Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."
-Albert Einstein
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Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Post by maggie »

I worked with a nurse from the Philippines who had a rare childbirth complication of an amniotic embolism that caused her to go into a coma. It is usually fatal and if a woman survives, she is unlikely to avoid dire complications. This person did survive with only a slight loss of function of her right leg that later was just fine after PT.

She said later that she spent the "time" in her coma singing to the light. It was blissful but she did want to return to her husband and children. This is one NDE of a close person but I read and listen to all accounts very excitedly as it confirms to me that my own understanding is verified by others' experiences... this life is not anything except a very valuable experience and life is ALWAYS.

My interest is that we DO NOT need a special NDE or psychic abilities to be "Connected" and that when we are connected we interface with larger dimensions of SELF and we have assistance form VALIS (per Philip K. Dick an acronym for Vast Active Living Intelligence System). Lately I am so interested in knowing the possible behaviors and physical presentation possible.

So, it is really helpful to look at chacteristics we may acquire that IMPACT our material life. IMO if we are really invested in broadening our "reality", we will. I feel a little disdain for the idea that we are REALLY beleagured beings in a prison like world of suffering. If ANYTHING, we live in a "place where we can interact with the best of times and/or the worst of times, according to our choices.
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The pattern of aftereffects from near-death states can best be understood if considered under the separate headings of major characteristics of psychological and physiological changes. Details and explanations follow:

Loss of the fear of death, more spiritual and less religious, easily engage in abstract thinking, more philosophical, can go through various bouts with depression, more generous and charitable than before, form expansive concepts of love while at the same time challenged to initiate and maintain satisfying relationships, "inner child" or unresolved issues from childhood tend to surface, less competitive, convinced of a life purpose, rejection of previous limitations in life and "normal" role-playing, heightened sensations of taste-touch-texture-smell, increased intuitive/psychic abilities plus the ability to know or "re-live" the future, charismatic, a child-like sense of wonder and joy, less stressed, more detached and objective, can continue to dissociate or "separate" from the body, easily absorbed ("merge into" whatever is focused on), hunger for knowledge and learning, highly curious.

Near-death experiencers come to love and accept others without the usual attachments and conditions society expects. They perceive themselves as equally and fully loving of each and all, openly generous, excited about the potential and wonder of each person they see. Their desire is to be a conduit of universal love. Confused family members tend to regard this sudden switch in behavior as oddly threatening, as if their loved one had become aloof, unresponsive, even uncaring and unloving. Some mistake this "unconditional" way of expressing joy and affection (heart-centered rather than person-centered) as flirtatious disloyalty. Divorce can result.
One of the reasons life seems so different afterward is because the experiencer now has a basis of comparison unknown before. Familiar codes of conduct can lose relevance or disappear altogether as new interests take priority. Such a shift in reference points can lead to a childlike naivete. With the fading of previous norms and standards, basic caution and discernment can also fade. It is not unusual to hear of near-death experiencers being cheated, lied to, or involved in unpleasant mishaps and accidents. Once they are able to begin integrating what happened to them, discernment usually returns.
Most experiencers develop a sense of timelessness. They tend to "flow" with the natural shift of light and dark, and display a more heightened awareness of the present moment and the importance of being "in the now." Making future preparations can seem irrelevant to them. This behavior is often labeled "spaciness" by others, who do their best to ignore the change in perception, although seldom do they ignore the shift in speech. That's because many experiencers refer to their episode as if it were a type of "divider" separating their "former" life from the present one.
There's no denying that experiencers become quite intuitive afterward. Psychic displays can be commonplace, such as: out-of-body episodes, manifestation of "beings" met in near-death state, "remembering" the future, finishing another's sentence, "hearing" plants and animals "speak." This behavior is not only worrisome to relatives and friends, it can become frightening to them. A person's religious beliefs do not alter or prevent this amplification of faculties and stimuli. Yet, experiencers willing to learn how to control and refine these abilities, consider them beneficial.
Life paradoxes begin to take on a sense of purpose and meaning, as forgiveness tends to replace former needs to criticize and condemn. Hard driving achievers and materialists can transform into easy-going philosophers; but, by the same token, those more relaxed or uncommitted before can become energetic "movers and shakers," determined to make a difference in the world. Personality reversals seem to depend more on what's "needed" to round out the individual's inner growth than on any uniform outcome. Although initially bewildered, families can be so impressed by what they witness that they, too, change-making the experience a "shared event."
The average near-death experiencer comes to regard him or herself as "an immortal soul currently resident within a material form so lessons can be learned while sojourning in the earthplane." They now know they are not their body; many go on to embrace the theory of reincarnation. Eventually, the present life, the present body, becomes important and special again.
What was once foreign becomes familiar, what was once familiar becomes foreign. Although the world is the same, the experiencer isn't. Hence, they tend to experiment with novel ways to communicate, even using abstract and grandiose terms to express themselves. With patience and effort on everyone's part, communication can improve and life can resume some degree of routine. But, the experiencer seems ever to respond to a "tune" no one else can hear (this can continue lifelong).
Altered thought-processing (switch from sequential/ selective thinking to clustered thinking: thoughts bunch together/ideas pop up), comfortable with ambiguity, heightened intelligence, more creative and inventive, unusual sensitivity to light and sound, substantially more or less energy (even energy surges in body, ofttimes more sexual), reversal of body clock, lower blood pressure, accelerated metabolic and substance absorption rates (decreased tolerance of pharmaceuticals and chemically treated products), often turn to alternative healthcare treatments, electrical sensitivity, synesthesia (multiple sensing), increased allergies or sensitivities, can possess ability to heal, a preference for more vegetables and grains (less of meat), physically younger looking (before and after photos can differ).

