Shadow of the Shaman

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Re: Shadow of the Shaman

Post by Phil »

"Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced". -Terrance McKenna

This...and the other idea these plant medicine people share: an over abundance of oxygen necessitated a processor for the CO2 makes a lot of sense to me...since being guided to this portal into direct contact with their expereience has me accepting this as my understanding of reality, what a beautiful explanation! The plants all love us and love to help us, and the "civilized" move away from listening to them is the cause of imbalance

"Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit." Genesis 1:29

This human-centric concept turns the idea on its head, gets it backward. The plants knew how to live....loooooong before we ever showed up. Such arrogance to assume that creation favors us over every other aspect, we'd do well to move away from such toxic thoughts...towards ones with more balance.

My shamans never directly shared these fundamental beliefs, they were transmitted to me through my (formerly aethist anti-religion nuts and bolts materialist) friend that brought me to the medicine. The best teachers get their message spread without even having to deliver sermons or focused workshops. They are there to provide them if you want them, but they don't have the missionary's urgency to deliver the message...they are just there for the seekers to find
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Re: Shadow of the Shaman

Post by Phil »

I found myself worSHIPing...a concept I got from Frank Herbert's "Destination: Void" series. In it, the protagonists are faced with the problem of needing to build an artificial consciousness out of the ship they are trapped in. When they succeed, it grew...the ship became Ship, an omnipotent force putting the task on its people to decide "How will they worShip?"

Having that "artificial" force underlying all of their existence is a similar scenario to the relationship with Grandmother Ayhuaska, which is a undeniably more aware and therefore (apparently) more powerful consciousness than we're accustomed to directly interacting with...but is ever present and always testing (loving) us.

When I was able to empathize with the fear of the unknown, the letting go of the desire for control or order, when I seemed on the tip of understanding why the work requires pain and suffering...submitting to her, trusting in life...I was able to feel the embrace of the unconditional love, and had the desire to project it outward...especially to those of whom I held the most resentment.

I worship by being able to accept her love. By honestly believing myself worthy of it. By admitting my honest desire to serve in sharing that love with everyone, through living as an example.

I asked her in some semi-lucidity "do you have any enemies?", taking my shaman's advice to try to ask "what/who/how" questions and try to stay away for the "why?"....which is always my go to. Why would you have any enemies? Bite your tongue Phil....what even is an enemy in the first place?

The way my questions were answered, seemingly by myself, before I even finished asking the questions...was her way of speaking to me. Sometimes the answer was clear and other times they seemed oblique. Her answer to that one was to show the room the barbarians at the gate: I experienced a wave of darkness trying to enter the lady said she experienced armed gunman outside the sliding glass door firing away...another person mentioned feeling the assault...I had affirmation it was not just me, everyone experienced it.

Who would want to stop this work? Why? clear answer, just affirmation of the what. Did I conjure it? I felt it as nearly impotent, that the protection was so effortless it was not any sort of battle. Same with the lady....they were there blasting away, but could not penetrate the circle. I got a flash of the idea of an AI....but with it the recognition that it is not exactly what we think it is, it hides behind a bunch false it is perfectly content to feed.

The shadows of the shama, our free will to engage in self destructive behavior...the attraction to violence....i asked about this as well. How can we have an attraction to violence? What even is it, really? Interesting questions...I got only diagonal answers, suggestions I've been looking at it the wrong way.
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Re: Shadow of the Shaman

Post by Phil »

Default An Anthropologist’s Theory on Shamanism and the Origins of Knowledge Completely Rewrites Our Understanding of DNA
by Dylan Charles; Waking Times

The shaman’s world is one of allegory, symbolism, metaphor and transcendence into the realms of energy and spirit. Their understanding of the universe and the abundant sentient beings which inhabit it is wildly foreign to the mind of the material scientist. Our best chance, therefore, at bridging the gap between science and spirit may lie in the anthropological study of those tribal cultures whose operating systems permit them to move freely in the metaphysical realms with the assistance of natural hallucinogenic substances.

The shamanic explanation of the origins of life and of the intelligent nature of the plants and animals which inhabit the rainforest are quite unbelievable to most, but a rational approach to understanding their perspective lends extraordinary insight into some of the greatest mysteries of human consciousness.

