Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

I guess today is as good of day as any to start writing something. As is often the case, I’m not even sure what will come out. I do know I am feeling very unsettled about what appears to be happening in the world at large. Very unsettled indeed. So much so that I am starting to have trouble staying focused, on task with things I want to get done. My head just wants to keep spinning in multiple directions, as I see the beginnings of world wide madness descending upon us.

Am I exaggerating? Perhaps. Perhaps not. As always, time will tell. So, at this point, I’m going to straight up say it. I do feel on a deep intuitive level, that is not going to spit out a bunch of “evidence”, that this experience that we’re all having, that is affecting much of the planet, is absolutely by design. It’s not happening because of some weird mutation of a viral element transferred from bat to human, totally by chance, causing widespread illness and death.

Like, seriously, where is the opt out button, or exit door stage left? Where do I even find the words for what wants to express itself, before it truly is too late. I always thought I must of ended up on the wrong planet, the wrong reality setting, the wrong timeline, or something.

I will say the behavior of both the common people, and those orchestrating this from levels unseen to most, have me quite alarmed, and discouraged at the moment, as I see the great divide getting bigger by the day. This is not the way I want to live. In fact, I will go so far as to say I absolutely will not allow another outside force do whatever it wants to me. My life is my own, to keep or take. Read that again if you have to. And if you still think this is just about a simple virus and the self appointed (sorry, we probably haven’t had a reliable election in a long time) authority figures desire to “protect us” I don’t even know what to say. The writing IS on the wall, and it’s fairly plain to see, if you’ve looked at history at all. Only this time, the war against life here is undeclared, and even completely unseen or unrecognized by most. I realize many are too worried right now about their own day to day existence, as it has become very precarious. Those living at the margins of life have just grown exponentially, and I see no end in sight.

My heart weeps, and my head hurts, and the tears well up in my eyes as I think about all the many ways this could have went, and didn’t (at least not yet). In the end I will probably just keep on going in the direction I have been for some time now. I guess all my training at learning to be alone, work alone, and still stay motivated and learn to enjoy my own company is going to come in pretty handy. That is, until they come for me too.

We are close to being able to just stay home almost indefinitely with the exception of having to get feed and other supplies for the animals. But I do know farmers with smaller family owned operations are of a different breed of human, for the most part, and are greatly unappreciated. Fortunately I know quite a few of them. Best keep working on creating the means to have the resources, things people actually need to survive, to barter for what we need. And, I am glad I have been working on building a small network of like minded people who aren’t buying into the script playing out right now, and are equally concerned. Community, and who you know is going to become more and more important as this continues to unfold.

And, I may just get off social media entirely, and start leaving my phone at home (started doing that already!) here in the very near future. Reading and listening to the continuous shock and awe narrative being rolled out daily is doing nothing for my sense of well being. In fact, it’s fairly in the trash now.

The funny thing is (and I don’t mean ha ha funny) is that I want to be wrong. I have people accusing me of having a belief about whatever is happening, and that I just can’t see clearly. Like, I am just clinging to my need to be right. Sorry folks, that’s not it at all. I desperately want to be wrong. I will happily admit my error if this isn’t what it appears to me. It’s like standing on some railroad tracks and a freight train is coming right at me. Not really time to argue about it’s reality. No, it’s time to get the fuck out of the way, but there’s no where to go!!!

Many other things I’d rather have on my mind now, but I just needed to get this off my chest. I am so glad I have been working on expanding garden areas, building soil, making preparations to preserve adequately what we grow. And that is going to become a very big thing in the near future, just being able to have healthy food to eat. And I have a whole medicine cabinet growing right out our front door, and 40 plus years of knowing how to use them. So I am grateful for a number of things. (I know I’m kinda repetitive about the medicine cabinet, but, seriously, not a day goes by that I am NOT grateful for this!)

My main goals right now are just learning to move out of this place of chaos and uncertainty, to a place where I can make calm measured decisions on how to proceed from here on out. I need to learn not be so swayed by all the media hype that continuously demonstrates that the ultimate goal is to create a one world government that is definitely not going to be “by the people” or “for the people”, and that life as we’ve known it is never going to be the same. I realize things needed to change, but this certainly isn’t the way I would have went about it, if I actually was wanting it to improve conditions for all life here. In fact, I predict far more deaths from this rollout of police state activity, and the coming revolution. I’m fairly certain it is on the way, judging from the responses I see just in my everyday life. And it leaves me very unsettled indeed.

I just wish people could see the Hegelian dialectic, and the whole create a problem, to get a reaction, to get people to then scream for the solution they previously wouldn’t accept. I see it playing out over and over again. And I want to go back to just enjoying my life, what we are creating here, without this (insert whatever swear word seems appropriate) show trying to be the only channel we get to listen to. Enough already!

