnia and leads to other health problems...
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Re: Why I don’t wear a mask

Post by LostNFound »

With all the real science and research coming forth about this fakedemic that has been foisted upon the world, the reality of Masks not working to stop anything except oxygen to the wearer of one of these designer objects, not to mention the wearer gets to breath their own CO2 back in and smell their own bad breath why is it that sheeple continue to wear these things? One doesn't even see the dictatorial governors or mayors wearing the stupid things, why is that do you think. Oh yeah we got watch the fauci guy spit his vile lies out to the world and never wore a mask, In fact he even said to the world at one point that healthy people should not be wearing masks. the American people should not be wearing a mask. Geez, these bastards told us all that they lied to us and how many people paid attention to that because it seems that more people are wearing the government control device now than before.

There is now a ton of exposure about this bullshit pandemic and people still think these designer masks made from Chinese underwear are going to save their ignorant brainwashed lives. Pardon my rant and language but I am so tired of this crap and the people refuse to understand just how stupid this all is. I am on the verge of just wanting to leave this God Damn planet to find a real place where stupidity is non existent. I suppose this is all planned out to happen this way but for God sake it has to end some time and the sane folks have to get back to some reality.

I know you, Spiritwind live in that damn sanctuary state, like Oregon and Colorado and Californicatia and I am sure you all feel like you are in the middle of a shit storm but unfortunately this stuff has spread like amoeba's to the world and the creeps that caused this are all going to hang from any lamp pole that can be reached when the people finally get pushed to far. We might already be seeing this happening in places. Gates, Fauci, Brix, the five governors that murdered the old folks in the nursing homes and many more of the political realm will be taking the hit for this insanity. It is just a matter of time now.

Okay enough of my rant, I will never wear a mask, I will never bow down and I will never give up to any of these damn dictators. So going out in a blaze of glory may be my only way. Just my few cents worth of thought to this thread.

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Re: Why I don’t wear a mask

Post by Rob »

... I guess I don't know how to post an image yet.
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Re: Why I don’t wear a mask

Post by LostNFound »

BTW, welcome to this little garden Rob. As for posting an image, don't feel lonely, I can't do that either. Could it be the one where all the sheep are wearing the masks? That one had me spitting fluid all over my monitor. Ha ha.
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Re: Why I don’t wear a mask

Post by Christine »

Rob wrote: Sat Jun 27, 2020 8:23 pm ... I guess I don't know how to post an image yet.
Hi Rob, once you master posting an image it's not hard. If it is from you personal collection you will need to upload it to a image hosting website like: https://imgbb.com/

If the image is already on a website on MacOS you can click 'control + shift' with cursor hovering over the image and choose the function "copy image address", not sure about Microsoft but I am sure that's easy to figure out.

Once you've copied image address you use the photo icon: 'little box with mountain and sun' which will give you these brackets: [ img ] [/img]

Paste the copied URL between them: [ img ] https://www.earthempaths.net/wp/wp-cont ... n-Lion.jpg [/img]

Without my intentionally left spaces on the img bracket for demonstration purposes this is what you will get: Image

P.S. I don't wear a mask either which has been a curtailing of the places I go to shop and frequent.
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Re: Why I don’t wear a mask

Post by Moonlight »

No mask here either. Thankfully they are not mandatory either... highly recommended, but not mandatory. I don't think it would be accepted by the people in my part of the world. Just the word mandatory would make everybody rebel against it. Very few people wear them... most of them on their chin :lol:

I did though in the very beginning, when I was not well. They were not even recommended then. But, out of concern for others, I did when I went to the grocery. I still had some from when I was working with the elderly. I would wear one then when I had a cold, which is very rare in my case. If I am not sick, I don't see why I would stick that in my face.
Last edited by Moonlight on Wed Jul 01, 2020 12:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why I don’t wear a mask

Post by Rob »

Let me try this again... The img tags don't work....

Got it..... But I will keep this link.

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