An Intrepid Dive Into the Inevitable with Lily Earthling, Christine, Claudia and friends

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An Intrepid Dive Into the Inevitable with Lily Earthling, Christine, Claudia and friends

Post by Christine »

Published on Feb 17, 2016

The idea for this conversation came about after our lastest series on Sovereign Soul Growth with Alfred Lambremont Webre. During the recording of Part II we inadvertently hit on a subject that took us down a divergent path, a surprising one. We didn't feel it fit with the original subject so it was edited out.

A few of us got together and began a riveting conversation exploring the implications of what is commonly known as the "Luciferian Rebellion", our views we found were diverging from the accepted interpretations. While this theme is the impetus for this conversation we took off down several tangents before returning to who is Lucifer and what lies hidden under the purposeful distortion of equating this being known as the Light Bringer, Morning Star and Compassionate One with Satan.

We are a group of people who have common ground though we come from diverse back grounds. Each of us is dedicated to the Truth as inner Gnosis, we find our guidance comes from the awe inspiring vastness of organic life and what some refer to as Sophia consciousness. We also found that we have a common distrust of using words as labels and prefer to speak in terms of experiential data and descriptive language as a clearer route to help inspire others to their inner most awakening.

We are lovers of life, deep shadow divers and fearless in our pursuit of Freedom. You might say Rebels with a cause.

We decided to get together as friends and discover what would emerge. We are pretty sure you will find that our joy of exploration is as informative and pleasurable as we did.

"Even inevitability is nested in larger inevitabilities… just like the 'turtles'… it's inevitabilities all the way down. Our task is just to keep moving… through layers of inevitabilities. The total universe has to be shaped like an onion!" ~ Niels Kunze

The journey to this moment has been for most of us a 'many lives long' one. Being born into the artificial matrix as an empath is often a path fraught with great challenge and suffering. It is now Known that the adversarial forces have imposed much to keep us from reaching this place in our hearts where the inner planes and cosmic dance take place. Our Work is embracing this adversary with all Life and through our inner harmonic resonance transforming and transmuting the weight of suppression.

Dreamers at the well of the Waters of Life, drinking deeply, drinking full... Earth Empaths

Participants’ contact details and websites:

Niels Kunze:

Niels Kunze | and


The Ruiner Blog | http://thewholeworldlaughing.blogspot..

Christine Anderson:

Earth Empaths |

Lily Kolosova: no email available

Claudia Ayaz:

Earth Empaths |

Laurie Thompson:

Earth Empaths |

Trudy Wade:
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Re: An Intrepid Dive Into the Inevitable with Lily Earthling, Christine, Claudia and friends

Post by Cathryn »

Very very good discussion, for a long time I have felt that there was collective primal trauma which divided conscious from unconscious, (as in severe trauma splitting off in the mind) Whether there was in fact interference I can't speculate, definitly possible.

Michael Tsarion's latest videos about the female illuminati suggest this also, and he also suggests that the group of 'daugters of men' who mated with the Nephilim did so not because they were just nice like that, but because they used their sexuality as a bargaining tool to get 'magic stuff' and with that magic stuff (weapons) they wielded a lot of power and it was they who maybe destroyed Tiamat, or even Atlantis. This major catasptroph caused the rise of the patriarchy to prevent the women from ever doing that again. He (M.Ts) says those women in the illuminati are likely still functioning today though we hear little about them.

From my personal experience I have had quite a few dreams of fireballs/meteors millions of fragments, not large meteor types. I used to think this was a future event, but then it could be a trauma memory. If the fragments were of an exploded Tiamat, then the water from her would get pulled into gravitational attraction on Gaia. This might also suggest the two events fire and flood happened within a short space of time.

Just throwing this in the mix
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Re: An Intrepid Dive Into the Inevitable with Lily Earthling, Christine, Claudia and friends

Post by Christine »

The only way we are going to recall the origins of this trauma is by finally moving out of right-wrong thinking and share what "our body" remembers. The collective shadow (both male or female) is both a barrier and holds the answer too. I am in deep Knowing that we with courageous heart hold the keys.

