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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 2:10 am
by LostNFound
So, we have been in this tunnel for a long time me thinks. We have been controlled and eaten for eons it seems. Our DNA was changed a very long time ago and how many destruction points have we passed through? Things seem to be different in this time frame. It has been changing in our life times and even before. I would guess it has been moving forward into our ascension to a higher life form for quite some time now. Just so happens, and I am just seeing this, the past few years it all has ramped up and the world of humans are waking up in greater numbers and quicker time.

The tunnel has become narrow and turning faster like a pinwheel. We are witnessing, I do believe, the end of evil or should I venture to say, our moving away from the dead/death zones and evil beings that have controlled this existence of TIME. I can see us standing on the edge of time preparing to jump forward into a no-time, ascension to a higher plane. I watched and have seen others already jumping from this 3D sickness into the better places. I will stop here for now but know this, we humans are destined to go forward away from the dead leaves and into fresh growth. Excellent wonderful times we live in today. Just have to wade through the learning curve.

Steven, gotta wonder how many times I am lost and then found.

Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 11:58 pm
by Spiritwind
I’m sitting here sipping coffee, waiting for my friend to show up and take some pictures of the goats I’m going to put up for sale. While I’m waiting, I want to see if I can sort out where my thoughts really are, just a little below the chatter of my mind. It’s weird, to realize that I actually have different layers of thoughts, and that I am generally only conscious of that which right on the surface of things. But I can feel much percolating in the depths, and not even sure what it’s trying to tell me yet.

We are now into our second year of the big change that started for us here in the US in March of last year. And there is no end in sight. Just talked to my son who is incarcerated and due to get out in just a little over 5 months, and it came up that the world is not going to be the same as it was in 2016 when life dropped a sledge hammer on him. I guess you could say it was a huge wake up call, which he has used to propel him into full adulthood. At the time of his incarceration, he was still interacting with the world in a very asleep state in regards to himself, as well as the world around him. Judging by the conversations we have every week, it seems he has been doing some internal redecorating. He is going to need those new skills more than ever.

I naturally tend to do a lot of sifting and analyzing of the data coming in from the world outside of my little bubble, as well as just observing my own interactions with this incoming data. It’s funny when I recognize my own behaviors that I’m still working on, in an exaggerated form mirrored by someone else. It is helping me to have less judgement, and more thoughts and strategies on how to shift certain frequencies that are not helping me, or others, achieve this higher frequency state we know is possible. I have observed that this helping behavior I am developing is part of the antidote. In other words, I find it easier to move out of the subtle charge of judgement and reactive thoughts and emotions, to a more expansive approach that accepts and allows that we have all been seriously fucked with, and all of us carry the ghosts of our traumas, as well as those of others, within us.

I’ve recently gained a new level of understanding of just how trauma can affect us in the long term, through lower thought forms that glum onto us at the time the trauma occurs, and can cause not only emotional and psychological havoc, but even physical symptoms as well. Unhealed trauma definitely has a negative impact on our day to day quality of life. I see it play out, over and over again. Some of it comes from other lives we’ve lived, in other times and places, as well as trauma passed down in our families of origin. It is often not recognized for what it is, and some struggle with sabotaging behaviors, emotions, and thoughts all their lives, not realizing the true source of the problem. And lower frequency energies, thought forms, and beings grow more powerful from the expansion of our pain bodies. So, quite a conundrum, this predicament humanity finds itself in.

Not sure if it’s a blessing or a curse, but I’ve been able to see, intuit, and understand things not commonly known since childhood, and find it strange that I keep stumbling across others who confirm these knowings. I knew my stepdad had entity possession, and gremlins acting through him over 25 years ago, before I read any books by shamanic practitioners, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, or hypnotherapists that wrote about this phenomenon. When he would tell me about the voices in his head that were telling him all kinds of vile things, and urging him to do things that frankly sounded demonic, I told him to tell the voices to get the fuck out of his head. I know it’s not as simple as that, but locking him up and drugging him certainly did not much improve the quality of his life. And another relative of mine who gets locked up from time to time, is heavily medicated on drugs that would leave anyone in a fairly zombified state, and is court ordered to take them, knows that there is something more going on. But I’m not going to be the one to tell her physicians that it’s earth bound spirits and demons that is the real problem. I know from what she has told me a few times that she does indeed see into the unseen realms. But unless she gets to the source, no amount of drugging her is ever going to cure what ails her. Too bad, because there is another way, and it actually works and restores quality of life without medication. But you know, I’m just a nutter myself. What the fuck do I know!

But I do know, and it makes it so hard to be here, as it gets clearer and clearer by the day, what the agenda here really is, and what’s in store for all of us not wanting to acquiesce to our dark overlords. It’s like the book, Political Ponerology by Andrew Lobaczewski on a grand scale playing out before my eyes. For those who don’t know, this book was a study in political evil, the trajectory it usually takes, how people behave over time, as the “wetiko” virus overtakes humanity (Paul Levy has written extensively on this). It’s playing out in real time on a worldwide scale not seen before in recent history. Although, actually, it turns out it may have been more recent than we think, but just hidden from us. Anyway, the plan, the agenda, has been revealed to us, for those with eyes to see. Hidden in plain sight. Yet, like one of those pictures with other images hidden in it, once you DO see it, you can’t unsee it. And, if your eyes have already been trained to see what they want you to see, I guess, judging from my personal observations of the bulk of humanity, you will not see, much like the story of the Emperor with no clothes. And, those who do see are ridiculed and laughed at, or worse.

I often wonder, especially after having met and got to know so many, both online and in person, who do see through the magicians trick, what it is that makes us this way. Like, why ARE we different. I couldn’t be other than who I am, and going against the grain is not actually something I enjoy. I just can’t go against my own inner compass that has literally saved my life, over and over again, and in which I have developed unshakable trust. And with my own eyes and ears I have a mountain of evidence that tells me these authority figures throughout time, which are not even really human, only wearing the body suit, are not acting in our, the people’s, best interests. Evidence points to them being the same cast of characters from when this story began between “us” and “them”. I don’t think it’s that neat and tidy, either, for I know I am distantly (or maybe not so distantly) related to some of these nefarious cast of characters. I also tend to think that IS why some of us just “know”, and are easily able to see through the thin veneer they wear and have fooled the masses with.

