EE Raw: The World at War | Sorrow is Knowledge and why we must speak

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EE Raw: The World at War | Sorrow is Knowledge and why we must speak

Post by Christine »


claudia and christine continue the conversation about Adolph Hitler, the consequences of WWII and what we must speak to.

In the words of David Irving. The truth about WWII is that it was innocide, not genocide ... it was the killing fields of innocents on all sides. To remain locked into the Holo-hoax is ignorance and with the advent of the internet and ability to research for yourself ignorance must be seen as willful. The reason is simple, truth will set you free but most folks aren't ready for the responsibility of freedom.

We will continue to speak.

David Irving's website:" onclick=";return false;

David Irving - The Faking of Adolf Hitler for History:" onclick=";return false;

claudia and christine can be reached through our website:" onclick=";return false;
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Re: EE Raw: The World at War | Sorrow is Knowledge and why we must speak

Post by norman »

I've not even listened to this yet, but I'm responding first to your expression that most people are not yet ready for the responsibility of freedom.

I think there is a missing manipulation link in that. I think people always were ready for it and actually doing it, within certain circumstantial constraints, but then a mass population experiment/assault was inflicted upon them. So, it's not simply that people are not yet ready, it is that they have to recover from the assault, which is subtly but importantly different.

Now to have a listen to you two prattling on... haha.. only kidding...
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Re: EE Raw: The World at War | Sorrow is Knowledge and why we must speak

Post by Christine »

We do tend to prattle on, seems we can't help ourselves. lmao!

Big picture, of course the continual assault on humanity and our planet goes unabated while we type these words. Truthfully I don't see people able yet to accept what true freedom means, especially the most awake and aware crowd. The great mass of humanity is struggling to keep food on its table, a roof over its head and in too many cases dodging bombs. It is not to them my words will ever reach, it is with the studied ignorance of the many whose non-action and fear of the cognitive dissonance that Truth requires. I will keep shaking trees to see what nuts fall out and live my life as clean and proactive as I can.

For years our work was primarily working with individuals helping to heal the deeply embedded traumas and my conclusion from that work is that no one can heal another, we can inspire only by our acts of courage, both seen and unseen. So it isn't the great hoped for collective awakening I see happening, it is the continual pressure of truth on the lies that we apply. The dyke is showing many cracks as the false paradigm crumbles. Freedom is scary until one realizes what it is.

norman wrote:I've not even listened to this yet, but I'm responding first to your expression that most people are not yet ready for the responsibility of freedom.

I think there is a missing manipulation link in that. I think people always were ready for it and actually doing it, within certain circumstantial constraints, but then a mass population experiment/assault was inflicted upon them. So, it's not simply that people are not yet ready, it is that they have to recover from the assault, which is subtly but importantly different.

Now to have a listen to you two prattling on... haha.. only kidding...
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Re: EE Raw: The World at War | Sorrow is Knowledge and why we must speak

Post by norman »

That was over much quicker than I expected.

I can feel the same exasperated grief. My logical grasp, as you were saying how willfully locked the dinner table participants were, is that what it will take is a massive collapse of the norm'. Trouble is, the 'entity' has already modeled that one out too. It's already positioned itself to shunt the collective consciousness sideways from realization of truth as it drops, to a beta minded grasping out for a hand from the entity itself.

This is only my angle, but, I think you should give yourself permission to center that hurt in nothing but your own primary space where it no longer has an labels attached to it. It's bound to come bursting back out in better shape, after.
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Re: EE Raw: The World at War | Sorrow is Knowledge and why we must speak

Post by norman »

On the actual subject matter, or the one intended, at least.

I'm struggling to give Hitler a pass but I'm getting there by reduction of the big picture to one where that whole story had two flanks.

I think the really nasty people, like those who ran experiments on helpless victims plucked out of European society, you know, the programs that were negotiated with and continued elsewhere as projects like, mannequin, monarch, Oak Tree, Puppet masters etc, can not be given a pardon by reading SS officers journals etc. Their work was very probably hidden and unknown to such officers.

I'm sure all the big-deal 'issues' that the likes of the BBC bang on about daily, are strawman issues that take our eyes off the ball. The people associated with those strawman issues have been well banged to "rights", but !, I'm sure there really were very very nasty things going on by people most of us have never heard of.

Whoever could warehouse children in torture factories, either in europe or Utah or wherever, and manufacture mind controlled killers and sex kitties for driving their word domination agenda, don't get a pass from me. Everything I've heard and read about those programs says it came out of "NAZI GERMANY" and was secretly imported to other countries and continued and expanded under the fake excuse that they had to do it before the Russians did. Ok, I can see that I may have been told lies about most of that too, but it's quite well documented that the key people running at least the American mind control programs were German in origin and allegedly were snuck into the country under a shadowy outcome deal from WW2.

Hitler, I don't know. It would be typical for him to be a puppet, for sure. Could all those really 'evil' people who did so much shit to those kids be part of a mightier organisation than anything Hitler thought he was a part of. Yea. But I don't know. It would be typical for something bright and shiny to be twined with something black and nasty. It happens all the time.

