The Bridge

''Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.''
-Bruce Lee
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The Bridge

Post by Spiritwind »

The Bridge

The Bering Strait

It appeared for a time, connecting two land masses together, allowing for travel between the two. What we now have occurring is a sort of metaphysical bridge, appearing for a time, that connects two dimensions, (maybe even more, but let's keep it simple) allowing travel between the two.

This travel can occur both ways, and allows interaction between two different realities. This can be considered a window of opportunity. However, not all will see this window with the same eyes. The fearless adventurers among us will be chomping at the bit for the opportunity to explore this new terrain, while others will shrink back in fear of the scary unknown. If you allow fear to rule your life, you will miss this opportunity entirely.

For it does require a deep inner conviction that can only come from having learned to trust. A knowing that no matter what one experiences, all will be well. That all experience, both good and bad, is grist for the mill.


Where does that come from, grist for the mill? And whose mill we should ask?


Because, you see, we are already grist for another's mill, as long as we stay in this false reality, fueled by lack and suffering. It may not have started out that way, and we all have endured much along the way. But, we can stay for another round, if we chose to not explore the opportunity that awaits us if we can overcome our fear. Our fear of the unknown.

Embrace the Unknown

What is on the other side of that bridge? I cannot speak for anyone but myself here. But I am not afraid. For fear does indeed fuel the dark side, the side that feeds off life. The side that glories in suffering of all kinds. Not that I am not grateful, for even my suffering has had positive side effects, in my overall beingness. It has tempered me, like a fine edged sword, and humbled me to my core. It has squeezed out that which cannot remain in a heart that has overcome pain.


Like a Phoenix arising from the flames, I will not just walk across that bridge, but I will fly with the conviction born in knowing that at its very core, the universe loves us, each and every one, for just being the divine sparks that we are. And she is giving us this opportunity, born from that deep well of love. I hope I will not be crossing that bridge alone, but cross it I must.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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