My Thoughts on the Origin of Evil

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My Thoughts on the Origin of Evil

Post by Spiritwind »

I have my own version of how evil came to be. It could change, of course, but for now it's my best explanation. For a long time now it's been clear that the capacity to behave in both life affirming and life negating ways exists within my very own being, both the shadow and the light, and both the capacity for great love, as well as for anger, rage, selfishness, arrogance, and perhaps even greed. At least in this lifetime jealousy and envy haven't been a big thing, but there is plenty of other stuff. But that doesn't make one evil, in and of itself.

Even taking the life of another is not necessarily evil. Certainly, protecting your family and loved ones is not evil, nor even extending that out to your community. But I feel even these more noble examples have only allowed humanity to be exploited and manipulated. And how about mothers who line up to give their two month old infant 8 vaccines because their doctor told them to? You see, we are all being conditioned to shut off our ability to feel and think for ourselves. It makes us all complicit, to one extent or another, and is also what keeps us frozen in place.

To back up a bit, when I ask this question, about how did evil come to be, what I see is two realms that existed side by side (or even superimposed, I don't know, like actually occupying the same space, but being two separate realms). One was primarily focused on the birthing of new life, and the beings there were busy going about taking care of the many life forms that were coming into being. It was the realm certain processes took place in a symbiotic dance of birth and growth, and the energy of life itself was predominant.

The other realm had the equally important task of breaking things down, digesting the nutrients, and allowing that which was in the process of releasing its life force to continue the process of decomposing and decay. Beings responsible for this realm were not evil, they had a job to do that was part of the death and dying cycle, the flip side of life in a biological body suit. Since I garden, I understand that the seeds I plant today came from a plant that went through its life cycle, reached its peak by creating seeds from which new life could spring, and then begins to slowly fade away and eventually die. Even then it's very corpse enriches the soil. Life cannot renew itself here, except through this cycle of both living and dying. At the same time, life is continuous, and nothing is really lost. It only changes form.

And I know I have changed forms many times. It is only death of the body, but even then, we still retain a form of some sort (I feel). To now explain how I think it happened I ask you to imagine for a moment the very important job stomach acid does in breaking down the foods you eat. Without it your food would not digest properly. But if you were to allow that acid into another part of your body it could have deadly consequences. It would go from being something good for your body to something bad. What if, somewhere along the way, as beings were experimenting with what it meant to have free will, maybe even accidentally, they let some of this acid into another part of the body? And, what if they accidentally found out that it opened up a whole new realm of exploration? Maybe it didn't kill the body, but in the process of trying to heal the rift, the body began to excrete something valuable, exploitable.

Maybe, just maybe, evil actually came to view itself as a being in its own right purely by accident. I mean, we don't need evil to learn about what is life affirming and beneficial and what isn't. And maybe, even though it has gained a lot of traction here lately, in this reality, it isn't even real in a sense. For I doubt it could exist if our own inner shadows had not been cast away as something to get rid of, and we had not began feeding the beast. Maybe, if we integrate our shadows, as part of the full package of who we are, this evil being that has grown to such epic proportions will itself start to decay and weaken, for lack of being fed.

On the other hand, while the body is waking up, one must contend with what most certainly appears real, in this reality. In other words, the suffering and pain, and lack, so many experience is real enough. From my point of view, even though I know I am more than this body, so is everyone here on this planet part of a larger body. As such, when I feel called to assist and reach out to others I am really feeling called to help the larger body of which I am a part. As long as it feels real, and is experienced that way, it almost doesn't matter. I kind of want to heal the rift or leak of the realm of death and dying to restore balance to the body. It is not for me to get rid of the stomach acid, merely to return it to its proper place.

And that sounds like a bunch of gobbledygook. At least I tried : )
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Re: My Thoughts on the Origin of Evil

Post by Phil »

I don't think it's gobbledygook, I like it.

I always thought it was one bad idea. A thought, one decision...from a creative, free-will having being, that sort of took on a life of its own.

I don't think our stories are necessarily mutually exclusive, either.
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Re: My Thoughts on the Origin of Evil

Post by Fred Steeves »

As Spock might say: "Intriguing Captain".

