Southern France Mystery | Rennes-le-Château

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Southern France Mystery | Rennes-le-Château

Post by Christine »

In 2011 I visited Rennes-le-Château and had always hoped to return. During that visit I met Henry Lincoln who embraced me with great warm hugs. I was able to spend an afternoon and the next day with him as we toured the area. The connection of Mary Magdalene with the mystery of Rennes-le-Château intrigued me and without doubt much was surfacing into my conscious memory. Now eleven years later this "mystery" is in front of me again as I dig through the Conical verses of the Old and New Testament along side the Gnostic texts. I will continue to divulge my inner stirrings on the Earth Empaths website and post my writings here.

In the way that the winds of Spirit blow, through a whole other topic, the Soul Trap, I shared a video with a friend who is exploring this as he begins the awakening journey. Having shared this video with him, he answered me back that he recognized the voice of man being interviewed, Howdie Mickoski and sent me links to his close and careful analysis of the Rennes-le-Château mystery. In twelve parts I have sat entranced by his careful diction and astute research into this. It is an alchemical tale, layers and layers of meaning are peeled back, all leading to the sacred mystery of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, set in Southern France, The Holy Land.

I've decided to link all the videos in the series here, it helps the viewer get the overall context of the material presented.

One other note, I had purchased the book Le Serpent Rouge while in the museum and library on the grounds just outside the enigmatic Church of Mary Magdalene. At the time the verses made little sense; though now as Howdie wisely points out "mystical or mystery" texts actually tell the reader more about themselves than the text itself. More on this at a future date.

Here is the first chapter of my manuscript on the very strange story of Southern France, including Rennes Le Chateau. More than just Knights Templar, Cathars and the Holy Grail- here is an area where a poor priest becomes rich and powerful, other priests are murdered, religious structures are dynamited, works of art stolen and destroyed. And the people who have been writing about the story are as strange as the story itself.

Chapter 2 of the look at the area around Rennes Le Chateau goes into more detail on the background of the story- with Marie D'Negre and her supposed gravestones from 1781. The connection with paintings from Poussin and Teniers with what was happening in the 1600's (foundations of Compagnie Saint Sacrament and the building of St. Sulpice cathedral).
Strange Egyptian mummification rituals are linked to an American who bought the site of a famous tomb in Arques, while the subject of Alchemy and Hermeticsm and its symbolism to this story is examined.
Again I take it as a very slow and rather methodical look at the evidence collected. It takes me many hours of research, filming, image selection and uploading...hopefully you will enjoy the hours put in for you.
NOTE- I did fail to mention here the odd shadow and the geometry it creates in the Et in Arcadia Ego painting, and to link the shepherds in the 1618 Guercino painting to another of his, as well as more detailed symbolism of the Teniers painting (I will do these to start chapter 3). And yes I think I said of the Guercino painting that it was a hole in the skull when it is in fact a bee on the skull...error in reading my notes.

Chapter 3 will come next week (perhaps next Monday instead of Sunday) and will include a detailed examination of the Church of St. Marie Madelein in Rennes Le Chateau, including its many sculptures, paintings and reliefs.

A bit of an interlude as Howdie expands on The Cathars to give context to the evolving story.

(Note I start this video with a short 3-4 minute overview for those who might like to get the reason for my producing this topic without seeing the entire hour). Little is accurately known about the Cathars, the dualistic group of full male-female equality in Southern France to whom the Catholic Church created their first inner religious crusade for. What were the beliefs that got them tortured and killed...a death that they went to happily for they felt doing so was going to lead them out of the material world (which they saw as the only Hell) and back to the Good God of Light.

Chapter 3 of this mystery series takes us just to the church at Rennes Le Chateau. Discussed here are the entrance, devil and Jesus statues, twin babies, Magdalene alter painting, painting by Dutch master Jan Van Sorel of the Magdalene, the Fleury Mural, and the secret crypts. Chapter 4 will include the grounds around the church, along with the sacred geometry of the area.
Thank you for your support. Many hours goes into making these videos, so your encouragement and donations are always appreciated.
14 Stations of the cross
Update, listing this site has caused a problem on YT. However if you google search Rennes LE Chateau, 14 stations of the cross there is a good likelihood you will find links to them.