They must not be able to get rid of all of us that easy, because we are not that hard to track. Most of us can’t keep our mouths shut. And I believe some of us are tied, genetically, spiritually, or both, to those who came before. Those who were part of the original story, before the infiltration, and the stealthy takeover of what I believe really was a beautiful paradise. They inverted everything good, and turned our symbols, our creative use of the natural environment, and even our technology into something evil and anti life. Our childlike innocence was weaponized into a way to exploit us. They gave us beads, bobbles, and shiny new toys, while we gave everything of real value, extending to our very lives. Slowly, we all became slaves. And slaves we have been ever since.

That’s why they had to get rid of all the indigenous people that were here, before this version of rape and pillage began again. As I do believe they have done this over and over again, rinse, wash, repeat. How long have we been on the merry go round? I don’t even know. It’s so weird to see how they get us all fighting amongst ourselves. Yes, black people who were brought over from Africa were bought and sold, and used as if they were animals. But they weren’t the only ones, nor has slavery ever really went out of vogue. It’s just become more hidden, under a false veneer of sophistication and seeming advancement of societal values. Only on the surface could anyone believe this to be true.

For the truth is, our self appointed owners believe us to be nothing more than an asset to be used as they please, and disposed of just as easily. In fact, I would say they take a much lower view of us than I do of all the critters I am responsible for and take care of. Culling is a regularly scheduled event.

It’s been a few days since I started this, and best try and wind it up. The thoughts continue to pile in, with each new onslaught and revelation of what “they” are planning for our future. Here in the US good ole Slo Jo has hatched a new plan. I’m guessing the pressure is on from his handlers, to get more of the populace jabbed. I’m figuring they don’t want all out war, with blood and gore, and bombs, because they want to keep most of the infrastructure intact, while they build their “brave new world”. So now, much like the JW’s I grew up with, they are going door to door. Instead of the Watchtower and Awake magazines, it’s going to be a slightly different brand of dogma, but with the usual high pressure, veiled threats, and shaming that often comes with any form of mind control.

More trauma, heaped on an already traumatized world. Thankfully I’ve healed a considerable amount of past trauma, from my childhood, early adult life, and other lives. Though I doubt I’ve barely scratched the surface, I can feel the difference in a very positive way. At least now I can face the enemy, for that’s what they are, armed with truth, courage, and integrity, and stand my ground. This life isn’t all there is, and in the end, what I stood for matters most. Just as we can create negatively charged karma for ourselves, we can also do the opposite. The more we exercise our ability to access the divine guidance that creator has lovingly provided for us, the easier it gets. I am finally learning to trust that moment by moment, each step I take, I don’t have to do it alone, and I don’t have to be afraid. Although, I must admit, the shock and awe aspect of all this can be a little hard to ditch.

Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2021 6:00 pm
by Spiritwind
Don’t know if I’ll get very far with this today. I just can’t find it in myself to post any more information (videos etc.) about what’s going on “out there”, because it seems you’ve either figured out something is seriously wrong by now, or it’s unlikely you are going to wake up in time to save yourself. The signs are literally all around us.

I don’t have anything really new to say, but still, my life does continue in the same vein it has for some time now. From the day I brought home my first two goats while still living in the city back in 2012, we have steadily been positioning ourselves so as to more easily adapt to the changes now openly being foisted upon not just humanity, but all life here. As I look back I realize what a major change it has been for me and my husband, and what it took to get here, even though I lived it, is kind of shocking to me. It wasn’t easy. Much, in the line of occult hostile forces, were arrayed against us. But, with divine help and a pick yourself up and keep going attitude, we have prevailed.

And now, as I listen to little Mr. Dash crying for me to hurry up and get down there so he can be reunited with his mom, I can barely think straight, LOL. He doesn’t know it, but he is soon to be weaned and his wings clipped, as in put in a pen with his cohort, Elvin, so he can’t make any unsanctioned babies. Goat shuffling is a real skill set!

It’s funny, I write because I guess that’s just what I do, but other than my husband who suffers through a few of my writings from time to time, not one person I actually know reads what I write here. Part of it has to do with the energy of words strung together with intent. This little forum tucked away on the internet, is a place holder for a certain kind of energy, that in my mind actually serves a beneficial function in these times particularly. As things continue to escalate, it will also be a sign of how dark it has become, for eventually, if our would be “controllers” have their way, there will be no oasis or sanctuaries of free thought left. Sobering times indeed.

I went to the little free economy Agorist market again Saturday (from Wikipedia: Agorism is a social philosophy that advocates creating a society in which all relations between people are voluntary exchanges by means of counter-economics, engaging with aspects of nonviolent revolution). It was a small group this time. A few had other commitments. But great inroads are being made with this core group of committed souls. None of us are there because we expect to actually make what is termed an “economic profit”. We do exchange goods, information, and network for future endeavors. We all see the writing on the wall, and know we are laying the foundation for ourselves, families, and loved ones in preparation for what is to come.

There are groups who are focusing on protection by being armed and self defense training. This is important too, but our focus is on being able to eat and take care of our health, when we can no longer go to the grocery store to buy what we want and need, or go to our local physician or hospital for health concerns and medical procedures. None of us are waiting for others to “wake up”. All of us are informed about things such as Agenda 21, and other nefarious agendas in the works that have actually been planned for at least the last 100 years. All of us are aware of the weather modification technologies that have been around since the 50’s, and the fact that an intentional culling of the population is well under way.

So, things like troubleshooting our solar system, and adding to it as we go along, will ensure when the time comes, and maybe we can’t even get fuel for the generators, we won’t be completely without power. We can even run the air conditioner on it for several hours on a hot sunny day now, which is a milestone! Our pressurized septic system won’t quit working during a power outage, because we don’t have one! And, even if nothing grew out here any more, due to all kinds of reasons, it turns out many many foods can be freeze dried (and not even taste that bad!), and last a ridiculously long time. I just happen to know a couple people who are doing that, one being part of our two local Freedom Cell groups. You can have bags of food that are very compact and lightweight, making transport so much easier. When I look outside, I see medicine growing everywhere. Even the pine needles can provide vitamin C and other benefits. Everyone in these groups, that is actually participating (as with anything, there are many who join, but few who are truly committed), is very busy researching, honing the skills they already have, and learning new ones as fast as they can.

