Psychic Vampirism

"Evil is a source of moral intelligence in the sense that we need to learn from our shadow, from our dark side, in order to be good."
-John Bradshaw
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Psychic Vampirism

Post by Christine »

After reading this article by Michael Tsarion, which is a stark and true reality of the repercussions of intimate contact with a psychic vampire I will add from a valuable recent experience with another type of encounter with the "energy" of the psychic vampire, that is which comes through souls who allow themselves to become puppets of this life draining energy. These people who are often extremely empathic in their true nature but have not done the inner work of Truth so are easily tapped as portals for a full blown vampire. They are confused running mind loops that are embedded due to suppressed self doubt, secret self loathing, suppressed rage and fear of confrontation. The root of this is unhealed traumas and psychic wounds, however this does not diminish the individual's responsibility and therefore lack of the ability to respond honorably. Unable to confront their own dark shadows, and by confront I don't mean just recognize they have a shadow, but confront it as a spiritual warrior, they allow themselves to be split in two and will succumb at first by numbing their empathy, they stop caring that their actions will hurt another. This is treacherous ground for they have sabotaged their true self. The being who has allowed this will over time as a mechanism of survival to keep his/her false image alive be pulled deeper into the insatiable need to take from others with out the ability to give anything in return as the self becomes more hollowed out.

Every word written below is a measure for those who want to heal on either side of the equation. It is a measure of self love, for love given without return has brought me to the gate of the secret garden of my inner child and there I surrendered to love.

Written with the fullness of the truth and recognition of the alchemy Love when confronting evil for there is a powerful yet gentle process to which She flows through me in song and rhyme, not metaphor.
She now speaks from the immanent light of the moon and the fields of unconditional love. To all beloveds who are immobilized She transmutes the traumas and the horrors, she sees what was done to you, to each and every one. Creation is a divine spark and an eternal flame though it waxes and it wanes. In the coming days when the moon grows full there is a gap and moment to jump out of time. This can only be done by an act of free will and a choice. She lets drops from her heart a single red rose.


I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet – Mahatma Gandhi

Vampiristic types are not merely suckers of energy. They are dumpers. Spending time in their presence will eventually make you tired, confused, emotionally flooded and unwell. However, even if you remove yourself from their toxic presence, you may find it hard to heal. This is because the poisonous energy they’ve dumped into your field is not cleared quickly. It can take years to decord and return to a hygienic state. Moreover, going to certain healers may be counterproductive. Many New Age “healers” can be vampiristic in their own way. So be careful. When entering a clinic and therapy room, take note of the conditions and energy. Use your sense of smell. If it it does not feel right, excuse yourself and leave.

In order to get to the root of what vampirism is, certain accepted fictions must be deconstructed. Let us understand, once and for all, that vamps are not mentally disturbed or deranged. In fact, there is no such thing as mental disorder. There can only be physical brain damage. Consequently, we understand that deviant actions are performed by deviant people. It is only because of intentional sleight-of-hand by psychiatrists that we think of mind and brain as the same thing. Nothing could be further from the truth, and nothing endangers the future of civilization more than the erosion of moral conscience. The man who commits evil acts has not contracted some exotic disease. He is not the irresponsible victim of demonic possession, infection, or mind-altering substances treatable by drugs and physical therapy. His behavior is the direct result of his hedonism, deviant moral conscience and impaired self-image. So understand that the concept of “mental disorder” is a highly financed psychiatric fiction. Criminals are immoral and must be treated accordingly. Their deviant behavior is not to be excused or traced to spurious causes. The criminal is not to be medicated, he is to be punished. Similarly, the good and moral person is to be praised and rewarded.

Vamps are either amoral or immoral. We attract them when and if we lack the ability to judge moral actions. Today, fewer people understand what morality is and what moral actions look like. Fewer people are moral and those who apparently act morally may do so due to societal pressure and need for external approval. The truly moral individual is authentic and contemplative, rather than hedonic and worldly. He acts morally because of his own conscience, and because he understands, as Socrates said, that to harm another is to harm oneself.