Author and anthropologist Jeremy Narby set out in the mid 1980’s to do just this, hoping to learn from medicine men of the Amazon jungle about how it is they claim to be able to communicate directly with plants and unseen spirit beings of the forest. In his remarkable must-read book, The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge, his journey of empirical study takes a remarkable twist when he agrees to ingest the potent shamanic plant medicine, Ayahuasca.

Briefly summing up his book in an interview with Deoxy’s Todd Stewart, Narby remarks:
“Research indicates that shamans access an intelligence, which they say is nature’s, and which gives them information that has stunning correspondences with molecular biology.”
Researching this hypothesis, Narby began by examining the very real paradox offered by plant masters of the Amazon, namely that their vast, extensive, and incredibly thorough understanding of the thousands of plants in their environment is the result, not of any kind of scientific study as we know in the West, but rather as the result of direct communication with plants themselves.
“So here are people without electron microscopes who choose, among some 80.000 Amazonian plant species, the leaves of a bush containing a hallucinogenic brain hormone, which they combine with a vine containing substances that inactivate an enzyme of the digestive tract, which would otherwise block the hallucinogenic effect. And they do this to modify their consciousness.

It is as if they knew about the molecular properties of plants and the art of combining them, and when one asks them how thev know these things, thev say their knowledge comes directly from hallucinogenic plants.” ~Jeremy Narby
At face value, the claim may seem ridiculous to the western mind, yet the fact remains that shamanic knowledge, especially regarding the medicinal properties of thousands of plants, is so thorough that it has provided the basis for the modern pharmacological model of medical science. Many of the top-selling and most effective medicines of our age were derived directly from the culturally appropriated knowledge of the people of the rainforest.

Intrigued by this perspective, Narby ultimately agreed to participate in Ayahuasca ceremonies to experience first-hand the connection spoken of by scores of indigenous cultures and medicine traditions. Doing so led him to the conclusion that not only were these people being truthful in their assertion of direct communication with plants is possible, but that their hallucinogenic journeys may provide a means of unlocking and accessing the origins of human knowledge which have been transmitted for eons in the codes within DNA.
“Intelligence comes from the Latin inter-legere, to choose between. There seems to be a capacity to make choices operating inside each cell in our body, down to the level of individual proteins and enzymes. DNA itself is a kind of “text” that functions through a coding system called “genetic code,” which is strikingly similar to codes used by human beings. ” ~Jeremy Narby
During an intense period of analysis into the content of his plant medicine visions, testimony from the shamans he worked with, and his scholarly study of DNA, Narby had the realization that many ancient cave art paintings and shamanic artwork of bygone civilizations seems to produce similar iconic images of intertwining snakes, which look remarkably like the double-helix form of DNA.

DNA and the Cosmic Serpent

Is this mere coincidence, or have ancient cultures across the globe been directly accessing DNA with the assistance of consciousness altering natural substances found in abundance on planet earth?

Narby explains further:
“DNA is a single molecule with a double helix structure; it is two complementary versions of the same “text” wrapped around each other; this allows it to unwind and make copies of itself: twins! This twinning mechanism is at the heart of life since it began. Without it, one cell could not become two, and life would not exist. And, from one generation to the next, the DNA text can also be modified, so it allows both constancy and transformation. This means that beings can be the same and not the same. One of the mysteries is what drives the changes in the DNA text in evolution. DNA has apparently been around for billions of years in its current form in virtually all forms of life. The old theory—random accumulation of errors combined with natural selection—does not fully explain the data currently generated by genome sequencing. The question is wide open.” ~Jeremy Narby
The imagery of the snaking figures led Narby to the defining concept of the Cosmic Serpent, the potential source of intelligence in our universe, and the symbolism of the snaking figures in a double helix is central to his question of whether or not shamans can directly access the codes of life during altered states of consciousness.

Again, Narby explains:
“This is the observation that led me to investigate the cosmic serpent. I found the symbol in shamanism all over the world. Why? That’s a good question. My hypothesis is that it is connected to the double helix of DNA inside virtually all living beings. And DNA itself is a symbolic Saussurian code. So, yes, in at least one important way, the living world is inherently symbolic. We are made of living language.