I hear it all the time, that we are not “organized”, and why doesn’t it appear that we are “doing anything”, like, why aren’t we (especially here in the US) out in the streets! Many claim that we are doomed, and the dark side will inevitably win. But, for any of you who may have watched the movie, Push, you would know that it all must be done on faith in something bigger than ourselves. Any group that ever was, that is of a benevolent kind intending to support and help one another, can be, and is, infiltrated, and slowly, insidiously, taken over. One bad apple can spoil the whole bunch. So, by not being cohesive and well organized as a single group that all can see and identify, we are moving forward as if we know something. And we do.

I could go on and on, on this train of thought alone, but to keep it short and simple, it’s just possible that on a higher level, many of us are in on the script, have already developed our strategies, and know that the notes from the divine, that inform us of our next step, will always be there, if we train ourselves to become aware of them, and follow the path that spirit points out. We will know what to do, when we need to know, and we will do it. This way, the dark side cannot infiltrate, and anticipate what our next moves are. For, they, the side working against freedom that intend to secure total control, always tell us what they are going to do. In plain sight. We just don’t believe it for the most part. We think, nah, they can’t be that bold, or, they’ll never pull it off etc. well, they are that bold, and they DO appear to be pulling it off. So far. The story is far from over.

On my birthday next year, February 3rd, Pluto will conjunct it’s original position it did on the 4th of July, 1776. Yes, I realize it was not actually signed on that date. But that’s the date “they” chose, for a reason. Big things are headed our way, and we’ve only just begun. I guess you can opt out, in a variety of ways, and many do. For myself, I figure, what the heck. What do I have to lose? My life does not end when me and this body suit part ways, and everyone alive on the planet now will eventually be making their final departure from this time around the wheel. Why not engage, make it epically original, and be brave. Stand up for something, like, life! The other alternative actually sounds boring, and insufferable. Some would rather give up their freedom for some illusion of safety. I’d rather not. Do. That.

Okay, time to go shovel rock. Ugh. It’s a good day to be alive though.

Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 3:03 pm
by Spiritwind
I am back to the only one posting on the forum, for now anyway. Feeling more deeply into our times, I can speculate on why that is. As I told a friend yesterday, we have to perform psychological gymnastics these days to keep our sanity and well being intact, and it takes a lot of energy. I think many are just feeling wiped out and treading water just to keep afloat.

I have to say what appears to be nonsense in a way is unfortunately deadly serious, and getting very real. The totalitarian tiptoe has turned into a fast dance to some pretty dark music, and it truly feels like the pied piper is trying to run most of humanity off the proverbial cliff! For those not wanting to participate it almost feels like a slow motion slide that is painful to watch, and I feel myself pulled in to participate on some level whether I want to or not.

With two grandsons who I love very much, I found myself letting my ex-daughter in law know where I stand, when normally I would keep my mouth shut, as it is their life to live. That’s the point, though, is I do want them to have the opportunity to live their life. And whether she has them vaxxed or not does matter to me, especially since she has done zero research into just why so many adults are declining the jab, some even at the cost of their jobs. One way or another we will all be called to take a stand. I know which side of the fence I stand on, and there are many more who don’t realize yet that it’s becoming a very visible dividing line. Especially the rural folks I know who won’t ever join any group, until necessity demands it by default. And our opposition must surely be aware of this.

Daunting times, no doubt, and I continue to write and share my thoughts because thankfully, for the moment, I still have the energy and will to do so. Downloads of information continue to flow into my consciousness, that inform me of the deeper implications of what is occurring. This IS the battle of the ages. Some of us can trace our soul/spirit story back through time, including even other timelines that have merged in and out of this reality stream. Some of us remember that we are warriors at heart, even though we now just want to live our physical lives out as unobtrusively as possible. But the opposition won’t rest, or leave us alone. It wants us to submit, or die, or at least suffer greatly. That’s what it does to that which it cannot gain complete control of, even though in reality their sense of control is a mere illusion.

This battle did not really start in this here and now. And envy plays a part in what drives the opposition. That “if I can’t have it, you won’t either” mentality. For what they lack is their connection to spirit, their denial of empathy of any kind, calling it a weakness, a flaw that needs to be eradicated, for it infuriates them. They do not love and care for their young, as they do not seem to have the capacity to do so. It may appear as though they do, but the psychopathic mindset only mimics the ability to nurture, as everything, even their own offspring, are merely another resource to exploit and use. Yes, they seem to have organizational and long term planning skills that give the appearance of a superior intellect, but it is devoid of the life giving juice that makes life, biological life, even possible here. In short, they need us, as much if not more than they want us all gone. Very contradictory, as any good sociopath knows. They need to have something to victimize, to punish, to focus their innate hatred of all that is good upon.

For what would they be without us? They also need compliant slaves to serve their voracious and needy nature. That’s why they try to manage every potential uprising by supplanting it with their own imaginary controlled version, so as to not let it get out of hand. It’s time for it to get out hand. And as much as I have grown weary of this never ending battle, I must once again drawn my sword of truth, integrity, and courage, as I stand with my brothers and sisters in spirit. The line in the sand has been drawn, and they cannot kill us all. And they are not omnipotent, for I am already in constant communion with that which truly is omnipotent, and I can guarantee you it is not anti-life in nature. It does have the ability to nurture, to love, and to create that which shines, heals, and is real. The real Is-real. Not the hijacked version that brings only death and despair everywhere it goes, while masquerading as if has any real power whatsoever. That’s why it is imperative we wake up now! We are so much more than we know, and we must re-mem-ber who we are. If that were to happen, the darkness would have to recede, as it always does when the light is turned on.

Time to turn your lights ON!!!

Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 2:49 am
by LostNFound
Mine are ON, ON, ON. I to am weary of this war, these battles, this pure insanity that has now flowed to the surface and washes across our faces with blatant impunity. I keep wondering when enough is enough and when enough people will wake up to turn this tide. I awake every day now hoping beyond hope that the damn can will stop being kicked down the road. Now getting past the negative, I do see the positive things happening and more people waking up because I listen to them talking a completely different tune. I find new brothers and sisters that have awakened from the deep state slumber and are full of questions AND ANGRY if you will because they see just how badly they have been deceived.