So, I’m going to go out and plant my corn, and other veggies, walk my goats, and play with the kids. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and hopefully the bees are pollinating our apple trees. I still love life, just not the current reality channel they are blasting on all media platforms. For now, I can still go out and breath deeply, thank the sun for shining, and the waters for their life giving properties, and the little microbes that help keep me healthy. I can put my hands in the composted soil and appreciate all the worms it has spawned. Yes, dirt is good!

Oh, and just one last thing. Do you hear anyone, anyone at all, talking about how this is affecting us as spiritual beings? Because we are. Spiritual beings. And, there is a spiritual component to all of this that is pretty much not being looked at, at all. A good thing to ponder on.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

As I try to shake myself out of a very sleepy place, in both body and mind, I think I will try to write my way out of the strange place I find myself in. Lately, it’s been almost everyday I wake feeling this way. Just being here, in this reality, makes me feel very tired.

Thankfully, I love where I live. The energy of nature is strong out here, and I draw much strength from every aspect of it. I remind myself to breath deep, and as I do so, I think about how every cell of my body is made up of the substance imbued with the power of nature, as well as the air I breathe. The trees stand in quiet repose, and they remind me of sentinels, or guardians of the underworld, where the actual forces of nature, as they were forced to recede from the surface due to human activities, reside.

These forces are still here, and accessible, yet remain hidden to most. For mankind has forgotten about the strength they, too, used to derive from her. As the great forests were cut down, and the earth has been ravaged by the hand of greedy men, her only recourse has been to withdraw her juiciness, to a realm where only the respectful can reach and interact with. But she is really never far away.

I see her daily, in almost everything I do, and she speaks to me. She speaks to my soul in a way nothing else can. I love her. I love her with all my heart, for my heart is from her, part of her, the very blood that pumps through my veins comes from her.

It is painful to see the ways in which my fellowman has been hypnotized by the black magicians who worship a foreign god. The way they have been taught to live by them, and the way their personal sense of self has been slowly stripped away from them, in such a way they do not even see what I see. For if they did see, they would immediately spring to action, to throw off this growing yoke of oppression that threatens to strangle what little remaining light, and life force, we have left right out of us.

For this I know in my heart, more than anything. Once that cord has been severed, regaining it will be difficult indeed. These dark magicians are commanded by the one who remains shrouded from view. But one can sense it’s envy, it’s hatred for life here. One doesn’t have to look far to see the results of its ever flowing rage, vengeance, and spite. It has stolen our youth and our innate power given to us by divine forces, and uses that power to help create the very circumstances that lead to our demise.

This is why they have to get us out of the countryside, and into the city. They will burn us out, flood us out, or use a ruse as old as time itself. Yes, you must ever hide in your high rise apartment, giving your youth to a greedy god, only to then give even more. For it wants it ALL! And now, it claims you must muzzle yourself, and refrain from acts of human affection, caring, all in the name of trying to protect us from ourselves. Who will protect us from it?

So, I already have my tree picked out. The one who will receive my very force of life once it’s my time to leave the physical. I bequeath willingly my very soul to her. It belongs to no one else. And I will dance the dance of freedom, until my legs works no more, and I will sing the song of freedom, until my voice works no more. And I will pray, I will pray for all life here, that those with the ability to awaken their will to act will do so. It doesn’t take joining a protest, holding signs and marching through our city streets. It simply takes an act of will to stand up to what you know is wrong, and a willingness to stand up, open your mouth, and say what you know is right.

And I don’t mean going around trying to point out everyone’s error. I mean standing tall in your convictions, when aligned with the heart and soul, and not back down no matter what oppressive force is coming at you. Stand up for your children, for your families, for your communities, for your elderly and handicapped (which, incidentally is tied to our lost divine masculine). Stand up for the water and the trees. Stand up for life itself. And going around with a muzzle on your face, for possibly who knows how long? Really, this scare for your life they have unleashed upon your mental faculties could last indefinitely. They are herding you into a pen that they have no intention of letting you out of.

You know how I get my goats to go into their pens after I’ve let them out for awhile? I give them their favorite treat, grain. But we supposedly have higher faculties. Time we started using them more. I talk to people every day, and every single person I know is suffering more from this shock, awe, and trauma being inflicted on mankind, far more than the virus itself ever could have. In fact, although there may be a biological component to this, the verdict is still out that virus’s are even what we think they are. They could even be our friends. But they are trying to teach us that nature is scary. Man is scary. To me, their dark magicians are scary. But the earth so far has done nothing but love me unconditionally just as I am, just as a mother would do. I put my faith in her, and in myself. And no outside authority, no matter what they use to convince me otherwise, has the right to take that away.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

I don’t know if I’ll have time to write much, but have a lot on my mind. I have been asked to milk a goat friends two goats this morning so she could get away, plus I have my two grandsons over. Haven’t had the two of them together for quite some time, since last year. Plus it’s my daughters birthday.