From living out in a very rural atmosphere like y'all Spiritwind, and going on garden #5 this coming spring, I've come to also greatly appreciate what the various cycles of nature have to teach us. And of course not just the already proven ABC's of the matter, but to help Create sparks of insight into things as well.

So that's a fine scenario you set forth there, I can see exactly where you're coming from through that description. It reminds me somewhat of a speculation I've come across from someone known on these forums, that there is white and black magick which are both natural and organic to this realm, but that a 3rd variable to the mix, one not organic and not natural to this realm, has somehow been introduced: Red magick, and supposedly therein would lay the root problem so many keep attempting to describe.

Now personally my jury is out on that one, but were either scenario born of my own observation or intuition, here is a question I would next task myself with solving:

"What *does*, and *does not*, belong here?"

Here would be a secondary question:

"Were I this supposedly unnatural force in this realm, how would I view and interpret those such as my present self?"
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Re: My Thoughts on the Origin of Evil

Post by LostNFound »

Question: Is this a given, for every reaction there is an equal opposite reaction? If there is evil or the concept of evil then is there also good? is it that one cannot exist with the other? On this hand I have right so therefore the other hand must be wrong. How does one define one without the other.

I am going to go out and do good tomorrow. What is Good? well it is the opposite of bad. So what is bad? Well it something that is not good? Okay so define good without using bad, wrong, evil. Are we locked into this two thing system. How do we define what is good without defining bad? same with Evil, Where did that word, concept come from? could it be that we might just be and that is all, But wait, To be or not to be. Oh what a grand circle we travel on. Negative, Positive.

See Spiritwind you got me running up and down now, damn! whats up and whats down, Maybe I can slide sideways, Right or left he says. I like your Post.
Words and concepts. Perceptions and beliefs. Are we a complicated organism. Are we complicated beings?

Fred, if you were unnatural would there have to be a natural in definition just to have one and the other. Now break this and just be one.

what does, and does not belong here. That my dear friend is the 64 million dollar question perhaps when we are lying on that bed with tubes up our noses and the air blatter filling up and deflating we might see an answer eh?

I cannot say where the origin of Evil came from. it is after all just a word stuck to a concept of something that is an opposite of good is it not?
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Re: My Thoughts on the Origin of Evil

Post by Spiritwind »

Words just don't do certain concepts justice. I guess my reason for wanting to write about this topic has to do with so much that I see out in Internet land about the "luciferian agenda" and the focus that gets put on a single group. Names and symbols can be inverted and come to mean something different than what they did originally. Take even the swastika symbol. It's the energy I'm talking about here. I have known lots of narcissistic and mean spirited people, but in my book that doesn't make them evil.

I tend to think evil is something we become susceptible to when our conscience becomes weakened or compromised in some way. It can creep in almost unawares. Even talking about light and dark can be misleading, because evil actions and intent can take place in both the light and the dark. Maybe it's something, as spirit beings in human form, we need to learn about in order to become fully rounded and mature.

I think what it must be like (and may have actually been like) at some time future or past, where a whole group of beings that had not experienced this cycle of evil incarnating in form, and how devastating that would be if you just didn't understand what was happening or why. Maybe there isn't even a why. But, anyway, these beings would have most certainly been traumatized for lack of having the deep inner understanding of its effects (evil intent), and how to counteract such influences in our realm of embodied life experience. It's hard to make these distinctions.

See, a lot of what people do may seem quite self serving, but evil intent (to me anyway), goes much farther than this. It wants to hurt and harm. Why, I truly don't know, and maybe in some form this energy will always exist. But I tend to believe, at least at this point in my process of self discovery, that we can remove ourselves from its realm of influence. I don't think we will always have to contend with this in some ever repeating time loop that goes on ad nauseum. It could be that, as an learning experience from which all incarnating beings must graduate, we then are able to move on to completely different types of experiences. Maybe some even develop such mastery that they even choose to come back and assist other beings that have become stuck in this ever repeating loop.

I admit. I really don't have the answers, and just put it there out there for consideration. I think admitting I don't know will help me see more clearly, for when you think you already have all the answers it can become an entrenched belief system that will not allow itself to see anything else at all.