Thanks for sharing.
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Re: An Intrepid Dive Into the Inevitable with Lily Earthling, Christine, Claudia and friends

Post by Moonlight »

I am an hour into this conversation. I am stunned...

Well, the fact that I am listening to a 3 hours talk is something in itself. LOL!

A very wise young boy, a baby actually... about 3-4 years old, once told me a story on how the earth was destroyed... not this earth, he said, the other one. That story stunned me too.

Is it possible to have a copy of the poem Christine and Shane read ? Maybe it has been posted somewhere and I just did not see it. Thank you.

Will continue listening later... the sun is shining and the air is crisp, I need to go out for a walk now.

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Re: An Intrepid Dive Into the Inevitable with Lily Earthling, Christine, Claudia and friends

Post by Christine »

Several months back over the course of a few weeks some of us started a conversation about the nature of the trauma we all encounter, sharing our memories that were surfacing about Tiamat. It was very much inner-work so that we found ourselves struggling for words in which to transmit the impressions. Shane wrote what is in non-italics and sent it to us. To my astonishment I found my self in a stream of consciousness writing between his lines, in italics.

We know it isn't the whole yet ... a beginning within the end perhaps.

Tiamat was Beautiful

Tiamat was beautiful.

Venus is her star name.

Everything was ancient. Balanced.

All was radiant love, the outshining of light in matter.

All visitors were welcomed and laws of the land respected.

Above all honor and trust were maintained.

Perhaps she was simply in the way.

Perhaps She knew the grand play and put herself in the way.

A terrible war was raging in the solar system and both sides were desperately trying to gain the upper hand. This is when a horrible threat was made.

The Predator had made great inroads and arrived in Tiamat’s solar realm.


The destruction of Tiamat.

She Knew and of due course prepared.

This threat was prepared for.. The loaded gun pointed in Tiamat's direction.

A last attempt was made, the many gathered for a peaceful resolution.

A hair trigger, with a finger resting upon it. Until someone pushed the finger a little too hard.

A betrayal, an arrogance reigned destruction not seen before.

So much was lost that day. A beautiful shrine of tribute to organic creation was destroyed.

The immensity of the pain fused into all organic matter so great was Her destruction, the template of Her beauty shattered.

Ripped apart from the inside out, the water fell and the land spiraled outwards in all directions.

Ripped from a continuum of time and space a great rift formed in this quadrant of the Universe… the music stopped.

The Salt Water of Tiamat fell and mixed with the Fresh water of another planet .. What we now know as Earth.

In this moment great dragons of chaos formed, spiraling plasma fields ripped from her core.

Following the water was a large piece of Tiamat, falling and becoming a part of this Earth.

Deep impact on a budding sister world, shaking Her with such violence that She too knew the trauma to her core.

Other pieces fell elsewhere, much less gracefully. Crashing into planets and moons and flying outwards to be reformed. The most dense collections of debris forming a belt in orbit near where Tiamat once belonged.

The iron bracelet formed to prevent the ripple of trauma to reach even further realms.

It is not common for the destruction of planets to occur in such a way.. This was the equivalent of murder. This occurrence sent ripples across the universe and attracted a great deal of attention.

When the music of the omniverse is torn asunder, all Knew.

Several beings jumped to action working throughout the solar system to preserve life forms and stabilize natural grids before reforming damaged celestial bodies insofar as was possible.

Great plasma jets reached out … the great Sky Dragons of ancient lore.

Much of the attention fell on our planet.

We are all here now, the watchers and the awakened.

Earth was assisted by various races and soul and brought back to a natural balance. This creation was beautiful, and left to grow.

What came with Tiamat, an intruder species, it waited and worked in the shadows.

Survivors witnessed the arrival of refugees of all of the worlds and satellites, as well as Tiamat, to this recently reset planet.

From our slumber we wake, the time of the Return is now.

This is where history as we know it begins.

This is where our history ends and Life begins.
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Re: An Intrepid Dive Into the Inevitable with Lily Earthling, Christine, Claudia and friends

Post by Eelco »

23 minutes in and loving it.
I'm just gonna go ahead and plaster a few unedited notes of thoughts that came up.
Trauma lucifer,
shadowwork tiamat is it a choice? why is it not intended.