Then there's the mysterious reason why America jumped into the European war with both feet and made a B' line for Berlin, or was it Peenemunde that interested them? I know we don't yet have the whole story. One thing I think I CAN take to the bank though, is that the people who are squeezing the Palestinians into a shallow grave may not be real Jews but they did own the banks that financed the war that gave them Palestine on a plate.
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Re: EE Raw: The World at War | Sorrow is Knowledge and why we must speak

Post by Naga_Fireball »

I have not listened to this yet. Before speaking to the issue, I have to say my family has been on the US side of the debate, and they tend to be very pro Israel...

Now, here's the rub. I've discovered that the pagan practices that attract me have significant roots in ancient Jewish magic. Which means that the establishment religions are a cheap and artificial replacement.

What people should consider reading about this week imo is the USS Liberty incident.

The USS Liberty incident is a huge reason to question the often unquestionable relationship between the Frankenstate of Israel and the Great Experiment of USA.
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Re: EE Raw: The World at War | Sorrow is Knowledge and why we must speak

Post by Christine »

Thanks for the comments, my mind is a bit mushy right now so I will pass the ball to David Irving temporarily. To get a grasp on Hitler one simply must look at the historical context of what happen to Germany from WWI and the unfair treatment of this country, the question bears asking, why? What is it about Germany that both the allies and the Zionist want so badly to destroy. Stopping at that point long enough to consider all the possible indications.

Of all the people I have listened to there is none more balanced, sane and dedicated to the truth no matter where it leads him than David Irving. He doesn't give Hitler a pass, he daringly uses real records in an all out life long effort to establish some sanity from the mechanisms of propaganda. He proves how many were killed in camps, Treblinka and on the Polish border, the records are persevered. He is a true historian, not a hackneyed pretender, maybe one of the only ones left. Start with his website, books are downloadable and free .... and there a many videos of his lectures around the world. Here is the first one that grabbed my attention. The man is fierce, has a photographic memory and is unstoppable, though they have tried.

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Re: EE Raw: The World at War | Sorrow is Knowledge and why we must speak

Post by maggie »

" innocide, not genocide ... "

Please excuse me because I am responding without watching the video. When I was in college, I had a friend whose parents met in England after WWII. They had survived the death camps. They were Jewish and came to the US and settled in NJ. Eleanor had some serious issues related to her parents trauma. They were Jewish. Both sides of her family were systematically killed by Germans.

It seems really impossible for ME to accept the Holocaust denial. It was IMO NOT a balanced (both sides of the war) Innocidal event.

This is a purely personal response from my own sorrow.
When I was about 7 OR 8, I learned FINALLY to read and suddenly I could read very well and I read and read everything I could find. I came across a book on my parents shelf. It was a paperback (this was about 1962). I think this was the book.


For some strange reason, after reading it, I became convinced that I had been part of the atrocities of WWII Nazi Germany. My mothers' family were from a Theosophist background and I think I knew reincarnation was possible. This book made a definite imprint. The Horror sense of being capable of absolute evil began then and always has informed my search. How does one overcome being evil? This Was my inner question of myself always.

In 1963, where I lived, two blocks from my school where I was in second grade, I could hear George Wallace as he stood to block black students from the University of Alabama. This was a very tense time and I saw Crosses burned in people's yards around that time. My parents supported integration. My parents and grandparents had black maids and gardeners (and we were not wealthy). There was a social stratification even with my liberal family between us and the "Negros". I know that rascism is on a spectrum but always has "us and them" and "better and worse".


IMO rascism still is as intrinsic to society as ever. It is hidden more in good times more than in hard times. I may be mistaken but IMO the worst kind of "innocide" is the way people default to "my kind must dominate your kind as we are human and YOU less than human" with all the excuses made for this kind of rascist exclusion. The projection of worth/non worth comes IMO from a basic fear. The fear is atavistic. The unquestioned belief is there is not ENOUGH room on this planet for all of us to thrive.

I know I am always offering some tangential bits to my posts but I just watched this documentary that is about the US climate of 1960's class and race issues. It is indicative in a subtle way of a basic rasism that just might bloom into out right genocide if the ground and climate are "right".

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Re: EE Raw: The World at War | Sorrow is Knowledge and why we must speak

Post by Christine »

maggie, I could feel your angst as you wrote. When one takes in the total body count on all sides we come to pure horror, not against a race of people anymore than one finds out the Zionist jews (I want to delineate this point, murderous psychopaths) in a treacherous horrific campaign to wipe out the Germans. At this point in my studies I feel a sense of inner freedom in knowing that this wasn't a war of genocide but a war for profit and domination. Differences will always exist in races, ideologies and cultures. People will continue to feel superior and inferior, how do we handle this is up to us. What claudia and I continue to investigate is that the victors were not the angels of savior they are portrayed to be, that the greatest lie covers the deepest truth.