Some days, I can feel the difference that slaps from the rear as the psychopaths use all their ammo from the front. This, we are being told now will get worse before it gets better. Damn, I am so tired of hearing that. More mask mandates, Mandates for the jab, Lock downs and food shortages. Our children are being murdered and the Pedophiles are running ramped. The Deep State is everywhere and I wonder what ever happened to Human beings. Are we being herded into butchering pens right before our eyes? The longer this goes on the less hope we have and the closer to a bloody revolution we get. Folks have reached their personal precipice and this is what the freakazoids want because when this starts it is their excuse to murder in mass then. We are fast approaching the Science Fiction movies of Apocalyptic scenarios. We have been shone these scenarios in movies like "World War Z, The Road and so many of those movies that depict our demise by viral mishaps. Take a look backward and see. They were telling us what they were planning and going to do with us.

Alright, enough for now, I am here and posting so you ain't alone dear lady. Just takes time. Vibrations of light, of wonder, take a step upward and here we go. Frequencies do tingle and colors do glow. Ascension is upon us, it just takes some time and I ain't got a dime, so, shake of the dust, pay no attention to the collusion and see through the illusion. Ha! laugh and smile as we walk along this mile.


Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2021 1:45 pm
by Spiritwind
I feel another post coming on. As usual, I’m about ready to go out to take care of all our furry friends, and with the window open I’m hearing all about it. But, as I was scrolling through my telegram feed of endless real news about what is happening in the world, I suddenly remembered so many things that me, and others whose observations and intuitive abilities are similar to my own, have discussed and pondered on in regards to where our future was headed over the last few years. I remembered a few of them (especially anyone not seeing what I’m seeing) laughed at me, saying “it will never happen” or, “it will never come to pass”. Yet, here we are. And so far, it’s moving right along that trajectory with chilling accuracy, day by day.

There’s a few other things rolling around in my mind. One, is a forum I used to be on (no, not that one, LOL) that was an offshoot of another one I belonged to, have just shut down their only poster who I have any interest in following at all, because he posts what they view as “nonsense”. This alarms me, for multiple reasons. How do we determine what is, or is not, nonsense? It wasn’t enough to put it in the proven hoax category.

Back in the 1980’s, when I was a young adult, I remember considering the different options of what to believe about who we are, and how we came to be. Even then, I found my inner knowing rejecting both standard options of the time. Basically it was between Darwinism, and the divine creation theory. It seems I’ve had an awareness of the unseen spiritual realms since childhood, so I always knew there was more to the answer. It just seemed logical to me that it was probably both. Since we are spirit beings first, it makes sense that we do evolve as souls, and I tend to think there have been multiple creations, and tweaking of the biological body suits we get to occupy, for a variety of different reasons, and by potentially different groups. I also lean towards the idea that the original blueprint, the first prototype of potentially ensouled physical bodies, was created at a much higher level of frequency and understanding than we currently possess or occupy, and was, by human standards, a divine creation. What was done to and with this blueprint since then has been done by lesser beings, that have both harmed, and enhanced us, at different times.

So, that ties into the discussion about how old we are, 6,000 years according to current interpretations of biblical scriptures, or infinitely older? Once again, that is neatly answered by the above, different creations, at different times, for different purposes. There are many examples of how and why this would be done that can be easily seen in livestock and domestic animal breeding.

Then there is a great deal of interest in Tartaria, and, for some odd reason, flat earth theories often connected. Not sure what exactly is true, but once again, I feel there are nuggets of truth in ALL of them, but we think it has to be one or the other. That’s how magicians trick us, for we only see what we focus on, missing whatever else is going on at the same time. That’s how they make slight of hand work so well. And there really is something going on with the architecture all over the world, that is not being satisfactorily explained by mainstream methods. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. And I really doubt that all these mythologies from before our time are a bunch of fanciful imaginings of a primitive people. It can’t be explained away either.

One interesting thing is, from my own genealogical research, I traced one relative to a place in the US, that, according to several sources there were no people of European decent residing at the time. Supposedly they weren’t the yet. Hmmm....and I have on the other side a lost trail due to one male relative in the late 1800’s who was apparently an orphan. I wonder how many there were, as there are indications there were an usually high number of them at the time. Where did the parents go? Even my great grandfather and his brother were orphaned at a pretty young age. Yet, they still knew their lineage. But there were many who didn’t. I think if we all pull the strings on our past, some anomalies will pop up. The other thing that was fairly common at the time is incest. First cousins having kids was quite common.

If they continuously tell us there is nothing to see, why is it so dangerous that self appointed gate keepers feel they must censor what they feel is false information. Who cares? So many things we commonly scoff at and ridicule, going way back in time, have proven at least somewhat true. I imagine they came up with all kinds of superstitious reasons why people in Rome were dying and getting dumber, when it turned out to be the lead pipes they were drinking out of. It could even be partly the reason for the fall of Rome. And, I can imagine that if anyone of the times suggested it might be the lead pipes, they were scoffed at and ridiculed. Just because the majority believe something it doesn’t make it true or right. Examples of this in history abound.

Arrogance is an affliction that seems on the rise. It’s consequences when it reaches a pervasive level in the collective consciousness is frightening to observe. It is now several days later, and observing people’s behavior I’d have to say bat shit crazy is also on the rise. I really need to wind this up, but still have a few topics I didn’t cover rolling around in my mind I’ll have to come back to I guess. Giants/fallen angels/spirits/aliens/demons/inter-dimensional beings, and so on all figure into the narrative we have going on now, of that I am certain. And so, if you look at what is going on from a purely human perspective, you will be missing a big part of the picture.

Also, with the sudden departure of our military from Afghanistan in this country (US) we have another situation brewing on the horizon that increases the overall sense of instability. Add that to the growing list of crazy this administration has unleashed on the public during their short time in the big house, it’s hard not to reach the conclusion that they are tanking our country (actually happening everywhere) on purpose. I just wish it wasn’t so easy for them to get us to all scurry around, missing the bigger picture. If we DID see the bigger picture with any clarity, they wouldn’t be doing this. But big picture thinkers seem in short supply, and by the time enough wake up to the swindle, the storm will already be fully upon us.

