Breaking silence on Corey Goode and asking for your honest assessments

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Re: Breaking silence on Corey Goode and asking for your honest assessments

Post by Hermit »

At this stage of the game, I am only going to say this:

Having seen and experienced what exists out there, I know that it is very easy, especially if you are under stress or duress, or even if you just want something really badly, to allow something to convince you of what you want to believe...even subconsciously.

I need to formulate my thoughts, take some walks, and think this one through before I say any more except for this: I do not believe that Cory, or Simon for that matter, were articulating their experiences correctly. I think where-ever the story came from probably had some seeds in truth, but I also know from my own experience that you can go a long way down the garden path before you realize you've been had.

More coming. Stay tuned.
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Re: Breaking silence on Corey Goode and asking for your honest assessments

Post by Phil »

Nice one hermit, I've also learned a lot of the ability we all have to lie ourselves....some are particularly more good at it than others.

It's an affliction, a defect...a survival mechanism most often learned as a child as an escape from a traumatic reality.

Of course it's never as cut-and-dry, black-and-white, as simple as that...but you'd think identifying/changing/healing this would be realitively easy in a place people gather to seek/share truth.

My special lady friend is a great example of an individual who is (hopefully) working through letting go of this no-longer-needed defense behavior...I posted a video I got her to do for me (and her...and hopefully y'all get something out of it...even if it's just a comparison for study or somethings slightly different to watch) with CW Chanter on Naga's "chip" thread.

The most valuable takeaways we should be able to get out of this whole thing is to be able to more effectively hold anyone holding some sort of "authoritive" position or attitude accountable.

The way the disclosure is unfolding to me looks like some of those in the quasi-authoritative seat are starting to be put in positions where they can't get away with just putting shit out there without at least the laying out a lot of qualifications of WHY they think putting their info/Intel out is important (or at least why they they think they aren't deceived or deceiving themselves)

Doing a talk with my babe showed that it doesn't matter the "who" (how well-known the interviewee is)...we tend to get dazzled by details in the moment where we forget or fail somehow to ask the real questions. She said she "disappeared" does that mean?? I understand the context of her misspeak but that shit went right by Ben. And "experimental growth hormones"?? I mean telekinesis and prescience are something really hard to provide evidence for...but a fucking medical procedure of that magnitude for that duration....with no follow up?

It can happen to the most astute and most skeptical, which I find CW able to be most times. That's why we need to work harder on our "collective attention span", and quick dismissal of what we consider "drama".

You shouldn't be interviewing a "witness" without a follow up, dropping shit out there the way we often do is like teevee news. I think there's definitely a move in a better direction with a lot of us and we need to keep that momentum. In depth study, real reporting, and stopping with the urge to "move on" as soon as we see drama or dead end or something unpleasant or we believe unresolvable.

We are not lost, we can learn...from every experience, and must push each other to project that outward. Make everything we can a teachable lesson, and apply what we learn to the next thing that comes up. It's not super obvious to everyone I guess, but I feel we've come a long way and are moving in the right direction. (Maybe I'm too much of a dreamer?)
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Re: Breaking silence on Corey Goode and asking for your honest assessments

Post by Christine »

[marq=left]You are not the only one.[/marq]

Going for some balance today by being outdoors to gaze at the sun and then perhaps create a piece of orgonite or two.

The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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Re: Breaking silence on Corey Goode and asking for your honest assessments

Post by Pluto's Child »

I don't know for the life of me why anyone would believe this guy, even the way he "built" his story & internet presence smacked of making it up as he went along depending on what reactions he got.

Discernment was at an all time low with this guy, I mean if he was (lol) telling the truth how the hell was he getting away with it ?

His ridiculous faux "don't let anyone know my name" was incredible, what about his IP & the tiny fact that anyone involved in any of this (for real) has implants.

Then there is the small matter of deception, that is the real give away, just like Greer his job is making people think "star trek" type aliens are whats out there, deception is their number one tool because its the hallmark of who they ultimately work for !

