Beware: The Praying Mantis Wants Your Brain

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Re: Beware: The Praying Mantis Wants Your Brain

Post by Spiritwind »

Fred: "Huh, I don't think that would happen under the current Admin."

To be fair Fred, Mr. Parkes had threatened a lawsuit against the forum at the time this happened, which was all the way back in April of 2014 I think (actually it was early 2015). But still, it was very strange for me to watch PA shut down any voice of dissent when myself and several others even just tried to talk about what we experienced, and then he (Simon) managed to shut it down on TOT at the time too. I realize it's different now.

And I admit, I was totally sucked in by his story and believed he was some kind of authority on the subject of alien involvement on our planet. He may actually know something, but I've never forgotten when I asked why all these programs that suck in the spiritually inclined, so that we give our power away when we look to them for all the answers. It was also the way he said it. Instead of answering my question he asked me a question "how do you catch a mouse". It wasn't long after that he broke off all communication with no explanation. And I've been thinking about that statement ever since. And, about how I was so quickly willing to look to someone else for the answers I couldn't seem to find on my own. It was a big wake up call for me. Of course, this was also during the time of the big unraveling going on forum wise with the blue bird guy. What a ride, huh!

Funny Christine, you posting at almost the same time as me on this thread! You're right, he is the reason we started communicating in this first place. It's been pretty wild, indeed!
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Re: Beware: The Praying Mantis Wants Your Brain

Post by Hermit »

I too had similar experiences.

The thing that kicked my ass was that I had come to PA trying to find answers around my own experiences. I was referred to Simon as someone who would be able to help me through. In the end, I ended up in a pretty dark place. But I did manage to meet some pretty cool people that helped me through it.

I haven't really thought about those experiences since. Sometimes its good to look back.
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Re: Beware: The Praying Mantis Wants Your Brain

Post by Phil »

The thing that I took away from the whole experience, was when at least one (and I think more than one) insisted "Simon cannot lie". Not only did it go mostly unchallenged, it bugged the shit out of me that anyone can/would believe that.

Not that I don't think there's people that out there that DO NOT say (or believe) that anyone CAN NOT lie (or do anything else) seems limiting to me.

It makes me think about a thought I heard on a video I can't remember recently, where someone said something to the effect of:

God is infinite (and of/in/is infinite universes), the only thing he (she/it) could NOT do is grow.

...hence us (and darkness, antimatter, etc) ...not sure if this thought was part of it or my conclusion about the speakers conclusion, but I'd been musing about it
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Re: Beware: The Praying Mantis Wants Your Brain

Post by Spiritwind »

I can't prove any of this, but will say there was a definite spell binding effect during the whole Simon experience. From the moment I began communicating with him I felt as if he was someone I already knew, as in very familiar for some reason. I realized later that whatever that was, it wasn't for a good reason, at least in my view. And both my husband and I began experiencing weird paranormal type of things that actually did not go away until I later had a shamanic clearing done. And, yes, as I reflect on how wildly popular Simon was on the PA forum during that time, I can clearly see there was more going on than just what could be seen on the surface.

Overall, though, my experience with this led me to a much better place than I have ever been, and the clearing went even beyond this life to some extent, so that a blockage energy wise was finally removed. So I am actually very grateful. And Simon was even the first person who heard me ramble on about all my inner visions that I couldn't prove and thought were maybe just an extremely over active imagination. He encouraged me to take a new look. That turned out to be a very good and empowering thing as well. It also led me to seek out a TIR (traumatic incident reduction technique often used to help remember and release trauma from things like accidents and so on) session locally, of which I had three. Some very strange and interesting information came out of this that I still don't know what to think about.

Mostly I just file away all of these weird things that I can't explain, and hope that over time more will become revealed and become clear to me. I will say that although I am a fan of sci-fi entertainment, I do not enjoy movies that feature insectoids as the primary villain humanity must fight against. The movie Starship Troopers comes to mind, and a few others. In fact, my whole forum experience, beginning the summer of 2011, has exponentially increased my awareness of so many things. Who woulda thought! And I wouldn't have gotten to know so many of you if I hadn't walked through that door. It is strange to reflect on.

And it is funny that we went from my original post to this!
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Re: Beware: The Praying Mantis Wants Your Brain

Post by LostNFound »

You have to know that Your original topic was about Preying Mantis eating brains. Well, Talking about Simon Parks and his flame fame on PA is virtually the same thing IMO. Simon Parks is essentially nothing more than a Preying Mantis. He searches out unsuspecting victims and once they become caught in his BS, he sucks out their brains. Shall we give names to others that do the same. CG, DW, All Politicians in general, Any that seek to gather as many as they can to a BS line that plays into the minds of the poor helpless innocent victims that seek, that search, that want to cure their secret pains from early childhood traumas to the daily grind of hate and sickness. We are seen as nothing more than shills for their taking and they sure can come up with some real whoppers/stories to suck the brains/money from the ones that become their groupies.

Spiritwind, you have said that you were sucked in before and then you woke up and found that it is only you that can know within what may or is a truth and how you will grow by your own mind and hand. I thought that was a very profound thing for you to say. I believe that most on here and other places that do show some real common sense and a deeper feeling of truth have found and or are finding that out. The world is so full of BS these days and I suspect has been for so long that we really have to search honestly and truly deep within our own selves to navigate through this life. Not to say that there aren't those out there that do have truth and do a good service to themselves and others. Pretty easy to see who's who when one does the introspection. You know that when the big god comes up (MONEY) something does not smell right. So here is some of that BS, "Come to my seminar, for just 19.99 you will receive the few hours of my personal instruction, You will also get the 2 disc set of how to and for just an extra 3.49 I will include the DVD if my complete Selfy dictionary in living color." Get the picture? How many of these Guru's profess to know everything about anything and all you have to do is purchase their CD's or DVD's or buy one of their books or some such? PREYING MANTIS'S WANTING TO EAT YOUR BRAINS? And what does one get for buying into someone like Simon Parks, CG or DW or the like? IMO they loose their brain, their own identity, even their life in cases of extremism.

I can't say much for the PA place other than what I did experience. It was sickly sweet for awhile and then became quite sour. I left and never looked back. There are so many forums but I must say, after all my own searching this became the only place I could land on a safe patch of ground. Sure there are and will always be bumps and dips but it is with my delight that we all seem to move over and through them and keep on growing forward.

So to all here, keep on doing your own introspection. Be sure and look at those preying Mantis with a good magnifier.

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Re: Beware: The Praying Mantis Wants Your Brain

Post by Sandy Clark »

Sometimes I think I am my own Praying Matis in sucking out my brains on the mysteries within some days.......until I remember to be quiet, accept and surrender to the sweet nothing>>>>>>>Thanks always for the support and encouragement....<3
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Re: Beware: The Praying Mantis Wants Your Brain

Post by Hermit »

Phil wrote:The thing that I took away from the whole experience, was when at least one (and I think more than one) insisted "Simon cannot lie". Not only did it go mostly unchallenged, it bugged the shit out of me that anyone can/would believe that.
BUGGED? bwahahahahhahahahaha
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