Why should we identify the past if we can see it's effect's
Create new causes for effect's to occur. Isn't that moving forward?

How do we remember? Here I make the analogy to channeling. when information comes in at a knowing level. we create the images to go along with it. So we tend to have very different stories to describe the exact same thing. There's the basis for the confusion about the original trauma. It is also why unless we talk to a being that was there we will never know whether it was 1 event or a series...

urantia? a name I haven't heard in a long time.
The premise is that the universe already perfect system?

WHat strikes me as odd is that I read the Urantia book 23 years ago. During a time where I experienced my first and life shattering Trauma.
So i wonder what it is about that book that connects it to trauma..

anyway, more is bound to follow, but life, busy etc i'll do it in spurts of notes and questions..

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Re: An Intrepid Dive Into the Inevitable with Lily Earthling, Christine, Claudia and friends

Post by Eelco »

Why does there have to be a reason? Lilly? I love the analogy of making room for a certain vibration to come in at a specific entrypoint. One of my favorite meditations is instead of filling up with beauty and pushing out the dark. I breath in the suffering and try to transmute it. So that practice does makes sense/seems to fit. But what if the only reason for trauma is just the human mind? It's defilements that are just there. (greed, anger, delusion).
So we hide our true selves under trauma? Is that what is said?
The Trauma's defile us? They talk us into diminishing our selves?
So in recognizing Trauma, will we question what is our hand in the events?
How did we help these trauma's occur? Not to go back to blaming ourselves, but to come to a healthy sense of realism where we recognize which of our causal actions led to trauma and come to a place of easy and authenticity to say I will do that no more as it was unskillful.
Hmm. I like what you say Spiritwind about the connection you make between trauma and how it suffuses all the kingdoms.
When I was working with people on raising Maldek (the name we used for Tiamat). That is working through some of the karma's incurred then and there I've explored medicinal plants.
What i've found was that as we declined in vibratory frequencies. Stepping down through the dimensions many beings that held complex healing vibrations shattered. They fell apart in more basic tones.
It's not that the vibrations are gone, but can be recreated by combining the vibrations of say the tree, flower and animal kingdom. Much like the shamans are doing when they combine drumming, song and smoke for example.
The collective belief system as a creational tool.
retrieval? Soul retrieval? Memory retrieval?
What's the necessity. doesn't it perpetuate the belief system?
yes trees again.. HA

Ego as the result of trauma?
does trauma also cause the diseases of the mind then?

Rose essence? one drop of beauty has no choice but to drift off and become diluted.
the dance of beauty and ugliness. 2 sides of the same coin. And even though I use the imagery myself.
I imagine a state of consciousness beyond the dance.
predatory entities?
paradigm of outside predator.
Cling to body? accumulation of dark "powers"
(greed, delusion(see the beauty or not),anger?)
Lol, loving the removal of the victim archetype in relation to the darkness.
It's what eventually made me stop clearing Maldek karma. I was starting to see attacks everywhere.
Lol boxes of the zenman?
Funny how we translate/condemn the self imposed victim mindstate of the sheep.
I realize it needs saying, but the awake and aware crowd is gleeing over it almost every time..
Strange that. We say they enjoy their numb and dumbness. I beg to differ.
Back to principles. Love it. I am embodying the 5 precepts more and more. Not because it will make me a good Buddhist or get me closer to Nibbana.
But it gives me a set of guidelines that will challenge me, and help me base my moment to moment awareness of off.SO I can at least trust that.
Use it as a compass through life. Funny thing is, most people know this.
Stating truth? Another principle. Only say something that is true and helpful. If it isn't helpful why say it.
Just because it's true? If saying it now is harmful and will not help make things clear. than don't, chances are if you do it will have an adverse effect.
Fallen angels, which aspects of my mind are you feeding, Which parts of your story am I feeding of from?
3d jhana description.

"And furthermore, with the fading of rapture, he remains equanimous, mindful, & alert, and senses pleasure with the body. He enters & remains in the third jhana, of which the Noble Ones declare, 'Equanimous & mindful, he has a pleasant abiding.' He permeates and pervades, suffuses and fills this very body with the pleasure divested of rapture, so that there is nothing of his entire body unpervaded with pleasure divested of rapture.

