The Hebrew Alphabet and it's Occult Meanings and Symbolism

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Re: The Hebrew Alphabet and it's Occult Meanings and Symbolism

Post by Naga_Fireball »

From what I have seen, you will not find these truths in the structures created by man. For honor has been forgotten for the very life force that makes all life in the physical even possible. There is a divine temple within each one of us, regardless of whether we acknowledge that or not. When ones tent is really secure, the winds of life will be faced with the assurance that one will find the necessary resources to handle any situation with grace and integrity. There is always a third way. The way that moves from the heart after all has been considered.
Thank you for the paragraph about temperance, but ty Very much for the one quoted.

People forget in all the stupid hype about "tech" and "alien bases" etc that we dont need anything extra to be human or transcend the temporary.

We need to acknowledge the validity of the average human experience, that each person is special and lovable, that we don't need to spend our whole lives building a messiah or a platform from which to Talk Down to the uninitiated.

We certainly have quite the ideological opposition on EE , between well researched and considered material such as this, and the more programmy mind diarrhea sort of thing that passed for knowledge on the toilet paper forums.

@_@ wtb temperance
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Re: The Hebrew Alphabet and it's Occult Meanings and Symbolism

Post by Spiritwind »

This is not that great of an image, but it's the only one I could find.


The Guide in Tarot of the Old Path


Temperance in the Rider Waite deck
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Re: The Hebrew Alphabet and it's Occult Meanings and Symbolism

Post by Naga_Fireball »

Hug. Lmao, sorry, I meant that i lack temperance itself.

I had this insanely stupid saying as a teenager, "moderation is the virtue best applied to other virtues". Very boastful and short sighted.

Youre right that first one is... Interesting @@
Brotherhood falls asunder at the touch of fire!
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To enforce the wrong, for such a worthy cause
Dooms and devotes him as his lawful prey.
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Re: The Hebrew Alphabet and it's Occult Meanings and Symbolism

Post by Christine »

Michael Tsarion on Art, Temperance, and Freedom - Truth Warrior Podcast

Published on Jun 8, 2016

In this episode We continue the master class on the Tarot with Michael Tsarion, and focus on the Art/Temperance card and all of its esoteric meaning relating to each individual on a psychological and philosophical level, and how all of this relates to what is taking place currently both politically and socially.


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Re: The Hebrew Alphabet and it's Occult Meanings and Symbolism

Post by Spiritwind »

Ayin - eye - bondage
15. The Devil
Sphere 6 - 8 (Tiphareth to Hod)


So here I sit trying to think of what to write. Next up for me is key 15, other wise known as the Devil, or in the deck I use, Temptation. Somehow, deep down in our being, we know we have a spark of that divine energy, that comes from the creator, or source, of all life. That which makes us alive. But are we really alive? Or are we just having a dream of being in a human body, with our eyes as the projector.

For if this is the case, then everything changes, and the Devil is really our savior in disguise. For it will show us, through what we see, that which keeps us separated from this truth. The truth that we are sparks of divine light having a human experience. For what we actually see isn't necessarily even what is there, it is what our "mind" chooses to see, and focus on.

Not only that, there are the rules of the game. Who wrote the game? Well, on some level, we did. But most are not ready to own that possibility. For it is indeed a conundrum. If we are eternal beings who already exist in a perfected state, then what could possibly be going on here, this dream where there are predators and prey, where everything we see, or think we see, may not be what it seems. How could we be experiencing such extremes, where the good of heart seem to get punished, and those driven by greed, lust, and a need for some imagined sense of control, seem to get rewarded with the top spots on the totem pole of life?

But let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. The Hebrew letter, Ayin, means eye, as well as indicating "foundation". According to Paul Foster Case, in The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages, the eye is "the organ of sight", and though an orb, "vision is limited by the circle of the horizon; through the eye we see appearances only" and therefore "the eye represents the limitation of the visible, and the bondage of ignorance resulting from the acceptance of these limitations and appearances as being all there is."