Sensitivity to light and sound can be a serious issue and may necessitate some lifestyle changes. While most experiencers learn to limit sunshine exposure, others can't get enough. Almost everyone, though, has similar difficulties with loud or discordant sounds. Many can no longer tolerate "hard" rock music. The vast majority prefer classical, melodic, and/or natural sounds, and become passionate about using music to heal.
Energy surges up and down the body happen to many, and can be accompanied by "lights" in the air. Researchers usually regard this as the release of "kundalini" (a Sanskrit term meaning "coiled energy at the base of the spine"). Supposedly, kundalini energy and spiritual energy are one in the same, yet the theory behind this idea remains unproven. To keep in formed about ongoing research, contact Kundalini Research Network, c/o Dale Pond, R#5, Flesherton, Ontario, NOC IEO Canada.
Electrical sensitivity refers to a condition whereby the forcefield or energy around an individual affects nearby electrical equipment and technological devices. Usually sporadic in effect and impact, some experiencers have noticed: watches can stop, microphones "squeal," tape recorders quit, television channels change with no one at controls, light bulbs pop, telephone "drops off," computers suddenly lose memory, and so forth. Experiencers more at ease with their new traits report fewer of these incidents than those still in the process of making adjustments.
Physical differences, along with attitudinal changes, eventually lead experiencers to alter their approach to health and healing, employment, finances, lifestyle and relationship issues. Many say that it's almost as if they have to relearn how to use their own body and brain. Once adjustments are made, the majority come to live healthy, productive lives that are happier, more spiritually-oriented and energetic than before. To deny or repress the aftereffects seems to leave individuals feeling somehow "incomplete," and can foster unwanted "breakthroughs" years later. ... es.html#a3
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Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Post by maggie »

The veil between what we call life and death is very thin really. I personally just love hearing everything I can find about other's NDE experiences, compare the observations of others like Edgar Cayce and think about all of the mystery.

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Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Post by maggie »




I am reading one of the most memorable fantasy novels ever. It was written by a yoga and meditation practitioner named James Connor. He also writes scripts and has already written one for the novel I am enjoying. James Connor is the author of The Superyogi Scenario. Founder of, a non-profit that teaches people how to meditate from authentic sources.

The Superyogi Scenario: Rise of The Unusuals has super heros and super villains.
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The Superyogi Scenario is a fresh new take on the superhero story that packs a philosophical punch. Instead of getting supernatural powers from radiation or spider bites, powers are developed through yoga and meditation.

Drawing from authentic verses in The Yoga Sutra, this thought-provoking thriller envisions yogic supernatural abilities rising among the world’s growing population of yoga practitioners—and wild consequences when heroes and villains emerge. ... i-scenario
In this novel these abilities leading to the supernatural powers or siddhis arise organically and not in some IN-organic lab experiment gone "wrong". I thoroughly APPROVE OF HAVING SUPERPOWERS and recommend reading about them, thinking about them, admiring them and seeking to emulate them. There are no short cuts and the pursuit is IMO the path to realization.