The first section of the video on the garden area of Rennes Le Chateau, this only lasted 8 minutes before fire inspectors came to test the smoke alarms...the rest continues in part 2. No matter making these two videos has been a semi difficult chore of technological issues.
Go on to part 2

Longer second half due to the tech issues. Here I go share the 1891 pillar, Calvary cross, Tour Magdala, Presbytery, Villa Bethania and the cemetery. Perhaps not the most exiting or revealing chapter, but one that needs sharing for foundation. We move into the countryside and various towns, churches and priests. For some reason the photo of B. Sauniere stays on the screen for the final 4 minutes of the video...but you might all enjoy looking at his face rather than mine.
Thanks for the encouragement, comments. Appreciated.

We move beyond Rennes Le Chateau now to the village of Rennes Les Bains, its writer-priest Henri Boudet and his strange book of the countryside. A long look at two paintings in the church, the graveyard, as well as the landscape geometry and near perfect layout of just about everything in this area of Southern France.

The Knights Templar are one of the most misunderstood groups in history. So little actual historical record remains that it is easy to be confused. So I share research that includes looking into the Knights of Malta (Hospitalier) Tuetonic Knights, Order of the Holy Sepulcher and King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table (which I will show is an incorrect translation).
To me the Cathars and Knights Templar are one in the same, one group was not attacked in the 1200's, while a similar group was spared until the 1300's. I feel this was one attack divided into two historical stories.
This is a short (albeit 50 minute) overview of this subject, that you can dig into deeper and research yourself if you wish.

First of all I should apologize, the video and sound quality of this one is not like the others in the series. I see I have to go back and use the camera I was using and no longer use the camera on the pc (only use this for the reading series), but now I had done 40 minutes I don;t have the energy to redo it. So please bear with the "less than perfect" presentation. I felt that images would not add that much to this discussion- they will appear in the second part of this where i get into grail areas and castles of the region

Here we look into the surrounding areas including Louie Da Coma's Carol Estate, Lyon, Perilos, Bugarch, and Gerona Spain. A second addition of this material will come in a few weeks.

Next segment that looks at the 1600's, Jean Olier and the Society St Sulpice, the strange founding of the city of Montreal, Canada as well as a few other oddities of the period including Francis Bacon and John Dee.
And yes the diagram of the founding of Fort St. Marie is in fact a star fort.

So much in this 1 hour, and I skipped over quite a bit. It begins with old tales of treasure, then to Otto Rahn and occult Germany of the 1930's and the interest at Mt. Segur. From there I look at Gauls, Vikings, Normans and Cagots. Finally ending with an examination of secret societies running at the time of Saunierre, the strange story of the Hapsburg prince that got "lost" at Rennes Le Chateau and more.

This is more of an overview of ideas, on the original Chretien poem, Celtic origins and the strange Robert de Boron. Part 2 is where we will get into the real meat of the grail sandwich....but this foundation will be needed for it.
All photos are mine from my last visit to Chartres.

It takes about 20 minutes but then the depth of this presentation begins. Looking at Parsival by Wolfram Von Eisenbach, Philosopher's Stone, John the Baptist and John the Beloved, Pentecost (and the baptism of fire), Hercules, Books of Thoth, Corpus Hermeticum and the masculine-feminine combination and sexuality and the Grail. Lots to present here.

The first half of the look at the Serpent Rouge, the strange 13 section alchemic/poetic document that was put into the Paris Library in Feb. 1967 is on
The second examination of this document will be here on YT later this week.
Please share your comments on what you feel the document might be explaining and presenting.
Keys in this talk are the labyrinth, Sleeping Beauty, and symbols in the Black and White Rock, as well as who the Friend of the document may be.

The second part of my examination of the Serpent Rouge, the odd 1967 document that appeared in the Paris Library. By the way the painting in St Sulpice I was looking at is called "Jacob fighting the angel" By Delacroix

The first part of the series can be watched at freevoice here

This is the final video of my Southern France Mystery series...the blockbuster ending to it all. As such I am posting this to both youtube and freevoice to reach people on both platforms.The premise comes from the base what if Jesus of Galilee/Nazareth is really Jesus of Gaulia/ would change everything of history and might just explain Rennes-Le-Chateau, The Cathars, Nights Templar, Jean Olier, Poussin and a lot more.PS I forgot to add, that Raphael's final painting in 1520, the Transfiguration of Christ (now in the Vatican Museum) was made for the Narbonne cathedral. The second painting, the Raising of Lazarus was almost made my Michaelangelo.

Feeling a great gratitude for the work that went into this series of videos, Howdie gave me the gift of returning to the South of France without going there physically.

“Et In Arcadia Ego”
Et in Arcadia ego is a 1637–38 painting by Nicolas Poussin
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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