But, just wanted to jot down a few thoughts. I woke in the early morning hours, and then fell back asleep, only to have a most horrible nightmare. Haven’t had a nightmare (at night anyway) where I’ve started moaning in my sleep and couldn’t wake up since around 10 years ago. It felt very ominous, and fortunately as I was calling out for my husband in my sleep, he heard me moaning and woke me up by shaking me. It was so intense I began to weep uncontrollably. Even now it brings tears to my eyes.

I want to believe that what my senses tell me isn’t true. I want it so bad! I believe other than my little haven here on the internet, I’m going to start pulling away even more from the outer world. I realize I can’t save anyone. If they aren’t awake now, then by the time they are it’s going to be too late. What is coming is not good, and most cannot even begin to wrap their mind around it. That is because most people have not had, or have not recognized, true evil when they see it, and feel it. I have.

I do not actually blame the many who harbor it, for it’s been a takeover by stealth, as, as I said, by a force beyond most people’s comprehension. But then, there has been much going on here that most have been blissfully unaware of, at our peril I might add. Some of it is coming to light, but not fast enough, and there has been ample distraction. Of course, it’s all been planned way in advance too, down to the last detail.

My struggle now, is to live with what I know in my heart is coming, and how to keep my senses about me. It’s not as easy as I would like, in fact, it’s not easy at all. I have family, grandkids, children, loved ones etc. And their minds are mostly closed, entrained by all the new toys meant to trap us in this false narrative, that has been slowly, methodically, dripped out over at least the last 100 years. War is never about what we think it is, and this war is not like any before in known history. Make no mistake about it, we ARE at war. And there will be severe losses. At least, at this point, it appears to me many will not make it through still in their current physical form. It’s a ritual of epic proportions, and they ARE on a time schedule. There is no turning back now.

So for the time being, I feel the need to just keep that smart phone off, use the internet sparingly, watch TV not at all, and just stay as close in heart and mind to what is real as I can. I will walk softly upon this earth, and breath deeply to fill my senses with all the sounds, smells, and sensations of just simply living, giving and taking only what I need from that which has always been there for me. I will not worship false gods, nor will I give them my allegiance. My loyalties remain always and forever elsewhere. And she knows....
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

I know I can ramble on. I guess you would call that loquacious. I used to get put in the hallway in public elementary school all the time, for talking too much. And books were my only friends, other than a healthy imagination, as a kid, and I continue to value learning more about this ever changing reality we are collectively experiencing. Of course, we also each have our own unique experiences, reality bubble, that we occupy.

It’s funny, because I know most of us are fairly focused on what’s in front of us, what we see. As we process incoming information, we choose what we deem as necessary actions to take, all as part of our analysis of the future and what we expect of ourselves, and what we believe others expect of us. We consciously, and even more, unconsciously, are doing this, often on auto pilot, all the time. And this is also on an individual, and simultaneously collective level. In fact, there are those who occupy themselves almost solely with thoughts about how to “play the game”, how to outwit their opponents, and how to “win the game”. Of course, the game is high stakes, and it involves the fate of much of the planet, but what do they have to lose?

You see, I have come to a place where, strangely enough, I tend to think we have something like a vampire empire of sorts, with some infighting amongst their large extended families, and we are mostly just the pawns they use to out-maneuver, and outwit their opponent, and win the game. Of course, the winner takes all, and that includes us.

They basically don’t die, they just keep reincarnating in certain families and are able to pass down the memories intact going all the way back to the time they took over. They keep this information very secret. And they hibernate, possibly sometimes for centuries, before they awaken at some preordained, predestined time, set according to astrological principles still in common use today. Much like mosquitos, only much bigger and nastier, they prey upon all mankind, especially exploiting their blind spots, purposefully operating behind the scenes to constantly keep them too distracted, too busy, to even have real time for self reflection, and spiritual pursuits. They want us blissfully unaware that they even exist, up until the time they wake up in mass, and wreak havoc as they ravage and tear asunder all that is good. For they revile compassion, forgiveness, empathy, and the nurturing of the young. They consume innocence, as if it were their favorite desert.

Not a pretty bunch, are they? And you think this is just a fairy tale, a tall story, the ravings of a madwoman, who doesn’t know what she is talking about.

Of course, all the wars there ever were, have always been about sacrifice. Great sacrifice. Have you ever just sat with yourself, and wondered, why? I mean seriously, why do wars really happen? Is it even possible that something that literally feeds on life force energy, wakes from time to time, and requires its minions who remain to serve as agents of malicious intent, to round up a meal? What really drives mankind to kill one another? Wantonly, for no war has ever been fought that was truly righteous in retrospect. Lies always abound, as the truth becomes deeply hidden to hide what really happens, in every war.