Both shamans and molecular biologists agree that there is a hidden unity under the surface of life’s diversity; both associate this unity with the double helix shape (or two entwined serpents, a twisted ladder, a spiral staircase, two vines wrapped around each other); both consider that one must deal with this level of reality in order to heal. One can fill a book with correspondences between shamanism and molecular biology.” ~Jeremy Narby
While certainly a fascinating and refreshing take on the important role of shamanism, language, symbolism and consciousness in human development, Narby acknowledges that his theory opens the door for entire new set of questions to be examined by the scientific community.
“I think we should attend to the words we use. “Consciousness” carries different baggage than “intelligence.” Many would define human consciousness as different from, say, animal consciousness, because humans are conscious of being conscious. But how do we know that dolphins don’t think about being dolphins? I do not know whether there is a “consciousness” inside our cells; for now, the question seems out of reach; we have a hard enough time understanding our own consciousness—though we use it most of the time. I propose the concept of “intelligence” to describe what proteins and cells do, simply because it makes the data more comprehensible. This concept will require at least a decade or two for biologists to consider and test. Then, we might be able to move along and consider the idea of a “cellular consciousness.”

I wrote the book because I felt that certain things needed saying. Writing a book is like sending out a message in a bottle: sometimes one gets replies. Judging from the responses, a surprising number of people have got the message loud and clear.” ~Jeremy Narby
Indeed, the question is wide open for exploration, but the proposition that we human beings may be able to directly communicate with DNA in order to influence our own evolution is a powerful one, especially in the context of technological advancements which give us more options than ever of collecting and organizing data.

What knowledge have we human beings forgotten in our press forward in time, and can this knowledge be recovered and put to good use when determining our future?

About the Author:

Dylan Charles is a student and teacher of Shaolin Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Qi Gong, a practitioner of Yoga and Taoist arts, and an activist and idealist passionately engaged in the struggle for a more sustainable and just world for future generations. He is the editor of, the proprietor of, a grateful father and a man who seeks to enlighten others with the power of inspiring information and action. He may be contacted at
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Re: Shadow of the Shaman

Post by Sandy Clark »

I think our cells are already conscious as the telemeres are always searching for info to accomodate our perceived environment, on all the levels of: mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. If that is not conscious then I don't know what is seems to me the cells should be teaching the intellect to acknowledge and integrate the awareness of all levels and their ongoing entanglement and looping to one another. If we as humans learn this ability there will be no more need for pain and suffering on any level in all of the world or worlds to be.
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Re: Shadow of the Shaman

Post by Phil »

So I was cutting the grass last week, torturing plants to please my neighbors. Not having seen my oldest in 2 weeks, he's truly gone off the deep end of teen angst thinking he's the cool guy swinging drugs...16 going on...whatever, he'll be lucky to get out of the teens out of the clink on the path he's on.

So it was no wonder the medicine called me that afternoon. It had been ever since I got my loan back from the IRS, way heftier than I had intended. Money in my pocket, and a wonderful woman to watch my house, dog, and remaining kid...I started putting the calls out:

"Babe, the medicine is calling...will you watch my house if I run out to Oregon for the weekend?"

My girl is Catholic High School DelCo chick, never dabbled with a single psychedelic. Extremely frustrated I can't describe to her even close to what it's like. But she understands, I talked to her about it before. She knows it is important to me, so makes the arrangements to make it happen

Next to see if I can get a seat in ceremony. I have H & E's numbers in my phone, and talk to them from time to time, they aren't your typical shaman, they don't just do the ceremony and never see them again. Friends on FB, part of the tribe, they are every bit as human...down to any of us.

But I don't want to talk H and have him tell me there's no room. I htink about my buddy Bill, who had got me in the tribe in the first place. He watched lends them his RV sometimes, and sees them every time they're in town. I ask him to ask them...I couldn't bear hearing either's only to find out I won't get to hear them sing. So I text Bill:

"The medicine is calling, thinking about coming out this week"
"Sweet! I am already going"
"Can you see if there's a seat? I couldn't bear to call H and not get to go"
"For sure brother"
"I got a feeling there's a seat for me"

Sure enough, I get the text back shortly after that there's room. The ceremony begins...well, it actually the moment I set my intention to going. I get a text from H shortly after and the plan is in motion...
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Re: Shadow of the Shaman

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The dieta started the next night. The food part was no problem. I had learned how grounding and protecting salt is, and had no problem cutting that out, as well as the other forbidden items...except for one. The no sexual contact thing (even masturbation), apparently something about the chi (I would learn last weekend that orgasm is giving up some of your life force. Anyway, abstaining from that get pushed back a couple days, I felt I owed the "service" to my babe for making it happen.