I even think about such things as stars exploding. Was it traumatic or orgasmic? You see, it could be either or. And, a lot of it may depend on perspective. Child birth is another example. Most women have been conditioned to fear childbirth and expect it to be painful. No one will probably believe this, but I would not describe my three experiences of childbirth in this life as painful (I wouldn't say it was orgasmic either, LOL). What I would say is that it was very intense. In fact, more intense than anything I have experienced in this lifetime. But I had set my perceptive outlook to view it in a different way, so for me, it was different. So much is in how you approach something, and your mindset about it.

Here is a couple more examples. In this world there are numerous systems for healing the body in different parts of the world. Some of these vary widely from each other. I'm not going to get into what I think of our current western medical model, but if you go back even just a hundred years or so it was far more down to earth and practical in nature. They hadn't yet built up this profit driven monstrosity we have today. A lot of times in the "old days", doctors made house calls and often people got well. Oriental medicine is based on a completely different paradigm and outlook. But it still works. One isn't right and the other wrong in this scenario.

Same thing with astrology. There are numerous systems to choose from out there, and I've had people ask me about it. Like, which one is the right one? And I say, all of them, because they all seem to work and provide valuable information that is often helpful in ones life journey. I remember when I was a kid growing up in a very religious environment and thinking about how my parents believed our religion was the right one, which would make everyone else wrong. I couldn't wrap my mind around this concept.

So, I guess I'm just playing with concepts and ideas. And trying to loosen the structures my life has been built around. To change where we are, we have to be willing to let go of what isn't working for us anymore. I would say that works on both the individual and collective level. And it doesn't have to be about what is right or wrong. It just has to be about our intent, and what really works to get us to the place, in our being, that we want to be. And trying to gain some clarity in this very inverted upside down ass backwards world we live in. How to stay sane, in an increasingly insane world. I can't help but feeling that we're all going somewhere (or no-where), and it's not the same for everyone. We all get to choose, and I just think it's helpful to get more clear on what it is we are choosing from.

And, once again, I'm a rambling on and on. And so it goes. Have a great day, y'all.
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Re: My Thoughts on the Origin of Evil

Post by Spiritwind »

I have to tell you, when I ramble on like I do, is because I suffer from an affliction. You see, I am one of those strange people who think about thinking. Many years ago, when just 19, I had a boyfriend whose parents had an old medical book from probably either the late 1800's or early 1900's. It had some rather interesting entries in it. My boyfriend of the time had epilepsy, and I remember reading in there that if you took a black silk scarf and ran it across their face during a seizure it would bring them out of it. Well, I somehow have my doubts that it really worked, and we never tried it.

But it also had an entry, and I can't remember what under, for people who think about thinking, like, there is something wrong with this. I found it funny at the time, and I still find it funny now, because it brings up all kinds of questions about who is really doing the thinking after all. So, not only have I discovered that I have different types of thinking, I almost seem to have different thinkers in there. Who is running the ship, I have asked? Anyway, I could go on forever, in that little circle.

But the thing is, our thoughts most certainly do affect our experience. And, since some of those voices in my head had a way of thinking that was at odds with how I really feel and want to experience my life, I've had to kick some of those voices out of my head. It's almost like some disembodied fractured consciousness that was severely traumatized is floating around out there, looking for a home. It makes its home where it feels most comfortable, in likewise wounded beings who still generate a field that is conducive to it taking up habitation in their mind. I've recognized it as not my mind. But it is very pervasive, and, stretching just a bit, I tend to think it came here in water. We know water holds memory, and we know that trauma can leave lasting effects that can be subconsciously handed down through our offspring and affect future generations.

So, to go even further, I would say that evil is sort of a mind disease. At least, for us humans. It only grows deep roots if you let it, but sometimes that root gets passed down without our awareness. Plus, some families even inflict trauma on their offspring to make sure they minds are fractured and stay that way. Much easier to control a population that carries it from the past, and continues to get triggered as more trauma gets inflicted in the present. I think about 9/11 and how that traumatized an entire population. But it was never dealt with, just shoved under the rug. And I could go on and on. I think part of the solution is recognizing this pattern and choosing not to buy into it. Refuse to allow yourself to continue to be traumatized. To do that, though, you have to become stronger than strong on the inside. That's why, when Fred talks about it being an inside job, I think that is absolutely correct. But then you have to say, well what does that mean, and inside job? For some people, they will just scratch their head and not have a clue.