Vamps have no such understanding or inclination. All their relationships are pathological. They never accept blame for the hurt they cause other people. Even if they pretend to care and value someone, it's soon clear how shallow and temporary their utterances and affectations are.

Their nature is difficult to detect for a while, because we treat them normally and fail to see their underlying pathology. Being moral, we tend to project our own virtues on everyone else, whether they deserve it or not. It takes a lifetime to change this habit and realize the havoc and disappointment it brings.

In time, however, we come to see something incredible about vamps and psychopaths. Although they certainly enjoy and value the experiences they have with us, they do not value us. In other words, we as people are not important to them at all, regardless of appearances. What is important to them is how they feel in our presence. Until we upgrade our insight to detect human insincerity and cunning, we are bound to be victimized time and again by such types.

When vamps look back over their lives, it is their experiences not people that are cherished. It's the complete reverse of the way empathic people operate. It's not their acquaintances they recall with affection. No, it's simply the experiences they've had with this or that person. This bizarre inhuman trait can be tested for. A vamp will exit a situation or relationship as soon as things become even slightly complicated or sour. Hungry for continued good experiences, they don't stick around to assist acquaintances through hard times, and feel absolutely nothing for their sorrows, let downs and losses. Imagine them standing at your own graveside while you're laid to rest. They are the ones with the grin, looking for the coffee dispenser, inquiring when the party starts, impatiently checking their watch as every minute passes.

Vamps believe themselves to be entitled. They think they deserve not only physical possessions, but the time, care and servitude of others. They are arch-pragmatists who do not care for you as a person. On the contrary, they care for you as a resource and means to the ends of pleasure and security. In the beginning, and during the early stages of your relationship, they will say anything they think you want to hear. To win your interest and trust – to “cord” you – they come across as exceptionally attentive yet strangely elusive. Initially they attempt to “walk in rhythm” with you so that, like a cunning predator, they get to know your “scent” and “pace” – your personality type – as much as they are able. They expertly give the impression that you mean something to them, and that they want to know who you “really are.” This strategy works for them time and again. So understand that no one can or should know you through and through. You can’t know any other person completely, and no other person can know you completely. This is a romantic fiction for which most emotionally-prostituted humans fall. The person who protects your secrets and privacy of being, and who has this sense of personal privacy themselves, is an evolved human worthy of friendship.

Most vamps can be described as human chameleons. They are malleable and capable of morphing to suit whatever situation they find themselves in, or whatever person they choose to spend time with. This is why it is important to closely observe a vamp in the company of others. You will be surprised at how effortlessly they alter their personalities to suit the occasion. If they find themselves in the company of vegetarians, they’ll become vegetarians. The next day, when in the company of meat-eaters, they become meat-eaters. By mastering the art of “mirroring,” they endear their victims. All the while they inwardly roar with laughter at the fools they make of those duped into trusting their façade and act. This act of mirroring allows a vamp to set the stage for what they truly want, which is to dump their toxic energy through you. It's not the act of mirroring that is bad, we all do it, but the intention behind it. When you mirror the vamp, your intention is positive and truly friendly. When they mirror you, the intention is purely self-serving and fiendish.

You enjoy being liked by others. Better still, you enjoy and crave the company of those who make you feel good about yourself. And you will like a vampire, probably a lot at first. This is because they excel at making us feel good about ourselves and our accomplishments. So be sure to question what you think you need from others and be sure to question what associates desire from you. This process entails being aware that vamps first appear to give a great deal. Most parasites first inject something of their own anesthetizing toxins into your bloodstream before sucking your vital juices. It’s not much different with human parasites. When the honeymoon ends, you’ll find yourself feeling deeply indebted. This in turn leads you to empty your physical and emotional coffers into the lap of the vamp.