If we take a wrong turn or try to take on too much too soon, we do get short circuited. And if we crave to have power, even realization, we are tempted to try to manipulate and cheat through faux paths that use the laws but lose the spirit. We are tempted to "make things happen" for self separated interest. For instance magic. Magic can be a tool for one's developing consciousness. if used for "material" influence AS IF others are separate and we "do unto them" in an over powering way, that takes us sideways off the path and we will fizzle out and be landed far behind. The "way" of spiritual power will leave us because we are not being what it takes. That is not just my opinion but I call it a truth for me too.
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Avoid invitations to display or identify with any accomplishments in yoga, including the siddhis, even if invited by a respected person, because this can reinforce one’s sense of separate self, leading to ego, pride, and arrogance, and this becomes an impediment toward further spiritual unfoldment. There are many ways that this trap can manifest. If personal pride or greed causes one to be seduced by the ever-present challenge of proving one’s abilities to skeptics, such as using psychic abilities to win a prize, then the power gained by that seduction is likely to corrupt the ethical restraints that are the very first lesson to learn on the eightfold path. That “power corrupts” is an unavoidable truth in human affairs, and the consequences of the fall in this case are profound because the goal of achieving enlightenment, which requires far more discipline than simply developing clairvoyance, is lost. Even if one does not personally identify with an attained siddhi, and instead attributes it to one’s teacher or a particular lineage, the damage is done. ... ga-powers/
This book is actually probably full of factual instruction based on Patanjali's treatise for developing what is possible in human experience through yoga practice.
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In the yogic tradition, powers gained through use of mantras, amulets, or drugs are not regarded with as much respect, or considered to be as permanent, as those earned through dedicated meditative practice. The promise of these siddhi superpowers has little to do with traditional religious faith, divine intervention, or supernatural miracles. As Buddhist scholar Alan Wallace says,

“In Buddhism, these are not miracles in the sense of being supernatural events, any more than the discovery and amazing uses of lasers are miraculous— however they may appear to those ignorant of the nature and potentials of light. Such contemplatives claim to have realized the nature and potentials of consciousness far beyond anything known in contemporary science. What may appear supernatural to a scientist or a layperson may seem perfectly natural to an advanced contemplative, much as certain technological advances may appear miraculous to a contemplative.”

Yogic wisdom describes many variations of the siddhis. Today we’d associate the elementary siddhis with garden-variety psychic phenomena. They include telepathy (mind- to- mind communication); clairvoyance (gaining information about distant or hidden objects beyond the reach of the ordinary senses); precognition (clairvoyance through time), and psychokinesis (direct influence of matter by mind, also known as PK).

For most people, psychic abilities manifest spontaneously and are rarely under conscious control. The experiences tend to be sporadic and fragmentary, and the most dramatic cases occur mainly during periods of extreme motivation. By contrast, the siddhis are said to be highly reliable and under complete conscious control; as such they could be interpreted as exceedingly refined, well-cultivated forms of psychic phenomena.

The more advanced siddhis are said to include invisibility, levitation, invulnerability, and superstrength, abilities often associated with comic book superheroes. All these abilities are also described in one form or another in shamanism and in the mystical teachings of religions. In fact, most cultures throughout history have taken for granted that superpowers are real, albeit rare, and surveys today continue to show that the majority of the world’s population still firmly believes in one or more of these capacities. ... ga-powers/
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Developing Your Yogic Superpowers to Make the World a Better Place
The Power of Love
Author: James Connor

Anyone who casually skims the verses of The Yoga Sutra, the third century root text available in nearly every yoga studio, bumps into a most perplexing fact. The third chapter on Mystical Powers describes specific causes for supernormal abilities like mind reading, invisibility, and flying.

So what exactly are the causes for superpowers? And how can we develop them within ourselves to make the world a better place?

Master Patanjali tells us in The Yoga Sutra that "The powers are found in love and the rest." He's referring to the Four Immeasurables: Immeasurable Equanimity, Immeasurable Compassion, Immeasurable Love, and Immeasurable Joy. These attitudes are immeasurable because they are aimed at every living being and because the merit they generate is immeasurable. Indeed, as Patanjali tells us, the merit from these attitudes of heart are so powerful they lead to miraculous abilities.

The Buddha first taught the Four Immeasurables around 500 B.C.E. These attitudes were so well known in ancient India during Patanjali's time that he could simply say "the powers are found in love and the rest" and everyone who was supposed to know, would understand the code.

So how can you can you develop these attitudes in your own heart? One of the most effective ways is to follow the Buddhist heart-opening practice of Exchanging Self and Others. This essential practice was taught by the eighth century master Shantideva. After giving this teaching, a hall full of monks reported Shantideva flew out of the temple into the sky. This practice has four simple steps that you can put into practice immediately in your daily life.

1. Recognize that everyone wants to be happy. We are all bliss seekers and pain avoiders. Give anyone even the simplest of choices and people will always choose what that they believe will lead to happiness. Even when people act out or act badly it's because they are trying to get something that they believe will make them happy. When we can recognize that we are all the same in this way, we can begin to wish happiness for everyone.