And this may sound like a stupid example, but when I was going to the many colleges I attended over the years I had a class in human services. I can't remember what it was, but generally designed to help us learn how to prepare for a career in human services. The instructor talked about self esteem, and how important that was. Clearly most people in the class didn't have a clue what I was talking about when I asked "well, how do you get some?", you know, like how for someone who suffers from a severe lack going to get to that place of self love and acceptance? It's not that easy to answer. And I think it shows in how little most of these services actually help people in need. And, funnily enough, I remember how uneasy the students and even the teacher became, as I pressed for an answer. To this day I wonder why.

And, I still fondly remember that hot little thread over at PA back in the day, by 9eagle9 about how they gave us their mind. It was very thought provoking, in many ways. And one last thing I have to mention is the sense I've had, ever since childhood, of being watched. You know, many ancient texts talk about the watchers. I've had a sense that something, someone, maybe even more than one, whatever, are paying attention to what we do. I don't know if they study us, we entertain them, or both. That's probably why I can be so open, these days. I know there is already something out that that knows everything about me. I figured, maybe some of these watchers are actually rooting for us to figure our way out of this mess. Who knows, maybe they even do some betting on the outcome. But there's the deal. I don't think the outcome IS fully known yet, and that's why what we do really does matter.

Well, and one last thought. If there are some hive minded non emotional beings out there that experiment on us, which I personally know of some evidence to that effect, then are they evil? Or are they just doing what they do? Is there a way to communicate in a way an understanding can be come to, that it's not okay to treat us like animals in a lab? And what about the way we humans treat animals we think it's okay to eat? I mean, aside from the eating meat issue, how about factory farming? Just watch a few videos on what their conditions are really like and how they are butchered, especially compared to even, say, a hundred or so years ago, and tell me what you think. How did we get here, I can't help but keep asking myself? And how can we expect other beings to treat us with respect when we don't even do that for what many consider to be lesser beings, the animals.

I also think dialogue, meaningful dialogue, on these issues is important. Even besides the spiritual side of it, is the very practical side of the fact I'd like to have the best experience possible while I'm here, and watching a bad horror movie unfold around me isn't my idea of a good time. Ok, I'm finally done here. Geez Louise.
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Re: My Thoughts on the Origin of Evil

Post by LostNFound »

This is very deep. Yes words do not do much except define a concept on the surface and that can be enough for most to just shake their head in some sort of understanding but really not. You and so many others, think about thinking, I do this also, always have. It is like standing in front of the universe,sort of a giant box of wonder and seeing all the infinity of doors that are there for one to reach out and open. So thinking about thinking to me is to reach out and open a door to see if there is an answer or something new to reach out and open another door. This is frustrating at best but to just reach out and open another door can make that frustration into a wonder of learning and continuance.

So on the subject of "Thoughts on the Origin of Evil", you do seem to stand at those doors and you do open them. I think we all search, we look for some kind of understanding of why, what, where, when and whom. I understand these are just words but we all, on this plane, this place, this world walk through the maze of words while we are learning something here. I see your thought of Evil and what it may be and how it is a harmful thing. Its origins, I can only think that when we come from another place into this then perhaps evil is created in this form, the form we become while here. Could it be that the life force we truly may be will only experience the evil when we choose to come here? If that be, could it be that all of these words that fit a concept may only exist here? I am deeply thinking that you and I and all that are here may be only experiencing this one place and evil just happens to be part and parcel of it.

What of Love? is there an origin for it also? If so where and when. could it be that we are pure in that concept? could it be that Love and evil are the same yet when we come here from wherever, there is a split with one being the good and one being the bad. See, there goes those words again. Can we ever get away from that, at least while we are here? I don't know but I sure do a lot of thinking about so many billions of things. I live here and experience the pains the sorrows, the evils, the love and all those other words that have a split personality simply to say they may be just one but while in this realm there are two. This is a thinking, Why is there two, why is there a split? As you say "Geez Louise"

Now, giving this a thought, we are taught, we are taught, we are taught, Where evil came from and who is evil and when it was influenced on Man. So we are taught, we may be brainwashed to see the two, the split, God and Satan, or in the JW's mind Jehovah and Satan, and in other "Religions, that all appear to be a concept of man, other names for the good and the bad. Once more, a split. How is it that this comes to that particular concept?