Vamps often make an appearance in your life when you’re not doing well emotionally or financially. They appear as welcome confederates when we find ourselves especially vulnerable and likely to be overly appreciative for slight acts of kindness. When we feel broken, alone and desperate, we tend to place helpful people on pedestals above us. This is attractive to vampiristic types who love to be adored for something they’re not. They adore bathing and shining in other people’s light. However, despite their show of concern, don't expect them to stick around tolerating your downers permanently. Once their little game ceases to edify and deliver what they want, their attitude toward you will dramatically reverse, and they'll be out the door, leaving your puzzled and numb.

Vamps rarely communicate clearly and rationally about their past. Regardless of how you attempt to probe, you will not be given many accurate details about their past friendships, romances and experiences. Their omissions in this regard are a major red flag. Their path has been so strewn with depravity and crime that they are forced to dissociate and radically edit their past, rearranging events to give inquirers a false impression. If you ask about their past experiences, they will feign forgetfulness, change the subject, or change their stories repeatedly, offering brief, edited, implausible and highly colored accounts. The past holds no substantial interest for them. This is true of all immoral criminals. Those who recount past experiences vividly, and who spend time reflecting positively on their life, are trustworthy and real. Those who avoid speaking about the past and who deride reflection are to be kept at an arm's distance. Do not fall for their plausible excuses "...I never dwell on the past, I focus on the present," or "...I live for today," and so on. This is the rhetoric of immoral episodics not moral people.

At first glance most vamps appear to be exceptionally effervescent, innocent, genuine and even evolved. They seem to be untouched by the problems that burden most people. This illusion occurs because sensation is mistaken for true emotion. Indeed, it can take a lifetime for us to discern the difference between sensationalists and emotional people. In any case, your welfare may depend on knowing the difference and being able to test for it. Test for emotion by speaking to the vamp about moving experiences in your life. Watch the vamp in the presence of other people. Note their responses when they are swept into emotionally charged situations. If they remain indifferent, unmoved or exasperated it is not a good sign. Watch emotionally charged movies with them, and observe their responses, if any, when emotional scenes occur. (Note if their facial expressions match their words.) Additionally, discreetly ask them to describe their best sexual experience or spiritual moment. Decide whether the account is truthful or fictitious. For example, ask the vamp to give an opinion on whether the act of sex without love can be as satisfying and as sex with love. Note their answer. (Most vampiristic people believe that sex can be exhilarating even when love is absent. Indeed, for them love is always absent in every intimate experience.) Alternatively, pretend as if you personally believe sexual experiences to be better when love is absent and note their response. (Remain cautious whatever answer is offered, remembering that vamps excel at telling you what you want to hear. In light of this, carefully choose the moments in which you set tests for vampiristic types in your life.)

Remember that real people experience and display real emotions, including those emotions which society pretends to condemn, such as anger, hatred and violence. Long term observation of a vamp reveals a conspicuous absence of deep emotion. Most vamps are incapable of fighting for causes and being angry and passionate about injustice and tyranny. This is because they are extremely shallow and don’t have access to the deeper layers of lifeforce needed for persistent resistance and hard graft. The emotional tank is, so to speak, almost empty. Consequently, you will see that they live in a bubble and never act with passion. Don’t assume this façade of tranquility and saintliness to be a good sign. Real people have real scars and bullet holes.

The vamp's guise of grace and lightness also exists because they don’t care about the suffering that infests the world. This is because they are emotionally dissociated episodics. Consequently they do not watch the news as moral agents. Be sure to observe vampiristic people in your life to see whether they are truly and deeply moved emotionally by the plight of those who suffer around them. Recoiling from scenes of suffering and horror, casually conversing and intellectualizing about it, or showing no concern whatsoever are red flags.