So, how does an eye relate to foundation? It is interesting to think about. From even before we are born we have more than just what we see with our physical eyes to receive information from and about the reality we are experiencing. But it is also true that once we enter the physical world after being born, our primary source for determining what is going on in our world is through the windows of perception, our eyes. But it is not just with our eyes alone. For the moment we draw breath, we have an unconscious recorder going, and outside authorities telling us how to interpret what we see. Our reality, hence, becomes separated from the rest of our senses, in almost imperceptible ways, and becomes more and more shaped by our expectations and by how we have been taught to interpret our experience.

It becomes subtly hijacked, in many cases, to where our other senses, such as how does a situation feel, smell, taste, and sound, becomes secondary, or completely ignored. Thus, our eyes, when seen in this way, can lie to us. But, like anything not built on firm foundations, that reality can come crashing down on us, when the tower of lies becomes too unstable to hold us up anymore. But that is for the next key to ponder.

We have seen over and over again the limitations of basing our understanding of experience on only what we have been programmed to see. And we each of us participate in that programming along the way. Therefore, it becomes imperative, to learn to see with eyes anew. To question everything we think we know, and learn once again to activate all our senses, so as to ferret out a fuller picture of what is truth, as opposed to remaining bound to outside authorities, who, in truth, have their own agenda. And this agenda, under closer scrutiny, may not really lead us to the path of liberation. True freedom can never really be granted by an outside authority. This is the lesson I have taken away from meditating on this keys deeper meaning.

Unfortunately, life often has to become an almost unbearable challenge, for most to embrace change, and move into a state of self reflection. I have noticed that many who seem to have an easy ride this time around seem to feed their egos, their little eye, to the point where their ability to tune in to the bigger eye of perception that remains hidden under the surface, becomes the enemy to avoid at all costs. It becomes so buried that when any truth of a more expanded nature threatens to surface, it is immediately pushed away. So accustomed have they become to a life of ease, that they simply cannot release their rigid, though in actuality very tentative, hold on reality.

The hold of D' evil becomes almost absolute. But even this too is an illusion. The scale will always tip in the other direction, when the weight of the imbalance becomes too great.
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Re: The Hebrew Alphabet and it's Occult Meanings and Symbolism

Post by Spiritwind »


Temptation in Tarot of the Old Path


The Devil in the Rider Waite Deck
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: The Hebrew Alphabet and it's Occult Meanings and Symbolism

Post by Spiritwind »

The Tree again, for easier reference.


Peh - mouth - power of the word
16. The Tower
Sphere 8 - 9 (Hod to Netzach)


At this point in the tree I feel compelled to look again at the structure of the tree itself. Even though the discussion has been about the pathways that connect these different spheres of archetypal energies, the spheres themselves are worthy of much discussion of their own. But that is for another time. It would be helpful, though, in understanding this key, to see that this pathway crosses over the vertical pathway of key 14, Temperance, or The Guide, that leads from Tiphareth (The Sun), to Yesod (The Moon). The direct energy of the Sun is the only balanced way to bring accurate understanding to the reflective world of the Moon. The forces of Hod (Mercury- the mind/intellect) cross over this path to connect with the forces of Netzach (Venus - the heart/desire).

Often these two energies are not in good communication with one another, which can manifest all manner of self sabotage. But it often goes unnoticed until a life situation brings these hidden patterns and programming to the surface for a closer look. This often is not welcomed by our conscious self, who would rather avoid the messiness of having to re-evaluate ones life strategies.

I have to jump in here for just a moment, and acknowledge that as I read through what I have written over the last year, I realize the message, in some ways, is repetitive. Just my own little two cents worth here, but it seems quite apparent that this whole path working thing is simply a tool to help us wake ourselves up out of a deep slumber, where we slowly, often painfully, realize all the myriad and many ways in which we gave control over our experience of being alive in a physical body to someone, something, else. It doesn't even matter who or what; just the realization that we are indeed ultimately spiritual beings in the first place, and the trick really is about bringing that spiritual self fully into the physical. And to do that you must take back control over your experience. These pathways seem, to me anyway, to be showing the psychological roadmap to get there. If we think how many times as children we hear the same messages, often designed to keep us under control of some sort, so many times it gets internalized, and we don't even realize it. It's like a form of reprogramming yourself.