2. Recognize a tendency of mind to think more about yourself. Here's the thing: villains are always trying to get stuff for themselves at the expense of others. Heroes are always willing to sacrifice themselves to protect even total strangers. As you go about your day, do you want to be a hero or a villain?

Just watch your mind. Do you spend more time worrying about your own problems and challenges or worrying about someone else's?

Think about these two choices like black and white rocks on an ancient scale. Every time you worry about yourself, stack a black rock on one tray. And every time you think about making someone else happy, stack a white rock. At the end of the day, which way does the balance tip?

3. Watch for what other people want. Now wherever you go, use your eyes, ears, and mind to pay attention to what other people want. Try to stand in their shoes and see how they see the world. Maybe someone just wants their talents recognized with a little praise. Or maybe someone is having a hard time on a project and could use an extra hand. Or maybe someone wants a friend to treat them to a nice dinner and listen to their stories. Stay on the look out for a chance to help like a hero, without wanting anything in return.

4. Make the exchange. When you see some way to help someone, act. Decide that you will make efforts using whatever skills and abilities you have to help that person get what they want to feel happier (as long as it's not hurting someone else, of course). When you are totally focused on ensuring another person's happiness, you are transforming a habitual, human tendency to be self-centered--that villain energy--into gaining a supernormal habit to serve other people's happiness first.

Just start small and build up. Anything can become a habit of mind if you keep at it. And we are talking about going from a normal person to a superyogi.

A most curious thing happens if you keep this practice up. Watch as you become happier and the people in your world become happier. As Master Shantideva explains in one of the most important teachings ever given:

The total amount of happiness
That exists in the world has come from
Wanting to make others happy.
The total amount of suffering
That exists in the world has come from
Wanting to make yourself happy.

So there is a reason that villains never get happy endings. They are only thinking about themselves.

If you keep this practice of Exchanging Self and Others going for a while, another curious thing can happen. You'll get so good at getting your small self out of the way--and serving others as if they were you--that according to ancient Buddhist and Yoga texts, you can begin to be able to read minds. As Master Patanjali explains in The Yoga Sutra, "With the necessary cause, one can read the minds of others."

One fortunate thing about yogic superpowers is that they usually only come to people who can get their small self out of the way and care for everyone. This is why miracles in history are usually performed by saints who are focused on alleviating the suffering of others.

True, an occasional villain slips in because powers can be gained and then corrupted, but generally supernormal abilities belong to saints who want to serve others.

Let's just hope you will use your yogic supernormal powers for good.

About the Author
James Connor recently completed an isolated three-year meditation retreat. He is the author of The Superyogi Scenario, a page-turning thriller that allows readers to experience authentic wisdom that creates superheroes. He is also the founder of, a non-profit that teaches people how to meditate from authentic scriptural sources in the Buddhist and Yoga lineages. For more visit:" onclick=";return false; ," onclick=";return false;.
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Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Post by maggie »

Ideals such as feeling inspired, empowered and deeply alive drive me. When I feel fear, I know that "something" is suggesting that I aim to throw off oppressed aspects I have invested in. I feel I desire greater courage and wisdom of action in MY life. To light my own candle seems the way out of my dark night. But I am just bumping along with a small light and shadows still gather in my corners.

Snatam Kaur and Sopurkh Singh have a transformational meditation to release fear and become a conscious leader. I especially always liked Snatam Kaur singing the mantra used. I am not really sure what the arm movements contribute because I have not tried doing the meditation....sharing FYI.



Aadays Tisai Adays,
Aad Aneel Anaad Anaahat,
Jug Jug Ayko Vays

I bow to him, I humbly bow,
The primal one, the Pure Light, without beginning, without end
Throughout all the Ages,he is One and the Same
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Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Post by maggie »

One of the issues I have always had with authority did stem from the obvious fallibility of my parents. Also my exposure to church where we were always told regarding communion...we were not worthy to gather the crumbs under the communion table.

I was never attracted to having a guru or to follow ascended masters. The belief in more and less: powerful, authoritative, "royal" ETC. Is dissolving slowly IMO in consciousness.

It is really clear more and more that the possibility for abuse of "power" is because of the assigning away of power. There is nothing at all reasonable to giving over authority. It is purely based on an irrational belief in one's own "less than" status.

Yes, there need to be guides and guidelines but these "guides" need not be couched as having "power" over us. IMO "ownership" of any person by another is modeled FIRST in the belief that parents or the state or a religion own underage persons. NO, the issue is just really wrongly understood IMO. BUT we are able to question this condition now more than ever and IMO "ability to be objective" is an evolving move.

