Return of the Divine Series | Deep Currents with Lily Earthling - Parts I and II

"Throw off this ignoble discouragement and rise like a fire that burns all before it."

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Return of the Divine Series | Deep Currents with Lily Earthling - Parts I and II

Post by Christine »

Lily Earthling Kolosova and Melissa Camper join christine and claudia: of Earth Empaths to continue the conversation from the previous week.

We find that together the energy field of communication builds as we speak our Truth. There is a vital growing inner gnosis of individuated beings in touch with their Spirit-U-al self, those who have released the shackles of fear enough to be in free flow.

So here we are "following the flow and becoming real."

We invite the viewer to not only listen but to feel into their own being of Truth, of beauty, that which pulses with organic light.

Earth Empaths and Not in Our Name express immense gratitude to Lily for speaking from her core and to Melissa who holds a large field of love and trust in which we feel safe to go deeper within.

“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
― William Shakespeare, All's Well That Ends Well

Christine Anderson: christine at
Earth Empaths |

Lily Kolosova: no email available

Claudia Ayaz: karelia at
Earth Empaths |

Melissa Camper:

Music generously donated by: Marco Missinato
"Unfolding Secrets"

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Re: Return of the Divine Series | Deep Currents with Lily Earthling - Parts I and II

Post by Anders »

You could be correct that Donald Trump is like a cartoon character, but maybe not! I have a theory that Trump is acting from a turquoise vMeme perspective in Spiral Dynamics (see quote below). That's a second tier vMeme which means integral. All vMemes in the first tier believe their perspective is the only correct one and it's only at the second tier where the other perspectives can be included and transcended. The yellow vMeme is the first integral perspective, but I believe Trump is at a higher level than that, because he can act in seeming outrageous ways and get away with it. He talks for example easily in "red" tone to the red vMeme and in orange language to the orange vMeme and so on.

And I believe Trump will introduce a path towards a single-payer universal healthcare system. Obamacare is, just like Trump says, a crony capitalism special interest deal that benefits insurance companies, not the people:

"In America’s Bitter Pill: Money, Politics, Backroom Deals and the Fight to Fix Our Broken Health Care System, Brill describes secret meetings, cynical emails and hidden contributions to political action funds. It was not the new way of doing business that Barack Obama had promised, he notes." -- ... apitalism/" onclick=";return false;

And Trump's talk about deporting illegal immigrants and only letting them come in again legally is I believe code speak for amnesty; in practice the illegal immigrants will be made legal without first having to leave the country, but Trump has to talk tough to please the red vMeme voters.

"1. Beige: Semi-Stone Age not generally that active today, dominated by nature and basic survival instincts, acting much as other animals. Results in loose, clan-based survival groups. Famine might result in large numbers of people arrested in this mode. (newborns and senile elderly, mentally ill street people, people in starvation, late-stage Alzheimers, .1% of population)

2. Purple: Tribal animistic, magical, spiritistic, close to the earth and cyclic in outlook. This leads to tribal groupings, focus on rituals to appease ancestral spirits. Blood bonds are strong. Management of PURPLE demands respect for clan rules and allegiances, respect to the clan "leaders." Rewarding someone too visibly can break the group bond with negative consequences. Change must be embodied in rituals, traditions, and symbols. (guardian angels and voodoo-like curses, blood oaths, lucky charms, superstitions, athletic team bonding, 10% of world population, 1% of power)

3. Red: Exploitative Rough and harsh, rugged authoritarianism, finds expression in slavery or virtual slavery, exploitation of unskilled labor. Generally run by a Top Boss and series of proxies, strict division of have's and have not's. Assumption is that people are lazy, must be forced to work. True leaders must suppress natural human tendencies. Currently evident in street life and gangs in inner cities. Motivated by "heroes" and conquest. Feudalism. (Terrible Twos, feudal kingdoms, soldiers of fortune, many rock stars, Power Rangers, rebellious youth, 20% of world population, 5% of power)

4. Blue: Authoritarian Loyal to Truth, which is defined by social grouping. Purposeful and patriotic, leads people to obey authority, feel guilty when not conforming to group norms, try to serve the greater good through self-sacrifice. Works very well in industrial economies. Discipline is strict but usually fair and often public (flogging in Singapore, e.g.). U.S. has shifted away from BLUE industries, which have moved to Mexico, Taiwan, Malaysia, and elsewhere that this BLUE is now strong. BLUE industries will eventually move to Africa, in Beck's opinion. Moralistic-prescriptive management techniques. Organizational structure is pyramidal. (Boy and Girl Scouts, Billy Graham, Puritan American, Confucian China, Islamic fundamentalism, 40% of world population, 30% of power)

5. Orange: Entrepreneurial Personal success orientation, each person rationally calculating what is to their personal advantage. Motivations are largely economic, people are responsive to perks, bonuses, money rather than loyalty, group belongingness, or life employment. Rational capacities allow people to test many options. Competition improves productivity and fosters growth. This is probably the dominant vMeme in America today. Main concerns are autonomy and manipulation of the environment. Usually results in free market economy and multi-party democracy. (Ayn Rand, Wall Street, Rodeo Drive, cosmetics industry, Dallas, trophy hunting, Hong Kong, GQ, Mediterranean yachts, 30% of world population, 50% of power)