Evil is harmful. We get to see the concept, label of Satan, Luciferian and other label names that represent Evil which is harmful, the opposite of Love, the split, always the split. If we stand at that big picture, mirror and see all the infinity of doors, we have a choice as to which one to open first and we also have a choice as to not open any but rather stay in a comfort zone that we are taught, we are taught. I am so amazed, I am very glad that you Laurie are one of the thinkers about thinking. You see, in your posts, your threads, you open a new door and it stirs the mind, it makes one think about thinking, it makes one or gives one the enthusiasm to open ones own doors to all the infinity of questions and answers.

Thank you
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Re: My Thoughts on the Origin of Evil

Post by Fred Steeves »

Geez Louise, so much more to comment on here but so little time to do it today. For now two quick things:

1) The Watchers. Oh yeah, I remember the first time I felt being watched, while going through some assignments in 3rd grade homeroom class. It made me want to impress the watcher by doing quality work (until I came to despise school), although who it actually was I never really questioned or thought further of for a very long time. That presence has been around ever since that day.

2) The Doors. I think a lot of problems occur from people afraid, even blocked through mental conditioning, to openining new doors. All I know now is just open the fucker... If it's scary and haunting then by all means slam the damn thing shut again (until further notice of course), but at least you were willing to try it. I think that is vital.
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Re: My Thoughts on the Origin of Evil

Post by Fred Steeves »

Spiritwind wrote: I don't think we will always have to contend with this in some ever repeating time loop that goes on ad nauseum. It could be that, as an learning experience from which all incarnating beings must graduate, we then are able to move on to completely different types of experiences. Maybe some even develop such mastery that they even choose to come back and assist other beings that have become stuck in this ever repeating loop.
No, I don't think so either. Not by any means.

What I *do* think, and also agree with you on, is that the loop keeps repeating until the situation is mastered by any given individual. This, I feel to be the case right down to the core of my being. How much more well rounded would one be, after mastering the ultimate challenge?
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Re: My Thoughts on the Origin of Evil

Post by Spiritwind »

I have this weird way of seeing how everything in my life is connected. So, I've been writing out my thoughts about the origins of evil. In some ways the discussion has clarified my views, and in others it's become more murky.

An incident occurred a couple days ago in my personal life that has me thinking even a bit deeper I find, as I always use these types of things to reflect on my own nature and try to be the observer of what is really going on. That's where it gets murky sometimes.

First, a couple things come to mind, as a way to illustrate. One, I was standing in the airport years ago to see my daughter off on a visit to her father. My husband was standing right next to me. This man came to stand behind me, and I came to feel very uncomfortable. His energy was decidedly very dark. I have no way to prove this, but my thoughts have always been that this individual practiced some very dark magic. It became so strong with him standing behind me I had to move, and my husband felt it too. And I can tell you that my husband having been in some very dark places before while in the military knows exactly what I'm talking about.

I also ended up with a book that belonged to my grandfather, who was a Freemason. The book had belonged to another Freemason before it came to be in his library of books. Don't know why I was interested, but after his death I took the book home. I found I could not look at it, and finally I had to remove it from my home. Even the garage was not far enough, and I'm sure it's in a landfill somewhere now. Whoever owned that book was into some pretty dark stuff. I can't prove this either, but I have no doubt of this myself.

Another situation comes to mind, and that is the story of what transpired with Christine's neighbor who it turns out is a cat killer. And that story is not probably over. This is one of the reasons I go on about this. If we already had the skills to deal with such negativity we wouldn't be where we are collectively now. In fact, many of our world leaders, unfortunately, would also fit into this category. Were they born that way, or did they become that way, is always the question, and as usual I feel it is a bit of both. Is brain damage involved? Sometimes. Is trauma involved? I would guess almost always. But then, not everyone likewise traumatized turns out this way.

We also know that aggressive behavior can be bred into animals, so presumably humans too. Another aspect that I have been reflecting on has to do with frequencies. Some frequencies are conducive to peaceful behavior, while other frequencies, some we can't consciously even hear, can induce violent behavior in both animals and people. So I have speculated, after doing a considerable amount of reading on the topic, that frequency has been a component of what is being rolled out now, and what has happened in the past. I have also come to understand, that while we seem to be progressing more and more into a higher and higher level of technology being utilized in our everyday lives, no one has been asking or thinking about what this may actually be doing to our psyches. And, I strongly feel the evidence is there that we have attained (maybe not this batch of humans) a very high level of technology on the planet before, maybe even several times.