IMO this "ownership" is to be unraveled in our own belief structure and I have the expectation that we really are beginning to see. IMO this has something to do with the loss of spiritual power. It is impossible to seek ownership when there is a knowledge that we are entangled as ONE. To knopw there is no separation is apparently a pre-requisite for

"Siddhis (that) are “done through you”.... at the exact moment a Siddhi happens, there is no “you” per se from an ontological perspective, since at that exact moment you experience union with all of creation.(David Landau)"
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David Landau, Teacher, Author, Coach: Practical Spirituality at Magic Is Real (1996-present)
Answered Sep 27, 2016
I’ve experienced 73 siddhis and am working on replicating three specific types: healing, weather, and electronics.

Several have been in front of witnesses, and I’m working with 9 shamans / reiki masters / spiritual healers to further develop and understand. I’ve also studied psychology for over 20 years, care very much about the scientific method and rationality, and am logging, in minute detail, what has happened, along with conditions that may or may not be confounding variables for some of the instances.

I believe there are legitimate scientific explanations, and am working on coalescing them into a book I’m about 30% finished with.

I’ve found that there are several common reactions at this point:

Close minded skeptic: “No amount of data will convince me. Newtonian physics will reign supreme forever, and James Randy wins.”

New age flake: “All things are possible! I’ve never seen anything, but still believe in it!”

Spiritual Scientist: Siddhis are general phenomenological manifestations that are a natural result of consciousness (soul) evolution and merging into Unity consciousness. As nonduality becomes more prevalent, the barrier between observer (self) and “other” (person, rain clouds, electronic device) disappears, and a siddhi is just “changing a part of yourself in the universal body of God / All / Source / Matrix / Life”.

Of course #1 and #2 are over-generalizing stereotypes, and I draw them to make a point. Having analyzed accounts like Autobiography of a Yogi (Steve Job’s favorite book, which he gave away at his funeral - no small statement), several common explanations based in Quantum Physics, looked into controlled, peer reviewed, replicatable research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and amassed dozens of personal experiences, I can say that the world is slowly becoming more ready to understand this stuff.

Since I’m not yet at a point where I can cite all the research at will, and need help categorizing all the sources, and need to study with more saints, gurus, and people who can not just talk about, but actually perform - at will - siddhis, I need to give a slightly frustrating answer and say that the real answer is in progress - at least so far as a “Case closed” answer that will settle the matter once and for all for the western mind.

This is because of several reasons:

A) Western technology (MRIs, CT scans, etc) isn’t yet sensitive enough to fully measure all the effects of consciousness on the material world. We “get” a mind-body connection and have for decades, but understanding the causal mechanism is something currently beyond mainstream modern science. I have seen and felt devices that can do this, but they need more traction to have wide-spread, undeniable credibility.

B) Corporate-political motives: If you’re Pfizer making $1B on Prozac, and hear depression can be cured with 10 sessions of Reiki, and care more about profit than morality, you’ll do all you can do discredit it. Upton Sinclair said “You can get a man to believe anything if his salary depends on it.”

C) Ecological Validity is a significant factor in reproducible results. If you say “Sunlight induces photosynthesis in plants,” you’re generally saying direct sunlight - sunlight through cloud cover, reflected from mirrors, etc will have slightly (or entirely) different results.

The same applies to Siddhis. Taking a simple one - healing through the interaction of consciousness and the human subtle energy field (i.e. energy healing) (which I consider a “beginner’s level siddhi” that many people can access through dedicated practice in QiGong and Reiki) - it’s much easier to heal someone if they’re patient, still, and physically present than at a distance.

Integrative MDs at Stanford and elsewhere back this up, and if you try to test energy healing on, say, someone who is acting aggressively pessimistic towards you, or in an institutionalized, sterile, uncomfortable white lab room - these things will interfere with test results.

We know hypnotism is successful - but under certain conditions. Same with anything, really. Zinc boosts the immune system, but only if you take it properly (i.e. instead of just looking at it or being in the same room with it).

Since Siddhis “originate” from consciousness, anything that affects consciousness can affect the appearance of siddhis. That being said, it takes a lot of careful planning to create an environment that is ecologically valid.

If the Sadhu (or person, since non-yogis have been known to experience telepathy and Precognition; see Dr Larry Dossey’s One Mind for many examples of this) - believes she can only “do the siddhi” when she is peaceful, then she needs to be peaceful.

*Note I believe Siddhis are “done through you” and that at the exact moment a Siddhi happens, there is no “you” per se from an ontological perspective, since at that exact moment you experience union with all of creation.