This is also why he is mixed up with "gaia" type things, because gaia is sophia, and sophia is of course lucifer, who is not a "person" or an entity, it is an intelligent energy field that underpins the very fabric of the material universe.

This is why the best ufologists, Jacques Vallee & John Keel came to the conclusions they did, & to make it clear, lucifer is the "super spectrum" & "aliens" are the children of lucifer, they are in his image & they absofuckinlootley do NOT have our best interests at heart.

This is not a theory, I have had a lifetime of all too real first hand experience of this "alien", magic, paranormal & abduction crap, and because of this I find CG so offensive that words fail me.
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Re:My Honest Assesment

Post by Hermit »

*DISCLAIMER* This is gonna be rambling, and probably no be cohesive, because I've been taking notes throughout the thread. If the post seems like it's going to be too long I'm just going to hit submit and keep going because I know I have a short attention span some days...and believe me, going through this thread I needed to take notes. ;) I'm also going to be saying some things as generalities because for the most part they apply to human beings *in general*. This is my opinion, and I could be wrong, and I'm willing to see that I'm wrong!

1. First and foremost, I've participated in a few of these forums and I need to start out by saying that I genuinely feel a sincere commitment to the truth, and openness and willingness to expand or change our perceptions when they're not grounded in truth, and a keen sense of wanting to know who each of us really are. It wasn't that this doesn't necessarily exist in other forums, but I think EE fits with where I am in my life right now. It's not just alt, it's alternating, alternative, *s*alt for the soul. ;)

2. There's a part of me that empathizes with Cory, because like him I have chosen to be part of a community (EE) knowing that a great many of you look at my story and what I believe and outright rule it out as being bunk, deluded, silly; I know many, not all, look at me as quaint, silly, probably in some way conned by the black hats. On the "other forum which shall be named" (an inside joke between me n' my sis!), I wasn't only belittled I was mocked indirectly in an interview between the moderator and a significant whistle blower! Here's my point. The biggest enemy that we have to contend with is our own minds, and our own prejudices. The minute one closes the door on the possibility that someone might be telling the truth (which is different from outright acceptance) they immediately put themselves at a disadvantage. IF there is a conspiracy to keep us dumb? This is the ultimate goal.
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Re: My Honest Assessment II

Post by Hermit »

3. I'm going to disclose a little thing about myself that up until now, nobody on this or any other forum knew. Sit down. Prepare yourselves, because this may come as a shock. I suffer and have suffered from PTSD. And now, the really shocking part many of you may not be aware of! PTSD can be triggered by what may in fact seem to be rather mundane causes! In my case, it came about from living in a household where a parent suffered from alcoholism. There was no abuse, there were some rough patches, but as a result...full blown PTSD. That in part fueled a lot of my own searches, and I now believe, helped to *create* much of my own story. I am not a medical doctor, but I suspect having been through my own healing process that the mind, or even just the brain (or subconscious) has to in some way try to fill the gap between what seems to be significant stress caused by PTSD and what, if not simply mundane, can't be reconciled as a cause to the effect. Like dropping a pebble in a pond that causes a tidal wave. Which is not to say that there are not elements of Corey's story which are true, or are completely true. I'm simply pointing out that in my own case, a lot of what I experienced was aggravated by a need to fill in that gaping chasm. There are still elements of my past I can't explain. But when I put them into the context of everything else that happened in my life that doesn't normally come up as elements of the ALT communities party line, I realize that they might not be nearly as interesting, or as important as my subconscious may have inflated them to be. There's a grain of truth, there's reality and some freaky stuff happening. It just may not be as *abnormal* as I *needed* it to be.

4. Nobody wants to be wrong, nobody wants to build a life based on what they see as their truth, and discover they aren't in full possession of the facts. So why does our culture vilify being wrong so much? I think we're maybe seeing another key aspect of the puzzle here.