It is possible that the vamp you know is a wounded entity. Paradoxically, this does not mean they have truly suffered extreme emotional pain. This is because the person who has known the absolute depths of despair is never inclined to hurt other people in any way for any reason. Consequently, for the most part, although others may have acted harmfully toward them, vamps are victims of self-harm. We are all capable of believing ourselves to be deprived and hurt, even when such is not the case, and criminal types believe this even more strongly than most. The emotional wounds of most vampiristic types are, more often than not, superficial. What is more, a vamp is often in denial about their true nature and not necessarily conscious of inner conflict and hurt. Nevertheless, when consciously aware of their “wounds,” vamps convince themselves that they alone have suffered. Consequently they feel justified if and when they seduce, manipulate, con, deprive or otherwise hurt their victims. Like most psychopaths, the average vamp never grieves for the considerable suffering they inflict on people. As far as they are concerned, past hurt exonerates them of blame and even entitles them to act in a ruthless, self-serving manner. Sadly, since good people are often compulsive fixers and healers, self-wounded vamps have no problem victimizing them. In the end, after being well and truly drained and poisoned, idealistic fixers realize that they have made no progress whatsoever. The vamp has merely upgraded their arsenal and become more experienced in deception. They vacate the wreckage of their making, and move on to the next gullible victim attracted by their facade of innocence and vulnerability.

Vamps falsely imagine that everyone’s attitude toward and outlook on existence is similar to theirs. They certainly do not believe that people intentionally act morally. Instead they prefer to believe that everyone around them is fake and hypocritical. It’s convenient for them to believe that most people are just as shallow and narcissistic as they are themselves. They adopt this attitude so they never need to accept blame. What is more, their detached icy stance allows them to expertly point out moral foibles in other people. We frequently mistake this ability as a sign that a vamp is insightful and super-moral. This is what the vamp intends us to think. Later we realize how misguided we were.

Vamps are incapable of accepting blame or taking responsibility. It does not matter if the incident or infraction in question is small or large. Moral people accept blame and experience remorse, whereas immoral people continually and irrationally blame others for their own mistakes and misdemeanors, and never feel guilty. Learn to test for this foible. To progress in life is to be able to admit fault and learn from mistakes. The vamp does neither.

Their lack of conscience and general irresponsibility means that vamps are lackadaisical and inept when it comes to performing simple chores and duties. They may even be inclined to shun domestic and professional obligations. Commonly, they seek praise without earning it, and tend to rely on others, leaving things to the last moment. When money comes their way, they spend it frivolously and without stint. Being narcissistic and hedonic, they are incapable of delaying gratification. Surface image is of paramount importance to them. It is their stock in trade. As we said, these are self-murdered people without soul or conscience. In a real sense, they are their own first victims.

During your time with them, vamps will in one way or another tell you who and what they are, but you must listen well and not dismiss the voice within that warns you that all is not right. To disregard your inner warnings means to later remonstrate with yourself, saying “I should have seen the truth” and “how could I have been so gullible?”

When and if you give to a person, how do they reciprocate? Do they rely on words or deeds to placate you? Or don’t you have boundaries? Perhaps you believe in unconditional love? If you do, expect to be victimized time and time again. There’s no saving you. In this life you need three things to survive and succeed: boundaries, boundaries and more boundaries.

Deliberately give a vampire a precious gift, and watch what they do with it in the coming weeks and months. (Emphasize that you consider the gift you’re giving to be precious to you for some reason, even if it isn’t.)