Another great resource is Dean Radin’s book Supernormal, which discusses this topic at great length. ... nt-of-view


Jeffrey Martin is mentioned in the video about meditation. He charges a high fee to help people in the Finder's Course. This is what often happens.....

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Enlightenment - Jeffrey Martin - Finders Course
Jeffrey Martin is a researcher on enlightenment, which he terms persistent non-symbolic experience (PNSE). I've previously linked to his dissertation, which basically says that enlightenment is not particularly linked to psychological development.

I recently came across a more recent paper that focuses on the changes occurring as a result of PNSE. A continuum of experience was discovered with clusters of change around sense of self, cognition, emotion, memory, and perception. I thought this was an interesting paper and identified with many of the changes reported. I think it's a good attempt to describe some things that have been historically difficult to describe.

Martin categorizes the continuum of changes as Locations 1, 2, 3 and 4, which reminded me in some ways of the 4 Buddhist paths.

A program called the Finders Course came out of this research and is an attempt to move people in the direction of persistent non-symbolic experience. The exact components of the course are being left mysterious, but are clearly meditation based.

Out of the research, about 6 meditative techniques seemed to rise to the top, which again, are not revealed. The idea seems to be to sample all of these techniques and find what works best, and it is implied that practicing an hour a day for a week is enough time to see whether or not a given technique is suitable.

Speculating on these techniques we might include things like single-pointed concentration, mantra, noting, self-inquiry/koan, body-scanning, open awareness, and metta. These would be the likely suspects.

The first 6 weeks are described as being "designed to get you into a psychological sweet spot so that you don’t dark knight in the second half of the course," which implies that concentration practices are being used in this part of the course. I believe I saw some reference to the course being 15 weeks in length, but I can't find it right now.

I do like the idea that this is a systematic attempt to figure out how to get people enlightened. I will say that there is a slightly weird vibe to the whole thing, a bit of a secretive nature about what's going on, a substantial fee, and I suppose there is a pretty big expectation for the course, all potential yellow flags. But I guess I do like the overall direction of the project.

Jeffrey Martin - Locations of Enlightenment
Part of Jeffrey Martin's research on persistent non-symbolic experience (enlightenment) was finding that individuals tended to land in one of several locations. All of these reflect some degree of loss of a narrative, discursive, language-based sense of self and might, um, speculatively be thought of as analogous to Buddhist paths. I nabbed these from a powerpoint presentation on the site.

Location 1
- Expansion of sense of self, connection to divine
- Much less affected by ‘self’ thoughts
- Distance from but still have positive and negative emotions
- Deep peace but can be suppressed by triggered conditioning
- Effects from perceptual triggers fall off quickly
- Deep peace and beingness feels more real than anything previous
- Trust in ‘how things are’
- Personal history less relevant, memories less

Location 2
- ‘Self’ thoughts continue to fade
- Peace increasingly harder to suppress/conditioning fades
- Shift towards increasingly positive emotions, until only very positive emotions remain
- Intermediate levels of perceptual triggers increasingly fade
- More likely to feel that there is a correct decision or path to take when presented with choices
- Higher well-being than location one

Location 3
- Only single positive emotion remains
- Feels like a combination of universal compassion, love, joy, …
- Higher well-being than location 2

Location 4
- No sense of agency
- No emotions
- No ‘self’ thoughts
- Perceptual triggers at their bare minimum
- No sense of divine or universal consciousness
- life was simply unfolding and they were watching the process happen
- Memory deficits/scheduled appointments, etc.
- Highest well-being reported

Finder's Course Protocol ... JZUUU/view

The advice seems to be to meditate for an hour a day, starting with breath meditation and then body scanning and then moving on to a number of different major meditation protocols to see what works, mixed with a bit of positive psychology. A reviewer says "From an alum, its hard to overstate the importance of having small tight-knit groups that you progress through the course with. They keep you inspired and accountable. And this is from someone who generally always takes the DIY approach when available."

YES, it is really valuable to have a support group BUT one never can underestimate the consequences of paying a big fee for a can definitely cause one to see that group with great value. ... ourse.html
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Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Post by maggie »

Consciousness is real and survives bodily death. What about this expanded consciousness? Enlightenment has been associated with expanded consciousness.

What about our apperture of consciousness that is embodied? What we believe is the dharma and purpose of embodiment shapes our experience. IMO thinking about our cohorts expanded consciousness informs our own perception. Jeffery Martin noted in The batgap interview that since 1996, more and more people are accessing conscious expansion of the self understanding that create our filters. This is so inspiring IMO... that we are collectively changing our minds in transcendant ways.

It seems to me that Jeffrey Martin is offering some interesting research information that bridges paradigms.