"Just as in a blue-, white-, or red-lotus pond, there may be some of the blue, white, or red lotuses which, born and growing in the water, stay immersed in the water and flourish without standing up out of the water, so that they are permeated and pervaded, suffused and filled with cool water from their roots to their tips, and nothing of those blue, white, or red lotuses would be unpervaded with cool water; even so, the monk permeates and pervades, suffuses and fills this very body with the pleasure divested of rapture. There is nothing of his entire body unpervaded with pleasure divested of rapture...

(I'll keep updating this post as I go through the vid instead of making series of new posts ok?
WIth Love
Last edited by Eelco on Fri Feb 19, 2016 3:49 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: An Intrepid Dive Into the Inevitable with Lily Earthling, Christine, Claudia and friends

Post by Eelco »

Eelco wrote: -----------------------------------
So in recognizing Trauma, will we question what is our hand in the events?
How did we help these trauma's occur? Not to go back to blaming ourselves, but to come to a healthy sense of realism where we recognize which of our causal actions led to trauma and come to a place of easy and authenticity to say I will do that no more as it was unskillful.
Quick explorative musings.
KArma / our hand in causality may just be the choice to clear some collective trauma.
As my understanding of Karma is not your run of the mill variety this is becoming very metaphysical fast. As it implies conscious choice.
I don't want to belief any child chooses to be abused for instance so it may be more a series of resonant tuning due to unforeseen consequences of a particular choice.

This can clear the way to look at it without shame, and allow a deeper understanding of the laws of cause and effect

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Re: An Intrepid Dive Into the Inevitable with Lily Earthling, Christine, Claudia and friends

Post by Anders »

Great discussion. I actually agree with a lot of what was said. I believe there was a huge trauma for humanity in the beginning of our civilization and also as was mentioned that it was a necessary step. In my view this trauma was the 'fall' of humanity where we became seemingly disconnected from Source. Many people such as Steven Greer have said that Earth is in a state of quarantine. That's what I believe too. And it relates to the global human trauma. Advanced extraterrestrial civilizations adhere to a strict Prime Directive which means not to interfere with young and developing civilizations such as our own. We had to be separated from knowledge of our connection to Source and about the existence of advanced civilizations. Otherwise we would have been unable to develop our own and unique civilization.

As a funny example, are the iPhone and Coca-Cola valuable to advanced civilizations and to the universe at large? Absolutely they are! Not because they are examples of advanced technology or high cultural values but because they are expressions of our uniqueness as a civilization. Are we humans special? Not likely. Are we humans unique? Absolutely yes. That's a huge difference. We are most likely an ordinary developing civilization among zillions and zillions of similar civilizations, some younger than ours, many much older than our civilization. I even believe that many extraterrestrials, if not most, look like humans! Because the human body is a universal template probably. As another funny example, would you like to have a romantic relationship with a 10 feet tall praying mantis insectoid space alien (derogatory term intended)? Be honest now! As below so above. I rest my case.
Last edited by Anders on Fri Feb 19, 2016 5:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: An Intrepid Dive Into the Inevitable with Lily Earthling, Christine, Claudia and friends

Post by Moonlight »

Thank you for the poem, I really appreciate it.

I enjoyed the discussion very much. It makes me reflect on some things that were already emerging in me and adds spices to it all. I am not one to question outside of myself, so whatever I picked up will stay with me for a while. You know... like a cow ruminates. The answers will come.

I too had a huge pain body. I came into this world in a very dense setting that was not fun at all. I was a victim for a period, blaming everyone outside of myself, and then I understood that I chose it to be this way. They were experiences that I wished to transcend/transform again. I know this is hard to swallow for many and that it doesn't make sense in a lot of situations. But this is where I am at now.

I have traveled the collective pain body a couple of times. It is not a lovely place to be as the pain is almost unbearable. It is not for the faint of heart. I realized I was there for the healing... myself, my lineage, past and future generations. Like the saying goes, when you heal yourself, there is not only one more healed person in the world, there is more healing.

I will sit with this for a while...
Om Mani Padme Hum
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