My husband knows. He has seen the depths of evil, and recognizes it still. So do I. As much as I continue to see lights coming on, in the hearts and souls of those who cannot turn off that special something that sets us apart from that which is truly of mal intent, the dark side is growing in intensity. It is not a time for the faint of heart either. Many will tremble in their shoes, when they realize just who’s been in the room with them, while the light has been off.

But something good is coming too. I can feel it. I can feel it in my bones. What will it look like, when it arrives in full force? I honestly don’t know. I am teaching myself daily, that for something new to truly be born, we have to accept that it won’t look like anything we’ve ever seen before. Is it possible. Not much I claim to believe in, without knowing for sure. But I do believe this.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

Many thoughts are coming to me this morning, after some previous writing and self reflection. It has to do with the spiritual nature of what is happening, on an almost collective level, regardless of where you live. The near future as it unfolds, even though showing a predictable pattern, for those with eyes to see, is not going to be the same for everyone. But in some way, it is going to affect every single person on the planet.

I literally see an awakening, in those who are pure of heart, all across the globe (sorry flat earthers), that crosses all lines. It does not matter whether you believe in our governments, whether you believe, or don’t believe, in wearing a mask. But it does matter if you believe that humanity as a whole, has value. Is worth defending, even as flawed as it is. Believes in the ultimate power of love, regardless of what appears to “happening” out there, outside our personal reality bubbles.

For make no mistake about it. We are at war. We are at war with something so evil, many cannot look at it at all. Some just believe that what you focus on, you get more of, which IS true, but not the whole truth.

No, I’m not taking sides, for in truth I know that I am. And that includes what we would label the good and bad, the right, and the wrong. Problem is, there is sacred law that supersedes mans laws, and it does not dwell in duality. We must get beyond labels, and get straight to the heart of it. When push comes to shove, whose side are you really on? The big kahuna, that is liquid loving dancing, musical, creative, joyful, light, that many call by different names. That ineffable something, that animates ALL life, and it is BENEVOLENT!

It does not buggar children, and sacrifice it’s minions to a lying, deceitful, arrogant, vengeful, narcissistic god, that demands ultimate obedience extracted through fear, and is ultimately behind every great loss of life that has come about through the hands of humans engaging in the act of war. It demands great sacrifices, and we have been unwittingly sacrificing our youth, along with their innocence, to it for a very long time.

Thing is, it’s turned up the flame, slowly, almost imperceptibly, over how long a time I do not even know. Maybe it falls and rises in cycles. And seems to recede into the background, but continues to work behind the scenes, through exploiting the evil that resides in unawakened humans and the unconscious hidden recesses of their psyches. It preys on their weaknesses, and slowly, insidiously, takes over the minds and bodies of those with too little soul to fight back.

I have been building my inner temple for long before this lifetime, as have others in my ancestral line. The branches go off in many directions, but yet, with practice, I have realized they are all still living, in a sense, assessable even now, along with their many gifts, experiences, and knowledge.

Most of us come from very spiritual lineages with rich traditions that are actually under the false overlay, but in reality is the foundation that holds it up. They just keep tearing down and rebuilding, over and over again, while ever remaining aloof, in their little castles in their minds, still dreaming that they have some imagined right to rule us. WE actually are them, is the funniest thing ever. For it you go far enough back in time, we are each related to some of these original trees that underpin the beginnings of all humans as we know them today, regardless of the so called delineation of ethnicity accepted today.

There have been many wars. Some, probably instigated through great need that happens after major cataclysmic events, which we know have happened numerous times throughout history. People who are trying to survive after great trauma tend to regress to survival of the fittest mentality. Unfortunately, that tendency persisted, and has created a separate group of individuals, who through avarice, deceit, dark sorcery, and secrecy, have elevated themselves to an almost godlike position and deem themselves our rightful rulers. Very primitive and Darwinian in thought. They have been inflicting great harm without remorse for literally eons, keeping their memories and special status in tact, probably through many cataclysms, and have been exploiting their advantage for who really knows how long. I’ll come back to this train of thought, later, when I have more time, maybe.....
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

I guess I’m back to writing today. Don’t even know where this is going to go at present. Shortly, I’m going to have to get the air conditioner going again, early today, to keep our little RV from becoming intolerably hot. So it’s going to be a mostly inside kind of day. My mind wants answers on what is to come, and yet, my other side keeps gently reminding me that for something new to be born, we can’t know exactly what it’s going to look like, or what it’s going to take to get there. Plus, we have to let go of the comfortable feeling of knowing what to expect.