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Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Post by Sandy Clark »

Hi Maggie,

Have you heard of the Avatar Course....I took it many years ago when it was fairly new on the scene>>>1989. IMHO, it is basically a course on realizing and understanding one's own belief systems, learning to create and or dis-create beliefs that aide or deter from personal objectives of well being and intent.

It was greatly more expensive than the Finders Course (from checking out your above links) and was only 9 days in length.....not sure what it would cost today but it is still offered in many places in the States. It has never really taken off here in Canada and thus I found I have relinquished much of the zest for the learning due to a lack of support locally and or even nationally.

However in mentioning this, I have never lost the core learning and immense understanding that beliefs are the basic builders of thoughts, emotions, and actions and thus have stayed conscious of my own in order to be aware of biases and beliefs that get in my way.

Here is a link in case you want to check it out......" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Post by maggie »

Sandy Clark wrote:Hi Maggie,

Have you heard of the Avatar Course....I took it many years ago when it was fairly new on the scene>>>1989. IMHO, it is basically a course on realizing and understanding one's own belief systems, learning to create and or dis-create beliefs that aide or deter from personal objectives of well being and intent.

.............I have never lost the core learning and immense understanding that beliefs are the basic builders of thoughts, emotions, and actions and thus have stayed conscious of my own in order to be aware of biases and beliefs that get in my way.
I never was involved in any of the groups like Avatar or Landmark (was EST) or scientology or a religion but I believe that any of these groups can help us see how it is very much about what we believe, what we attend to thinking and how we MUST generate our own well being.

Today I gave a deadline to a woman whose cats I feed. they are kept in a house by themselves and have been for 10 years. There are 6 of them now form a much larger number in the past. She did place some but was difficult and a little controling about how that was managed. She did not want to see them gone really. I never would have created a situation like this and don't really grok it. I have worked for her for two years and did the best I could. It is near my house and it was not too inconvenient and it has gone on too long. I told her I will stop taking care of them in mid November.

The owner of the house had already told her they need to be moved but does not enforce a time and I hope this will make it more of a time critical situation and maybe she can find people who will step up.

Today I heard a lot about her life. She is in a very hard situation with advanced Parkinsons and a rather narcissistic husband. Her debilitation provokes him and he acts cruel, from what she says. I wish so much good for her and know it could be possible to see miracles but is not up to me. IMO it is a mercy from a larger source of well being showered by the asking. This is where I know that each of us is responsible for our access to mercy. BUT I know mercy is real and meant to be experienced and insist it be possible.

It is heart breaking that she cannot have the cats at home (husband won't let her have any cats) and that the cats are now old so hard to place. I don't like it that she did not deal with the cats years ago when they might have been easier to place. She has had serious financial issues so she isn't regular with my payments. This is triggering. I see that I have an issue with feeling irritated that she held on to the cats when they needed to be freed. Now as she grows more frail, she has a life that looks more and more desperate. She seems unable to avoid heartbreak and I cannot change the things I see there but I want to be a friend and not grow resentment over the situation.

So, I shared with her about my deep sense that none of our problems can be changed at the level they were created. So, I feel faith that turning to a greater power is what we really may do and get help, answers, a warm sense of comfort and MIRACLES. But IMO we have to be in contact with God as we call God and the only way I know to get in contact is by focusing there, (an inner there) as much as possible. If we focus there 24/7/365 IMO and it is sincere and unwavering, IMO mountains will move. I of course am not focusing 24/7/365 so this is a statement of intent to return again and again There when I waver. I am seeing here There too.
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Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Post by maggie »

Bernhard Guenther alerted me to "Sri Aurobindo or The Adventure of Consciousness" by Satprem who was a student of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. " onclick=";return false;

A poem by Aurobindo

O Force-compelled, Fate-driven earth-born race,
O petty adventurers in an infinite world
And prisoners of a dwarf humanity,
How long will you tread the circling tracks of mind
Around your little self and petty things?
But not for a changeless littleness were you meant,
Not for vain repetition were you built...
Almighty powers are shut in Nature's cells.
A greater destiny awaits you in your front...
The life you lead conceals the light you are.
Glancing beyond the old wall, we see that everything is already there, only waiting for us to want it:

I saw them cross the twilight of an age,
The sun-eyed children of a marvellous dawn...
The massive barrier-breakers of the world...
The architects of immortality...
Bodies made beautiful by the Spirit's light,
Carrying the magic word, the mystic fire,
Carrying the Dionysian cup of joy...390[/offtopic]

I bought the book by Satprem "Sri Aurobindo or The Adventure of Consciousness"
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"This now classic introduction to Sri Aurobindo not only tells us the story of his life—in itself a remarkable adventure—but Satprem also takes us along in a methodical exploration of Sri Aurobindo’s integral yoga, showing how it leads to a divine rehabilitation of Matter and gives our painful evolution its meaning and hope. Now the time may have come at last to unveil the Mysteries and to recover the complete truth of the two poles within a third position, which is neither that of the materialists nor that of the spiritualists.