Then, of course, you have people like Geordie Rose glorifying this new age to come as something great, and talking about going into other dimensions and bringing back resources. What exactly does this mean, I would like to know, and has this already been going on in our past/future. I also refreshed my memory on what is known about the Montauk and Philadelphia experiment and possible time travel. ... ontauk.htm" onclick=";return false;

As I wade through all of this it just gets more and more bizarre. But I guess what I am trying to illustrate is that there is no simple answer to "where it came from". Then, it comes down to me and my own shadows that come to the surface now and then. Maybe more than anything else, evil is something that you grow into through a series of experiences, thoughts, programming, and choices made along the way. Once again, it almost doesn't matter how it came to be, for I want to know how to identify these tendencies in myself, and learn how to deal with it when I bump up against it in others.

Now I will describe the situation at hand. First, I must take total responsibility for our current situation. You see, I fully believe that oftentimes we have these situations come up in our lives as a type of test. Yes, we're back to those damn watchers, whoever the fuck they are. I could provide all kinds of excuses as to how it came to where we are now, but it still comes firmly back into my own lap. If we had got the fencing up around the two acre piece that we have our animals on, this situation almost certainly wouldn't be happening now. My friend and neighbor has someone on his property he doesn't want there, and through a series of various players in the scenario dropping the ball, and him not being an assertive person, he can't seem to get this person to leave. We have chosen to stay out of it, having already seen the writing on the wall many months ago.

This person staying on his property has a number of undesirable characteristics and a skewed sense of logic. He's not quite right in the head, and our neighbor is not completely unfounded in his fear of confronting this individual. This person has an old hound dog that he lets run around and this dog has followed our neighbor down here when our dogs were out. And they did what they do to any animal that comes on the property that they feel is a threat. Well, now when they are allowed out they have went up to where this guy is staying in his bus and went after his dog when he lets him out. It doesn't matter that he knows our neighbor wants him out of there and has told him about our dogs patrolling his property.

Since we don't have the fence up around the whole area, we let the dogs out at night to keep our goats safe from predators. We may now have to keep them locked up all the time until this gets resolved, and the extended fencing is becoming a top priority. In the meantime, though, he walked down here just a couple days ago with his dog with the express purpose of killing Ranger, the primary culprit in his mind. Fortunately our neighbor was out there plowing our driveway at the time. Ranger was out while he was here and I managed to get him into the small fenced area we do have. But, since his plan was to entice our dog to try and attack his dog so he could kill him with the rather large knife he was brandishing while on our property it has kind of created a bit of a shit storm in our life.

Now, my husband is worried about even leaving me alone while he goes to work. This individual does have some very violent tendencies, so his concern is not completely unfounded. He wants to call the sheriff, but I already have my doubts about how that's going to work out. The thing is, I have observed in my own being a rage welling up that has been hard to quell. The reason I am blabbing on and on about this is because I feel this is one of the ways darkness can move in and take over. It's one of the ways the mind can start to justify actions that normally would not be considered. This is where it all can start. I am on full alert, as I know I cannot control the actions of others, only my own, but at the same time, my actions may indeed influence the outcome.

This is how wars start, and this is how whole nations can be lathered up into calling for war. Look what happened after 9/11. I remember the day I was sitting at a bar having a beer after work and listening to everyone go on and on about how we need to act as a nation, feeling totally justified in their blood lust. I understand this well, as I have memories that go beyond this life of having been exactly there in my own being. The consequences can be more than deadly.

So, ultimately, once again, it is an inside job, and until enough people here get that, it will most likely continue unabated. War is not a viable solution, and then look how many jump in line to profit. Is that not evil in itself? One has to ask. And I do all the time ask, just how did we get here.


Be careful when rage wells up in you. Always ask yourself, who benefits from this rage? Who might be lurking in the shadows, egging you on with a smirk? For if there truly is an energy of evil intent that glorifies in destruction, mayhem and death, our only choice is not to give it satisfaction.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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