The Genius of Walter Russell with Matt Presti | Our Divine Inheritance and Commentaries

"Throw off this ignoble discouragement and rise like a fire that burns all before it."

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The Genius of Walter Russell with Matt Presti | Our Divine Inheritance and Commentaries

Post by Christine »

My video silence was because I didn’t want to add any noise to the field, my soul needed time to integrate all that was before humanity as our Earth Realm rights it’s self. The necessity holding a steady course as the confronting forces which have propelled us into an epic and cosmic battle were felt deep within. Evermore there is a sense of exhaustion coupled with exhilaration as each of us hold the upright pole of our Being.

Matt Presti is a source of guiding light whose work is expressed in his music and poetry. He graciously joined Earth Empaths to speak about the Work of Walter and Lao Russell. Links to where you can view his own work and with The University of Science and Philosophy at the bottom of this writing. Please support this vital work to protect a Living Legacy of Light.

We do know, we’ve always known our Source yet we’ve been indoctrinated and fooled into doubting the very existence of God within. May our words be an inspiration as we Rise in Spirit.



🔥 Please support Matt’s work by purchasing a book or via donation, he is preserving a living legacy, one that the parasitical agents have failed to suppress.





University of Science and Philosophy





In Closing for Now…
I had wanted to edit our sharing with images and music but for some reason my editing software refused to render the video, so be it. I am including the trailer that I felt fit the video so well.

As I was looking for material I found that I had already shared an interview from 2016 here on Earth Empaths: Walter and Lao Russell | The Cosmology of Light | Matt Presti & Robert Otey on OffPlanet Radiov
You might want to listen to it too. Peace out.
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Re: The Genius of Walter Russell with Matt Presti | Our Divine Inheritance and Commentaries

Post by Spiritwind »

I had not heard of Matt Presti before, and enjoyed this very much. I also hadn’t heard of Walter Russel that I recall. I did take a few notes as I listened, because it’s a rare opportunity to hear someone who has clearly been walking the solo path of self work, and self responsibility.

Evil comes from having free will (we have a choice of whether to harm or to help, to live with honor, and integrity, or to lie, cheat and steal, to love, or to hate). “They” exist, because WE are out of balance. If we were to truly apply the necessary discipline and taking responsibility, and put spiritual growth and understanding above all else, we would come back INTO balance. (I have long thought this, that in a way, there is no boogey man “out there”, that we haven’t been complicit in creating, through our own misuse of will).

We live in an electric universe; there is charge - discharge, there is inhalation - exhalation, there is male - female. But these are all two faces of one thing, not two separate things, as with the idea of positive - negative, and good - bad.

Same being breathes in and breathes out, not one being for the inbreath, and another for the outbreath. The separation is in OUR MINDS! (This I have always thought!)

Not conscious and subconscious - instead that of which you are aware, and that which you are not (I tend to agree with this too)

And that God really is consciousness, and everything that exists is conscious, to some extent. God is not a being, a thing, a male or female (God is every thing has long been my conclusion).

I loved when Matt said something like the New Age is like a spiritual fast food drive through. I laughed, for this seems a very fitting description of my own conclusions. For now, most group type things just aren’t going to get you there. I know it’s said all the time, but it’s true, it is an inside job.

And I can’t remember what exactly he said, but I wrote this down: we can see each other’s pain. I believe this true. But for some reason humanity as a whole still wants to run from it, and these overlords use that to their advantage. That’s how they keep us in line. In that way, we are like animals, because they do the same thing. To be more, we have to be able to rise above the pain, that being embodied engenders. That’s probably why few even attempt to do so. The majority get really good at hiding it. Even Eckhart Tolle talks about the painbody a lot. It was talked about often in the Stuck to Unstuck group I attended many years ago. The pastor who facilitated the group talked about it as being like balloons in a bathtub. How many balloons can you hold down? Eventually, the pain body gets to be too much, too big, and the body/mind will manifest a way to check out. I’ve seen it happen.

So the conclusion is, spiritually speaking (and speaking for myself), we have to choose to be here, and choose to be present in this seeming grand finale, of what seems like good versus evil. Even though it’s real, and does affect our lives in various ways, it’s equally not real, in another sense. If we collectively took back all within ourselves, that we have denied and projected outwards, over time, ever since the first misuse of will occurred in time and space, we would be opting out of this game, this false reality they have created for us. But embracing the pain that has been denied is not easy, or we would see more rushing to do so, and truly heal. What will it take? I really do not know.

It has also been for me, a leaning towards the idea that we are being “allowed” to have these human experiences, and even though it appears we are in opposition to this gigantic evil, that has been entrenched in our human story as far back as we can go, there is something else at work. I’ve long thought, that truly, the god in each of us can just wake up. And when that actually happens, we will no longer be in this dream, or nightmare, however you want to see it. And time is irrelevant, and in some conceptual ways does not even exist. However long it takes, is however long it takes.

Hence, as Matt points out, for now, spirituality really is about responsibility and is a very solo journey. You have to choose to go vertical, towards spirit, to get off the horizontal see saw of life. It’s like humanity is still learning about the right use of will, and we have as long as it takes.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: The Genius of Walter Russell with Matt Presti | Our Divine Inheritance and Commentaries

Post by Spiritwind »

And for those who may be interested, here is a link to a PDF you can read online of Walter Russells’s book, The Secret of Light: ... _Light.pdf
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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