I probably won’t be writing for this forum much longer. Maybe just a couple more months. The hearts gone out of it. I wish it wasn’t so, because I have enjoyed interacting with others, but there just isn’t any interacting at all anymore. Probably many reasons for that, but it is what it is. My experience here has allowed me to ramble on about any subject I want to, but I’d much rather have a real conversation with someone of like mind. That is starting to happen more and more, with local people I’ve been getting to meet.

In fact, I see something beautiful shaping up for some of us. It’s like the need for community, real community, has finally arrived, and is finding ways to express itself. More and more I’m beginning to see why spirit directed me to be where I am. And it does seem like, besides everything else, all of the people I’ve been getting to know lately, religious or not, are spiritually minded. They may not even see themselves that way, but I see it. They know there is something seriously wrong with our world, with those steering the reality ship for the masses, and those who blindly follow. And they know there is a Divine and loving presence they can call on, and use as their guide through these troubled times. Many have actually felt guided, also, to be where they are, for reasons that were not clear to them at the time. And they are all people with big hearts that love this earth, their families, their freedom, and life itself. It brings tears to my eyes, as I feel into this truth.

Freedom. Strange to see that so many people are willing to give it up too. I never thought it would come down to this, especially in the way that it is. I’ve been reading for many years about how “they do it”, for what we are seeing is a tried and true formula that works, evidently. We’re seeing it in real time, right now. And now that the ball is seriously in motion, it will not be going away.

Maybe part of it is that many are so busy living their lives that they never crack a book, or do any real research. And that includes a certain amount of personal excavation and looking deeply into oneself, to understand what makes you tick. And that is what makes so many ripe for their tactics, for they don’t work very well on those who have done their homework, so to speak. I know who I am now. I am not afraid to die anymore, but I’m also not afraid to live anymore either, really live. I plan to make the most of whatever time I have left here, and try to be that person I used to look for in others.

And that’s part of it. We have been taught since birth to look outside of ourselves and defer to our recognized and generally accepted authority figures. Maybe my childhood, though difficult, has actually prepared me for these times, for I learned very early on that authority figures were not to be trusted, and have steadily taught myself to be self reliant, and strong, on the inside. I feel blessed, and very grateful that I followed that something I can’t really even pinpoint, that’s been with me my entire life. It doesn’t have to shout to get my attention, or put X marks everywhere to tell me where to stand, or shame me into compliance. It does point out my shadows, but also helps me turn them into allies.

The world’s gone crazy, and doesn’t even know it. What a bizarre turn of events. For when I go to the city, which I rarely do now, I really notice the stark difference, especially energetically. They have signs everywhere, on the outside of buildings, on the inside of the stores and businesses, telling you to have a mask on or be refused service (thankfully I am exempt). Then they have signs on every isle, telling me where to stand, which direction to go, admonishing compliance or else. It reminds me of the movie, They Live, where, when they put the glasses on, they see what the signs are really saying.

It also reminds me of when I went to my adopted mothers memorial after she passed, and all they could repeatedly say about her was how obedient she was (she belonged to a very strict fundamentalist religion). Obedient to who? So many now masquerading as our “superiors”. It makes me want to tear their masks off, so everyone can actually see who and what they are really following and deferring to. But it’s not my job or place to do so. Future events will leave no stone unturned. In the meantime, I will simply seek out those who actually are on the same page, so we can at least continue to exercise our right to be human. A true human, who, since time immemorial has looked out for their communities, families, homes. Who protect their children, their loved ones, willing to put their life on the line for them. Who feed and care for the elderly, and actually nurture and nourish life in every way they can. And who know that true service does not look like what we are being shown, on our nightly news channels and internet sites. It’s become all about mind control, and the war is on. They want to tell you what to think, believe, and even feel.

I retain that right for myself. As the saying goes, all rights reserved.

Time to find your tribe, folks. I’ve found mine, and the true battle won’t be fought on some internet site. It will be fought right where you are. It’s already here, on your back doorstep, having come like a thief in the night while you sleep. I wish I could sleep, for I am so tired. But, I must continue to kick myself in the butt, and listen to that voice within, that only makes itself known when I make space for it. It never has to punish, shame, guilt trip, coerce, use fear. No matter what actually happens, I feel honored to be here at this time. I just wish some of those who are actual family members weren’t still so deeply asleep, because for now, I have to continue doing what I’m doing without them. And even when push comes to shove, they may choose to remain where they are. I must love them enough to let them choose, even if it’s an unconscious choice. Everyone will be where they need to be, according to their own inner dictates. I will not wait, either. As they say, the show must go on, and it’s already started. But I won’t be on the sidelines just watching it happen. I have work to do. So, on that note, I guess I’ll get busy.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

I’m having a moment, it seems. So, the divide.