Finally, once you decide that an associate is vampiristic, don’t bother letting them know what you know. You have no obligation to them. Your obligation is toward yourself. Therefore, take steps to distance yourself from the vamp and move on. However, just before you make positive moves, the vamp’s energy and behavior will change toward you. This is because they are smarter than you imagine, and know when the game is up for them. Chances are they’ll move on to pastures new the moment they sense that you are beginning to see them for what they are. Before they exit, they go to great lengths to highlight your moral peccadilloes, should they exist. They attempt to denigrate you and make you feel inadequate in certain ways. If they are able to convince confederates of your bad behavior, so much the better. They exit with a wicked smile and the notion that they are perfectly justified. It is also likely that they will work overtime to find a replacement for you before moving on. The new victim will be told every lie in the book about you and the vamp’s relationship with you. This is why it is vitally important to avoid getting embroiled in the intrigues of the vamp. Drop them cold and move on.
Don’t frivolously label everyone you dislike as a psychic vampire. Negatively-thinking people are not necessarily vampiristic types. People in your life who challenge your way of thinking, who give you flack and tick you off because of their arrogance maybe disagreeable, but that is all they are. They are probably not infecting your emotional state of being so you constantly feel depressed, confused and flooded. 


When you begin to detach from a vampiristic person, or even contemplate doing so, you may find yourself coming under even greater attack. Therefore, it’s important to not let a vampiristic person suspect what you are planning. Remember that an attack constitutes not only a draining of lifeforce, but an act of psychic dumping into your energy field. Consequently, once a vampiristic type realizes that you are attempting to detach from their presence, they will often try to dispose of even more psychic garbage through you. This is not a pleasant experience and can be life-threatening. Sadly, no allopathic therapist has the faintest idea that such a subtle process exists, and very few homeopathic therapists are aware of it. This is a problem, because until a pathological state is correctly understood and diagnosed it cannot be cured. With this in mind, we see that when it comes to psychic attack you are largely on your own. You must call upon your Higher Self in order to persevere and heal. In short, the lessons to be learned from your experiences are not only of a physical type, but of a spiritual nature. Wisdom is the greatest protection against evil, because the soil of evil is ignorance - Mtsar

The person capable of doing the greatest good is the person fully conversant with the anatomy of evil.
The soul, or more correctly the Self, is something you create here on earth through life experience. The process involves the patient deconstruction of all falsity, which in turn implies the conscious upgrading of critical skills and judgment.

Ultimately, although there is no physical meter or gauge for detecting a self-murdered vamp, the instrument we possess to gain this knowledge is intuition. A highly developed intuition works like the immune system. It detects and defends against violations of Selfhood. In light of this, we see that the enlightened person – on the road to Selfhood – develops intuitive skill along with rational judgment. They trust in themselves, and heed subtle intimations provided by mind and body. This is vital because using one kind of intelligence – namely, that of the intellect – is not enough to ward off evil.

Understand that the greatest evil is perpetrated upon the virtuous. It exists and occurs primarily due to the compassion and ignorance of good people unaware of how evil works. Therefore develop critical and judgmental skills and doubt everything. Observe how you suffer by projecting your own goodness and virtue on others. Learn how your goodness and compassion enslave you to the will of other people. Goodness without boundary is the soil from which evil grows.

Understand once and for all that not everyone you meet is “good.” You have no reason to treat people as good and moral until they repeatedly prove it. You are not obliged to like, respect or befriend anyone whether they deserve it or not. Similarly, it is not your job to overtly confront and fix evil. Immoral persons must correct themselves. They don’t need help from you, even if they pretend they do. So be very wary when someone attempts to treat you as their savior. If their attempts to flatter you elicit uncomfortable feelings, there is a reason. Your intuition (or deeper intelligence) is sending out a warning.

Many psychic and physical criminals study books on psychopathology. Many vamps own and thumb through books on sociopathy in hopes of enhancing their camouflage. After all, what better way is there for a criminal to disguise their nature than pretend to be a detective? In short, because a person appears knowledgeable about obscure subjects, it does not mean they are to be believed and trusted. Don't merely rely on a person's talk, rather observe their actions.

Your adversaries are the measure of your inner power. Only the powerful have powerful enemies. Realize, therefore, that you can defeat any adversary that seeks your downfall. No matter how dark the way, the light is there to lead you to safety. If you are unable to see it, it’s not the fault of the light.