What does a girl do in such apocalyptic times? She goes and gets another goat, LOL. So, I’m off....

Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 3:32 pm
by Spiritwind
Late Lament by Moody Blues

Breathe deep the gathering gloom
Watch lights fade from every room
Bedsitter people look back and lament
Another day's useless energy is spent
Impassioned lovers wrestle as one;
Lonely man cries for love and has none
New mother picks up and suckles her son
Senior citizens wish they were young
Cold-hearted orb that rules the night
Removes the colours from our sight
Red is grey is yellow white
But we decide which is right
And which is an illusion

And this is the song rolling through my head this morning. What does it mean?

I made a road trip yesterday, to the big city. Not a big deal, but still, with the way the outer terrain keeps changing, day to day, week to week, it is very interesting to observe how it feels, and what the vibe is overall. Besides, I’ve always noticed things that others don’t. Other than trips out to a couple small local feed stores a few times a month, and the Freedom Market every other Saturday, I generally only venture out to get groceries a couple times a month. After a total of 7 stops I was able to reflect on how the people were handling this new round of State mandates that were just imposed again.

No more Costco for me again, either, and I only got to shop there a handful of times this year when they repealed their requirement for masking up to enter their store (and did not honor medical exemptions). Back to square one it seems. People don’t look nearly as compliant this time, as I noticed that many people at my favorite grocery store were pulling the damn things down below their nose as soon as they got in the store. They don’t have guards standing at this doors this time yet, except at Costco. So I was able to walk into every place I needed to go in my usual mask free state without being accosted. I do have a recognized medical exemption that most places have honored throughout this from the beginning. But if I am in the slightest doubt, I ask someone who works there if they honor medical exemptions before going on about my way. I do not want to have the experience some reported about getting up to the cashier with a basket full of stuff and being refused service and escorted out of the building. Not my idea of a good time. I do have some friends who have been permanently banned from Costco due to the way that went down for them.

For being considered such a kook by main stream acquaintances it’s funny how pretty much everything I said was going to happen, IS happening, almost like a step by step playbook. Booster shots and vaccine passports are coming our way, or at least they are attempting to implement this in many places. I truly feel for my friends in Australia, and some of the folks I know in Canada are experiencing quite the pressure to conform and comply. Conscience be damned. “They” do not care if what they are asking us to do violates our internal compass and value system in every possible way. I wonder if their plan is to kill off as many as they can before enough people wake up to what is really happening, but will find it’s too late to fight back with any effectiveness, for the infrastructure and experienced people to keep it going just won’t be there.

I mean, we can already see the handwriting on the wall, with so many businesses having signs in their windows saying they are hiring, but then firing employees for non-compliance with invasive medical procedures that have already been shown to have such serious side effects as death. It’s like handing someone a gun with 6 chambers but only one bullet. Who will it be, click. Doesn’t work on me, though, all their bullying mind control tactics. I know almost anything can be healed with the right tools at hand, and absolutely nothing will save you if it’s your time to move on from this plane. This I don’t just believe, I know from personal experience. And no amount of fancy dancing with words spoken by high magicians can put me under their spell, because I will not deny what my actual experience in life for 60 plus years has been. I trust my inner compass, implicitly.

You see, the thing is, I know we have “good helpers” here, but they are non-intrusive. You can, with practice, easily tell when unseen forces are are benevolent or nefarious in their intentions. You can perceive, again with practice, the difference between fields that create static, distortion, and chaos and those that cohere and create stability, clarity, and balance. When I am in the latter frequency, the outcome that manifests is always much better than had I went with the one that created a sense of apprehension I can feel in my stomach. In other words, whenever a situation arises in which I feel that sense of uncertainty, I don’t waste time anymore. Immediately I know it is time to call in that help that is never intrusive, always in the background, and get a different perspective than what is being generally shown to me on the outside screen.

For what is being shown to me, when I get glimpses of the news on TV, or I scroll through my social media feeds, or look at magazine and newspaper headlines, is akin to a loud speaker spewing out psychotic tyrannical maniacal meanderings intended to induce chaos, confusion, fear, anger, guilt, depression, and a sense of futility. It’s exhausting, and it’s blatant mind control tactics in full view. They are not even trying to hide it anymore. I remember when I watched the 2015 movie, V for Vendetta, and I saw the head guy blasting his image on all these huge monitors all over the city, blabbering in in such a manner, trying desperately to regain a sense of control, almost spitting as he shouted. Now we have reporters, announcers, and commentators, instead of just one man, but you’ll notice they all kind of sound the same and say, sometimes exactly word for word, the same thing (kinda makes you think they are all reading from the same script). Well folks, we are there now.

It’s truly hard to wake up to each day now, this new reality. It kind of overshadows everything else. And I wonder, in amazement, how so many people just go on about their business, maybe feeling some of that apprehension, but generally ignoring it, pushing it down. How do they do that? And that, too, reminds me of another movie we are all familiar with, the Matrix! How come some of us can see, yet others do not? It has to be a choice on some level, I would think. And then they open themselves up, unwittingly, to influence by the nefarious unseen forces through that lack of conscious awareness. That is something that took me years of practice to get used to recognizing, the way these forces were influencing me, to my detriment. These forces have been unusually busy lately, as if in a hurry to accomplish something, something dark, and destructive, to all life. Not a good time to be unconscious and not know how to read the signs.

So, for now, those of us who are awake, just got to keep on keeping on here, as we draw closer to some uncertain conclusion, for many forces, many conflicting forces, are at work here. There are predators and there are prey. And there are those of us who know we carry the capacity for both within us, have worked hard to harmonize those forces, to make them work for us, rather than against. We do create a counter field, that does radiate out in all directions, and we are strategically placed all over the world. That benevolent field I tap into, I call it the field of creativity and imagination, and it always brings a sense of inner peace, acceptance, gratitude, and faith. She also has a plan. I trust her, so, let’s just see what happens....

Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 3:35 pm
by Spiritwind
As I lay in bed early this morning, my mind wandered to many places, and I had to work hard to make my spirit voice heard over the loudness of the outer world, whose sound was quite chaotic, stressful, and full of anxiety. I’m having to learn to be a mental gymnast. It’s all hitting close to home these days, even though I live far away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

I have a sister, who I love dearly, but was not in my life for over almost 20 years, and who I’ve only seen and spent time with twice at family gatherings before our new “normal” was foisted upon us. Our mother died of ALS back in 1993, at the age of 57. My sister has had both vaccines, or should I say injections, of questionable material, and she was definitely motivated by fear and unfounded trust in mainstream accepted authority figures, never believing for a minute that they might be wrong, or purposefully misleading her. I have stayed out of it, as I am a firm believer in the freedom to make our own choices.

Plus, I simply had not been back in her life enough to feel comfortable trying to push my view on her. For you see, unlike those that are virtue signaling about how “right” they are for getting the v’s, I am willing to accept I might be wrong. I seriously doubt it, but figure time will definitely tell. And it is telling. So far, I have seen people suddenly having strange anomalous health issues appear after being around loved ones who have recently been jabbed, and I, myself, have experienced some weirdness and strange symptoms after being around certain people. It’s easy for me to tell, since I spend most of my time alone. I’m feeling strange energetics especially in the last few weeks, pretty much every time I go out. And now my sister, according to my nephew, is having ALS type symptoms. I can feel the fear from here, almost 400 miles away.

So I am in a quandary about what I should do, if anything. And I’ll just throw this out there, for the heck of it. I can write about my family here, with almost zero consideration about whether any of my family members will ever read what I write, as none of them, even my own kids, have any interest or will ever visit this forum. We all live in very different realities. What I am picking up about what is making people sick and have health problems is not all physical. There is a component that is 4th dimensional, and can be picked up just by being in the presence of someone who is infected (injected), or even someone who has been around someone recently injected (infected). But it’s not in every case.

It seems to depend on my own state of being as to how much it affects me. I try to stay on top of my health concerns, but admit that I fall down on the job sometimes. My energy fluctuates wildly anyway. But I will say if I’m not feeling on the up side of things, I think in the future I will pay more attention and choose to stay home. The other day I felt so weird in my body after being around someone who was sick and had been around family members who had all been jabbed (this isn’t confirmed as she informed me her family would lie about it to her), that I came home and immediately took some MMS. My intuition is always right on these things and I trust it. Another friend who simply had a conversation with someone at a bar and had been feeling physically challenged for the last week likewise left me feeling quite strange in my body, after stopping by to visit. The primary symptom was extreme dizziness, fatigue, and almost like a dampening field had been placed around me.

The signs are literally all around me. Yes, some of it could be a coincidence, but I don’t think so. An elderly couple my husband knows from work both had the jab. The wife’s cognitive functions have just taken a nose dive. And it’s hard to keep the worry at bay over my son who is incarcerated. He had both jabs, just to keep his remaining time there from being a total nightmare, and recently experienced another lockdown. Even though probably everyone in the facility, inmates and employees, have been jabbed twice, they still had the so called Delta variant sweep through. Protection my ass. This whole narrative has more holes than Swiss cheese. And will my son develop serious debilitating health problems in the near future? He already has some, and the thought that what they coerced him into doing might kill him does not leave me with a warm fuzzy feeling. There is no way this is being done with informed consent. Hell, they don’t even have to tell you what is in it.

But we know what is in it. I also can’t believe some of the virtue signaling folks who are actually hoping the unjabbed die. Seriously, wtf is wrong with these people. The fact that people are already dropping dead is horrifying to me. Young people, with no health problems at all, dropping dead from strokes and heart attacks, yet they claim it’s just a coincidence, and not related to the jab. My other big question is how are these people who are perpetuating this going to be able to sleep at night when the truth is finally impossible to ignore. I’m not talking about the beings at the top of the heap, for they won’t lose a bit of sleep. I’m talking about doctors, teachers, politicians, and anyone else perpetuating this madness on the ground level. Again, I could be wrong, but I very seriously doubt it. I actually would love to be wrong, for I don’t want to see anyone die from this. Too late though....

The thing for me, is keeping my own spirits up. I’ve always known the dark side had this potential, and that they have actually played out similar scenarios over and over again, throughout time. It would be easy to say, fuck it, why bother to care about anything, as it’s all going to end badly. It’s like being tied to railroad tracks and knowing there is nothing you can do but let it run over you. But I have to shake it off. And that’s not why I am here. I remember a few years back, when the “group” of us were still all working together on the unseen realms, and how we sorta saw some difficult times ahead. I remember saying I don’t want to be here, just to be a witness to what is unfolding. Because, seriously, nobody listens to me for the most part, and never have. Except for those who “know”. And those of us who do know have families, parents, children, other people we care about. If the building is burning, do you just walk out and save yourself because the rest won’t believe you and don’t want to leave? How about the children? Do they not deserve a chance to live?

So I cannot just walk away from this either. So much of what I do is not just for myself. It may not help my own family, but it may help someone else. Whoever Great Spirit puts in my path. I have enough food to literally last for years without starving. But I don’t do this just for myself. Same thing with medical supplies. What will you do when going to the hospital, pharmacy, or doctors office is not an option? What will you do when there is not food on the shelf at your local grocery store, or you cannot enter because you don’t have the paperwork to show them? And yet, people still want to believe this is all going to go away. Yes, the ship is sinking, and yes, we should be thinking about at least digging out our life preservers so we don’t drown. For some unknown reason I see things, feel things, know things, that others do not. Is it a curse or a blessing? I’m really not sure.

In the meantime, I wrote all this out, my thoughts, so I can now let them go. I have much to do today, and need to feel my inner strength and resolve returning. I let myself kind of wallow in it yesterday, and that’s all the time I can give to that. I’m going to keep the computer off, and just go immerse myself in the natural world I am blessed to have all around me, with all my furry and oh so loving friends. Our puppy, Nahla, exudes such incredible energy that it’s hard to describe. Her eyes shine with love, and her whole body wags when she sees me. And I am still regularly awestruck how you can water a seed, that can take the sun, soil, and moisture, and produce food so prolifically and abundantly. Even eating the tiny little peaches my little baby tree that is still in the pot produced brings me great pleasure. They were so sweet and delicious. The fall crop of raspberries, even though I’ve done little to care for them, are heavily laden. And the blackberry pie I made and ate, even though I shouldn’t have, was high on the list of physical pleasures. I do love food, and it’s hard to control myself sometimes, because I know once I move back to spirit form and no longer have a physical body I will not get to indulge anymore.