And that does indeed capture the energy of this key, in a way, because it is all about allowing what is ready to fall away to do so. Rebuilding your home on more solid ground often has to start from the bottom up. The more we resist this process, the more traumatic and offsetting will be our experience. And it almost seems to me that what I am experiencing as an individual is even being mirrored in a larger sense in the collective. I almost can't believe how much not only my experience, but also those around me, has changed in the course of my life. And yet, I also see, simultaneously, the many ways we collectively resist change. The more we resist, the louder the din of change that comes whether we think we are ready, or want it to, or not.

I also can't help but notice, in looking at the image presented in this key, that the base of the tower sits on what appears to be an old rotted out tree trunk, but is usually understood to be an isolated outcropping of rock. Either way, not the best foundation to begin with. Even though towers are often built for protection, those same towers can become our self imposed prison. But when the building starts to burn, and the flames get hot, is when we'll do anything to escape, even if it means diving headfirst. The crown of misunderstanding eventually has to come down, and often does so only when hit by the sudden storms of life. You may find the startling insight of self realization hits you like a lightening bolt, and you can never go back to the way things were.

This key also represents the dawning of true knowing, deep within, that when the will of the individual is in harmony with the will of the larger self, new levels of discernment can be a welcome relief, with even a new found sense of empowerment. The lie of the outer world begins to retreat as insignificant. Once again, trust in the inner guide can be greatly enhanced when our own mental resistance is overcome. But it does require a good measure of self honesty to get there. Our personal lies that we cling to so fiercely must be released for this growth to continue. We must root out our deepest fears, our deepest hopes, and bring them to the table of self scrutiny. This is an ongoing process of refinement, with many layers of self imposed limitations to overcome. We may swing back and forth between a gradual awakening, interspersed with explosive new breakthroughs that can feel like a brand new you is being born.

There are twenty two of the symbols for the Hebrew letter Yod in the image, (refer to Key 9, Intelligence of Will) with ten on one side, and twelve on the other, corresponding to the ten sephiroth, and twelve signs of the zodiac. "They hang in the air, to indicate the forces they symbolize rest on no physical foundation" (Paul Foster Case in The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages). Paul also points out the fact that lightening itself, when produced in a laboratory, is spiral in nature, and that "The Chaldean Oracles of Zoroaster" refers to the "Supreme Spirit" as "the god who energizes a spiral force". Again, this is a clue to look deeper than the surface of things, and appearances.

You could say these archetypal energies represent the subconscious forces at work in our psyche, that move between the heart/desire and the mind/intellect. The two streams of these separate energies can form a single path when working in alignment with one another, but to do so they have to be retrieved from the dungeon of that which generally operates beyond our conscious knowing. When lightening strikes, it can light up our inner skies, so we can see what has been hidden. But you have to act fast, or you may miss the opportunity. Especially when you have been so busy with the top of the tower, and neglect what is holding it up. Then you may find your home crumbling around you. Never too late to seize the opportunity to build anew though.
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Re: The Hebrew Alphabet and it's Occult Meanings and Symbolism

Post by Spiritwind »


The Tower in Tarot of the Old Path


The Tower in the Rider Waite Deck
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: The Hebrew Alphabet and it's Occult Meanings and Symbolism

Post by Spiritwind »

Tzaddi - fish hook - meditation
17. The Star
Sphere 7 - 9 (Netzach to Yesod)


This key is The Star, and is represented by a fish hook. I know I probably shouldn't play favorites, but this key is one of three favorites, the High Priestess and The World being the other two. All three go down the center of the tree, and all three are shown in the female form. There is a relationship with the Shekinah, literally, the divine presence of God. This key makes me think deeply about what has happened here, in this reality, where there is such a deliberate and pervasive denigration of women. How did we, me being a woman in this life, come to such a lowly place, and why would there be such a concerted effort to extinguish the Light of the World? Seems an important question. And why would this key be represented as a fish hook?