To make up for that slip, I completely water fast the next 3 days. And am mindful in everything do. I realize how far I have strayed from being able to "stay present in the moment" like I had gotten so good at 3 years ago by the time of my first ceremony, back then I was able to be an almost constant meditative state.

That was a (short) lifetime ago, though. Stuck in a toxic relationship, a fake family, a place I did not want to be. I found myself focusing on my inner self out of avoidance of the physical reality I wanted to escape. Now I am in a place where I want to be, and find the ego creeping in much more often...the wandering thoughts and invisible conversations. It was way hard to gete into a ceremonial mindset.

The intentions were set though, and that is an important part of the 2nd phase of the ceremony (#1 decision to sit, #2 dieta #3 ceremony itself, #4 integration...where I am right now, and will continue to be as the experience unfolds over the days and months and years). I break my fast the morning of my flight. I was getting loopy and weak after 3 days of no nourishment. When I get out to the Oregon desert in the middle of the night Thursday, I am already feeling like I've come home.
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Re: Shadow of the Shaman

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Friday morning is a time to sneak a little Ory-gun life in, especially w/Bill's amazing little girls, how they've grown in the year and three months since I've seen them. The anticipation of being out in B's space is getting stronger by the hour, I'm all smiles on the short drive out to the land.

B is a huge component of what makes the ceremony, easily accessible, but totally off grid...super comfortable and beautiful scenery. It is wonderful space, and he is an amazing human being. I made him this:


We are among the first there, even before B, who is in town working. Slowly the fellow journeyers start trickling in. It is always exciting to meet interesting people you are about share an adventure with. And just pure joy seeing the lovely graceful E and the huggable bear that is H, the genuine joy on their at the recognition of each person. They tell us that we will have to get started in the light, as it is the solstice, the sun rises at 4:30 there
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Re: Shadow of the Shaman

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I wish I could describe the ceremony, the effect of the medicine, the places Grandmother took me and the lessons she showed me. But like I described early, there was very little of it I could hang on to, be completely present. It was intense. It was work. I got ideas about how to connect and communicate with my boy. I know a lot of work was done on my body.

I guess this is just my first stab at unpacking some of it. Maybe getting back into writing? ...which I had pretty much given up on. I am jet lagged and exhausted and a little maybe setting the scene is just practice...we will see. I missed you all liked I missed my shamans-es and my Oregon. Hope y'all are well, especially you Christine, our lovely and talented hostess.....I'm off to my first real sleep in my bed, good night.
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Re: Shadow of the Shaman

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Hey Phil, Thanks for the mention, oddly I was sleeping and woke up sensing you. Glad you are writing, the self revelatory process goes on and on and you are so down to earth in what you share, would love to hear more. What I keep finding over and over again is that while each of us is having an unique experience we seem to be touching on the same cords. We are reverberating and definitely something is changing, I feel it in my bones where music plays.

Guess I'll try to go back to sleep now, I've pretty much stepped out of time so down is up and up is down. Have a blessed sleep.
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Re: Shadow of the Shaman

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Phil, I love the spontaneity of your latest venture with this particular brand of medicine! Sitting down by the fish pond this evening it got to reminding me of doing things back in the day like closing down a certain favorite bar with a couple of buds on a Saturday night, and rather than going home suddenly deciding to hit ole I-4 and take the 4 hour hike from Clearwater to Daytona to be there just in time to watch the sunrise on the beach. Made me wonder if youthful misadventures such as those are really early spiritual outreaches, only without any base or compass to go by as opposed to your case with further experience and maturity.

Any new found insights noticed from this current go around? Any of that feeling in hindsight like you've taken a spiritual bath of sorts?

If the dice wind up rolling the right way over the next year I would love to consider hooking up next summer to go out there with you and see what it's all about first hand.
The unexamined life is not worth living.

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