A Call to Powerful Prayer Warriors for my friend Derek

“La verdad es que mientras más enojado estoy con este país y más lejos viajo, más mexicano me siento.”
― Jorge Ibargüengoitia, Instrucciones para vivir en México
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A Call to Powerful Prayer Warriors for my friend Derek

Post by Christine »


Derek called me just before I was going to close the shop yesterday and I told him I would gladly wait for him to arrive. After about 30 minutes and no sign of him I had the thought he was in a motorcycle accident—i sent him a text message which he never saw. I still waited another 30 minutes and couldn't shake the feeling that he was in danger. This. morning his wife posted on FB.

"Dear Friends and Family
Derek was in a motorcycle accident this afternoon. He is alive but badly injured.
I don’t know how to reach some of you besides facebook. We need positive thoughts, prayers or whatever you believe in to go his way.
He was rushed to MAC in serious condition. After a few hours of MRIs, X-ray and assessing him they told me he was in 'conditiones graves', meaning serious. The specialist finally arrived and they have upgraded him to stabilize. They are not 100% but think his internal organs are ok and don’t have bleeding but have to observe him and are ready to do surgery if internal bleeding shows. His brain seems to be ok but he has memory loss, he was wearing his helmet and he was wearing his safety jacket which the doctors said saved his life.
His bones however are a different story. His hip and femur are severely broken and have extensive damaged. Five of his ribs and collarbone too. His other leg well the whole muscle needs to be stitched back in place as it was toren open. His leg and hip injury will take multiple surgeries and lots of rehabilitation. They said it is very complicated and an extremely life changing injury but the most important thing is that they upgraded his condition to stable with precautions.
First surgery tonight and then I will try to move him to Querétaro to a bigger hospital.
We will be asking the community for financial support through GoFundMe and I will be doing some fundraising events in he future. I will open the go fund me when I’m not a tired mess
Thank you all for your love and support."

Derek is truly one of my best friends and a beautiful soul, please pray for his full recovery.
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Re: A Call to Powerful Prayer Warriors for my friend Derek

Post by Christine »

I drove into town today and took a chance on going to the local hospital to see if I could see Derek. To my surprise I was allowed in and spent a few minutes with him, his mother, and father. He was smiling and coherent, what an answer to prayers. He has a long road ahead and they are going to fly him by helicopter to Mexico City where a family friend arranged for surgery with a first class surgeon.

He was beautifully gracious and let me know how the accident occurred. He was on his bike coming up the bypass highway, called the Caracol because it winds and snails up on the east side of town. He was behind a lorry when some car from decided to make a rapid u-turn crossing the four lanes of traffic—dangerous as the road is always full of cars in a hurry. The car passed right in front of the lorry who had to hard brake and so Derek had to brake hard—last thing he remembers is saying Oh, fuck! as he hit the truck and skid underneath it. He's truly lucky to be alive.

Derek and his wife, Ruby rescue dogs.

Another odd synchronicity to this story is that three days prior when Derek was in town on his bike he stopped to help a Pit Bull who was on a short rope tied to a fence with no food or water. Fortunately there was another man there that said he knew the owner and was going to rescue the dog. As Derek mounted his bike and turned the corner onto the next street he saw a Chihuahua laying in the street bleeding out. Being the man he is, he stopped and knocked on doors until he found the owners. Sadly they didn't want to know anything about their dog and shut the door on him. He then started calling all the vets he knew in town and found a young woman veterinarian assistant who was available—so he wrapped the little girl up and flew to the vet's office. The poor thing had a broken femur, crushed pelvis, broken shoulder, and was torn up pretty bad, the prognosis wasn't good and the surgery expensive... Long story short the vet assistant and the vet were so impressed with the little dog's spirit that they proceeded to operate for free and another vet in town agreed to take her for rehabilitation. Weird part is that Derek's injuries are almost the same as the little Chihuahua's.

This evening watching the sunset beneath the Western mountains I find tears welling up again, something so beautiful lives deep inside us all.
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Re: A Call to Powerful Prayer Warriors for my friend Derek

Post by Christine »

I miss Derek's near daily visits and so does, Catrina, our cafe cat. Derek is her favorite human.

UPDATE ON DEREK—Please keep him wrapped in your prayers. He was taken to Mexico City three days ago and now there are complications as they are asking for blood before they can do surgery. His red blood cell was below the minimum and he's had two transfusions, four in total so I am not sure what is going on. He also has a small puncture in his left lung from broken ribs so that he isn't retaining enough oxygen though he thinks that it is healing and he's doing breathing exercises.

When we spoke he was in good enough spirits, resigned to stay where he is, it's a government funded hospital and some of the best surgeons practice there besides their private practices. I suggested moving him to a private facility and to hell with the costs, this village will support him no matter what it takes. Writing this out I feel I should reach out to him again... he is very loved and loving, may the worst be over soon.
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Re: A Call to Powerful Prayer Warriors for my friend Derek

Post by Christine »

Pure love knows no bounds. Derek called me today from his hospital bed, there is no way I can express the profundity of his surrender to Grace. We spoke for almost an hour, during which time I felt waves of gratitude and love running through my body and an up welling of tears. I won't write out the blow by blow details, allow me to simply relate that the level of physical pain he's been experiencing exceeds my ability to imagine.

The good news is that he is on the other side now, and he said as soon as he was out of pain what arose in him was a sense of wonder of what is next on his journey and joy to be alive. Hallelujah.

Derek snapped a selfie, he looks tired yet wise to my eyes.
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Re: A Call to Powerful Prayer Warriors for my friend Derek

Post by Christine »

A new photo of Derek—the depth in his eyes says it all. He goes into surgery tomorrow, continued prayers are gratefully recieved.

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Re: A Call to Powerful Prayer Warriors for my friend Derek

Post by Christine »

I haven't written an update on Derek and feel it would be good to let those who responded to prayer requests know how he is doing. He underwent both surgeries and apparently they were successful though he is flat on his back for another three weeks, most difficult for this very fit and active man. I am in almost daily contact with him and he is doing remarkably well spirit-wise though he still has bouts of pretty intense pain. He's in a rehabilitation program that requires stretching and rotating the leg and hip socket that was repaired, he has good days then some pretty challenging set backs. We chatted back and forth yesterday and he is such a warrior, made an inner choice to return to gratitude for all he does have, which is a tremendous outpouring of love from the whole community here. Everyone that knows him has contributed to fund raisers so I think the medical expenses for his long recovery will be covered.

Gratitude is such a powerful key to overcome obstacles put in our path, it also allows us to eradicate victim consciousness and move forward. Since I am in almost daily contact with quite a few people I notice that those who don't understand this tend to complain the most and simply don't see how blessed they are. Gratitude doesn't take away our challenges, it simply shifts the perspective allowing for Grace to enter.

Double rainbow over San Miguel.
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Re: A Call to Powerful Prayer Warriors for my friend Derek

Post by Christine »

It's early morning here in Mexico, the light of the sun is just peeking over the mountains to the East. While sipping my coffee and recalling what I have to be grateful for I thought of Derek and the wonderful news of his return home from Mexico City. He called me as he was being driven into town, in great spirits and recovering! He still has lots of physical therapy in his future but he's up on crutches and to my delight he will be coming by the shop on Monday! Thanks to everyone who kept him in their prayers and responded with care during his long absence.

His arrival home and some doggie love.
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Re: A Call to Powerful Prayer Warriors for my friend Derek

Post by Christine »


Not sure who was happier to see Derek in the shop on Friday, me or Angel? It was ever so nice to have him come for a visit, time collapsed and the last three months no longer existed.
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