Trump is good, democrats are bad
Biden and Democrats are good, and Trump is why everything is the way it is.

Also, Q is going to save us, versus Q is a psyop and has a cult following.

Abortion should be legal, abortion should be illegal.

Sexual freedom should apply to everyone, and we shouldn’t discriminate against homosexuals or bisexuals, versus anything goes - transgenderism, changing sex, not identifying with one or the other (kinda like hermaphroditism), or pedophilia. It all gets lumped together.

We came from apes and evolved slowly over time.
We are a special creation made by god.

This is all about duality, and driving the narrative through fueling conflict and opposition. It’s so apparent to me, and has been for a long time.

I don’t know who Trump is, and I do have a knee jerk response that tells me all politicians are liars and playing us for fools. And I did think Q was a psyop. But, I also admit, I honestly don’t know for sure. And I also admit, certain things Trump has said and done ever since this bizarre turn of events with our world being locked down over something blown way out of proportion (after a while almost anyone can’t help but start to think it was all done on purpose when what you see doesn’t match what they are telling you), leaves me with more questions than answers, and find I must just observe more, and be less sure of what I think I know, because of my admitted bias. At least, I have to consider things may be more complex than I at first thought. I’m also looking at the long run, as in different timelines, and which brings about the better outcome, regardless of if any are good guys, or all are bad guys.

And, well, if you don’t know how corrupt the Clintons are, and aren’t at least starting to wonder about Obama, and by extension, hair sniffing Biden, I don’t know what to say. And, again, same thing with Q. Unless you really DO have all the facts (and given the nature of the game and how both sides purposefully obscure and distort facts), it’s unlikely any of us know for certain from our living room armchairs, who they really are, or what their end agenda really is. Again, I am still going to observe.

A little side note here. My guides (and I’ll just straight up call them that) keep hinting that all is not what it seems, and that regardless of what is hidden from view, there is something from higher up that has been interjected into the programs code, that will give mankind an opportunity. Whether we take it or not remains to be seen. It really is up to us, what we choose to do, how we choose to respond to what continues to be revealed. It’s not all set in stone, all is not known.

To continue. Abortion. I have always felt a woman should be able to choose, but that also the choice has to be weighed against the rights of the being growing inside. For myself, it does not feel right to allow others to profit from such things, nor do I feel it should be used as a continuous form of birth control. And it should always be done before 12 weeks. It feels like murder after that to me. And being able to label a partial birth an abortion where the infant had even the slightest chance of survival, such as my grandson who was a full 3 months early and survived, also does not feel ethically right to me. So, I’m not anti or for, again. Nothing is black and white.

And while I support the right to choose what your sexual preference is with other consenting adults, I do not feel that right extends to children. Now, you can quibble over what constitutes age of consent all you want, but in most cultures it isn’t considered appropriate, or that youth have the maturity level, until they are late teens or older. An exact cutoff date is difficult, because not everyone is the same. But for crying out loud, if my 13 year old insecure daughter or son was enticed into sex with an older man or woman (or any other gender identification), I would have had a fit. It is exploitation, and it is wrong. Even my goats protect their young. I’ve seen the mothers swatting young bucks that haven’t been separated yet across the road with their heads when getting too frisky with their daughters. It’s a natural instinct. So once again, the lines get intentionally obscured, and they try to label you into a box. We don’t live life in a box (at least I don’t).

And, lastly, evolution. I’ve thought since many years ago, before I had even read much on the subject, that there are evolutionary forces, but that also humans, as we know of ourselves today, were a special creation. It has always seemed obvious to me, even without the archaeological evidence, that things do evolve to accommodate environmental changes and to optimize potential survival, but also that we can and do influence our genetics by cross breeding. I do that with my goats, and the evidence suggests knowledge of this goes way back in time. There is also evidence all over the planet, that there was an advanced worldwide civilization that existed before a cataclysmic event that separated and scattered those who survived all over the planet, and reduced them back to an almost Stone Age existence from which humanity is still recovering. So I have always believed that both were true, and could never understand the debate in the first place.

I could go on and on with different dilemmas that tend to divide people along polarizing sides. Once polarized, it’s hard to move back to middle ground. And it is all about balance. So much we see now tries to draw our attention to one extreme or the other. It’s harder than ever to see the truth of what is real in our lives. It helps me to think about what is happening, right now in this moment. All is GOOD, is what I know, and am experiencing. My health is okay, my animals are all okay, healthy, and doing fairly well. Yes, Bob needs more copper, so I am always behind on something here, but really, all is well. We have enough to eat, and warm clean safe place to sleep, good people in my life. Yes, the world’s gone mad, and any day now things might change so dramatically that things are no longer at peace here on the home front. But for now, all is well.

