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A Love Affair With Soul & Creation

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 8:22 am
by Realeyes


We are Soul.
We are Soul, wearing a temporal incarnated body.
Soul is an integral part of our Great Spirit and Source Eternal.
Soul carries our own unique conscious energy signature.

Soul is unconditional love,
Soul is non-judgemental,
Soul humble and gentle
Soul is always Now Present.

Soul is our memory keeper compiling our own unique Soljourns traversing Creation.
Soul is a neutral presence we sense deep within us quietly observing.
Soul is the loving presence we speak to within our mind during our darkest hours.
Soul is who we embrace during passages of Dark Nights of the Soul.
Soul is felt when love and appreciation expands inwardly/outwardly as hot tears well up.
Soul is when we feel that magical loving interconnection with everything in our environment.

Soul observes,
Soul is detached from lower mind dramas, understanding the purpose and dynamics at play.
Soul allows, allows, allows… respecting Natural Law and Free Will.
Soul connects us to our true inner Knowing/Beingness beyond the illusions of separation.
Soul also connects us to Unity Conscious Kingdoms of Super, Hyper and Ultra Consciousness.

Soul gracefully encourages us to consciously wake-up during our incarnations and reconnect.
Soul (our greater Knowing Self) is our patient mentor during incarnations.
Soul reminds us of our unique nature, loves, wisdoms and strengths and what we’ve yet to polish within ourselves.
Soul connects us to the planet’s soul we walk upon.

Soul is our constant companion during incarnations; ourself encouraging and uplifting ourself.
Soul is who we are after this incarnation.
Soul is forever love,
Soul is our patiently wise and gentle mentor,
Soul is our inspiring companion, walking every step together
in this magnificent UniVerse exploring, contributing and expanding Creation.
Simply sharing some of my understandings of Soul that may inspire during these Times of birthing pains…. as we create our way forward into the New….
A Soul-Full Song