I guess I’ve rambled on long enough, and best get busy taking care of farm duties. I will be productive today, and try to keep my mind focused on things that are in my control (which as it turns out is very little), and keep my vibe high. It’s a hard balance to strike, to care, but to also let go....

Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2021 3:29 pm
by Spiritwind
Farm life is calling to me this morning, with a very busy day ahead. I’m going to take a little time here, though, and try to sort out my thoughts, once again. The clock is ticking in the background, and makes me think of how different time feels these days. And relationships. I’ve been doing some very deep thinking about the nature of my personal relationships lately.

You see, I’ve had a number of close relationships change dramatically in nature over the last few years. It’s started with what I thought was a good friend pulling away from me about five years ago. My husband and I were late picking up a freezer she gave us when she was moving, and she was visibly very angry. Not too long after that she unfriended me on FB, and I haven’t heard from her since. She was not a happy person to begin with, but I was still quite shocked that she just wrote me off like that. Then this year my friend of over 40 years suddenly decided to pull the rug out and now shuns both me and my husband. He is also not a happy person. He drives by, when I pass him on our road, with hands tightly gripping the steering wheel, and a dark determined look on his face as he looks straight ahead like he doesn’t see me. So weird.

I’ve had to grapple hard with my innate tendency to want to “fix” things. I can’t even tell you how many people I know whose grown children won’t even talk to them or have anything to do with their lives. It can be very painful to live with. Even my own daughter really has nothing in common with me and only reaches out when the guilt gets too much for her. I love her dearly, but I also need to let her be free. I would rather have her not contact me at all, if it’s only done out of guilt. We each have our own unique approach to life, and there is no right or wrong way to do things. But emotions are often the driving factor, and they are often occurring on the subconscious level, with not much surface awareness of how they drive us.

I have a sister, too, actually two sisters, with whom I’ve had a great deal of opportunity at practicing the art of letting go. I can’t run other people’s lives for them, and even if they makes choices I know are harmful to them, I have to do my best not to be part of the problem in their lives. For even thoughts are things. The one sister has some serious mental health issues, and though I do actually know part of what is going on from a deeper perspective, I can’t shove that on her either as there would be no benefit. People have to be ready to receive. Same thing with the other sister. I see many people who put their faith in something that I can already see is going to let them down. It’s happened too many times in my life to count. Yet, we each come with a different set of learning objectives, both conscious, but mostly unconscious.

Beliefs are a funny thing. And I’ve found that religion comes in many shapes. For myself, it’s been a humbling experience, realizing there is something much bigger than myself operating in all our lives. I challenge my beliefs all the time. It helps to bring clarity, acceptance, and resolution, even if it is sometimes a painful process. That’s probably the biggest thing for me, is the growing awareness of this something that is hard to even put into words. It has to do with energy, how it flows, how it creates, and also destroys. I’m trying to get more aligned with my bigger more expansive me that often operates outside of my physical mind, for in that way I can live my life more authentically, and closer to truth. It has to do with balance, and developing an ability to operate from the center, rather than left right thinking and acting. How we respond to everything in our lives determines the flow, and I’ve discovered that I feel most comfortable and at ease when I just let So easy to say, yet not so easy to do.

Since I have actively been working on removing my own self made obstacles to living a life that genuinely brings joy, I have been growing relationships with people who are of like mind, and found a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, despite the unraveling of our current reality structure. This has become a primary theme in my life. Much good has been drawn into my daily existence. It’s kind of a major realization that we often become comfortable in our misery, strangely enough. I’ve had to allow thoughts and emotions to surface that reveal the way my energy interacts with others is either beneficial, or detrimental to myself. As hard as it is for me to let go of my attachments, to people, situations, and outcomes, I have found that it is necessary to review this process with the lens of truth. Hard, sometimes cold, truth.

The reason I feel this is important, especially now, is that lies are the main menu of our currently reality situation, and many are gobbling it up like its candy, some aphrodisiac, or other intoxicating substance. Two shots later and they are lining up for more, even though it’s been clearly demonstrated that they don’t work. I see some almost beating their chest with vigor, thinking they are so virtuous and honorable for believing the lie. I take no pleasure in knowing the outcome, and wish so badly I was wrong. I will most likely lose people I really truly care about, and it isn’t going to be easy, for any of us. Both those who are left standing, and those who will be moving on to their next level of existence. So this letting go process is going to become ever more essential, if I am to be one of those left standing, when the truth becomes too much to ignore on any level. I personally do not want to be a witness to this. Yet, here I am.

I’ve met some awesome people this last couple years, and I am not the only one who sees what I have described. People react in different ways, but overall it’s in part a knowing that a power much greater than ourselves is at work here, and a great sifting or threshing process is well under way. No stopping it now. I must navigate the waters with as much respect for life as possible, without letting go of what matters to me, and that is an honoring of the powerful forces at work, knowing my own limited intelligence cannot truly make sense of it all. Why does one seed sprout and grow, when the next does not? Why do some live a long prosperous life, and others are cut short, and are full of misery and suffering? I do not know. I just know I need to live as fully as possible, seeking the comforter, the Holy Spirit, the emitter of life and all possibility, and be as honorable and truthful as possible in my own little bubble of reality, and allow everyone else to do the same. It makes me feel raw, open, and vulnerable, yet also full of faith in something as yet unseen, that perhaps one day will help me make sense of it all.

Time to get moving. May all who read here feel and receive the blessings that are still available in this moment, this special moment of time, that we are all living through. Good day....

Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 10:16 pm
by Spiritwind
With much on my mind today, and little time, I don’t know how far I’ll get with this. I’m behind in my cheese making endeavors, as well as a whole bunch of other things. It’s like this every spring and fall. Gardening in the spring, and winter preparations in the fall, along with other activities I’ve tried to engage in, have left me feeling like I should go faster, do more, but my ass is sort of dragging behind me.