You see the term holocaust denier has an evil ring, it is meant to derail any real investigation. We, and I mean the all of us have been programmed, there are deep emotional responses to horror and trauma and depending on who you heard it from and how often the program has been running or deeply embedded is an indicator to how we react. It took me four years to eventually dare look at another version of this history and that was only after realizing how corrupt and fake our current story is being spun.

All that we are presenting is an alternative, a well researched one at that. I would never ask anyone to believe me, simply spend some time with new material, become rational and take a fresh look. There have been hundreds of genocides on our planet, the on going one at the hands of the Western allies and Israel, the Palestinians. The slaughter of millions of women and witches, the native people the world over, millions and billions of innocent lives and the blood is on our hands. I know that sounds harsh but to single out Germany under Hitler as the most evil regime with the objective to assassinate the chosen people we again miss the point and are sucked back into the puppeteers plan.

It is sorrow that turns to knowledge. When I saw what happen to Dresden after the war, the 100,000 burned alive women and children I knew that a great evil was among the victors. That is my sorrow and from my sorrow I turn to seeking the truth, and only when we finally have found all the evidence and laid it before our collective eyes will we finally, perhaps comprehend how war is waged and why.

As I spoke with my Jewish friend the other day, it is all about identities. If we identify as Jewish we will feel it that way, if we identify with the white races we will look at another angle and so on... My identity is moving way off of personal into the multidimensionality of Spirit, and from that view I see more clearly how the chess pieces keep getting moved around.
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Re: EE Raw: The World at War | Sorrow is Knowledge and why we must speak

Post by maggie »

I agree totally here

"It is sorrow that turns to knowledge. When I saw what happen to Dresden after the war, the 100,000 burned alive women and children I knew that a great evil was among the victors. That is my sorrow and from my sorrow I turn to seeking the truth, and only when we finally have found all the evidence and laid it before our collective eyes will we finally, perhaps comprehend how war is waged and why.

As I spoke with my Jewish friend the other day, it is all about identities. If we identify as Jewish we will feel it that way, if we identify with the white races we will look at another angle and so on... My identity is moving way off of personal into the multidimensionality of Spirit, and from that view I see more clearly how the chess pieces keep getting moved around."

OMG, what people have allowed in the name of securing the common welfare of a "state" is scary...the Empire acting (in the name of God and Country) is always murderous. Not one is without this scar. I feel so sad because it means we keep replaying this war scenario. When it's said the people deserve the government they get, that IMo does not help the fact that people are stupidly in belief of "might makes right" and a basic tribal self glorifying lie.

It is also particularly sorrowful to me that individuals can feel so "different" from one another in general that we teach children racism generation after generation.

"(David Irving) diary entry for 17 September 1994, in which Irving wrote about a ditty he composed for his young daughter "when halfbreed children are wheeled past":

I am a Baby Aryan
Not Jewish or Sectarian
I have no plans to marry an
Ape or Rastafarian."
(Hitchens, Christopher. "The Strange Case of David Irving", Los Angeles Times, 20 May 2001. Reprinted in Hitchens, Christopher. Love, Poverty and War: Journeys and Essays, Nation Books, 2004, p. 261. ISBN 978-1-56025-580-2)

However sad I feel sometimes.], There is something more encompassing for the GOOD I think occurring. I feel a real Presence (call it my larger multidimensional friend) holding my hand. If this is a holographic reality, and if my own multidimensional Spirit is orchestrating my POV, and others have a multi-dimensional self and a POV, it must mean we are working something very valuable by all the error and grief and violence????? I figure, despite appearances, there is a reason for this seeming stupidity.

For instance, having felt myself EVIL, I have let go of the idea that I am evil OR anyone...we DO terrible things in ignorance and fear.. I like the idea that this is "just a ride" and it can be torture or ecstasy. I choose that "Evil" is behavior not definition. We can change our behavior and stand FOR what we understand. Maybe this does not change the world but it changes us. Then maybe the world can change?

A long time ago I read something that suggested the ones who were responsible for the "senseless" genocide of others, like of the native peoples (through time), might have another round as the "victim" of experience of "senseless" death. If unable to grok the point, the "character complex" will be so enraged that coming back to form, the rage incites some more killing. If they remember, they do not repeat the same play. Have you said something like this? I have some deja vu that you have?

I am faithful now to a few ideas.....

Based on the concept that this "experience" is FOR experience and accepting that I have access to a number of layers and IF I have been every tone and everything in the course of the journey (sensed not as a simultaneous but discrete "self"), I was and will be all vantage points to grok the whole.

I grok
1.The table is NOT solid so something like an idea must make it seem solid. Ideas become refined by experience.
2. All is happening at once but I am having a linear journey towards more "compassion" based on my conscious inclusion of more as Myself.
3. Meaning is GIVEN, not innate and spiraling to greater whole.
4. What goes around comes around so when I agree to bomb Dresdan, I will be saying yes to having that done to me.
5. I might start selfish, only feeling my own existence but learning to feel empathy makes me wiser because I will feel the pain and the joy I can wreak SO, The most elegant policy I ever heard about is the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule is always deepening in quality.
6. It is the body that reverts to atavistic fear but I know better
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