I know so many people now, who are losing sight of that. I don’t go hardly anywhere, and it is hard on my psyche when I go out, but still, I can let people make their own choices. When they start to make my choices for me, well, then it IS going to change. But for now, in this moment, all IS well. And I am thankful.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

I need to get my butt out the door, but I’m having some musing moments here, and feel the need to get my thoughts down. Such interesting times we live in. Being here in the US, I keep thinking about the election looming on the horizon, the astrology of the times we live in. It’s been 245 years since the beginning of the Revolutionary war our country fought for 8 years, and we have Pluto once again in Capricorn. So much more going on there than I have time to write about. But these are revolutionary times, by anyone’s standards.

Being part of a number of groups spanning multiple topics, I get a good cross section that includes people all over the US, and locations beyond our borders as well. One thing is certain, the pot has been stirred, and the flame’s been turned up. There is something in the air that I have not experienced in this lifetime. Structures, physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, all across the board, are experiencing a process of dismantling. Very disconcerting, and for many, a very fearful process. You can’t renovate a building, though, if the foundation is rotten. Much has to be discarded, and as new structures are built, they may look quite different. In all honesty, maybe that’s a good thing.

I can’t shake this nagging feeling, despite all that is going on, that there is the possibility for something really good to come out of all this. Yes, there is chaos, destruction, mayhem, and clashing ideals. But it is shaking us out of our complacency. For some reason, deep down in the very center of my soul, my being, I am not afraid. I came here for a reason. I didn’t just come to be a by stander and watch it all play out, although there is an element of that as well. Many of us have sensed that we came here for a specific reason. If nothing else, we’ve spent a lifetime getting to know ourselves. I am not who I thought I was. And, I am much more than just a physical body, with a physical brain, and an expiration date.

There are higher intelligences, one supportive in nature, adding an enhancing effect to our lives, that I would call benevolent, as well as a consciousness that is something else entirely. It embodies the energies behind unbridled greed, lustful desires, envy, spite, vengeance, and the enjoyment of suffering, harm, and destruction. Ultimately, it does not have a body, but can energetically inhabit one already occupied. As it slowly grows, much like an invasive weed in the garden, it can literally take over in time. It, of course, does not actually exist in linear time. And it also does not have a gender, hence the current drive to render everyone genderless.

The thing is, even in nature, benevolence, balance, harmony, and order is the energy that creates. It IS where we come from, and it IS what we ARE. Or, can be, if we throw out the unwanted guests in our psyches. The opportunity to do so is present during this very window of time. Interesting that the Hebrew letter, Heh, is window. It crosses over the abyss, straight to Tiphareth. I’m feeling drawn to ponder on what this window might mean, what the possibilities are. All the following came to mind, even before I looked it up to refresh my memory. Miracles, Integration, Compassion, and beauty. I’ll be back....

Straight from Wikipedia:
Tiferet ("Adornment", Hebrew: תִּפְאֶרֶת‎ [tifˈ(ʔ)eʁet]) alternatively Tifaret, Tifereth, Tyfereth or Tiphereth, is the sixth sefira in the kabbalistic Tree of Life. It has the common association of "Spirituality", "Balance", "Integration", "Beauty", "Miracles", and "Compassion".
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

More thoughts....

Fallen angels, cast out of heaven....

These beings were non physical, and resided in a realm of spirit. They were cast out, and ended up as physical beings in this realm. They are the same beings that are referred to in our Christian Bible, who came down and mated with humans. They have been trying to recreate that state of perfection they already experienced before being cast out, ever since they arrived. Many of us are related to them, our ancestors having been among the first to bear their offspring. They have went out of their way to get rid of us, throughout time, as we know them through our very DNA, our biological software that holds the knowledge of all that we have ever been. Only those who continued to adhere to the very dogmas and beliefs that got them here were allowed to be part of the inner circle, and much inbreeding did occur.

There were many offspring who, being deemed “bastards” from unsanctioned breedings with those not specifically chosen to be part of the elite. This hierarchical structure was brought from realms not native to the physical embodied reality which humanoid beings were already experiencing, and it was basically a construct that was artificial, not natural at all. This intelligence that embodied these original fallen angels could be called a faulty program that was discarded from creational realms, a rogue artificial intelligence that had some faulty vision of a type of perfection not appropriate for physically embodied life forms.

Maybe it was deemed appropriate for it to experience its erroneous ways through being forced to embody the physical human form, or, maybe it was an experiment to see if the programming could be redeemed in any way.