Right now I have about 20 minutes while I’m waiting for the milk to reach 140 degrees. Last week was a doozy, and is partially to blame for my dragging ass syndrome, but I’ll save all that for farm life. Since we got all our stuff out of storage, and I went through all my stored books, I’ve got some interesting reading material. One is about the Neanderthal and how they buried their dead with flowers, as discovered in a cave in Iraq. And I’m re-reading one called Plant Spirit Medicine by Eliot Cowan (awesome book by the way!). This one has made me think about the little scrub willow tree I have right out front on the hillside, that I left when digging all the brush up to plant other things I wanted to grow there. I got distinctly that I was supposed to leave it growing, and that it had a sort of protective healing energy that it anchored into the area. It’s doing exceptionally well.

All this makes me reflect on where we are now, and also how much we’ve been lied to about everything. We were led to believe many things about the Neanderthal that it turns out just weren’t true. And the book on using the spirit of plants drives home the idea that the whole of the natural world is alive with spiritual and healing energies, and that animals and humans alike have been using them in that capacity as far back as you can go. This is so far removed from where we are now, that if it keeps going, I will be considered a criminal element just for knowing and using these ideas, and having a relationship of this sort. I’ve heard people ask how do animals know what plants to eat, and how did humans learn which plants did what. According to this book, the answer is in dreams. And I believe it’s hard wired in to animals almost on an instinctual level.

I’ve had situations come up where I have wondered which plant to use for various physical complaints, and literally had them appear in my mind before I even look them up. Then once I do, it turns out that guidance was right, every time. We live in a field of information, yet we have outsourced our inner knowing and abilities of this sort, to those bent on extracting maximum profit, as well as currently attempting to wrest complete control over our bodies, to the point where we have no say in the matter any more. This goes against natural law, and in the end will not be successful. They certainly do have many under their spell though.

My grandson even let me know, when him and his brother were here this last weekend, that I am considered a bad influence. Somehow that makes me happy. I must be doing something right! I mean, seriously, I rarely drink, don’t party, and my husband and I have been very happy together for over 20 years. I have more stability than I’ve ever had. But I’m dangerous, because I teach them about plants, the energy field around their bodies, how what we think influences our experience of reality, and how to trust their own inner knowing. Neither one of these kids wants the jab. And I encourage them to stand their ground on this matter, which infuriates the koolaid drinking adults around them who think otherwise.

The oldest is also noticing many things about the adult world that he didn’t before, and is not impressed with the behavior of many. Children do not like to be around heavy drinkers. It’s scary for them, with good reason. He is also beginning to be more aware of narcissistic behaviors, and expresses his feelings about this as well. Adults behaving like children doesn’t impress him at all. I can understand why. It’s bizarre, to me anyway, to watch full grown adults in positions of authority acting like 2 year olds. It happens all the time. Growing up in this world, with eyes to see, is not easy, and many decide to just close down that inner knowing just to make it bearable and fit in. And look where’s it got us!

Conformity in a profoundly sick world is no sign of health! One of the greatest things I’ve learned in these last few years is to trust my inner knowing. Sometimes I am wrong, but that’s only when my emotions intrude with beliefs, preconceived ideas, and expectations that have not been thoroughly examined. I’m getting better and better at knowing the difference, and at least have the ability to admit when I’ve taken a wrong turn, and correct myself. I’m not afraid to be wrong anymore, as I can be honest and then move on with a corrected understanding. Maybe at long last I am truly growing up. This is not a given, as I see many who never master these concepts. The only reason I am doing so, is I’ve learned to stop and ask for guidance from those who are not tied to the physical, and can see what I cannot. I believe we each have access to an invisible team of helpers, but they do not intrude, and always have to be asked for their input. I would not be where I am without them, and must give due credit. It costs nothing but a little bit of my time, too! Amazing!

I have been introducing such skills as working with a pendulum and dowsing rods to my grandsons, and it’s awesome to see how naturally these abilities can be developed when you haven’t already shut yourself down to the realm of spirit, and the unseen. And I have met so many in this last year, independent freedom lovers who can think for themselves all. Everyone of them understands this concept, that what we are experiencing has unseen components, working both for and against us at this juncture in time, and that what we are really involved in is a spiritual battle unlike any experienced in our lifetimes. We understand what the stakes are, and already have accepted that our job is to stand tall, strengthen our resolve, and draw the line that must not be crossed. We are literally here to say NO. And mean it. And hold the line no matter what may come.

I don’t want to be stupid about it though. In fact, even though I am going to the Freedom Market that is coinciding at the same time and location as the next big protest against the State wide mandates King Inslee keeps decreeing, I am not going to put up my sign for homemade unpasteurized goats milk mozzarella cheese at this event. I will bring some, but only trade and barter with those I already know. It’s turned out to be a big hit, especially for those who see where things are heading, food wise, and I’ve got nothing but good feedback. I still don’t want to end up in a court battle over such ridiculousness. Having grown up on a farm where I had milk straight from the cow on my cereal before school every day, it’s hard to wrap my mind around the fact that I could get myself into legal trouble just for wanting to make sure people know how to feed themselves during the hard times that are coming. I’m excited to see the turn out this time, as so many in the health care industry have quit or got fired for refusing the jab. You’d think people would wonder why so many ARE refusing, especially those who have worked on the front lines in healthcare during this entire last year and a half. What do they know? A lot, I bet.

Anyway, I’m going to show my support, even though I’m not in the hot seat, and also to support our market whose time has come. Even if we have to become the underground, I’m committed to helping people have food, and resources to maintain their health. I know their ultimate plan is to reduce the world’s population. This is definitely going to do it, as time goes on. But, the world IS pushing back, and this is no time to get weak in the knees. The world needs those of us who will not back down, and will stand our ground. Courage can be contagious too! Especially when you’ve already lost almost everything that matters to you, which is happening to many who really didn’t want to get involved.

For me, I’ve already had too many lifetimes where I’ve seen what governing bodies can and will do to exterminate what they think is too many people (to control, anyway). I’ve come to terms a long time ago with the fact that we all have an expiration date. I’m more interested in the quality of life here, than I am in just staying alive in this body suit. Besides, in my mind, compliance equals death anyway. I’m on my second batch of cheese, and hope it turns out. Long story, but I didn’t quite follow the directions this time, for a bunch of reasons I won’t go in to here. My motto is adapt, improvise, overcome, and conquer. Wow, I managed to finish this after all!