Sri Aurobindo, or The Adventure of Consciousness has been written from a Western point of view and for those who yearn for a truth of Life and not only a truth with eyes closed. It presents just one aspect of Sri Aurobindo, the most practical one. We only hope it will lead the reader to explore for himself Sri Aurobindo, and perhaps, with him, find the perfect harmony of East and West, of inner freedom and outer mastery.
I listened to Satprem here

He wrote this essay
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The Great Sense

This is the time of the Great Sense.

We look to the right or to the left, we build theories, reform our Churches, invent super-machines and we go out in the streets to break the Machine that stifles us – we struggle in the small sense. When the terrestrial ship is sinking, does it matter whether the passengers drown to the right or left, under a flag black or red, or one of celestial blue? Our Churches have already sunk: they are reforming their own dust. Our patriotisms are crushing us, our machines are crushing us, our schools are crushing us, and we build more machines to break out of the Machine. We go to the moon, but we do not know our own heart or our terrestrial destiny. And we want to improve what is – but the time for improvements is past: can one improve rot? – This is the time for SOMETHING ELSE, which is not the same thing with improvements.

But how shall we proceed?

They preach violence to us, or non-violence. But these are two faces of the same Falsehood, the yes and the no of the same impotence: the little saints have gone bankrupt with the rest, and others want to seize power – what power? That of the statesmen? Are we going to fight over the prison keys? Or to build another prison? Or do we really want to get out of it? Power does not spring from the barrel of a gun, neither does freedom flow from the belly of the dead – for thirty million years now we have been building on corpses, on wars, on revolutions. And the drama is enacted over and over again. Perhaps the time has come to build on something else and find the key to true Power?

So let us look at the great Sense.

Here is what the Great Sense tells us:

It tells us that we were born so many million years ago – a molecule, a gene, a bit of quivering bit of plasma – and we have produced a dinosaur, a crab, an ape. Had our eyes stopped half-way along the road, we could have said with good reason (!), that the Baboon was the summit of the creation, and nothing better could be done, except perhaps to improve our simian capacities and create a United Kingdom of Apes… And we may be committing the same error today in our jungle of concrete. We have invented enormous means at the service of microscopic consciousnesses, splendid devices at the service of mediocrity, and still more devices to be cured of the Device. But is man truly the goal of all these millions of years of striving? – The secondary school for all and the washing machine?

The Great Sense, the True Sense, tells us that man is not the end. It is not the triumph of man that we want, not an improved version of the intelligent dwarf – it is another man on the earth, another race in our midst.

‘Man is a transitional being' Sri Aurobindo said. We are right in the middle of this transition, it is bursting forth on every side: in Biafra, in Israel , in China , on the Boul'Mich. Man is uncomfortable in his skin.

And the Great Sense, the True Sense, tells us that the only thing we can do is to set to work to prepare that other being and collaborate in our own evolution instead of going round in circles in the old dead-end humanhood and grabbing false powers to rule over a false life.

But where is the lever of this Transmutation?

It is within.

There is a Consciousness within, there is a Power within, the very power that strained and strove in the dinosaur, in the crab, in the ape, in man – it strives still, presses farther on, clothes itself in a more and more perfected form as its instrument grows, and creates its own form. If we grasp the lever of that Power, it will create its own form, for it is itself the lever of the Transmutation. Instead of letting evolution unfold through millennia of fruitless, painful attempts and useless deaths and fake revolutions that revolutionize nothing, we can shorten the time, we can make a concentrated evolution – we can be the conscious creators of the New Being.

In truth, it is the time of the Great Adventure. The world is closed, there are no more adventures to be had outside: only robots go to the moon and our frontiers are guarded everywhere – in Rome or in Rangoon , the same functionaries of the great Machine are watching us, punching our cards, checking our faces and searching our pockets – there is no more adventure outside! The Adventure is within – Freedom is within, Space is within, and the transformation of our world by the power of the Spirit. Because, in truth, that Power was always there, supreme, all-powerful, prodding evolution on: it was the hidden Spirit growing to become the Spirit manifest upon earth, and if we have trust, if we want that supreme Power, if we have the courage to descend into our hearts, everything is possible, because God is in us.
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Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Post by maggie »

I respect Jacques Vallee

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