Meditation is the function associated with this key, which can mean many things to many people, depending on your belief system. I could write a whole page on this alone. But, to simplify, one could say it's basic meaning, outside of religious practices, is to ponder, and, in this case specifically, one could say it means pondering the mysteries of life, and death. Hence, the association with a fish hook suggests the idea of fishing for answers. I have known many who truly enjoy fishing, even though they may sit patiently for hours and still come home empty handed. I have often wondered about this. Could it be that fishing for spiritual answers to life's many questions is similar? And on the other side of the coin, how many times have we been hooked into thinking we had the answers, only to find we were only playing the fool.

For this line of questioning naturally leads to asking why all the suffering, death, and inequity here? Why does greed, envy, brute strength, and no regard for truth prevail? In fact, it would almost seem as though there is a magician, always lurking in the background, with a bag full of tricks and gadgets specifically designed to deceive.

And when one meditates, regardless of the way you do it, one is generally intending to make contact with this spiritual being, which at her core, is life itself in all her glory. Radiant as the Sun, yet cloaked in matter. What a disguise indeed. In my heart I know this is the goal of all spiritual practices that have not been hijacked by dogma intended to take us far off track. In fact, many are literally swimming away from life, and straight into the jaws of death itself.

Many questions arise with this key, for me. How deep into these waters of inner knowing am I willing to go? How true are we willing to be to ourselves? As I look back over the course of pondering and meditating on these questions for many years, I see that the path has led directly the opposite direction than where I started. For when I started I felt I needed a teacher, a guide, some authority outside myself that had all the answers. This may actually have been true for a time, for that is indeed a heavy part of our programming, in this reality. Even Christ was supposed to have said "the kingdom of God is within you"(Luke 17:21 King James Version). But after centuries of multitudes of people being exterminated in the name of someone else's God, naturally it has been ground into us collectively pretty deep not to question the party line.

You see, after a while it becomes glaringly apparent that this reality has literally been hijacked by something masquerading as the Big Boss, and this being is a imposter! A shapeshifter that goes by many names, but can always be intuited by its energy signature, which is always death and destruction at its core. Having come down through the tree, through temptation, death, and false beliefs, by this time one has learned a thing or two. But no time to become over confident, for ones physical form is still residing in the projected world of a reality that requires a response at all times. Until one ignites their inner sun so that they may access their own source of limitless light, they will continue to engage in a circular dance, where one must consume the light of others to stay alive. For in this world, life must constantly die to be reborn. There is another way.

***Well, I can't believe nobody noticed and said something about the rather ginormous mistake I made.

"All three go down the center of the tree, and all three are shown in the female form."

No, they don't all three go down the center. The High Priestess does, and so does the World. But, clearly, the Star goes from Netzach to Yesod. My bad! Temperance also goes down the center, from Tiphareth to Yesod. Temperance/The Guide is the third key that goes down the center. Qoph is still one of my favorite letters, but I needed to clarify this for any readers.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: The Hebrew Alphabet and it's Occult Meanings and Symbolism

Post by Naga_Fireball »

Dear Spiritwind,
This reminds me a lot of a Neil Gaiman story about parallel universes. .. he describes an overseer of sorts, a Big Boss as you call it, "Boss Smiley", who rules one of these realms, yet certain golden souls are able to cross over into other realms regardless of the intentions of its overseers.

Thank you.

P.s. you are very knowledgeable.
Brotherhood falls asunder at the touch of fire!
He finds his fellow guilty of a skin
Not coloured like his own, and having power
To enforce the wrong, for such a worthy cause
Dooms and devotes him as his lawful prey.
~William Cowper
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