Unfortunately, it looks like this embodied fallen spiritual group of entities has not been redeemable. It has wreaked untold harm, damage, and suffering. I guess it is possible that there have been some benefits to this experiment, from a learning point of view. But, it seems to me that this group of entities, should be locked up in a realm where they can do no more harm. It seems to me the experiment, if that’s what it was, has failed.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

Don’t know that I will share what I am about to write, but hoping I will feel better as the words flow onto the screen. My poor little mind is blown, even though many of us foresaw this time we are in. Now that we ARE here, I’m finding it a bit more difficult to cope with than I thought. Tears want to flow, as I think about what is happening in our collective reality. It’s getting harder to focus on the things I CAN do, that are right in front of me. Like, maybe we’re all doomed, and NONE of it matters.

Somehow, I have to, again, work out of this state of futility I’m feeling. It does not serve me in the long run. And the realization of how different I am from the masses only amplifies the affect. Like, what the hell am I even doing here, in this reality? I don’t want to have the experience we are going through, and will continue to go through, in the days, weeks, months, and maybe even years ahead.

To hear my grandson tell me what school is like now is most painful. To realize my (and most everyone else’s) social life is toast for some indefinable period is also painful. I didn’t have much of one to begin with, but it’s much worse now. Most everyone I did have regular contact with is mysteriously unavailable. Maybe they are dealing with their own shock and awe issues, and trying to get prepared for what we all feel is coming. I can only guess, because I really don’t know. I just know it hurts.

Energetically, what I am picking up on in the collective, is two fold, maybe even three fold. When I left another forum almost 6 years ago, and became part of this one, I left because I was very disheartened, and disillusioned. I saw people I had respected and looked up to behave in a very hostile, judgmental, and condescending manner, about a situation they really did not have all the facts on. It also makes me think of a number of other groups where I did not feel totally comfortable, even though enjoying the subject matter, such as a drumming circle as well as an herbal guild I belonged to. I thought it was just me, and really wondered why, even though I did not have a bad experience, I just felt like I didn’t fit in. Goes all the way back to childhood, where I felt like there was something wrong with me.

There IS something different about me, that even I don’t understand. Otherworldly, something I bring with me, that has had a different experience, and carries with it a different energy than is generally available here. I keep seeking others who have that something. I have found a few. But still, very much a minority.

You see, I can feel disingenuousness in others. I feel their shadows, as well as my own. I do have unexpressed expectations that contribute to my current state of sadness. Even now, I still wish to really “connect” here, with other humans. Instead, I connect more with cats, dogs, goats, horses, trees, rivers, sunshine, air, the ground I walk upon.

I may have learned to be here, and maintain a modicum of joy, happiness, inner ease. But the outer world is getting more difficult for me by the day. What is really happening here? Well, for one thing, every single person I mentioned feeling at odds with are the same in certain aspects. They all willingly give away their power as sovereign human beings, think they are enlightened, and really don’t have a depth of empathy to see beyond the growing shadows of our current reality show. The judgements feel heavy indeed, and most do NOT see what I see.

I only know this because I regularly examine my own level of awareness, of the many ways I make assumptions, pass judgement, and have subconscious expectations about what this reality has to offer. In that way, my human experience is the same as any other. Life, as always, has produced fertile ground for growth, if I so choose to cultivate it.

So many I see aren’t even tending their garden any more, to see what the soil might need to be more bountiful and full of life force energy. They think their gardens will not grow weeds if unattended, and their attention is generally towards the outer world, and they feel comfortable in it.

I don’t feel comfortable in it, and mostly never have. In fact, true happiness only came to me when I finally loosened my grip, and let go of the idea I needed to be like everyone else, and that I needed to change myself to make that happen. I actually like who I am. And I am willing to own the unrealistic expectations that sometimes make me feel sad. I am willing to own my erroneous assumptions that lead to those unrealistic expectations. And I also own the way in which I also judge others. The world doesn’t have to change for me, and I do not have to change for it. It IS okay, even as I sit with the sadness.

What I have seen is my hope and expectation that people would own their rage, their judgements, and they would then grow towards being kinder, more able to step out of duality, to see the middle path, that, rather than achieving the synthesis of the Hegelian dialectic we see at play, would be able to see instead how we have ALL been, and are being, played. We should not be so willing to throw half the population under the bus due to these vast differences in ideologies that are being amplified by forces who operate outside of our awareness. We SHOULD be able to see we are not each other’s enemy. And wishing your enemy to just drop dead because it triggers you too much is more an indication of the inner deficit.

I do not want to carry hate in my heart, even for what the real enemy is. And, from what I see, I am just one of a very small number of people to see this. I can’t unsee it though. It’s as real to me as the nose on my face appears to be. Anyway, I think I got enough off my chest to go out and now enjoy just walking, breathing, feeling the sun on my face, and spend some time care-taking my menagerie of furry and feathered friends. Maybe even spend a little time cleaning up some forest debris, and think about the inner debris that accumulates and needs to be cleared on a regular basis. Then I can move back into balance, back into joy. On that note, I bid you adieu.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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