Evil is never defeated with the weapons it deliberately provides its adversaries. Evil people are threatened only by the superior morality and spiritual strength of others. In fact, evil people envy these traits; envy being the root of most human malefaction. Therefore, due to their ambivalent attitude toward virtue, a vampiristic type may for a while choose to be around you simply because you possess traits they lack and wish to study. The experiment is doomed from the outset, because the relationship will be one of attraction mixed with repulsion, and because the vamp eventually realizes that virtue is not something they can cheaply purchase and install overnight. In the short term, attraction-repulsion type relationships feel exhilarating and tantalizing. However, over time, repulsion comes to dominate and the vamp seeks to be rid of your troubling presence. Any failure or moral infraction on your part will be blown out of proportion and used to condemn and demean you. Other people will be routinely exalted in order to make you feel crushed and insecure. The more you emphatically attempt to confront, interrogate or correct the vamp, the more they become icy, remote and cruel. They have secretly bookmarked a long list of your would-be infractions to deftly and ruthlessly use against you when the time comes.

False love enslaves, whereas true love frees. When you think you’re in love, you might be wrong. You might simply be romantically enthralled. You might simply wish to impress mates or ingratiate parents. Watch to see if this “love” you’re in serves to make you wise or foolish in your choices and decisions. Sensitively watch to see if you rise or fall, succeed or fail, feel healthy or unhealthy while “in love.” Do you drive away good friends or win more of them to your side? Do you receive lucky breaks or less of them?

Learn to monitor your emotional moods and states and how they change when in the company of other people. This ability makes you immune against psychic attack. Whenever you feel odd, discombobulated or unwell, immediately and willfully ask “…is this energy coming from me or from some other person?” Be sure to heed the answer and act accordingly. Be sure to bar negative energy from your being and send it back to its origin. When it comes to psychic attack, you most definitely fight fire with fire. Attacks are against your very spirit, so it’s up to you to defend yourself with all your spiritual might. Above all, do not send “love” to your attacker. Do not forgive or forget their abuses. To forgive a single instance of evil is, philosophically-speaking, to forgive all evil through time, which is a right you have not been given.

Understand that pain, sorrow, illness, loss and conflict are signs that something is off bio-psychically. These states occur when body, mind and world are out of attunement. Contrary to what you have been taught to believe, the imbalance is often not your fault. It is probably caused by the proximity of toxic, spiritually unworked people in your life. Therefore, it is important that you understand the manner in which the influence of other people affects and disaffects your life. Find out how much of what you decide upon and want is based on the influence of others. Regardless of your natural composure and equilibrium, the presence of others undeniably serves to attune or detune you. This is why your character can be judged by observing the kind of friends you make. As Emerson said, “A real friend never gets in your way, unless you happen to be on the way down.”

Psychologically and emotionally you need nothing from others. What you require must be brought up or created from within. The morally superior individual refuses to serve a master, and also refuses to enslave others. He is careful not to violate the psychic sovereignty of those he cares for, and is equally careful to own his ground and not be violated in the name of love or duty.

Key to the decording and healing process is soul-retrieval. Heavy doses of energy have been exchanged during the toxic relationship partly because you gave time, care and resources to undeserving people. You have the perfect right to take that energy back. This is accomplished by meditation on the subject and appropriate visualization.

The healing process concludes once you make a distinct point of forgiving yourself for past foolishness and lack of boundary. Focus on the lessons learned and wisdom received from your experience of evil. Betrayal of Self eventually resulted in the strengthening of Selfhood, so take a deep breath, forgive yourself and move on.

On no account should you reopen contact with a vamp after your relationship with them has been brought to a definite close. It is not likely that a vamp will attempt to come back into your life after they’ve been exposed as deviants. However, in special cases you might find that they are interested in getting back into your good graces. There are several reasons for this, but they are not important. The main thing to remember is to never welcome them back, regardless of their attempts to convince you that they feel sorry or have changed. Your time is best spent with newfound friends who genuinely deserve your care and attention.

The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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