Before I go further with this, I have to make a confession. I'm very good at drawing conclusions before I come into full possession of the facts. And inevitably, what I decide to be the truth or as close to the truth as I can understand is usually as far from what is true.

There are two keys as I see it that are in our nature, and could if you want, be described as delusional tools that we've inherited going back thousands of generations. They are drawing conclusions without sufficient evidence based in part on personal bias, and an aversion or need to be as far away from being wrong in your thinking as possible. Why? A few posts back someone made a comment about the pot boiling over. So it boils over. Then what? You clean up the mess, refill the pot, start again.

The reality is that the alt *industry* which depends on the alt *community* needs veracity, needs truth to provide a sellable product. It also needs consumers! Wouldn't it be really refreshing to have a whistle blower come out and say, "You know what? I was wrong. I'm sorry." and their cred increases? Instead, the productivity is regarded as diminished, and we move on to the next gold mine...which brings me to....
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Re:My Honest Assessment III

Post by Hermit »

5. Spin Doctors: Does a spin doctor have to be consciously aware of what they're spinning to be a good spin doctor? And how many spin doctors are acting consciously thinking they are in possession of the facts, but deluding themselves into thinking that there's not a profit going on in the background? And I want to be clear here. Money is not the only profit! If that were the case, you would think that a certain individual would at least wash, if not replace, his hat. Do I smell bacon? ;)

5.5. Who is more dangerous in this equation? The spin doctor who knows they are spinning, the one who is spinning thinking no one is wiser to what they are spinning, or the individual masses that feed off the spin?

5.5.5. Why do we need the spin? Why are we willing participants in all this? What are *we* getting out of this?

Case in point, and a lot of people from PA are going to remember this particular incident. Once upon a time, someone came along to the forum named "David" and suddenly there was a shift in energy that seemed really frightening to a lot of us, really powerful to many of the mods, and everyone who was an expert in deprogramming (by the way, how does one become an expert in deprogramming? Another thread, another whole big can of rank rotten worms); then a bang, a whimper, and David disappeared except from some of our Skype chats. I was one who was urged to stop talking to "David" because he could trigger and become violent at any moment. Here's what a lot of you didn't know. I had met David before, I acted out of compassion and care towards David to try and help him, who/what he was assumed to be associated with was as far from the truth as anyone at PA was willing to concede, I came under heavy attack (psychic, and physical!), but came out of it....having learned that if you're going to play with fire, even for the right reasons, be prepared to get burned. So why, given the energy of this "experiencer", was it not followed up on? What made Corey safe, but David (who clearly exhibited definitive signs and behaviors of having been through something) not safe? And didn't Corey have something to do with shutting David down? I'm not asking to point fingers, I'm asking to point out that when an actual, red hot poker shows up and is too difficult to handle, or the evidence is too extreme or inconsistent with a cherished held belief system and world view, buhbye! But when it's consistent with the world view, fits the hand shake so to speak, no problems.....Don't you think that's odd, not to mention at it's roots, really boring??
Last edited by Hermit on Sat Jun 25, 2016 10:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: My Honest Assessment IV

Post by Hermit »

6. Something Christine said about Corey and his wife being fundamentalist Christians and moving on to another belief/world-view resonated with me as being highly symptomatic of individuals who do suffer from PTSD linked or associated with addictive/co-dependent behavior. Soren Keirkegaard referred to this in his process of discovery (again another thread entirely) as the aesthetic stage, and I would submit here that if you look at the behavior of other moderators on other forums as well, or even to people you know who are in the quote unquote new age movement (not knocking, simply stating an observation I have made) that when one system becomes dull, or ceases to either fill a need (usually a need to avoid dealing with the source of the PTSD), you make a move into another system. The novelty of the system distracts you, you throw yourself into it, and eventually when it wears off, you either modulate the beliefs to create the new "shock" or move to a completely different system. So I'm going to make a calculated guess here, and I do this as a mere opinion and not a judgement.