6. Green: Communitarian Sensitive and humanistic, the focus with green is community and personal growth, equality, attention to environmental concerns. Work is motivated by human contact and contribution, learning from others. Being liked is more important than competitive advantage, value openness and trust, fear rejection and disapproval. Leaders become facilitators, less autocratic. Hierarchies blur in the move towards egalitarianism with a resulting tendency towards inefficiency and stagnation. Can become so bogged down and ineffectual, though, that people revert to go-getter individualism of orange. (Rogerian counseling, Esalen, GreenPeace, Jacques Costeau, Jimmy Carter, John Lennon's music, Doctors without Borders, ACLU, Ben & Jerry's, animal rights, deep ecology, 10% of population, 15% of power)

7. Yellow: Systemic This is the first vMeme of the second tier (described below) in which there is a quantum shift in the capacity to take multiple perspectives in life. YELLOW is motivated by learning for its own sake and is oriented towards integration of complex systems. Change is a welcome part of the process in organizations and life; YELLOW likes the challenges. It is characterized by systems thinking, an orientation to how parts interact to create a greater whole. Unique talents and dispositions are honored as contributing something valuable to the whole. YELLOW likes engineering complex systems and dealing with ideas. It is also ecologically oriented, but in a more subdued, behind the scenes way. YELLOW thinkers often work on the periphery of organizations, quietly fine-tuning situations and procedures, much to the bafflement of the first tier vMemes. (Hawking's Brief History of Time, chaos theory, eco-industrial parks, Wired magazine, 1% of world population, 5% of power)

8. Turquoise: Holistic Focused on a global holism/integralism, attuned to the delicate balance of interlocking life forces. Synthetic and experiential, emerging focus on spiritual connectivity. Work must be meaningful to the overall health of life. Feelings and information experienced together, enhancing both. Able to see and honor many perspectives, including many of the "lower" vMemes. Structured in multi-dimensional ways. Conscious of energy fields, holographic links in all walks of work and life, urge to use collective human intelligence to work on large-scale problems without sacrificing individuality. (Gaia hypothesis, Ken Wilber's work, Teilhard de Chardin, David Bohm, McLuhan's ‘global village,' Gandhi's idea of pluralistic harmony, not very influential yet, .1% of world population, 1% of power)" --" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Return of the Divine Series | Deep Currents with Lily Earthling - Parts I and II

Post by Christine »

Great post Anders, once again thank you.

If Trump trumps well all the best to him though I still see a being consumed in his own power and certainly not operating from the level of turquoise vMeme, which interestingly and from a personal perspective is playing "lightly" in our field these days... Vibratory changes occurring within the visible light spectrum around Gaia indicate we are going to see more turquoise in our sky.
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Re: Return of the Divine Series | Deep Currents with Lily Earthling - Parts I and II

Post by Anders »

Christine wrote: If Trump trumps well all the best to him though I still see a being consumed in his own power and certainly not operating from the level of turquoise vMeme, which interestingly and from a personal perspective is playing "lightly" in our field these days...
But Trump is playing lightly it seems to me. It's a great act he is putting on. We will see. Likely, Trump will quickly move towards the political center when he starts racing against Hillary. Bernie Sanders has some great ideas such as taxing Wall Street and Trump may take ideas from Sanders to grab many of the Bernie voters. Trump is massively manipulating the situation and I enjoy the show. :lol: It's often bad to be manipulative but Trump has to do that in order outmaneuver the established political powers. I think Trump even is a breakaway civilization candidate, trained from decades ago to become the U.S. President.
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Re: Return of the Divine Series | Deep Currents with Lily Earthling - Parts I and II

Post by Christine »

A couple of pebbles to throw into the pond.

We spoke with Alfred Webre yesterday afternoon, a friendly and personal catchup chat. One of the things he shared with us was that the Department of State recently trashed Hillary thereby making a clear statement that she won't win and Trump is the "chosen one". Personally I don't follow politics preferring to source my information from within as much as possible and I find the political and exopolitical world one that functions purely on gamesmanship which ultimately only serves up what they want humanity to consume. Having said that I would welcome a strong honorable ruler (ie: human being of incorruptible integrity), currently the closest I see to that measure is Putin. ... I am diverting a bit.

There is also a lot of prophetic visionaries and time travelers who have viewed the timeline with Trump as president and there seems to be a lot of devastation and chaos connected to that timeline. Again, speaking personally, I feel that Trump or no trump humanity so far has not woken from its state of being hoodwinked, looshed and food for the controllers and until there is a resounding sound of pending doom will opt for comfort however meager instead of the radical self responsibility that beckons the spirit that is the core of living human Beings.

Again and again it is wise to remind ourselves that we are the creators of our reality, to loosen the matrix grip and to let the imagination out of the box.

Anders wrote:
Christine wrote: If Trump trumps well all the best to him though I still see a being consumed in his own power and certainly not operating from the level of turquoise vMeme, which interestingly and from a personal perspective is playing "lightly" in our field these days...
But Trump is playing lightly it seems to me. It's a great act he is putting on. We will see. Likely, Trump will quickly move towards the political center when he starts racing against Hillary. Bernie Sanders has some great ideas such as taxing Wall Street and Trump may take ideas from Sanders to grab many of the Bernie voters. Trump is massively manipulating the situation and I enjoy the show. :lol: It's often bad to be manipulative but Trump has to do that in order outmaneuver the established political powers. I think Trump even is a breakaway civilization candidate, trained from decades ago to become the U.S. President.
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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