I suspect that somewhere in that family is a case of inter-generational PTSD caused by alcoholism, drug addiction, or past military service (did Corey or his wife's dad serve in Viet Nam or Korea?). I'm going to go out on a limb and say that while certain elements of the story may in fact seem to be true, people see orbs all the time that are unrelated to avians of any kind. Ask ghost hunters. I would suggest that if there are in fact massive orbs in the solar system, that there would be some measurable fluctuation in gravity (and there may be, and I simply may not be aware of it)...but an object the size of Jupiter is going to make things move around, a lot! You can't throw a basket ball into a bowl of jello and not expect a mess, yes? no?

7. As much as we hate to admit this? A huge part of the alt community we are involved in is, aside from seeking truth, being entertained. We participate in it because it's *fun*! It's distraction, it's fluff, it's popcorn entertainment. The idea of a conceivable group of blue birds (purple lama and I came up with the idea of changing our pics over at TOT to Big Bird died blue!) coming to save us is fun! If it was something as boring as having to save ourselves by making a bunch of really uncomfortable choices, we wouldn't want to go near it would we? (speaking of which, I just joined the Green Party....gave up my car two-three years ago now, am making a switch from a green grass lawn to a high-production square foot garden system so I can give more vegetables to my own family and to the seniors around where I live who can't get to them) We are entertained by these stories.

When Shane started writing his blog, when people (including me) started reading it, there was a shock of pure joy and delight that something wonderful was happening, and a part of that wonderful was that other people were getting their story kicked around. People were being made wrong, and someone else was right, and we all had to make sure we were on the right side of this.

In this thread, someone made the wonderful statement that the only game is war. How true that is. Nobody wants to be on the loosing side. And we are all really good, like it or not, at jumping ships when the need suits us.
Last edited by Hermit on Sat Jun 25, 2016 10:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: My Honest Assessment, Conclusion

Post by Hermit »

So, having said all this, my honest assessment is this:

-We wanted a new story. Corey provided the story that met with the safe to handle criteria. When it began to enter into the realm of skeptical, when the truth we all subconsciously new existed, started to float closer to the surface, we simply discarded it and moved to the next one.

We, all of us, are consumers. When we finish consuming, we simply move on to the next item for consumption. That's the real thing we need to break free from. When we are focused on production, real production with meaningful impacts in our communities, do you think we'll have time for the blue bird of happiness to fly up our nose? ;)

***We are all taking different roads to the same place. It behoves us to rule out the truth of the road someone else is on; it is simply a way of diverting our attentions from the fact that we ourselves have stumbled. In the end? I think we will all end up in the same place where all the roads meet.***
Last edited by Hermit on Sat Jun 25, 2016 10:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: My Honest Assessment, missed bits.

Post by Hermit »

And one final thing. (UGH!) LOL

Yes, there were a lot of people, experiencers, MILABS, you name it, who contacted Corey for help. Is it not possible, just possible, not necessarily true, that what people were resonating with was their own similar emotional PTSD experiences? I'm saying it is completely in the realm of possibility that people were resonating on a subconscious level with their own ... for lack of better words ... false memory syndrome and picking up on flags that they simply had in common with Corey. Because he was in a position of being in the guru seat, people naturally gravitated towards him in the same way they gravitated towards Simon. Incidentally, both times I e-mailed both people, neither of them could give me anything concrete, talked in abstractions, and only elaborated when I provided information that jived with their stories. That doesn't substantiate truth, and to assume that it does would have been really dangerous on my part. I'm saying you can end up doing a LOT more harm than good here!

OK the Epistle from Hermit is finished. The bottom line is there are a lot of really, REALLY good people here and on other forums. I think if anything Sis? You've proven to us that you are a beautiful, unique, and wonderfully human human being. And I think you're in really good company here.

Love ya. ;)
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